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Show Tin: itkm. WASHINGTON HARRIS UTAH. AMERICAN FORK. Ik f 1 ii ir i to m I soil of iiutie--- , a q- atitity im in';i l anil K turrnil Senators Itml luiUcnaiil ami tiiii'f. !: - ir ! IV b. Washington, Fpls-sl- as the . scx-i-J- o.. ii lift try yaflit be, I ji it i o-- tucty Into i:i::i i is iroinif to with tliu Krii.sh. 1 to pet ni-- in LugLsh society IIS . iii-i- Mr. him. Du. 1'akkiii bow to do it . Ims i;- -r sired to lii.ike a brh-- explanation. There will have to Is- - an explaiiu-lio- n whi'ii tin aubj'-i-- t com- - up," Inter-sis-i- l of Mr. Harris, It. so that It will Is- a waste of time to li.iv- - an explanation now. I Ihorrfore object." Mr. Mltclii-lthat tin nrg'-woii not lake ihp-- mlinitt-s- , bur Mr. Harris shook Ills lead. . with great Then," said Mr. growing iiiaiieijce, I will not iiuike tle rcsirt, I will wiihilraw It. It ia tuost exirnordinary lhai senators can-- i not submit a brief explanation If they 'mi desire. It is remarkable. Mr. Miteie-H'words were snapiicd f gt by nun-rat- to'd Chicago , Ten-lu-ssc- - ,f Chicago will into play. bring its t'lli'iirii'i state of Mr. Mi'uJ may tiiiii a affairs on bis next visit. Now ii I Wiil diiTi-.iv- l e Now tli at iho-i- who bavn gono all in p leap, wo tru-iinuy wa not York ari tocrucy hope that tba Ni-will Hup arading their family of tbo (load. (suds in tlm Min-le-ll- , u 1 oilbs-r-- geiii-l.ll- . I.'i Purify Your Blood una . - GREAT bUFFEHINC IN nisi Invlgorsta jour Itrengthoo u,d muAclei, Iom your Uomach aod ligntive orguiN, anil build ap your whole i)teiu by the use of llooda Asrxsfills f would avoiil the grip, pneumonia, KANSAS. Must lloi llslpor IVrisli. lliejr Will tle-ii,- " n iaisrsrt SECRET. af Goad dslksa only a woman knows tha pleasure afforded by tbe consciousness of being well dressed; but must public men are aware of tbe tLaguetle effect f a tailor-mul- t suit. F'errardo WooJ, who tbe lowe- - wards of New York in congress always addn-s- s his ragged, coat-lctdirty, cunstltueuts arrayed In a swallow-trilecoat, white tie and kid gloves. The unwashed" appreciated tbe con pliiuent, and cheered the louder fur Ferunndy Wud." Daniel Webster, knowing that the floqi ei ce even of Demosthenes was aliliil by tin fold of his toga, always wore his best clothes when he appeared on the public platform or addressed the senate. Cure, on being asked why he wore such an elaborate dress when making a speech he reproachfully turned iqsin tlie questioner and uxkcil him If he wuiiiii not present Lis best thoughts, his best manner, liis t garb wbt-- be addressed his I'n-bap- a ItuaiueM I erforiaed Peblle Accouataale After Dark. In many businos a oTicr-- s buin-s- s tic-r- e Is at night of joods : well-know- parilla I. i It s HrPC d e oti I.i-r- ai-i-- t d.-ir- s e well-know- n doles New Domestic Coffee Berry. - ts-s- s - ii- - ? .,i-tie-- - - s " i ie wi-c- i 1 i ! ag-rn-- IN a Feetare of Sarsa It would Im projier at present to . ray Now York bn tliu iniliua to Olll Velielni-lillyIt In needles fur the senator to proprevent humorously inclin'd para-jrsphI object, and said Mr. Harris. from ; tliu old gag test," I emphasize it. I object." about that town n tvr losing hnrgrip. i Then I withdraw the rcisirt," declared Mr. Mileliell. i It ii said American ant a nation of exclaimed Mr. Wlilnlriiw it, In a slander, wbUller. Tin Harris, di tlantly. for to whiHila Is not to think. In Mr. Mitchell showed lutciiM irrlta-- i and raising ills mod tlon lit lie government, in iugunioiiii The sc-- ' and marvelous progress, i voiist lie said In Mr. Harris: America ha lama doing tba thinking tlon of the Nciiutor Is uiitisiiul, most un-- ! usual. of tba world for a rontury. I want this fellow to understand." retorted Mr. Harris, measuring each