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Show T 1 muiuumiimuiiuuuuuminun.imim Left Dralltulr! NEW ALPHABET NEEDED. Alice, of course, might have turned NEW CALLE CODE. t, Nut of worldly but uf e rt lily the conversa'!ou into other channels; in tbe poor areti-inrinemed by Ha Mad but somehow she did not feel that sha am OSSrlal Vocabulary of l'rwumrt4 IsyrMninU Could of ahum fell The scourge i. however, Style iif Types. Ktnuiai-Its t Uony Is advance by lluelelli-r'0 TTTTTTI rTTTTTTSTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTITTTTTTTTTTTTTTnt wanted to do o. Language to Uo louni. Philadelphia Record: The following Hitter. Its uuly ouro iiiYrruliillve suit mi . Mr. ! coa-feAt Well, I .he Is inclusion ily. reuclut! Dr. cniuaiiulluu, supposing, international Houghton, Dyspepsia, Mr. Perclval Houghton wa standing by riling telegraph oervouaneae anil kidney she began, after a pause. I should say iiul Mr. Fraux in a recent limsilg.i-(lul- l riiiMiiiiulliuii. . which was held st Huda-Pesi- h near the door In the Paultona' drawing-Is are a lau among I In testily atnlrlluua on in the ramie fashion, 1 love you also In July It was decided to issue a new the legibility of letters used in which tlilu bcneth-enl medicine overcome room. Those pimple, or blotches priptiug. To quote a notice iu Science: wv.li ceruinty. t ae ll systems Ically. official vocabulary of preconcerted lanthat disfigure your skin, are Houghton was not a very popular very dearly. I am willing?' nuihor.' investigate the size and Though she tried to suy this with guage. This was opposed by Ameri- "The of blood bubbles. They mark a member of hia aet on account of a the lie by Measure. and color of Wbal lha Average style quality tyK. admirable insipidity, her face flushed can firms who operate private codes os lutlH-- r tbe unhealthy condition of tbe and the illumination. Tyitc A a average idilld nimaiirca about nineteen faculty he had of avoiding all blood-currethe value of theae codes would be de- should Uot lie less than 1.!) millimeters that throws them al birth. If a laiy. ami half (mi a half eoclal functions. He was to be found in spite of her. Inch leea If a girl. A cliliil lncrcawa tuura in r.nd the noticed The an : Houghton conference bluoli, In stroyed. i.tai lie should it inch! adopted leaded, rapUliy la Iwigili l he tins week than at auy at the Paultona today well, if the height up. You must get down to aa Inch the blood, before you can be matter were probed to the bottom, straightway became himself excited, amendment to Its constitution. In order ind the illumination of the printed ulianiueM period ami aliould gain ItXl candle during tha tint mouth uf lie life. Ladiaa' should not lie less than to without it. for It page yet has und these rid of them. Isteal treatment provide betraying codes, because an waa he old principally i.aftia Journal. Good, said he, "I should say, And Just hern issued from headquarters at meters (the light given by 'loo enmllc:'. is useless. It suppresses, but trlend of the family, and Jack Paulton the distance of a yard. Yet most There la mnre Catarrh In this aectlna of dues not heal. Tbe best rem-ed- y bad reminded him he must not send a now. If you will excuse me, I shall Berne, Switzerland. Preconcerted lan- it school books are printed In stiiall type, the country limn all other iIIwum iut tofor eruptions, scrofula, refusal at the peril of a serious bleach speak with your father. He Is here, I guage Is defined as composed of words without leads, on poor or glazed iaer. gether, aiul uutll the famt few yesra waa understand?' a greet many , In their friendship. having Intrinsic sense, but nut com- iiul the Illumination in many school uiiKHied lo be lucnrahle. sores, snd all blood diseases, is year durlunt nniuuuuved . ll a local illavaae, Then, taking out his watch, It Is bined Into intelligible phrases. Words rooms Is less than two enndleiueters. Some one plucked his sleeve. It was and prrarrlbeu local min-dleand liy connow In 10. this fifteen Where's over cannot minutes to contain The relative of small language the his hostess. stantly falling to cure with local treatment, legibility baa proven