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Show A WOMAN'S NEUYES. UNION PACIFIC BILL KILLED I r.io the story of a WHOM woman UuUM by It to IS Bark to ttm I omnilttaa. ' Washington. IVb. S.-- Tlie raciie railroad funding bill was recommitted TORTURE. I" the Committee mi Iucilie railroad I. lie yesterday afternoon by a vote of ITT to UK, showing an uuexiiectedly j riMtnUd B y Ikt Lust Eicllim large iiiujoriiy against the measura j rkjrilcUu Bafilsd By Bar Caw. j Although the drift has been against j the bill from the Inception of the da were not without PYom the Gate City, Keokuk, Iowa. hate, its adviH-atedefeat was Mrs. Helea Meyr-- s, whose hum to at 3513 j lilie. The extent of ilu-it grent surprise to lm:h sides. The f emon avenue, Chicago, ul w Lute vixiltu ldiate waa uf a brisk and lively char-- , w Keokuk, la., will long be at one time uQlicUxl with a nervous uulailjr acter. Only three of the eighteen which at times drove her nearly to dialrao-lion- . lions of the hill had biu read when Thuoo terrible headaches are a the hour for taklug tin vote arrived. thing of the laat, ahe aaid the other day Hut tin substantial amendment (to to a Gate City nqircaculalive, aud there prevent the payment of dividends on ia quite a atory In conuvcliou with it, too. the stock until the governiuheut debt My ncrrouaayateuai.aiaiueU a great ahoek should have been fully discharged) aome fifteen ycara ago, brought on, 1 believe,' utts adopt itl. Mr. Iloatuer's sulwtltute through too much worry iLg over fauiily to foreclose tin government's mortgage uatlera and then allow iug uiy love for my iu case of default, was cut out by a oooka to get the better of my diauretiuu j maneuver, so that where my health was eoueurued. Why, parliamentary in the House whenever uiy affaira at home did not go when the voting moved to recommit the bill, a moalong Just aa 1 exported, 1 would invariably lie become prostrated from the exeitciucut aud tion ciiiivalcDt to its direct defeat. A 1 would consider myaelf fortunate indeed if proposition submitted as an amendthe effecta of the attack would not remain ment to coinprotnlsi tlio debt (aggregatfor a week. 1 waa obliged to give up our ing fliw.utsi.tHHi) for STo.tkiO.uuii, waa far from the Lake hliurq Sdeaaant home 1not could not atuud the noise defcatial and as stated atwve, the billin that locality. 1 could find no place in iha was sent to It doom by nu overwheliaThe opintiients of tlie majority. city which 1 deemed uitable to'oue whose in nervous system was always on the point cl measure signal iioal the victory with explosion. To add to my misfortunes my shouts of jubilation. A bill called up by Mr. Outhwalto complexion underwent a change aud 1 looked so yellow and sallow that 1 waa ashamed Obloi to temporarily re(Democrat, te venture from the house nt all. vive the rank of lieutenant general of . 'Madam, said my doctor to me won met with some opposition after an unuaunlly severe attack of the the army, malady, unless you leave the city and seek1 front Mr. Glllctt (Kcpubllcan, Massaaome place of quiet, you will never recover. chusetts), but it was passed. The pur-Itos-e So I concluded 1 would visit my unde, who of the bill la to authorize the prolives In Dsllas county, Iowa, and whosq motion of Major General Schofield to farm would surely be a good place for onq that rank. Id my pitiable condition. I picked up the Gate City one day and hapicned to coma across an luteresting recital of the recovery of some woman in New York state who was! CARS RUNNINQ IN BROOKLYN. afflicted as 1 had been. This woman had been cured by Dr. Williams iiuk Tills for Farluai Injur .a Inflicted on Kutuniay. Tale Teople. I thought that if Tlnk Till cured that woman tney might do the asm Brooklyn, N. Y., Feb. 3. President scoonlini 1 me. for Norton of tho Atlantic Avenue nil-roa- d began to take the pills to directions and 1 began to feel belter from! comiuny yeuterday wrote a letter the start. After 1 had taken several boxes to Police Coimnliwioncr Wells, raying of them I was