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Show AMERICAS FORK ITEM. 1 501ITU DOING 1 Jp i SOCIK1Y. nt Canned good ai.d hone radish lewci Disc ever at Dun Kiev's. . l)m- Wel k mi'v.i oer ws Mr, airl list H. Q UUISitf 80LTU AND ass It. 0. IV . J.lrtp.m. cl'K STAR llULTE. Fi'r Aljiluf. Wtilm '"lavs Hint Moodiiy. Katurili Arrives OFFICE II "IKS. a a a s ladies e.iesp at Dunklev.s. a a a Remember Tux Item is $1 .25 if ;J::!0p. in. in advance; but if paid at 0:00 p, m, the year, $1.50 tin- - ptd r.x' of a a a The general delivery, stamp ami regClean up your rubbish. a a a istry window open at 8 .02 a. ui. and cloiea at 5:80 p. in. Clesnse your hack yards. On Sun pays the general delivery aud a a a stamp window are open from 8:00 a. m. A disordered condition of the atomach till 10:00 a. m. and from 4:00 till 0:00 or malaiia in the system ill produce p. m. Timothy McCaktt. Postmaster. sick headache, you can remove this trouble by liking Dr. J. II. McLesn's For Little Liver snd Kiduey Pillelts. Chnrcli Services. sale by Steele & Co. PHKSUYTKKIAX 10:30 a. m. 8abbath School 11:30 Prayer Confer SabbatL ence. 6:45 p m. Y. P. 8. C.E. 7:30 preaching. Mokday 7 :U(l Family Prayer Service Wednebdat 6 vice. 7 Prayer Ser Bible Study Livingston Smith, Pastor Saints Sunday School at 7:00 Friday Latteh-Da- . 70 :0 p. m ., J. y A. m. in the Meeting House. Meet ing at 2 and 7 :30 o'clock p. m. 10 a. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Dunxleys for garden seed-- . . Dr. Merriliew, dentist, Lchi. Beit V- - N E Ion at Jackson's. G-- I-- R, 25 cts. a gal Men's hats lstest styles st Dunk ley's But coil oil sells for ten cents a gallon Minnesota. shoe silu lias been phenome nsl. His low prices has caused another order! which will arrive in a few days. Jacksons C. F. Warren, the enterprising Santa Fe hostler, droppeed in on us this week, Two cans tomattoes for 25 Dunkleya. SHILOH'S CURE, the great Cough ii in great demand doses Pocket size contains twenty-fiv- e 8old at only 25c. Children loye it. Steele's Drug Store. and Croup Cure That continued letter the Brigham Bvl lain is running from 'Quilp is a sham We belieye it is s upon thi public. chime to shirk rrportorisl work. KARL'S CLOVER ROOT will puriry your Blood, clear pour Complexion, re gulate your Bowels and make your head clear as a bell. 25c.. 50c. aud $1.00 Sold at Steele's Drug Store. T. M. Allman, the renown onyx and tone prospector, spent s couple of day lie must have ip the Fork this week. for his visits here attractive, something rs becoming numerous. net getting close, Tom. Ws hope it is Captain Sweeny. U. S. A., San Diego, Cnl.,aaya: Shiloh's CatarrheverRemedy found is the first remedy I have that would do me any good, Price 50r St ld at Steele's Drug Store. sn ass Mis Grace SLip!ey will g.i to for a few week's visit. Provo satperpetratued wa A surprise upon Johnny Green. Wednesday evening on the occasion of hi departure on a mis sion to the southern states. set Several car loads of potatoes have shipped east this wees. a lu I. a All Free. a a a The Hawthorne club met Thursday it Those who have used Dr. King's New So lar, Utah Stake is second in dona- - the home of Miss Luna Chipinan, but Discovery knows its value, and tlmse who tion fui the Biigham Young monument, owing to there nut wing a quorum pres have not, have now the opportunity to the ainauiil to date lieing $342.30. ent, adjourned to meet again at Ilia same try it Free. Call on the wdverlised Ltke Stake leads with $2,122.75 A good druggist and get a Trial Bottle, Free. place next Thursday evening. will Im rendered. A full Send your name aud addresa to II. E. program Bucklen A Co., Chicago, nnd get a Frequently accidents occur in the attendance is requested. sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills, hsuscbold which esuses burns, cuts, a a a Free, as well aa a copy of Guide to sprains aud bruises; tor use in such cases Mr. George Varney wss the recepient Health and Household Instructor, Free. Dr J II McLesn's