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Show IWI i tM rui:.t, AMERICAN FORK ITEM. Ai..i ;.. iifi thei town., turn, Willie MILTON L. SCOTT. r ii iH'i li'i. He liuVe i " '' .! ijti'r, Amrrir in Fl'lk suin'.' r 'i ''it flit ' i M of them, whii h N a e.'ir,'Miiib.' ui."ii Wit't' 'i r i.t i j r. A! I i.- iii'liistii'oia 1 ii 1 hIiiiii Imi.i'" ol i V' r y d" h!: i.',: ." 4 Hi till inti l nf Ii ti. Jl'i-- 'si Ti 11 I fil; uilr-imi- tilt thlir i.!a..i : With .1 i tl.i in aiay tj I:. i . nmik-- . uf in! I'lili 1M.' 1 : 'ii t '.ill t' - u n, r Mu4 . M n i !n 1 I i : i iifi : 1 V . Ihetn-advis- p.-i- diw-ni'- I iuid n tell llirin that the editor -a i . i I . i etive in lihve ull.uio'd mi i lilies of l.liLim s. I'.ut Ibis III lift liiii u lieif Ihi.ii linin' oh s is i..pid!y j.i'iHing in ,i t 1 alii I l .! ' i I'fj ji-it., g'j ii.iot. i , i i I'. 111 'll . 4 a w. r.1 wiung. I -- mil go ii k a paper S' 'UK H"iilia out of nil. I y liftin' young mill iliiitkintf ilium! itn-i- r support, t linl-Hlol ho:i'i HnK f.iticy boys that "llieru m ! oiliem letlrr i'll' than iu In me tin Few of iii His. ilispOM'd pi mii to lU)inil you." Flirlitl, tve i. t get sliniii I be b .rdidi'i s 1, lit ll.i ir luth' is enm how we anil i' don't along without ynti, tlie i'll st dured, you rm get along very well ' witlnml Us, full Ileliee Ins lowri its quota of eieiy If cat'll uf u gel it inln i.nr IimhU IIihI loufi who ii ate im growing up i' Hillmut I'M ll mill r'f klll young H eCHIlIm in idleness and not do a day's to , aimr.g we will coiiiinlue to go Ino kw.'inU, jii'i-iUf ms me and within their live ra wi lohlli1 lillxt with Wllii yet ('III i yet fiileil is not uluuy the the eomse fault linlne .Moral: I'Hh'l the wagon Support It is anmetimii-- . willi the young inuns induklriks father, who permits his ami ti b'linge Ir llie CfMie t i t til ion maki-i- grant n about lnini'. ib. mg untiling mid binning the riL'ht II pareula wem a little more Sliffrage liny might linlli ng. juat in well iiiM it a roliiliit inn r limin', atrict in this matter, them tv. old be Ins I'ur equal aiiflmgt' meant prohibition. between labor aud 1 1 l ahead ; S 1 ! w.i-inr- 1 Faysiu Yea, controyersy Olohe, Iiri'tli, speaking, an i.iul prohibition, (.lainly ini'HUh Ii 1 lully reler you In Kansana, who have noted ii wmk in that stale, limy liitiu liulUUn. Juilgwg from the enilort who wrote the aUive itenia, iridiihitiou in Kanaai 1. lor must have been h they are Kan-aa- i boys, and would joeyr a fair llluitra i! i . t. J S.tlvi'. If :l!l . ( - - W TtlK iiiitioii of i n.Mi-n- t Slate capital happier and mote A lni.. p. "'i'i. 1 in. Me. Ni-u-- Jum j 1! mi l.url 1 Id.-- 11V tramp to lie piece- him.' tipcat suahes! an me bo.vi.f J)r. ICing'aNow Lite Filh, Fr-:- , us well as u copy of Ijuide to lh idth mid lIiiAs.'liold Iuetru.-tor- , Flee, l A.l M which w M do you mid eot you riot Iii n nt Steele A g.H.