ready to go back to Chicago.! strike 1s over and that all the AvailMy nervousness was gone and my complexj the cars able are now running, and now ton waa as fresh as liiai of any the that troops have luvn withdrawn and girl in Iowa, aud liuk Tills is what 1put color in my checks. No wonder am in every other protection taken away, such high spirits and feel like a prize that he has Instructed the motormen to coins to no I like Ana wonder fighter. and conductors of bis system to arm Keokuk, for if it had not been for link I 'ilia themselves for their own protection bought from n Keokuk firm 1 would nut and that of the company's property. be alive now," laughingly concluded the Commissioner Wells refused the reW Illinois' Tlnk Pill contain all the quest. iclementa necessary to give new lift and This afternoon a car of the Green richness to the blood and restore shattered, Tolnt line, operated by a n nerves. They are for sale by all drugglataj man, waa A man mob. a by atopjied or may he had by mail from Dr. Williams, motor-ma- n Medicine company, Schenectady, N. Y., fog seized the brake and struck the across the head with It, Inflicting 50 cents per box, or six boxes for U.B& t a serious cut At 10 o'clock a number of strikers held up a car In CAUSE FOR KICKINCL South Brooklyn. The mob stoned the Tfe Confidential Dakar Eneountsr Wltk ear and broke almost every window In It sa Insurance Agent. Word was sent to the Eleventh preYalt till I kick of minoaelf," Mid cinct station and a force of policemen the confidential baker. Vot I kick were sent out. They arrested one of mineaolf vor! Because I vos a tam man. There was considerable excitevool. Ladit August a man gome in ment about the place at the time. The Mine vife und crowd consisted of about 400 people. kero, and ho says: me vill take of our breakfast here, und When the police charged them the I vill bay you ot the end of dor reek.1 mob fled. The strikers threaten to arm If the Und I say, Dot vos all rights,1 because ho vas dressed mit pig style, und employes of the companies do so. his vife voa shooat aa aveet looking aa a baby. Dot vos on a Tooaday, und AFTER DESPERATE RESISTANCE next Toosday morgen his vife gome all alone und say dot her husband vos Xila Kang Tao Captured Battle. seeck, und she vould mlt her carry his London, Feb. 3. A dispatch from breakfast Und I say, Sho! und she y states that the JapChoo Foo ray, Yah,1 und look so sad dot I but anese have captured the Island of Lin extra coffee in the moren five NOISE WAS 35 Gem 1 f Largs Majority Tots Baade ram lOf I0G8M& Speaking from her Experience, i In fashion baisara aad Throe psuerna tore tor tnentv hie to forty rents aurh, but tha demand among airanw era w oflt-- i to iha iudy reader of tnto for tl reumrkubiy low price ut only 10 per Ei Booh runtime one cent extra The imtlrnis are au of the very latest New York styles, and are uneciuited tor style accuracy ot 111. simplicity and economy. For twenty-fou- r ysfers those parinrns Lai been Hard tho soun try over. Full dwripitiais and direction os the number of yards uf luu't-ria- l required, tha number and names of me u.uerent pluoea to tha pattern, how to cut and lit and put tha uwvtlier- - are sent with each patwn, with a picture of tlie gunueut to go Ly. These In every particular, there Clterni are coinplnie for every ample piece patters Your order will ho filled the same of tho day It to received Order patterns by number and give aim to l m order to ilii-u- i After years of practical use and a trial cf many brands of baking powder (some of which she recommended before becoming acquainted with the great qualities of the Royal), Marion llarland finds the Royal Baking Powder to be greatly superior to all similar preparations, and states that she uses it exclusively, and deems it an act ot s r remi-iubere- xar-ma- Justice and a pleasure to recommend it unqualifiedly to American Housewives. The testimony of this gifted authority upon Household Economy ' : I ! tiw fetches. to he perferl Every pattern nmnmti-eTUT ABB