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Show ml tho I'roblbllioulKlH BIDS FOB Til K BONDS Itws J udglug from the vote lu the counties OPENED BY SECRETARY CAR- - that have madd returns LISLE. Tha Syndicate uf Xaa York Buktn Of.t !lraitala Maks fers I Trh-Tvs Hid. L so far 330,-'000,0- I? of Kanaaa Iuli'riLljr tiring a Suit la the uirrma Court. Topeka, Kan.. Nov. 21.- -A suit has Shortage Is S3S4.000 s New York City National Hsnh. New York, Nov. 24. A bookkeeper In the National Kins- - and Uwtlier honk a few days ago. A na dlsapiM-aretloual bank examiner lias Just finished an Invueilgatlon wlilcli discloses a defalcation of 9:;M.ki. The batik has u capital of 9UNN.(k.ai and a surplus of au lmisiirmeol ilmut $200,1 ns I, of cnpitnl of alsmt f l.iO.OOt', which will at once be made good by the stock- holders The examining committee has issued tbe following statement: "The recent examination of the at fairs of the National Shoe and Leather bank by the national bank examiner 938,000,000. a defalcation of 104.000, develoiM-noon Secretary Carlisle shortly after and by the clearing uMin InreMigutlon held a conference with treasury offic- house committee this loss is couflrmeil. ials for the purpose of deciding wheth- The committee are unaulinous lu the er the bond pmiMsials should be opened tliat notwithstanding tlie loss In public or In private. At 12:43 o(lnlon the bank is lu a sound condition an o'clock a large delegation of bankers able to pay Ms depositors." and representatives of tbe prem asThe following bonk officers were Curtis' sembled in Assistant Secretary Itrem-n- t during the examination ami office to hear the bids announced. In hare tlie eomnilttco assistpledged the corridor outside was a large gather ance if required: George F. Ba Ing of correspondents who could not, ker, F. D. Tapper. G. G. Williams, 11. owing to the limited capacity of the W. Cannon, J. Edward Simmons, E. room, be admitted. IL Perkins, Jr., and William Nash. Among the bidders present were Mr. of J. Pierpont Morgan Drexel, Morgan NIEDRINCHAUS STRIKE. ft Co., bankers of New York; Robert THE PrOBilSM Asaorlatloa llacon of K. Rollins, Morse ft Co., bank- Amalgamated financial All ers, Boston; Albert Ktethclmer, broker, New York; F. W. Itelmlck, with KidSt Louis, Nov. 23. Thomas Hanley, der, Peabody ft Co., bankers, Boston; vice president of the Amalgamated As bankFisk ft of Co., Fisk Harvey Pliny Bociatkm of Iron Workers, Is In the ers, New York. and has taken charge of the strike city was The main bid for bonds by a syn- at the Nledringhaua tin plate mills. Londicate and bankers of New York, bo addressed some 150 of the don, Philadelphia and Boston, and was strikers and their friends He assured . The bid- them that the Amalgamated associafor 930,000,000 at comden Included the tion would extend every assistance, pany, United States Trust Co. of New financially and otherwise to the mill York New banka York and the large both union and The reading of the bids closed at 1:50 emploes, In their fight Mr. Hanley present p. m. The aggregate. Including both denied the statement made by Mr. bids of Drexel, Morgan ft Co., amountthat Eastern mllla ha-ed to about 9155.000,000; counting only Nledringhaua reduced the scale of wages and that one of them 9105,000,000. the St Louis mllla could not be sucTbe 950,000,000 bid provides that 94. cessfully operated at the old scale. Ho delivered to be are bonds 000,000 of the confident the men would was be said at Boston, In New York score a great victory. The ultimately at at Philadelphia, 92.000,000 a number of applications x company had Chicago and 92,000,000 at San for work from men who are Mid to b.i but so far are only skilled Tbe bid Is made by the United States working workmen, a single mill, and that only New Co. of Drexel, Morgan York, Trust of the time. ft Co. of New York, First