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Show fin lie throiig this congress, tho "Itut for this too liberal privilege, 1 uni lurliui'd to tlduk the very few really legitimate trade tapers would BI89E1JL MBOES MANY REFORMS ever liave bix-- admitted to the malls as second-clan- s matter." After coiiiuienting on tbe great in UUTA AMKIIK'AN F'dKK. Mrlleva la Barml BMIrary ""hi crease lu the mailing of fraternal in Wauta Ntnad Clui MalUr tarlallwl surance piiblleutiiuis, ns seeoiid-elax- s Ha Hellavaa la tha KiImiiIm Applira-tio- a matter, and xhnwliig tlie eimriuous lr will Ik- - noth-v- l Dial Hums cus of Clrll harvlea llulaa. of theta since the uct of congress btan ud far m1 aa ra through tliem, Mr. lilt.sell suggests ' adiiditlug VlaJivoVH'k. Wasldugtou, Nov. the rclJieily In the fnlluwilig: W. 8. Itissell has suhiuitted If It In- the ixtlicy of congress to cun to the his annual report for tlniio the irlvll(-geTin iarlia who atola Oorbutts fur I lie of second-clas- s l, tha year ending June an, 1SU4. 11. rales to benevolent or fraternal socichampionship bait wera doubtlex Har'.r cuiiii- - Governor Slone of MAY START AQAIN, skeptical about svsr fatting ohanua briefly outliues die jNjlley of Ua de eties, tln-- - tlu- - remedy I would suggest a .Id nm lung after him Cungn-w-iiiu- ii would U- an amendment of tho law at it ia a regular way. who TM IIoIiIm IJilvUlkta Flut la Pltlta part merit in lint following: W. J. Itryun of this rate to tln-tand to lelimiting , I r In geueral will III! the plan would recommend that I'auaty. as a eilvi-- salviM-aienewsimiH-rand ha legitimate gitimatize that The car'a physicians certify A tha first and most linjHirtaut thing to DenviT, Nov. M. J atteTsou of Colorado, dc-- t inaguzliu-s- . periodical Mrm. lames ism Aa of T. Tlns-s-SuAss-waa not poisoned by nlhilixt. to the ba done Is to revis. dm law as to secsays: I believe ue year's under aim'd by lllnos Iii his family. A lining After numerous sistMiiH-iuenttha ond class ooob aa somebody certifies tba miu recog-niMllinltutluns such all would matter so to Mini dm demonstrate as tin Olliers wire quickly place sale of tho iloldi-l.lzlvlatlon works s (or the pbyaioiana tha lot: ideal will ba and ieriod' newspaiH-rpustoffiev department Immediately upIf. Cannon of Mor-iiui- has at last taken pluce, the were I k Ihadsstiukaof paralysis nJ the doctor said considered dosed. property leal be transmitted Iwutiuldi. magazines may on non a I K. of an J. A friend gave uie bottle of Hood's basis. faun- frum I'Lili; lug bid in by It. W. Woodbury of tha our Into malls from r Wtixn I bawl takes 11 bottles Ivu through Beneixirllla. r publishers -Ihuvi-i Second tha of riiiuii Waite Avoid National for Governor t!w exis-rbank, a expensive saiint territory. the hands of subscriber free ot all When Mra. ff. K. VandertAlt low - Ccntriinl.il of tinastonishingly like l-loofigure meiits the C. of ds postal telegraph, rural cost." tha ground for Cuforudo, A. The laged non-aurauiirlsiiig 27 aertw of free delivery, etc. doi-not 'J'be ixsdiiiaster gem-ra- l siutv, tV. I,. Merry of California, F II. laud, realty, bar dlvorca. al a intruduoad a all buildings and tmiswemeda Third the postal service on favor tlie postal telegraph, a system adtha bkalatona la tha Newell of tho I'nlicd Stales geological loeatcd brought 125,000, aid novelty amon vocated by his predecessor. The condi- able to do nr work, end liin-- s of Near of via. Irlnco ex existing Govaruor the 00. administration, closets o( tha survey, proMTty. LniIs, macbn s well to tions of this be says, are am Fix n tend free councet-ibe expected, of Neliruska. Implements, suppllisi, etc., delivery in cities that such an would country, ibilni