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Show v'i'.i sail AMERICAN roiIlC ITEM. daiin.;-.-.- M ! tlUl rli .r thur C . 1. - Pliil-l- Il l 1, bn ' I L'rpu tt. .! il uiiiii ' i i : t'l tin ' "i !!,v It : hi : i!',n-i- iiia H if Ini 1 1 Mlyi-- lull hiuijily D' it I ' - l riei.-nt- no : II l I fl-l.- two i;li!ii. I S c in niUt tticir pally (1'iiui-i- An-- -- - ! :. 'ii. : : III M I : ill! I ' I ;t . .'i i;.- i !p- i I Ini.' I i ir i ! i t i I ip!. in i.i i it ' wl. 1." ii I wsmI-iwi- i I I,. - A IM- '- - JEWELRY. Pleio.Csl., ,!-- n iieiv ..y is t. ur wuutudomo 1 lrloo fjets. gi ;iil by Piuggiita. auymLtt Boys, Books, SHILOH'S CURE. A in do no. Kirliur ii.ij'i.ry, we It tu n that while and piiil'y ensui-.- l hia n. to I- .- id' onr ilniiisi U" nlim . i" ijirl :ll I.oo i i. mlfuii sunnier mop. iiv WATCHES COUANTHPvSvS 'd:. liruinrls-ac-rirr.- CsjitalnSweeofiy, ' hi: Hubs n. Mii-- i CLOCKS 'in 11 I Uuretvi-.-fuuniU--:-- ! i rod bran 'icstoi iSoC'JU. tyrevL . fieei kae jm gufllr 'i,"i'i-- c ttoT::af3Ttss n rjr,iscal,ia Taisaiivo j&W Tl.ke i I ' feluiy aim j. il.Hi:-- . S it. : i" GOODS. j H iief. ':il ii.il.' . i.'it I.' Wheat HOLIDAY ' nt . .! .1'.-- - - r- e ol ;i ! n- 1' I i i I f.j- Vi- - p.t r m.:v - Un W I - j t i in i Ill il .y '.! n:i .i'll- i ( iV; - pm 'I'iV. I'.. aliip.i- - '.ii el., " i I.i "i." thii'l, Ibi; I 'in hl'iM-- i I trie IGrants EmporiumI 'i:i Il I'J-I'- ) i 1 :.i dii.l ih1 ' i n' I" !i" . i I!'.-- . . w I ! : 1.1. K 'ire- - lull Willi Ab ill il je.iT I'! V M ' Ii.-- in Ily's ' l) III! I l tl.e Miri'ni it'iiflH j I Vi.it, li. it'i f l . n It. l! Ill- - ii 111 lor Ii veil :i t. Il 'I hi i1 houae lull of 'kid-- .' All tl.e -- kMi" we liav'i any snow 'edge V I.ii li thi; Jilnr .t of wen r.T ' im-- . I 1o hoy lor ' i '.';i ,Yf fi.ir .u'.iiuii to Utah hii-isu ismit a ..hliral m'( tiooHl our only Tin k'lvrt. rul- - ii A w - Atm u- M.!n t, ol i "t.. ieg i! 5 n r m V - I'- !i,il Wk do mid. that i.iM hl:i howling I on '' I ii m ,1 . I I U 'I l ll - I.I- iii .r, y i I.'I'I , ai I bet '!i. I'll. .. M( h.i-- t.kfii OI.lt made Tl.e i i. i' .Y'fil of f2c-.- ta-tli- S'r- - i 'Ii f. we -- i1 tl t- lb';-'- the ! lr Ain I I..VC - '1 I'I ! 11111 age'l 'Vi- ,LLANr CATCHER. YOUNQ l. bi-- nor-vat- 41 Eiasskall (lila II Iw U I.xpsrleni-- Ran a Fancy Goods, Etc. Tuts Cheat O'.wjn Cone promrCy cures where alluilu-vuiu'.cared thmiHoiit, aud will cun a : xoa.it UkeaUtluv). IKcti.C33tsMU.CX Life. liegluning of the oi l New York Ssorua Msst-lya Tint great Anaconda (omiruiy, it in han-1 as cati.hi-- r fur the Young awTjoy,f duii-ito makr In h ' xiil, pk'iiI one nii'liun liiiffaloea, he pr'diubly had little idivi that Inter u his Jiriifieluui-AnnriiiiiU, Montana, tl.i permanent capin handling ths Iml'. would Murid Lim In pond stead and And All Kinds ot Musical Merchandise, alscital iT tliiif grel State, kDil IliKIl lout it. ni.vf'H TifA.VKi. him to ifi'.ve n biimm life. GL YSISWARE AX UCKOCKEIIV, LAMBS, WIXMiW GLAhS, Eu- It m.uld inuko a ftllnw mtsMi hit Dut It tll'L to Ins ia tlinr boots. Thla Is tli way It hnpjienpd: George waa The people of Amsrl'.-ai- i Fork, on down tsuuh nveii'iu the I! ead. ami Grow Wiso. Thiirsd.