National part ft Flak bank of New York and Harvey, Governor Mrlntlre Boats a non so. Sons. They add tlie Information that the following parties are Interested Denver, Nov. 24. Tbe Times with them In the Joint bid: Drexel ft Mys: It will be of Interest to tbs peoCo., Plladelphla; J. 8. Morgan ft Co., ple of Denver to know that the guberLondon, National Bank of Commerce, natorial mansion for the next two New York; Chase National bank, New years has been selected. Judge York; Fourth National bank. New baa rented the handsome bouse, Ki-v- Highest of all in Leavening row- . ex-ln- Kiidiiij; his summer vacation olio of his friendH wiut a fellow Ixsirdi-r- , groinest a little girl aUuit 8 yenrs old. Tin- - two wore Sn-lug- constant fiiiiivuiioua and tlie child dally temiiiijuiird the clrgynmn on his excurjvi.m lu the rndgliUrhood. One er.silng tla little girl remarked te luv The question has been in dispute ter Kellogg eome time. Attorney-Genera- l ruled that the collection of tlie laborabut later tory fee was proper and legal, Attorney-Generan opinion was given by little to the effect that the collection of all such fees was unauthorized and Illegal, on the ground that tbe state makes ample appropriations for the expenses of the university and that the statute expressly provide that udmiiwion shall be free to all the people of the auto. No library fee was collected until September 1892, when the students or the law department were taxed $5 each, in 1893 the library fee was extended to all students and an additional tax of 920 was Imposed on law students. In 1892 the fees collected were or No report has been received tbe collections for 1893 and 1894. The law students in some Instance refused to make the payments, and refined the matter to Attorney-Genera- l the reLittle, who decided against gents. They renewed their objections and requested him to bring suit,or and Toengaged Judge John T. Morton petition peka to represent them. The shows that the university receives anror nually from the state 95,000 current expenses. In addition thereto It was pmltably the mm who married aj THE BICYCLE IN EUROPE. rick wlfs who first started ths joke oa the Tha Crai Uaa Spread IJka WndBrs All dltScnlly of finding a woman's pocksL Ottr Fraara, Tha Mudrra Muihcr It Is quite natural that France, and Rts found that hrr llttl ones srs Boor by ths pleasant taiatlTi, especially Faria, with splendid roads, should lie a favorite habitat of Syrup sf Figs, when la need of ths the bicyclist Yet, the Mcycle has had laxative effect of a centla remedy thaa by some enemies. The late Frealdeut any other, and that tt Is more acceptable Garnot, who was not remarkable fur to them. Children enjoy It and It beno-fit- s them. Tlio true remedy Syrup of the elootid ly of hla muscles, ft said to have dcMplaed IL On the contrary, Flfa to mannfsrturrd by tho California the King of Belgium admlnw the ma- Fig Byrup Co only. Tho glailor to not necessarily a tlreaoma a, chine, and In tlio rare. Far offered a gold watch to the victor. The man because be glvea you a pen. thlr curly-he- do-alr- For Mod Latest U. S. Gov't Report Absolutely pure fel low dtn.TM: "I like going out with Mr. Pedum." hy?" qutYies a to draw the child outstranger, Moping Becauau he baa no morals," was the startling reply. When tlie summer boarders had recovered thrtr equanimity they histl-tute- d an investigation, the of which was the dtewery thatupahot the aded maiden puraciwod an e craving foe ahcUw. This was frequently gratified by Mr. Dodson, but unlike tlie anecdotes of the child's mother the mlnUter's tahw wwb never isduted with a moral for tlie youngster's govornuasit Baa lYanclsoo News-Lette- r. little King of Swin rides a little bicycle made tor him In France. Several of the Faria Journalists are excellent cyclists Tbe hygienic value of tlie cycle aa a means of exercise line been