Senator Allen Increase the Hood1 I to enormously giv or Is'hktigiug to the works, vaa now enjoy It. ( wlnsst name hare Ouvee Wexvbu. Holmes onoa aald uruf Siany ollu-rprxiae; I cannot deficit He takes as example the rills kius-kelarge down vaa The at Accord $1,300. sale it to towns recommend It too highly." Xu Jmi pm, eutlUed liaoonia a haa in miiuectlon lns-tin- pulillc that tha nawajiapor already Is in s which Great system llrltain, Box 6ML Monde. Ind. Oat only Hooii'e. Sheriff Ilayen to satisfy jufg-iiu-to It under the law. to tha intalllgaat man of thla with III? sulijeels lit In lure discussed. maile by small territory, and comparatively Purely Teceublel aiul L i of $13S,4inlsu olttaiued by It. Hoode'pille ere Bold "Uulekeii railroad transsirtadon. a ia makaa thia it enthat It shows IL by that the postal telegraph ej tlrHf gliM. ITeaddent If. country. per,iMaersniM. Fourth-Itevl- se It was 1 fik) W, WiNslbury, tlm Union Natlofal and reclassify total a tails of hiss annual about $2,' calleil good advertising medium. In tho Ut the last et Itank, al., of the railway mail service Arapahoo county Whitmore, He points out that In s counWORLDS-FAI- R (XVl. ir the new lmdy to order. After the of- district court In January last, and tha and reclassify clerks in itostutllces. try where the territory Is no large the X TnEdlffurance batwaaa thaaaodara to sale has been from tints F'ifth Provide for siiint-vlsloI , adjourned district welcome oddnsises of of iirnyi-t"fering cost n would of far telegraph aaama postal novel and tha adrertlaementa of all iNMtal affairs by apolnt-men- t of lime In the endeavor to find a SUKRI0R NUTRITIOW THE LFE! benJhiyd were delivered exceed or iff any possible receipts for tlm to eonaiat In tha fact that tha former of eximrt jiostal ottieials from Mayor JOieJiauge, Tho pjnnt lias lss-- In charge ot classified service, as reeuiiinieuded In efits. ia read by woman, goaalpad about, and Hut Merchants Mr. Itlssell sim-ivh-Ivgives the following dally the first of the year, pd my last annual rcsirt. then dismissed from their . minds; tValilrlilgc nuil Governor Stone, Mr. Itlssell first discusses tlie effeit average business of the department, of Gcwirnor McCon-nie- ns the former owners hare ulue months In the alMi-inwhile the latter ia read, diaouaaad, eonof Idalio, who telegtiplnst Ids re- In whicli to redeem the property. It Is of dm continued depression upon tbe which shows the vastness of the posaidarad; after that tha woman maroh tal service: that li was kept at home, lion. to bu presumed that tills sale la not ef- postal revenues, and says: grets down and view tba advertlaad good Nuinlx-- r of miles of imst route run, re-When adverse liusltiess conditions fectual, os tlie actual value of .ha Miigi-iiof tViuJrtngton, Semple and buy if they are able. Is in tlm neighborhood of prevail an ordinary business establish- I.IOO.(nk); number of stumps manufacnmi lied to tins aililress of tvslconio In proHTtjr ment may overcome them In part by tured, KJUKMxx); number of envelopes tN'hiilf of the congress. 1 It declared $1N0,XNI. fSlassbrook, when naked by eeoiKimies of innuugi-meu- t Ir tha torpedo boat Kricaaon ia lia- that the congress was not hen for the and re- manufactured, l.SUO.tXX); number of Not ro, postal r cords manufactured, lJKXJ.OX); ble to auoh acaldenta aa have twice purN-iof ileimiiiillng anything .radical a TiiiMwHtin reNrter regarding the trenchment In iiumlN-of pliK-cof tho new owners, however, with tlm postotfleo mailed, 15,700,000; policy of prevented bar trial trip, a foreign fOe but simply that In the guvemnprtrtNhail future lgniinnu-e, but Intimated tbat of the government. It can nuinlM--r of letters mailed, 7.400,000; pleaded