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Show THE AMERICAN FORK ITEM. VOL. INCOME II, NO. 3$ TAX DECISION. THE SUPREME COURT INVALIDATES PORTIONS OF IT. Land Rent Tax Void Revenue from State and Town Bonda Exempt The Deciaion Makes a Losa of Fifteen Millions to the Treasury. AMEKK'AN FOHK, in 1 last '.1 was 1S.120.4S7. which, during the . very materially. Dwellings, ivpieHenl only a mini part of the eapil.il invested ill buildings of every character which produce einii-inorentals. little was expected on Slate, county anil municipal IhiiiiIk, hut the total loss it is thought, will not f.ill short of IlS.UUO.llOO or 12u.iiinmk.io fur the lirst year, and tills loss Is expected to increase rather than iliininiHh In succeeding years should the law remain unrepealed. The loss of I liia revenue, however, it not the only cause of regret among the officials. Tlie fact that tin court was evenly divided on the main constitutional question, it is expvi-leWill result in almost endless litigation, thus very materially adding to the exiwnse of eollecting the tax. Nevertheless the interim! revenue officials will proceed at once to prepare supplemental regulations to cuiiforin to tieday'a decision, ami from now on until next Monday, when the time expires within which returns may lie made, any returns in w iiii-l- i incomes from tents amt bonds arc will Is regarded us a full with the tax. Persons who have ulreudy made tlieir d turns and paid the tax will lx of the change in the regulations, and as soon as HsHilil the pmimrtioii-- e amounts of tax puiil hy each on ivnts and bonds will lie refunded to l hem under the general law, which authorizes the commissioner of Intermil evenue to refund taxes wrongfully colhowever, MINERS KILLED. TWENTY-ON- E has undoubtedly live years, ITAII, SATUKDAY, f. FIRE DAMP EXPLOSION AT NEW 1 1 WHATCOM. AlMilL i:i, lN!Ki. Hie railroad I 1511 lius a reward of ROW BETWEEN DIGNITARIES. for Die arrest and or . of the rolihi-rsGLENW00D ROBBERS TAKEN. GOVERNOR OF ARKANSAS FULLED HIS GUN Hc-- id Up a Gambling Out lit and Were Bunkoed by Their Pul. Ili-WihkI Springs, Full i., April Tltr To 8hoot a Legislator Blood Would Ware has apt nil'll two in-Have Been Sited but for tlie Inter- Duof gang that raided Die Slier ference of Friends Wichita Man Club gambling last wci-k- . suing IM.i. Tin- - i iniiiri i iiiv nlivvr Shouts His Wife at Cltuirh. Jacobs ami lfnh neither of whom ufii-iv- 1"U eU' h i Death Came Without Warning and from an Unexpected Cause Most of the Dead Were Single Men The Superintendent Miaaing. ti ni- ro-un- s tii- - c ,.f I.illb- - Rock, April 7. The spectacle Tacoma, April 8. A Legdcr special with (fuin, broke Washington. April k. The anxluUHly and t.,,i tlu- officcis h..w an explo-siu- ii from New of tin- Aikausas An Whatcom says: awaited decision of the United States i u me cn horseback to from tire dump in Blue Canyon they Glen wood, I. gndntiui', livid with riigc, epiiiing tti.-irt . Ih.ikcs Supreme Court in the income tax ease afut in Hi,, raivlrui-kor the cuuil on Governor ol face the mil mine, Whatcom, this L'nnrcili-ntti- . was rendered liy Chief Justice win, , iimc in mi tin- - train ibis ternoon killed twenty-on- e men. quiekly Fuller. The court knocked out the luw 'complisli.-itheir mission, u W. A. Telford came from Die mine Hj by n violent emission ut uju-ccc-l-us far us it taxes incomes derived from t..geih,-to Ihe edge of the, ill Ive saliva upon Die fcaliir-- of tin-laHe was at the bunkers when town. rents, and also from State, county and when, tlicfi cmifi'ili'i'u! maker. nul a llourlsli uf liruai ms in the explusion occurred. He went to the Imt tni'uicipul Ix.nds. By a tie vote of the incline and found James Keurns at the them. tiiklliK With him Hie Im.nll... I.uti i In bam Is ( the liiivvi nor, was witcourt, the law was sustained in other to j in Die lobby ol liUttHuu'H J i t nessed Asi-upromising niect them at mouth of the shaft nearly deud with resiHi'ts. The court's conclusions after bun- - tins afternoon, viul was tin- Mill In the Junction. exhaustion. Kearns all said ' Tlie Isiys then gut iinir hurst-- anil d Die sensational reviewing the historical and other of bribery tu Hen were mine dead. He had carried phases at the question were as follows: where they walled unxlmis-- y rnmifelinli witll Hie coiiiliiissiini bill, Morgan as far us he was aide, and rode In Charles l'uiluck vs. the Farniers' for t il l r friend, ip, never ruine. sn img in tin- - Holes- - of ItepivMviilnlivvs dropped him. Morgan, he thought, la pan & Trust et al., it is esby wus deud. Kearns and X. Gellum were SILVER Valley of CONFERENCE CALLED. tablished : I'lnllips county. the only ones who escaped out of twenty-fFirst-Th- at Mr. hiiirlini ol Julies liy the Constitution Fedour coimly. one of men who were at work. Toni Minuend a eral taxation is divided into two great Coinage Men of All Par- Hie priiieipiiis of tills affair, ruse to a were the Valentine and Anderson J. t. clusses: Direct tuxes and duties, im- ties Invited. question of imrsoli.ll privilege und deIncline men, and they escaped. - A sKH'i,it Irion Si nounced Governor tlaik us al tliq (justs anil-- excises. Chicago, Apnl Soo At of switch the the gangway, Second Tile alii. Minn sa Tln-riniosition of direct will In it l.iii tu of tin- charges, lie eaid Dial feet from the mouth of the tunnel, u tuxes is governed by the rule of apwas Governor and I'luik eo eiititoi in Miiim-snt- a Krkiuud and Telford found the body of frit silver was tinportionment among the several States, emiuiig summer or fall, it tin- going uinuiul likein an assassinim-i- in and beyond were three during Huberts, George i to the ill and night, numbers, Illest slabbing according imposition likely be held ill the latter wiio loaded cars which had been blown off of duties, imposts and excises hy the wide Ills Of h'epti mlmr v liirt the the earl of next found the track. body They days Tills ufterriooii li.ivfiiior Clink went rule of uniformity throughout the UniI,iiininiirs of lip. i.lna "an. into of lien Morgan, who was dropiied by tin- - lobby of Gleason's lintel and ted States. moving quietly, and hoe within a Ecklund and others. Keurns, They wit It Dl in. Joins Third leqiiestisl un That the principle that lected. were unable to go beyond room 21, live month m two in have tlie plan y tliut he Would aeeoiupiiliy tlie taxation and representation go togethleplieil matured was tunmuch Attorney-Gener- a to hundred from tlie it feet the of uiunrer to the Governor nowhere, mid Dint If the Gov-eriiOlney angle er was intended to be and was preat that part of the decision nel and gangway. Their safety lamps general pill. lie. had anything to suy to him he served in the Constitution by the es- surprised At present ihc iroiPiiinilt d f,ie siln-which exempts rents under the income went nut, and the gas drove the exmake It known then tiiul I here. tablishment of the rule of apportionmen in tlie 1'oligrissiiinal dial riels are mist rethe As to back. section of tax. act the plorers Hot words followed, and in n lit of ment uniong the several States so that In room 21 they found tlie bodies of being emiKiilted ns to the feasibility anger Jones nting to bonds, the Attorney General spat in Die Governor's fnee. such apportionment should be accord.it her exiiected an adverse decision, Thomas Conlin and James Kirby. It and the advisability of holding such n Governor Clark, tiviuhling with unge ', in each State. ing to numl-er- s inn. Is vent It In addition to the four oil is planned mi broad returned Die Insult, und quick us u ut he regards the action of the rourt supposed that Fourth That the States surrendered the rent piiqioKitlon as having been found, nineteen perished. The gas was Hues untTWilT take in every iemiHint lliisli had drawn Ills revolver, und Die their power to levy imposts and to reg- onaken ml so was bethe thick lie that who dcsin s to lillii-til- l on rescuing party eveiy technicalities, which might have lestiltiMl In blood' ulate commerce to the general Ouvern-inen- t, will not stand the test of time, able to stay only a few minutes. participate, providing he Is an avowed sill'd hill fol' tile quick ill'lloii of one of and guve it concurrent power to lievescannot HilviN-utof ri , silver coinage or ilii' Iiyslatiilei's, who dlmrnied Governor LIST OF THE MISSING. remain the permanent law levy direct taxea in reliance on the and Is favorably iIik,i.