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Show !. territorial AMEKH as ITAH- J Grant and J.,hrt G Gutli-r- , cf tin- fshi-iv- t Sunday School Uni'll llcynuldit. general tren-iircijo.ir.l: Jolm !. Whittaki-i- , general then delivered a brief addr. hii. In which be ri.rninent-e- d in the manifested inlerc.ii the upon mi icrfla by tin- - tcach-- s- and acliolars. w.ui the Karl i. Mai-f-- r to and devoted hi Npeaki-- r relative to the p.-euggenllona r of inatructiiig beginner. inaniif-The eholr aung, "Olory to tiod mi llelH-J firant aje ke with ami High." to nickel donation, to UHHist the general auperintendeiitJi In defruy-ilii 1 1n ir while visit. ng the In turiouri sink. a. Mr. (Irani vl.it.-i coiimi-tiorHint S cents -r year this from radi j .uy.i I would In- - a indanl. nithough that amount had never I the rearhe-- l on an nveiage. the whole of the amount Intw'ever. wa returned t the vaciou Klak'-hy the Hunduy Sctiool .t'liion, III tile way Ilf leall-t( tlHClH, eli-Fianei Al. I.ymau Hmke ui.oii !i of every Sunday l. Hcholur rneiiioriaiiig the Ten t'.uiin. He waa also of the opinion I lint it might ben ell t Hie sebolai if t'lulllliuhd-iiii-iiIthey Would repent the Tell evi-rmom lug, uft-- LAST DAY OF CONFERENCE. American Fork Item. r; fl,-..r- g A VAST THRONQ WAS PRESENT SUNDAY. - l..r topics. THE RESERVATIONS. Senator Shoup Talks of Matters of Western Interest. Evans, li M. R. uxrixi.xT!. nn vi 'ul ftkl ITS S S S ftftLia-Hi- m tut' llii')0l-livrj .iorli' Senator (jeorge. I,. g.sidft. alt. imup of Idaho klwr. iiu W XlosAftct H. h'Uiti. ft'iK'ii'l and "I wax In Sait l.aLe 11 week oti hi way ..t kVRVl t Sh. AKII.1.. FALC'JN !lien;lft Aeul home front aaliing'.im, lie suteJ that fur Uit.NAlli'il III' U'i.bs mantel Skit Lake u.dins li ir.!--- bi'-y- k. , CENTS TO wit. i. til. An 'till- -. X Made by President Woodw hila la' tYavl. t'lty, t'l.ili iiigtou hu had a organized a Addresses Farmington rliiuhi end Smith Oeoige F. interview with ruff, Joseph Xul TIt (Sipt.N IMI I.'IKV YAIHI4. Seerulsry Smith rrMiuorj. company to build of tha Interior liopariineni. ruiaitv to Q. Cannon Annual Sunday School nboJ for tha . over llumi U I'1 ah and Idaho rekervatlun iittair. i lo'itli'.rii ttii ynar tl Suit Lake f. Conference. l.ak. natural g calwbrath'U 111 Tha commission now angaged on the khnm. f.ri aud .k'uiitl (0 ut"k-Tl-- , u I Hurl lu pullklv Ki iiJ kill ncompahgre reeriaiion In 1'lab'i wool lip ,r rrsi. k million ilia inin?rl from the agriciiltnrs! UtuN, kll liui 'iin tliiit tiftiax mi su. I Nut only was every si.ari foot of at from twelve to fourteen is exported by socruiary Smith to com- il.iimcd un u) I birl and utily tliuw b iU'bftd Hi at each .of the avallal'la spaci pUUU'li. from KbMvtliu and In plete its work on that lly ! 'k i,f tho Mnriiiou ruuferuiiw In si.iiis I .lu ijl'fibif uryri.r kirnlii'K hail Tbs great l!"' xiu" tliat b.k prsnininift time to enable thn Prekideni to throw (ikMiuin-I .Suadsv. hat hundr-dnH 10 thn Tahirnacle l '"i"pi!,!,: about ks railway it upon about the middle of tha sum- kl Madiftfiu biiukc, Nvm York, ktid World' at"l in tho afteruoou were luri.ti'l Kariuibgtun. hftir. Xly S. S. Iltuilinrs ura i ualli awid. mer. wa hold m the Asovarllow an D la thought at Wakhiugiim that the tirt iiremiuoift nn . I liftir Oft''cn A inueUuJ of ilia proud nanl Hail. sembly tK'bftCi and iftf'li III I he hIhiip iriril. tilli bcld In hall l.ako ll.s uddi Fort Hall Irrigation ditchi-- will bn far kporinu mm oirig craU of Ilali einn the Make a of At tarda. iir manor. Wllford 111 from LftUibinu ('bftt.nurrit are ure wen dellveied I'V two to three liiUl'inX I'ltL'ft enough advani-i'tstb, to din' mu Mll'l a K. liM'ul.ftli.r Hllllth, U SI uiatiar lu Lrci pria wiiiiHiri. emit nonlh lo indieato to luu Itidun the i.f Tlia I'tali I'ouipsny expect t'i Um k Air. I.ixxie Thomas Ed waul sang a ard Imu blic'kft fruin vuit h tha'. are t j hu under the i't.rrpi 'ii lru. - I.lll'-ln .',ddr-f- t. i.f