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Show AMERICAN FORK ITEM. MILTON L. SCOTT. rrx;rT.:Ttii, ZZt: zczz j. ::l ' frr n Ihr tt i fir ..i fi.i..ni.-i-,- i tfiiii I l . .1' Sit il 1iiitkt I'lff ineiit ami Brother i,ri 'I V- great mans wiiiiM-i- till. will never i realize their liiixhiiiiil'x worth t hi life iii'.nriiin tln WhitIlls hat. is - still nnt.l he t'i institutional ("on ten um SOME Week . TIMELY SniUESTwNS (leci'h'd. by a large jiia-jritto make Salt ,ak i it y the 'apital of I'tali. Hj liltterrnt .4 uiliurltln nu Hie Tliaurlm of Ai'.erli-iunr. for building- for a period of Jive years, o ly a like majority. Sal! Lake An M'lverliiiciiii'iit m a paper that con- ami city county - to maintain suit- lain- - llie live local lira, and as a niult able quarters fur nil the Mate read t.y an intei;.'i (,i ela- - of people, u rs until that time, when the the 'Out .ileinoi a no'idiant eanhave. Isgi.-la- t ure will deal with aid apA merchant in a town propriation, if there In any to tin tn!l"ing ign iu hi store: make. It is to lie hoped tlial di "I am pi' , ireU lo do all thejmifiug this live yens that the friends in this etnhli-iiiii'And of jii- -t and equality to all. do earn- nceary ili.l, h'l hr tailed to adyertlse. aorely e estly labor for the question of Capital location to yet have it Tiik Item enntenda that 500 fubscrib-ei- to the qualified Voters of the aho iiy their milnu'iiption prompt If .State. Even though thi- - is a dead are more falualile lo a merchant wba believe aiiver'io'-- , than .',,0u0 aim pay reldmii now, it can ami n A or not nt all. who won't pay will he revived. In the imauuhile Iu Kiihurriptinii i imiinlly not a very let Itali eouniy select mu Ii limn for a merchant. for the future Is'gi-h- it ures that Hence Tiik I i km di.eant eud every will support their ow u homes and Tom, Dick and Harry a paper lor the the prosperous comity iu which purpose of ewclling it Hat, tut its are luma tide. Thi i why we have the pleasure of breathing deem the pajier a valuable the pure uir. lint tin tight is over for the present. It Any man ran take a In the news coliiuins of this is- ia the dampest dung In can buy. Every sue will he seen the report of the lime a lien clncka mol liaa l iid nu egg hi Vigilance Commit Ice, or White paper l olniobt paid for that Week, it coat little more than a pontage siainn or Caps, as they are call. An old cit- to teud nr recive a letter. What good izen of American Fork was quite dors it do you? it iu.trueta you and your hudlv used hv them a few nights wife and tcnche your children ; it come since, and was left in a critical to you every week raiu, are shine, calm The question naturally or atorin. bringing jou the land new of arises: "who art the Wife Caps mid the neiglior. no matter what happen is this the proper mode of dealing it ruler your door a a welcome friend, full of luuahini!, cheer and iutciest. It to out justiee iliorten the long winter u:ght. is It is While it a brutal way to punish adviaor, your goaaip and friend. your a man for his domestic crimes, it is No man ii juat to his wife and children, the only method to properly punish who does not give them the home paper a iiian for his beastly offenses to to read. his family. It is a mode of Ncwpa;ier subscriptions are aw Infalteaehing u man a dear lesson - one that will be liurd to overcome. It lible fist ot men's honesty, ssys su is unlawful, we know, hut we deem exchange. They will aonner or later uis he the it far letter than the mild law cover toman. Ifthe is dishonest he cheat printer someway; that is meted out to such charac- stienipt ssys he has paid the printer when ha ters, uiiil the only way by which has not declares he Iia a receipt some thorough justice can lie given. where. If sending the money hy null y, rie'l v.i-- lullg tn see nf till fiWIler nf liur Uli X Imix bel vI i tlnir clikiiii.