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Show mum .i ,m iii iit'i tuil.r V." ' I hr ... r t'-- i ...i'.'i i, t.'ii' i .1 f.i : i'1 U tvi k 'it lnttl" hi eiy. r new-paj- iV ( 1 (; OK Hoods Sarsaparilla 73 '.j M;0 , r',l if you are a . . a'l-'U'- r . w' m lli; The iii I r"V ii.t i Ic i i "i'll - lire " It r!i. i. .( I ,inr a ifilui'ti'iii nt graiLml and hh J liuu ! nf I'ifil illirrt, lli ir'i--r r'ii-trithe k ay nu-- l the r 'jnT In .i'l ti'i;u,ii'if (l 1 ; ii .tier cm. tr nLtioii We are xj-- inling good nriucy tn A i i.i.nije in li'nl m patch nr Hlieilii r t :ii mi'i nil! i itiiir. ini', imt'er Irllu now ttml the itili-j- . ft Inn Mil'll a Inid (III t lie people, f jrr mini,. will yoj il. ubt invciunidriiy ;I.:uk, tuid no exiisiui, That Just Hits Itrb ctfi 't Tl.wt. HXAhlua t' null !" Hoods A H i unt I up ri ill :'! r I'll will', Jl.icii'ic lt:lii 1 1 tin; viry be-- t. III- - . Ii It- - Uw bib HOOilS And All Kinds ot Music d M. rcbuti.lUc, paHIU Ci. aaywj to I"' pinycd a av8anDlivn,CU., Bwaenry. 1 i Captain .. :mlirla tn tn-- . Milkih iviltcItHi I iiavavvrfi.i.iij i':at would ,io r.i aarKumL" Priu H) etc. rr!i!i by Wl HlI piTm.im.' Tina SHILOHS CURE. Orbit OmanForCoaHium:i"i!f.M (Vna pmmprff cares with ya ir (!.nd oid sl liu,, Turldon, tin: nuiiui oi ( ArntDRfiiiaut. N Jag'.vay drinking A : I.; .1 !.- - S imii'h mi '. h :v P- - ti3 :43 11:13 ui v DOCTOR G. Y. SHORES 111. The Springvillu 7?W (J 7:35 Pay son. 8:05 " Kurcka. Sp. Fork l:l'. Ill 3 Mil p. W:13 J:lin WKtT 3.-I- 7:.v, im; l!:35 1 13:30 8 ;30 Ar Silver C'y. Lv U:ln D. U, A. . ,J'J 1:00 J. Douie, II. IIkwktt, G. P. ii. T. Agt (Jen, Mgr. 8. II. Vr.t.nv, Gen. Supt. G. liAUCiX'K, F. Agt. tsd w C; 5 supt-maii- and charge, look aftor the Trial Size ahould 3.V. supervisor uuJcratand that wtT 'mittmrtty ' or at unity l taken away by putting the roada in engineers' hand nnd all opKiition will ceaa. This is where u intake lieteto-io- re have bren generallv inada and the principal reason ao much opposition has conte from that ijuartcr. lit POUI.TUY IS I.' TAIL At the great territorial poultry show, held In Salt Lake recently hy ths poultry aaaoclatlou, amuo yrry yaluaide aw at da were maile for the best id different hretili id poultry. At tliia show a buff Coclian pullet, owned hy W. W. lit awning td Ogdin, scored ii?,1, mints, the by any fowl iu highest eycr made America. The ltidd JSroa., who Lavo Iii poultry lor figured iiii(e extensive1 were awarded years, twraly eight prir.ea lor line lunli. Some of tlic.e were scored on the white Plymouth Rnck( which is conceded to be the moat profll-abl- e chicken. They are beautd iful sperimrus of fowl, with thair beautiful white plumage and erect and hand-som- e appenrance. Hundreds of pritea and nii'dal were awarded to different representation. Sale by all yy p j.; pj ;in Cur4i:vr Cm-I- f II. W. ISitAvr, ('all on Ircst. (treat Utah Med. Co American Folk, Ulan, Hr i. W. Shorn1 Faimotil dinmlc disvaMi hay favtr atlvcti.m nl Iii nosa, throat ww I'f. (i. W. Mumra Ct y IjOC.Xi Tim TTTksCE . Table in Effect Subject to Change Without CJk.15,13 American cv.