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Show s j FOR jui; THE L. S. WORLD. liurrlnRt iu is preinrl..p ctivge (it ilit- - OLiy.uan :ai-salfto- Lumber yscl. f al are til the go these days. ill (,nr merchants are h;ilng them. TL Kilts MlLi .etv I'lf' H na sell' lng good! 30 per eci.'. rlieaper r.nn any cueelMt In (own. rail and we for yuuridf. Cue duti noith of Dun ley's store. K. Boli'uion and F. C Ranbe are g r jniioert'jlo work la ihelr mine in (be Lehl mlnlLg district. They sent out two men Sa'.ur'a,, to ran In a 130 feet of tunnel. They liare the lumber uu the ground and are building a good cab'h and making ether di-lu- Tha was a bad and bold burglar who entered the pot office Vidneetlay even-luHe went fa at about 7 p. in. by way of the front door, locking It with theiprirg lock, and ciaubcrfd ovi the parti ton Into the po; office . piopei. He then carved life way Into tlie monry and etamp drawers, with hie jack knife or tonic other ebarp edged tool and extracted there from the eonf'MitB. The registry draw or was also whittled on coaaiilcrably but the vtiifcib did not have enough time to moke an entry as a feeling that he most have a drink midden ly came ovar him ind he cut out oae of tbr I vwer panels of the bank door to in ike hi escape to the saloon. When he had Ratified hii thirst with a he went hack hot brardy to idy ie wrwWi-his but ab! it eci. tusompltts was all to late, he r, n into the hands of an officer and is now lying behind the bars. Refer Wild had ncileid llie culprit around the poet (flies and tu In A 1. m.a a woman v ui teaches in paid 173 50 in till' u,r mouth, lu IVuusylvaiiia the average jiay of women teachers is b aa vSoc.lv r- n Jy, aa uinirroui Yut two Half conclutlr. iy pr va. )( I oa a --nu1 uit (uSimir tmm ilmp-pA- a aul Uvrr r .oulai!iL I dn. orrd ka tie anil llw pn .uijciI. In nraiiy rvr-ji.'y aiKT? i i.isd Uic dLhuaa. Ayer ai v',lury eb.ai-- nia Ut an. wh cure iUrpiuiilia. I ihd F . at a coat of ihil time It loa been my family lueilivim, and sirkntM lia twow a Wanner to our houuluild. I Mlava It In Da llw beat madlctna on aarllL P. F. UcKully, nacknuui, Al Buniuei it, - per inonlli Doulttlees this ilisiarity is a result of the working of the law of supply and demand. In Arizona where women are fewer, they arc Utter appreciated Philadelphia lleeoril The reason the women in Arizona who teach school receive $73.50 per month, w lull- i hose in Pennsylvania eccivcr hut si, is because iu hrain, iu intelle: t, in morality, ii i"i.uclio"ed lieauty and the gen-t: graces i hich make angels of of th ffinaie sox, tie women the with Pennsylvania, compared to women of Arizona, are as $38-2- 8 the same On the $73.50. ground, ladies who teacJi in Utah receive $J 04 per month Tribune. In I'tah county the average monthly salary paid female teachers last year was 38.45, to male teach- - era $.Vf.54. A majority of these teachers hi.e spent from two to five years in eo preparing themselves for school room work. Yet we are told that they are over paid ; in fact it is stated that they are the only persons that areaoouinulatiug wealth during these hard times. If a teacher is seized with a desire to make money, he ii nmallv wise enough to leave the profession at once, Ex. 8 Boils 1 Aflll-- d! uu-- 111 at Once I talus u 'Lie! feral itm-i4jA.h 1$ trn .il UII ' '' ! s.ei sir ur 'Ktt MI f i4n.pl xiifrtiU ftiiriisULiP huMiik 4uf li'.Ou't $ liollUfi hjhiTA .n mm; ! ririlUd utf tilgvd am apt. u MiiBMiiu a o inCiul'A. I iiM 'cr v,)it nr bkju u betwr. J- O. J iskuam. XewlhtU, Cslilurula. , -. Hood's S' rrnmpt Pi'l Ueo. Ablo In! a little one Friday. Tbs Oler faunlv lost one of tbclr children tbl wrek. i sJ sSMsut. a Ayers Sarsaparilla ss , r 1 ti-- Major C. T. Pieton 1 manager of the St.de Hotel, at Denison, Taxa. which the t raveling men eav Is ont of the best liotcla In Hie aectlun. In speaking of Ch inihcrlaiii Omn, CnoiFra and lila-r- rl I 1.1.1 Remcuy M:.jor I cum It iu-a'lltn myku): it my-c- .f tor several eui and take h'asuror In saving Llr.it I rous'd r It au Infallible eure for dlarrhooi and dysentery. 