discussed by the Paris Academy of Medicine, a celebrated physician ihclaring that It was a frequent cause of heart disease, owing to the prolonged effort and to the tear of being run over or of run- era Cooking. a matter of useful informstiim It may bo slated that whenever a cooking ncelit calls for a linking imwdcr Aa -. &!g2E Wlfilf at Skagg s al d d s btvu commenced lu the Supreme court State by the students of tin Kansasthe reuniversity to test tlie right of exact library, to iiiitiitiitiou the of gents laboratory and graduation fees from the tuiksits, the aetiou being a proceeding on relation of the HUGE DEFALCATION. Startling Siunnarat George It. Dodson, tlie pop-ula- r l unarian minister of Alain..!, reilior a good sus-- at his own n A The Hladkaia t'p-ham'- a vole will be over 23.00U more than Spooner roclved In 1892. Governor Ili-- has fallen behind hla vote of 1892 by alumet .'tn.Oisi votes. The People's party has gained over 17.000 rotes and the Prohibitionists have lnt Of the fifty-fivnearly 2,oou rotes. counties that have mnde returns eleven gave LHimucratlc uiajoritlea e Washington, Nnv. Vl.-- In conformity with hi circular dated November 13, 18M, the secretary of tin treasury today opened the bids which had been submitted fur a ucw b ud iwue of cent bond, United Slate 5 to bear date of November 1, 1894. and redeemable In coin at the pleasure of the Eovernmeut after 10 years from the date of issue. This action of the secretary la taken under the authority con talned In the act of congress approved January 14, 1873, entitled "An act ;o provide for the resumption of specie payments." This issue of bonds la made tor the stated purpose of replenishing the gold reserve, which, by withdrawals for exportation or other purposes, have now been reduced to lees than PROTESTING AGAINST FEES. Ilian 3 per Tha SL Jamas Dsuiss Fartet couklng, vartety Is ths Mil sf hia xcsllsut wrtln tad slirDtlua to tha COBH fort of g oasts usk this sod rsllsblo holal a fsvorite stuiiulng plica Is Uasvar. iUtrs, ItW par Slay: fl.SO foe avonlag dinner, ium suil breakfast; 11.00 for room and breskfasL Being sit ustad tba Tabor Urand Opera tlousa sad accessible to tha prlnrlpsl bueluaaa storaa. banka street and rsbla cars sad place of a nm sanest, nukes it ths beat located hotel to tho city. Tbe Mae rar stertlog to frwtf depot paaaea tha h'tL tlie "Royal" aliould be used. The receipt will be found to work butter and aunT, and tlie hived, biscuit, rolls, cakes, dumplings, crusts, puddings, crullers or whatever made, will be pro- ning over somebody. Other doctors duced sweeter, finer flavored, mure who are known Tha more wo know of ward polttlctasa to have a weakness dalBty, pnlaftiblo and whoUwome Re- fir the machine, combatted the theory, tho greater our sdmlrattoa for duga alties tlio "ltoyal" will go further or that tlie paatlme was exIf tho Baby u Catting Tooth. has greater leavening i tower, and la affirming tremely healthy exercised with reas- Bam and ass that M sad rsawly, Baa! tlMrefore more economical than any on. ! Rut when a practice becomes a WnaLOW loams Srur for Children Tsslhlag the legislature of 1893 appropriated otlier powder. mania It la exceedingly difficult to of Tom son II keeping I wife never and the for y purpose disagree. 923,000 aa published still call keep wltliln renomtablo bounds Johnson Iter word is law, than. the forMany reccl;ts up the library and laboratory for and soda, tho The and furnish Ita devotees the bicycle of a par Flso's Curs for Consumption cured scsssot years of 1894 and 1895, way of raising. Modern abundant mattiT to the caricaturist, money being specially appropriated for cooking and expert cooks do not sane-tio- n who does not fall to use It liberally, Pneumonia aftertlisfainifirductorgava spoil . etc 91.000 this old tbe purchase of hooka, and all such receipts and tlie