ara urging word, that I am capable of doing unTint medinul journal the introduction of rnu-b- s Into hos- usual things ami I mu for A conshl- pitals a a healing doing iiuiihiiuI things." t j music of arable part of the mm-uauswered Mr. Mileliell, his tbo day ia of tbo riirt to uinko patient ' flushed fins showing Ills luteliHO ludlg-- I tbut would nation, I tippns'iale that the senator Ogh'ing mad. but Is capable or doing unusual thing, havo the same effort mid then Mr. Mileliell added, ami be Is eaisiblo of doing uugentlciiianly It having horn suggested that the things." would lower canal Chicago drainage j Mr. Harris stepped forward from bis the lei cl of the. great lakes, attention desk ami fur a moment It seemed that has been culled to tba fact that the he was about to relied the statement Detroit and Niagara rivers. Imth cun' In an unusual mid emphatic way. He water paused, however, ami then with a ges-- ' extensive Idcrably morn courses than tliu canal, have been tiui toward Mr. Mitchell, und ntldress-- I lug him directly, said: lad me tell Bowing fur a long time without accomyou, sir, that your conduct Is contempplishing that rosult. tible cun tempt Ible. Tho presiding ottlcer lind lieen rap-fdnSavannah haw yielded to the march vigorously ns the controversy proof events, and hae turned Its clocks ceeded. twentv-fou- r mlnuti'N abend of the aun The senators must proceed In orIn order to conform to ihn time of tliu der," he reiieuted, and they subsided. Tho only nicridiun. anvcnty-lift- h serious ooinpluint comas from tba SENSITIVE MR. BRECKINRIDQE. who am eoiiijiollud by a recent law to close at midnight, lie Olijerte to lleing Nnelilted by Follow which now arrives at 1 1 :3d. A Washington comsqMmdciit writes of ('olun i I Itrccklurldgo'u experiences 1'i T this down for onn of tho maxima ns follows: that tho little rchoolinastor' In eo For a man who acknowledged on (he to the ousinass world: wllm-ssupplying stand licit lie wns a living lie not for more than nine years. Colonel Advertising governs business; Wilbusiness advertising. Tho iroosition lie llreeklurldge seems exceedingly la perhaps novel and la rattier startlneiisltire of ids reputation for truth ing, but lias become true. And licra and veracity, but- the scene on the la another truth, that advertisements lloornf the lions- rceetitiy was not duo to ny that Mr. llenrit and crlth-ully- , made to him nl that linn. At the cuiiniieueeineiit of tile pnsient mnl his wife Tiik following udv. might properly session .Mr. Itreckiiu-iilgtiaik rooms though prolsibly it duos not, npiicaV there Is u at the Itlggs house, where larger congressional colony In tho want column of tlm tlinn at any other lioli-l- , mid ninny of Y Bailies anted Situations tlie hoarder are fnini Kentucky ami s tutors, coach men op footmen in other imris of Hie South. It aiiMai's families. Kofurencos that ( 'olotiel ih'ecklnrlilge eXiected the Address duke of Orleans, SoiiHiern represent.-- ! lives ami their daks of Xormundy, Victor NujMdeon faiuilics to mid sustain him soanil otherwise, but they have not and (iennral Francis do bourbon, kings, cially done so, mol mining others who hare to., of Franro." refused to recognize llllil In liny wily When the IKUmiMrAl a nro not sold hero," nrc Mr. mol Mrs. Ileurd. ilrst cm m- - to the lllggs wid tho proprietor of a Paris look house they were sealed at n table Itl the sweet scciiti-i- l tore when asked for a copy of tbo the magnolia mnl other dining room next to Hint occupied tropical nml semi tropical french constitution. This chaructor-Iratio- n by Mr. plants ami mid Mrs. Heard, lint Hie latter fruit nro grow BEIT IN MARKET. ing in profusion, while of France's never seemed tn In- - aware of their BESTIN' ITT. governmental the like other tnoro Colorado, northerbest tv wkahino eharters by tin merehunt of her presence. Mr. Iltvekiiiridge was so in- ly i in the liskcd cliillv emQIAUTV. stall, Is apt and striking. It is a dignant at Hie snubbing he received brace k ThflantsrortNiiMiIerx-- ( of winter. Tin climate of Texas Hie Heards mid oilier that he In winter Is inm-l- i like that of ? tba win, In country of lightning-likpolitical by Spaifi, down to tlie lui-l- , pro. of the ho- Which Is said to lie Hie Ide.