-k-'- i toward Ihe w lilt Clark. Tlie missing men with families are: the land. On all other points the protection afforded by the rules pre- ofiovernment. metal. serTlii- - Governor vviis inter nm-sleD. V. JONES, superintendent. by n scribed, anil that the compromises of ious cause for he believes, has no unstable and released on Ills own re JAMES KIRBY. complaint. CLEVELAND IS I'l.E SKI I. the Constitution cannot be disturbed by lie will, he says, plead It is universally regretted that there ANDREW ANDERSON. legislative action. Chicago, April v A s.eciiil to Die eognixanee. to tlie ehuige o! iissaiill JAME8 M'ANDREW. Fifth That these conclusions result wits tint a full bench to hear Die case, News frmn Washington quotes guilty Daily Furlher trouble may enCHARLES 8ILVKRSOX. from the text of the Constitution, and anil should Justice Jackson resign 'resilient ml as saying: "I am sue. morning. MIKE ZE1LISKY. are supported by the historical evi- there is very good reason to believe Ills deeply gralilii-- by tlie stnnd Senator Tlie single men were: JuNES'S STATEMENT. dence furnished by the circumstances successor would almost certainly be 'uliner has taken against Die irnioK'il event which LUCUS in LATKA. to the favorable given law, and the free silver convention in Illinois." The outIn ii Mali'iiieiil of the iwcurreiiee surrounding adoption another test esse very soon would be framing E. P. CHASE. ItepreselilHtive Julies said: of that instrument and the views of resident discussed the new silver dinI had Just left tlie iltnliig-ruoi- n after THOMAS CONTIN. court determination. fur to the those who framed and adopted it. brought inoveineit ut eonsideralile length, and ner at i ili'ii son's Iluirl und taken a sent GEORGE ROBERTS. Sixth That the understanding and the the west in of oftiee on Ihe the facing the side, action Illinois deprecate! BEN MORGAN. THE SUGAR CRISIS. expectation at the time of the adoption State committee. INditirinns who are east wall, quietly smoking u cigar nnd JOHN WILLIAMS. Sudmu trouble whatever. of the Constitution was that direct any acquainted with Senator Palmer's priHENDERSON. I lies nl the front door open very taxes would not be levied upon the gen- West India Committee Wanta Boun-tie- a ALEC vate views mi the silver question read denly iy, WILLIAM EVANS. on lookbig I wiw I'mvi'riiur slid and Dutiea Abolished. abrupt eral Government, except under the ween the lines of Ids published inliet i raw from Ills oftiee. ISAAC JOHNSON. enter the 'lurk pressure of extraordinary exigency, terview this morning a plain warning I'oiiiileiinnee I April 7. Sir Julian Washington, that he nteiiiil trouble. WILLIAM LY8TER. and such has been the practice down Pauneefote, to his that Die if June coiiven-lim- i vacated my rhnir about Die time he ixirty Embassador, CHARLES RAMBERG. to August 15. 1894. If the power to do has furnishedtheto British reill-heme. will declares for free silver, he the Department of SAM OLSEN. so Is to be exerlcsed as an ordinary and "The Governor. In a very nhrupl insn-rie- r, leave the parly and carry with him u a copy of a circular Issued by J. A. MORGAN. sabl: 'Come lack here with lue, uiul usual meana of supply, that fact furn- Slate nr Adminisi following large ration ut tlie London of MARTIN BLUM. i ..me Inwards Hie Dine mulkolu-ishes an additional reason for circum- the West India committee Democrats. The sugar production. nr. I was totally iinurinud, and felt Safety lamps were used everywhere spection in disposing of the present concerning to nut is 800 I said. 'No; It Embassador that I list Is out me. to lie The kill of intended the gangway. tunnel explains WYOMING TRAGEDY. case. I will lint du it. If you have iinylliilig to feet long and the gangway 1000 feet regarded as an expression of opinSeventh That taxea on real estate be his Government of the commitsay to me you i'iiii suy It here.' ion rooms open- Senator Hurt of and has twenty-si- x me by ihe right arm Casper Kills Wilbelong to the class of direct taxes, and tee'llbyviews. The circular calls atten- long, "He then It. The fans were kept runwith the taxea on the rent or Income of tion to the fact that the sugar indua ing (mm With his left hand und repeal - d Ids liam Milne. and cause ail of the the the time, ning to go to the rest- - uf Du- - oftiee, al real estate, which la the incident of lta Omaha, Neb., April 4. A siiecliil to i lie same beet as well aa cane, is passing explosion is unknown. time pulling tne a step or two. Kun-- ! Hue from the ownership belonging to the same class. try, most serious Wyn., Casimr, A crisis of the a abkA I says: steamer has gone out from this amt again declined his then SWa Lama Of rim Eighth That by no previous decis- through Msiwsimmii Muyur ut I'amar, ifivm-ita- nlopiied. Hint, tmwrtnWi4iif tn aswctly as Tfp.il-e- il r, ion of this court has this question been in attempting) provide a remedy the three physicians, ten miners and a shot' WTnam Milne, a last uIkivc. Hurt fired five shots, all taking He then deliberately spat In my fare. adjudicated to the contrary of the con- various governments should avoid press correspondent on board. The Milne is dead. Hurt claims that I ret