QX.OTB TITTINO. To get get HUT and liitKAbT measura put tha tape measure AL1. of the way around tho body, over the dress clone under the anux Trice of each pattern, 10 eenta, whan below. Ordered oa coupon prim-Fratago om mi extra oa EACH pattoris coincides with that of millions of housekeepers, many of whom speak from knowledge obtained from a continuous use of Royal Baking Powder for a third of a century. IN ROYAL BAKINS POWDER CO., WALL ST., j non-unio- to-da- shents hitcher vot she prings mlt her. Und next day ven he gome oack to preak-fahe no say nodding about bay." And what did you ray? Me, Yell, 1 ray nodding, too, because, ven they come in, she smile and ray, You see, Mlshter Dietch, ha vos potter und I schmiie too und dont ray nodding! about ds? bay. So, it goes on for vivo veeks. und den day dont gome no more, und 1 a aout tervelf dollar und a hallef. You never raw them again, then? Yah, I do sea them again. I sea them ahoost now, usd dot is vhyfore 1 kick of mineself. 1 vos doostingder charlotter rushe ven I hoar somepody ray, Goot toy, Mr. Dietch, und der vos dis man und his vlfa. Und pefore I cant ray anydings he ray, Mr. Dietch, I owe you a teerifle, I pelieve, und I shut hev bay you pefore, but I hev der city avay from been. Und Tith that he put his hand to his prest bogit, so, und say, How mooch vas Tervelf dollar und it, Mr. Dietch? a hallef,1 1 ray, und ha say ha vos gessed dat vos aboud it, und bull aout his bogit pook ven his vife pullit him dor arrum by und ray, Dont forged aboud der inshooranz, Vill. Und he ray, Py shiminy, gommit der aoe of vorgedding aboud It You see, ho ray, I am von angend und mine vife ray, Yy not asko dot gut Mr. Dietch eef ho will not Insure his life, so I make out der bolioy for zwei tousand dollar, und hero it vas. Und his vife smile und ray it too der pest gompany in town, und vould hellup Till, because der bremlum vould go mit der pill. So like a tam vool I ray All right und dake der bolioy, und den st - to-ta- y, Vill say dor premium vas kertwenty dollar, und If 1 gif seven dollar und a hallef It vonld bo hallef skeware us und I pay et; yes, sir, I bay et; und den dey go avay schmiling, und I aohmllo too, maybe, on the upside down of meir vaoe. Say, dot vos bretty slick, oh? Oxeuso me, vile I kick mineself once more for a ver- - l, ships were st'.U firing at the Island forts, six vessels lowered boats filled with marines armed with cutlasses and carbines. These boats were pulled ashore in the teeth of the enemys fire, and the Japanese then carried all the Chinese batteries successfully by storm after fierce lighting. Many on both aides were killed or wounded. A large number of prisoners were taken. When the dispatch left the Chinese and Japanese fleets were hotly engaged. CAPTURED Mob From Bn BY CHINESE. American Wanhlp KM Dippnt dispatch from Shanghai says a telegram baa been re celved there frpm Chin Kalng stating that a party of officers from the American warship Concord landed at Chin Kalng for the purpose of shooting London, Feb. 3. A game. They, by accident, shot a Chinaman. The populace became infuriated and attacked, seized and carried off the whole party. The commander of the Concord sent an armed force of blue Jackets and marines to rescue them at all hazards Further news In regain to the sffaii Is anxiously awaited. IJInuknlitiil to He Banished, New York. Feb. 4. A special from Washington to a morning paper nays: learned from an authoritative source that the Hawaiian government It la niuki-- mii-ii-- black-browe- Bis. 1.000 tlie s a afterwards iiHine, Denver Directory. sui-mt- 1'EK ACHE. 1'OTATUKS J. Wonderful yields in potatoes, oats, corn, farm and vegetable seeila Cut this out uiul semi So jioatage to the John A. Naixcr Seed ('a. La Crosse, Wis., for their greet seed book and wnn sample of Giant Spurry. Wikolow' luuniiM is nus Jn css eslsni sane si mj ripens. J. It. W 1 1 V, 1740 to I7M Larimer L DKNVIH. COLO Stmt for ChlUrsn TwlMiig- - HARNESS lh It s fool ami lila money are easily parted, will tell ua why there