-t 'o'e Drug Stun! came u,.:t I let of teuriu' went oil with Efidfis 11 tliiiiu1. oin-i'i'- ttiibi.oi i joint she ii the til. !iii it no t : MTi.inl i - '. i.- . - n 11 - n I ii. I'T llltt 'i iiMi J i .m.l . 1 ii tii-.l- I."- j ' r. li', .. . : .. all LOCAL i ii- ' Foikrr In'i-- r ilriiikiog him, a fidi-.H- ' hi-n- a-- . , r lung ail to lij ) the top of my head. '1 lint's i ,al .'ai d my aiti4.1ti.n1 to the a (fair.'' 'Jana Siftings. .(murin',- - f.ir s Viit.j Trip, tlo h.iehin.iiil Now yiit're Mir.- - your horse.-- are in ni.lit vu'. ll:mkoian Hi, yes. sir. Trust mef.ir that. "It's only proper for you to Iiwhv that when 1 gvt thrimgh my lecture 1 like to leave in a hurry." "Wluit time shall 1 exaet you, I'm! all well-th- at will diqs'itd a gis.il deal mi thu audience." Texas Siftings. MiiUkin'd a lie', i,h-.ul- , sir-.- . ran sca'.t: iv uill J!nr- 'ToTikllUtJivwftT:'!. . J. - . RVIS'i'-.'.T- , if ,vj I : ii nr. i :1 5 Iv IT A T7fl U.tLfertho'j'i.i.'thuuC liLw Tl'jT'nvortto T:'TT i c:-.- " C MILO 11 '3 CURE. Crna y.Himrnyr' Own rouonForCaum Tins vriK'roaliolUertfall. - tmlcu.M thouti:' If taken la Ur ) f.i:.. Dor.vm,YOU. ii.1 w.:i i -- m J viGoa i iii-.'.- i- l-- 1 -- i " :05 " r. i.t also I. q: ir.I . F. I. !. fJVDLES .!i I1. Hotels wot Ill'IlVC ill'll Mm uni Jiub ' li: IS il .ill a iu 1 ;20 1 : Frisco p nt I surh uf Juab Smi'i.iv 'Trniii leave Balt at '.) :00 a ni, 0 MiO a p in. Train le.iyc Ugilen ol 2 :U0 a in, il :0U a A HI. Cl "St! eiuiiiectiiins S.)i,t Ificitic In-r- run daily : v Take il CiRAVELfS- r- fur Salt Lake daily in. 3 :150 Lp in and U .20 i T cliesper Mid Tiiit tbnn teleplt nr word for -- 5 Twrerty-livmesasgei. ccntitoall idlicii between Salt Lake aud liepbi inclusive. All other point at equally low rati. Ollier in Iteu IWk a'.l S'. .t 'Ti BEST fONSTIPATION, i rr : 25c. BLAODER. ai9 ?sr sirs . For Sale by Fork train. Logan all Druggist. -- N. 3 at Denver, for Oin ihn, Kaunas City. Train train St. i ;; ! S II . II. Di.nr.u E L. Lomax, G. P. & T. A. E. Dii hixsox, Geii't Agt. BsnYSFRiediandg 3I3iYUDM.-iS.Yf,-, f'EAltU, W. )Iixk, 1 lv Ki.i.euy Asiihisox, John M Dow i's FllKirllICK U.ClII - cGEBIG Ll2E OF THE WORLD lteceivers. III.IlT. Tin Op.iy Line BURLINGTON IKAItVIU.E ROUTE. fc ' r-- KNOW that telcgiaph Is cheap- e. ft aud aalei than I'se the Dtseret- Telc-piiuu- k APEX, , PUEBLO, COLOR A VO Wceky Excursions to anti From New York .SPllIX' iS. AX V DEXV 'll EilW'iire April 2tf. 18W. Train No. 2 leavi Ano-ricain. arrive at i'.icljio a! ForK al .10 u in, Ciiloradu Soilings 7 :01 a m, Denver l'J :30 a ill, Cl ippie (.'leek !:5U a in. 3:D2 a Traiu No. 4 leuvis (j Aiuericau Fork (stop nu signal) at 8:05 p lit arrive at ihieiilo 5:27 p in, Coioidiio Spric.g 0:33 p in, Denver !):25 p in. Cimtii-ctio- : s in "i - .it Fill hlo, Colorado Springs and Di'iiier wi:!i k I lines cast. Khg ant iiiy e i.ieiics. clis'r c:i:s, n nt Iuiliiinri Sli-- p' i oil all ti:iii,.-- . Take the D. A lb li and hav-- ' a eomfot table i-i trip sod enjoy tie- ?;.iit ry on the . s.