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Show Your Wants Advertise 1 In "The Item" ' THE AMERICAN FORK ITEM. Independent WEEKLY PUBLISHED In PolitlcaFair and impartial fo AMERICAN FORK, SATlTtDAV. VOL 2 Ti e Relief uijr'.t km a grand Opera v. House. ball ;iveu Tittiiv S'H-ii-t- ucees-- . orclu'ra Ihc riea.aiit Cnve x LrL FORK AMERICAN 1LEASAXT UHOVE DOTS, Motauii aud i'.l piay fur the dames in GanT's trill, Lelii. Tuoa Stkki.k this winter. Otto Poulsou and Einiua Juiuisou had their wedding part; at the home of thk unde taut Saturday night. Tim'' McDuugaU and hii chum went on a hunting trip on Tlianasgiving and still some people wonder why the doctor was picking shot out of his hide nearly all night. Apostle II J. Grant, of Salt Lake and B'.dinp 1 teller Ilennion of Taj li'raviHe, amst'eated turkey and took in the dance nn Tl uiikN'iviug o. k. Bishop J. E. Booth eat turkey with . M0I2DAY EVEN IPG- Fmih Lthi. spici-- in tor your pickh an .Malinger I at DunklcyV iW ? New rived . (loO'.l Duuxley'a 1, SI. 25 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. im NO 14 I. iugh till your side cimk. AND i'EBSONAL- - Dr. Mer: ih'. w. DECKMliLR All. Just r- - at I ( ti ii'li' i y tin- - laugh hi Handsome all that could he mustered. llowi-vr- , they had a good time and returned, lu--r 's hunt with about eighty unkltyV iH.ia l.i'unc Munday - Delinpuent Taxes five-hour- rabbits. In the evening, a hall waa night giyin iu honor of the occasion, at which a largo irowd attendeJ. . ll l tlu: tale win'ii buy in'; DUN RLE VS. tt-l- The Jolly Old Chums" will Of American Fork City for the Year 1891. he at opci house on ucit Monday. Dont s tliii.iiitiid ihekost P.OLOGXA made fail to see them . They make those A requested by law, notice ia Highest piiiT paid for EGGS and at Dunkli'y's. laugh that never laughed before, and hereby DRIED FRUIT at Dunkley'a. those who came to smile the more. that the following named persons given It Surprising AH Competitors, The s Laugh nod gr w tat at the opna house is a regular curuival of fun, music and and property are delinquent in the payRev. Sndili went to Salt Lako ou the licauty, graceful dancers, jolly com- ments of wster snd American Fork (Sty Jaa. CliipuiHii did not join ilic dele- edian, lovely girls, del liaiu last night. glilful aiuging tax" for the year 1894, to ilm amounts and beautiful costume. Secure Mala berelusfter specified and that' nn:wi gatee to the Trnniiki,sippi cungri1. Don't forget the temperance meeting in advance at SteeleS drug store. said amounts, together with the costs, Don't buy uucleaued raiBiLi and Doclaroil to in1 the . . at the opera house Tuesday evening. are sooner paid, I shall .til the property when you can get them cleaned at s Tbe Chipman Mer. Co, sre making hereinafter described, to satisfy such FOXIEST FARCE OF THEM ALL Twenty fivo per cent reduction ia the same pure at iu'nklev a. a great atir iu busineM now a- - days. taxes and costs in the manner prescribed Child's Cloaks at Chipman's. I They are doing a rushing business, aud by law. Said sale will lirgin on tbe C. Graham, John the of popular are preparing tome great bargains third Monday in December, Jr, . his mother-in-la1894, at 15 firm of Graham & Barns, job printers, There were no ecryices at the for their many customers, to liegin next oclock noos, at the front door COMMEDIANr BEST Miss Grace Driggs .pen Thanksgiving HE of the Provo, mads this oflice a brotherly call week. They have now fifteen house Thanksgiving day DANCER? IIE CLEVEIU8T employe1 city hall, in American Fork City, Utah, She will return to with her parents. thia week. lie was soliciting advertising with the GIRL1' s PRETTIEST HE establishment, who are as busy and continue from