era o ftmlaT rleh many For Wimping Cough. lisa's Cure la s I7 Thrown M. I'. IMi-ti-Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y., Nov. 14, 04. best aw doable loarord llanuM la l.va.ln for SIS. Rlih brserhiug, IM, lJ doubts toaia b u imm with lie. git sisal bora stick for II Lbrs-sbia- f Fulth Ihm't early portal Morton luuniaglng editor of a luagnilur) 1 do; they're all Ha Met Aaather MIL SADDLES KWTram llarneta, with Rreaeh-bifur Jt cowboy doahla rluilii au-s- l bora MdilUi fur (IL llral harnM aud saddle In Iha Mata fur Iha Bowy. This Is sc baiubug, for yoa can sue what brfure paying for aw as order ud if goods are sot satisfactory jus m-ku- box-o!lic- H. WILSON, E1UESS MB IVhat do you suppose ever mad them rail a prlmui King King" 1 It wxi because of tlie hare." It the Ilnby is Catting Teeth. Us Mira outlaw tlutaU aad nnklr, bn. IMSiulibiiift birHa (ua rot b deceived bj worthless Imllsliims but onlsr wknhwato iirtiisa iilnrl tnsu us end gat Unreal 1IUKL-lU- , l'BKU I atelnms fraa. Allgotola aumia.L fU larimrr Mreto, twirar, Colorado, for examination. liouda usss Ven, The late Father Healoy used to comHansons Haglo Con Bslva." Warrsnud to now or munrj nfaaJod. Ash yoar plain that it waa somutimes a painful for la draggi live to to tho of a character up duty One night, when tired, he wit. In yonr new What siibjprts are a plea fur prohibition None." lumkY" lgbed and grouned to think that his and doesn't treat It's all." at n expected a Joke of him. But he waa kind, and would not refuse 0N THE Road the first chance of contenting the recovery, the man. A donkey brayed, and Father woman young Cry who to taking Well, Healey said, acrou the cart: Doctor Fierce do you hear your brother calling you, Favorite PreThomas?" Quick came the response: scription. In Indeed an I do, father, with tre maidenhood, womendous emphasis on the father. manhood, wife- w-- tn-ntr- PDRIKBOLTlfM ear-ma- Qw2tlo hood and Argonaut mirth-erlioo- the A Tarrlbla Visitant. Fata to alwayi a terrible visitant, and often tomteltoa Itself with one for life. Thla luttlo-Hoto preventable, in caeca of rheumallem. by I timely resort to lloeleiirre's Stoinaob Ullters, which check! the encroachmento of thto o bell-ut- e and dangeroui malady nt the outset. The Mrm dancerouc" to used advisedly, tor to alwayi liable to attack the vital wanna and terminate life. No testimony to ore conducive and concurrent then that of phy oldens who testify to the excellent effect of Iho Hitler In thto disease. Persona incur wettlnc in rainy or snowy weather, and who are lx posed to drwufhto, should use the Bitter ns a preventive of ill effecta. Malaria, dyepepata and liver and kidney trouble, uenouenee lability ore also among tbe ailments to which ibis popular medicine la adapted. For the soreness and stiffness of the aged it to Ntrata Ooerrax Pattora N& K9 to out Bv sires, via: fi, IU, M, 14 and 16 year. to Tha mod hare presented Illustrates the Vandyke alyls of trimming now so popular. Oar! Becked cuuels hair un muds cloth to fashionably combined with a full yuke of certs ratio, veiled with mode chiffon. The stylish trimming constat of bauds of black ribbon velvet. Tho fanciful yuks la gathered at tho neck sud arranged over the fitted body at pointed yoke depth. Ktyltoh revrra finish the lower edges at back and front The bodice to included In the under arm seams and trimmed with velvet, the trimming twine carried around tho bsok to simulate a almlght belt as shown. The pointed belt era lm omitted in (a vor of a round outline If so iiretiTred. Full lag o'muttoa slaevoe ore mounted with rap that point oa each ode rad meet the re vers booh and front forming a stylish outline, tlie Vandyke effort being out in ih cuffs that finish tho wrists. A chiffon vetted bow of ratio to won at the neck and handsome pearl buttons decorate tha sleeve, rap and cuffs. The full round shirt has a V andyka trimming of velvet, tha upper edge belli gathered and sewed to lower edge et waist Tne costume closes invisibly In center back with hooka and