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Show I fr C' f iwn CJIILPHKNS liernl from ary farther Importunity. The young in.ui. nxtrevtr. acted qnitr IVEASEL AND THE WELL. He h.:il rsaciied home liefore, i:i l lie ru.-iof business j he forgot lmtli ills sweetheart and hi oath, anil befurc very long he married RWRMMPWWWW some other woman. Avenging foie did TU labs found iu Kali'uiniral lltera-"r- i not long permit (his niter fnithleeanes rt all illustrative uf some re- - to go unpunished. Tin first child of marriage, ii strong, liuudxoiitu boy, idea. nnd art prafiitvil by smiic tills was found klaiu hy a weasel when only iio) wll lull expressive i:f this three uuuiibx old. A second son enWliai follow x Ik typiivil: joyed life Imt a little longer, when he met an untimely death by being drown31ie high eslivin lu wliii'h tin faith-Lri held liy iliij naiy In Irarniil ed in a well. The unhappy mother, saddened by !ri :u au iidreuturc with a weasel at the lUitoward ileaih of her lieloved jhil-dre- n a Will. Then we tin J tin? xtory. sought In vain for any of her I 'hum If ul maiden of lmhle bird, wax own sins that might hare brought down w 'J ii distuul town in perform a a curse ujhjii her head. At last slid iLifim for Jut father. Tin- ro.i 1 led legged her husband to tell her the story of i,U Ids career previous to tlielr the afmarriage. flicted husband could not withstand her searching question and finally revealed the whole secret of hi broken vows. To her this accounted for all of their 'misfortunes, which now appeared to lie only a just punishment for hi unfalih-- , fulness. Site immediately sought a ill vorce from him, hegging him aa aomi us he was released, to seek his funner love and by thp fulfilling uf his vows propitiate angry fate-The repentant man gladly agreed to do ua he wished and hastened to the lown iu which the faithful maiden lived. Once there, lie inquired on every hand, aud.wtw told of her steadfastness and great a Miction. He lust uo time in seeking her parents, to whom he related all his misfortunes, vowing to repair his former wrong at any cost. lie then repeated these assurances In the presence of witnesses, to convince the grieving parents of his desire to atone for the evil done to them and their daughter, and was at last brought to the lieloved and loving maiden. The youth was no longer such, for time sml trouble had altered him nut a little and tlie maiden did not at first recognize him. Thinking that lu was some new suitor Nile once more protended to lie seized with epilepsy. Soon tlie seerie changed, Bat tbs Yoani; Hai Ciuf Sot. vhrough an uninhabited district and aa the pleading lover recalled the troth mde her Military progress all the more lighted in the wiiulerness with the Nervous and tired she wax well aa witnesses. No room was left lonely. tortured by extreme thirst, when, lu. for doubt as to his Identity. Here, at behold, a well wax found by the road last, was her rescuer and lover! Muaide. Looking down Intif it she saw tual explanations and confessions folthe refreshlng water mi cool and dark, lowed, and all of the sad experiences but there wan no bucket or cun at of those years were told to loving ears. hand. On cloacr Inspection ahe found The maiden and ilie youth, no longer the ateM cut in the aide of the well young in years, but rejuvenated by love's happiness, were speedily marby those who had digged it. and desperate by thia time, she hast- ried. Blessed by a Loppy family and ened to lower henelf step by step ever Increasing prosiierity they found s until at last site could drink her Ml. full compensation for all of the Now that her thirst was quenched which they had endured, and that yhe lost the energy with which her sweetest of love rewards, true auil unextreme need had nerved hand and changing love! Philadelphia Inquirer. foot and dared nut attempt to rllmb out again. All that ahe could do waft trrskr Batter to ding frantically to. a Jutting rock Streaky butter la a great annoyance and abrick fur help. Then between to all bultennakers and the cause of COUNKK. diKVrc.ill;---. GOOD READING FOR BOYS AND GIRLS. Nrlile's Triuplsllam -- - "1'hr Hand tlist Korn (hr ('null Is llir Hand that Halm Ihr World" The !Uom(I1u' Taol .Woz. Ol Ii rr Nkrtchr. . j I ROS E at midnight and beheld the n sky, Sown thick with like stars,of grains 1 - j gold-e- a sand, Which God had scattered loose- ly from Hla hand floor-waUpon the of Ilia house or. high. And straight I pictured to my spirit's ya rye. The giant worlds, thir course by wisdom planned. The weary wastes, the gulfs no sight hath spanned, And endless time forever passing