the nation, tho good of tin issipUf could rapture tha Atlantlo cities s THE the plant might start up again within not and should not stop to consider liumln-- r of of mall matter distha protector oould ba put into bo tin- siiircnio law. a very short lime, lira plant Is In Ino lltdo economies. duties Its ob- tributed and redistributed by railway Governor At of and the coni'luslon One mean thing about operation. condition and work could bo resulted ligations to dm public clerks, 27,5Xi.XX; number of at once INMtal remarks, rresldent Whitmore s foreign foea la that they will not post-ion- a handled In within a few days, should the owner so Inteimifled and enlarged." letter otHce, 24,' for whlt-the pursise their attaoka until tha torpado (XXt; dally tranaaetlons In money order Tho revenue for tlm year was declared against the desire. exists, boat ia in working order. dally expenses, $H4J124,414, luislniwa, 41,l(Xi,(XXj; allowing of this congress to Iw any Has justly acquired the reputation of being hairing a deficit of $11,243(5. Tlm es- $231,100. way controlled tiy political Interests, The iNMlmasti-- r general believes in BALLOT BOX STUFFERS. timate for die current year ending The Salvator for Tiut boy who waa fooled by tha and tln-- announced tho gathering INI civil 15, are: I te venue, $84,427, service In tho poatofflee departJune 30, atudenta of tha Inatltute of Technolready for business. 'Wkalaasla Arrests llolng Mods la Ksaas ment. He says: 748; $!Nt,3!iljl485; I'lNin the recommendation of tlicKx-ecnilrogy into atanding on tha Doaton bridge City. If tlm system has produced such $.'iI?.d.737. Tlm estimates cniiiiulltcc tlio convention then in a aturm for aavan houra haa ilia The-Age- d. Kansas City, Nor. 20. Tlie bral to dm secretary of dm treasury good results In the clerical force of the to allow the nlalo delebeat of it after all. Ha haa proved tmik a recess iNCOMPAHAiLE Ah liter-- i inAlimeht for the more situation for next to INiJIiIcal Is It the llMal reasonable nieinlN-rare: grows Itevenn. to of Iho year department. that ha ia ainoero and game to tha gations on st tug dtiily. I st to this evening The$.S0.!io7.4o7; whether something like it could Growth and Protection of INFANTS and rules and oril.-- r $91,0511,283; quire limit of hla atrength. Tha otbara of business mid not lie applied with advantage to tbe organ Iza odora Unuwnn. Judge of election In tho deficiency, $4,151,870. have only proved that they are second-rlae- a tloli. Ninth wsril, and John rhllllpo, Ark This annual deflehmey, the post-- lower grades of post masters. For more idiota and liari, alao. convi-in-- d aster genn-s- l says, could be overcome than one generation the American 4x30-pl-e A superior nutritive in continued Fevers, at 3 Iii tho hubic ward, werv placed tnler The afteruiNin 1 y of arrest charged with fraud com rutted by tho increuHO of imstal rati-s- , but Ino'eliN-k- . have been trained to regard tbe till And reliable remedial agent Hansoms bail dues not liellcre thla advisable. Ilcon-om- y IMMtoltiee as were an at the recent from the varyIn Too EMriiiTio endorsement cannot tlio different all and enteric disease ; gastric , fixed at ntliSU was $1,5(10 and s Umn rehas never-thelenieinlN-rthereof of two tlie imtiiu-epractiii-dbut fortunes Ihllllps tlm and ing great political often in instances of consultation over ba given to tha action of tha faculty wiileJi of In both wont to default Jfil care been baa In even and to taken that luirtieH, tired snnie instances, pri'imro their reports. of tha university of Chicago touching patients whose digestive organs were reTho wlmli-salarnsita havo appa- it should not affect the efficiency of the us legitimately following the