-ll-. transformations. The line, To bo complained (,, Hie proprh-lnTexas is bout In liif taclingthe tel, wlio told him Heir lie did nut con- IidMinliig oontinued in our next." In her fundaffinsr and lu ollu-- bard particularly pipular with r?, cern himself with the relaNrsotial work. mental law comes frequently. (Vlorado Nnplc, of Its being R tions of the guests of Ids liniise. ASK TOUR DEALER so and mi nivnuiit of tlie ex- - fK0K THEM The of the nitiiitspln-rlioilsi lllggs eelleiH train through In the anti-toxlHie via and don't la put off fact rlos of Paris was mi chilly (hat wtn-I'tiion 1iiclilc. interior with Denver and gouda Htilf rail- t horse has blood drawn without In- returned from his I, cl nrc tour they wily, wliicli the only through daily CULCHEATEn- - RVBBKIt Ca ' jury once every twenty days, and trlinl the Arlington, where they met service, without change of ixirs of any , enough scrum Is obtained at a single with a similar and, although class, (olorado and Texas. GO. tapping to treat l.ui diphtheria pa- some of tlie women In the house sienk Tourist ticket an now on sale to Fort WALTER BAKER to Mrs. l'.rcckiiirblge when Worth. Hoimtoi:. Dallas, tient. Considering thn incredibly lb Largest Manufacturers of Calrestoit, lu-t alone, none of them San Antonio ami other high price of tlm remedy, it is strange they ims-ro prominent PURE, HICH GRADE him in any way. , sorts in Texas. For that nobody has thought of starting a hare call AND CHOCOLATES .COCOAS oil of F. n. tlie . erumrv in the West, where live any ngeiit (j, or nddn-sF. It. Semple, horses uni a drug at ft a dozen or lOu this Cseltisak bars rstdvsd THE UTE BILL AGREED TO. 1W senger Agent, Deliver. Fnhi. There would Im millions The H1GHE8T AWARDS t Xlut lie It 1 inert by the In it. SsatkegiMl I'HlUnl I Wave at hlrsga. ('ilil . I. I. The eonferrees Industry! and Food Chicago, Feb. Kh:irHst cold Tin: eoplo of Chicago sulTcred so onWashington. tlie 1'te Indian lull got together to- wave tliiit has visited Clihngo fur ifrom the enterprising burglar that EXPOSITIONS made It iipM:irun;u-- f lust night day nml ngroed tisu a rcjHtrt. The they attached electric alurins to their house iieecpt the Semite amendments yean and is still on with uiuIuUcd vigor doors and windows. This insured with a still further amendment Hint The mercury In tho office of jin Europeand America. the sign-t- i a law until it service the hill shall not 1.1 to safety for a short time, but the burgiilglu fell Vellks w DikS riveiss, is lar now climbs to tho roof by meuns Is ratllied by a majority of Hie Inzero, tin coldest on record since Ckmlrals or Dr lie Is a Vilas This dians. ameiidmeiit la BBT sf Ihrlr of tbo lightning rod und mukes his that Is.!. 'Md sbMbMr BRSaKF AST COCOA br,p.iUoi tu the wns Senate, but It was rejected Kesrtn from innny Ilian's In Illinois. peae4ssiMass entrance into the house by way of tho at the found necessary Wisconsin nml Iowa. Mvretary Michigan i10,y skylight. Tho only precaution that of the Interior was so mm-l- i old sv aaocsaa-mavwHiqqiosod to tin same stall of weather, the ran I e taken now is to groaso the tlie bill in its form Hint BAKIB A CO. DDRCHE8TEB, MASS. be from l.cl.nv In WALTER prsciit ranging eight lighlniug rod. would have iidvWcd the president to Illinois to LU lu'low in iiiirtln-n- Hiiil(.r i iK. veto. In fuel, definite Information was couslu. One ff my childrtn had M.iyoii Si ri:o of Kan Frattciseo, Is obtained that the president would veto very oai discharge so ofti-- on tho str,et by or-1- 1 the bill unless iis provisions were rati-lle- d fmn the turn. soped Krre fnlnag. Viit, Hie oo sookers that ho Indians. His veto of the by ci'tne prescribed teuft- presents to each Washington, Feb. o.