-iyreturned Strolling Thankslvin', other afternoon Tiiehk in tnlk ot Democratic paper thanks in a way inoht and f.i'i-above when appropriate bunging out il tihiuglc ut Psik City. If lierommo tu tho Do you wish to iusnrc your wife, nr him enmu a Nearly day. every know and a sereum. Jle your own lift, yciir house; your blooded thr premolers of tl.is hiitim-shouse in town was elosed in looked up just in Ttuck; vnur wl.cn they hit well oir they will lr-plate- glu?'.- your jewelry, or Aincricaii Fork. Mine tn see a tali) Friends weie lii.iwr of tin' orca:on. tlm second paper alone in the 1'mk, im YorKMuTilEK-IX.LW- V. eurrliige fall from vi'ilins friends and relatives vinj versa, tho roof of u foul its life, w pre. diet, will I n Nliort. line and ill.! day aecined a iin(-- l one. The story tenement, It If so, write to i.e ilaye you friends in good paper like the lii'niril in nil Turk tnikeya aulT-re- d to come to Americs? of liiimi-ndon a pile of Ibiiupe wlm w to the . City cau or will s'liijii.ri. bided rugs, and If an. ivi'i'e in, urn fur tour ticket Do of 'iicata. 'I he day will be one the big honor ym.1 null to send money to Europe in a lone to bo renicmliered by all, as one ol threw out few hours lieu weeks' It so, write to me. Mkoe AuacomlH lust the linnor in the IP. o!d Amelia Shuar Do praise slid tliankn to (iml. wish to burrow or loan lain tho rnntest at Montana Mate capltiil l,i, whose under Ifeo,jouwrite to yours tririv. If youmoney? want W'u body plusgcd to go AROI ND THE WORLD on a surely thought Hrlhy lili Yot cau get your gnodn tin- - rln npcat tup iluwuward tmvatd t a Vi ry Sinnil Expense, write to the Dillnri), ol the Red linden AVie hint, at ixiukleyV alone pare the wi.-li to buy ar sell If you wouhl never las heard Irmn attain, hut meut twenty feet nndereigned. mine that is a mine, drop run a letter tiring. below. Yhiub awith tbia week his interesting penciling rmno full particulnr. h lonely waa aquai SOUTH OF SALT LAKE I) M, Smith, of riiHsimt (Iroyc, has to our tahlo attain, hut a hade, cleaner oocuiua. the to Life and Aecidf-nof Fite, seres Muccrn) land, good fifty pasture a flection. Selby was ntrsiij than Ho braced hi legs and will take fifty Imrsts psatuiing and held his bands im waa hUwnntvhca Plaie Glass and Live Slock aUiortrr ol the town that Inst, at low rates. Apply at once. nr.d literally ctnght Insurance Writer stopidiign Imt the linliy i n tlio lly." he-in t in r the Tiib Rrighuin Dwjtt clipping part hunt-inOn.y ciiinpunira in the world. but iiid nut luse liUy-ip- . l uod imt Tickets to and from Europe suld only cf an editorial in a recent issue of Tiik DUCKS AND OTHER LIVE STOCK. The eliild ii .es aavr-1- , into her for tlic snnieclass of for alio cvl'U friglili-ue-d- , us a Republican paper, eoniiianie. Itbm, Ktyh-Bsw aw Ingealoa farmer Qt-l- i I'lrntjr at rescuers ei.