by. Then, filled with wonder and a secret dread, I crept to where my child lay fast asleep, With chubby arms beneath hla golden head. What cared I then for all the atari above? One little fare shut out the boundless deep. One little heart revealed the heaven of love. true-liearte- d at sur-row- jest jr,v,srs; s rsz some young man who regarded her with a look twlxt admiration ami fCSr. He lieen passing by and. hearing the Miimd of her in mentations, had sought cause. Imt now he feared that this was Imt tlie device of wane demon, for the well was very deep and tlie maiden he made extreinely lienutiful. her swear that she w:ih indeed a human 1 icing, and when she had related the cause of her dilemma, the young mail said that he would help her out ou condition that she marry him. Forced to consent, and not altogether nnwil lingly, the nmld was mxiii rescued front her perilous situation ami stood by Urn side of her rescuer. The youth was so deeply moved by her comeliness as re veil Iml In the full glare of the sun that lia insisted that she should go with him to be married nt once. Tlie n nihlen repliinl to bis entreaties To whnt nation do ycu bv asking: belong? ' I am an Israelite, of lie rejoined: i " - It cornea from an unequal working In 'f tbo salt, others that It Is from rhurn-ha- d lug at too high a temperature. In oure experience Isith of these have soine-tlithing to do with it. but by far the most common cause la churning at too ' high a temperature and theu working in order tif get out the butter- If the cream la churned at aa .milk. ' low a temperature aa possible, the ' buttermilk wash.nl out, not worked out, nud the aalt worked lu just enough it with the butter the , 1? Incorporate butter arc chances of having greatly lessened. over-Filiall- y , y Plarhera Pipe. Lord Sheffield lias lately added Interesting relic to the hetero-g- i neons collection of curiosities which ornament the walls of his cricket pavil-- 1 Ion at Sheffield Furk. - During hla recent visit to Belgium he purchased the richly ornamented pipe Blucher curried with him during tho Waterloo no-otli- er i Nrlllr's Temptatlnu. (By Amy Alice Hooper.) There lived in a large city a little girl whose name was Nellie? She had several pets, of which one was a little bay pony, on whose bark she often went cantering over the hills. She always went to Sunday school on the Iiord's day, and loved her Sunday school teacher very much. One Sunday morning her little friend, Susan Allen, came over to see her and asked her If she would go nutting with her. We can tgke our ponies and have e jolly time, can't we?" said Busan. Well, Susie, I always go to Sunday school on the Lord's day. I haven't missed a Sunday yet, and I would hate to break my rule. "Oh, that don't matter. It won't hurt to mlu just one Sunday. Go aak your mamma. I think she will let you go." "Matflma isn't here. SLe went to see a sick neighbor. "Well, then, so much the better. Put on your coat and cap and let ua be but nature has proiidc.! it with a m;l-od- s LONG AM) SIIOKT OF IT ami useful ulr tube pr ijeciing fioin one sill.- of the tail, iu tliat w'i-- n tt wishes to lircaihe it lifts its tail l;uI PRINCE OF NAPLES AND HIS i :nl druwa air Into the tills. MeanTALL PRINCESS. while it goes floating mir the wuii-r- , with 11s biting at all kinds of Or of Ilia Mot fcltorklugly strong, snapping jawj. ! Itufal Morri.ii: of tlm Nc'kt. Miss Mosquito turn a somer:.AclUlriod out! now luioikatlu could and skelthe aa p sault, eton woman in a inm- - i:in, so thin mid Ins Drink. delicate is ahe, not to uay transparent. The tall grows quickly Into 'a double marN paddle, ucJ iu sculling over the wariage will be that ter. After skimming about for g month Princess between the wings begin to grow, ami Mis Helene of Mouteu- is ready to enter the uerial 'cf egro slid the Crown stage of her existence. sxAffn ITince of Naples, heir to the throne sna hiin lua of Italy. The princess is a stalwart A man was at woib in a city depot, brunette, nearly six aays the Journal and ytesseuger, handfeet high, and one ling baggage. Some B it was very of the handsomest difficult to and alone. heavy, He lost hla patience at is-- , vid began women in Europe, while the prince le to swear and curse terrloy. K little almost a dwarf, being lens than five girl bad been watching him, irti when feet in height, and so poor in health she heard his wicked oaths ecmed that hts life has often been despaired of. There are other royal pairs who shocked and frightened. She Ixvn-uire disproportionate in size, the Prinexcited presently, and cried eni Him tl.wfl cess of Wales being taller