1 always recommend It, and li.ve aomlnlsteied it to my guaete u the hotel, en, lln every case It hrs l oven Itself worthy of unqualified endorsement. For sale by Thos. Steele & i L-- Cit-no- t Co. Subscribe for the lYorlJ. I saw In year paper that a 13 year old boy made $1.25 the first hour he worked Belling the Perfection Metal I ordered a sample Tip Lamp wick. 1 f - - I.- . - , u Days morning, mu arrive in Chlesgo or St. Lotll In e.dfion to attend M bnHlniM0 conneivt with all fast trains for the East, Home one ht Raid recutlv tlet the iraek of rhe ATCHKOX, TOPEKA & SANTA FE rallrond wan Lost Via in such perfect condition that the ling distance ran nt the Flyer on the New York Central could lie eqaslo.1 If net exceed ed, by its mugnlfioenc iraiue. J, Ii. KF.KWOUTHY, (iem-re- l Agent' to Froi and Ticket P . K. I.. LOMAX B:IRpm d:S3m S:lbpm e.iAtm 4:Kpm Al E. Dll'.KlMiM, Gin. Mgr , Omaha, Nehiwsk Train mli f Jusili run d:mv except Sunday in Chirano Ti,riii..li Pullman Palace itluuil I'h.iucc. Impruvud Tour hi Slicpcre d c ch (Ir in. Khvinl iv I'.whc ri'i'llmcK Hilling car Th uly liiiu TH Mi 'HTKMT A .11 VaHtkir. LllIB TO ALL A- -r PUINT 1). I1.. MVIIT.KY, Oen. Agent npl City Ticket O.Toc. OH Mein St., Sell Lake Oily c. ir. H. Cr.ann w Mink, Dum E. kli.bkt Anosksoir, John W IMakh, Fhbdricz PaMPngr Cohdzht R. Keen! vet : 4 MARTIN K AMBROSE, And WATCH UIKZR. ARTIST TORhOUIAL Hair Cutting li LMiIfS(t)5Le. imirlui fHk,Vuk Teed aud 6 ale sta- bles. Runs hacks tq all trains. Harrington 3t FOR GOOD PRINTING CALL AT the farm was coming due, 1 saw In the Christian Advocateiwlirr Mias A. M. Fritz of Station A. St. Loot, Mo., wonld 8hd a sample comptnailou dipper for 18 two cent stamps, and I one. I aw the dipper could be ADAMSON ned ae a fralt jar filler; a plain dipper; ANDREW a fllne strainer; a funnel; a strainer County funnel, a sick room warming pan and a pint measure. These eight different U. S. neee makes the dipper each a necessary Deputy Mineral article that 1 went to work with It and It well! .i' very icar every lioneo. And Surveyor, In roar months 1 payoff the mortage, I and thtuk 1 can clear as much ae $200 a month. If jou need work you ean do NOTARY PUBLIC. trial. MIks A. M . well by giving hl will A. Siallou St. Louis, Mo., Fritz. Utah. American fcork, send you a sample fui. 18, two c nt at once. staiupsr-wrl- ie THE WORLD OFFICE Surveyor John 't G. N. Amehi De Witt's Colic PlMMflt. quick un Fork ft Cholera Cure. Mf ( IWMlIU. BENJ. d tr-rer- tri-'rt- nrenV. ti . In the biib ptuoiiN ifiniur Of tl i SANTA FE ROUTE, on the third K:SSm - i Father was sick a nd the mortgage ou t-- 'i-- mi Gnv- m Tam Sow the Llppir Savsi th . s yi ntwnror DENTIST es f.