--, ginning ( hum that tin miow liiix ilixainari il 'X I'D uf-ti- ei -- ya excellent stfiim laundry. Will is AmkHILAN ail liMiitimi fur ii t lurul rajiiial Itnl nut nr la wmil'l a iiiii iu'r It h-- it mi'll n i TlIK lau uf nut-siilr- iay-in- g t. tin gtM hut's of fliitiigti to iii trt sii n Ireilent l at that town, has failed. ltlimigli t'lrveldiid is of (lie same faith oil tin nioiiiv question, In That was ignored tin invitation. suli-crll- Tiikkk is no person hated than newspaper reporter worst (host who delight in informing him of events that never happened. ' It has lieen tin means of getting ail editor into niori trouble than nil other inrun venienees runner ted with a nrwsiaHr. by a 'er new-pape- r. eon-ditio- u. Kvks Old )an VorhiTs, who in thr miitrat for silver in Congress a few years si nee, workril tooth anil il against tin wliiti metal, has sineed changed, ami is now u strong silver advoeate at a ratio uf I loe-iiu- One hy out till gulil hut's Every ropy of Tim Item, after it lias lieen mailed ami placetl'in the postoflice, costa the publisher just four rents each -- one cent more than is uskcil for it. So it is plainly seen that praetirally nothing is mode in the subscrip-tio- n list of ii paper. . DRl'IiS, PATENT That So cui.iwoii at thi season, is a serious condition, liallii to lead to disastrous rroulta. Itiaaiure sign of declining health tone, and that the blood is imand poverished and impure. Tim best l most remedy is found la SHILOH'S CUKE, the ureat Cough and Croup Cure is in great demand. Pocket size contains twenty five doses only 25c. Children Inyo it. Sol-- at Steele's Drug Store. Which makes rich, healthy blood, and thus girt-- sircngih to the nerves, elasticity to the muscle, vigor to the brain amt ln'ii 1 Sx to the whole body, in s truth, Hood's Sarsaparilia . Tues- whole, at the a wise Pills re purely vegetable, ly luriiile, alwayi reliaLIO aiul ticaeflciah Hod'a t ILOlfsTSCATARRH Tlavw yuu caumrn a appearance, since the mill'll improvements have been A beautiful line id completed. shade trees, a durable picket fence and a rock mull are the priueipul features of the advancement. The city, the school trustees, ami the president of the cliurrh deserve iiiucii eredit for their energy and enterprise in perfecting this long felt want, ami the people should appreciate their suecessful etTorts. metropolitan-lik- e Local Wmi.K the establishing of a tine wheel course in Ameriean Fork is not an enterprise of great niagni-iute, it will lie the means of bringing many u dollar to our town. Visiting wheelmen ami ulieelwo-me- ii from adjoining towns, nml from Salt hake and Ogden, are frequently wen upon our streets here principally for an outing ami The projectors to test the track. or this scheme should receive hearty support from all wheelmen ill establishing this, the seeoml linest track in the Territory (when t&k&LQ. FAST. No. t.-:- in . il,-S- No. M. a. iu. S;.TU p. m.No a. m. DR. 1. H. HcLEANS LIVER sa KIDNEY BALM DISEASES stations, p. in, OF THE KIDNEYS. D. C. Dodtie, Gen. Mg'r. A. E. Wei.ut, Qrn. Sup't. F s Men's lint ns, 8128.) (No. J.II.Aiimsthoko Chief Ranger. held every Meeting Monday evening at 8.00 p. ni. Visiting Brethern Invited. L. I)0MiI.ET, Aiuiriuin F irk. Utah m. in Reporter srys: tn tn tn EA8$ BOL'If p. m Ar.;45 ci to 5:40 8:12 4:00 8)7 3:42 8 '17 7:55 6:55 10 1:00 The. Steele TO KANSAS CITY DOES ANV ONE Li Uptem XjOCXj TTIXdlE Time Table in Effect December south . No. 1 Pass. Lv. Daily. Ogden. 3:30 ar. 7:45 ' lv Silt Lake ' Lchi Amei'iCAII 8:511 Pi. Grove Provo !i :25 ! .34 :5'J tqiriugvilh; 8p. 2 i ar 4:0:i F-- rk Ephraim :5 Manti 1 8:10 10:00 telegraph Is cheap- er and ant.-- r than Telephone. Use the Deseret- TH- E- BsnYSFsRieSFandg iR4MiiL'ffisrai5r Sgebig Lute of thu World Tim Only Lilia Kutmingr ar Juab Juab Milford Frisco John Doaxe, ) Frederick R.Coudert. Two Through East Trains Daily to LEADVJLLE, ASPEN, PUEBLO, COLORADO SPRINGS. AND Moroni ;35 s m ar. 11:45 pm lv. 1 5:10 Nephi 2 :55 p m 1:1 6 :3 ) p m lv 5:2.) Pay Min 10:55 1 No. 3. Pas Ar. Daily. 4:10 Fork 8:55 0:15 ! J 10, 1894 SOUTH. STATIONS. 