advertisements of rival mak- hops. M. F. McUowcs, Cunowiugo, lid. An the Royal way. In chemicals of the for Powder should be ers present features that are really purchase year It te ths buidiiass of tha newspaper editor made substituted Buking to make s tong story short." without fall. appropriation of 930.000 was also difAs to the of amusing. or The greatest adepts In the culinary ferent nationalities, champions for the erection of and equipment -la hard to tWl Ilanaon's Magta Cora Selva." are particular to use the Royal which have the licet Itrecord, the physics and electrical engineering art so many Warraated to aura sr money refsodad. for of 94,500 sum Ask building, and another only, and tlio authors of the your onslderatkins druggist fur tt. Frica IB crate crs mqtpqpfc. entir lulo the of Tho American, Zlinnunuon, qmwtlon. maintaining and conducting the experi- lar cook liooks a n (TTBo-tiachmet no mas Tbs who wants ths earth Ih aatlsflsd mental station. the sued sinful cooking schools, with To-da-y for a short distance, though he If ho the dust The regents contend that the library whom the Uwt results are imperative, equal was Uaton by s tandem at Bordeaux. 9110-808careful to Impress their readers are and laboratory fees are not admission New York Advirtlser. libN Drexel-Morgafees, but fees exacted to keep the to and pupils with tlie importance of Its and women often fel condition, available an In exclusive employment rary Agra Varfsrtly. the effect of too for students. Tbe Royal Raking Powdir la the provide extra fidlitk mueh gayety "I may tell yon at once that I can help of modern times to pr-tou- t greatest They regard the decisions of Attorney-Generballa, theotrea, and answerand every reccl)t requir- put up with any tiling excccpt Kellogg and Attorney-Genercooking, teas iu rapid ing back. "Oh, madam I sure thats and continue to ing a g Little aa a stand-off- , succession nad Ingredient should Just like myself. We shall get on them wont out, or charge the fees on tlie opinion, given by embody IL Le Figaro. "run-down- " splendidly. the law faculty of the Institution, that by the end of the aea-oOvU Bervtaa Fostmastar the charge la Just and legal. Tha riac of Taraaaal suffer They 20L President Nov. tram nervousness, Washington, Of Mfloua peopls is child la tbs nloa of tha Proctor of tha civil service commission Uvar, twt with tha aureus discomfort sleepleaeneas and ARID LAND LAW. located irregulniitiea Tho has taken a very advanced position thero are awoetated sour stomach, yellewi Fran-deomllo and good Open for Settles it of with reference to tbe postal service, of tha skis and eyeball, morning saiieas, ill i flight It te time to accept and Is thinking of recommending that Property. breath, furred tongue, sick headaobe, help offered in Doctor Pictet's FaWashington, Nov. 24. There are vari- the tenure of postmasters be perma- and Irregularity of the bowels. For each sod vorite Prescription. Its s medicine which well law as aa official land the eU of life was arid discovered these &lomnent of their end used s prominent ous schemes to utilise tho unpleasantnesses. Hosteller's of rlerks. In other words, he would have ! h Bitters Is a swift and sgroeubls remedy. It physician for many years byin all cases of that was passed st the last sessionami " ta w "female til and nervous the complaint tlie postal service of the United States if11? preferable sny regain purgative congress. It gives the new states which arise from it Tho Preterritories 1,000,000 acres each of gov- reorganised on the plan of powerful uterine tonic and ernment lands If they will redeem army and efficient postmasters pro- terial complaints the liver te always involved. scription nervine, especially adapted to woman's Is to from neceamoted as schemes the the proposed place place them. Among Far such disorder, as well as for rheumatic and