nu:li ( IL'ii-ilitehi, rr. tiniracItlajloK on Ui Ora.a "See solo U'Ulitlful eiilltle'l, with tbs LUKA A KJt'KAHIlH. bud that lln-imli.u kc'cctlun of aiiolniunts road, to run ni i' i Umlr of I he Field." acll W ftrliiiigtuu Arrau.', UitdPb, I'lab. will progress rapidly then afier. In tin- - uflerll'sdl Presl.ielit ("rip" W I'nlou Pacific i.i-a- i ualvlllu. Senator Shoup wa bImi advised liy Terri t'annon And Wllford WoodrutT Suorrlntmiif.'iii Halim of tbo opened by- H"-- t Smith that the preparation Tlie Secretary oalinuora-toinoining .IOIIX h bean far lorlal ICalurni e for the divlftioii of the Nez Perce singing, "The time afpreferred r l , recently of elianrn Is little leiiiHinlng, vet Juitice. ffotary Fub'lc. Prcc. enmoney among the Indian tliem. ter whi'-- John - Henry Sinlili offered' against him by a di bsrgsd ami'loy. allow titled to It were well under way, and lb- - a Inn urged NireMH not sang, then tiechoir and An Ail kinds of loral murk traii.iu'ti'ii uilli their children to attend any riniit.iy that the dikirihuliuii uf tho fund would iruiu.lii-fTha tlUiil ilamaK ullof Koitlna loin-pan- y prayer, t. VlftrriaiM imutun-d- , aud My Father, Thou That allalr Hooch occur lu alioiii in tint y days. Thu school but their own. K 'I lt I ' FE. ilorini against tha irlal lu tuailrrs. I W( ESI pcrUiiilns aiiylliing (ENT .-t lgal pit tinu wa A Jiidif" II. t'annon brain for l of called was tlie President opening tlct PreKid. il! Wllford Wood I'U IT r. rei .VMKKIl.'AN F(i(K. tTAII. speaker and urged the t.-- l.er in No I'urcu res rvatinu will speedily folill Wlli' ll IlM'l Ill's divll"ii of Urn Hurd Hmirltl to Hie W i kelllli'MH Inid to schools talk various Hie L'ourt Monilay. the woi Id slue,- the - beginning, and uud enough and distinct enough always, so low the appurlloiiiiiiMil of tin money. liutH''1'he Siftiator right infoiiiiuUnii in -K. THORNTON, could beer ami unrtiat the children J. II. Walker, dianied with forging prophets derstand . circle of the political and l oinini-relkon S. J. Nathan, on wrong At regular Interval for to a lu lsrd the y mile'll ui have address wan iii.el- - by Kact that coux ince Iiim llmltliu eau The year, el- wain lie- from llo- - way "f January null of l pri.nt w is of kilvor D Stead i tfuililllg Kireliglli. and t'annon. President Q. (Jeorge buforo Judge edliesrt, Ulld u II have ilnlie a K" of Ku" ite rud a pi" in the nature of u number of vuluaid' ''In New York, I'ltisbnrg. Aliegheuy WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS to save work. The Siivloi-enmllaricli Monday inoruinK. willi regurd to Ihe most City and other few years of minis- Kiiggestion a cities, " xaiil hut after iiiarkuied U advantiigerniH manner of eoiidncting Senator Finest llrunds alivnjs un llaud. Tim I'lith I iuaiio Company 1 tile li'- - WUS and cnnxeiej by met Shoup, try Lake sehisds. Faunli udra a hall a carload uf If productIn Inaacka the same wuy Willi the prophet Jo- Siiinlny was wliolusale with selecuiaiiufjguircrs, a hot not then choir ISO The of sang Siuilli. As soon as in- made solin' tion and the Tuesday. It wa -- old seph whu and liiiiueis Billiard inuii other und Pool form In Lon-na- c u meeting adjourned. aul .if Ids proplii'cl'-- known. It Hceino'l pwuuii eai b, at ona cant per pound, have Itereiofi.re opoowd the free coll:lo.i, end him. plans was mrann. earth if all against aark to, any CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION. age of silver, but who sre now convert- Morfdiiiiitft' fit. only one laid for ills ili'Hlruc-lioAVtKKK'AS KI1KK. I TAII w.Tc Imiiiedlately was l. of tlie deed to the liellnf that in Tln-Attigdini Friday a rnaaa mealing plans wei' llnally suceess-fuund In time tin' prophi't was assas- Four Articles Adopted But Three pression of the pa-- l cigiileuu mouths bold and a resolution paamid by a vote More Weeks Remain. sinated. has been due to tho bluw received hy bf 431 to 28, aahlnic thn Cbiialllullonal The devil w'u not dead yet. and It or cbuveiillou lo autnull lb aulfragii 'locaronveiitlon has so far adopted silver when ibu Slierma i set was reThe Iwware of t" ijod tlie issiple four articles, the one on liuundiirlc. pealed. 