vicissi- duced ITInet of New Mexico. to such a low and sensitive condition tha practice of hazing. The profesthe caused a sensation service. more rently among tudes of mere factions within a party, that the IMPERIAL GRANUM tiNin Inritntlmi of lreslileiit W lilt sor assert that tha new rule prebox aa wag final Imllot addi tlie The economies have ennalsted main- This fallacy Is to In- deplored. The stoffers, then tiNik the cluilr. the only nourishment the stomach In reletting eH) tracts for mail trans- Intelligence of our A Inrgi- - iiiiiiits-- r of resolutions were men for wliom warrants were snrn scribing tha expulsion of all atudenta ly outhas long l who engage In disorderly demonstratlu-to tin1 out cannot In- - located. It la said they portation, and In the cost and amount' grown tlie notion that any one polltl would tolerate when LIFE seemed presented to ls of supplies, also In tlm abrogation of cal depending on Its retention tions will ba rigidly enforced. Pro so-ccuiiiiuittee when organized. They cov- have left tint city, ltesldca tbe 4arty enjoys a monopoly of admlD' alnstdy out and which vent seven of the eleven steamship subsidy Istratlre talent The local postofllce is And as a FOOD it would be difficult to ion In tha police courts might bo ered all possible subject of Interest to made uiniii represi-titatloconceive of anything more palatable: of tbe a total sar-- 1 clout-lcontracts, which will un-athe Western region. connected with the every-da- y added. Inof Kafety, the Democratic r ing In the ten years of the contract's life of the people who (latroulze it Se'dby DRUddlSTS. Shipping Depef. An address tisiii tho committee is said to lie conte- : life of $14,431,325. All fears to tha effect that the dustry ocetipled the convention for JOHN CARLE 4k SONS, New York. and nothing is further from the prindellvi-riOno of the most linimrtant and la- -' mplating swearing out warranta for T.. some Its Delegate time. being which home rale and majority rule haa lieen of epidemic TTiitnnj. recently ciple men charged with committng foresting features of Mr. ItisHell's reII. Hainillou of Nebraska. to force whatever. than change auy e raging In tho various hospitals and 8. The Tln-rIs orilaffed fraud. second-clas- s for he good Is Its discussion this of ground convention at port slsga klu&red public Institutions of Dublin this is what hapiK-uand Is bound WALTER BAKER CO. matter. In bis hist reinirt he referred Yet of Votes Owson resolutions vm stiuomcnt that b happen as long as the postofllccs rewaa nothing more nor less than the that Hie to the great dlsproiwrdon to die main -from nch state ley! Is to 1n removed from office if Gotwo mciiilM-rof The Largest Muwfxctnrer of nlst tlm public mind, and hence In in drended Asiatic plagua known aa tha j. mail matu-r- . He tlu.1 practice of tlie government aaso-clauand territory represented, to 1h named vernor Stone can find a law sustalniig growth of PURE, HIGH GRADE lierl-lier- i, hare now been aet at rest by tin at the open- such nctioii. TIm governor waa hare has niailo a thorough investigation durstate with iKilitlcs. COCOAS AND CHOCOLATES For tho doctors appointed to Investisituation. the tho week session. but Investigating year Uxn which he says: ing ing of must either be The iNMtal The effect of all this uxm iny mind taken out of the political field The committee on reportgate the matter have coma to the conOiOkCnllttomrint altois a conviction that the statutes and clusion that the microbe responsible ed a full list of delegates, which was and surrounded with the same Fawsr lomilgraata, HIGHEST AWARD8 gether the precedent tiixin which the Kecess till eveulng. for all the evil Is not that of tha am-pteconditions