incurable. Science it pronounced In Is ten characters according to the Morse letters the following order: d k catarrh to be a cuuNiltnllmiul dlacaae. "You remind me very much, said your father? and I think he is llierrfuro required ruUKtllnlluual treatment. and never, until her alphabet. They must be taken from Mrs. Paulton, "of a statue I once saw fre- Halts Catarrh Cure, manufactured by V. J. some of most Thus the letters one or more 'Gerof how these languages: of Achillea, I think It waa Why this dying day, will she understand Clicney A Co., Toledo, uhlo. la the only euro ua the market. It la takes these words escaped her with such per- man, English, Spanish, French. Dutch, quently used are aimingIn the most Illegheroic abstractedness? ible. The letters used were printing Internally, la dnaea from 10 drops lo I think he Is In Italian, Portuguese and Latin. Propel It acts directly on tbe blood and Houghton had not yet spoken of his fect Inconsequence from used those lu writing. luucoua surfaces names cannot be used except with their developed of the ajalrm. They offer Slid these were evolved In accordunee (Ine embarrassment when she put an end the library with Mr. Paulton. case It mile Is Hundred Hollars for Houghton arose, and, putting tha meaning In plain language. Tbe or- with the convenience of the writer, not cure. Mend fur circulars any to it prettily, sparing him the addisnil testimonial. Ton m4 fllftagihwii wakipM lIAIl CHUNKY It CO.. F. J. office Address, watch back into his pocket, made as to iginal sending ran demand the for the advnutuge of the render. Now liuom 'A M Arape hnej tional confusion of an explanation. I lAf I twin nnrau. Ohio, Toledo, seo we the with write that of sender's the code to production printing chiefly go Bold away. ttitrkfe73c. Albftllf Ottr "Come, let us descend to things by druggists, STATE ORE tftiunlliiff lliiiri Bldofe, lHNivr. ?ueAit rw Miss Coates caught hia sleeve. 8he that the rules have been observed. press it is nlHiurd to retain symtsils more substantial than dead heroes, if . fr Miuohtlo ( iih hinwi niiilfl ra whose legibility would lie greatly im"Pilcher keeps hia best eoat on In tba not less poetical. I have a pleasant was trembling, and the smiles bad died From a date to be fixed by a future office sad wears bis old enat at borne. a modification. proved by slight out of her face. Said she: O, Percy! conference all the words used in "Yes, he doesn't want tils wife to know SEALS RUBBER STAMPS? Nov'ly surprise In store for you. that ho Is dressing up for the typewriter lark IMI. I., IM (i HosSL nif. I mean Mr. Houghton dont be so telegrams written in preconcerted Indeed !" girls. America' Nesd of Cavalry. AClllNlhT Keiwlia nf MIN 1X0 PKINTIXO 'anguage will be extracted from tbe ofYea Let me fetch you to an old foolish. He will think you are Insane. Mirhlacry. rib Pipe thrcwilng and war the of a Discussing 10th L ficial possibilities IJwiUm Kik-- ( Uir.kl.,1 and He drew the sleeve away gently. Doi't Tnktti Spit ud SaW lair Lift In;. vocabulary duly enlarged friend Just returned from over the sea with of the tbe and England, strength Cnn-Be careful, Alice, said he. We are compiled by the International Bureau rutted States militia or national If you want to quit tobacco using easily Miss Alice Coates. dAdpifintnlldliM, WSulwal. Uuun IMS Miniri guard. and forever, regalu lust manhood, be wads The Mime of our Dont make a of Telegraph Administrations. IdaSw hugar, Oran" Sc. All Cuffed lSa, She conducted him to the damsel in attracting attention. ml boast uewsMiMni new bill of Ilfs and lately well, strong, magnetic, new vocabulary will Include all worda that an scene. of 100,000 men could be vigor, isks No-l- liar, the wuuder-worke- r Raum and all kind nf Me. tool. question and left them together. army GRINDING make weak men strong. Many gala Mali ordera The next moment he was gone, and of .private codes, provided they are thrown Into Canada within a few that pe.ial mImIHS Im heartily glad to see you again, ten pounds In leu days. Over 400.1 10 cured, iHmrgw llMfci llarbcr' Huppll.i, lew Larimer H from your druggist, who Miss Coates, said Houghton, a trifle in a