Yolcsnic Oil Liniment lias fi r many years been the constaut of a total surprise Wednesday evening, All ol which ia guaranteed to do you The good and cost you nothing at Steele A favorite remedy. Sold by Steele & Co. it )is residence on State street. , who wished to lollowing Never in the history ot a Utah gather- show their respect tn Mr. Varney, prior ing was there such a crowd as that at to bit departure on a mission, were pres the conference, Salt Laxe. It was a ent tLd made the eyening one of joy: dillicult matter to get a bed, and huud J T Gardner and wife, S Greenwood reds set up, mint walked around during aud wife, Ammon Mercer and wife, Ju the night, while others slept on rots, m Varney and wife, Jacob Varney and hall ways, etc. i wife, Ned wilde Slid wife, lleber Sbflley and wife, M I Wild and wife S Feather-stonA beautiful woman must lie healthy, and wife, 8 D Chi pm an and wife, and to remain healthy and beautiful she Kelley and wife, Joa King snd Johnny should take Dr J U McLean's Sirength-m- g Cordial and Blond Purifier. It im- wife, Mix May Miller, Mri John SBrlley, parts tone snd flash to the skin, strength, Melcssia Shelley, Mu Jos Burgess, Mary vigor and pure blood; is equally adapted Miller, Mrs Shipley, John Miller snd for all ages, Inim the babe to the aged, of either sex. For sale at Steele's drug others. s store. Mrs. A. K. Thornton wss the victim The improvenienients on Water street of ene of the most enjoyable surprises of the season at her residence, on Wedneii about completed, the foundation sday evening, by the following friends finished been tliu rreek is ;trees have along on the occasion of her 40lh anniversary: set nut where nuce was the road and a Mr and Mra J B Roberta, Mr A A Green neat picket fence Is being erected along- and wife, Mr John Peters and wife, Mr A Dunkley and wife, Jos Crookstos snd side, leaving a neat sidewalk. It will he a wife, Wm Grant snd wife, Mrs Jos convenience when completed thoroughly. Chipmsn, Misses Grace Shipley, Emms Kettle. Mrs Shipley, Jessie Crookiton Unsuspected disorders cf the kidneys and wile. A joyful time wss epent snd are responsible fur inauy of the ordinary no 'we small hours in it. ailments of humanity which ii neglected, devrlou linn a serious and perhaps fatal A jolly crowd of friends of George F. malidy. Experience would suggest the use of Dr. J H McLean a Liver and Kid Shelley met Thursday evening at tbs city hall and gave him a tarsweil part at uey Balm, bold by Steele & Co. which the following society people look J. G. Coltnn. the Prove blueing man, part : Geo Webb and wife, S Greenwood swapped courtesies with The Item phil and wite, Ammon Mercer and wile, Jas. osnpher Tuesday, on his way home from Ezra and George Varney and with, R E conference. John says last Sunday was King and wife. Jos King snd wife, B Y the first time he has been to church in Greenwood and wife, Rout Proctor mil wife, Washburn Chipmar. and wife, Jai eighteen yean, and now thinks the time 11 Clark and wife, J T Gardner and sifs. From this has come for reformation. Bishop W )) Robinson and wife, Wm fact he declares kimselt ont of politics, Gardner, Misses Hattie Preston, Nellie unless the g, o. p. gives him the County Greenwood, Mrs Leo Bhelley; Messrs Wm King, Ned Wild, Willard Juliun Chairmanship, te succeed J. C. Graham. I vena Mrs Fred Houston sniioth Tony John's no fool. era whose names we failed to gei. merry-makers- We tske pleasure in recommending Chamberlain's Cough Remedy because it is praised by til who try it, says J. W. Cox & Son, druggists, Marshfield, Ore No one afflicted with a throat or lung trouble esn use this remedy without praising it. It always gives prompt relief. It is especially valuable for colds as it relives the lungs, makes bieatliinj: easier and aids expectoration. A cold will never result in pneumonia when this remedy is taken snd ressonalile care ex ercised . For sale by all druggist. a l The Opera Honan Program hst week li st Jack wn was selling tb: