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Show J ; . . t XH'E -- 1 i yt SMITH. . ' Entered at the pMtefl y trwmUtie a thrmigh tteerA dau matter . w nUnk Iran clear orar erenlpy. 3.000 foeonrt, urrowi , -- .k at Luot Mmubrol, - oclook 35cti, RO?5TS r. othera Nothing, and not trritdtlng etrengf,he .Inr, ard not weifenliig. amall but of Ifectlve ancri. nro the qualities of Wo A ' WIFE EQUAL TO a GOLDMINE. Wltle I.lttlo Early Rltera, tbo famona Will aome of yont readers giro mo a THOS ITIEU& Co nod recipe for making euld atsrcbT little prlLi. U and Iron flat y lamaelllnir aelf.beatlng To dofa all old orea. t heal an in Inm a lltLlo at erery hnnoo and hart h plaoa and want dolont nleor. or to speedily enrn tillai, ue aome atarch every iroud en oolii atareh. Will Mopday, to know how to make HnP.T PP & witt'a TJJJJ My hnaband waa In debt nrd I being ymi Vd to nnalona to help Mm thought I would Hiiql Kalya according NOV. 9TH, 189G. action and will anrprlae aell aulf hentlog flat irons, and lam Ita maulo-iik- e of Tuition-Advan- ced Course, doing eplendld. A eapfo worth ao fuel yon. Thob. Frrrbz & Co, yos will boat the Iron for 2 hours, eon Ton hare perfei'tly even heat. $5.00 per month, Tha old way of delivering mwaae iron lu half the tlma and no danger or modern old by post boya compared with tbe Common Course aeorchlng the elolhae na with tho aan get iho moat benntl-fu- l telephone illustrates the old methods and Iron, you At or may erar er.giige h'a nltantbui. 1 aril at nearly every bonae gtcaa. $4.00per Month. of breaking" eclde ermpared with torney F. K.Nftbeker, acting nttornay . aa tha Iron saves o mnnh fuel every itrictiylaadvaMf on each their almost lnatantaneons ears ny Op ona. I maka for Rich eonnty, necompanlea Mm body wants ACo- ..a a. ..a CureTnos.PTxnB M. THORNTON, P&UfCIFAL. Mlnnta Cough JOHN" I' ( III. natter. Tr,.HUam 1N8THUCT0B. INQKRSOLL, ft. J. CmvIiIIii A j think nmon. e.n mnk. I'te m it Mnrirwr P.trlck man has roma j or In babbhknt grant hotel. U w,and the fondemned ,onew Hnvwhere eelllng Irons. Tha XNTFuasTiva witwsAPEa wfyvkt.TT M0will Joorssl. rna Louis. kf. Msrrinas altna. of y. CASKT CO., 8t. at last to leallu tha terrlbla firff, proaproufB ftnd ntltobltlooMW start uimi I on in whtrli oia tnlfderd. and Crimea ' here placed Mm. Mbs. A.Rnsewi. .sOoMf with DIMM Mr. and Vn. F. V . Houston are now sf I Us sra By going to rtdj Ms now psrrr. OTThWirtr. Call at tha E'lte Mllliaqry Prlon uldicrklap or widow, younB.B bousekecplcg and everything la Sjmid tbr lvf sours of their Mres serene with them. Fred seeme lo feel I odh door uorth of Dnnklcy's itur for waats WA1TINO. WAITIIW forwnnr sulublo pwoww has hw Mploo as mieh at home nw ao In dayiof jore fasbioashls millinery. No old goedi In to eoms sinus snd marry thriu in tbs isod. Mder before ha waa called to preach to ibe I stock. Is youi bicj'fl e. gettMg Sjntherners. fha photographBaker Look tut for batrhplom are fihlina (JJ them by norrrspoBdmirs with patrons Absolutely pure, pci ft Miy harmless ar. I iisfrtw J'rnki: n.rrvodBMW