-- s nnd gleefully rcmiited, . Thanka. ro. now, but the compliment ilun-nf.illi-Amelia's periluiii Water, Dwsfei sad fish. llnby doesn't uitu au it. This paper is not It yoi want anything in the idiove I will endeavor to tell uiy reiidcni aa Innible was due to (iirclcsanewi on tlKf-ir-t , never was or allowed any triefiy m ixwslbla how 1 have plenty of of her Inn! her, in whose charge alitiiad lima lie sure ami write to 11. e. I.i iters Republn-autook water convenient to my lots, plenty been plnci-tlaucli. Like the fellow ail'll of nswttwi when stump nn enfish for my table and plenty of fins of " w ho liiti sti night from the shoulder, closed. Write RIVER IN me, hear from me, deni FOUND REST THE Iekin ducks for the table, nud abso for wiili' we try to advoeata good, common and me. their line feathers, buino fivo or ala rue PeiUI.k will do well to Tci, In mil Slyiterlout Dealt si over t(, Wben yon con draw a BeautiWILLIAM A. 1I0BE1MS0X, everyday venae, no matter what party or years ago, not having water conmdent, Ruln-r- t Hay Hamilton. - i:i Tiie Item betor: ; advcitisinieut.1 built a tank, any thirty steps from my it or hits miss. experson Fall Lnkn City. ful Snrnr Bowl anti n ('ah ot tY An or (lid Lchli-oil- t I 0. Box cli using. lots and a little above them, by bnilding cel U.m Hiking; Powders lor 25c. This (iii- -t inn imtuinlly nrisvs in eoMilTub editor of the Manti Meueugtr a large dam across a ravine, and jnst 1 will suy to prevent leaking plow tilings are certainly (retting Ot T t-- j x r-- f O ring thu tragic fate uf ItulKit Ibiy Do ou know says be helluva iu lUorunghly advstlt-in- jf hero width of tho base of the dam iii'ihi' alaml the 1 very ritenjr. Yon can tin tins at VD hi believe Wo hia liiniMlf not r r.iwrt That toth. entrsnoe uii paper. Wednesday and Thu: across tlia ravine or wlicrevcr the dmii Grant's Mammoth Emporium. leaves tin re Sn .tulle Natimi-i- l jiurk. Thonmn kc.d lie also atntci that "if b is to lm tiiiide, then build on top of rice .versa. flay Ogden, DKAI.KUS IX self invited eiidiireil eini'igh cii'i. and other Lake, Provo few or our I'tali editor were in a like plowed land. diiiiigh it luiy have I ecu to drive an ornimi point' h tlirougli tourist or taunt TOILET AUTK'LES, atate of tiiin-- we would have let ter paMy tank is In black land with yellow dinary mortal (.utM i. Hearing mtl'GS, ear for City, will subsoil " hold water from tl'.i aul H disl iiiK'llshnl Inline ho Whs clay CIGAUS. ETC. and I'hlladelpliiii via the pers than many tlmt are now published. Mid Into till In the ws fall Ilamil'ua uf rains it January That's true, brother, but it is the paper highway, the Rio liramlc Westci. , put a few small ien-l- i nnd yellow and rndowisl with ninple ruilli-.ioi HcsiliU:irters fur rules are less than h.-o- t Railway, not the editor, tlmt should lie Silver tli for nn and iiUlly blue phyitieally or cpillipisl catfish; tlioy multiplied Fork speckled rate on first class Pulln.--i charged tiaed. Of cou'ac, aoinis editor are fortuGl'XS, LOABE!) SHELLS, very rapidly and we now lmvq all the rare, being but $:i.00 to Missouri Iii v both brains and fish we want fur tabic use both of ieivli nate cuoitgh tn pnuu-sKief-pe-l ami 1 1 1)0 to (hicago. nr ri SiiOT, AND tho former 1 think tln finest material with which to issue a fancy and rntfl-eursions an: persona iy eoniineted and i. 1 ever saw. For a while nrti-- tho tn?il. The Ii eliange ot cars is ivipim-dpaper, and we must arknowlrge that the was Imilt I was fearful of it Giant I'liwder, Fus p:,i uf Western also ,: Grande rninej all of bit'.'"K,S runs kinds, liepciriiig daily, is Menr gtr one of those foitunntcs, hut by crawfish, tlu-- being very ti'iineroiis through lii,t cl.i's or lu!lm:in sleepir of Tiros, fixing inn- setting we simply cave our opinion n to the in it. 1 in t iced, however, tlmt tl'.'