-S, of them a card on which 1 printed or Kan Farlos right of way bill was based finance committee again railed t rearh wrltti-n- : I claim tho right of an or- ou this ground. There seems to la no ' Ire ,,"n !"!-'- r ,,f nls'iit tlie doubt bll Vief (hiiiiiiiiig eonseiit of time Os disease is it V'r1? i dinary citizen to walk tlie stroet those Indians the the by mutter having without molestation. If you have In charge. bill, resulting r, r.r to it ngnitw puldio busiucas soe me at the mayor's alive votes being McPherson M,irrm oBlco." All of this gms to show that Jurts IVnilnn. Sherman. Alli-o- n nml Aldrich, and tl i California inuy U deNndd iion to WnslilugMil. Feb. Jmlge Dradley negative Wing BALM epnm and (tanntta CUBAN! Harri. i.mu'iLV'S furnish any number of m--- 11.. '""ICS f rL Cl who are of the district supreme court has audlnffominatkHi.llnit Lite and , grit tit- of Arkansas, v.it consumed with a burning desire to l'd the (tMibras. towoskb. to of uski-for by Judge Nevada. A vote mi a free SMU. Ths aim u Md sinot WI1 serve thoir country. of Michigan to comt'tmrles It. "B'siABWMraiMss rrlval'r r of Hie js'it-sto- oVdm-k- , the hour for the pel I'ouimisHiom-n.retlng of iJr! bureau to rostore tlie former Tiie press rorres students who ELY BSOTBISS, 56 Warm IL, Bsv Ysrk. started for Sassoun, which i In the j rating of $7J Hr month M tlie plaintiff. The mandamus I oncressnian K.vd of Maine non- h,J territory where the Armenian atroel- - ' Smith asked for byagainst Secretary was Judge scln-iulies were committed, have lioen halted ci which lie I ns DR. GUNNS j Tlie gorern-mcii- t the rroncy sl at l.rurouin. and there will bo no ro- - ; deniedwill uimcivsary. to iipinrt n,., Republican . 1 npis-nlI probably s mviion propo-u-o restrict tli.. nmoTBD port on the condition of things In ArI of lsT, which nut .ex menia except such as tne Turkish of the to treasury PILLS UVER lJ,l authorities may approve. Thut is deem Hie gr. eniiack to ;t lh,r atUitalcnt to saving that there will lie ' aent to A MILD PHYSIC. rotary of Umds. Ti-.- s.voiid s.vtli.ti authiMb'' ci.givs Ty thetheset tuilitin no oRIcial investigation worthy of tho war f Hie secretary of tin lnxiiirv coiuvrning A POR. FOR tlNF rii.f. namo ar.J no rtiori worthy of ere the country, p laces the f.mv In t'olo-doneJ is a to Wue.-ertiihtasimHlStabsNbadAws t.. smm "f .lulth. pilta s, Tlie haltel Tlwss pp! rudo at l.ir.l, of wlumi 77i are llldebteiiiiess to eilrront I, linahlM (,. ; nTk. Tbs ran Hndulm MtnTiian l.Vi noli eoiiinils-an- bearing Interest it it mav do sotno investigatino viitea. 7 JndcW ihs Ompb-nav ,n,l,d ji,. MMhsr snu. oar strknt To emnsi tia k7 able in tsiiu. fflters, IS cavalry olll.-ers- . ! rejiurtiiig on thoir oun a HER 00. FhltoitalfNia, Fa count. s VERIFIED ! which none of the employe, aro aware. is tie.-- auditing of Is, ok, a fchturo of work n by w;vura! .V. -Kaiis.i t'ii.v, accountants. public Oklahoma fariuis among Kac'.is mnl Of cotir.-x- : in the majority of such ami I. lore is the in the concern huvu , fur mu 'Me aid are being mad--upli'-ali bud Mltnc IVUnun to Ml and Mini,: of "Wm.ii-ifor f'il Is a daily llpbtherla iyi bold fever. These tho office for,, of dinhom-K- t oar ptri-i-ti of suiyeriiig uiH'ii sight m-for Al times, however, on: put-iii-, little town. Kiid I'.itrh-I- McClusky, a disease ui.iy U.rir luiwt vietliiis, ;rsoui who are Hiisfs-c- t liiiTi'l.