2 :U0 a in 8:44 KNOW t tm t Without Notice. Subject to Change M. & Co., Druggist LINE AND Trains south of Juab run daily except Sunday. Trains leave Salt Lake for Ogdon daily at SI a m, 9 :30 a m, 2 .'40 p m and 5 :20 p m. Trains leave Ogden for Sait Lake daily at 2 :00 a in, 0 :00 a m, 3 :3Q p m and 0 :30 p ni. Close connection made at Ogden with Southern Pacific trains. Logan train leaves American Fork at 4 :03 anivlug at Logan 6:35 a in amt 0 :41 p m . Trains for Tooele run daily except Sunday leaving Salt Lake 7:45 a ni. Eureka trains leave American Fork 4 :03 p in arrives at Eureka 1 1 :30 a m . hours tn Denver: 3(5 Twenty-fou- r hours to Omaha; 43 hours to Kansas city anti Chicago. Renumber the Union Pacific is the best BeShores Mountain Sage Oil slops tht line for New Mexico and Arizona. worst pain In on minute. For heaJache, toothache, fore buying your tickets get our Infigure. II us colic and externally neuralgia, cramps or For further information a to rate, Prevents and cum diphtheria if used la ternally.me Keep n bottle handv. Price. !c a bottle. etc. call on or write, maps, Shores' destroy W. Pepsin Vermllugo Dr. Q. J. M. IIaypex, intestlnil worms and removes the lull round nesl D. E. Bdri.rt, where tVv hatch and breed. Il never fmls. Price Gen'l Agt. Agt. American Fork. JDr. o"w. Shore' Wlntorgreo Salva cores s Pass. Dept. Salt Lake. spots nod black diseases of If skin. Hemnves rod City Ticket Office 201 S. Main t, the face. Heals oU sores in Jlotdsys. pimples fnwn E. L. Lomax, G. P. & T. A. Pill Tw'a W Sho' E. Dickinson, Gen't Agt. bilioue and headache pick cum chronic consnparion. II II. S. Clahk, a borile. Sc Price. tracks. ) These famous remeJtas are prepared oaly by Doctor Oliver W. Mink, G W. Shores, Floa n Medical laidlutw Salt Laks E. Ellery Anderson, Receivers, Onr. latest styles at Duck ley's gold by BEST A. WDi.Eic.n, Fasifis 'dto!. ('hil-t'lai- COURT LAKESIDE Inien d, C5 A Gen, Pass. Agt . S. II. Babcuce, Traffic M'gr. in Ulcers. Sail Ithcum, Fever Sores, Titter, v happed Hand, ferns, anti all Skin Eruptions, and positively cure pile, r n uuind. It is guarantied to give paj perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cent per box.' FOIL SALE BY Steele A IV., Drug Store. flu ni. a. in. p. ni. 13:30 8;20 Ar Silver Cy. Lv 6;40 is a sovereign remedy for . rruii. Sores. . i, a II;US 5;0ULv. Salt Lake 1:45 6;33 Springville 7K) 0:43 8p. Fork 7:25 fl;50 Payson. Eureka. U;40 8:05 G.W. Tiif. Murray American, a few isQJ sues hack, quoted ail original" agreement male hy the delegates from Carlo ami I'lali comities, in AVELf the Convention, to the effect that CONSTIPATION. BLADDER. AD INFLAMATION'ti "you scratch my back and i'll ALL KIDNEY DISEASES . scratch yours.1' and right oil the For Sa'.c ly all beds of this liold assertion, when Trial Size 25c. Pruggisti. the rote was called for the perniuu- - - A. O. F J. to quality Spanish Fork. con-Kt.'in- ly ArnicA Salve. The IJkxtSvi vkhi tl.e world furCuts. 1:IU :1N WEST BOl'ND Ameriean Folk cauyon opens into Utah valley, and can be reached most pr-mieasily hy the llio Orande Western ltsil road at American Fork. Conveyances ate always to tie had to take the visitor the which they pay to advertise up the ran yon. It is comply with thi request. Tint Iikm tlo-i- paper only five miles to business enterprise! shall have a the ill lurnidi printed eiivi'lop mouth, where the magnificent scenery nearly iia circulation- - give mem value receivbegins. This rsuyon reminds one ot the cheap :i y u Can buy tin in Idiiak t'onii goodfor ed the money they expend. Hence Royal Gorge or -- mi v i.r. f Cheyenne Canyon at eyery live newspaper manager it Colorado Spring, but is more lotty and endeavoriug to build up his sub- picturesque." A Timid Traveler Nrid uuvrr lenr to make t lint contiiii scription list. Sli ul'i Ii he so fiiiimi ite as M sucplalcil irip cast if he or ilit will trust In ceed in seeming a good list, then comes ilin Chicago, Union lacihc & NiliVrt tin- - more perph xn g question ni how