which conduce to the health Uw frwt & Waahliigton, Nor. 20. The annual now sesrests are the Berl-Uerat The that atteiidaiuv defective; i, evening oriental they of a private business, or be divided, but la indlgenoua of 8uNrlutendent Stump of the embody the ' rejiort set was abuse which at at sion (he only Industrial presIrrigation great and Food to Dublin, and known by tha name of liiimlgrntlou bureau for the fiscal year ent existing in the imstal service; and for administrative purposes. Into two wlskl-wlskisubject for discussion, was rather ending sections, tlie one iwlitical and the lSlM. shows a very June 30, busim-sas this Whitmore's is that EXPOSITIONS llght. At lnnident growing all each under a fiUliiig off in the number of tbe time, some remedy should be ap- other head, so the executive (iiNirgi Q. Cannon of I'tnli tmik He in this country. arriving authority In Rosebery says that all Engthe elialr and Introdini'd the subjivt Europe Kin America. the side shall not hie that since August, 18U3, tbe plied. land want ia psaca, and doubtless of discussion with a brief review of his lie gives figures for the past tlx ou to of his to exodus requin-give of any stilling pusengers fonign thought . VnllluOM DntHirroMM,lMXIl. this ia true. England has already aa own rxiNrleticc In the past forty-si-reshowing that In 18S the weight the from tlie l7inited States turn been graat-i-- r yearn Ckmlrali ar lr an of second-clas- s matter carried was 143.-00- tem."improvement of the postal sysmuch territory aa it oan taka oare of, years with the growing of crops by usid rondadiw than tbe arrivals, TOCOA (XX) desIn 1SK! of otherwise and artificial It was pounds overflowing mie and there ls.no part of tha world la Mlukla, uA cm, Lh Mm m ami m. Mr. Itlssell refers to the bill now that there are now fewer foreigners 250.000. 1MXIl During the year 1891 ert lands. which it could secure a considerable In to in sour av osoccR gvzavwHEua relieve the postthe United States who came aa there was carried 451.1MHUNK) congress Addn-sst-were nlso made by T. II. pound master general of tlie addition without coming in contact Newell of the steerage passenger, than thire were of mail matter, of whirl 299,(nm),ink) responsibility givdoglcal WALTER survey, BAKEH4C0. DORCHESTER. MAS8 tlu- end of the fiscal year 1S!XL From of postottlee appointments. Commentwith some civilized power. It 1 Mead of Wyoming, and W. K. at pounds was second class matter, dm the tho tables this the tiNiu bill, irastmaster ing report universal that genuccomxuylng will be Smythe of tlie Irrigation Age. . hoped peace total cost being $3tl.207Ji?2, an aver- era I It npjienrs that during the last fiscal says: maintained, and tha understanding In the evening the Colorado age of 8 rents a pound. Returns from In Whether such a plan Is, or la not, arrived 288,020 year immigrants which it aeema haa bean reached beshow tlm that amount (iovemor by electing uporgnulztsl postmasters this country, of them 2S5.U31 wera on which pontage, at the rate of one the best plan that cun be devised, it Is tween England and Russia is a step In Walto chairman: J. W. Draw, Aspen, landed 2Jtstt wore debarred and cent and at least tlm formulation of a plan I I. 254.000.-00Johnson waa ami direction was 0 Congressper pound tha of permanent peace. paid, wlileb Is entitled to the most earneet, deported. com81m on the resolution man froth pounds, tlie remaining 45,(nni,ixio careful and Immediate consideration tree In mittee: C. A. Smith, ('(dorado Springs, pounds being matter, rs Wa take not that tha people of on a foundation upon yiwFtfctuifiJftiami implication. The cost of and may to Copunu. the (x,"r scrond-clothe committee; It. FI. lirnwr which to build. What Is l?.VPOUCESoux detarrying the Hamburg, Including tha whole imper- (Joodell, Commit let oil rerinnm-ii- t matter was earnestly fiRW'oY Rfs'k't prlngs has been $30,320,000, while at the rate of one sired and what daily apix-ar- s ial outfit in Berlin, continue to be more of A. C. Flsk.MHT'lfTFisk 8tats deputy revenue cent a pound tlm collections were $2.