-iii- t of St. Franels, another, or some may dcldlituted aud run all Nek, tired, down, da.v. is In Ib where tho tlrm a to emiui.l. luinuiiitee appoint. owing to Impure ami liupoverlithed blood. r of a their standing at an unusual i c, tim of tho year, and without it being apply fur aid at lin priuelp.il Ilood'e Sarsaparilla purith-- and vlia'izt-be liloo-- ai d 1tiis ward olT disease. Weslel'll rili' known to the lmokkecp-or- . eon. We have given all our cure aaUKO, sick bnda'haT Pills HocdS It is by no meuns an una::ai feathas I'Sia-i- l war- tliiia-In. I in- ure of my work," said a fm-- l for ami until to fnl I in J mired lu ranis iy public accountant in speaking about has and tlm matter recently. - tin111 w tak,no one war, ants. We are Many a tune when a large mercantile honm: has or forced to appeal to Hie closed for tho night and every laxly rlsli wita women mid lil.lr-has gone homo my men have entered fellow-mencold nr hunger Tin- same iINtn-spreof tho store, taken lh Ixioks from tlm vails 111 Ol III r colllU But, lu truth, Webster's garb was ami aero'S Hu- liln- - III Nebras-isH- . safe, and worked over them until daysimply that of the Kngllsh Whigs In break. the days of Charles Fox blue swallow-tuile- d to a local minister from n A In such cases they never touch a coat with gilt buttons, buff vest, reputable woman at- liho'kbuni, (k!a pen or pencil to the Imuks. They brown trousers and white cravat hoiuu, tells lie- sain,- story. "Ho wla-r,- Mr. Noah Brooks, who tells this anmerely verify tho ligur.-- and tran-scrilthis entire you will throughout ecdote in tlie XQvemlM-- r Century, nays the on routs-r- . entries finThe liewill you letter, says sult of each inun's work Is kept by that Charles Sumner once cited It as shivering iiieti, wmneu ami childn-nn answer to unfriendly critics who no no no itself, and turm-over to anotlu food, and starving clothes, that he was too fastidious complained in my olllee, who obtains tho light, UO hnH. when addressing the and The Kansas Senate nmcnde, final results. Kvery nro Is taken in senatedogmatic on matters of mere routine. Suttons seed grain hill jsissed In the books and bundling the "Mr. Srmner," says Mr. Brooks, afso as lo give f.io,lHNi House Iasi tliein in thu safe to givo no fected a picturesque style of dress, for the imrelatse of sis-i- l lo Is loiim d for suspicion of what is going un. wearing colors brighter than those to set tiers, und .Vn.issl In cash for the No doubt many a bookkeeper and which predominated in tlie senatorial deati-tutat such ns an relief of present of the period. Mis favorite coscashier in this city would bn surprised togas of food, fm-- l und clothing. s brown coat and light to peep into his offiro at night and tume was lavender colored or checkfind s forco of men working over tho waistcoat, ed trousers, and shoes with English STATE LANDS AT AUCTION. books, as familiarly as he and his fel- gaiters. His appearance In the peat in low clerks havo been doing in the day the senate chamber was studiously ale of forfeltml Traci to Take Place oa time for years. the I llh. Tho night forco dignified. He once told me that be lint Statu Denver, Fell. r.- sjicodily lioco me acquainted with tho never allowed himself even in tbe priuus-tiiiIaiild IsMtrd will hold Its tht names of customers and the pages of vacy of his own chamber, to fall Into which he would not take in a under the new admiiilstralloii for the the ledger accounts, turning to them hisposition . Then Is niucli chair In tbe senate. Habit ia transaction of huslm-sswithout Pefotvnue to the index, liko everything," be said. Information which the Isstnl Is anxold hands. ious to get. Next Monday tlie board .Sometimes, of course, tho fact of lands worth must offer f,,r sale )It. A. Cl 1 11 1 ST EX8 EX (letter Than a Ootd Mine. our