to SHORES DOCTOR lime. rut Pm rill I.llli1. Quickest hold the ground gamed without financhange. Union depot. For lull information call or a l ln -- s ,1 cial loss ti the .paper. . , , M. I It ;l a, agent. A good l.ieal paper aids in Imilding! Karl' Clover Root, (lie gu-hiooil up ami unking known ils lovably, and c and to iliiisadds to the value id projerty trelincs cleurni pmilier girt' co the l't in i!x on and cure Coiisiipalion, thousand fold more Ilian any u;qiort it , .'ii 1 Sold hy Steele & Co. , 50 $1.00. may have received. Their fust impresa sion of s city or town t from the local paper. A home paper sent abroad to Study lit Home. PRICE, $2 A BOX. Cass ot Curs Every Aiit yiMg loan deairoii- - o Miidyinu friend, neat, attractive and apparently Positively (luarantei .1 to diseases require both Nasal Catarrh, taiirrh.il law at home can learn ot ennonhiiig tn in sprrous, is a message which ireatmcnt. omMiiuH.inI local ani brings Ci. Shotas' W. Hr. Fiboui his a iv'int.ige hv writing to John Jaunt Directions tr using tn all catarrhal chnailc diseases. capital and population to a community Curative ItemeJirs Chlk I'lilne Ccilll, Suit Luke. I'lhli hay fever ilia home paper which has It your have catarrh, asthma, bronchitis, It i nr anv comrltcaieJ affection of the nose, throat, Shores made ami Is making the town known to bnimrliiil tubes or lungs, use Dr. G. W. Blood Puri-lCure. Cough Cure and Tonic and ills woild a a point for trade and busito cure the catarrh, tmp the cough, deans and and '.'te th N.hiJ improve lha ri dlgasttoa. ness, anl the resident who dees nil sp complicated with k'Jnrv, liver or bladder trouble, W. Snores' Kidney and Liver Cure; and use (i. l)r. priciuL it is simply engaged in commit- in all cases tske one nf Dr. G. W. Shores' fills at bedtime. If your trouble If chronic Name the pros- ind ting business suicide. in vioRS write Dr. G. W. Shores personally new fi town the symptom list and have your cast diag-- n west in his and will perous you ed and gel esren advice free. invaiiah'.v find th.it tlicv contain enler-ris- c, Hr. (1. w. Shores' Tonic and Blood Purifier and purifies the blood, gives strength and crcditnide and prespemn news- cleansescures dyspepsia and all narvoui diseases. vig.ir, SI brttlt. Price. paper which have helped the twn. And Dr. tl.'w. Shores' Kidney and Liver Cure in a geniral way, a newspaper publisher cures ill diseases of the kiJnes. liver and Nidder. irice. ft per bottle. seldom receives eredit .r hi work, ssys Dr. Q. W. Shore Cough Cura rum all cough, and bronchial affections. One dose will slop colds the sprightly Salina Press. spasmodic croup. Keep a bottle In the house. Largo Eiuklen WEST. H.4 7 -- completed). a limp Card 1. mo. m. I ao. p. ;n un-oth- er Jo More Back Ache invite inspection IN EFFECT MAIL IS. 1SDT, Two cans tumattues for 25 cents at Dunkleys. it wss lost in the mail or will The ten, for the Ixmctit of the great aoothing sad pay for the paper on the ground that lie Price SI .00 par bottle. healing power. com in unity and t lit promotion of li. not Mihscribn for it or move off good society, wishes to call the at- leaving it coinu tn the ullice lie had lett. Tht Dr. J. H. McLean Med. Co.,St. Louie, Me Thousands ot professed people are distention of tlu Committee to honest iu llna particular at least; and LOFTY AND PICTURESQUE. case, of a milder nature, in the printer's book will tell some fearful this city, that deserves a like fate tcry at the day nf judgment. In epesking of the grandest mountain at the builds of the"lligh Council.' resorts and scenery, the Sait Lake Jlutet theres no one that t tYWe This remerly la MotsMuay Injoetortreay Soul hy Sleale & Co., liruggists. Diabetes, Dropsy, Inflam mation of the Kidney, Pains In the Back, Liver Troubles, Female Irregularities, Kidney Weakness in Children, not will yield at oooa to Ita t .Music, Fintut Line uf Caudit in the City MkBaBsasFnrMPnv: r Water street now presents Slock of Sheet Financia. Scc'y Thornton's