ayes. Many charming combination! era bo devei-opby the mod, which to oultobto for any fires fabrio. Tito retail price of pattern toffl esnto. ear-rla- d Pre- scription " la a supporting tonic E. E. BURLINGAMES ASSAY OFFICE and nervine n that's peculiarly And flu Ultra! Lalwraturg. adapted to her Iffab i 0ed VL nerds, regulating, JKWKLRKS AND 1UOTUnitAriIRRA cur-- i, and rad jour sweeps soil waste ninlaliilng guld strengthening toff the derangement sod silver fer treatment. Prompt returns highest cash price paid fur gold aud stiof the sex. Why to it sud ver Adilreas 17M sad I71B Law bulltus. so many women owe their beauty to Dr. I sees BL, Denver. Uoloradm Pierce 'I Favorite Prescription ? Because beaut of form and Owe t,clli from Un AHKTMK am, 1. M A1K TO UHliKB OK ItKAIK common center health. Tbe best bodily MAIL OHIIKKS KB MAHK. condition results from good food. fresh air Tucker rklVKPUoNIT ATl'KVJ'l N. and exercise coupled with the judicious tiae HHIKT PUK of the Prescription. ' Oil, UMi H4K BUVOL If there be headache, pain In the back, hearing-dowsensations, or general deI aiilnn Suffering tram FKM AI.KTItOirill.il bility, or if there be nervous disturbance, of any form should toveatlgato nervous prostration, and sleeplessness, the LoQlBS highly beneflctoL Prescription" reaches the origin of the A California man has a defect in bis eyra trouble and corrects iL It dispels aches rmieaUstlOB free. Lady to efitosL SO Immluaar which censes him to see every abject mul- and pains, corrects displacements and cure Blork, 1UU Aispabo btrseL Dsnw, Uuto. tiplied nineteen times. What a lucky thing catarrhal inflammation of the lining memAND MT Of I K Iff. in of the t Is that thla man did not have the conniwomb, ulceration, falling branes, Write for 1,111 KAIr all putols. ng of tho New York City vote at the tost regularities and kindred maladies. IHkwt, V. i, ulsutaif, 1'iU Ir to ok, Oearat (lection I rheu-natto- m after desKung Tao, off perate fighting. The dispatch adds that tlie Japanese fleet maintained a terrific Are on the Island forts for several hours. The Chinese gunners responded spiritedly. Several of the Chinese guns were disTbs Modern Invalid abled toward the close of the bomHas tastes medicinally, In keeping with bardment The forts were badly dam- other luxuries. A remedy must be aged. Finally, while the Japanese pleasantly acceptable In form, purely la seriously considering the advisability of putting to death tbe royallsti who were prominent In tbe secret revolution against the government Information as to the determination of the government will probably reach Washington by the next st earner from tbe Izlandz. which to due In San Francisco within the next few days. rlohtan jackass." It la already known that the A Partisans rirtinph be lmnUhcd and site is expected to will he should kepi Our country If right, In the United States on the next arrive right; If wrong, should be pm steamer. which maxim par right, la a political of apbrased applies to other conditions Iha Scnahi 1 far Bllvew should If health. our right, thus: life; Feb. 2. Many Eastern Washington. be kept right; If wrong, should be put Republican senators are gutting letters right, especially In bodily ailments and telegrams from their constituent! such as pains and aches, which 8t nrglng them to stand by tbe President Jacobs Oil promptly cures. Many out and lay aside jwirty feeling and aid in a sound currency bill Thlc of work sbould beed to give It a chatict passing has Impelled a eanvnss of the Senate to cars and It will give them a chsnn by several senators and they point to go to work cured. Another adage is out that the anti-silvmen are In the Ue doetb best who doeth well" Well minority. Tlie canvass shows 47 foi of course yon want to be well from al free coinage of silver and 39 against Senator Wilson oi sorts of aches, and the best thing to 1 The admission of Clark of Wyoming lie wlu Washington and Is to use the great remedy. will lncrruw the free silver vote to 49. ''-Indeed. g wall is so dues es At