working at night over the tiook all that land ulxnit $l7tMk, Raisa your own roffee at lmuihan one emt a never becomes known to tbo clorks, which the old Ism rd cleaned up during roujuT Let l,inh tariff tor coffee go. Tlie I oor man a frleud and rich man n If the accounts are found straight the latter part of November and delight. or south in tour montliH. north Plant and embraces tracts in every tinie up to tlie Sab of June; (U.ikw funner any there is no occasion to let them know This land la all tL and every one uruliu-rOffice at Bromley House, quarter of the slate. tu bushel per praises Somelinn r it to that they are suspected. At other iidvertlmxl to Is- - offered at public auc- over time discover that lore coffee. their they Produces two cru a yrar in figures American Fork, rtali. next Mon- the south. Lniwe tion In the cnpitnl, Kk or have boon overhauled when confront- , with a reserve of the UMUKh to plnnt U bllln. (0 rt oipald or ntamp. Will ed with tho unmistakable day at 2 oYl's-kevidence in su poll of most delirloun coffer, amount of namey now In default spun Mk rnoiiKh for n king. In superseding more pod figures of thoir false entries." ANDREW ADAMSON, It. Where the reserve Is not reached n fust as in merltn become known. Ismra the lunds will revert tu Hie public ratnlisriie of SU new varieiiesof eeednand As Odd lhlng la atrlkno. U. S. DEPUTY SURVEYOR pnlrone nil over the Unit sent school fund. Many tracts arc highly tree withfrom each onlur by There was an odd thing in strikes on default tho aud them vulunldc, C. IB. COLS. Nrriiaa. nml Hsrkarr Mu. in Owensburg, Ky., a few days ago, small, whereas there an others which NOTARY PUBLIC. when the wen originally sold for less than there employe of a bank quit work I.' tab. Is now due on them, and left the institution without any- Aiiicrlcun Fork, by accruone to carry on business for a time. ing Interest mi defaulted payments. Tho directors, in an attempt to cut TV A,;,Ti. down To fliMii Dliurdarly ItwHa expenses, reduced the salary of i. TolediN 1V1,. 4- .- A war of exterminathe cashier by SU0 and that of the 10XS0R1AL AR1IS7 1 racacH auamcuu calf. tion on the houses of disrepute is prom3W FlKCMr&UWGMItt bookkeeper by $100 and discharged llalr Cutting lu any Style. ised if M. Donnelly, a pruiiilueiit taxtlie assistant bookkoeir. The cashier 3.VP0UCE.3SOLES. Satisfaction Guaranteed. payer of this city, carries out Ills and bookkeeper promptly wont on Intention. on Parlors Merchant Street. strike and the lionk opened up next l.'nder what Is known ns the Winn Amcrlcnu Utah. Fork, no with one behind the morning $2.p.B0Ys'Schca5Hca suit against law, IioiineJIy counters. The directors were hastily LADIES Nelson Morris Co. of Chicago and r convoned, and immediate restoration UVltOX of l.uella owners of OltOO, of old rates were ordered and the the pnqicrty on which stand two of tbs U. S. LAND REGISTER lwrtorbmm ImikiiIim of the city strikers resumed work. tiiuta MOCKTOtiMAlT The Winn law really prohibits the sale Salt Utah. Ijiko City, Over Om Mlllloo Pcopto wear (ht of Intoxleiints In the houses In qiics-tloIlls Scheme for Revenge. but the union can la taken W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes Madam. said tlie occuant of ono nguinst the owners of the property. All our shoes are equally satisfactory of the front neats in tho main balcony, IRA W. KENWARD, cotirii-tloIs for t of which $;!.'), Ietialty Tji.-value for the aioary. give th to tho lady in tho enormous 1 !iev . turning custom In shoe the Itifortm-- r gets and fib equal style i LAW. hat, who sat almost directly behind ATTORNEY caring gualitic an I ;'f prices srs unlfnrm.