ui ii. d the Insult by spilling In his clusions now announced. any steps which may aggra- mine was inspected three weeks ago .ffect, MUne was too intimate with Die forfnee. When I did this lie let loose uf Ninth That so much of the act of taking vate the crisis, instead of relieving it. and pronounced safe. mer's wife. Senut-imy urm and made for Ills pistol. I saw to 1K94, as attempts one the is of Hurt impose It Is shown that while the production August 15. ia The Blue mine the properCanyon Hint my only riinnee was to knock him sheep-owneIn lliis section, a tax upon the rent or Income of real is at the rate of a million ty of the Blue Canyon Coal Mining largiatCAUSE down, und 1 struck si him with ull my estate without apportionment is inval- tonsincreasing OF THE KHiiOTING. the consumirtlon Company, composed of M. E. Downs, annum, with in)' left hHnil. He sprang luck per might id. u l towards tlie door and niy blow failed to Imver, Polo., April 4. A A. E. Houser and several other Monslowly at the rate of only The court ia further of the opinion grows fmn reach him. He was reaching for his annum. tons per Cheyenne, Wyo., gives Die iloinils Naturally prices tana capita lists, it was oiiened in 1890 that tlie act of August 15, 18114. is in- are depressed, pislul. I sprung and grappled with hlin and the bounty system by J. F. Wardner. who sold it to its of Ik murder of AVI liia in Milne nt valid ho fur as It attempts to levy a tax is ascribed as the cause of this state 'iiiiglil him uroiind the waist, presshy Hcinitor J. J. Hurt, it Is uiul both owners. The coal Is of arms to his side, but leaving ing uiion tiie income derived from munici- of affairs. Therefore, it advises the present and is now being usedhigh that about a year ago Hurt's his on Hllup-arms quality, free to ai I from the elbow down. bonds. a As municipal corporation entire abolition of the bounty and the United States warships. The pal son, aged it) years, went home one cutniiany Ily this time in- - liu-- l Ills pistol drawn. is the representative of the State, and stimulation of consumption by the re- had much money in opening the vutlng onunexpectedly uud foiniil Milne Just then Roberta spent me of tne Instrumentalities of the his mother's lap. Mr. Hurt in unit gralils-i- l the weapon, lit- - sprang of the duties levied, which are mine, and had just got it into paying rilihg strugState government, the property and duction was absent from and at home Dip tu free tlie gun, whtla the Governor in Europe and prevent the condition. time, gled levcnues of municiiial corporations arc excessive am the wrote of Die his hiose.' Dial Turn Huberts fathei said, from as whole pistol a using sugar. not subjects of Federal taxation, nor people when Do- - Governor said, Damn ROCK ISLAND TRAIN ROBBED. is the income derived from State, counturn that pistol loose.' Cas-iyon, Kots-rts- , Senator Hurt did not DELAY IN WALLER'S CASE. to "AIhiiiI this lime some one gralils-until recently, living ilutaineil In Die ty and municipal securities, since taxaWounded Express Messenger Jones tlie waist. 1 requested Hint tlie tion on the interest therefrom operates State East, the principal uf the time at to Unable Looted and the la- - taken from Clark mi-Explain Department lin n rePassengers. pistol on the l mwer to borrow before it is exHot serion uovounl of Springs, Ark., lease him. Itolierls anil l'ope drellneil. I the Lack of New. ercised and has a sensible influence on Hennessy, Oklahoma, April 4. Two ous Illness. then said: 'Give me a ami turn him the contract, and therefore such a tax Since turning home, he has Htopieil louse with his WeuHn.pistol Washington, April 8. The Slate De- robbers boarded the engine as Rock is a tax on the power of the State and partment officiate are pussled at the Island train No. 1 was leaving Dover at a hotel, itml refused to sm: his wife, Hie Governor saw thill In- - was "When tlieir Instrumentalities to borrow mon- delay In receiving an official report last night, and covering the engineer although lie had frequent interviews t verHwerei lie requested tum sal-1- : I will nut kill ey, and consequently repugnant to the upon the case of States Con- and fireman, commanded them to stop with his young non. The shooting was the pistol loose und Constitution. sul Waller, reported to be languishing about 200 yards from the water tank. lheoutgruwth of the uffuir, Citlxensnf him. I promise you positively thnl 1 will Upon each of the other petitions ar- In a French military Jail in Madagas- The engineer, a