-- f i. Amnlnn Fork I'SitiPi 7:IOpin A:hUui T:lTpm :Mmu ?:ipm Henry Eee , - in Two and " . r.kk- - i.lj.im and went to work aud the first week I Chicago cleared $10 the second week I cleared C. F. WARREN, Trav. Fit. lurltlutlL $15. T expedt to ran up to $25 a week aud Pam. Agl. Room 411 in the nvarlfatnre, as the Perfection Dooly Block, Metal Tip Liuipwiclt makes each a St- - Louis San Lake City. beautiful white light and does away with smohey chimneys and bad odor and saves 11. Ii ! easy to sell: If yon Livery wish to try u oq1 i3 two cent stamps bilhiSTBNSEN, to Mlso A. M, Fritz, Btclluu A. St LonU DR, A. Mo, and are will sen J yon sample outfit thistle dgcok wsy to maze money around home. vt Utah American Fork, Mibb Tixi W. w-i- them-Velr- Silr ,ijd Route Mar-shal- tear You Only SantaFe MARRY THIS GIRL QUICK. nrrm-ben- and excursion. CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS and EASTI a7 I t-- r Co. i , 1 N ry 1 ie luma rs -- complaint orlfV blood. " I wa a low roiulltiun of tlia rraat ulfT.T from a idot-aail (rneral debUlty, breuti'lng BuMIft aircluoe 1 Uiat I wn unf t fur work. Nolb-tn- s t Ibat I did for tr.t helped ma o muen ai AVers Hanai aiula. a few bui'lr of which motorod aw i lirwlth and stnozib. take rrrry opportunity to recommend thi C. Kvtuk, U X mudiclM In (tmJor eaua. Main st., Chilli jut) Ohio. 1 lit.ib-ln- il-- ' a Imiu.vrrWIiad 1 nalaa The l.C.T. FOR ERUPTIONS aeeUo! P.t :catL.'rs, Regularity aid. sll d.Air r orig s.itliiR In Impurity 4 (he Ur3, sikii ss hoilK, isirlumrleu, .imploa, attmtioii mark tLc result of tb Ml' iivum. sr elawwnrk. smv- -, mid tie like, Like only hExocfc tm observed the man In speotatles, hot turgeon, an.l racr.KC;i sV Ibat Is nut where the liver is." Nem TUL J. C. AYER ft ( Lc nil, XlM yon mind where h's liver Is." retortd One Minute Cough Cure, cures. Vrlaafl; sUtualca.l) WownltskoMlOi the iiV.er. "If It wa in hi big too or r. That I what I! o l.lslellinr D.i Ritt's Little Eurly lit era would reach It and abaxe it for 'tint. Bucklen'a Nrnica Salve. Onlliatynucanbet yonj gig.lambs." The THK BKST MLTV in the world for WlifU mrst uerded It la mlnni-ta- l Brul.-Suit rtoro, U'er.. for y our family phyalclim to be i y ('ate, Through Km-- Sores. Tetbr. Chapped from home. Such was Hie expo iuce Rheum of Mr. J. Y. Slicnch editor of ttn- - ( 'id-d- Hinds, Chilblain i. Corns, nuif all Skin Oar Ind. Ter,. Bail nor when hie ittle Eruption, and positively cure Piles, of thnati-mtwo years gill, age'waa or nn pay repaired. It irstitecd Line with a severs .ittark of cnni. Ilo to mtlsf.i or give fnnney jtlin pirfet w..o tusiated I that go fur says: My Prii'n 25 coih pir bos. lmt a our family physician refunded, the dc effeot Aug. 14, 1805 Local Tiuk Card wbou:o; O wn 1 purchased a bottle for balk nr Tlmniii Sied .t Co. of ChamberlMu Cough Horn 1j which Go. kg North CsIsk 3sn:h relieved her Immediately. 1 will not. be llrwl lunn Hmtdup without it lu the future. 25 ttn i 50 .item 1.iko City pt 3:i0pm rent biiLtlea for Bale by Thos. 8t"ele A I.i lil Junrt. .S:Steiii l:SSpm T:((1im l.R Otv N LANTERN. MARK Your limns jj Inuniuplete without It. and tlis nfif Is within rsai-l- i of all. I oidered enefornty osn nsr and It was so liandy ned sqftvsnlsnt I went to sold 51 'n taking orders ter f'.iein ai.i on day makmv over $3 .rear. It gives a bsautlfiil white light hi mi eys never I alwavs !ear s?'d break frmn St lnie, Mft.. realty. Kranr'.s wilt seri'l a vsiii pic tor 13 if?- - clII write tor one. I got my etart The Spanish Fork high school is stamps from blra, well filled and is in a flourishing Geobgl li. condition. Teachers of grammar Ammunition af. Steels grades will find the high school Ut-al- 111-t- Ayers Sarsaparilla omaln iie. when the should be considered A- - Cures Hoods ' ib anthor-- lt tYe ni.dsralaud 'i"ti building a profitable place to spend deIn mine K. ore it .unisons that the visiting day. In the of la Ihe district securhas Laid llowe lu the Miss Jane mining partment ed excellent results in vertical writ- Haue rcnMilliieury as the Mercur ore ing. The other schools are also and assays itiuw that It contains the stuff" else. rot fled OScere Rowley