than her "Oh, please don't talk husband, but none so incongruous as Dont you know God hears you-- i 1 be. Princess Helene Is ambiThe man was startled by uer ear- this will she tried to marry the young tious; nestness, and looked about, as U Czar of Russia, but was jilted by hlin. to find himself face to face Tbe crown prince's hand was rejected with a listening God. The child's words by every marriageable princess in Euof wickedness his brought a conviction rope, and so In thia respect they are home to him. Don't you know that well matched. She Is handsome and God beam you? kept ringing in bis and rich, anil they are poor; be Is earn as hs went on with his work. But well contentugly to strike a bargain. Her he did not swear again that dtv. He inly fault la her poverty, the reven ies could not rid himself of tli sens of from her father' little estate not being God's nearness which the little girl's nilficient to support him and her in uo question had given him. He went better style than thousands of Amerl-an- s home in a sober, thoughtful mood, lie live. Ills subjects number less seemed so unlike himself that his wife than 200,000, his country Is tiny, and thought he must be sick. his capital town of Cettlnje has only No, Im not nick, he told her, one hotel, no bank or theater, and no but I'm thinking out something." houses of decent appearance except the All that nlglit a voice kept saying shabby old villa In which he livea. The over and over to him, God hears you." anly virtue of the Crown Prince of NaIt. was the turning point In his life. ples la that he will some day be King disso- He kept on thinking until he "thought if Italy. He la out" his salvation. The words of the child had done more than all the sermons be had ever listened to. for they made him think of God as he had never thought of him before. n-- -( to I: half-expecti- ng names are now found duplicated and triplicated, causing considerable confusion. The lleckaman dwell there harmoniously, and their good will Is rf no small political importance. The senior lleckamans are and the family has been noted for its longevity one. a Mrs. Wryough, living to be 1U3 years old. Beside those mentioned, quite a number of the Heckauiana live in localities a little more distant The faniily is a Marshall county marvel. Boston Advertiser. THE YOUNGEST CYCLIST. lira In, lln Mulna-a- , Bidet K lierl and 1erfurnM Trick. Annie Brain is perhaps the youngest trick rider In the world, if not the youngest child who ever rode a bicycle. She Is 3 years old, and has been riding for two months. Her parents live In lies Moines, la., where her father le in business. The wheel she rides was made to order. It has a twelve-inc- h frame and Is geared to thirty-siThe wheels are fourteen Inches high, and the weight is let, than icn pounds. and The tiny machine ia silver-platecoat 200. After a very few lessons on the wheel, given by her father, Mlsa Annie waa able to ride alone, and she can now go where she pleases with ease. She picked up the numerous tricks ikul' she performs by watching-heeldera and the few professionals she saw. To these she added tricks of her own invention, until now she can give a performance that contain many new feats. She has appeared at various bicycle meetH in Iowa, and a abort time ago captured the visitors at a meet of tbe A. A. clubs In St. Louis. During the slate fair at Dee Moines she will make her last public appearance, as her father is afraid the excitement attending public performances may have an injurious effect. She is a member uf the Syracuse Bicycle dub of lies Moines, and proudly carries a watch as diminutive ae herself, which was presented by other MIm A iiu 1c x. d, Alwsvs Flmraut. A colored girl said to her employer one day, "bliss Martha, 1 am afraid of that young lady. "What young lady?" said Miss Martha. "Miss Carrie, the young lady what stays here." "Well, vrhy are you afraid of her?" Cause I never hear her say anything but something pleasant about people. "Well, I'm sure I think that Is very nice in her, and nothing to complain off." of, or to be afraid of, either." o Nellie donned her riding habit "No'm, only I was just and they set out on their trip. They I never see anybody before that way, took a small aatchel of cookies and and maybe she was not all right." weet meats for their luncheon, aa they "I will tell y.ou, said Miss Martha; were not coming back until evening. she told me once that her father had Nellie thought her mamma would not often told her when she was a little come home until late in the evening, girl if she could not say anything good but, instead, she came home