- - a necessity. Is legislation of some Und much wrought up over the landing of jruLM.snai.-nfor chairman ralloctor United for this district, with 547.000, and $NIX),(XXI special local which will Insure an Improvement LL7J BoYSamiSKflEX n not of the convention. n few American oaUlaJUA at rates in carrier c.uca, leaving a net uixin present methods." Ho was uflfotsd from "LADIES "A. to take tho place of W. J. Cope Mr. Bissell closes bis report with a loss to the government of $1(S,973,(KX). Tlie commute on ruliw rciortfd this eating this diaaaaod meat, "so called . nor do wa expect to, Inasmuch as all morning. The rules provide for a iimu, reMgm-dwas appoint-e- d i After giving these figures the post' requeut that a new building be proto the (NNdtlou nftw the camnalcn master general continues: vided for the postofllce department nNuroEamunui tha evidence goes to show that tho of not to exceed thirty votes. If so many 1SP2 ft WLDOUOLAS. : He says Interest on the cost of an adhis falthfiilm-s- a This calculation applies to alarm ia not wall founded. But tha of not to exceed 3tl votes. If so many of totha BROCKTOM, MASS. s alone. The separate cost of equate building would be less an- - iwesent, all states to have DemiNTadc party, and gut Green River incident recalls the time of tho cholera hg ey by weurlag tha uen on his tmnd who have been look- distribution and delivery tlie amount of rent paid. 1 will not a of not less W. voting L. tlian nwit ten. when Hamburg was sending us over a Dsaglaa $3.00 Shea. to estimate, but any ono can sep ing after his wlmrealNKits for aeveral no how matter small the ihUmSA ntteudlug few cargoes of eholora snihttMithetfaf e A New Kind of rhnreh. day past. Thetv to be conflict, that those items of tiLTi2;J?S5warJ-ea4giiereate- e and would her ateamahlp lines hadpatients, stories ing swell loss. his tbe I regarding largely accounts all the Louis, consideration of the While Ieiiilliig Nor. 25. A new church over tha empire scraping upagent 1 do not advocate a here he was in tli employ of more and rales change of rates ha been organized ia St Louis, model- - iS,mMjFoS!Satmk5hie!e!j (lie names of the ineniU-- r dm Union now laclflc as legltflnate upon offering them rate that placed a pas-f- a selis-ti-a train railway tiy tlm various state deleganewsa)ers and dlsimtclmr, and was considered a periodical niagazimw. My purpose ! in Iam Anp-k-s- , to Now York within tha tion ftg nieiiilN-rshiiijnsi the rommlt-h-- e Gala., which organized tlm to man. withdrawals of the postage two years ago by urge on Pf llL a small band, baa given. The fol trustworthy young tinfrom rates large cities and the frrown to a membership of 10,000. Belowing is the list: , . pretended periodicals that are now Im lief In a Alkeadt wa hear of tha orar's havArlzisia,. T. It. romstm-k- W. J. ChaMrkoaa Moat Stay la. In the of Christ or In a future state ladivinity properl y enjoying them. (bsvrge Sen gel, O. 8. ing banished a number of people to ney: not required of Albany. N. Y., Nov. 27.