-- cnntiniiit. Train leaving A.n.i.o n F a in ainycs at '.) A. h. :50. at Crq Ifr.lHi, ur S; 02 (.i'. k in hi 8. iv. liilxl'K I, U.i. & T. A. Colo., Denver, Colo Traffic uigr., Dt-nvs- IJ. ii. .1 NkVIS. (en Agt, Salt Lk.- city. L: F. 1 1 1 (l av, - .!.;t l'u. Agt. u- -i .m -- ow 'i: Rhiupiid: Two Hmly to Eit Tn.iiia Tln'onjrh con-veuie- AND , a ' v omk Louis nii'l Cl. icag-i- Be-fiir- e HA pop a p. in., ic:in Fork at 4 Mill aniving at ui.-iv. Through ilillinan Bleepers. L'i!hii il.'u-- j a ni ami 0:40 p in. Free Reclining Chair Car. Trains fur Tnoelc iuii daily except Dining Care A la Curto. - im biy leaviu - Salt Luke 7:43 a in. n trim Ivi leave American Fork Secure your tickets ut K. G. W olliec, I :: ( in arrives at Eureka 11:30 a in. A. L. 11 h. Kits, agent, R. G. W. Tweiity-tiiii- r hour, to Denver: 3Q " iii r t i Uiinlia; 4S hour to Kansai city American Fork, lid Ciiic'ig", ou ll.iiii iiilier the Uni'iii Pacific is tlie best w. v. u. iri Agent, Sum.' fur New and Arizona. Himiii 11, Over Xo, 10 Wist Second So. buy in-- yuur tickets get our figuri-Salt Lake City, Utah. For l:irtii.T iiifnriiiution a to rates, in Hi, etc. ca.l on nr write, J. M. IIaydf.n, I). E. Ilriti. ky, THE vieii'l Agi.. Agt. Americuu Fork. Puts Dl'pt. Salt Lake, City Tick e oili.v 201 S. Main st, e I fia-:;'- . 8:2!) Burlington Route - TO c I LINE Iiy Connecting daily with made at Ogileu with .t . u-- U. W. Evening train, i leaving ilvxFi-rx.- V: Utah. - - except 1 k- Survcror, and Miu-r- al v Lake for Ogden daily i m and 5 :20 in, 2 fp t Fnrk. Ut ih .it Vi.i.-ri- Alll-'rieai- Ti i'ns . 1 1 " lv 4MJ0 "Ti .1 every rvi-uin- ar I ' lm!d M.iiid iy lit 8 00 p. in. Visii'ng llre'.lurii 1 ttt NEW SERVICE - 1 S12S.I Aa'I'Kicv, Pi mix, cox. rr : -- (Nt. 0:05 a ni Mill'nr J ar lake-id:- -: SMII) Juab lit) 10:00 co cut Xutary Public. 8 MID Fpliriiiin XI lull 1 U.S. Deputy 3:27 2 Mil) ll. 15 L't'i i cuiwry .sen yf.you, " I! :.) ll ::17 pnriila cli GS S Mil v ANDREW Al)AMON 4;ii:t A special Pullman Excursion Tourist M Sleeping car will be attached t i Km (ir.'itnie Western Kill way tain living U. UgiiiMi 0:15 p. ill. mid Sift Lake 7:2) p. My it u. rkl'.T !'.( '! tr.'S. a: '1 it.i am t."n. iu. Friday, ruuiiing tliru.igli to ice , $2I a tu Curt livery Cum ol Pn i ! ii ,fti.i( '...ut. w-- .i.i l a. .1:;:,.. jj. D. A lb G., II. & M. and C. via Chicagii i require both V't.l x :u:fk ll i' IfcM'f. 11, ka :.. 11. A i'll U. It. j 'a! i, (j S!ure' Fftmoufl t)irc! 'itiMdlies tn .clI'r.v turrl'.ilW. i'!tr I it F :.i ' 'i' ) i.i": ,; Secmid cl.is ticket accepted on tve JiMAUS. ,'ufAi'vr tib . -- r ; ,pe. tf.i.J I , a.! c i'ai rh, bMntbuis hy Iwif f .ui h.i thi C'.r Close connections mado if h ne, throit, r jnv c si. liviieJ ut Chicago with all lines. luv.'jt. ue Or. li. W. Shum' Cla rki,? j I'jNsnr (ioieiin.l f c arJ IMiukI Purl" r(.r't Cure, t i!i c!iN?ie end Faips tor Double Itirili. ii ..ire hc Ai.irth. Hi