unlaundered shirts for 25 cents. It ww It should har a typographical error. read three for $1 .00. They are daisies too. tio sod see them. He also has fine line ot Misses shoes for $1.10. e e Sudden change or temperature am humidity of the atmosphere often jr duce disorders of the kidneys an i M1 drr. Use Dr T II McLean's Livrr and Kidney Balm to check these troubles m For sale by Steele A their incipiency. Co., druggists. sdn-riiae- Mr. Beesley. of the Bteslcy Marh Works, Provo, was io town Thursday. Ilia visit was to bring over the beautiful monument for Mr, and Mrs. Henry II. Boley, deccareds, which he placed at their tomb. It is a fine piece of work, and should command the attention ot these wishing s fina monument. a Tnrldon, The Photographer, will be in American Fork the loth end 30h of each month, prepared to make photographs by the new snd improved process, and Ilia satisfaction guaranteed or no pay. will be Wild, Walter Mr. pleased agent to make appoialments with all those s photos made at your wishing own home, day or nighi . Caution : Pay no attention to misrepresentations, prom pted by jealousy . first-clas- a s The Salt Luse SihisI WIk el r!ph, :: : oiit thirty in number, a ill be down to moriox and tel', our wheel course. e New lino fresh groceries at Jackson's. in a a a It's kinJi against the grains to ask people to patronise some of American Fork's merchants when they neither ad- - is tacked up u official notice, from the Postal Department at Washington, authorizing person to have their names placed npon the ipper lett hand corner of their envelopes. To will comply with this request, The In the poitoffice Itu iurnish printed envelopes nearly is cheap you can buy them blank. Come snd see us. Woman st spend money. there by us country Jays. Frank Sliepardson, an engineer on the Southern Pacific 14y., who resides st Los Angeles, Cal., wss troubled witth rheumatism for a long time. He was treated l.y several physicians, alio visited Ilia Hot Springs, but receiived no permanent relief until 1m used Chsmtierlain's Pine Balm. He av it iatliebcst Medicine in For sale by the world fni rheumatism. all druggists. Oidvrs were made in Probate conrt Monday ss follows: Appointing Mnry A. Bmilton of Provo administrator in the estate of Martin Boulton, deceased. Appointing Thomas R. Cutler of Lehi, administrator of estate oi William Waalers, deceased . Granting an order of sale of personal property in the estate of Henry Boley, deceased, of American Fork. Confirming sale of personal property of minors in the Jarman estate. Prove . Setting tune for approval of annual accouot in the William Greenwood estate. American Fork. Cos Drugstore. If a woman's thumb has a long first si a mule; if a long second joint she is stubborn as two mules; il tlie first snd second joints art short she is do mors stubborn thin other wemen. joint she is stubborn Does Girls Escape. an Ad. In THE ITEM Psy I This is a Question Continuous Advertisers can Answjr. $1.25 PER YEAR. TREES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Cliil-blai- D. M. SMITH, PLEASANT GROVE, Hinshaw, Joy and Baker A Newxy and Brisk Badge! from "Sunbeam of Alpine. "PHOTOGRAPHERS In American Fork From APRIL 4TM TO 15TII Editor Item: Mr. B.W, Driirgs oi Pleasant Grove a visitor to ur town to day, was The conference people, who wen by means tew in number, have relumed and resnmed their labors. no Tito UTAll Get Your Prettyi Taken by- - APRIL SHOWERS. A FEW POINTS T of Joseph Qeeley, who wss stricken with paralysis some time ago, till lies in a critical condition, being unable to speak or move, to any great wife Concerning Great Bargains degree. In Fnmftnre, Erthenware, Toys,' Notion of a Million Daniel Burk, an old resideut of this place, snd wife, of Beaver, are visiting with relatives and friends here, for a few days, on their way home from confer Varieties at once. It is rumored that Mr, and Mrs. M art Aanaon, ot Spanish Fork, intend locaWo extend ting in Alpine hearty welcome to all thoaa who