1 was asiunisht'Tl. u well us LIVE tion In a Miparata article. liis wll'-- and snares. Tlie fjilli-r-lniAmendm-nt- s, IY, FE:D AND SA'.ES STABLE). bo confea-ullowed .Municipal ploased, to Hud so many Eastern husi-aos- s Homer llrowu of Ogden, Saints wen- - fortunate in of Pi'claratloii Preamble end the and and men for reached in connow home have the and age. to live in this day 10 tiftvliitf burimd that they would all re- liight. the clusion that tlie restoration uf silver to First ,'Iusk Inruuuts ftlmayt iu O'ailiue.s. A flue luiurcmnit And to Iamviuk robbedwa I. ad In- lioied The calendar of the committee ofartl-i-limain Hleadfust lit the faith and 1' whole -. the place ll occupied prior tu 173 would air nyc atora racontly, Im headed k tdantiuu of and bungles. the Executive by laud. consld-ereconfidence In not aunt to tbo atyluin at liuiiil'le iM'fnre the wlili-tiei'ii only restore huMm-sliaa and lii.aua imrtially W'MSlrllff Presidi-nJudgud ill The other article on the latter this country, but would com pul the nato lrovu Friday. the elileis of Hie Hun Hncii to All Trai.is. eab'iidiir iiiv those on the legislative tions to adopt biiuaiallisiu.'' A lamely a! tended rnaaa meeting at ci'ii si troubling thi'inselve nl,uul who Apporlliinmcnt. Is, Iiepaitnieiit, f'hrlsi Ih. who iuleriiatiuiial the went Adam is. wli'i Respecting proposed llm (imt Mb, Leava urdcr. at Siatib-- , I'lty Friday, Salt Puldii- - Imilds, Heveiiuc, Putilie Debt. who Jchovuh Is, iiinl who tlie Holy j.alMU- and cuitfiToiice, tlie Senator said: Aililtr itlon, Ordtnnmv anil monetary wa overwhelmingly against tbo granting iHiost t'lirlst was AMEIUCAN FOUK, UTAH. (imi. fit Coil Harrington 'I am of I. that the the opinion clearly Militia. The article on Eilucatleit was bf stual suffrage In tba fonallluiloii. Clirlsi. and the Holy Clmat wits Hie nf the invitation extended to this eountry to would cominitti.-bn duclartnl the nice for w sufficient Nearly ovary apaaker tba fbiiatliuilon Holy flliiisl. and that wns recommitted. juiii European nut Ions in a monetary HKN.I. HALES, work and vutu against the elders to know until they reached whole, hut conference is a blind to prevent legislatin HE Himself. HEPOHTED. Tti of (hid form. presence lo Ita preMiit then Atrs. IJxxle Thom.ui Edwards Tin- - Article yet to be report'd from tion by Congress at its next tessinii, AMERICAN FORK WA60N Tba bund of Nola Houkofaky. chanted sang K solo. "See the l.llle of the the sluiidliiR committees aiv those on restoring silver tu thn place it occupied the In furfultad with aduliry, with organ eeeimipanlmeiit. I Puldlc was Hclosltile, remonetized. reach Building Field,'' before It this Jiidielury, It WORKS. mid State inatltiirlona. I'rt .ate Corisir-atloi- i, (inclusion because ut previous conferThird lllairlcl Gourl Monday, loft JOSEPH F. SMITH. Halurie of public Odicera Mine ences: the thit ibu .1romUnt bod waa in a President Joseph F. Smith was the of othur nation delegates Houkofaky'a bond It was u grand sight, he mid Mining, ami Manufuctuivs and merely triflud with the representatives Territory. next caab ona In the auiu of fr.ti, auil this said. Hi behold that great aggregation t'oinmenv. In my opinion, tbo Tlie subject iif prohibition, which Is of our government. Hspairiugof bngiiiri of all kiudq ivttiuir of amount waa chucked Into tba Judicial liefore him. who had come fromtheevery e the committee un Bchedule. object of the iiionoineialllsts Is so well tir's. fixing nmclilnerv, ntc. to allend of the istrl Territory is understood that no delegates from this till. Ameiidinents and il conference of the E. E. Ultcble. who waa ruceully finsd I'hureh. President Sinllh siske at some also unreported upon. AMERICAS F'lllK. UTAH. ItarrlUL'ton St. ountry will