c a;- -, f.i.e tr. ditkm. Ogden, Price and itiiennedi.ite - , l;vr r trouble, $ 300 points In Oinnhu '1 'V. S!i ir. s K Iuv hr I Liver Cure; anj out nt iii. ( 1. V. M.rV (,! Ogden, Price and liiternu-iiialu tv !'"ii. ll y ur imuble is chronic 4 00 points to Chiciign we.i; J. ur.:r Jr ti. W. Slures frstrtully ,. .. nr ha ur case dlaf am of a salaried It will he in IS t,v .. i 'e free sr.'i e' eri n of the Burlington Route and Or tl W. ih'irri Tonic and lllMid Purifier strength and will lie accompanied hy a Pullmnti pi .v's.sNnJ rurd.vi tue u.V r and all nrrvuus diseases. whose soul duty it will lie to look ni 0 tl r'r r'i r Kulnev anJ Liver Curt after the comfort of the passengers uorr Or 0 'V l!ir k i.er anJ blaiitr. The car, whicc will form tin through r ' NH!e. thve ii?esaM coughs, line, are constructed on tlie miii genet a! Shores Or 0 l a ii os One Jse till suy plan as first class bleeping rais, Vs a. J tru-irig ktffr boiste n ilir bouse. Large equipped with upper berths. The lowcr. tu t into ronitrtaMe' Or. ii. W SStvei' Mountain 5age Oil stops the bertlig are converted I r htf,iJ,-!!. li.ctlf, seat rs.ii in fit ni n'i'.r. - c during the day : the upper berths u dmitiuHv saJ m ri i.i:--i'.i, . it uveJ la are closed . Picrnu "J iu;.. i'fM'ri rf rtlta. i nit Ktf r. J t' 'e..- - l:.i- - 'v. I'riif. 2' They arp equipped with curtain, Jtslravt mattr.-ssesItrsliy, Vcrmliuta pr.. a. (V. Sh ires'J rta'i.t-, rnunJ lulir iht first blanket, nieet., pfdcr.'s and in . ili.'v hell inJ hrrri. ll reicr ls.li. Plica case, towels, coniti, brush.' in fact 4 Hil'p. hr- - ( w Slinrts' Wlnttrgrcta Salva cum all every r'';'ii!le for cnmf.irt und cotnvni-ence- . IVt-iian black k!n. Itrr. , t rtl nd i srs ' .it ':,ttlie tact desiring a cp-aj- i II '. o'l jim in ;loV2yi. fr.i:n means of rcnclii:-(.'liicago or Pill the Last const cannot do l tier than to Shores' lit. . k htriicht anJ bilious r .' ur arrange to make the trip m this fashion. h Iriif. iiuli fvnous W. F. McMillan rfmrJ.tpi ve prrpasi only by DoctW I. A. Ilcr, tun. riftf Lake C.'n'l Agt I,. K. Tkt Agt K 0. W.. tf. W Shows, lim a MtJ.il liisMuta. Sait Ciiv. 15 W. 21 B. lb io in 11. aver ID W. Salt Lake city, Utah, Sold by The. StcmuJt Co., Druggiili uie tlian all tlu I 0:1a li w it. oMore Back Ache Fori; n Cr.nt Live Mo v.n:;-.- . t'.-- spi iugviiie Si. "rk l.IJnilll Ni'plii i ."5 a m ur. 11:15 p m Iv ' . t 11 5 .g. Ci.'.t., lUi Bold by Steele A Co., drugn;, ' quality - Mi'i-ling- s S'll'l II. I X i. 2. I.is, j J. L. Dlnkm.v, Al. Daily. Finuaci i. 0:11 ) p til 5:2 lv Tounl.nrs i i 5:10 ar S .It Lake II. :1 I. II Akm.-- i itii.Vi Chi i f 11 iiivji-- . STATION'S. Am 12:55 p in Captain Bwcrney, t'- -i AFj.n r'.'.o,r,-- ) .; Wiikiha f.it.'.vh i MSyai meilM-inkavocverfifiui'l I'., t wiui. uilo um r Iy lirutait. JuiyfiVoO." Pricolkiei-- C "I'', ... to - O. F A. ! !l belli Juiiei'im 4:2i Lihi 4:10 .1.15 ::J l-- 111, Ftrk. S nike itii'in Ogd'-n- . . ) 11 . II. -- Tch graph im .saies ten lime inure reliable of .ni lii:55 " CORDIAL " building. M D:52 STBEHGTHErriO fr-eve- style . ...n- - l.