day to day until the Salt Lake this week. Look Hear ! old boy, yonr wife wants tor a neat book which they expect to get bLM- is exhausted. Thus. E. reSome few cases ot scarlctena are Steele, some oi those blankets that Dunkieys out allow ing the resources and many ad Treasurer of American Fork City. are aelling in cheap . ported to be in town. II. J . Mortensen, the stove repair man vautages of Utah county. American Fonk. Utah, Noy. 80, 1891. EVERYTHING PEW. s ol Spanish Fork, has been with Many a jack rabbit bit the dust lines ui 3. V. Driggs of Pleasant Grove drop-lie- d JlstAk hived! And Oli I how Cheap our I ait issue. He is yesterday. All the uimmds were out BRIGHT - AND - GLITTERING. quite a jovial iel- Names. in on ns yesterday full of mirth as for the Quality I Ladies, Gent's, and low aud we are ot and succeeded in bagging lots game. I always pleased to sea his usual. Children SHOES, at DUNKLEY'S. The Joiephite chapel is looming ahead smiling face. Us will be here again in Adams, Amos Advance sale of seats at Steele's Store. $4.80 s few weeks, to take orders. and will maze quite an improvement to 7.10 1 00. In the Adamson, P. pt 8 10 18 19 For Clothing, Overcorts, Dreia Good, Captain Sweeny. U. 8. A., San Dicgi mranwh.le, those who wish their stoves Adams, Joshua 8 89 our town. Shoes, the Chipman Meroantile is the Cal., aays: Adams, Jos. Shiloh ' Catarrh Itemed; ServicesChurch 600 can leave orders at this office or Holey, Isaac A new pobtolhce lias been established is the first remedy I bsvo ever found repaired place to buy them. 23 83 4 85 8 90 SabbatL a. :30 m. send to card him B E at that would do me any good," Price 50c. Boley,Mra Spanish Fork . at Driggs, Teton Basin, Idaho. Don C. Phibytekiax 4 45 pt 19 19 School. Brown, Win The most comic play ever visited Sold at Bteelea Drug Store. 890 Briggs is postmaster. Y. L. A. FAIR. II Buck water (A. 11:30 a. m., Prayer Conference; 4 American Fork on Monday night at the Word has readied here that Mrs. Julia C. E. Society; 6:45 Junior Lsycock.tgt) 4 84 m., 8 80 4 35 p. homo on Wuile house. returning Tuesday Some Farnstooth, a former resident here, has Fine Work on Exhibi- Bolcy, C M Senior C. E. Society; 7:80p. opera m., p. 3 05 of was died in Mexico. She is the mother to George Myers, night, Alpine, Brown, Martha 23 1 79 m,. Preaching. tion. has James at been who Pari T. James Mis. Thorne, Thornton, thrown from his cart, breaking bia arm, Tobias 23 3 85 8 45 Wkdxesdat. 7:80 p. m., Prayer Tho Young Ladici Fair which oc- Rolcy, returned home Wednesday quits The accident resulted from the hndls Edwin Barrett, City, Miss Helen Winters, who is teaching 1 40 63 Meeting, three cupied days, Wednesday, Thuri Chipman, Phoebe ill. school at Salma, esme up for Thanks Bible atudy. bitjhrrsking. and being unable to check Friday. 7 19 day, and Friday of this week at the partot..., 175 bis steed, resulted iu the above. J . A. Livikostom Sunn, giving. -8 Clements, Jos 43 hall 2 50 1 80 haa a city success in to been Pastor proven this year! every Hsye you Chipman's M An office of the Destrct Telegraph Wm Davis, 8 26 40 Day Saints Sunday School at I cannot ice how it is that they sell goods KARL'S CLOVER ROOT will puriry way. Esstmond. Saml Company will probably be placed in Latter 2 00 Meet so in House. 10 the in. h. cheap. Tbs as ladies began Monday morning to Eakel. M J part 10 84 Meeting here next week with Niels Peterson your Blood, clear pour Complexion, re70 65 7 and :30 8 m. o'clock at p. iug operator. flate your Bowel and make your head prepare tha exhibits snd worked most Hoggerd Emily 1185 8. 8. Dodson shipped over the R. G, dear as a bell. 85c.. 50c. aud $1.00. 