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Show .ur Wants The item' lit PUBLISHED WEEKLY Independent tir i .t ii'Hi-- Vuliiiliiiv Glaze Will ut ! uis Ly i w mug. in c i.T.ITUl.liWN LAIilK't' SOFIEIY. Attend !? 1 FLUB. Fiditor Maks nn K A Tcn;ii. a yr 'wft tl.e f.stnur.l liliii-tti- it MiipriM-IrrOl1 UlI.ruLV l CVlIIII giren !'. AYiii oiHM.fSaii Lake's new seiiilii.iU, a as visiting hi brother J'd.n iu ibis city tills wn-k-. V. II.K'ibi-ns- , W . l Tiie Utali Lodge, No. 11, A :.t l.idl the ih.:ir biiuiiiI ('liipmi li give bull m Friday dining, February 1 111.. t Some very inviiati' rs ii'ive been It will lie a issued fur the (iri'ka.u. ui-a- grand time. a A very elaborate surprise wai very neatly perluriiieil upon Mr. George Kel George ley at bis home last i veiling. was taking bis supper at about 7 o'clock wl.( n a crowd of bis triends, beaded bv l.is sister, Olive, rushed in upon him, and be was so dumb founded that all lie could mutter was "Who is it on? who is it on? etc. A nice supper was spiead and the party wound up at au early hiur this m lming with a nice little social dance, what everv one present enjoyed At Ilia residence ot Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Roberts on Monday evening was the scene of a pleasant sui prise in honor of their daughter, Hattie's 21t birthday. An Item ccriU.1, by inyitation, dropped iu on the party at about 11 o'clock, when about twenty-fiv- o people were pulling themselves away from a koun teous feast, with Mr. Jos Bush, the young ladys uncle, in the lead, Atter a pleasant time here, the company repair! d to the building in the rear, where and a very enmusic had heeu dunce wii. liuluigtj ill until joyable midnight, when the party wished Mias llattie compliments of the season and departed tor their homes . The Item this week turned out some of tin neatest and artistic invitations that we have issued tlua reason for the enterprising committee in whose hands is the Valentine Glaze Ball, that is to come off at the opera bouse Thursday The committee lisa exercised evening.- r if i Hint taste; it will no doubt be swell' affair. It will pay those who have hri n pieseuted with an invitation to attend. Ladies aie requested to appear, if possible in some kind of glaze costume The tUtt of the town and sunounding towns will lie there. The Literary Society heretofore spoken of in thsse columns, was organized last week under tho title of the Hawthorne Club," with (.'. R. C.dderwi d, presi dent, and Miss Eliza Chipinan, secretary, and on Monday evening of this week they held a formal session. The object fur the cultivation of of this society ideas ami the promotion ofite memliers literary talent, etc. Following is at its part of the program carried out resat the held waa which last meeting, idence or A. Dunkley : A biographical sketch of Hawthorne, by Miss Lois Rob inson; Instrumental music by Miss Cady Dunkley, Mr. Calilerwood gave the tint lesson on the Twice Told Veil." Recitation, Miss Lois flobinson. The club again meete next Thursday evening at .the home of Miss Eliza Chip n, an, when the following pregram will le rendered: Tue, Sunday at Home, by Miss Ida Cliipman; song. Miss Sadie A Wedding Isaacson : tale entitled. Knell, by Jos. Jackson; liistiumental music by Miss 8yd Chiptnan; tale entitled, The Minister's Black Tale, by Dr. Christensen. Recommendation from Los Angeles. 033 Castelar St., Los Ancei.es, Cal, After having suffered for a long time from acute rheumatism without obtaining relief, I used Chamberlain's fain Balm and waa almost immediately reI highly recemnieml this as the lieved. best medicine known. I), M. Hamilton. For sale by all Druggists. A For Sale Cheap. Large Cooking Stove with Rereiyoir practically good us new, at less than half Cash or produce iu payment. Cost. J. A. Livingston Smith. Stmly at llonip. Auy young man desirous id studying law at home can learn ot something to his advantage by writing to John James. Clerk Police Court, Sait Lake, Utah, Our Own Original D ie. The following folly explains itself, taken from the St. L"uis Globe Democrat : Dr. F. E. Host nick, of the Great Utah Medicine Co.. American Fork, Utah, an 1 Miss Auuie Lawson, of Sait Lake fi'y, were united in the holy bonds of marriage ia this city Thursday noon, Jan. 31st. The army of prospectors continue to invade the Cottonw.md gold fields. .Houses, stores, saloons, etc, are rapidly being erected. ill ill Kmg fi'S ttil'k- - in iu !. 