alleud the conference. upon ciiiivlcllon leiigih upon Hie Imisirtsnee or the 100 by Judge lUrk-TIIHEE MOKE WEEKS. of Oo. Lehi Sugar Factory. for criminal llbul In the Third lllairlcl Saint keeping the covenant Wiille It Is lielieved that the conven-lio- n held which they imike. Many, he auld, now on, A meoiliig of the directors of it the Gem-Saloo- n from will work hasicn Court, la dissatisfied with Ilia Judgment S aulliorl-tl.'the up their hand to suMtaln ure few to was held In lielegiiti-predict of tba Court, aa wall at the order overthe willing I'teh Bugar Company went awuy of the cliurch. and then It will Is niile I" complete ts trial, ami Homo Icsuraitcu Aiiauisuii, Wilde .X Co.. Priqir. builJliig Saturday covenant Ihua nmde. that in ruling bis uuitliiu fortoa new the violated mid No more weks. less three than the huprama In thl eonncctlun President Smith rewill take an appeal forenoon, at which Manager Culler ennsume to is will ens-Ity subject Court. gretted that the issiple were still BO time thnt the woman suffrage ques- presented his report of tho operations hhii tlie All kinds of fiwayeil by worldly iIiIiik tion (futarnor West Monday pardoned dwell lias, imt there are several matters uf tho plaul for the current year, and .f keeping in the upon the mirlaiiee lie u the afternoon a stockholders uieutiiig numerous articles and Alaaandar (igllvln, yet g Clayton liani-tlnnd iibsery-InI he dis'lrliiH mid eovennnt to exacted upon that protnln was held fur tbo elect iou of a board of WINES, LIQUORS AND CI6ARS who were sent up In tbo First District I lie word of wlMdoin. imrllcularly In heated and lengthy controvrralea. directors fur the ensuing year. Court a lltilu over a year ago, for two so fur as tlie latter related to the use cite no over arise A doubt will debate A number of of stimulants, such h J'11, P',w.mJ,i,Vn" I ihe T1IK MANAGER'S RElOllT. years for grand larceny. prosisitTon to submit the pmhlhl-tmec- u CuiUr'k roiMurk to tha diwhWt.W Mutsu ttouor .hsh- sKIm hllllnH aud pool roiin In lllMetluD. pelltluni were aunt tbo Governor, situn Vra.tei1Stn (Kill (ftmtHnii ww into all tho details of opAtuwaty AnMiit Iromactln stilt- lias mime very earnest .and miner talk- rectors goes hy people, iviinliilon Old clg.irelte Is thorough- Mcrulmnt St, aud In uf the eration the foes Americtu Kurk, tub. ative works, Among alto reuuui mended their ruinate. and ing that their linniulciice bitterly op- ly exhaustive. The plant was In operaIhelr advertiae-nienl- a them hiv men whothehave In flaunting 4Mh. chrla N'bIuu, a visitor from woman suffrage tion 103 days; worked up 32, Cat tons of In the faces of the conference posed submitting Draper who bund baan in attundaiica separately, niid It will be In- boats and made A. 100,500 pound of board visitors, wns disgusting In the extreme, question ulubt to note the aoiifprciice arguments they upoD would teresting TO.4J0RIA'. ARTIST. lu course of leaving sugar, of granulated the In train for home. ii nd their udvliv. If followed, favor peondvanee will giving od a Inlou Im-Ilithousand of young men. when operaon band ai.J ruin on their will mtnufaelure the aba to Second chance a express of North, ple adA I lb creasing The choir snug an nntliein and one question, after denying them that tions caused 43tl,ooo pounds. Hir cutting iu iny (tyla. Snllsftctluu guaranlearned tlm waa ou tha wrong train mid journment was taken until 2 n clock. Purkirs on Merchant Stmt. teed The report Is particularly Interesting privilege on the other. to the dour, sprang will ruablng wildly fur taxation of The mortgage subject In detail. The minimum run of the She waa rolled ovsr Afternoon Sesaton. on which tha grouud. words nn Issue many present AY1KRICAX FORK, UTAH. wm ),,, sis'itl. The t.'ixnlion of the net plant was 25'.i tons ot bests for one day, The afternoon exercises Itcgmi with violently aeveral lime, but oot aavorely H and the maximum run amounted to uuder waa Hist, Mmials. he