little excited, went i 'if per who are intimately nvquiilntvd not kill him.' Will'll then requested mo to gued at the bar, the Justices who heard car. It la now nine days since the de- about a fourth of a mile before stop, with the family lielfeve that Mrs. Hurt my hold on Ihe Governor, and the arguments are equally divided, and partment cabled to United States Con ping. One robber fired at him, Just hm been wrongfully accused. m-- iskisl to go to my room, saying thin therefore no opinion is expressed on sul Campbell at Port Louie, Mauritius, missing him, the ball going through the Senator Hurt t known lie would lake widely cure of Governor Clark. these points, on di-the of bis I iireotlllt the nearest cable point, for a report. cab window. l throughout Stile go to no; room, remaining Finally First Whether the void provisions as It ia surmised the delay in the case Conductor James Mack, not having lance interests in tlie wool industry then- - tell anil returiic-- l tu the to rents anil incomes from real estate may be caused by the difficulty Consul heard the shot, started to find out nd his eccentric ideas in referenve to ofllce, hill tlie t overiior was guile." -r invalidates the whole act. Governor Flurk suy lie does not cun to lull. Wetter is in getting in- what was wrong, and waa covered as fr- Hf tiwas Second Whether as to the income formation experiencing discuss the trouble through the public prominently niciitlnneil as a the French officials, he approached the engine, and was from tiersunal projierty as such the act who are notfrom press, further Ilian to say Hint he did fur Governor on the disposed toward him told to climb on the engine. They cuadldate not go to ihc hotel with a view or making ns laying direct on account ofwell Is unconstitutional, Is He ticket four ngo. years some trouble that arose robbed him, and were then Joined by Iruulile, hut only to tell Mr. Julie that tuxes. to he one of tlie wealthiest in-others who had come up to the train. In central he must desist from lugging his name Third Whether any part of the tax. over the granting of his exequatur. Meroiitrovci-s-i-Wyoming. Into Demand was made for Express existing between mein-Im..if not considered as a direct tax, is InUilne, Die murdered man, was a of the House. The trouble which Northern Pacifics Bluff. ssenger Jones to open his door. This valid for want of uniformity on either Mr. followed was nut one of his making. been in had and followed, was 8. and a D. fusillade It is refused, C., April Washington, of the grounds suggested. employ for many years. which the messenger was wounded llirt's The result is that the decree of the stated upon good authority that the in Killed Hlz Wife at Church. Icnator Hurt has been arrested nnd in the of the Pacific Northern wrist He attempted to escape Circuit Court is reversed and the case management tinder bonds awaiting tlie verptared Wichita, but Kan., April 7. A horrible from Railroad has of car, the side withthe decided to Company a opposite remanded, with directions to enter draw from sale all lands along the en- was captured by a guard on that side dict of the Coroners Jury on Saturday. frugally occurred on the stes of the decree in favor of complainant in Lincoln An Street Church as the congreare classified und and made to crawl under the train. VILL MEET AT SALT LAKE. siect only of the voluntary payment of tire line until they gation wan walking out of the church under the terms of the recent attempt was then made to open the the tax on rents and income of its real patented after the services were over about noon estate and that which it holds in trust, acts uf Congress. The effect of this safe, but nothing could be done. to rob To Organize for a Campaign On the sidewalk in front of the Then the rubbers proceeded and on the income from the municipal policy will be to put an end to the set Silver. church Walter Scott fired a bullet into Dement of railroad lands In Western the passengers. When the train artmnds owned or so held by it. 7. Governor Helena, Mont., April the brain of hie wife and she fell at rived at Kingfisher, Sheriff Burchett Rirkards lias The announcement of the foregoing Stales for the present. inaugurated an edtnat-tlii- his feet a corpse. While the people and United States Marshal Madsen of conclusions of the court was preceded on silver the Mrs. question, Helm Out. campaign Left Is stood aghast al the terrible deed, Scott El Reno were notified, and carried to in hue with by a review of many opinions of the plana formulated liy