-i'- Hr. (I. W. Shnrra lunk d HleuJ Purifier tkf.iiibtrs anJ punfi the I d, y.vrt Jrnfth awl diseases. aiil ail V(nr. turva j.; j) hutil ft llr. U. W jhorN' Kidney IM.te, pr-- uip Ji'i j'se4w. $1 I'm. Hr. r i b nf si!. ihe k an J Jncs. liver Liver Cure Tlie linnie Draumtic Club. Hr. U. W. Shores Mountain 5apOII stops the The Homo ltriiinatic Club was organsiimt pain in mie uiiuitc. V.r healikhe, touthachs, neuralgia, unco crjitips or clic use It cttemally and In at and ized laat Saturday evening tcriMli. Prevents and cures J'piithena If used In Kern a Milhruiv. I'rue, JS: a buttle. comiueiiced Iruumig a very popular inie. Hr. U. W. Shores' IVpaln VcnaiiHfe destroys Ihilter Tban (Jold," imestinal Oiiriiis ani reiiinvet diaina entitled, the luile niund nest ih?v luuh anJ tiocJ. It never fails. Price stiff? which will tiu produced to the public iV a Hr. U. W Shores' Wlnternreea halve cures eU withiua very slunt time by the 1 olio wing J'seaM nf the skin. Kent v? (visits and black impU-3 to 5 days ti.iii the fuw II 4 s uti Eli Mish's Idi ('l.ijir.iwi, nicmliera: j it if. lV(s, i 1 W Hr. ( Shirva I.ms llol'inaOM, dy Hunkley. Pills niipiiian, nr r'u ninMT't' ui. su k hvaia.tie ,uA bilious . .1. i jffw Messrs. John Ieii II, (t iy I.i an iiks I'luf, a remedies r? prvt'irediely by Doctor Thee f M. Hayden, It. McKeuzio, and Jne L. G, W. Shdiiii dtufl'e MeJ cii lutitete. Salt LnHe Citr. Utah. Dunklcy. W..I.I hy Titos Si. A Thu mcuibaii are walking hard to Druggist. ot wwll the worth a prices produce play LVRL1XUTOX KollE. The admissiou that will lio charged. abovad named drama is a pretty hub' Weeky Kxenisinits to ami From piece of lour acta, nnd one that lias a I Tux Xw V.i'k. tkm reporter very good moral. A f cci.ll I'ullimii saw the manager of tlie company and Excttrvinn Tourist found out the billowing fuel: .'rping ear will I ,tiniir.J ij,0 Hu a .v twin That the company had org.iiiii-i- l for lii.mle Western :!.rir.-S i,t Luc ttd.'ti p. in. ;.'D the social and educational li m lit d m- cvciv Ftidity, ru:,t.ing t!riiii,':i to t and also rived therefrom, ki'ep iiioucy Cl.ie'igo via I). & H. s J . !; & jp n,; q. at home that other is" w uill go iioui It. K. It. AN 11 ov.r our town; and lastly, Seeon i l ias, lii'k-- : .wi pUil m expenses to Itcdjimted to In! i Inidii n this , "O (lose it ii rict 1it,i ' K in Aiurr.csii tit niic:igo with ri, ionic good cause .s Tlie company will Iroiu time to time Faiw (or IbjdMi Hiri; encourOgden, Piiee iin-- i ti : ittik Ii ,tr produce a play, and we sav let points to iinjii,i ,, age Ilia move, nnd ii"t discourage it .is lrve mid tf.ti run ii,f Ogden, It we know ot several tint are doing so. p iuts l.ic.'av .. is a u.'b e move on the part of those that will lc in i'Iih' :.je , It are l iking part, ami shoubi be iiphe!.! j.,,.,. ieeiitii!v,i ot ti..- M r:'.!,. ii,,.,.'