81.25 ir'ilicw, ihiitikt, Lelii. g.-- t your goods tl.e Chen! ts cheap. ot ii'iiii'i-- i tin1 A I. lox Loire apcedi at tbi- - inn-lin- it. Tnmcoii, (Jitor tii'idw u viiy at ot tl.e LiiihiY the City hall last HcpuMirun Club ut I veiling. WeJneSil-iwas ei'.iel Tlie Pre:liT.t Hiy Robinsmi. offrr.d by J. J Mr. Tum-oh!s atJri-se. Jucksi-n- i lit ii wdi-- lr-ije- by was . arnfi and opened II : held the audience fi r oyer an hour uu.i twenty uiiuutes on the subject at Womcu's Right, or Sex mid Citizenship.' a lie a btlsk bias if propla wi.iiM bn-- their coal houses. Ekk-i- i at Dunkin'. a a who tell from a rig a John Iefera, Closing c ut id winter goods at Dunk week or so ago and fractured one ley's. of hia ril:. ia improving sowly. a a Spring will soon be I, ere and y.m will j Mr ,uffwed ,le i0M 0f a valued weed garden s oils Dunkley baa jiut cow this week. D.nT a freh i;j ly f'thein, this fact. Jiiu Armstrong received quite a frar forget a turn on the shoulder this week, by a bucket fallig on him down Jack Shully's Captain Sweeny, U. S. A., San Diego, , from the hands of Walt Wcftermaa, Reuu-dCal , sav: Shiloh's Catarrh ia the f.ikt remedy I have ever found Fi ana Blood broke his leg hctwraii that would do mu liny good, Price tide the aukk- - and knee while scuffling with S' id at Stei-lc-i Drug Store. his brother, Enoch, this week. It would I in Ttwasa luaetcrly.spm-- on suclisn important subject, and we et that space and time prey ruts us from giving a detailed report. The spesker begau with a defense of the fair sex. He said that the causa of woman's rights were growing lastly in Idaho, Colorado and Mexico. Women should be piivelegcd to do as her desire craved in a public way, lie said, and not be inmnd down by the hand of man, because it is uat ure. Thu China Indian and allowed the to even arc mai Is it vote, and why is not the women? because they bayc not the intellect? No. for tiny have shown themselves capable of mastering legislation and going to the polls witli hontat convictions and casting a free ballot far the best ot the country. Men ran go from jail, and afterwards enter society. Can woman do this? No, for she has not the right. It ia often said that women are bettor than nun; they are, in hi: ay things, fi t iu stand In a moral enpidty . At the last election m Colorado 35 per cent of the women exercised the ni-gr- . wi-II- Fresh Salmon at Dunkley'a, Ralph Oakley of Spr lngville, under a untended All kinds of legal blanks at this office. complaint, was sent to tho re lorra school by Judge King Thursday a for Incorrigibility, lie is the boy Cash tells the tala when buying goods Fromwh-i was acruaud of leaking to who at DUNK LEY'S. liion Springviilo City officer with strychnine, ot winch The Item gave an Ji'st Ahiiivkd! And Oh! how Cheap account last weak . for the Quality! Ladies, Gent's, sad Children's SHOES, at DUNKLEY '8. trict court, Salt Lskc onTnesday and on Wednesday the case reached the jury shortly atter noon and a verdict of guilty waa returned. The woman wss then remanded to the custody ot the United States marshal and ordered to apiear for sentence on February 20tb. Billy Lynch, who was implicated iu the case r.ud charged with fornication, appeared iu Judge Bareli's court Tlitirs dryfortii.il. The crime ia alleged to have Ini n cowmitte on November 29th last with Edith Xairen- Ljueh in the nen who, it i alleged, accomnliklii-After the girl her min. was real ned iron: the bouse in Franklin avenue, Lyucb was arrested and charged with the crime. He was indicted by the grand jury, and hat been in jail ever since, waiting trial. After the jury being out snuc time it returned a verdict of guilty. Lynch was taken to (lie prnitentary to await sen trace. 