and Crookston, doing well. If yy .i went stylish Millinery goods who arrived at the office jut In time to Supt. Christensen r. ake the. rapture. The iicya ran the buy at thi! Elite P::r'.ors. First donr s. of !sk of get'.'og their biaine blows out Heport of the work done in the naiih Hankie) in the o, oral hm too, cs u.e I'ounty Tete.hers1 Association is a hard Irok'rg fellow a.'d vvhi n id. Tin Fjw Book S;otn Fro To All the present school year : N umluring officers The a b lurdrd wit reulver. at lrovo held sessions ber of al 2; however. Wvn this never fiirictii d freed .ii the t'hrN'mii StumbiM Unit been cvptur M he l i.nU Fork I; Idii 1; Spring illo Miss A: M. Fritz, Sf ii,.i A.. ie recreant had Spanish u he uoce gave a;, v uhe fart 1. Total No. of Mm., vo.ilil giv uu i im .'f. pint! li nk tlrove l'leasar.t So tin- (.Hirers land two companions. udin, lu r ten .w 6. speur. to snyetir I . it for rue and fuiii.d ed him lu the jail and set out iu pu. . sessions held up to present time, nut rtsnps. No. of lectures given Hi. If. j useful t I' ll I shd've it to pit suit or (L; other1 fellows. They were lectures on Vertical Writing, frii'i ds. aud uide $I3.U0 in two 'uir, pion fiuad Ip tiiegrn"--officu ;ndid weeds t k a (hey ;t. u Miss Cavanaugh, S; on Spat Work tak tng criers for the spoon. The he rei. of tie pcs rooti mot the fate 1 1 thtir accomplice & 3 ; on spoon Is a household tiecess y. It Miss llest Kxcroiacs, Ilale, Deputy Shr riff Fowler took them to slip In'o the dish or cooking vesdbl 1rovo Tbnisd.iy evening and the ease Reading ifc Nnmlor work, bliss being bf ld in the place by a book on and Practice of tits back. The soc.'P Is somstbing will perhaps come up at once. They Hill, ijonTlte-or- y bu s tMvdfd rvep will beelitrged witl: burglary Education, Prof. Stewart, 1 ; n The 4hat hous.'kerpiT HsfDD8 were firt lnvu, 'd. Anyr since The Teaoher, one ran tret a Student, TheStatc A b? ben l'ng sample t Tha w'fs of Ur. D. Robinson a I)r, Whitely 1; The Deserted Vil- ten 2 rent stamps to spool Miss Fritz, This Y K. of luinbaruiiiii l, is a way to make mom y errnnd home, llir'wrjk, Prof. l;on fire lage, was sick with rhenmitiem for Very truly Jim.hk B, & weaMoral Ethical Its months, iu Btca'fig f .t. HoMnsr-Nature on Dr. ; Tanner, Chamberlin;. isin Bai n la fli ring, Kays: The way Brothor SJolotcd got "doue only thing that gave her any ret from Work, Miss Ida Coombs, 1; on Trip ofpsln It ranuol to Calcutta, Principal J. li. Forbes, np fur a two cent s'.amp the other dvr pain, b ir thercl-ehe Many very bad cases of 1 on Arithmetic, a caution. II Snpt. D. II. Chris- by the Post Mistress rheumatism have been eured by it. For ; of Correlation on bad received from Salt .Studies, a letter Thus. tensen, 2; jnst sale at 50 cents per bottle by Prof. G. II.Hrinihall, 2. Musio LaWon tvhleh thaitamp hid not been Steele & Co. has been furnished by the local asso- cancelled and was feeling joyous about members en- befog a stamp ahead when be lisnded ciations. New Years rolled 110. Number of No. Xmas in atten- the letter I ii for the pos. mi..es to Average Associa- have a looz at. The ate ofthe Officers 84. was sudd. indance The Union Frclflc makes a rale for tion: D. II. Christensen, Pres; G. eanealleil and Eta ly ojoKted's smile tte round trip In the sale or rxcuslon X. Child, 1) H Robinson, W S was soon lmried in his iKOtf. tickets at till points in Utah, Idaho. Rowlins, C E Christensen, J.B. ForThe natives of New Zealand, old sad Wyoming, Ontario and TTonirgoii bes, A C Sorensen, and S D Moore, unread and writs their mothyoung, within eah rspee imint any Ocgunto Executive Committee; DT Lewis, er