daxe of excitement and confusion true unniulilated words, taken from the weeks. How many of these men would liny Lawrence (I hdwr, lilt guarantee a cure. Itook let and sample DENVER BRUSH HruaokM Alice hurried to tbe conservatory and eight languages given above and com- be mounted on horscliack? It is a very will of evwy dMcnp mailed free. Ad. Htrrllng Iteuiady Co., Uua I'riaiw A awkwardly. a'uor'at'd. Hand fufrttilKM It for from qiulitf with inquiry, the Interpertinent above The requires rules. dashed In New York. ply among the palms. Chicago or "You may call me Alice, as you did EYK AMU KAK INFIKHAKY. Tba Servian When Houghton walked Into tha li- national bureau desires all compiler! three to six mouths training to make before I went abroad, said the girl It queer that llttla new uf two uf limff'i very beat eye and ear s some of and slatea tbe cavalryman, of codes and all down tlT aliua words balden comes he found Alice's persons and Jack father desiring with whom Mrs. Paulton had Uift him, brary apeclallale FKKK and a small sum charged which furnish large contingents to the Naw, they knows that Janitors chimneys? duut low fur the remrdlM furutolied. Tba eyaa examand then mischievously, though I'm Paulton smoking and chatting list- from certain codes reproduced In the national guard have not a single troop 'em In flats. ined end all defect corrected, (tlaaaea acofficial vocabulary, to forward them of homes. If lessly. there is any lesson that Just try a 10c box of Disc rets. tba finest curately ailjualod. raws requiring surgical Inquite grown up now, you see. 1UM Arapahoe. handled. terference before the end of skillfully Interthis the to the failure of the confederacy can liver and bowel regulator ever made. year 'Major Coates, I have Just proposed Dear me, yes; quite grown up. Do national Bureau of Telegraph Admin- teach us. It is (his: That an invasion eTeTbU RLm GAMES you remember our chats; when we to your daughter, and she has accepted Rtnckenlooper la aorry that this camuf Canada aiul I do not menu that llccanae he cant used to poke fun at the courtly dames ine. Are you willing we should be istrations. Berne, Switzerland. paign la over." "Why?" a lit is least the reliable or (iicli bln talkcure luaouints to rontiuiic p thing wifes by ASSAY OFFICE at your mother's at homes? I hare married tomorrow? desirable made without sufficient cav- ing politics to bcr. A CASE OF TELEPATHY. The cigar fell from tbe lips if the never found congenial company since In Colorado. IMS Sample by Bull ar galablki.ed ns be would barren of iiennnnent alry aaimaa till receive prompt and careful attention Did Yuu Kver Hre Indian? you went abroad, and I have gone out Major, and he looked in blank amaze- On Laity ,lipoaml lu a Vision 'at tha results as It would lie if made with an t Kilted not, so send a (lamp to GOLD AND SILVER BULLION November ef society entirely become a kind of ment, first upon his Interrogator, and army of crossbowmen. Timo of Her Death. tbe General i'asHriiger Agent Colorado Midthen upon Paullon. with a slight quescommercial anchorite. Rafiaad, Mailed aad Aasayad ar Parrkaaed. Century. he and aenil fun will land railroad, Denver, A gentleman took a house in Ireland fine colored picture of too How fortunate yon are! But then tioning aspect in the last glance. Paul!7Jt and I7JI Lawnacs SL. DENVER. COLO. for six months and was accompanied Ha Was Soon Tired. In nut going Into aurlety thla you never really cared for society, did ton burst out laughing, and the Major ihither "Dnffington by hia wife and daughters. Tho Inter. "He hud to sell hia turned again to Houghton helplessly, "Why nut? Fond you? tlpar, don't yon dresa ault to help out on bla election beta." house was furnished and bad plenty think of Mother' "My said: nnd that Mr. Good soul, marrying No, Indeed, nor did you. Are your of bedrooms. Therefore it was derided lie's Mr.. Wlmlsw' manning syrup lazy, (elfish and "Percy, my boy, have you lost your ideas unchanged, Alice? not to use a certain large, long room without one siik of humanity." nfMdliwuu rrdamuiflam-Paiion- , censes? "Well, In a way. I still think, as you allay pain, cur wind I'alle. SMBlsabutUn