1 Grant Hotel Arrivals. AN EARLY MORNING FIRE. The Home of Mr. Frank Atkins The second Minion on the subject of Totally Destroyed. 'Salvation for the unsaved dead by or Baptism for the 1'mxy Baptism, o'clock At 8 Thursday morning the Dead," wiil lie delivered on Sabbath fire bell rang out, and it was found that evening next in the Prcsbpterian church. thu house of Frank Atkins was burning. KARL'S CLOVER ROOT will purify I Vo pie began to gather, but not balore your Blood, clear pour Complexion, re- Jb ii Anderson, who resides nesr by, had gulate your Rowels aud make your henl dune a nob'e art in rescuing Mrs. Atkins elearas a lull. 35o.. 50c. and $1.0 an. I I little boy from a terrible triin Sold at Stiele's Drug Store. ion . Tiny were iu kml wbcu Mr. which a arrived, in the room PrinU, a Ink says : Local papers an smoke had gathered, and the suffocating good advertising for local merchants. lady was an itupiliud that aha waa unable You can't talk to so many people about to discover what the difficulty was, and your gooda in six months aa you can in had not alia bean enticed to come out one day in your home paper. at that time she would have been to deatii, for in a few moments burned SHILOH'S CURE, the great Cungh and Croup Cure ia in great demand. the roof full in where the bed was. Pocket size contain twenty-fiv- e dmea All tliia took place liefore the bell rang 8old at out. The lady and child wrre taken to only 85c . Children Inyo it. Steele's Drug Store. a neighlieriug house and made a com furialde at Hssible. The tlOOWhnlia gowHa Geo. Hnggani. Jr. ami John eaiuh u.lllj u were taken before Jus tiro Jatk- - saved. Tha building was a two roon The snn on Tuesday charged with extracting structure, and insured for $31)0, a couple of turkeys and a couple af loss by fire and damage will amount to rlrckens from the coop of W. II. Grant. probably $500. Mr. Atkina was absent, up the canyon, They plead guilty and were given twenty at the time, and knaw nothing of hia Ins out are now their and sening day, time. Maialiki King, next morning aft. r or the narrow escape ot his wife and litthe stealing traced them lrom Mr Grant's tle liny until he returned in tha alter to noon after the occurence. place, by the blond and lie the cellar found where Hnggard's dead fovri. It ia said the men were UTAH PAPERS AND EDITORS. drunk and hardly knew what they were doing, but lie as it inay, wc hope it will The Vernal Erjirni, printed it ia a learn thoin a dear lesson. r i- -t if prevtligs of their franchise, which I believe, and just. was right he said, that women are capabla in the halls of Congress fully capable of shap1 am in favor ing laws for the people. of easier divorce lawi such that will do away with divorce auiti, and aubititute The theretor love, jay and happiness. man that has served prison or allows Ida pastciity to overrule Ins good seuse, ouibt not to taka upon bimself the of mkrriage vows. Mr. Tornson covered the whole ground and made au aide lecture, not at one time drifting fiom liin subject, und the way lie laid his ideas before bis audience was explicatory to be sure, mid tin; ladies listened with the greatest attention . Wa ar sorry that a mors detailed account could not be given, hut our apace and time as usual is limited. After ilia lecture, the speaker was given a hearty vote of thanks, alter whicn the following program tor the next meeting was rend: the first Monday in March; Chaplain, Mrs Green. Essay, by Lydia Shelley. The exposure to all anrts and ri. ediSinging, Lottie and 8yd Cliipman.' tion of weather that a lumberman ia Bessie Preston. Speech, by called upon