tongas. five, state and to any point on the Corresponding Secretary. Mpst we admit the people of this Unlrn Pacific withlu a radius of 230 Mrs. E J Taylor, Union are behind them. miles of selling point, alto on San Tele U C T A. grand Secretary, Valley railway, ou account of ChristHprlugvllle has fifteen tr tellers In the mas and New Year's Holidays. Final School service, yet vnmo of the Pnbtlo A? we look around we see many of Limit rif tickets, Jun.4 1837, The ai . overcrowded departments the J onng people taking into school board Is coi'temp'sttug the purdifferent occupations: We ask of snrther srlmol Intlldlnr, The Public Schools. ourselves the question-- 1 Who of these chasing Freak Wur tr.'tori cf Rbcurzer HunSerru of cur young mra who have will be succerBful? The pne who the Sonthern States, tries once, fails and then gives up ter, Ims come heme from his unde been on miaKlors stuck sheep herd, haring Lr.! a , namely; Fred Houston, L. S. Ilarring-tnu- all hope? or the one who tries, fails of Inflammatory rheamittsm. Albert Hnckwalter, Wm. nindley and then makes a second attempt Deputy Shorriff Thos. Fowler was In Geo. Talyor, B.Rolfeon and John Jack' with less confidence than he had town aftercrlminsls, Thursday. .if 8sveral week. lln returned last inthe first, and falls behind a The School board has fitted up Iho The principal end of elementary them were prospective teachers when room in the Central eehonl teacher's they left. We expect to see Mr. Fred instructions is not to cause the child Landing so as to seat forty pnpUs aud in the Houetou and E. Rolfson engaged to acquire knowledge and taleitii a scheol w.ll commence there next good work of teaching In the nenr fut bi:t to develop and increase the week. urc. The following young lsdlfs we are forces of intelligence. To wisdom there must( be pleased to say ere preparing to enter the teachers profession at anenrlydate: joined power; to theoretical knowPracti-skilli- s 'Misses Kate Bine, Lena Gr enwood and ledge, practical skill. Eveline Pulley. Come al mg, hdics. we an excellent acquirement. will welcom yen with open arms, we Be practical in the school, need Dure active worsen. gain only to dispair and lose all faith are The dillerert in life and lives with diypouragcmcnt in mi ruiiere, spirit end Inter- and dissatisfaction as Lis life long , The further down hill the est. or is it the one who companions, sled devoted to goes the faster It speeds. Tiaciiere' Meetings sre and watches conditions perseveres live to the If of there is danger ahead stop importance subjects and influences under which he is teacbc'. at once, cr soo.i you cannot. No changes will he made la the working, one whose motto ever is, Young girls often lose flesh, If at first you don't succeed, try, become schools st the presnt time. and weak, It is the last. Bis com- and can very pale There are WK) enrolled In tbs differ- try again, their ccmlnue hardly ent dcpnitniei.t'. panions are encouragement, satisfacschool work. Is Then the It la a p'misure to announce the Utah tion and happiness. He is the one time to chec: downward hold will who fills a prominent place in our fi.unty ter r.her's association speed. st An'ircan Fork 1U uext session Community. How well this can be to Scott s Emulsion ofCod-llve- 7 tl. ifreever Tii cari et l to the pupils of ourpublic OiC with Hypcphos-phiic- s, i rt and second to nouelr. the epkll app'.iv school v. The successful one is not of the times. acts as a brake to deLectuies and disease ion or Important he, who, if he fails to be promoted at. clining life. The downward will ' he cud of the year gives up and vays; course ceasr.s, r.rd