a. C. BMITN. PnBianv. with How did one you side cupboards "Mercy! along (which Daughter' True, the otner answered, drawing used to say, the world would be better had all been locked and sealed up with find It out?" "Uncle fiinmn, why does all the world love ORES SOLD ON THE off If it did not trifle with ? recious a chair up to the table, this requires " liy, the day I wont a lover 1 "lleeauae they knuw be will bo PUBLIC MARKET. Denver, Colo. tape) In which thirgg belonging to the to Fond Mother muucy aa lung aa be can ralaa s time. Yet and I know you rlll par- some explanation, doesn't it? Aunt Sally lie was in tho (pending visit your or cent. owners the house had been put Then he told them of the conversadon me I am surprised to nd you window stuck and (.imo train anil away. One evening one of the daugh- I nskotl him to my I believe Ilau'a Cure I the only medliina rniso it. Well, you single. Is it possible there las been tion between himself and Alice, as well CURE for that will euro iiuiiiiiitl'iii. Anna hi. Koaa, linfeiM mR hiimA. kMiei r NmiihIim fiiNiiiHelewsM no one charming enough to break as explaining. Incidentally, many of ters, going to her room, saw an old mayn't hcllovo it, but Ita an nciun! Williamsport, Pa . Nov. 12, Deft. PILE REMEDY. wrapped in a shawl walking along fact that lu didn't work nt it mom than Br lbwcMMserR. AiwMMiaiMi through the pessimistic Ice of your na- his views of life which bore directly, lady la In love with Mr. A 'So think linrltani K ft. UK. HUMiirkispH(friafnei M. yon lie in an hour the IHWMiiIL front half of her. passage try! The stupisul ig and some even which had no beariug (id ture? No iluuM nliut M ; she need to anil ndviKod mo tho tako niiotlior sent Frlllcra?" make fun of hia bald head, and now aha say No one, Indeed. But though I will at all, upon the subject at present of lady appeared to know her way and ninl I lind all ll la perfectly beautiful. my buiidlcs there, too!" hurried oil without hesitation into the The Acme Lamp not be so vain as to say It is entirely, vital interest. York Weekly. New room. unused Cnsearrts illmnlale liver, kidneys and The siscalled her I said 'But girl Alice? the be bold will I to Major. to yet enough Will warm your room si S coat say my bowels. Never sicken, weaken or gripe. 1 bid confidante it has been largely due to rnnnot believe she is a party to such ter anil thny followed the dame into of 3 cents per day and not affect IV list (lie Irmldent Kajrs. 4 the Snakes and wild animals claim an Increasthe room. But all was silent; no cue the fact that I have not had the time wild plans! light. Dellvrad sa racaipt af SI. In number India. of victims in "1 I take ing According that plcuxnre stating to the last yearly return 3.014 persons to devote to ACME COiTPANY 0, yes, I know she will be agree- was there; the dust lying about showed And, you abonce know who, pqi'Konx from anake-hlle- . and 22.0MU wera killed know, it takes a great deal of gadding able!" answered Houghton. "She has no signs of footprints. Shortly after solutely linld, hare regained their lost by wild aniniala, tigers and wolvea being tba Boston, Maas. 33 Wendell St. the same young lady waa reading on hair about before a man may even evidence said so. through the list1 of DANDKKINE. chief dangers. Yet I am sure she will have the hearthrug by firelight. Lookin., M.r wife, whose hair was falling out his affections slightly. Thats very true. changed her mind by this time. She up she beheld he old lady atandlng in from some cause, lias received great the doorway watching her. Greatly benefit from . it. I lion rt liy commend "Now, don't you think yourself that has had time to think It over collectThus writes Edmund frightened, rheoprang up and, msbiug DANDKHIM-:the conventional wooing is a very la- edly. I'll go and ask her." raa taa af UW Mmt taw Mm 4 Wuam af MS MB--1 Murdangb, president of the Terri mentable sacrifice of time? No, put in Paulton, rising. "Let downstairs, was found fainting at thi I. I MU1tf I U aut pu l Vdarn af torial normal school to tbe Knowlinn drawing-roodoor. At last the family Danderino If the woman In me decides no; me do that for you. Oklaof