-- due Its car to Denver, Kansas (.itv and Cliicag-FoAgeuta fur oliinorv, etc. rooster with a (hilling frock crow i no feasted tiHm them. Mu 1 went to work otl.er particular in. nine of ngetil. sl.ui (iii,'ilp City Hall a trio ol from the top of a tiinniiro idle down to rniw iiinre ducks; procui-i-PowderL'tnh Iekins, nud nt this time luivo fuiiy-oiManx Mr ii of .'I any Minds, Cmt uwl ijft o 6W SJny r;.Y Chn Aimriiiiit , upon his unfortunate frir.ly feathered of them nnd no crnwfidi to lie seen. but they i it ngiee that the solid ve.--r brothers looking Tho ducks area very aujH-rio- r lie led trains ot tiie Chicago, Union Pur, fowl, linAmerican Fork. liuli lie & Nortliweston Line distance k. ing entirely free from diaenso, mnl for !lu table, Ok all the venlicta tlmt gave ro nim-l- i nearly competitors with ease. N change dclHy at the Missouri Riv. r. For 1.1 dissatisfaction it was tlmt against the dltuuiii.-- t Ih.i gihi.su for feathers, of a very inturination lino quality, rki you see I hare jilmity Ml! ASilMIM IIAMILTUV. J. M. After n mieroneopii-i- l examination o ZSK2r3i?. frilt Lake Tribnne in the recent liiu--l of of wutcr den Agent U. 1. for stock, fish for the table, mul tNittld of life, nnd in tl.( the paper fruiu b! & Co., s'l ved Adauirion iiilo, Arthur Riiwn an.l that pn;?r. The fi. j wLt i-s iuiimmhu nt A letina. in for tho table and alvj eirtle. (f Neiv Yur!., Ipthe ball in the Iroj'rjetors. liuoivn ns ,l,'tpvn:.'. me colleeti-itL.1.A t hi- - f s '. I'P-He Uliliif do n Thing, (Imrge Mr. Rrowu mad a waa that the forthtir i atlnr', i Ion thu pleasure icv: t (TOVT '.'a t o- I)r. R.iumr," Julius Jleisiier hcraog but make Hie iriji t Cloengo on L in i the he met tho Advmit!ii-.-MTribunt , year IS1.)?, accused, ?ITor,,k';1 mi kind? of taut lint-1- rags used s far I. r M io e l (.jiicHgo, Lpfon Pacific S Northaestu Jtirftf Vo know howto ruin them. ri'sl hi in its columns. th former of hein" ,i.nf nt thut arguesns W bock the nud c:.'lith e was he fa i her uf : ninth Liquors Awr Cioars Line. Wliy? Time the .) niches, so!! centuries, -lu success Our infil'l st has lieen pi,:.', Saki-in followthe g?,t B. C. The fiber is The t.uue oat in i: h .. in- .,t restibnled train, im eliange c eli n linen, but j I'nie I'.iiliard nnd Poid Iloum in way: laiith: I.'it X. .1., in wl.ii h Mr-there are also traces of cotton, hemp case occupied the attention id the Third ingWe at the Missouri River. Through first ut. them im,, r n chicken lien. siiddie-- l ;; y,f, ('onncetinii. nur.-i-aud animal fibors present. The manuliano-second class Sleepers uml Dinii.g Cur District court all last week, and came to I lien put in a js-- made placing thres Tlio f rags is thereof ly facture out r Fur full information cal! or. or paper K claae on Blonday, mid nftei the Itcmo-crati- c f,r four pi inks a fnut wide edgewise on a R:: a iii .t ' tli mis Street, piditt-utinre.nd M. Harden Agent fore, he contend-.- an caAe-.