Arm tlie name make t'nmlslnkabl Iroof. d You aver," said the bandit, that you are the celebrated cantatrice. Mile. Squallkina. Prove It and you are free. .Sever shall it be raid that a Cuttaweezunda would OITer indignity to un 0iera soprano. It la against all the tenets of the profession. How shall I prove my Identity? raked the captive. By alnging, of course. What! Sing In this cavt! No bouquets, no steam heat and not a cent in the Never!" Gentlemen," aaid the bandit, it is evident that the lady la what she claims to be. Escort her to the nearest village and act her free." Indianapolis Journal. wholewmifl in composition, truly beneficial In effect and entirely free from If really every objectionable quality. UI he consults a physician; If consti- pated ho nses the gentle family laxative Syrup of Figs. There la no life or warmth In resolves. meet and pass n set of resolutions pretty much as they would pass an iceberg Men at sea. BOB BCR. DANVERS FELLOW ONIONS Were grown by John L. Rath, East Faginaw, from one pound of seed. This tremendous yield, at tlie rata of 1,048 bushels per acre, Mr. Bath says was only possible because be used Balters seeds. We understand that Mr. Kaiser's seeds are the earliest in the world, especially his beets, carrots, cabbage, encumbers, onion s.'pess.eorn, radishes, tomatoes, eta, and that he ells to market gardeners and farmers at lowest wholesale prices. If Yoa Will Cat Thto Oat and Send II with f 1 money order to the John A. Balzer Seed company. La Crosse. Wis., packages yon will get free thirty-fiv- e earliest vegetable seeds and their wonderful catalogue, or for 13 cents in stamps a package above Frtoa Dsavcra wnn On lams and their catalogue free, A scientific man nays that great doIm-will make the average cltlxen pretty nuiir, especially if they come at night when lie wants to sleep. Thor Is more Catarrh in thto section of tho country than all other disease put together, ana until tho last few years was supposed to he ineural Je. For a groat uiy years doctors pronounced it a locnl disease, and proacrilietl local remedies, and with local by constantly falling to cure treatment, pronounced it incurable. has proven catarrh to be constitutional disease, and therefore requires con stitutkmal treatment Hall's Catarrh Curs, manufactured 1 y F. J. Cheney ft Co.. Toledo, Ohio, to the only constitutionaln ears on tho market. It to taken internail-idaoes from 10 drops to a tenspoonfuL I acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer ono bum dred dollars for any rare it fails to euro. Rend for circulars and testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY ft CU., Toledo, O. ISFBold by Druggists. 75a Hall's Family Fills, li5c. When scores of piano manufacturers sd Tcrtiss their Instrument as the very best SHIRTSI n viavi uu;sTRra. FALL1NQ OF WOMB." Fxank of Eait Dtikin-toFrankli Co., N. Mas. of Hllvsr. Oolit, Mskei, Oopp Hrsl-oii- is irkw knforpriae PlaUag Oia, IM Hto. ptATINU plate s'speohilly. Cah-FiKL- bsaii iui n, GRAIN, K Y writes I deem it my duty to express my gratideep, bcait-fel- t tude to you for having been the means, under Providence, of restoring me to health, for I have been by spells unable to walk. My troubles were of tbe womb inflammatory : has cured me." Rum, with Font Oodst Back A IXk Cahfixld, Prescription eatUoif-krelgh- IAto-1- 7 SOLDER Ht-- Th LINKXK" sis tlie Bust and Moat Eoonnml-ra- l Collars and Cuffs worn ; they ora mads of Site rloth. both sMe finished alike, and, being reversible, one collar is e,Ug) to two of any other kind. flfiill wii, tmr rr( ufMwM. Aboard Ten Collars or : Cento A Hompto Collar and Pair of Cuffs by moll for Blx Cento. Kune style and otre. Address KEVEIOiraLK rOLIJtlt CON PANT, 77 Rxnklln KL, Now York. 7 Kilby BL, Booton. COUPON VU icY WlikAT, tXlKN AND OATH. The oldest and lsrgsst Nanery to the Slat rad tbs only ora propagatIf ing a geusra! block. oa wist to be sseesav THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN fal NURSERIES, CANON CITY, COLORADO. plant COLUKA DO