Washington. April 8 The President the scene of the holdup by a special pluccd the muzzle of the revolver In Supreme Court from the time of Chief Hon. Thomas G. Merrill. W. Frank Joplin train. They found the trail about four The intention Is to place bimetallic his mouth and went a bullet crashing Justice Marshall down to the celebrated at vice postmaster Elizabethtown, Ky., miles west of Dover, where Cimarron literature In the hands of Die voters through the roof of hie mouth Into his Springer case, brought by brain and fell dead almost within reach Springer of Illinois, and by Emily T. Helm. This is one of the ap- river had been crossed, and are still throughout the Union, this course of tin- - remains of his wife. an exhaustive review of the nature of pointments made during the session of following It. The robbers are supposed deemed more effective than any direct and indirect taxation, in the Congress, which failed of confirmation. to be led by Dick Yeager, the outlaw utifr plan of At the sight of the tragedy the Intellect and course of which the Chief Justice re- Mrs. Helm was a sister-in-laof Presi- who has headquarters in Cheyenne cosrclence ofreaching two or three women fainted, and much (InvThe citizen. the viewed the debates leading up to the dent Lincoln, and has held the office county. If the posse comes up with entor has were bodies excitement Both prevailed. for a conference to fur years framing of the Federal Constitution. the robbers, a light will probably oc- perfect an arranged taken to an undertakerll. which will organisation, H. stat the Chief Justice in conclusion, Meem was appointed post cur. Gilbert When Mrs, Scott was shot she was at Salt inke City, August lath. ed that this opinion upon the "Pollock master at Beattie. Wash. with her brother. Mr. and Mrs. Scott He has sent letters to the Governors THE MESSENGER'S STORY. case'' covered the other two esses. The Topeka, Kan., April 4. Messenger J. of California, Oregon, Washington, were married about two years ago. JOSEPHITES IN CONFERENCE. delivery of the opinion consumed just W. Jones, one of the trainmen who was Nevada. Idaho, Wyoming, Utah. Arl-xo- She was 17 and he 19. They separated one hour. New Mexloo and Colorado, ask-in- f about a year ago, she going to her In the Rock Island robbery, Big Crowds in Attendance at Inde- wounded to apisjint three delegates to fiithcr's house and he going to Kansas them train the When account: this gives TREASURY PEOPLE SICK. pendence, Mo. the Salt Lake conference. I City. Scott returned to Wichita a week opened was to a standstill, brought Kansas City. April 4. Every train arand as what see ago. He went to church y WILT, to car door of the the APPOINT DELEGATES. express riving at Independence brings fresh ar- was Ruling Makes a Losa of Over Fifteen rivals At that Instant I saw severs! Governor West, when asked If he he walked nut naked his wife if she up. of for the the International opening Hilliona. to him, and upon her reConference of the Church of the Latter-Da- y men rise up from the grass in a little would Hpimlnl the delegatus, replied would Treasury offSaints, which begins Saturday. Pres- ravine along the track. One of tne that he would Immediately take the fusal sent a bullet Into her brain. Both Washington. April icials are greatly dispirited oyer the ident Joseph 8mtth will arrive Friday robbers shouted to me: Take your mxiier under careful consideration and tire well connected. or Saturday momlng, and will pre- head back or I'll shoot it off.' I tot tntadnt the Supreme Court's decision on the income night A HARD HITTER. delegates in a few days, as. at the deliberations. intsx case, and while admitting that side council or twelve are nearly ail in no time In getting my head back ana requested. His Excellency said he had, The door car. side thev have no reliable data upon which slammed the I the Killed by His attendance. Next to the president, the u yet, not had time to go over the Indiana Wife-Beatto form an accurate estimate, they ex- council is highest in authority, locked it. The robbers opened Are on the mxttcr very Father-in-LaintiThe and at first caiefully. of I result present consists of Alexander Smith. J car, at least 100 bullets perforating press the belief that the net mation of the plan was the disatch 7.