81 8 49 diligent until the opening to have every- Henroid.Msry FI Haights of lh Uoecabres. W. this week, to Chicago eight esn ef Sold at Steele's Drug Store. Hanson, 8 40 thing in good shape. An admiesion of Hunter Uiigetal 11 17 The State commander writes us from ,RE 1 80 fine sheep for the maiket, After as follows: 5 and 10 cents waa charged in order In Hunter, Alyin try Liacoln, Neb:, 85 Him Laura Kino, of this city, left ing other medicines lor what seemed to Card Time Local defray expenses. . Thy first (Jay was Ivina, Wm new .lock of dry Good. cwd.XLn. r Salt Lake last Sunday (or the purba a aery olibtibinit cough in our two IvuMt, TOa Vut We setoaO' awtr-mwchildren we tried Ur. King's New Dis eerie ere the latest arrivals at Dunkleyt pose of sttending to. her sister, Mrs. C. B very tjulev,1 IN EFFECT there was quite a rush and the result Janies, Cliaa covery and at the end of two days the Keppernir.k, E APRIL 29, 1894 All goods sold at small profit!. Tf Cotton, who is suffering with a severe waa, a good sum was realized over ex- Kettle, Kobt cough entirely left them. We will not a he illness. small and convinced. as our purchaae experience be without it hereafter, penses. Laycock, Archie prnyes that it cures where all other remAndrew Larsen, was There finest soma of ths displayed Born In American Fork, last week, edies fail." Signed F Stevens, State Elder A. W, Harding, of Provo Lund, Louis P and EAST. most artistic WEST, ever medicine work this W not produced McNeil, Mrs S Com great give by :03 No. turned Tuesday from a three yeara mis to the wile ot Fred Dutler, of Bingham, a. UK. 80. 13 ;19 a trial, as it is guaranteed and trial bot- No. here, sod would compare with any ws Moyle, Stephen m. 80. MiW p. fine Dr. Hannah who Wild, to lion gin. Samoan the . Islands p. m. No 79(03 tles are tree at Steele & Co's drug store, No. 8. litre ever saw. Tidy, paintings and brought the little one to town, says it is artistic i rayon work adorned tho walla The thev are men Fork. her one p thoussndeth. sheep Fred feels tip-tadaily moving Spanish The Bed Room Set i Peter and It was a great and lovely Nielson John east bound I sheep from the mountains to the villa and is now inquiring what baby will be worktables. that the Chipman Mer: Co. intend giv- WEST BOUND Peters, and the ladies deserve much I tLe a. m. p. m, tbe first one on tha second thousand. 23 Preston, W A 45 ing away was, by mistake, left off stations, a. m. p. m credit lor the ambition snd energy they Peterson, A Cld weather is coming on and who Lv. Salt Lake Ar. 9;45 5:40 12 00 list of the prizes on some of tbs large want 1 Cook or Heating Stove, call look to show to the cnple the capabili- Robinson, Qfto eat. 10 45 8:18 4 loO I bills. However, the : will be given 6:45 6;53 Springville is now studio Tuhldcxs photographic Orson - 2 05 7;00 0:43 Bp. Fork 8;07 8:42 at Cbipmans. located on Merchant street, one door ty s ot Hi young ladies of Americsn Shelley,Thus 1 52 6 ;50 7:85 worz much 7:55 .1 10 1 05 Smith, and duration Payson. After long Fink. Ir lie should lesson s to especi35 8:05 Eureka. 35 6:55 Shipley, J A pt 10 . ll Enoch Clark of Provo, and W. A. Tay- north ot Jackson's building. Entcrsnce and under many difficulties, Mrs. Josiah B;40 ally thu little girls to engngc in the work School, District m. 55 ht the 4 mads p. by appointreir, Sittings lor ol Americas P.yson, .topped over in Smith baa been able to dispose ot her 18:30 8 ;20 Ar Silver Cy Lv 6;40 1:00 in which the older ones have set an ex- Singh ton, Tima 800 ment Call see and his of only. samples froa Fork this on week their in home way cattle which liarebceu out on her ranch 65 Spencer, Jos The number waa TOO D. C. Dodge, the north where they have been with superior work sod then maze your ample. G 40 