Gutbrlc. company but if I persevere along strictly comI'll give you Just three minutes. returned to Dublin. One day when homa. from whom Daiiderlne can lie VM curious was friend mon sense lines, perhaps yea incident obtained for (1 per bottle, if not kept calling the Jack, said Houghton. London Sun. which I bare narrated was referred to. In stock Ivy local druggists. How charming you are! Jove! you The young lady very unwillingly told have not changed a Jot, Alice, since Ilannna In Typhoid Fever. her experiences. The visitor seemed To Its Considered, your hair has been turned up and you William C. I'wery, M. D.. of St, much struck and BHkcd for an acFirst Boarder have donned the harness of social slav- Louis, I'lint forger yon the food beat for those that says VI curate description of the old lady. were talking about yesterday has been ery. But ,to continue our subject; from typhoid fever is the basuffering For," said she, "that house belonged sentenced to ten yeurs Imprisonment honestly think this business of. love nana. In this disease, he explains, the birthday, Celebrating in 1V7 ill seventy-firs- t y Second Runnier Ths CoaMKHW offers its readers many "That's a gloomy to two old ladies, slaters, and when and marriage might be expedited, for brilliant fraturea. The two hemispheres lining membrane of the small intesfor n man." have been caplorediu search of attractive matter. instance, in the commercial way. A tines becomes intensely inflamed and they let their house they went to re- prospect Well. I don't know. First Boarder man comes Into my office with a propUa Macuuks, side at Geneva. One of them, answers it meals at ThankssloughEventually begins engorged. get They hwIM cuw.ici am omuine n w osition that is almost as important to to the have ing exactly you description and Obrlstma." Iuek. giving Sm Ipadal OSw SUw. away In spots, leaving me as a marriage, for it affects my ing v ulcers. At these places the Intestinal given, died at the time yon saw her NON. THOMAS B. REID. CHAKLEa DUDLEY WAANES. MACLAftEir. UV affairs He wants life's very radically. Realm. As Important Dlffmara. ANDREW CARNEDIB wails become dangerously thin. A appear. CTEPIEW OftAME. BUOY AID Kirura. VI an answer that same day immediately, solid UKVT B. E. PEARY, V I V HALL CAINS. BAKUN CARLAMD. To make It apparent to thousands, Sl fopd, if taken into the stomach, MAX CULL. lit. 0YE9I EDMN. riANK I. mCKTOM. if possible. True, I take, say, half an is who think themselves ill, that they are VP DR ID EVERETT HALE. . OLA RE SWILL. W. AROLD f AEDEAIC. C'hliiiiini-I of to the II produce perforation likely laying DR. LYKAN ABBOTT. ALICE ELLOW. NOADXCA. LOKOf to not turn the matter over intestines and dire results will follow. aflllctcd with any disease, but that hour or an hour s VP hadami uluan The Chinamen of Australia, when the system Wittm. needs la In my mind and view It in every light. simply cleansing, solid foods, or foods conTherefore, a take to notion a VM to bring comfort home to their hearts, vt they marry, write to As a rule. In that length of time I have a large amount of lnnutriclous matrimonial rgrnt In llonR Kong some- as a cqptlve condition is easily cured by M VI come to a satisfactory conclusion. Now, taining substances, as compared with nutriwhat as follows: "I want a wife. She using Kyrup of Figs. Manufactured by If I could find a woman to whom California Fig Syrup Company only, VI VI Adventure 1X57. Four for announce tious substances, aro dangerous and must he a maiden under 20 years of the Absorbing Serial. Ths Cnanaina also and aold by all druggisia. Stories. for lloy. Stories for Girt, Krwrter Stories on Ijmd and Sea, tilu-iare to bo avoided. The banana, alVI VI age, and must not have left her fathers illustrated for all profusely Doctors Stoiir. toiwvera' Stories. Storle Kverybody thousand Article though it may be classed as a solid house. She must also have never read by popular artist. Si Double Holiday Numbers. More than two Glasgow lo Ala don Taxation. VI V) of Miacellany AnecdHe, Humor, Travel. Timely Kdilorials. Curreot Kveul. Curfood, containing, as it does. 95 per cent, a book, and her eye lashes must