to endure in the camps Recitation. Ray Robinson. often produce severe colds which, ii not checked, result in congi-stinpromptly NELLIE DAVIS GUILTY. or pneumonia. Mr. J. 0. Davenport, af the Fort Brigg Redwood at Fort So is Billy Lyncli, Miss Karrens Ro an immense institution Bragg, Cal., says they sell large quantiSeducer. ties ot Chamberlain's Cough remedy at tha company's store and that he has himself used this remedy for a severe cold The casa of Nellie Davis, a prostitute Thin and obtained immediate relict. in Bait Lake, charged with enticing fif prevents any teedenry of a Edith Ksrrc-n- , ot Lelii, in- cohl toward pneumonia and insun-- a to a bon ot tvi! no Franklin avenue in prompt recovery. For aaio by druggists. November last, wss taken up in the dis- A YEAR IN ADVANCE. 2. NO from Fish Spring a nd Cet Handsome Returns- - 15. a Riv. Smith offers a fine stove lor sal. at D'tiiuii'v's. c..li this week. A A Dr. Mi Vur e.iii - 15. FEBRUARY HA'ILI.DAV, AND I'ECSONAL. LUCA1, and Impartial to All. ir a AlA- Address. A. Politics-Fa- AMERICAN FORK, Vl)L 2 1 in item: FO CAM ytlvcrtise . hundred miles from nowhere, has recentfolio, ly been euliiiged to a and cornea to our table regular, well printed and a good representative of Uintah county and eastern Utah. Mr. J, M. Raikcr weilds the mighty quill, n The Brigham Bugler glidt i along in n the journalistic field aa an tour page paper, and au able represent alive of the City of Homes, and ot Box Elder county, always advocating tha resources of ita locality. M. L, Bnow is ita mainstay, and lie fully keeps to the front with choice local reading in a It ii well groove. In a recent editorial the Salem. Orethe patronized by enterprising people of gon, Independent rays: Time and (gain ite community. have we seen Chamberlain's Congli Remedy tried and never without the most The Mercer Mercury , as it is, satisfactory results. Whenever we see with a lioarsni-ss- , afflicted with the the news ot jicrson pros mining cough or cold, we invariably advise them perous and rich Camp Floyd u.iningdii to get Chamberlain's Cough trict with briefness and dispatch. It ia and when they do, they never regret it. It always does the work, and doea it workii g hard to develop the mining in duatrict ot ita locality. For isle by all druggists. well. Thu r I i i.i j lu-rntl- An Ordinance changed tiom a 'Visklv to twice rrer y seven days. It novii come ti mir green cloth much for n and niprovu.l ia tjp '.rraphii-a- l matter. The ii an earnest Section 71. of the Revised Ordinances Amending; Chapter 20, w ides, Mid devotes supporter of tlu-imuch of it spurn to ciini'ai!u:'l mat ter. of American Fork City, Entitled Provision The Tiwele Tnnnerfjit prints probably tiie niunt local reading at any country I't.di weekly. j nu able representative of Tooele county, always alert in J.V. Lor.g is a publishing ihu news. Inspector. rustling young pencil imalicr, and hustles up an inti reeling lutc.li of newt-- mu Bt it Ordiintd ip the City Council of American Fork City, than the pcoplu d in ccinnmnity support. THAT Chapter SO, Section 71, of the Revised Ordinances of American Judge W. W. Wallace is printing a a very good paper down at Saline, tha Fork City, entitled Provision Inspector terminus of the Sanpete branch ot lVo be, and the same is hereby amended by Graudo Western the Central Utah Ptea adding alter the words from time to Iti columns always contain live reading, time require, the following: full ot wit and sarcaaiFm. Success to The Inspector of Proyiaions, bctoie the Pre! aud Ilro, Wallace, its pushing entering upon the discharge of hisdutiis hall taae r subscribe the oath or The Logan .Yidiim, bright, brisk, and affirmation required liy law, and giye a brim full of w it and wim, is th an tlmrized Republican organ of Lagan and bond with two or more sufficient suritiei, Cash county, and ia always ready to in the auin of Five Hundred Dollar inform its readers on