t.KOwN trses. Bend for Catalogs rad pries He aud wentioa into Paper. BKWEKbK ft DYX, lTopriaton. writ ... farm nrftftrvtiitft AMD OmCMAKIMS .nuitowpy A Fruit ftitd pnkUplMd ky yrurtlral ttirk Hroft., 4 me m yrar ; rimhilM, Mi. yopl . Tbffl uCrfflm or U, Cinun'- Ikt buy taft ylm Clrewtr r Pirwr, who hml Um Mm or thw mm f wlnl la bwt tohnytiNl iMdurmt miNUif trmm ihrm all. trim ba yinrt. waata la kMW. Aal wottJd laM kin dajra to toorck Hi for klaaoif ASURE CURE FOR PILES IteWnC iiwa kampB or Prutnidinc by moMiuit lik DwwMkm. emN yPd mtmrneMim FILK REMEDY, Dr. BaSrahe, PbUada.,f. of pattern In ordering, give No. and Waist...... meas wanted Iluat ure. Either of these pattern wtUbseent to any address upon receipt of 10 erato to silver or stamp when thto coupon to OB- -' closed with order and on cent fur poataga, with your odd ruts. Addles COUPON PATTXBB CO., xxfi Bock Bex T47, Bow Tow. BOOKS FREE In order to introducs our lino of Standard Novels to the public we will, for a short time, send one or all of the following books FREE on receipt of 12c (stamps accepted) for each book to cover postage, packing, etc. 6ood Print Good Papir, Hudsoni Covers. PaienisiTnde-Mark- s. Ksim4 ,aiuu? IF Century Cook Book !ird.."d fw Invetitms' tinkle, or How to HX3EZ OTeragLL TAMlfWai. 5-- 8 Adr, Tnofii wno w os to Palrotablllty sj B. I nivE t sgalasttbeOuvening-ti- VlatTtfy' Stoivo. . . . ft Hand. lastiaytof Pofiipfiil . . BuluurLytto , A. Conan Doyln, Baffin tho CKf . . . Btvorisa of 0 7 B C K y ODrUeBslu" prompt reply. relief WaMMgioa,l.v.,iH.jr mt 1. and most perfect in the world, It I a widen to coma across on old hand organ " of Two Little .lr. A0E5T8 One earned Jumps the last verse first verse of Sweet WANT ED. Nany over HJ"J e WtOiilJ'liW in Blue, into lb w r. Box 131. Maria... 1 Bachtler tortha Clay. Dent Tkorna Ptoffii tn4 Yams , Bill Hye-- J. W.RIloy. . . . M.E.Holmo$. The Wifi'a Sterri Wabttar Dictionary . . The Gem Songster, with words and Mile eoaipteto, a Vfil-Pock- et Addroia If you have Rheumatism LADtxa' Ooufia. Patten Na (COO to cat la (tvs alzao, vis: a, M, M, M and SO inches waist measure. AND Thto ha ml some shirt In latest mod to repreMask fancy black and white plaid, silk Uto M. Oorrsapuudsoes frs sented In with black velvet triangular (ever trimmed AND BOOatfT and butterfly bow oa rich rod satin ribbon. ALL KINDS huldl u. k ady, ua utk With this attractive skirt was worn a Spanish Hums Dtuirsr. Jacket of black velvet over a blouse vest of red satin, making a moat effective toilet. The skirt or Staer BALB Is FRUIT LAND? with pvrpatavl walor will develop effectively to any of the season's alik and right. Ml pi r srra U. K. Uomiitork, IU Utt, Dssver mw fabrics, to plain and fancy wort, wooL moire, satin or tho lighter weight silks of NINININ PRINTINa BOW so much used for separata sklrta Tho top MACH1NIRT ltql,,i t rad tlr. lineAthrsadlog can be either gathered or shaped to tb form by liltost. Nock Uershta elevator the small darts provided to tho patterns, tho BOGUE LEAD CO. former method botog recommended for soft 1S10 Hlako Street, ilka, ota, and ths latter for tho heavier silks DENVER, fcOLtL and wools materials The skirt ora also be txx plainly finished to wear with watou or braqua woke a uro. novelty Amis DENVER 10 Iriwreora F. ft Jo L of the same material to tailor or other mod. Meiu'lliv Kublier Nupi and Eleatrie Buppllra Tha retail price of patten to H esnta, s Bel-onc- e ANDPKO-tillC- SlEjcLffi GRAIN Favorite wonderful IXL, XUIIII POULTRY. UANK U, n 's lisfnr MthGKK to It. SHIP Camailssloa Bare huts, Usavsa senand bearing-dowsations and the doctors all said, they could not cure me. Twelve bottles of Dr. Fierce Get oat FKP.IX AND iMMUHIUX HARRISON BOOK CO. 88 West Jackson St.( Chicago. wi iMavift ku, writing to VoLxn. Em iih adyerUiera plrara my that yoa saw tho dvorttoemont la thla papw When and Sc for catalogue of hooka. Im-img g"ld or silver ere, hat m UIUCD II hods n fortrem-ur-. KB nmipletei extra fol MlnuML hkkh-M.U.Viiwtor.tiaiUitocIfln.Ca plating when north-re- |