8mitli. Jessie Snaxe Valley. II. Bennett, J. A was ball under the given auspices Varney, Jacob riends n present of a lovely photo of Dead. Alma Murdncx being the 15 73 Gen. Mg'r. G, P. &. T. Agt. specialty company. of the association on Wednesday night Varney, Geo The latter, last weex. Drought A. E. We lb on 500 Christmas. yourself S. H. Babcock, i, at the 0im House. It wu a grand Varney, Ezra in 800 head and have them now in 12 80 G. F . Agt. Gen. Supt. Her Did know that the Chipman you the Lebi bottoms for sale. Many of her 70 U Mu Ellis, s former employee of Eav- - success socially, hut not so much so fin- Wagstsff, Mtry C making the biggest cuts in Slim triends, will he pleased to xnnw that Wsgstafl,Diyid 4 9 81 14 9 004870 but was hum a it nevertheless made? ever ancially, is Salt now be with age's hiudio, Lsae, j hare - , VfkwMnK Mrs, Smith will realize about $0,000 there and found it out, ininnrbinff and ..finishing ph- mer, aa all thing! are under thn efficient from the sale. This is a neat little sum SHILOH'S CUKE, (lie great Cough as a cor oto. a iru-tr . llis i for that esteemable lady. Mrs. Bessie pfigement of the ladiea of American sod Croup Cure ia iu groat demand. haa biw and the Kansas Known of at Smith' A terntory throughout emigrants colony Pocket size contains twenty-fiv- e Preston, wlio has had stoex doses viiie also, it is reported, has sold about arrived in Millard county and hap given the lieat of satisfaction every- TU E MEDICINE CUXi 0'ilv 25c. Children love it. Sold nt head to the aame parties. Both taken up and bought land where they where. Tie Cblpntk- - Indies came home lest weex from a two w been compelled to employe have and will build homes. The Buildir? Completed months visit at the ranch feeling hale clerks. Customers, you can now get An catiemcd frieud of the writci, Mr. Work Begun. and hearty. waited upon without waiting so long, The nominations of officers of (hsri Mack Swain, wlio apent a month here Medicine cum pan y, of snd the prices sre still lower. Utah Orest The I Lake XJOG-A-XSide, A. O. F. of this city, jl laat winter, but who Jias licen with the SII01IES A SHORES j which we have spoken of quite frequentttsk Grant Hotel Arrivals. take Sborea & Slionta Medicine company, will place next Monday night at in AmeriIn Effect April 9, 1894. ly tint wus to be established requir- he in town to morrow. AU member are earnest our be hall. will It D S Iludnell, Kansu City; W Y Train arritt and depart at tariout can Fork, hu been launched. to Mack's Dear ed be Old en to Iks : present. Wooir, Belt Lake; I) C Henthe gaze up pleasure Green, Will be ia American Fork ilntiont at followi The temporary building, where Once . St. J B Herrick, Ogden; derson. Louis; man. week-Again. be pliysiog are to mm next OU DEN . msnj kinds of medicines Coui t Lebi, A. O. F. gave a very ! Bi nd, O K Scott Salt Lake; A L A aud occupied. is completed Busssful ball and entertainn Another libel auit has been planked ufactured, 1 1 ia said they have a good show . Those mile north of the ci:y Masher. St. Louis; F L Florence, halt located ia It He Brown. Co: 6 Arthur Old Chums the Trihuw hall, Lebi, on Wednesday, who attend the perfurmsnci'i will have iness by against Manager Jolly nf die on the creek. Dr. II. W. Brant one nn opimrtunity of acemg that born vo. this time asks $50,000 for a repetition of Tac aud wife, Lombard II I) V Slielp, ot the compsny, has pushed cal and dance csmeuian, Mack Swain. Mr. and Mr. 11. D. Lombahd, ol a slander arising Irom the first principles Wash',0 II Clawson, R McKenzie oma, Tho building to completion. woik and Tacoma, Wash , are in tho city suit. It seemi that a lawyer' reputa- the G W Craig, Provo; Dr Brant, O. II. DOGGK, Salt Lake; rooms two but DK. is small one, containing nd n few wieka with W tion Is worth considerable fM now-a probably money and apparatus City. Physician and Surgeon, one haying the machinery Mr. Lombard ia a brother ot Gay, Ameriton Fori Of.'