subjects with ramie lntersperu-. c'.Tb and it h purtuiLuIy I will not go to school any more, Wilis prog.ai'i bctiiv.. Ai In enjoined nrou tlm--e lnteretid I will be upwards but toe one who snvs, a I'fu. Ti.v: work and progress tr be therermnnted, 1 will study until I am acini'. i in Uravs Pi f tmerlcai Fork war Prompt abreest if im: on the lead in educaflon' promoted, and so continue with results. I'H r allT Mil M al work iiD'l we should .nlior faithfully, nrserveranee until he leads his tbSCOT4'lllsi I Uflt not fall behind sarneslly.that-ems- y in 1. school of Ml'k life. the dffifi't. II 11. sJyH ytur (Xiinpantons Mlatabc is t ' In this iltal vut'jwt. AH sre Invited In1 classed as all cult iii iwiiii find' v,r per thipKKfl.'MirsC Pupils, you to the session. Saturday. Ivc. l$.h, and you should Put Up J students, severing V(. m. j.ifi, , . JO a. 10 commencing at paaN scethat you arc. ltilic Schools. I Magi m !ei;-ra.l- FOR DEBILITY, Last Monday little Jes!a Beryl, (hr n.d daughter (if Mr. and Mr. G. Merrill, d Ini from pneumonia. The f unt ml K-- r vice were all p.nt. Thursday al the residence, coder the direction ot Rev. F W. Illuhwi and Hebcr RobiiiSnn. Sonic beautiful flowers were truuitht irom Belt Lake L little Cieket. tlroeret U. K c laa LearaU, 3. . m - - pri-ma- R'SrilPSIA. Ayer's Sarsaparilla VUA.'j lh-g- . . IN. ' BATE?, American Fork Wagon Works Baggies and Wng one of all kinds repaired ta first class order at prijss to sul tha times. IDrrint.tox St. FORK AMERICAN Alvah Lewis M. D. Physician and Surqcon; Tbs Chicago (Xilwankei k St Taul Ey. Many people unarqnalnted with the Office hours, 2 to 5 P. M. geography 'if the west imagine that because Chicago, Milwaukee s nd St. Utah. Paul" are named used in the corporstc American Fork. Short the wav the rail titteof owning Line between GLicago and Omaha, WOODS. tney must go via the cities of Mil STEPHEN ttheir to Pant and reach waukec destination-- If it be Chicago or east thereof, Thin In a mistaken IJoa. On i:j kj:l BvUg::t.n gututul. Fir a map the. lino running ulrecliy east cneiktrSvJt.S.. AMERICAN FORK. UTAH and wevt wou'd look like this. Unati i Chicago. In re Is nothing mere simple than GOSOU TH, HALF that, and It 1 tunthau W miles be-,v?:i the i (innti.i ii'.fl Clilcigo. RAILItOAO. "li direction WAHASU li.iii i!m, ... Tickets E2:7R:;X3: w!i.m'.i ' o. : bii'i ; :iig('r and Dln-l.- u HCMESZEEERS 1st. and loth, nt mild uv. Iiili. ; .'i t ti'.i iV.ril ir travel-r- ; one far the ruinnl trip with $2.00 add e al tin merits of ed. :r. ,iii i : Cl h'liv , 1 w.uikic St. Paul ONE WAY SETTLERS TICKETS: At ntly reduced rUn ou iiiIp Ji firm. Line ii tween the East Uni' v.'kV third Tupdf of pii r. iiiint.h. e 'A (.: i STKU TMl'Iilsr TICKETS: To sll the tiM.-, r i::.v, .ul Infop it.rr rcaurts, nw on nale reiurnlng .11 Juoc. i'iiII ( r .uMres Alex ISO. For rates. Time. ii'i'ii'iHP!. r t1 fici l, ( iiiimiMrrlil Agent. Halt Lake iIph, or farther Imformstfnn call on nt connecting Hnsof write i O. N. Clayton N. W. P. A. WabSHli K R. Whn cB til Ilk i. I hh, Xmi' n. y iiAiniir Tonsorlal artist j RATE. h 111-- - IxIinAL in ArrKcr TIME iraa KiST. N. No. 7, 8.H. VK12 a. nr. p.tn. a.m. IUBCOCK. TRtryir nr, a. K. A. Wadleigh, Gen pass agt MiR U.G. Mekkiil, L.iCAt 11:24 4:IU I. Xn.ii, D. C. DvJimK. 1408. WKRT. I No. 3, x:i7.i,m. No. 8, 2:31 p. ra. No. 8, 6yti p. m. GKV UMHJ, 2)t': AG EXT. 1 s'-or- t 1 -- v f James Newton. Practical 1- -t. ! 5 . ; unlit. uir.il Aioir. .M Ml prlau inM utm DcWitt'.' Little - Th fumiiL -- :ai-l- it.rt pill. Risers. . Horso-sho- er AND , Blaeksmim. - A M ERIC tN FORK -- TTTAH Ik'Vitt Witch tic. el 5alve Cura Pile, Add,. Curb. . |