.. n'u, by the entire community, and by s" d. "l!1 "J t ter, whose MMil , lilt v i! a ill j,r t, , ing we can say in th near future, 'Amj.,,, erican Fork has one ol the strongest alter the comfort of ibj pi,,,r whiee The wiii r,,ri.i i!,, :p, cars, dramatic aociationi in the Territory." 'no. ire rotutrueicd on Hiesmte g. iicral ia- Open D;it Honk-kecpin- l -- - . s . m-- , i. f.-- -. I 1 . 1 , . . l 1 1 - Connection, I Xiglif. Resiling, limking, Spell THORNTON, Irop'r. Trains leave Salt Lake for Ugdca daily In Ifaaeinpat of Cir iut Hotel, at 9 ;00 :30 a m, 3 .40 p m and 5 :30 American Fork, . p m. Tratna leaye Ogileu for Salt Lake daily at 3 K) a m, 9:00 a m, 3:30 p m and 0:30 p nt. Clme connections made at Jgdcii with Southern Pacific trains. Logan train DKAI.EKS IX loavea American Fork at 4:03 aitiving at Logan 0 ;33 a in and (1 :40 p in . ARTICLE Traiua for Tooele run daily except DKIGS. TOILET CIGARS. ETC. Sunday leaving Salt Lake 7:45 a in. int,9 Steele . - - cta::. Sales Stables Fuat Glass Turnouts aUiiya iu Readiness. & So, A fiue iSeli-c-ti-- of Ilnrsea and Buggies. JQjQ tT lluns Hack ' Leave Street, 'W fefVall trains orders nt SI id ill's Auierican Ft I first ;..II h i - si . n ping , American Fork WAGON' WORK? csscs. towels, eolith. hr:i,i,',,. every te.ptisde for c.v.;ij,r. ree. lYrson.i d. s mg, , j ventenr means ef rc irtir,,! or xiitcigo LMSt ISIIT.1! d.l . t..r nn nige to make tbe Shop Opposite ("IlylliiiM (BEal SSA1LO3S lie-for- e - Hazards .ii. I. A I VY.V.mSC",, lb.it, in, T.i Ag. 11. 15W.3J. (!. ., (i'n'l Ac, tj Salt Lake city, p. i, s - picte ii.ml. Man; Men of .Mans Minds. hut iliey til agree tliai the sulid ve'. ! ..I I. Tiik Deeret lclrgr!i.h office is in hclcd trains nt the C'hiisgo, Union Pact i 'v the . l.i-Junes telephone The Item building. Tie's.' ' ho wish to tic A Northwestern Line distance i so Mice;''. . '.it. i! y with case. No lelegi nph will find it cheaper than telerr Drown-- - I owing to the phone, and strictly private. Message, lelay at the Missouri River. change For fu,. i o sound fact that "i; principles, promptly sent, receive.l and delivered. inbirination call or addre.i, J. M. HarDetroit Iii.; J L. Duxk'.ey, Opeistor. den Agent U. P. feyiiem. V-- f - , Repairing ol buggies of ull kirn!'., netting of Tiros, fixing ma-- " chmory, etc. Ameriatn Fork, . fj, Eureka trains leave American Fork 4:03 p in arrives at Eureka 11:30 a in. for Headquarters Twenty-fou- r hours to Denver: Hi, linurs to Omaha; 48 hours to K.'ins ta city GI NS, LOADED SHELLS, anil Chicago. I0WDER, SHOT, AND II, 'number the Union Pitiili : is the hct Wilde, Adamson & C., IIUXTERS APPLIES line for New Mexico and Arinii . Proprietors . 0 ant Powder, Fuse and C.ips. buying your tirkeN get our figure o- as to information For further la'ca. All kinds of for mill's, etc. call on or write, Agents J. M. II.IYI'I.X. I). E. Ill'RI.KT, and Dead Shot FineWin3, Ltcuokj And CioAf. "1 3 un Agt. Billiard nnd Pm,; Agt. Ann.'iicnu J'ork. Powder- Pass. Dept. Salt Lake. mill yet a (jooil SHOT OL'S Cheap. Coie Connection. City Tieh"t OfiW 301 S M.ii-- i .t. E L. Lomax, t. P. A T. A. Mereiiui.i btieit. Amoricnn Fork, Utah