- -A murder V. Smith, J. H. Lake, Iji Porte, I mi., April an was sitting on a mall rack, with myI frntn Helena, the decision will be the loss of attheleast W. Olllsm, Herman and shortly afterward was U. T. early hour committed here at when Luff, from Griffith. James Joseph M per cent of the receipts Caffal across Winchester knee, my letter the of arrived. is he this morning, the victim living Henry was truck In the left wrist and leg by the opinion tirnt the However, In most cities the loss will be J. R. Lambert, W. H. Kelley and B. uf the con- Karnhelin, Briggs. a house painter hIhiuI 2 a arm fell limp at my side. vention here will lie holding bullet. far greater than this, notably theis city My The church eonferenre an was excellent whose death resulted from thing expreceded of hy door, age, years the In smashed Then robbers the of Washington, where the loss an International congress of Rabtiat i a for the city, and an earnest effort h single blow from his fathei 75 cent Washing' reach to an worked per hour trying and which schools, fully idiould lie made to properly entertain tint piated opened with Pro-ssConnolly of latmonl. Is., presiding open the safe. Failing in this, they au the visitors, in which ton. however. Is exceptionally a rent he will heartily Fni nlieim had for a long time terrorof rented went back and robbed the passengera ing city. The proportion country Anti-Silvized his young wife, being eicclall is Move. were In my car some "While houses in other cities of the us well they abusive when drinking, nnd she. Berlin. April 4. The committee of the one carrying a lantern appeared some Utah Man Restored to also very large. In 1890 the rented In 1"U1 by Citizenship father's family, her as rw were the Trade of Congress which assembles to- distance from the car. One nearly houses in New York City clock this Cleveland. fear of hint. Alsmt In Boston it day will demand the adoption of the bent said: Watch me put that light 94 per cent of the whole. went i 2. The President morning, while Intoxicated. Tie Uashlngton, Jerand April in resolution: 81 in j following out.' llw Brooklyn "Commercial was nurd-meper cent: iiiniilles both Iiks where the 80 and industrial circles John Hopkins, senteneed his holm, must regard "Then he fired In the direction of AJ i.m-sey City. 81 per cent; in Cincinnati. He in I tah to three months In Jail and at house. double the every weakening of the light, and it dlsapieared at mire. ier cent. In the other large cities and Imam ' ' ' .' P"1 line fur unlawful cohabitation. b. abuse his wife, uwak-'iie16 per gold standard in to the as a fundadown nother shntv robber 'We'll Rnrij said: Germany ranged percentages mental injury to the German economic Island people they can 1st held up a Tin sentence has expired and the par-4,- n her Her H. .- !cent at Rochester. The total number life." is granted to Jnei-l- i tut, and as he ent-n- -l citizenship. Well as other roads.' " rented houses In the United States tu-d- ...( il-- wn ,.y th.-n- . - hiiii-rnld- - r c r , l l r s 1 s Repo-seiiliitiv- e ad-ise- . - inli-rvi'-t- sulll-ientl- r -- roin-inaii- i -l utm sheep-owne- sin wanted him to in- - careful, as her liiishuml was ii rn icd with a hammer. Without further aili i. i Ht struck him a powerful blow on Du head with his hint senseless. He soon list. lev lied, however, but commenced to spit hliioil iiml his ileutli ensued about mi hour later, lilt voluntarily surrendered himself to the and was locked up. Young Fnrnhflm' brother hum killf-a few years Ngo by being stubbed while engaged In a midrow night hiiiH-kiu- in-r- e STOTTLER IN DANGER. Indians Object to Working for a Living. Deliver, April 4. A Mpiviul to lie News frmn El Paso, Tex., says: News has just been received here uf si i'll us at the Mcsculeiu Indian In New Alexlco, UK) lltlle north Igelu-I'l-lo- tn-ubl- of this plan. Cummuilivutli'ii Is slow, uiul piirlieuiiirs nie.iger, but the story is us follows: It Is reisnted that the Inilians hail rebelled u him not tlie authority of l.fi'Uteii int Victor E. Stotl-lu- r. v. ho is to cutupi-- l them to perform smile e lulmr and n own tlieir pnrG) oh living, und that me of t hem ummiiuIIuiI him with ii stone. As I lie story goes, In placed the remiller arrest, ami then fractory Apui-hDu liiiiluiis iiiudi a rush, rescued Die prisoner, drove Die agi nt and Ills employ--us into u liuiisu and loop'd Die This news comes In a stoii. 