be half It in announced Him. commencing with rent Topics and Nature aud Science Departments every week, rlc. VI VI the city uf Clavgow, Scot nutrition, does not possess sufficient an inch in length. Her teeth mast be liumarywill1. ci1S!I7. SS Weeks fur SI. 70. Kcnd for Full Froicetna. sue lo levy taxes of any kind s waste to irritate these sore spots. as sparkling us the pearls of Ceylon, laml, whatsoever niiii Irn rcsidi-nTho rity M from tba I riff uN tm4 Hat (til hurl lien hnvp ascertained I li(t VavMNvftsnflHvUlcilNMUa Nearly the whole amount taken into her breath must be like unto theeeents lime VI IS i U MkacriyUM Mlcoi wtik the entire expense Ilf tin- - city fur sUiwiMII the stomach 1b absorbed, and gives the pf the magnificent odorous groves of TM Ttt$ OinMriwuTWiAafMw ran be home by tile which Is VI 1, 1191. VI Juisry obwill lie front can be more received than wurka (he juihilr strength M lit Turt Pulls Wirtw. patient Calendar FREE TtMfaiWM, Jura, anti her attire must be from the owned by the city. Among CkrifraMlac the latter are Ow ArtMte QVm4tt far HIT, LIlRagrtpM NR tained fiom other food. Chicago Inter silken weavers of mi V which ml n ST BiMtlfal Mm. eiertrle light iilani. gas FREE. Ai4 TMTfiNi YsfiUi CwrbUi S Wwka, a fan pair, to Jawy 1( IMI Ocean. sewage fnrina Mini other are on the banks of the greatest river creel railway, S VP nf linotllitiMle. all of whir in the world the overflowing me paying large m(lia annually lu the city Mass. THE YOUTHS Boston, . COMPANION, treasury. The JJ.iniif.u-liirerllr. rrklinrst' View of Theaters. The price of a Chinese woman delivWe commend these remarks of Dr. Klrrllnn Kulm In Parkhurst, of New York, to his breth- ered In Sydney is $190. but two Chinese Don't shoot Hie linlloM'ox lllllvllle. man until lie hai women only coet $20(1; therefore, the ren who believe no doubt honestly fully dcciileil that tin- - eleetiun is against yon. women Chinese in the is "WILL YOU MARRY ME TOMORare import lo Voters abort a couples. expi-cieinevitably that the theater repair to the poll A prize uf one barrel uf pure (ieorgla ROW? and greased chute to the sulphurous The importer never pees the women be- early. l iiKKimiliine I lu llie vu:i r whu'puii fore they arrive, and then he generally the most vote jircakf.iKl. The theater I believe In promight say, Here, let us expedite mat- pit: t he Ho not busiolitriicf one. best this selects the The us poll. When yon think is other shown means preliminary of Intellectual get ters; let foundly. As a Hint yon have voti-i- l give ouinr over immediately, stimulus and of moral uplift there Is round to a number of well-to-d- o Chiness of a rltaut-other American while you are renting yourself. and come to the point without further nothing, with the possible exception of nese, snd after they have Inspected her There t sMuy In the are mily Of course, it should be some tbe pulpit, that could stand alongside of she is submitted to what may be called field, at you ouglit ado acIn the well parry you finding pithy one with whom one is rather It aa an enginery of personal effect, public auction. The vote will lie ctmuiiHl to the Itlllvllle arlihiuetle, quainted as, for instance, you end provided only It would maintain Itself ierlnlly prniarol for favor-stil- e the ITiia occasion. iihL'T arllliiiut'.c, I in its proper character as the dramaThane Who Ulo of Old Age. ddlnro Dial me aud Mr. Houghton! :me lCacli Is la man ten. favored of It PerIncarnation disputing tized strength. Only 906 persons in 1,000,000, ac' "There, there, you see. heresy will sonally. 1 would like at least once a cording to medical authority, die from with a dnd to a cemetery lot. Atlanta Let adherent! old an t out from under the In- old age, while 1.200 succumb to gout, crop out even in week to me continue. I take out my watch this cubus of ordinary obligation and to 18,400 to measles, 2.700 to ID CAT ITepi V r.nmilTPPn fo ran auy oaaaof eaustlaatloa. Curarrti an the Ideal Axa-- I Stoat Kaploaive Hubatanru Known. apoplexy, fiDuUbUl&llI UUAflAfllfiljU Hie. nenr aria arertae, bat eaan easy aitanl malls. Stai-way and say, It Is Just 10 o clock now yield myself up Intellectually and emoto 7,500 Tit to substance 0 Talk. 7,000 far consumperysipelas, explosive (I sad bwiklM free, id, RTTRMXG RRMKDY fA,. nieaaa. Mai treat. nut wlib-of Alice. I love you very dearly! Will tionally to the domination of drala ehlorlile ppai-erlnitrogen, 48,000 to scarlet fever. 