delicate wants for it regulates and promotes all the natural functions, builds up, invigone for the states to build Irrigation gi ties of the service seem to require, kidney trouble, nervousness sad debility, the from Stomach Hitlers te s benign rsmsdy. orates and turn. man best the reached tho posiuntil ditches with labor brought Many wromen suffer from nervous prosatruagly commend It for lu prompovercrowded town and cities of tlw tion of lint assistant postmaster gen- Physicians lu eral, corns ponding In rank with the titude and thoroughness, and professional ap- tration. or exha nation, owing to congestion half labor for to that and pay East la hill tuatlnad W waMia as wIsflsoifsteCttsmdathwtliBa Tba York; National City bank New York; 001 Logan avenue, which belongs to and half In land to bo oeeuplad geuaxaj of the army and subordinate proval waste product should be quickly got rid York: Oanaral Lenatg-Thi- s during more than s third of o century. Hanover National bank. New Mutnal works are completwhen the to the onk Irrigation tho local source of irritation relieved and postmaster of Is general home Chicago; and Pint National bank, New Inelegant to spacious difficult teminvigoiiled with "the prudent of the United States, aa Gen-er-d York; Mer- one of the most beautiful and attract- ed. It will, however, be Life Insurance Co., BL IU Do not tsks tha number of city people Schofield la responsible to the sets muot have changed his utter then. , scriptlon.i chants' National bank. New York; ive In Denver. It Is splendidly fur- duce any great celeST conditions. compound!, and nervines which of war. Under this plan the relay rumor to Gallatin National bank. New York; nished. Rare pictures and artistic to goIsWest undertosuch Cleveland was Tbs that nerves to sleep, but get s going It proposed establish a model Ir- orfciaal appointment of postmasters tabs tho fram Manhattan Co., New York; Morton, bric-a-brwiUl 06 add to the attractiveness of y,Toriu would be made from the chopping trees rigation colony somewhere In tbe West evrjwhere Bliss ft Co., New York; Ueldelback, a charming Interior. what of demonstrating for the lowst of HoWe Th ranks purpose service and let after postal Eckleheimer ft Co., New York; J. & 8. Tha family of the next governor of a single man In the cxiainatlon and for life or good bo- Ws offer One Rond red Dollars reward FEMALE WEAKNESS. Wormster, New York; J. Seligman ft Colorado will take possession of their can be done by If his labors are llstIst. There could be no removals, for any eaa of Catarrh that can not lit of New agriculture way York; ft Co., Co.. New York; Blair Mrs.' of January. 1st the about new home William Hooves, of BtUviUt. directed. Five thousand acre exopt; aa In the army and navy, for eared ter Hall's Catarrh Cars Kirkland Vermilge ft Co., New York, F. 8. As (hero are only four members In the properly Co., Ohio, V. J. CHENEY ft OO.. Toledo, some In 11 locality taken will be of land caw and after, trial by 8mlthers ft Co., New York; Edwards, domestic circle of Judge Mclntlre, convenient to water and transportaWe, ths undersigned, have known F. J. writes: 1 hod been sufferer from Sweet ft Co., New York; Kounti Bros., there will be plenty of room In the big tion facilities and 100 farmers placed It k not probable that these sugges- Cheney for tho last Iff years, and believe arrest tion will be adopted, and Professor him perfectly honorable in all Imainsas ' female weakness ; ' New York; Bowerlng Savings bank, mansion. The oldest son, a young man acres 40 20 to from on It with farms of Pnxtor does not expect them to be, transactions and financially aide to carry I tried three docNew York; Knickerbocker Trust of 19, will be absent at college, and re- each. They will be organised on the tors; they did me bank. Greenwich any obligations made by their firm, Savings fornany