-stanipe- d unsurpassed. nn sola. him, "this in a bettor seat than yours, Provo r ' i i saved cwrctl-rmnlcrs. rtali. City, lrrprtasl Spring. but I will take it as a favor if you will Texas iis a winter resort Is attract-lume. with exchange more tourists tills season t In: n ever Sir! "COLCHESTER Dr. C F. WESTPHAL. before. Tlm, win. In funner years mean it, madam, ho persisted. "I vviiin-anil Hi. in spent the Hio man two seats behind this one more distant soiitlu-i-- ntu! southeastern kicked me out of his office the other Pleasant resorts, nro this going (, Texas, Drove. rtali. wlnwe balmy mid licnlth giving day because 1 dunned him. I want to get even with the scoundrel . Is wln-riThs IVoela - mi-il- l Mllclll'II, Republican, of Oregon, to tank- - a report on a sugar bounty cl.uiiii on wliiih, le- - said. be de- avi ik K. lid a IV-b- . lli- - S'-I- . Wisll-i-- d Will eel a ailahli- lnIJilary The u:i"ig:im-at h.j,miii, force of tlii- - stale is plai-c- A in the e suit or MITCHELL. VS- Clio lira .4 real SUV- ,.ii'.- iu il Upon Ilia liuva might i'l.d stair NEWS. Yi-s,- " I , . I DENTIST. r, I mo-plie- m-r- pri-h-- twi-ke- t I g VV. saloo- n-keojicrs, : s L.Douclas S 3JS HOE SIIIlLEr, cordovan; uso-ful- ly WS2SSB s to-du-y KH-ius-- y lrls to-dn- y: .... tx-f- AT otic-third- h- -'r o.i DENTIST. r SPADING s BOOT. iiiisiu-piissc- J me-trosi- lis s e r , f It.-i-s risi-ptimi- & y r s Jicn-alK)ul- AjcrM-nu-n- F-h- e be-lo- Iss-iitis- sas. A tomlirfal Mmnirltn BARBERS .... im-- IT lzH-lire- ! i n i. - lug nr-.i.-V tse V J , J ta.-- coeie-pondent- a - 1 m u ... ITEM York YTeekly Tribune. THE AMERICAN FORK .... Now The Greatest Weekly Newspaper In America Both for l.To ir Aclvenjce. il CATARRH nouns, k, Sit Z i). Iaitc Register P. K. I .and Dtfli-e- . Tliero is in New York city s policeman. who has managed on pay never LAND AND MINING ATTORNEY exceeding fl.i'oi) a year, and without Suit Luke for Ptnh. unlawful gains, to put City, opiKirtnnity one son through a famous college and to graduate him in medicine; to get another a commission in the navv, J. P. WICK KRKII AM, and to send two daughters to one o! WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY the licet women's colleges. it ml SjK'ctacics repaired. A Handy Lamp. Next IHwr to Item. A Frenchman has constructed an American Fork, I'tali. electric walking-sticof which the knuli contains a small electric lamp in a thick glass bulb, tho lottery being SLUFF & SCOTT, two cells of a (icculiar shape down the cane itself. The lamp gives suffi. cient light to read a nowspaiicr in a lit Basement Commercial Savings train or to light oneself upstairs at Bank Building. night Provo Pity, rtali. A Slight Italay. I aily Is Mrs. Kinks at homo? )ESERET TELEGRAPH CO. Servant Nom. Can you tell me when she will be MKSKAGKX KENT TO ANY PLACE st home? ON LINE AT LOW BATES. As soon as she pets tho parlor I Dny and Night. Office in Item dusted, mum. an slio's almost finished Building. uow." Tit-Bi- t. American Fork. Utah. nu-nur- Tlio vhaxk THE NEW YORK TIUBPXE Is n Twenty-fou- r Page Weekly. devotd to I'ouiineree and the Field and F'artn. It. is a paier that may la re-I- ii 1111011 for information oncoming tlie Whole World. OUR JOB DEPARTMENT Is complete In every rosieot for n emin try offlei. We are prepared to exin-utplain nr fancy Jolt work to tcrfcction. and at prices that nro in ennforinltv witli the pressing times. Without a printed letter head, a printed statement. ;iii envelope (,r bill head, business seems dull. Printed stationery is of vitai importance ton firm. LEGAL BLANKS KALE: BAIL BONDS. WARRANTY DEEDS. EXTRA Y MiTIPEK OF ALL KINDS. SUBPOENAS. .IPXTH'H'X SUMMONS. ALL KINDS, IJM'ATIOX NOTICES. POM PLAINTS. VENIRES. OFFHIAL RONDS WARRANT OF ARREST, Ji DEMENTS. r These at dozen rhenHr Ilian anywhere els, In the Mail orders promptly attended to. Territory. Address THE ITEM PUBLISHING COMPANY. American Fork, Utah. e la-ga- lot-pe- |