- -t Ilat ahapea al Ihinkley'a 4. g&OLm t uteri! this. asarc i.4. D . i ki-- l ii f Jhf-.n- . "Ml Tlie Oilils AB.iinsI Hint. "I don't feel right ulmut going in there," said Cliilbson i'eevor, in fruutuf HIU itl s ) i I 1 I a pliysieiari's house. i The legislature of Texas is uly "I'sliuw! lie's one of the liest doctor a ciinaidi tux i wh to hill ring in the eity," rejdied Collin foies. tefuse to tiiairy. Thi placol it: T know; hut bsili ut liis sign 'Xiu Tiik Fravo Kiiijuinr ii holding the n Htlumm. bftwern lh hnrbt iinpwl.ttcau Delegate utrirtty to ttimr tu oiu.' 1 VVI1?" nekiiowl-edg- " or tux must the lie VVoiuan thw pay campaigu ( ltilgea regarding Well, I don't take nuv sneli chances the l.i'ii. that refned girl is Those That Suffrage plank. right. as that. 'nek. Delegate!, who were sent lu the Conven l ull nf Tutim. lion on a W'oiii'in'a Suffrage, rail, are vio' What's th ina'tei- - w it ti you two fellating that pledge, and winking against lows?" huh! a )atri.!;!!:ni In two trump.' That ia not right. The peoSuffiagi!, Why don't you wm-- .o.ur'- - ve?" "Wc's too liusy." explained one, uf Utah hay had no opportunity to ple "Hiisy at uliat?" i knrers themselvi on the iju atom, mol .Scourin' the eouiilrv." said the for the to heap 11(1011 them other, with a luvad giim Cicveluikl aom.-ihinthey do not want, ns you Voice. might N'iy, a total auiprise, without first making a canvas ut the public sentiDR. J. H. MCLEAN'S ment, might prove a minus injury to No campaign has been our State, waged upuu Woman Suffrage, hence we should not he deprived of our franchise. These are masons why tha question '12 BLOOD PUESRER ought In be Mibiniio d se urntely. 15ul AN .Ml in IT!! I'll It A jlMl the Kmuinr delights in hurling it priK'. Siomueli Iswpf i. Ijiwt 1,.P trlu, 6!i ui,.i lq-.'- '. ms! urc jw'liry 'imadcasl, that it ia right I'lra anl taltistaxlsar.,; a icnli' tlie liul.es. I'i lee 1. to! t Midi ur, i.t. to alap bang Suffingc into the bo.lv of THE P1. J. M. MILF.AM MED. CO the C'onatituion , 'll is ia not good doc B. F. O Jt'ki and Vunghttr 3T. C.OUInS, MO. wnl ii.ii.kIo: s's trine, and we hope the Woman will get a i'i but the people Suffrage nmy nii'l n.'iglil'orv. 1 lu l ny -- not thu (hinveiitinii should vote upon Bil l my f.ien.li . M y.p'.j iL'iiiiV an.t elianja ei pr;. it. II the plank muiilns iu the flu:. .lie !:.( 1:1 1 liclp .ie. Pat It r.l', S.rvipw wliieli there is no dould luit that it will, it is prohuliie that Staltdiood will lie voted down. Then what? llro Clove, with llro. Smith in puldiehing the pt per, and aonrehnw waylaid for him: hut," aays the editor, he iSiuilh) slil liyiaon.'' lie mutt live, however, or l wotildn't have writl n the ary. Xu limns wne mioti 'iied in tlie whole hi tide, hence the troiiMu ol ably bothering with a libel sui Was it to 'tin Ilm. liny Leed it. and utlier vaiaUu-.a- , to, ov, r loumi have which no uobht you there, 18it5. 