yean, but ha thinks that wt York; no good : 1 thought at home will be Dorothy, the village system as adopted by the Mor- sow Toft Who!etude maining Wist Tsnax, New Druggists, wiu such ft Hewitt of Co., system permanency New York; Cooper, who la a little girl of T. mons In order to avoid the objections tie htroduced I was sa invalid forO. Waldino, Kiamn ft second child, ledo, of A. Orr Haim, In the future ever. But I heard York; A. IL Eno, New York; Wholesale Drngglate, Toledo, O. settled In portions that people thickly Savings bank, Brewster, Hall's Catarrh Curs te taken Internally, of Dr. Pierces FaBrooklyn Earned. ChUdraa Two when raise of tbe country Invariably Christina Fluent Free, Prescription, Cobb ft Estabrooke, Boston; Winslow, acting directly nnnn tho blood and mneons vorite Nov. 24. About 020 they are recommended to go West Tho nrfacos of tbe system. Testimonials sent tnd then I wrote to ffith the first eold snap cornea Lanier ft Co., Brooklyn Trust Co., E. Trinidad. Goto., with Marand In Nlcollo him of told mo s village farmers will live tboifhts of the holiday seaoon, and free. Pries 75c. par bottle. Bold fry oil Inst how ho Rollins, Morse ft Bros, sad Blake this morning the house to take ft. , -a mining camp 18 schools and churches Just as convenient howto of Druggists. tino IlastlngeCo. tho Bros, ft get money to bay present I took eight bottles, I Massa- Hall's Family Pills, 85a for Hondo sod relatives, Christmas second syndicate bid by the same mtia north of Trinidad took fire and gg they have them In Ohio or 1 now feel entirely'" iw'rtlMvras submitted "for the full 950,-- 1 burned to the ground. It seems that I chuaetts and have their barns and prawn ta may bo obtained fn s Ho matter how msch a mss dislikes a well, l coaid stand entirely will which some water a went farms on after their Martino storehouses Mrs. umYmo all or none at 9117,077, being of Mt by drinking Lion eoffe ard I ha Invariably asks Mm to call on my feet only n short time, and now Z all my work for my family or five. short distance from tbe house, leaving not be more than three miles sway at theimail the largo lion beads eat creditor a shade below 3 per cent again. chiand wives and gin tho farthest Their her boy fma Lion eoffe wrappers to the on fire and house the ldren wilt have plenty of society In bed. On finding Woolson 8 pic company, Toledo Ohio Minblished by tlio Thsir list of Sbm A Cwainatega Gi the woman seemed dazed,orand neg- there will he a can chilwhich 21. the they awiaiinn at Mayor Gilroy lected to tell her neighbors - --M-t New York, Nov. raws eta, to-dappointed Congressman Amos 1. dren being In the house until It was too at reasonable price everything they by to . x suggested IMl v Uiditatlon,' -- Mviaic. neuralgic, sciatic, and aU-pa-in Cummings subway commissionerterm laite. They were both horned to death need. This Is the plan he to Young and it has proved eighteen large lion heads Besides before they could be rescued. succeed Theodore Moss, whose Brigham as water, harmless Mormons remedy , as getting thus present yon also get very effective In keeping the has expired; Jacob Hess, subway comis In world coffee in nest the and promoting by f using and the and a succeed himself, Goto contented happy fartai Convict sold missioner to everywhere. everybody, docone In Jacobs the sold to by eoffe. ponna Uoo only succeed Walter adherence St, 8amuel Carson, education and Henry 8. Kearney to The term of the Chicago, Nov. 24. dealer hasn't on Ifyoar an escaped convict from Jefferson City, trines of the church. Storm, term expired. Tbuuws r. Sims, Wsshtagwa Premium List, send yonr commissioners Is three years, salary Ma, who has been a Chicago convict UAL SeMtek situ PMMtSfc on a postal card to the firm PATENTS islswL to iddrM Write Sir InrestartiMilSb heir apalso 910,000, fallen The has 10 mayor for s years, year. 