anythirg pertain ($500), payable to Amtncan Fork City, ing to the good of tha whole ieoplu. conditioned for the faithful performance Mr. A. N. Rosenbaum, known through of hia dudes, and he shall icceiya such nut the uorth lor hie roasting propenaa the City G'uuncil may sities and barlislor desires, is tha editor-li- compensation for services actually declare reasonable prints a rattling good lieet, which rendered . ia well circulated. quill-drive- e The Millard Bind, at Deseret, arrowing station on tint U. F. branch, ia one ot the biighti-- t of Utahs weeklira, and seldom tails to show up at our desk. J. F. Gibbs, one of Millard I'.oiiiily's most influential business men, holds down the sanctum in favor of the paper, He also owni the plant and the good will, and manages to well picture the growing community in the midst of which lie is located. Continued success, Jerry . Thu Mmii .Vt'inenjer is a worthy vocate of tha well known county of ad- shall also ba the duty of the In- poet or of Provisions to inspect any kind of provision when called upon by anj citizen of American Fork Lily, on Ihi It paymeut uf thirty cents (30c.) per hour, or part of an hour, by the individual to the Iniector for Ida service. And this Ordinance ahsll be in force from and after its passage and ita publication. and approval Fasaed January 88, 1895. Approved Ban-Vt- Janaary 88, 1895. T. II. PantEU, Mayor. Gao. F. Sueixkv, City Recorder. (Signed) and lit enterprising people. It i Republican in politics, lor tW free1 coinage of silver, and protection to home Attest: It i a wide awake industries, well printed anil edited, and is doing much for the advancement of Tebkitoht op Utah, l County of Utah, Sanpetes wonderful resources. Mr. AMEHirASjFoHK ClTT. ) Joel Khnmaker is editor. 1 hereby certify (list the foregoing ii W. C. Higgins now manipulates a full, (rue and correct copy of an Ordithe leading quill, the result of which nance amend ng Chapter 20, Section 71( gore forth to Ihu eopleof Iron county, of the Revised Ordinances of American in the columns of the Record, published at Cedar Cit- y- so far south, but yet so Fork City, entitled Provision Inspector,' Council of American near. It is a folio, well pr.ssed by the City n edited and printed, sud now uion the second yesr of its distance, it is an able representative ot the iron and other industries, fur which that section ia Incoming aa famous. The little paper ia one ot our most valued exchanges. Fork City, January on file in my cilice. 30, 1895, as appears Witness my hand and the Corporate of arid city this 7th day of Fehru. Seal ary, 1805. eight-colum- Gxo. The Bit. Pleasant Pyramid ii another of Utah clean and clerical week lies, pub- F. Shei.i.ev, City Recorder. lished as il is in one of the uio-- t prosJ . E. Jenson Lss brought suit against perous little cities in ail Utah where business men with push and energy put W. II. Freeman, of Pleasant Grave in their heads aud money together (or the Justice BIcNiel's court tor a book account of $11.00. The trial cornea up advancement of the town; and to do this this afternoon. they have found it necessary to recogns ize and a support their local paper. They the atoya repair n. Mr. Mortemco, J. have brought capital to the town, aud man of Fork, waa In town this Spanish numerous industries and a wide-awaweekend filled numerous orders. Mr. people ia Ilia result. Messrs. WilliamsA Mortensen is capable of fitting any misa-par- ts of a stove, fit and furnish anv Thompson, two praclical printers and etc. Ue makes his nsasl trips to grates, the men are and publishers newspaiter American Fork, and it suy one ban Th Pyramid is working their stoves nut of repair should not fail proprietors. to place her town on a a aelid to catch him when tie comes along. diligently and apparently she is makPeople will renumber his large bills foundation, The Millard Progreti, published at up about town. He is a humposted success. a