1. Hoods r, I'iiat'ClssM phoicgiaplis are a joy is worth a like A that you pictuie tair price. A picturo you lon't li..e, Get idiuto where at any price. you lee the finished worn, tirtore vmi re required to make any payment, II in haw. Joy & 1 aer, the "Illinois Tour-ntaIf the do hiiiues on this pl in. wi-rduu't Miil v oil, don't pay for it. in Kjfift N t'i Chl i'f ft 'iJi ' I jh?e H iiboot my hi'V't'g I iq. If 'bin. me ami TI2IJES hr Jii!)!t . at a ipii.-tl- V; : a ipvit l price. I AniCinih 1 siltin-- ' LdtBxf Soiiffx oL t lit liny J list tlfCPiVPil, C.lU ah.-See ir. Finfit Line I'ff.'u '('( a tKn in thi City " I ginr.-inti-e.- l Weekly. llow IIh (Mih" In I.tiuw About It M iiai-ks- , w y mi prcucut when the I! lit n .li place-.-- I v.as. "Will you please explain how it "I was of A Stofrk - If a w ll n net have la'cntlie ln.iihi him of." M. Y. joint the I tramp FISHING TACKLES. Slicet Mtisig, ! t rrit.ly iMi-- ul 1, lmuic elm ii..' i vt i a OL' tul mag-v- i k.inq.li- 1 ( K r;is:s.ii ' r. lit I... ' u.ti , 4(4 ill ive it. b.ive ti'.w tl.i- - opp.r:iu.!!y (.'all 00 tin- ,.v: iy it Free. . ir-un- INK I nIITLV - that ;mi brought "No; hut aniuiid and m ted the dog lir.i'1', .lit ! I di-ii- 1111 . r 1: :,n I. if. 1 l!i n , U!i. n.y AKi.K I A NUilOXS 11 .f'Mii 14 Mis. S'.ihiii'b !!:nt writ ye.sli r.i iy Al.h ptilt Drug , - Urn Smith of the Spanish tihl iren.1 to have hern tliieatcned with an untimely iKatli by "n couple ut hoodlum dentiata" over there, judging from the column wiite up he givea them. It item these fellew were in rn hoots WE HlMHS mi l s'VourH ital will ete long ri'Uie tii in all jirnh Strong m ntiiui nt in in luvur ability. of l'rovo City, tbe dihulitlul and lirButi tul gardeu rpot id tnli. t'eiitially In the n, lulled with fine houle rated ward and threaded with pure mountain f realm. Finest epot lor eapital grounds Evan the people away up in in I'tali. Cache yalley are in layor of I'rovo. II the (juration of location wai submitted to the people, we believe, without tin; ji'Kii-- , that Ilovo would witilhuday. It is the ptoprr site and all that, uo one lor w niouieut questions, hut proper things So let the are fdnn dune improier. the whin the to people, qwMion go time conns. pii p'f & So, SitlXiSKS I' . h Cap- l l 4 ii .MKDiC'I.NKS WK II 1'.. lll( . . 1 ' ... tlin i , i ..H'iI.'Ii ! 1:1 . ii tlC 4 '.y t! , . 1 !i Il4 ' Si.ill J'.ii: ' ! 1.0 p..y o.y euu I.l s, - g,l .1 ni: teed to give pr .' ..I "i. or 11.01.1 y r.lun iiii. !':. . i; ix .v- 1 ' 1, . I1 1 1 i.. acy ii.. 1 tlun a a strong argument against proYou buys can aland tlda al hibition. a vole hy it.J tl we make right, ll Steele - contented people. t e leaprel . we would be a I '-- 53! i V.I.M I I ' ln-i- spelled T1ST V ip in J 'ii Fuh:v. IAm'.luan - e S I) K -.i". (Ml t t l.l'll'l . .'.(O Mill T,-- tlM .i il. i. 