desire to form a part of o :r quiet little burg. Thursday, April 4th, the district schools of this place closed for the present school year . The reason given tor flic discontinuance is lack ot funds. The three schools, Fort Canyon, under the contract ot Arthur Done ; the Primary, with Miss Mary Whitby si teacher, WM. GRANTS WILL SOON APPEAR IN THIS SPACE. MRS. RE DRIGGS. the lu'cr mcdi.ito and Grammar grades, with Miss LVIeslia Null as Latefit Styles of met at the Central building, Ladies and Childrens where s most interesting and instructive 1805 Spring and Sam-m-er Hat. program was rendered. The entertainment was under the supervision ot the principal, Miss Nash, each department rendering its part of Ilia program in regular order, which proved to the entire aatibfaction of the large audience prcieot, that the teachers had by no means bssn idle, and that success crowned their efforts. One exercise that deserves special snd mention, was a class drill on physical who culture, by a group of young ladies, un- Josephine ctcggrls of this city, Maris Tuwon ot Proyo, two girls arc serving terms in the Reform Schaol at Ogden, made their escape irom that institution Friday, a week, snd wm captured near Clear Creek, tlrrty miles cut of here, 8unlav. They had procured a horse snd buggy at Ogden and drove to Provo, where they left it snd took the train, and were put off at above named place. However( they were tuken back ta tlieir old stamping grounds, and both will probably wear shackles for the remainder oflbsir terms. Fresh Salmon st Dunkley. Business men should ponde r if sdver tisiog pays. All kinds of legal blanks st this ollice. SUBSCRIPTION Burklena Arnica Salve. The Bkst Sai.ti in the world for Cuts, Bruises. Horn, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and pnsiiirely cures Piles, or no psy required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded, Price 25 cents per box. FOR SALE BY Steele &Co' a., Drug Store. Haiti Duty Is to uiakc the trip to Chicago on the Chicago, Union I'nolic & Northwestern Line. WLyf Tiu.e the quickest, solid veatiLulcd train, no change of coach at ibe Missouri River. Through first snd sscoml class Sleeiera and Dinintr rare. For lull information call on or address J. M. Haydf.n; Agent U. P. System. A l!oueliold Treasure. I). W. Fuller, of Canajoharie, N. Y says that he always keeps Dr. King's New discovery in the house snd his family has always found the veiy bes results follow its use; that he would " e without it, if procurable. G. A. L. man Druggist, C'atskili, N. Y., ssys t. l)r. King's New Discovery is undoubtedly the best Cough remedy j that be Ires used it in his family for eight years, snd it has neyer failed to do all tbit is claimed for it. Wfcy not try a remedy iamnits caye, up American Fork canyon, so long tried and tested . Trial liottlss yesterday, where they will take ent some tree at 8trele A Co's., Drug Store. RegIt ular size 50c. aud $1.00 nyx as test ot iia durability, ec. is said that the onyx in the cave is The dress goods at the Chipmsn Merc. to that in their other claims. Sucand their trimmings are immense. ro., cess to the enterprise and its projectors. Wooden Shoe. When you see it in The Item its so. Pleasant Grove, April 12. Finest line ot $1.50 shers ever come Fsrmrri are commencing seeding this to to the Fork at Jackson's. Fine home cored hams at Dunkley's. week, and the weather is highly favorable for field work . nnd Suffrage, So to Speak. Oh, mama, please mother, come home Tids sway scare Ii light fake is getting spurous, re with me now. the afternoon is dippfri ring to the Salt Lake hoax. A person ing by fart; you said you were coming would do well to read one hslf a mile right home from the polls as soon u your ballot was cast; poor father time for his The people who went to the cspitsl exa mouthful could dinner st noon, and pressly to witness this great scene were he spoke words he that and the find, ache It wss a ire greatly disappointed. ho slammed the front door, left a droni? to in inaugurated country people bring to their The scheme smell of sulphur Itehind. worked all O. K , aud as a consequence thniiMuds of dollars were dropped up It DirnIn - V Mrs. real o!J ,m oi John Jackson. Funrral iPcms st though spring has come at last, to slay, and uur isrmeis ire very American Fork, Utah. April busy planting. Very few ii In men are to be seen on our streets. 