nlso Ye tralu mutter will a tlm mines of "Hark. rhe product though hymn. Injured, more than ton Prayer was "f ,,f controversy. KepiihMcana arid Pom-f,w- l 411 tons, or sixty-on- e Btlll. hy the choir. W. KHNWARD: good headway. R. Taylor, anil the I will divide In Hip rnnvenllnn. as tha nominal capacity, and the average IRA nt Joseph' Edby Tha rharga of robbery agalngt "our In Committ'P "Ufl the Imve Legislative an uiilliciii, number of sacks of sugar turned out itiolr sang they Attorney at Law, ward King, a youth uf Iark City, wa I leads, II tee. ,,n tlie sul'Jii't of Inuiiiiles. and the per day was .riu:t. PROVO CITY UTAH OANNON. of the st'ssioll dismissed on iiiotluii of Judge llowat great isdillciil g Five thousand one hundred and thirll comes up. adIndicted fillmlnnted Will wa (then I1 then Caiiitun Jointly (J. King Monday. l'reshlent Oeorge ly salaries ty tons of coal, 1704 tons uf lluie ruck, DR. C Those who favor tils with Jaiuea Kgan, John linilcr and dressed the meeting. He17th WESTPHAL, who advociile high ones will 220 tons uf superior coko, eleven tons those and of broka the clinplcr tha later but reading remarks hy Charles Johnson, over the ,article on eoniHnAllon of Cove Creek eulpbur, 7170 pounds of most clash the considered he and which aoma time DENTI3T. John, ago Jail at I'ark City with tlie proliahie re- tallow, 4C7.i yards of Imported lillur of of public otltcei-sprayer ever uttered hava not boon heard of by tha authori- remarkable It was of- sult that a compromise will he adopted. cloth, 52od pounds uf sal soda, flfty-flv- o nsurd. a I'l.KAitANT r.KOVE, we hnve which t'TAll. he of vntlou ties lines. Tho Judge aiatt'il thatcon- fered by the Saviour, however, and nmr-(- The jealousies and iimhlllon n quarrel over carboys of muirlatic acid and fniirieun evidence to localities may precipitate In did nut have huflU-len- t not approarn man ivulil the loi'ii I Ion of State Institutions, and barrels of utachiuo oil were consumed FRANK D. HOBBS. vict King, hence the dismissal. It cwmestnes and purity. Lets register U. ii. Laud Office, provisions p'lutlvc to Hie locution of in tba production of sugar during the lo alteiillon I called Oiiiiunn I'reahlent schema being Another Irrigation In addition, 52,3H'doiible bags In thl prayer the State capital may excite coiitestlon. season. Saviour the thut Giinul-untand Mining Attorney. Land i, fad the eulln mullou by the citizens uf private I'oi'iHiraHonl will and a large amount of laboratory and might The arllclc on asking that III disciple Salt Luke t'lty toil nnl discussion. ni'i Utah. also uroiisc Sen fete conoly. A canal la belcg wa His mul were bather other enppllus purchased. he one. the same as lie I.KHISI.ATI VK APPi illTK NA1 ENT. ami tho apukr thon ilwoii total expense of operallug, not surveyed from the reservoir south of The on, Meail lo Willow creek, a distance of at some length tiimn the close Isuuls of which Including the iiiteren on the cost, J. F. WICKERSHAM. legislative apportii nnn-iitFather utThe fifteen to twanty mile. Die eetlmated union that exist between the oT tlie outset tlircateiii'd to caue one of amounted toS2(i,(j(i,.i,70l of which IPMkiu Wntches, Cloc'xe. Jewelry. that Toou the reclaim over Bon. of will and bitter most Importance the and lights the session, wore expended for labor. that the canal Tho ComfiHH.'taolci UepaireJ, Not door to ltmn. The s. tine spirit existing between the peo- II now seem likely to Is peaceably ills land. acres of choice farming to thu railroads lu freights on earth. H,sed of. The ApiHirHunmeiit t'ommlt- - pany paid canal will be from twelve to silicon ple of Uodtheliere iJtller-dH- y Baluts, 1 rml- - II tee apHms to have AMKIIICAN FoltK, UTAH. what wos $30,000, and 1310 can or 2ti,200 tons of Among I to feel on the bottom, and will carry a lent union he were tn ) issilile nn uppor-- h beets ought Cannon .teclareil, shipped to the works front sniquscd b In fuut nf" same their the