'a ;l.. ir u.'ti'. !, i.t net-in;, I bij'.v.'is si'ii,, i'i- in- n, n ... :'-- i 'V .'! . , ' 1 Jtt' vi.ii j ,r t Uit iUii, U'l.'ill, (. vp iii ri.f , J1. 1 urn! 't f i 1 'i I ,. i In-- "t is l.i I I , t lilllliS, Vi iii. iJi s..' x 'm 1 . tiki' i in -; . :! r li. I'ai. i I i . c- ( . I i til1 I -- - . r i . - Jf'l'lijn- - J I i .i ii - icln i 1 .in,' t iN MAIi. i ' I I Iv. i alamr ll i1 ll. ill- i liilr. V , r'MIJil' I i :i 1: is a f.ir i.v I i Male t.Yit 'Tiili ii j.. 'i.t iivc.i y : J ill tin- I : M lllij'i''ili lu.'l.t srtilll, a ..111 U l!,r-f i,l:-,;ii it . r Bo nnr iv i li rs Mi.l I'.iiuriiin to . I' i. tiny, f'ii rlfata by tu'.lii.g iIkv .. r.ppr emt niir . a i i. 'my j, . ur name 'in tin: I'llu.'' m. l I nv.ng ll.iHi . i : . ut hi :vcry fa!1 uf nil tin Uinn I';t, til. c mu l;l u Li j r.i la.iij; ci:i 'mi will. like l.iiu.lin.s iiiur buys, tlie oil I'ruin a If they get cki:fc, S(iii!ige Every rliiinn in u m wpiper eonUin charitable thun-mid lioin twelve tn twin-ipiece of v. Coll Dll, He Would ihel! V.'uv u i.ietal ilikpla riin-u- t n'.'etiy wf.irli would . t e.u or In work cause a blunder or typogiipbic'tl ur.ir. Jiellllig people and fnilii'is Our grmidlntlioir A li'l jet mine people lay claim In re Imd ni old fusiiimied ob a tint if they markable mnulnes if tin y cm cmil l no! get hi rk it $1 it 'b.y, it was mi error in uewtiMpir. Wl.t-- they tind or le.s. a dny better to w ik f.r I'. Irl'i-n word with a wrong let r in lioi do llinu to outl.iug 'Ihogienl ni ij"riiy pell misplaced they lire i':n lit y ol i nr Hi'iililiv mi u of In duy. In grill lile a . fir me word and that right widi that ides, and by baid woik, .liiii whole day, anti go an Uloi to the Hi i .ii nml leonoiny, ti ei lias gelit n in ut I l l ('j's'it.- ll 'lli I !. M'f I r As I '! 'i ln.r hi "Viiii 'iip ' iij.tiflo : - k S Iik , iT J I'lllav1! - I IP. Ir t ;lk , ::.'j i In 111 ;f i j ,r,j..'4i' :,r ' I .III A. CHRISTENSEN.. , liiii'! I'dr l L'umI tri.l A I iei:"u alt AjlMUl i I'll'. I.rte i ii t iy, h,M,i! i.t l.'irt II .t. U IiTi s - ill- Dn -- y- . i ! Hi 'j l i! v. fa: i v ' I.'1' i ) lel-- JMH ttui luur the l:o i'i.c. i'1 ii.ii'ii'.'ii i j I Mill Miil I, I. i. .Mil iii , ' a. lll.'ilr-l'- i to ii'1 .u!i . hwli ij.it no, ii: in n.i-ii- . tar;! c, is I It t. lliii-1'- i:i. i"W is iilAiil'- - a . , u .i , . ' ii. t.Uii! iini'li urk cminuuuty. f thl; :ii, -- c J :i l:ii'i! ll Icwi r I. . ac . : i tin1 .t !..i , 15 Wl ini ti.f ' G,r .i ii'.t to in o.: J '"'b X'ncx'xu !... i.'oS f .in.lui ii1., t:." Uit'lY AM) I'lCirh a::s ' it,' . !. .!i i rr i: mka, :f ft Nat a Ttrtn Hunter, Ort.a!p-nmn-ii-- Aai.-r- i Ercr-'t- , r ; Count K t; ;'!i l.icl 'i'-- I never Ce.qiil.t of fur liis ni'iiii.v. It Mmf r.in I'.I ' . !'-hi- m you y . . I'T. i'.i.niied 1 A. V. Wochlv. a pi, Mrs. do r.'yvtT If I :. du to in.' I'd you a.- you ix.i' o't.-n- . Mrs. Dm :in;r T ' y-- that we moved last mouth. tip, ' ; m 1 1! - . rirti mjc i V.uow Judge. |