-- Tbe Court . must The class memlH-rIts of (Vdlliis: conspicuous these Cttllfornlii, Uiitiln. Its avowed design 1b to of ApiN-nlSiberia for plotting against the Ufa of tins affirnit-- d tbe conviction (J. l. periodicals are what are now general meet the Iamms: Cob ado, I. I. Jolinson. J. 8. of Jdiu Y. Melvane. hie father. We need not industrial, Intellec-unl- , r aa known serial question the Shafratli: I da In. William Kudgy-- , It. K. pax-covered ly books. moral and spiritual demands of Tlie court was auaninimis in its debanishment, for that will continue, Uleh; Indlau no are in , sense bowevt-rThey suoh liberal and progressive mlnda serial, Territory, I). cision. Tbe spiN-a- l was from a Judgbut we may be sure that euch acta In name. Itcing usually lmwl: Iowa, 8. F. Smith. It! ment of conviction given as do not find these demand sufficientfor felony. The in- except are not due to tho deliberate volition Fielding some such K. I.lnehan: Kansas, W. II. general designation as The ly met in any of the existing TiNitcliage dictment against John Y. McKane Fireside organisaof tha Russian emperor. He is aa Tlm IVtecUve U tions to satiwfy the requirements 8erles, (Tone; Minniwota. I'lhtmaii Jolm W. Murphy. Morton Morris of tha and brsry," or some other title of like apparent and much a tool and puppet In the hand Slutrp,; Missouri. FI (. Stannard, (' John II. Itrownlilll was found Dcoem-lH-era." approaching r character. They ore nothing but books r of hla oounselor as if he wore a K. Yeter; Netiraska. W. J. ltryaii. It. The lectun-Is Uwis present 3. ltttt. by an Fit. W. Iticliardson: New Mexico, tl. It. extraonllnary grand pure and simple and many of them late of the Industrial army. mechanical automaton at an extraordinary workod by Jury court of lxmks I oyer at very It. ono each trashy that, rrliuv; Oklahoma. Siilimv and terminer. The crime of wires. If our wrath should 1m stirred which distinct in itscir, the series' nenr be A. FI. li. McKnne was raiivlclcd was his by acts of the ezar our anger should Clark, J.Smith McGuire; Oregon, Will (irow Canelgra: devoted to ing lkNlge; anything In particular Carolina, 8. FI. Wilson! not lie turned against an irresonible of aiul the rancealin-n- t of having few snltserilN-rJ. It. Texas. Imwls Hanem-k- ! no 8an and with Diego. w. Cala.. Nor. 25. -A- rrange-mtnta creature wearing a crown but registry fists fur dm general election real subscription prUv. II- - A. ELY BB0THJB8. M dniMUtaorby bmIL Marshal: Utah, K. J. Cannon. C. of have Worm BUmL MwTnrk perfeeted tho by In 1S!. that gang of barbarians who foragainst the Another class of publications now rancher of this esNvlnIly First election more C. Gisslwln: Washington. A. I ltlaek, district of for vicinity the plantGravesend. than a century have overshadowed the I. FI. Devine; Miaitnna, Thomas (! enjoying the low postage neeorded to ing of canalgrc on a large scale and u second-clas- s matter is what has got company throne and been the actual rulers of Merrill, W. II. Whccd; Alaska. J. O been organized to handle Gns-ne- . silver Men Meet. to be known as the House Organ, In tlie product. A tannery Russia. is to be erect-c- d a 8t. or devotNov. simply 27. In Isniis, till Wyoming, Izoilslnna, Nevada and paxr pamphlet to cost $lo.wn and the An Informal ing city to the ed conference lxNorth of the mainly Dakota are not represented In advertising of some plant will extended as rapidly as Kimetallie IfsLV and the Indian territory have the eonventlon, while Minnesota. Ore-p- n league was called by 1resldent A J mercantile, manufacturing or other es- tin supply of lucn-ascThe long been rivals in the brigandage In 8FMT and Alaska wen- aide to name die parlor of rhe Soutlmro tablishment. but purporting to bo de- roots grow wild In lower Gallfornla. business, hut Italy still holds flrat one niemlsT Instrad of two as audio--Ir-but. hotel this to voted trade, claiming a bona fide but it Is a to contlnne the nmrnlng. it output can be two diiy and its object, as stated place. A band of desperadoes o