25,000 to tion, unitcmalats nf three parta of Hihirlde. you marry me tomorrow?" matic power. I could live with a freshwhooping cough, 30,000 to typhoid snd 'd with one of ulirogeu. Ira terribly explosive How charmingly ridiculous!" which haa m far preventnl ll accliaratter write and could and with life er to 7,000 and apeak rheumatism curate typhus, anjlysia, la due to tho fact that It la "That's right. So it Is, perhaps, ri- a more recuperated vigor, I am sure. locala conildnatlon of one of the moat active with to The vary according averages me of the most Inert ebmicnt In nature. diculous, and I shall have to turn In Boston Journal. ity, but these are considered pretty ac- Nt. Imule llcpuhllc. soul no again on my poor old lonely curate as regards the population of tbe one understands. Palm. globe as a whole. beLepmay first appeared on the Hawaiian to I rmmlii am friend, dear there are about Island. In KM. "But, my of the fanciers In On? greatest palm theories you 1.2(1 carry leper there, of whom S(l are women. lieve your peculiar to said 9 have is discovered Arnlilit' London that latughing riant. seriously so far as that? A cony of Tlie Companion' Art Calendar should be not leaves with earnest. washed, the in My of Arabia The prolaughing plant I am profoundly for Dc.li, wlilcl rival the faiuiiua "Yanl of milk and water, which duce! bean-lik- e by The Companion a few seeds, small Itoaea" piiMInIh'iI affairs of business are so absorbing pure water, but ago. I given free to every new year so-cal- led effect wonderful of lovea to has no time when preserving of and can dried doses whlih, pow. Tiegif to that I candidly '..nipanlon for IK'. To new and preventing the appearance snlisorllH-- r them la alwi the free from like inier intoxicate pent dered, laughing gas. the lime the , making. I received till Janv The person indulging in the drug uary, JVIIT. This lien- ulicrllior Then you deserve never to get a of the brown spots which are so diswill busin une liaml c, four sacrifice madand shouts a figuring. like your cannot page folding fn., lances, laughs wife If you In twelve eolora. The lllhoL'nipluil man for about an hour, when he ness for her. Why. lovemaking la tbe '"inpiinion fr.--a every week In Januarv, season's oyster crop in Con- -, This life! full f"i and lo January, DC in. falls a anil cxhniiH'ed Into woman's year death of a best part Sl.T.'i. one year by wilding I lie which is now fairly on the ;ike sleep, which often lasts several siibwrliilloii. I i.i 11I "Ah. well! 1 had expected to find in nccticut, for IN'.i? proHH-tiione of the best theois fiee. in Addles The Yniitim pronounced market, my 'tours. Couipanlun, l&KI WALTER CAKE d you. If not a Arm believer CO., Ltd , Dcnhntcr, Mx a t'oluinlui lioslon, lino. avciiiii', n. of The ever know shipments oysters ries, at least a strong sympathiser. a have exceeded those t Pearls are very rtviuliir, espec-jllor fMiive, eat 1 When luloiii That settles It! You arc the last straw. this month double the amount. of 'iiuily cathartic, cure guaranteed. Hh-- . irifh some w.iir.en year ago by I shall never marry" cmn-fur- A BUSINESS AR3AN&EMEHT. Blood... Bubbles. ms-tsrt- s bUl.ui-uitiM- rr ' I per-llou- tin-li- Ayers Sarsaparilla. liqhbiiwuljtvxrofnxelgcs. Denver Directory. rlwl prl-?a- te 1inv milUng-r.lgh- l s Ig SiSSSSf Iwo-cen- Denver Public Works, hani-licartci- l, turiliikln.-aiMihtnK- SURE PILES Store y love-makin- g. per-lah- I kt m TKebuths I (ompanion eacep-lionall- first-clas- Distinguished Writers. well-defin- w w w w Ivi-n- For the Whole Family. ca u. w 12-Co- lor water-work- r Yang-tee-Kian- g. ofTi-rn- vtk)A8DY sulth-a-iiil- r CATHARTIG love-maki- di!Ti-rt-t- CURtCOtlSTIPATIOH S y ore To-ila- y - 1 Hiibi-rlitlii- - ll -- I'Hlill-ilic- 1 11 11 -- 77s pure Cocoa , and not made by the Dutch Process JWalter Baker & Co.'s Breakfast Cocoa is absolutely pure chemicals. Cau-nre- 1 |