volume of water about two rulth. that satisfies tuminent the keynote nearly everv- points outside of Luhl. There wa Is dy. ( LIT FT & SCOTT as It is the corner-slone- . OPERATED AT A LOSS. depth. not It could hut article will receive ileslraliie. The Judiciary o'clock comnothing loss to thu a shows about morning Theropurt Saturday much iittenHon, ;i there I a variety be reached by each man having hi barbers. Joeophlue Sougel and Marla Thuraon of views In the convention as to what pany. but the exact deficit In oporattng own way. l lu base of school Cutler withheld. at Presiwas Ogden stated, own Reform Saving, liauk Itidg. Manager the Judicial sysleni of the State should left the way. "I like lo have my wlilvh they are Inmates, their escape dent Cannon declared, "hut I don't like lie. Irrigation mid other lniiortant mat- however, that the deficit was duo enl'limo CITY, I TAII. to ters will also command consideration tirely to tbo fall lu the price of sugar, belug unnoticed iiulil lalor in tho uiorn-lu- It well enough to act In opposition more or less prolonged. And, Judging and had the prices of l(ti3 prevailed, It llow they escaped la not known, my lirethtvn. that the future hy the past, as Have Evans would have tuado a difference to the The speaker further declared leadbut It Is presumed that once outside, there DESERET TELEGRAPH GO. would say. many question of little were many things that the use a own to tholr are sum to cause hair- company of more than $40,000. "Sugar tlie see could that consequence they appropriat'd church of the ers bursa aud buggy belonging to John W. people could not understand and would splitting wrangle. In. view or nil the held out against the general decline It will In prices longer than any other article Mostag'. Sent to any Place on lUmlyuf Wilson's lane, which wa rebel sgnlnst If It was given to them, work yet before the convention. L'ne at Low Rales, llotli lie also urged unity between the Hrat he rather surprising If it complete the of dally uso. and I believe It will bo street. tied on Twenty-sevent- h Twelve Apostles, (ViiikHIuHoii in three week The expec- the first lo roeover its normal figure. and uigbt. Ofllca in lletu Hulldlug. Open glrle have attained ilio age of woman Presidency and the day other ofllcers of the tation thnt It will is largely based on Ya hope for some benefit from the hood, one being of dark complexion aud a well a thecounseled the the that hi AVIKRICAX certainty hearers, FOIIK, VTA II. nppicprtallon 1 and church, rent per pound dark hair, aud the other a blonde. will la exhausted within that time. bounty of uesrly to avoid contentions. n min above all things, which has been granted the sugar InM. I. Powers, the FATE OF THE APOSTATES. dustries. Friday. March Idaho Marble. lug mau, who waa until llulllon-llec- k at On his return from tho East lately. tha of President Woodruff followed PresiL'Ptb, foreman reAlwuit flrteen miles west of Montand ioke Iwlefly with Cutler spent one day at the Manager Eureka, Ilea in bod now In tho Holy dent Cannon, fate U. F. LAND REGISTER. of the apostate, who pelier. bln., wltn good wagn roads all Grand Island (Neb.) sugar factory, and Cross Hospital, Salt l.aka, aa a result lation to the In the church day tlie front withdrew In a the front that railway point, there there found matters way I'TAIL deplorable SALT l.VKI CITY, of Injtiriva he roculved by a cave in the or JeHepli Smith. Some of them is an Immense tm,y f un,. marble, dif- condition, on account of the drouth of mine un the Stub. Two days before Ills mid went back, but they were It whs only when Eve expected to be resignation waa to taka effect Mr. unable to recover their positions or fering so far front any other known in last summer. invited out tliat she discovered that she the T'nited States, a to make It desIowsrs waa around tho mlna taking ihelr power. It has been the had nothir.a to wear. Raising Winter Wheat. then sang. Mirant tined to