E. Dickinsox, tri ll t Agt. Ameuicax Fork. Uiaii i. II. H. Cl.AHK, 1 W. Mixk, Oliver lie IMdii't do uTliiuif. Heeeivi E. Ei.i.eut Asnnisttx, hut maku the trip to Cluengo on the .ln ZSITITT Joiix M. I)o ink, Chiengo, Union Pacific A Xi ilh western QLl'FF FbKDKKIi K It.COI'hhKT. Line. Why( Time the ipiickest, solid ... vestibulcd train, un chung" ot eoarli at at the Missouri River. Tirnugh first i ud In Pi'memi nt Commercial Sming Bmd. second class ' . t I'oiiis-?'and Dining C.irs. .11; Building. For full iiifiirinniinn call n or address i ! Oli. i :'.d has . Iruvo . l'i M. J. U Harden P. .'i--. fitmi Agsut I"'take!!'" cystim. . !i n tin' Mcly a iiun- yi i. BENJ. BATES, ..r. e.i'iti'i'r.1 w.:.i upu i 7,,. berth are ,oii"T, t m;., r.,ir.t,., seals .luring ths d.ty . ti,tf ul.r , nre closed . They are ejiiipj'" I i., f!t inattrcsic. hlankst". mvU m;ili( i: Henry Lee, ii g. Grammar, Geography, PenmanMain ship, Algebra, Coin. Arithmetic, Rates : Day, $3 per month; night (4, J- - M. nH-i'iult- Livery Feed and Reading, Grammar, Spoiling. Commercial Law aud Arithmetic, Penmanship, Giography. Rat::;: Diy, per month, 4; night f2.50 am-u- The show was a thorough auecra and never was m much interest taken iu a previous exhibit. The poultry business should he eueouisged, ami we hilieve there ia money in raising fine and com There is now uccd lor luou poultry. propla to semi cast lor this fine stock, eggn, etc., for if they will call at tint cilice we will give them uddremr. where eggs (f the licet, finest and most llmroug-bre- d stock in the country. Nowhere in L'tali is tlirr a more desirable place to raise poultry Ilian in American Fotk hu.1 l'tali county, and the first who arc in the business to raise fancy poultry re (lie one that will do the bet. We cannot take too much interest iu th business. Terc is no use rf importing so much imultry aud eggs to Utah when we have on of the most niu'klcn'it .Arnica Salve. Tiih lii r !Si-- i v: in the world t ( indcsirshle place In the country for the laisini! of Cue stock. Who will Ittd Itruis. s. Sons, Ulcers, Smlt Khciiiii. Fc. i Sores. T.ttcr, (hupped Hands. It.jl out, there is mousy in it. hlains, Corns, and all Skin Ih ii th us, and positively cures Piles, or no An exchange speaks of three of the ,1. It is guaranteed to give it i.t ion or money refunded. satis! li ic! record. on men first The will stiogest JY K(M1 SALK pi i box. not driuk as much water as lie want un 3.1 c, r A Cos, Hrug Store. Stciie less it comes fri'in his neighbor's well. The second imhida hs 1" r i n , Ion . tsmily to Fmith-j.T- . write auythmg hut a small hand ns 't is Ai.vthirgl inn do for you. wate of ink to make large letters. Proiv n'. Yc-ilircwn enil ng.ii'.i. YanUfi The third (tops his clock to save the wear Uluile. FORK ;i Pool Room Auekit'ax Fohk, Cnrricnlum of Studies: nd.