Hal!. wife-lieater- adoption, for if woineu used their Probably department elective franchise for the adoption give as much trouble to the manager of of the Constitution, it would he . In I In: pnstoAice is tacked up mi ot i he average weekly paier as the subscriplike a man voting himself in otlire, fid at notice, tmm the Piwtul IVpartinriii tion list. Considered hy itself, the subs at Waaliingtun, authorizing tn scription list hardly ever days, sen yet as the women would vote themhsvetnrir names iiiaci' i upon ilm upper on it lo a great extent the success sf tits selves their own franchise. left hand turner of their envelope. To paper depeuds Advertiser demand that only Hood's to got Hoods and lie suro A American Fork, Weak Strong I The Convention ileeiileil, day, in committee of the that woineu could nut vote This was coining election. FRESH SUPPLY OF FISHING aTACKLKS. and price. Makes the ii lcua prumpUy cura Tig, Couchs, Croup. Bara Throat, Hoaraeosu, Whoeplnv Couch and Aathma, JTov Couumptiaa it hna no rlralt has curod thousands, and will ecu YOtr II takeoin tlmey bold y UrturgtsU on B fuan. antaaL For a Luno Hack or Char MlLOm BELLADONNA FLA8TEI Just Keccived a Lafe.st Soiiffsoffhe Day Just Received. Call and See it. Sarsaparilla fuiM Gwut mm all others SPONGES, COMBS and NOTION uci:i-sfu- HOODS Con-- : ME In FIXES WE HAVE A I.AIlflB LIKE OP Tired Feeling ue me-diu- 1. e er right. to fall. ir,e.-sigi--s. & (ou, UEAI.KHS IK . iii-- (IfSi-laii'- 1(1 -- - Telegraph merges are clieaper and ten nines more relialde than teleptune Twenty-fivwords lor 25 ecu's to all ollietk lietween Sait Lake and Neplii inclusive. All other pointi at equally low rate. Office in Item building. ut rs Steele t Ik,;-tie- I frmii (In hilU. KXTI S T s iis . - : lein-edic- u!-- K Dr. Tie-St- . D Minis that May be pro litabli to Tliem. fl-8- Three M;il!.t A A Few talking through i 'r-i- r (; .IvirriMA A'wt 'ht mm! at iv. Kb mlilx ni llir Mart slirri. 1 Mm A. CHRISTENSEN .;ilr'Hlit- til jKS I S i i cni!.:i:.tr..l'. r wiite, r. tim ii'l vrrti.'. Lilil olu, Nth :, as loilo a' At!T tiy- li i'iiifx lilt'll wifi wl.ut seemed to ii.g oilier medicines hcaw-iobatihant rough iu our two The Restless American, i hildii.i. we tiicJ Dr. King1 New Disi All ami ht the of two days the agree that the solid viti bull'd covery oil ice in Jack sun Buildirg, cough entirely left ti.cm. We will not tuaiun ni the Chicago, I'niuu i'acnic A . . lie without it hereafter, as our experience Northwestern Line distance all couiiet-iturAyeuic.in Fobk. Utah with s euse. il that cures where all proyes oher at tl.e Missouri 1'iil . t igued F Stevens, Stale Ns eliange or F-lull intxriuati'in call no r Com Why not give this great medicine Hi s a trial, as it is guaranteed am tiial addrt-b- , J.M. IIavdi:.:, are free at S'.eele & Co's thug store, Agent l IJ, System. - FOR ADVERTISERS Effective April 21), DENVER 1894. Tram No. 2 leaves American Fora at 9:02 a in, arrive at Pueblo : 6:10 a m, Colorado Snirings 7 :51 a m, Denver 10:30 a ni, Cripple Creek 0 :50 a in. Traiu No. 4 leaves American Fork (stoia on signal) at 8:83 p m arrive at Pueblo 5:27 p in, Colorado Spring G:53 p m, Denvei 9 :25 p m. Connections made at Pueblo, Colorado Spring and Denver with all linea east. Elegant day cimcIics, chair cars, and Pullman Sleepers on all trams. Take the 1). & H. G and bava a comfortable trip and enjoy the finejt sceuery on the continent. Train leaving American Fork at 9.02 a m arrive! at Cripp'e CrfeL. neKt morn; ing at 0:39. A. S. lli ouis, S. K. Ho. i'kh, ' G. P. k T. A. Traffic mgr., ' Denver, Colo Denver, Colo., it. D. F, Nkvini, II, Cushing, Tiav, Pass. Agt. Genl Agt., Salt Like city, Utah. Yonr ilain Duty Is to make the trip to Chicago on tbs Chicago, Union pacific 4b Northwestern Line. Why! Tine ths quickest, solid vestilmieil train, no change of coach at the Missouri River. Through first anti second class Sleepers and Dining cars. For tull Information rail on or address IL Hayden; Agent U. P. System. J. |