111 llille let ter. Ill lnlilitlon. kccciiI Mexicans who live mi tin Imriler of tlo- - reservation asm'll tli.it I.li'iii-nu- nt SP'ltler is in ilunger, ami is running serious risk 111 without the relllllililng at the uf (limp. Fort Stunton is siipisirt Ih ii nit thirty mill's front Die agency, uiul Sbittli'i may procure Die uld of the soldi. is if nci'inKiiry. Dr. Howard Thompson of this rlty. ivln-sfather llvi-- ut Die reservation, thinks tin- - iluiiKer Ht the ugeney bus Is'i'ii greatly exaggerated. pm-lui't- agi-iic- s Major Hamilton Killed. luiuisville, April 3. A special to the frmn Morgantown, Ky., says Morgantown- is in u fever of excitement over tin- murder this morning of Major A. J, Hamilton. Hu- - famous originator mu1 I'Xii'titor of Du- - Libby prison in IMG. Sam Spencer lias been ur-- i 'Mli'ii on Ihe 1'Vlihiica of one lieether, who says Hpqinvr II red Die fatal shot. Major iiutnllliiii's mime is famous throughout tin- - country, und he has receive-1 many notices from magazines. Tin- of Alujor Hamilton and 104 from Die fumous old Libby prison at Richmond, Vu., is one uf the must inicii'HlIng Incident of the Civil war. Major liamlllnn was a member of Die Twelfth Kentucky cavulry, und with liliil wen- - confined Captain James A. Iiihiison of the Eleventh cavalry and l.leuti'imnt Eil Noble of the Twenty-fir- st Kcnlui'ky infantry. They iiimidvi-i- l tin- - bleu of tuimi'ling out of the old und with a few crude Implement. iiegan the task. After digging nights, they saw daylight, mid with Diem let oilier officers Tin- - iiffin-i'immed appeured at on the night of March 3, 1Mi. Many of those who escnjied were recap! tired. IDAHO RAILWAY SCHEME. rs-I'ti- pi est-up- e es-'iip- To Build from Nampa to Silver City and Delamar. r rs 200,-Oo- Sin-via- Kepn-selilnliv- e er "Ht-nul- to-w- lt: s ts J Inin. Idaho, April A The coiniiill-tu- o appoliitud wutnn lima ago to gaihsr data relativn to thu practicability of building and iiiaiiita'nlng a railroad from lloiM Into Sliver City aud Dolatnor ha II ii lull ml its work aud prlulad He report for distribution ainoug huslnee tiiau. The report ibowe that on e besls of prciiuiit busliiek ilia road would pay Inturost on tha investment. The outside possible cost of tha road Ii put at i.uoo.ooo. 1'uitlng freight rates at S3 per ton and figuring upon a basis uf the business now being done In these camps. It is nslliuated that the rovenuo from freight traffic would be f lSU.OUO annually; the passenger, mail and express would yield Sd3,4U0, or a total of 313,-4ITho estiiualed expenses are: In terest chargee, 970.000: operation aud maintenance, $93,220: total, $108,230. Those familiar with the Held believe thu traffic would double very soon after Ihe completion of tho road: The propose that the road shall be built from Nampa under agreement with the Short Line for tha use of tho branch from that place to Boise, making a conlin nous line from here Into the great Owyhee camps. com-niilU- ie Idaho Miner Driven Out. sleep-herde- r, to-da-y. hlm-srlfo- to-d- ls-i- Wallace, Ida., April A Last night J. J. 51 ills, a miner employed In the Gem mine on t.'anynn crook, was driven from Ills work liy nix mnsked men a until willi revolver. They took him down the canyon shout hulf a mile below Gem, where they left him, after telling him never to return. Mill hen family nnd has lived in Wallace eight years. No cause In assigned for the treatment, exeept that lie In not a union man. Thu men supposed to to tlie gang inunieretl John Kneehnne at tin- - Gent mine last July. The Sheriff was promptly notified, but no arrests I have men irinde, as Identification is ii g difficult. bl-d- Blodgett Acquitted. w n. to-da- n 8.' er It-- to-da-y, or er st-i-- 1 well-order- of I'p-qo- VEAllsl,J3. Kveusiuu. Wyo., April A Willard Biodgalt, who lias hoeu on trial In tha district court horn for killing Jamas Widdop on Burt Fork, May 21, 1MI4, was acquitted by the Jury today after Imlug out about fuur hour. The Women Did It. Ilnlune, Moot., April A Quite an exciting school oiectlon took place here this aflornoon and fur the first time a woman was elected to the board of trua-tecIn thu person of Dr. Martha M. Hnau, a prartieing physician of this s, The nilmr successful candidate city. a F. N. Kletrlinr, a young mining mail. Wotuou voted In larger numbers than ever before. Needs a Little Urging. 4. General J. 8. Clarkthat son stated positively Harrison is a candidate for Die Presidency. "General Harrison," he said, "Is not an active candidate, perhaps, but he certainly la a 'receptive candidate.' Indeed, he Is, I think, nut of tlie must prominent, if not the must prominent. Presidential candidate the public. As to who will a, ,w in 18'JA I ani. of In- - tinparty's rliulue it la very 'nurse, unable tu say, but will accept cei tain Gi'tievul Harrison Hi-iiuiniiiiitiun If It la tendered him." Chicago. April fore - - to-d- ay |