-daya. at lienidthtf, is which ov neatly fitted in and tha other, well and favorably known by all of as an office doctor the COURT LAKESIDE Adamson. Wild & Co. baye placed No up, is occupied by people. room. thi-i8188.) consullaiion in (No. and beautiful new bar and mirror The compsny will manulacture many Mbs. M. II. McCollouoii, Mvesort, and also put a partition J. B. Rouehts, of popular Meetings lield every to restoraiives, simply from herbs daughter . and Mamie kiudsol tbe adds across This r. 9 r. Smith, Reed, greatly Chief Rangi-rorMonday evening at Rev. Smith, went to the capital yesterday the appearance of tbe saloon, atd will gathered in our mountains. Already 8.00 p. m. Visiting staler remote J. L. Dunnlev, Kb00 from in to attend the Territorial Sunday 'io much more convenient fur themselves ders have cmnr Brclhern Invited. Financia. Scc'y Stic. STATIONS BOUTU WOUND KOBTll BOUND. there convened which and several shipments have been in convention snd their msn; customers . 1 8;4Sara6:52 pm who Thorntons Hall. American Fork. spent last Boatwick, Dr. F. day. 6:58 8:18 5:01 Am. Folk 8:54 started of is Tbe greatest lakes we know winter in getting the mmpany CHRISTENSEN.. 8:07 4:53 11. Grove 8:59 A. snd salts w8 the Lake QR. Salt worked on papers regard i, u.iw in St. Louis working up 9:20 " 7:45 4:32 Fro vo Deputy Road Suiwnriior Amos mcccm. H tliwwiul Tribune The It in Iiaviuu of rabbits. 4 :22 Sjiringville 9 :29 staff ia good man for the position. ing tbe Killing mcdi nn Tiir Itbr wish i that tothese 4:14 Sp. Fork 9:39 and health is seen around these frosty morning1 states that the fifty Salt Lake hunters unfortunates 9:37 wn cur a restore 3:50 Taysnn Thanksging out in Cedar yallry, rotured making way for the ice to Host i 11:00 2:55 enmpuny prPrthe ditches, and attending to other intr with 1100. Tbnae hunters, aa usual, 11:40 2:13 Juab House. Oil icc at DriJilf-a as stretched the numlicr about 000, Bucklciis Arnica Salve. eats ot the city. J. M. IIaydkn, D. E. Buhlet, Americas Fork. the world for Luts. with was of this paper Gcnl Agt. representative Agt. American Fork' Dsckfo Hhenm. tern rrnL's Vleerr.Salt On Monday morning Arthur Pass. Dept. Salt Lake. The American Forkera killed them. Hands. Chil-SChapped 201 Main ft. S. Office Lakers' two Ticket Alonzo Sores snd ADAMSON, the Salt young to son killed two rabbit CONSTIPATION. Smith, ANDKEW City and all Skin Eruptions the E. L. Lomax, G. P. &T. X. BLADDER. gW INFLAMATIONof-;ea 0f tbia city, dejsrled over one, or no I Files, pay eures E. Dickinson, Gent Agt. and positively ALL KIDNEY DISEASES., Hicir field of labor i ' Grande to give lor Rio S. II . II. The lug" raliit hunt that was spoken DEPUTY SURVEYOR Oliver Clark, For Sa'e U. Society Islands. Quite a ) V. Mink, Trial Size 25c. of tor so long to take place Thanksgiv and fnendn were at the depot to hid E. Ellery Anderson, Receivers. "3 cent here terminated in partly from ing Druggist. Store. tarewelh, snd to wish them -- NOTARY PUBLlC.fr-America- n Jonx M. Doanb, ) failure aa to number, seven only, were Stalc &Co'., Drug health and prosperity, while abroad. Fredehick K.Coudert. - Jolly l ohums evi-uin- car-ran- ts see l't ... ... .10 - . 1.-- 8j80 1 0 5,-0- 1 par-chase- Ju . ... ... ... ... ... i , JU. u 15-11- ... ... ... ... r. r., Men Paeifis im-ne- Sgstem. time the- C-A.I- Medicine Company r A. O. F. .a More Back Ache r - J Utah.(j,.-n..mg.Q';pI1- A... dentist. ihi Ni-pb- iy Si a XXftufK St.irVr lr Fork, - L'lah Grave C5 i |