become very valuable, in fact tho dally samples, wlieu a iiim of The choir same with the sex ever since. Boston conference the and t laird." of MrGammon. mid drove him on Ilarkness O. Ida., Peace, II. Transcript. earth and rock fell them I only one other such known In 1. six month. ?l was a wise child who, for the first him through the floor of tha luxel on to ;1, mi ned for the world, and thut is a small, stratl-- I has been experimenting in raising winexcould time seeing a picture of a group of anthe nest set lie fora hi men lied deposit near Honoa. Italy, and Its ter wheat, and has met with good rewondered how they got their clothes gels, tricate him, a second fell of clay struck Sunday School Conferenc. product is known among nimble deal- sults. In the fall of 1S93 he secured un over their wings. Life. him on the head and etuuned him. Assistant Oenoral Bupcrlntendent Bailor (deflantlyl It will take more than ers a tlu lortor marble. Tills deposit aed of the Red Turkey variety, and presidtHl at the nieel-Inc rge (loddnrd him he wee Anally released ho was you to held me. Fll tell you. In a In to time start good near get choir IDO the In a I shall inMontpelier rise Cannibal (significantly)-O- h. planted which was iqs'ncl by over found lo have three riba broken on the summer he harvested vite a few friend. Detroit Tribune. My feet high, and is an immense mass, the fall- "Praise Ye the laird. Wilright side, and lilt right hip Injured, singing, which after 4D00 Join." bushels of wheat, the Heart Shall hence from this aud a fracture of tha skull. liam Paxton, superintendent of Juab N. U. 3, 1895, SALT LAKE. size grain being large and plenty, and it A aaraul Issued from t'ommlssioner Stake, led In prayer. .aek. with produced flour equal to the best Minnnlheni. the then sang choir The of the most beautiful Pgure in old lratt's court, and the vigilance brands. The product was High on tho Alonntalti Top." and gold and various tints yellow, ' of browns, neapolise to the acre, and police are the only things that pre- ('rctier.il Secretary J. At. Whittaker while life mid bushel" twenty-fivbeauty is added in nu . thnt vented Mr. EHa Whelan, a Jewish wo- culled the roll, which showed the grain In sealed measures weighed V','"''11" 'u!e wl,l,e crystaltze-- l quart twenty-thre- e frem pounds to the bushel. Last man with a Hibernian name, from tak- Makes' cut efthirty-feu- r .arious nn- - sixty-fiv- e were present. It tak? n high polish, and for fall he seed id about the same area of (ten-orand of leave French fixtm Mouday the night report It appeared and the wheat Is growing monuments, wiiinseot-netc., the year before,That there mantels, Secretary Whittaker that church locality appears to all a more right. leaving a troop of patrons lo mourn her are (SO durable I and inaiide ing prettier Sunday schools in the the growth of for well adapted seiilnm if sudden lus. Already had she provided ever found. be It, sides of a with total these the world, cultiblack marble with golden tracing wheat, and fanners are largely herself and her eon 1hlllp. a youth of thmughiNit AND M.D21 otttccr. teachers and scholars. Ilarkness was well satvarious other shades and vating It. Mr. seventeen, with llckvls aa far as OgThe following authorities were sus- there are some was a wheat it that good country isfied of which are more like quantities, den. and thay had stationed themselves tained by a unanimous vote: IHjNT. flour nre claimed by a before putting In his onyx. These depi-sitGeorge Q. Gannon, general superinupon tba rear platform of the northrun hours twelve is which per of iiiimtvr mill, gentlemen who are developbound passenger on the Kiu Grande, tendent; George Goddard. flrM assistwater power which cannot ing to small extent, hut who will soon dsy." by when tha sleuths Intervened, and both ant superintendent: Karl O. M.teser. excelled anywhere, it being located do more much s. It. be Geo. Spence has a few rtvnd SMHlstant