-i- i and not a II.rystlm. cf i in ilryHjs.it had been f.o : lie:;a:i gn.iiml, with cover nt onn .iury penned up tor twenL't.ui German or Itn'.hn imvnthin, hs has Ami.iiiokn Fonii. 1 ii t hpIo ib'iii-i'them Iioipo bad in Tour weather. hour its way returnedl a yerdu-ty hitherto been Mipposcd. Out of 500 they ll tli.-n- i Tim Deseret lelcgrupli ll f ' I (Ini in hm until thev are nt least fcl'i'l l.l .y oriental and eastern specimens not a for Mr. Rrown (a Demon at) in tlir sum Keep Htram,- - iinny , f Item building. Those j... : !. : wjrM The H;, h mouth i l l, with all tho bs-,- t tl,- -vnii"., one was raw a cotton w single hu ll Minim'ie.'d lb. : paper. All J ofJ,r.OO. Me sued for jf i t . When and just cm nigli water to drink, ,.f i;M. will in. I it cheaper Ilian t .. tc!eri;p thev e were those that examined bad likewise to New Yurh 1.11 i;i. and ,j strict lv pi irate, 'fessai-l-roillpll- v ploii.e, politics get into the jury Imv. and hring aio injured lv having water to J.ihbb vl.a iil.e ic, iti. bid fion clayed like modern jvipers. received and delivered, in when young. Tli.-- will then do well in verdicts n di fcndeiit n n:u,'t re'iunuie'i-liii.- ' opponent in tlio that j: L DiinUicy, Operit-ir- . j je-- t to to water enough a evidence, pray tell u if this contrary As tbs : Clocks, h tviter if d"VU t fiiuvevi r. ft If is a free I' .uiitrv, While I vi rd:.i t w sn ibin'i. but i a. V ': of water ll. Durs ,:'I hjiuiI leivplrnw in favur nt Mr. ISiuwn. he Ii iii'i "II! I, ll" nil I..-- . ;r t f-- l cn the w.i-- r, ("oni-i" . :!,il 1, her , ; to - ry ami wlduiv'j. i:,!' 'i!.-'At ii? time money, and i i, i;:r, n i: ! it t.pi ; .1 r iii l!:'ve a ies day. uf bl- - 'll .": s.v .l.iii-;-:- L lr w:i- -: : ,rsof as the Tri'j'tnt I - ! ,i i,1t ,1 the . T ii r io Suirin-nLivery Fowl and . ' , age, .uni . of an i umni or ivii, a.ul will rairy it ( tin- hi t tlS.iV'i a , here 1- .- Wbeu.atthe l.i-a- i . fmm h iM h , ihiiene&aiKlIiiROps .': Utah. in li-- Oirgiii- 1,000 Articles Given Away. , i & SEE s Ita:. 1 e The s 000 GRANT. A3)AEISOM, IPEOr, Finest Sample Booms . rust e . fr IM IRiWEMm HIE AID DUAIRTEIRS MIEK ASiD TDlimS'TS. e lleataggL-rid'.in-derth- , uuh.-irines- Electric Bells. AMERICAN FORK . la-in-i' cim-liiil- - fc.iiK-i.li-- Rates, the Lowest lilt), Ih-n'- (St '5U'y l tv-.-i- ' BENJ. BATES, ! gnat-grAiid.-- r American WADDK h, m'M'EKs r . (.. - ;tf I I rm,iE,i Hazards and Dead Shot F.-rl- la-lo- gJAXOOI s - oe-lii- lii'-'k- l lh-s- n-in- l I.- Ilv r-- : jb-iut- : Aii---- -- riu if t 'i-t.- E. i r , .j 1 7 - All -- ::s. cLi-.-fi- - . s j.r -- I. I, , : d 1i.I-.J-- F. Wickersham, ,0(-t- jgwatcheR( Ap' i-s- ind r :i;-,-- - - t Tf fie.-d- . I . i ' ci-.,-- ' i .1 i Jewelry Touch . . Spectacles 1 where prohaldy nasv. I have i"-;- - nl,-l-n- (.srrotljig f tlio to.:!.Vi v ' Till. American Folk Iiim been givi-- n tl.e tr- -t tin rii.r.-- bar to stiotjf iye ire d-- iil wnfi t. e- - iii rr si I'lhp f .i iv.i t!i - Udii altrnliuu attempting to man nnd t! ns r r.l- - Mll..r - i !i f i in- - i!ti i. . : i ! e I., i . In , ""ii 1 ti'-.-- to a .'s 1 and biN.' to !h c --.e. Wc Thats shall institute a ernid di-- n' mii- -i eli ug--ins in nth orr of li-l -' l.i-.'