line of and nominally con- largely lncraam-by cultivation. by forming hi other conditions ised like soldiers has raided and organe second-clas- s General Th Warner enmmltti-amt the of of on report looted rules others, is to 4 matter. a town or S.Od:) inhabitant. Even was agreed to after some discussion line a iNiliey for the silver fartlon outWW Vsst lonD WHO. An Onthrmk Id Armenia. of n Mm TAm Aa? Otkir XlaM, tat WU1 0m The bogus trade ix-r- . not devoted two tlm the Kill Cook gang have not been able over and the great parties and a silver nth. Constantinople, N0y. 2tl- -A for dm People's jwrty ftr the next to the advertising of any particular Another largi- - Imteli of rescdutlons to equal that record. STAND AMTTHXXGk Turkish rule Is reported rising from two year. The meetlug was called were tlmn intrislueed. house, ts another Illustration of the against Van. Armenin, In which district the rethis time In order to give delegates same abura of the mnll. at The on orgau-Jzntkimnnanent massacre occurred. The outbreak The laws of Kentucky, it seems, do "Of great moment In connection with cent jmeseiited It retsirt. naming to the Transmississippi congn-s- . many Is said to be due to the failure not forbid the of the of children George tj. Cnniioii of Utah fur the of whom are silver men, an opportun- the abuse I am discussing Is the privmarriage ( assius M. porte to ronrrae the Armenian Nationofficer, with one rice ity to attend the conference. Unite ilege given to ptiblisliei-- s of newsiutpor Clays brido is only 15 presiding al to elect a new assembly years of age, and Cassius Is more thau patriarch in from each state, to In-- named a number of prominent silver men re and magazines tho first bestowal of succession to Mgr. Arahalklm, who rewhich was under tlie aet of March 3. One is in her first childhood and by Its delegation. present from different parts of In signed consequence of a dispute with M. G. It lit for The present tha othr la in his second. eountry. The so far have INNS, to mall copies thereof it the Turkish VoL XL Ko. Ele-d- s government The pat- W. X. IT, Itonnr. the pound rate of ixnitage, field of Uregon, was rctjucstcd to wu- - been purely lufornml In character. riarch, Locum Tcnnes, also resigned. 7.-- -;- "6.T2SSSS?1.-a-K MKSTKIIN INTERESTS THK ITEM, stive ex-- c Instructed to so his inuiiiwfir, when tha uXt sliall Ik- - rliuNcfi, ha to BEINQ EARNESTLY DISCUSSED. ptacn thxroin. Tin- wan lininedlaL-ladopted and I'reslilimt Cannon s o the cluilr by CKals ot I ha l Stnauard t'airi ml Alli-uat St ia of SlisMonrl, llliu-af W Kapraaaatallva Waatara Maia and JoIiiisihi of California. AftT f KfHNiclew of congratula8t. I.uii.n. Nv. 27. The TransmlxHid-st- tion and thunks to the retiring ofik-N- , c Mr. WhitiiHsv, the cuiign-s- n ailjvnraf 1 pi congruK Tlw hall when- - tint cMiveutluu ut-- was for dinner. eiiiiiuiitn-- rOSTOFF'ICE KEiOiiT. o u y Iteb-gati-- I.l.- k ls-le- hr p lu-r- 4 s MIs-soir- u n s siN-ci- n n exiu-rlenc- e After Paralysis a d u u al-a- s doc-Mo- d i, wwa 1 W. ures s IIIGIIKHT AWARD n par-clms-cr I'n-slde- n e n e exiN-ndltiire- e s CHtab-llshinei- lie-fo- re pli-ci-- Res-pin- AVEDIOINALr s di-a- d pii-ec- exiN-uditiin- Invalids n sul)-mltti- -d s coin-iiilttc- c s, CHILDREN limn-di.-itcl- e d gnt o reft-rii-i- n vir-ran- ta ut n Cm-iiiltt- iv n cro-tr- nl beet-suga- er-or- al T & 8 s xl (Teili-utlal- s bitKl-ni-- ." net-terl-al s l, sc-ara- te d s Kin-- nod W. LlDouclas $3 SHOEJSIS: deh-ga-tb- ,S.SPeS e hcad-iliinrh-- rs n deb-gate- exix-udltur- rt d rch p w-n- dh-ty- Ark.-inwi- s r siH-la- l. i, n a fla-In-- s lin-nna- IN--- n li.-i-s Atm-rlea- Pt. Band, n Iron Hoop c.-i- snlxH-rilN-r- repn-nentatlo- OAK BASKET, mil-li-- y s . |