In the fore, about anybody, not to ray anything noon, and not finding Nellie there, at ail, and I think she is trying to do she supposed she had gone home with as her father said. Oh! If we could ull some of her frienda. only follow thi rule, how much hapWhen Nellie and Susie had gathered pier the world would be." all the nuts they wanted, they started "Would that we had more such fa: tihomeward. It was dusk before they ers and daughters, remarks the Chrisarrived. How quickly Nellie put the tian Observer. pony into the barn, and how softly she crept Into the house that evening. Thu lHj(rni of IItpiv. Nellie soon went to her room, and The greatest danger to those who was preparing to get Into bed when the sea for valuables ihai her mamma stepped in. She kissed dire into have been sunk is that of falling Kellie, and said to her: I hope my little girl has bad a nice asleep. On a hot day the contrast between time. What did you learn at Sunday heat above and the delicious cooltbe school ness below water ki apt to make a diver NeHie couldn't keep the tears back. leepy. One of these men recently She threw her arms around her mamstaled that, lie once slept half an hour ma's neck and told her it was harder to at the bottom of a wreck where he was art a lie than to tell one. Then out ' laying a pipe. came the whole story. that had happened in a Supposing Her mamma klweil her t. great many channel where the tide runs so rwift-ltimes and told her she was sorry she fliat a diver can work only dtirini had not gone to Sunday but she the one hour of slack water, the deadwas happy because her llttled augh-te- r rush of tide would have snapped did not tell a lie about IL Nellie ly the life-liand hose. Then in workstopped crying and told her mamma wTerks there is the danger of geting she would never mlu Sunda school ting Jammed in. between freight, or of again for another nutting or any other the hose or line entang'iM. getting worldly pleasure. And Bhe la keeping When the hose snaps at a great deprii her promise. the tremendous presst re kills Hie diver. Up is frightfully distuned by il. The Mosquito's Tool-Hn- i. of The tool-bo- x is mosquito really 'Th 1 1 a ml L,at ItfM'ki fhr ( radii.' a wonderful concern, and contains no Mr. John Bigelow, in the Idler, tells less than six distinct instrumenta of torture. These Include two lancm of a story of the kuiter, a canoe, and the the most delicate pattern, a spec- - with empress. One day the emperor aca double-barbe- d head, a needle or drill cepted at Mr. Bigelow's hand a liLlo of exquisite fineness, a saw that cruising caime of American build, and anything made by the hands of was very enthusiastic about il. "All my buys shall be canoists!" I:e a man, and a pump whose wonderful said. and make perfect it efllclency pattern The empress soon afterward spoke to one of the marvels of nature. When aa mosquito starts to draw Mr. Bignlow about this canoe: and of blood he does so in a scientific way. course he spread before her tbe glories Before anything further l.i said, "he" of shoaling down a swift stream, muiit be corrected, for all stinging through foaming rapids, and between mosquitoes are of the female gender threatening rocks. But iir majesty Shs takes her double-hea- d d did not share his enthusiasm-- at least, only. spear, then, and jabs it Into the flesh, not far her children. She said: "Oh. no! That Is too dangerous. I unloosens one of the lances from her shall never allow my children la a tool box, and Inserts It into the wound, canoe." and proceeds to cut a hole for the In' nut," protested Mr. Bigelow, the troduction of the delicate atctlon pump. Is has already given his not If the hole large enough, the saw la brought Into action and a slit "Oh. that may be," said she, with taken out of the side. There sre about thirty varieties of the swvtetest of smiles la the direction lie may be emperor mosquito In the United States alone. of her husband, The eggs, long and oval In ahape, are of Germany, hul I am the emperor of deposited on the water In masses, and the nursery. tick together In such an adhesive way A Givtt (Same. tbat you might pour tons of water over them and they would still retain their Why, Jarky. open the door and let bold on an another. Katie In. Don't you see It's raining?" In a few daya the eggs hatch, and cried Jacky's mother. the larva drop Into the water, head "I can't, mamma," said Jacky, "we downward. Aa the mosquito la an are playing Noah's Ark. Itn Noah, insect, you might naturally and Katie la the sinners, and sis must think that It would drowa, with'lta stay out In the wet." Hsrpei'j Rux4 head