-ml- r, Utah Buiinsu Jv N tHes. linn Door tn Fork, AMERICAN anJ bladder U W. Mkhti' ilure tufts .ill cousht CiilJa anJ hr.iiKlujI .itirutvns Onr Ase will stop tpasmmlic croup. Karr J bun's in tiMhouse. Larft Family orders Billiard and Seit ADF LIQUORS GIG APS. Sot ice. f iM's i.kt viiir ot hr i . W I'nis .it bfliifu. Ir .'trtrb'a ia chronic anJ Jiiptr.iii'1. rir hr. ii. W. Inavs personally fur his n ?w svHiptuHi liwf .m I luvg uur case dlag a.1 noyirJ .in! vit io free. p WIDE-S- , Spectacles 111, 1SD4. Thornton DEALER IN Cocks, Jewelry all In A. K. Watches, Spfe'jm fusing hr pipi cs m . ! i or any bwwWrt laiih l.ure, I u.'.li me .ir.l Ttn'c aJ iUuod Puii litr to cort tin i.u.trili, mi i!u oiiiji. ( lanM t!. Nil l.i'I'l'iVt? Ilia: rt, C!:W ini dicesttoil. ' v. Jwmi i.t, trouUfl coii4UutJ.jftaiU ua !)r. i. W. Mutro K Jiv-- ttnJ Lvrr Cura; am poidage F. Wickersham, requlrv boib yur havr (.u.tiih, sihiud. II slslilps for i. Any kind nny ein ouiit. laiokovcr your obi I.elteis, saving such cuvel npcs whole. Address: CoN. Stamc Co. Hnrtlord. 'lui. I'l.in.ll i t Jaea Uc.iMl.Pft . IlEAnQUAUtflEHS ron THAVEMN'R MEM AND TOEEISTS. Electric Bells. Rates, the Lowest AMERICAN FORK Pasifis 4 Illy (I WATW). I'"' d f FTfCt, 2 A BOX. iu i'ur livery CftM of Pujiti l (iuamni. k'dlanh t.'aUMiid Naiuil Diliggist. detail, Let For - ooo GRANT, S'. SOUTH OF SALT LAKE. J BLADDER, aid . Ital, Finest Sample Booms . EVST lilll'X a. III. STATIONS. 'i;00 Lv. Suit Lake Ar. ft; 10 p. m. KIDNFY DISFASES . . American Fork, Spanish Fork. a. in. i.ireet. ', - ALL SEE -- ADAMSON, IlHJir . that bis f t Pd Pd . 1,000 Articles Given Away. 'X45AL3. & xWcsterrJin effect NOV. lhIH reRAUWAYa WEST IIOI'XU Bd - i.!m (iliASSWAKK AXD CROCKEUV, L U1PS, WINDOW GLASS, Ktr. Loral Tiim CanJ Grande just u '. i.'r ' EVrRld, .iuly will bring to grap'.ci', to y.iur Ijo'.ih", picp.ri d to r o' phot graph yourself or any rour family, in your own parlor day or Itch tu advance. night. No pay in you have any work done he .are tn ra Satisfaclion guar Turidon's dimple. lead. Trin.iwa. the PlKit'igraplu", P. O. Hux 163, Auieriuau Fork, Utah wrii'ni, More Back Ache. K- Iii (ii, i 'lNFLAMATIONorT ! A I'nulHl -- 6R,AVEUfS-CONSTIPATIO- nn Mvcr Ills, Uss, jaaluil?., sicX LcLilaeb, lciLgestion Hoods MUouS po r.vaL' bsicuiwj tba "aaads,ai4 wiUr.i ffl touUulwuiatiuHk Vrist&i(U.C;ctk.tL;3. Sold l.y Slpc'e vV ihnggiits. i cia 1 rewrmileij In the matter of admiuiatratien, avoid antagonizing the power that he. Advocate placing the roada in the hau la ol competent men, hut avoid all talk of a fetal Engineer. ('"inmnnion or anything else of a centralizing nature- The Supervisors are (ho liuaincaa managers of the The road department ahould county. Tout band lutIui,-o- I Hilti-r-el- rrra t :rtr . ravortt - m h ad h te ii-- 1 i'lril.li lit III r- T7A LlU i Si1. I Th (if- Fancy Goods, Etc. b msyiu : An amwonUa Taxatiw andNcara T'.mh BohltijrlmiinrisUoraciit l ymuL C&.&a aaJ U0 per pacSsan. Bnnuitas fre New Sti.i k Toys, Books, lie-.!- The i in;, of pi'f pi i ' 'ii i li' iiiii' lo . illV'i h' th-- ; ( n'l'iIiW'lod g"i i fu.i'i.