superintendent: a wore removed to pollen headquarter, pa it of falls on Portnouf to tine close very ll. tak"ii Karl from Goddard. surthe pviiueii (J. Gannon, George only a short race to get requiring where the mother languished through Alaeser, which Ganface. heen have A. II. river, sawn uml polGeorge Keynidds. feet ptvssine, and having water HEWLETT BROTHERS, the night on a cot In the patrol drivers' non. T. G. Griggs. J. W. Buninii'ihaya. ished, some of wh'eh will I Mit to sixteen that never freezes. L. W. Klchards. F. M. Lyntan, llbet Glilcagu and plaeht i,n exhlbltiuq den. enei-eeilin- r T'-u- lef.-reiii'- g exr-!.e- d ay tak-Iti- Nt-ur!- 1 coin-inuui- 'a 1 r ske d l.-- ol ongo-gaiioi- i p.-ii- SALT V I.AKK CITY, I TAII. THE LAR6EST r DRY sa-c- . 600DS HOUSE WEST. IN THE MNKIL, pur-chai- t- - - COMPANY, f'-- r Hw-llest.- . FYLER tln-m- r Hii-n- & BROS. s H. s WALKER y (nir hew spring and summer cslslugue, Thu Shopping Guide for many western slates ati'l territories, has just been d, of I'uiitainl'ig price and lllustratiuiis hew goods. SlN I) l!S YOCIl NAME l Un-in- and we will (usll you one KltEK. ii I Kai-t'-r- WE SELL ALL .SILK PuNLEl: WIDE SILK INDIAN UliOD IV (I'll, I) KISS hKKt.K 01' TI N 'J FLANNELS u.er-cha- - a u. Henry Lee y fc v IV uVc Sl'LKXDlIJ DUESS I.IMHIAMS.UIVi LAIHKS' liAL'E VESTS OS,' LADIES ItEljl'L.tit MADE m-l- i s GOODS LIKE THIS: ....FAST HLAl'K 1IOSE LENTS' IIALIIKIUHAN fide t'.V PER-1- EAK (iAKMENT SSt g -- Imr-C- s t roiii-liislo- e SEND FDK SAMPLES BROS. WALKER & FYLER GO. sis-ake- ....GRANT SOAP COMPANY.... Fu-tm- e th Mlsci-lliiiieiiu- KAl.T LAKE CITY, UTAH. si'inl-aniiui- a ir e.lnJushl Vwwe-uia- sllllml,-iessneH- 8 le nianufaeturare II Ilf DCT Htt (HiLKUKATED f ofth HI VC ' drv fiost t'ftaiiin prsf- erenee to itniurti'i You will get mure for ap. We make yuur tuoiiey nnd Iw Iwiur Mtlefled. all kind ol Mian LAUNDRY, CASTILE, TAH, FINK TOILET, SILVER Dl'BT WASH-IM- ti POWDER, etr. ate., and guarantee our good, to be abMtlulely pure. Aek your dealer fur It ANTS SOAP AND TAKE NO OTHER J. F. URANT, AGENTS WANTED Muuuaer. . . . M w. siiiili:v I s Sliei-etn-- C'errcipundenee r al , iii-- nl I'lininn-rcta- well-know- BYRON GROO COLUMHIA FOWLER LINDSAY IMrgsiss iu wheels. ereoiid-haii- MACHINE CO. WANT YOU UnnU or crlckM (Dp. ammunition, ete, send for our free to alL eatelugue, UB0WN1NQ UROfi., IK Main st. fisit Lake. plius. guns, lllus-tret- BEST IN THE MARKET! $75 and $10u fiend ts for catalogue All kinds bicycle supAddreae O. C. lierluger, plies sent hy mail. prop'r Ugden Cycle Store, SUS SMh et, Ogden, L't. BICYCLES! At $40, 850, &,& SEND US YOUR WHEEL, pairing and we will do it ovicxKa, chbxfkb, xxd sSTTua than any other house In Utah. ARE YOU AN INVENTOR? working model) If so, 1st us know whet you require, and eur will do the rest. 4tt Twenty-thir- S. J. GRIFFIN, OGDEN, UTAH. SL d GRAND PACIFIC HOTEL.' c. r. DEPOT. American and European Plan. All Modern Improvements. First Class in Every Respect. Depot for beak's Hat fieultarium Springs 81 TO 97 PER DAY. Salt Lai.k City, TRY - Utah. - THE WALKER HOUSE Balt Lsks, oas trip. GEO. K. JOMXfiON, l'Mpristor. SEEDS OF ALL KINDS. SJIIE S Ouj MottoG, ds ' SriLT TH hue'll hTl'hyr. Lwetiie arivJjTim'jjhy't'eds. butfffi of luat . Lpatsr-le- . l'iSctat's.?. O.iiuir-- ; Kggj &c. a imiuinys HunevY anjijjl !( k. The C. A. r.of Twine, Fgg AH 'S Dni'd Fruits! Fiilcfil Cas. jqnit SmurttiwailFProduce Co. OGDKX. UTAH. 1 X-- & WAGON IF BICYCLES! srUAYINO rUMI'S, IMPLEMENTS, VF.1IICI.K8. VIYERa ed st solicited for READING SEED & FLORAL GO All kinds of plkut. sud rut flowers ranstantly on lismL BoqueU. lir.akrts. Floret Designs for weddings and fuuanls tneile un short notire. Orders by tollpUour. tsleursph nr uistl promptly attondsd tx Orders solicited. All rut flowers C. 0. D. UtsdiBE Seed and Floral Co.. Salt Lake USE THREE CROWN BAKING POWDER. al rCHEST YOUIl (AKOCEK SELLS IT, s SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. |