submerged la (his kelpies way; Table. ?" ne sur-pas- se When the gallant Prussian priestly family iKrn in the town of ' campaign. was unhorsed and riibien over by tho i. too. am of that family." said she, French cavalry at idgny his pipe fell from Ills pocket, lint was subsequently ul it would certainly be n:ilni.mliig . us to do ought contrary to the rus-i- disiiivered liy a faithful follower, who Visit me at nv offered to it to Its owner. So ,h of our faith. va home ainl nothing slnll proveat pleased was Blucher at Ids comrade's ; honesty that he made him a present of ir marriage." moment the pjM'. wlih-- has now found Its way A weasel passed by at tb Lord Shetfield's possession their troth plight, c.ml tin weasel Into Wnxl initial fir (iazette. id the well wire agiviil upon as oftllieir mutiiil obligations. .lot for Him . Some months pass si. ha the young of Hut. Ib course, you will forget Ms fulfill promise an came art to id claim his bride. Still the inniden nte. Site Nonsense. I ahull think of yon malned tm1 to him. firmly refusing her baud. ILt when you an gone, proposal ?y lie- -f h. alnili you? leads an relatives tried to p.rsiuidi longer you tliat her over would never c.,m. are lie Yes:thetherefore, I the gone, lonjer shall think of id at last her parents attempted to Boston that N iiumiI her to ocertit some one of her you. Wont iltoru. To defend herself she pro- Transcript. wled to be seized with an epileptic The Gir Dsrfa mar- I , whenever the subject of her Who la that gentleman ie ifraa approached, learing her own r. Graves, a charming Dthlng and that of any bystsndera ) d takes life easy." ho came too near to her. 1 hit lustre d Ths life of others?'-I.- T, w often tliat the report of her alaiiv anrsid nnd aht was soon re- - Pocbs. -- wit-K4C- S fr ? r cu'j-oent- ." nte in habits, and fond of gambling md drink. lie is a hypochondriac, anil when not really 111 imagines that e is o. If his bride is a dutiful wire rhe sill spend moat of her time nursing aim. In Montenegro there Is some of the marriage, because the icautlfiil Princess Helene Is thought of a iy the mountaineers to he worthy letter rae. In Italy every one la veil content. They expected that the prince would never lie able to find a bride. Mai Ini im Ilf a tleniarkalile Family. Marshall county, German tuwm-liip- , Indiiin-i- , lias a remarkable family. They are the Hcrkainans, the pioneers of that family being Mr. and Mrs. Jacob lleckamnn, Hr., who came from Starke county, Ohio, in the eurly SO, and are the oldest settlrrs of Marshall county, the husband now being S3 yehrs old. the wife M. Neither had ever seen an electric light until lant winter, though both were near towns that used them. The wife never rode on a railroad until a Unit a year ago. Both are excellently preserved, and are the parents of ten sons and two daughters, all living in that vicinity except one daughter, with seven children, who resides In Kansas. Four of the sons are the parents of twelve children each, and there are 137 of that name, none more distantly related than first cousins, who reside within a distance of two milea In that locality. So numerous are the Hcrkamana In that neighborhood that the advent of a new Infantile aspirant for a name different from that of some neighboring Herkiman la a matter of grave concern, and members of the club. She has numerous other prizes anil trophies won and presented to her. New York World. The Slur. The first net of the burlesque was about half over when the country cousin leu n ci I over and asked: Who is the Mur of tills play?" Can't tell yet," replied the city relative, glancing at his programme. "No one of them bus her name in nny bigger type than the others." How about the costumes?" asked the country rousin. The city rolutlvc shook his hes-1- . Can't tell anything by them in this he said. No one of them out piece, shines the others." No one seems to act any better than the others, suggested the country cousin. No, all are equally bad. But the bill hoards raid that the famous Mile. Russell had been specially engaged for this play," protested tbe llow in the world are country cousin, we going to know which is she?" "Hush!" said the city relative, n his superior way. All wo have to do is to wait for the tableaux at the end oi the first set and see who take the center of the slate. Washington Fust. -- Empress Eugenia 1 said to have left the bulk of her fortune to her granddaughter, Princess Beatrice of Batten-berg- 's little daughter Eugenie. People who are digging out their last winter's underwear-fintbat tbe moth has been having um'erwear to bun, Minneapolis Journal. |