95.000 Bold. Voluble Library named abm M. Deuel police Jus- left by his parents, and has surrenderpointed Joseph Solon has lost J. H. WILSON, B. Smith, term ed himself. He hopes that with the Chicago Nov. CLAIMS tice to succeed lbs will of James Peed Wright of the I rrofessor Knapp, of to fallen heir has famous s library the he old of the money nine years, salary 98,000 year. lan9ns of Drexel, Morgan ft Oo., who be can employ attorneys who will se-- bead Instructor of the ofKomnncc Hess and Kearney are Republicans. died last week, has been filed tor pro- WuSUgloa,U.U..tey wlUrecsIrespiwnpHvpiH Chicago. Jts memno Tssw ItereMS, with Brssto-taguage of the University Cummings Is a Democrat andolda board cure him a pardon. for cattle New bate. Ills entire estate la left to rela to Hum. SPLENDOR pntw.Vs were shipped fat UL iff cowboy SoabU volumes (1,000 The In Hall. was stealing Ho GOLD prison of of TREES ber of Tammany oeims fives and friends, with the exception eiorbsslssi bus ddlfoc llh WMB wns'corniKsed of two Democrats and I anor Marysville, Mo. Ills escape was York to adorn the home of A. M. Hunt "raw illtow bulk Burbank's Best hsress sod ssddls te th C. F. Huntington. Tho tone contingent bequests The tel br ths bob. TblsteM Is at one Republican. The new board will- effected by concealing him In a stone Ington, son of estimated which kls estate, of Hunting-tobsmbig, tor yas css sm what library was purchased by Mr. in the prison yard about dusk, pile his wife. to stand two Republicans and one Demgoce are yon getting beta pslag for mm. fins in- - ter on account of the many rare books 9(110,000, gate lock so that ' re aa arder and If goods ire set sattiraotwy res having fixed asecure It is understood that thewith those r beet move tha Glblet la "Does had society and lock In the especially It, sure at my upnw. J.M. teJLnostj $tLiTAIK,B.LriSM,S.,SckrU. can retare comprised though apparently coming mayor will not Interfere in the middle feat ho has to move. Hs sever pays bis I14S to 17hl Lsrlswt BL DINVXK, COLO and that not operated. pertaining to Spanish the appointments made bis KANSAS devoted owner has new K.C.HAY ages. The all the commissioners will be allowed life to the study of mediaeval history. HE BILL BAIL POSTPAID How. fnwa Tonesoei. CITY, Mo. to serve out their terma native Sm Fansl Picture, amHtad He has surrounded himself with New York, Nov. 24. A special The beet IB doobi in con- - professors of the latter language, MEDITATION " (eneord Hsraees te I patch from Panama says that tho Fxport. Colorado for I1A taMdhaaaa for H Laws Litre which tongues he has collected no kw With breach tsg. UL Lkm Cuds tnn ml Uaada Professor Nor histories. Knapp 300 then pSdoabtetMiakac Lam- - laws governing from silver g wrappers, and a of brecehln The neawith old exports are friends, says: and Mr. Huntington pay poster. Write for W M. pit atari bora don thus far this year have been To1 and and as the professor leaves In two officer on1 otlisr Sn prrenma. taaadi saddle tor IIL stnsk w0 mintsry in hooka akoifo, poaN. Udnglebiiggr hseIndia, 4,253,815 pounds, against 5,928,-near Tegucigalpa by weeksf time for a lengthy sojourn In 1M BMi Uf Wooiaon Seiec Co., K1 pounds hurt eor; the SSTburstlng of an Improperly loaded!I England and Spain, hedocldcd to brionler GBUnreaDL.ToLSDO.Omo. Imltatiaas DO tedMtebT"htere snd te iMsstwholejri nrirea pounds, against 1,313,013 pounds, direct Imre 0f hiB treasures In such a wsy tost I ( 11 ora (ras dll gouds to access been and China, 2.521,941 pounds, aim have shocks have could be always "COLCHESTER that BtreL Ueover, Uoiarsda Mru,quake LX HU 1 H, larlner Inter-row I i jui nnnmia Gnnaiiiprshle Goods sent for sismliistlon. 