- r.t.r they J. ' is j it hi f.i- r. iialp- - ' .Luj ill I. . 1 uns a i : - i fr.--i: !., nf bartii-uhi- e wllti h I i It M i.i ; i Jista-I'.s- " ! e I ;i I . III M-i-- fn;.,-iI ' no i'el'jio 11,0 U.ins tfi !o 1. - I, tv..-th- ' - - - t t n; ti t ;:j ;y ;i- - ruer.. r ..I. l;,i'-a- - .it vet'- fr von .iMutea to ' .; ir 1 j) vl ; , .r!-r- . : '.r!.:ki-:- i a. ' The ai h:i Cu'tl- - ; t. :iu s tin'.'-'- , and bei.alf a d.'.vii dos?.s, AMERICAN and uo rfir: I .re.-I g- ve e:;: f.-- tn nt. fii.iiv '( maalt ;j!i gentiy hens t he 'toauteh Invigeiites th be ri n'r-sleep, and hoallh telle Of ths i'IcnIh s 1 a- - R)t.'--i- . aiineii - ! j- - V on .! : tlif s!:e Kcmemlw-- r floods X Hooct8 Pili cue fiirrllta, ja,. u.-i - I h FORK - (Mkg i. !:'. !i U Gr-i- : Ii'i-- kes-- j n . ii'.iu.. I Ulllis J ;.-t'J tdl ir.Lijs 1 . (!'.!!' St r$; ' iStuliln. Am.-ricti- Iba-.iing- . Fi- i. ! Thornton T. fitsX: in i'ciim-u.-ship- , : Con:ner ln-i- . uni Aii'.liim i:e, (J, ogiitji'-.v- , i?l; ni"!:! AJ..",ii per i.i-- f ! an I!;'.i I A. K. VJMM-SMMMNS- ci i; . Tunio-.,- A I'.' Strix-t- Oiirirnimn of nbiios: Kt f'!a-- s in Iiti n th Open Day ami Xighf. t V15E& 1 IQ'JOP.8 ADi iiin-rin:- , ii g. Or.i Muir, lieogiajii.y. I;t.u;:i!: t'"i!i. Arithmetic. s!dp. Alg.-bra- , HiTFt: Day. fit p- - r I .on'I.: nig1 'i (ill.' 1 f ut: hip.. ip) f to Item JL.! i, . ' bl-- u-- r try , t tu-i- . . Il' ViItiCf, '! 'l ,t t widely v. 1. - , -- i'i And I:: !' fore ye., you m.1 First vt I) i Tint J::?t Hits It! , '"ah tj tha t.-- i'i e Ati is' a itau- (.lie.-ip- s br-.- flu P t- - Sll.l k, 1, li,,' r. ; tHi j the j f all, -- Sales Stables : Vc.ihMr! nt the idea. I3ut if yy.i . m i; a JulkTtr from : DysjV;' ; i' h I - jih ji:ir M.iv.v nf Ill fc r l . ri I er r - ii"-. i e ! Hocu s Sarsaparilla a r ii: f- u' " !. i'.:-- '. t p 11 yv I., I i- -i .:. o of li-i i : ; - lii'.v-- ' i . il1- pi w.iy-- l r m I .r. T .".I h. ' 1 -I IIm! A ( 1 l (ouiryvd it 1,10 ! ti 4 v iul. ? ve:iK'n '.d-- i Lm 1 e I.. i'i . Ii. s Ji.vmi ::( iili-i- i fill of e XM'.l-ei-- l 1 ll ::tei j , i.nj ,iii i..r ii ,. .: .. . li.t.i t.ii.1,1!,. nod 1.- Ie. Its u ,s (ie.s iua.T ii isn.kt- .nt a !; :j I. o-- i o. :iru the 1 ':r:;n bveb::,.. iij.-- i.,e' k'r. i liHI-f- i'i-i- o' ' I ut a wi--..l..n ; I'.e fn-rjo- 0f ;reet role of thug. fiiej lie fori.ii ay i 'h; .!!. of I - t Mi h t I ;.ii-- on ths - 1 . ,if . t i i'.i - - lilrt-- 'i ii in p.vt-ii- . . im ;il . i,e.-- - w-i- i i;.. ,it ei.-.-- TTaTlTV' (.i t y . ij,--- i .1 ; b'-- i-. ive i,i,. vi i Hie 111 lily in I1 a e nti.-,; t! i !pi-,-:i d.i.-is.-- : . ' and f p: out other f ''una utio nr rot married. The f- t !' !:.e mtfer is h has a wile and n I". i: i t ill n' -- ki.." iMeT!ti-i:- i We l..'.'-iIt, AV ... chnn-.dn- - v.l pj !. w :;s in -- . :i 't'.' ei J, T jv.-ibi- (if i..!-b(-- r S. In at-.- r ; ini; over it mts: clean act of oj siiHu.i I sj Village. I" I, . Vre ilttijr I v':II he puieh'i c- j many do in ti e s::t If t.u matter y iu : t!:u j.i-- ! s vijj jm Henry Lee, J ronstieatl'.n, .! M. THORNTON, In l(pmint of Orn1 I llr yt f'l Fi'rk, f. Irnp'r. - I, I't-t- f ; Fan illy o'd.-r- Biilinrri and s u sp"'ially. -- Pool Room Connection. Amfukmn IVfiK. - lr. rTAI- |