9, lMi.5. Mrs. Jus. Householder. Dmi-I- n Beet sowing lias couirni ced here, snd American Fork, Utah, April 9. 1895, from the effects ol a paralysis. it looks as if we would have quite s lot Air. Ellen Hinns, aged 40 yean. The bi'Pta to ship, this year again . funeral took place trom l.er risidcace on of Tl.t Little Wralerii I'uiun telegraph Thursday afternoon. be extended, whereby two line will Study At Home. new ollice will be added. Any yiinig man (fwiron ot sttnlyim! 1). M. Smith is doing ruMnng busilaw at home can learn ol something to bis advantage by writing to John Janie ness in the nursery line, it taking' nrsrly Clerk Police Court, Salt Lake . Utah all bis time to wait cm customers. )Ie ban the most varieties and best nursery The Restless American. Mr. Smith is always in the county. All agree that the solid vrstilmled search his for new varieties, tu in to.ilo ot the Chicago, I'uiun Pacific & eager Northwestern Line distance all compe- keep bis stock second to none in ths Tertitors wit!, ease. ritory. N change or delay at the Missouri Wadlei onyx mill is nearing comRiver. Fur lull intnrmation call un or pletion, snd in s few mors weeks they J.M. Hayden, address, lie turning out some fine slabs. will U. Agent System. Messrs. Levey sml Wad ley left for the . U. I 14. G. Your GROVE. FLEASANT Ami iicnu Fork, Utah, April ttiK 5 t) day. . 12:ii0 a. in. a a law (if iLt a liter was a Tl.c imilitcr-i4.45 p. in, Call aa l cxsuiiuc our lint of aimis and visiter this week si the IVrk 4:15 p. in a Jos. Jac km.s . clothing. EA'T. at Jacksnii'a Tomans Park City John Nichols hi gun,Oranges and 8 :55 . iu itiisin. 8:45 a ui. cheap a dirt. TV - in 11, 1M3, 1 W. N Scott, id Closinj: of Mail:). K. U. U. P MU. Sill tl.f :r huu.e pspiT. ss tswn to hive ii.i.l ii.ls done. der the Inition of Mira Nash. This drill was very nicely given throughout, the young ladies making their motions snd poising io time and count to uinsie. Af- ter the rendition of the program The Pleasant Grove Home Dramatic club played the Mariner's Return sod the tarce entitled, "A Rough Diamond, u to a fair house last Tuesday evening. Aa a role, the charactora were well represented. Although in one or two in stances the parts were weak . Rietui Iliiiou, Colic. Persons wno are subject to altscks of bilious colic wiil be pleased to know that and Tlllie," the darkies, crested conprompt relief may lie had by ishing siderable merriment, snd rendered their The dying scene wu esChamberlains Colic.cholers and uisrhoet parts will. Remedy. It acts quickly and co slwsys pecially good, by Ned Barron, snd true be depended upon. In many cum the to life, while the acting of Annis wu attack may be prevented by taking this a little too unnatural. Mure Anon, soon as the first indicition of remedy Cckbeam. the diaeaey appears. 25 and 50 csl bottles, lor sale by all linggista- Auric, April 10. 1805. TRIMMINGS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION at BEDROCK PRICES. Old Shipley Place, American Turk. pleasant Grove and DONT GO AWAY FOR YOUR FRUIT TREES When Better Stock Can be Got at Home. TREES thePlacedBEST 3,000 of Erer in Utah Soil. Owned by K. Robinson, and Can bn Had at ARMSTRONG BROTHERS), Amencoa Fork, the childreo ill joined merily in the duce, which pnved a happy snd joyous ending to our school. MILLINER. P s. Remember theseTrees are straight Root Graft, and not Budded. The GRANT,. 3F. AFAM3GIV, FBOJP. Headquarters for TravFinest Sample Rooms eling Men and Tom Ms Lake. Sooth ot Salt Beautiful View From the Veranda of I tali Lake and Surroundings. & $ RATES VERY VERY LOW American Fork. - Utah |