mer fn Ida business. Hi will be back Fillmore in the city where the first issue ing graad here again aomstime next, hut in the ot the Dturtl Nen heralded lorth, is in The Brigliam Voice, on account of iti meantime orders can be left at this its 2nd j ear ; it is wading tethe caboose of and push, has often times ran office. its fv. ts to further the interests ot its entarprise sgainit the wall of depression, but we The paper recently changed arc county. pleaded to note that it has now All who attend the A. O. U. W. managi.tnent,ly which Wren and Art Honued iota a ball nn Feb. 25th, at Chipman,a bail are Gayford,two practical Sait Lake print- folio, well printed, bright and newsy uiftid to bring picnic. Success to aud ia sent to ita subscribers at $1 a req ers, have become members. tl.e new management. year. The Votre is sn awful cheap pa-COURT LAKESIDE psr aud should find iU way into every ( The Neplii Courier lias changed (No. 8138.) home in Boxelder county. A. B. Tom- -( Mr. W. Miller stepping out renown for Iris appropriate genteel- J. ILAshstuoko Meetings held every and Messrs. Love & tioldsborrough, old mn, Chief Ranger. ness and respect for womens' lights, Monday evening tt resident of Ncphi, stepping in the jour8 .00 p. in. Visiting Mr. Tornson is per- J. L. DUkKCET, wcild the quill. nalistic harness. Brcthcrn Invited. They base changed ss full of journalistic and integrity Financia. 8ccy the name to the Juab County Standard. haps min in Utah alwaya Thornton's Hall. American Fork. Utah. We trnut that tli Standard will show up a any newspaper of Utah and its peomore regularly than the Courier ever lor the upbuilding at the desk and bis witli writings ple McNIEL; did. Success to the change. The JOHN aud his speech upon the rostrum. ' PRECINCT JUSTICE, for all," hut is the recognThe Park Record, the greatest country Voice speaks AND NCTART1TBIAC. of City Brigham ized Republican organ mining representative in Utah, glides kind ot Legal Work transacted with All ia another It Uuxelber and county. along and never ceases advocating of promptness. Marriage Licenses and anything pertaining o one of the greatest and righest mining valued exchange. matters, Legal Messrs. Raddon. CRANK D HOBBS cnmpi in the west. Utah American Fohk, The I Camomile & Co. are the Ant lUgieter U. 8. Land Office. n s The Rio Grande Western, one of the most enterprising railroads in the west, runs seven trains daily through American Fork, They hnve a place called a waiting roam here that is a disgrace to tha good willsnd name of the company. American Folk, perhaps, gives the mad tha lieet passenger traffic of any town in the county, except Provu. sod in return the road holds the people down to that iittle weather beaten, cramped-uOften, tlu little house as a ttabon waiting-roo- m (a senting capacity of p about ten person; is tilled with people nd many have to stand outside waiting weather tor the train, and in this kind it is not very phnaant. People are comabout plaining and have Iwen for years The tho Hio Grande depot fscilitiee. we baliave, mad's passenger business, if better would materially inen-tsi!s for patrons. A wss provided building beautiful little structure cmld Iw built Fred W Kimberley, A Walnnslor. Drnyer; Win Hatfield, Eurcxa;C E Rich Sin Francisco; J C Murphcy, John A. May ncs, R 8 Grant, N II Coffin, W T Ureen, E Lehman, Salt Lake; If C Johnston, St Louis; B O Loose, Chicago; W M Raylcy, Omaha; J M Easton, St Jne;L Leptcdd, Ed Johnston, Kansas ter about $3,000 It wou'1 llicn in this City. great convsatedce to the people and company, the also to nection and "wanted, and express freight publishers. Fereoni to Board and Room at (13 per again it may piac much safer Bteonl is ia doing mere for the.csmp than month, in privata family. Taqnire at this received at this point any ten men in it. flice. condition. e full-fleg- n 1 O. pio-inrrt- d, Land & Minibg Salt Lake City. Attofbey Utah |