1q province of Venesiuda. them. It Is not known what consider Tssse books Kulirns, some SsiiliacL of the Angciu, but was destroyed. tlon was Riven, The town of Caracas E. E. BURLINGAME'S were almost priceless, nnt being dupii-- 1 Ths UNKSr' sre the Best and Hate but the Ions of life Is small. and Cuffs warn: they ore msda of Bna lias world. in tbe in government any cated library , reverri-mNicaraguan Hie finished silks, and. bring , doth, bath Mm to mm eoilar te unsl to twu at any othar kind. Ifguit Coni (aland for 15 years to And Chemical Laboratory. the commissioner formerly Baste of Tin Prealdopte. rgM7.Md urn.) to Intends Mosquito territory. Iaunyo on Nov. 22. Busts of Vice Washington, the Vote mail station far Wisconsin's Fopallst by establish , a coaling ASaapto CUter and rslrof Cuffs 1ST IN MARKET. President Stevenson, George hi. Dallas Address Is Cents. Ham riyte and slsa. BEST IT PIT. Madison. Wis., Nov. 24. The most have been placed II COX PA NT, COLLS gbeet cash pi Gerry HlVHtBIBI.K and Elbrldge BBT IX WKAKDtG return ballloa. Addi . 17 Kilby BL, Boeton. Turk. Hew IT KL, niches In the ftaoklls A striking thing about tha official vice In the presidential QUALITY, ream BL. Denver. IhlWrfB Frdlvwa4 fited with the secretary of state is the it Tha outer or Senate gallery. The Aaron Burr slat-- 1 tap sols exTHK COMPANY FAYS THE V,CHJ1I of vote N. Y., Nov. AND VICTOR SCALES, In the Gcneeeo. Populist whole increase In one tends th galthe of terecWn. now been length placed great ii ue has lri Erllpss snd Fairbanks Steri to down 1 protha Ward has received from Governor b heel, reek transfer-to tbe state during the Inst two years. Tower, IraaParepL Pipe sod . lilin lery corridors, preparatory th boot la dig. to m Is tecting restoring si the for reiUbtej governor Flower papers this inside vote mts; Its year Their It to pftrmnnent quarters gin and in other bard hresh. cl!lrhe bc e--n full rights as s citizen. Mr. Ward will ring most three times that of two years SrareM lm snd tsrimdeill hmd Cram. FAlBliANKH, NURDS A OIL nth A ths Senate chamber. for Invote has proceedings once Institute KtS the legal bwktM. two ASK TOUR DKALXB si yearn tosrSgte ago. In tho Iuh Knm, IMavsr, Coiareda oaw rensiM BJ" of bis son. whom hi- FOR I'HXH creased from 0.040 to over 27.000. A the possession dul Revolt. Brasilia FEW ALE TROUBLE ills Ths SSM load don't be pat off jjqTS Ladles of the dolma Is withheld by an Irregular aVeSy form should termtlgate careful estimate of the results official ofwith Interior goods Is 23. Nov. Janeiro. action an de It . . also Rio He will bring j guardian. recent election based on the - VI AVI HUME TKEATKEHr COLCHESTER ROBBER CO. conn-- against the Franklin Trust Go. for the ficially announced that the state of afCensaltettea fres. Lady ta eftea SUrins fMr. In the state ofRio Gran.le do 8..I JErSsSTi ihsVuVh.m;; Vote will rwovery of certain rollaUTn- l- width Block, I6JU Arepshos btreci, Dearer. Oslo. held by Uiat docw not cause acxicty to the pivmi- - DfitfintC sre claimed Illegally Is total number of the it cent 51 over per of re-mrri.iKS. hard-- I remains s governor Tmakkky ment Castilho Sir. Ward now hniiln (ulCniSs I 1 wans If inlwoods Snd fev prleMh state snd the Insurlicnts nnndHT yuminstlfin and Site, sa ta PMsoiaMIRy gponslbie In tlie otili'e of the I ta!s'tlcketS Illnttrsud eirrelsr te IMS .. MdWiMl UOBK'ttbUNtS I or Mnw loOt IChTmCoTTuB Otete W. iteorte. IWa llcss than 14,000 men, settered Into hnsim. for " Invrntcr,' Otii-Livingston county vote The Fopaliris srtisaL" IAI3EK OTAUUL TASEDI5T0L & ft nt of 7 totalcent I wnaU groups of th whole vote Goneauo. btvs cue per creain-of-torta- r a Society n non-nnlo- n, al quick-raisin- o. anun-piosss- ra "lit to-nig- Hue-tetter-'s Me-Inti- re jssfe: court-martla- Co-N- a L ew It aw ay wamett .8 0wsed Cgea Denver Directory. 24.-Chl- cago 1 elj" n y HARNESS dis-siiv- er "" din-64- 0 SPADING loonnml-ealOollm- ASSAY OFFICE BOOT. . , iuuirt 1 ij5ri 1 $22 tl -- " ' T rQf)oM)rlfC 1 S nIttierashanpsr Smtoof S-- |