-IbiU s, .1iii'n' minims, el(, Hie rupldlf l ''.g CI.C'l'.l. 5 under their but skilled men - - II !, a Fint to'ies and strcogthM,, lli- - ioni..n and digestive orgui . luVoiatc t8n liver. ti'..ut a list iial, henii' y dttire , ..'ires iwfrestdii'.' sleep, anJ fi,r i:i isiscs thw hiahh lent; cf th ; cl-.y-r 'm. reuiBinber - . ! Grants Emporium. ba-lur- Roor, cligiuear' hlimiiii curi' and till' nuit dli .id' d liaii.'unl sick Wc . liiaii ido; yirid to ita infill' In- - i'iirrui"st it !lm waller l'f education u ill u ml to i s are ail who I lirg'i lie local and giw Itl'eis nr ulthdei tn amt giv'i this remedy it t ir nid. Ixittlc, paper lor puii.ii uiii.n . In Can.'S of Imliilil.'d cin..tipatiiil 11!- ''' '' In rebuilt to piadii iil.l nil ttal.tlicul j gii'iig the ll.e n.i'a'cl1.. aiol fi'W I' given l.ing r. ift In'iii in 'ilti Hi lit nil itili: hini'l1 Ti iiu'diriiii' this un y it the I r ii.il i!ii Hii'i-..,,1 mi right nn lie Imltlcs only Kilty cents mi mm l.Higi i fSui-iti infill hi hi easily matur. Co's . Drug Store. available to Hit-iii'' it. In tlie Hint ter if r.nuati union it ahoald J E. Jenson has brought suit against be fully iliuwu Iww angular rocks of W. II. Freeman, of Pleasant fir'1 in mail size are much lietln ter metalling Justice McN lei's court tor a hook acthan rnt'iiiled nnea. How to make a count of ft 1 00. The Inal com-- s up i0xr foundation if a matter of much this nfi. rnonri. importance. Piamaga raiinnl hare too much apace devoted, and the uerra of No of roada almuld know the iiiipottaur arlectini-ii- . Ttirre the a well aa drainage ate itilendid iiimrtuiiiiiea to allow what local material can he efily utilized for road building and no tnau ahnuid In; backward in helping in thla matter. ' and The effect ut sunshine and ahad 9 the platiling of trace, all aho'.il.l attention. It ia safe to any that iln man who doe tliia may aoiue day or other In; tin: )nt'ry I5ut And Imilgestlon, try w O.ule, and c ),i!il-zitaken l.df ih.z"!i',ns, VftfilfF" lis-'i- idb.T. sulk re r from Dyspept ia T ocna-rs- i at t!.c Yoj , i in-- l):.-".i- It Magic Touch ; . C. I..IV -h n s 111 -.r Aii id t'leui Itfclph Oakley of '(( r;r.gvi!!':l under 1. suit to th'.' re ground amst.'lcd C'lUijilsiii', v Tl.ur- - i y a1 that it in:c!i a ten. I'h- - i'.i.i.ii on li.'i: h.iiu sc! ;' l y J I !' II He PiiiVii to is t!" h read. f..r tpii.tai.h-Imurrigibir.'y. j nhn whi wvs sko 1 of ssk.1'.' to I lt:r S.nr l Hi, !'. ( !) (ifiir. - vi i'!i HMl (i Cii'ilo'n t'e, Iii V'i" p.i.s'iii 1 . :. t Hindi V I) iil lieu gave all Ill' nii'','' hilii', In., a.ys: "T.i -l Wl'lll. . id-U I owe V ta'.l'U l. f.'lf! 1) iCilVf-iw ith I.a iii ipj.u u' d t d d tho , 'iHt tit lio mall to! in i. i n mid was given up awl ' i t I C"Ul i lint y ry live , IliiVltig Itr. King'. Nw in my atme I wnt lor a liittli iio I g in its n.i1 arid tioin the 'ii- -t I'fi begun to three Imillr get In It. I, end lilt, r ywitie It is worth was up and ulnett I'gtin. We wni.t ki i'p ktuic ii w eilit,iii kiiI-' t a fit e trial a! or l.iiuM- wit!. nit' i' Slitie A. It.ug Mb'H taki; a i e fuse t a::s rnoriETCS. Hj5itcr :c r i.f ;i.c i...i L.i ! i AMERICAN FORK ITEM. MILTON L. SCOTT. |