I dtu'UU urcrrtiv, ssths psprr srf rnl SHoareiy and luvarlb'y reliable ara tho qualltlw living la tha A certain huabaad uaver a. Cm it f OnoVinnle Cougii South-Eas- t part of town appeared on fall In colds. rioop and long troubles. YOU Will j SrMLIswrsri, durfnr N, njjrr v-- TT Rg gCOd A'WhOel Ma perliara waa bla 76th birthday Ilia neiyh within or aomawhare J5tb, borhondcf one of iheaa.andhla friend took 1M manner of Informing him mn rernlmr tha nil Important arent. Thera were noma 60 gnsat praaent and that had fnn in the full qenae of tl" word Tba anuwmenta wara ot n high order and tba elegant supper wa served hot and atenmlni- - Everylhirg waa dfllel ona especially tba duck. to Rich JudqeO. n.llart haa g.me of dlslrlot ftinrt. cot inly to hold n tarm tbo aolemn with bedenla At thlotlme matter that hu bean taken bafora him I "i The Short Line to . Denver, Colorado Springs Cripple Creek Victor Le&dville Aspen Glewood springs 0i,lXrtehf t fuJS55Jblh'f Sav d $26:00 rrtsKriflKBWSWSgj ft STEELE 1 SKSSfflSS.glJnd Cara The Only Lino Bunning Through Free Chair jf o Change of Cara, the' same money EXTRA TIRES nrn i Come and j Dr. MerrihbV. man Mar. Company's store la something DONE IN ONE MINUTE. rheviuie will anon he paamd whec to ha admired. No store In our metro- CRntMNG 1 Lev t- - led tbe I.lgb nln- - Cbarn, you1 ocr finer main nun . Dlkh tie, ne will can Lake produce politan Salt yuporand it leeni'ydrMiibedlnyuur ebura 15 ia lew tbsu a wondtr. I wa Coigblindluontbe Enterprise la the. material tiiluly I aud you gel butler and tba rlsgeat, iLirute, bi-rmabeied. iuu luBt.tndHarrF hours art MBteldarubl iror bnin-- saan Fiat makaa bnalaeea. rimE oburu. I wk tbs Ejcrbey lot tba iiuttor iiril .bi eburo end ber winr awry round ' TboR.Q.W.Ry. Co. will li bun uu. I bar told ihree dom ua tkry A BRIGHT B0T WASTED, I blow I i trlptlcaeU tu all points on tbnlr lines glv tb brt at Mtfeliou. e tbey churn at ona hrs for Xmas, nod New Years town ell iu in this lowuBlp, buurr-tba- J THE Senvn & Rio Qrande I)u Ft-ulb-g rg haa sneeld that Madam Ruiuii Rail new AbUle rNwiH I'.' l biwnlu In! jiiilt J iu uupllal ulus. 0t!c Fork, y e Mrpeqter, hare agreed to I ou which I can make pu up I there ore many oiLrrs for a alee profii-.SnI whom I ran put up mill this fall. I non t see mill I wbwevery farmor ahouldiiot have a wind Ivm Iu uhrn thryoBU msM'dUtbemaelrra euS "- -I I MISERY v now UNTOLD Rheumatism then 110: anyone cae diagram p c direeiwna for making the wind mill by sending Ik two-ceto Krunrii Uaaey, ... Louis, i ren lx. dosena of them put up iuany locality by that hM the energy to do aaA Parmer. I anyone gi-- C.H. Xing, Water Valley, Xlu. cured by I I Ayers Sarsaparilla n I I , ' I T VJuTG O OUS . If C THtGBEAT iaisTIST1 ttiTSlLUf l8T 1 VVtf VftTI Colo. MEftT MARKET, AU Kinds of fresh and salt We meas, OalJ and see ui are Hereto Please - HABBINGT0N STREET, AM ERICAN FORE, UTAH, . t I Ve, n I IT P18C0YPD BXNKD- - M. Cdihihg, Trav, Salt Lane City, Utah. I CBVK-lrn- U, F, Nevini. Genl Agt., Pau. Agt t D0CT0R4W. SHORES - CCRK 00N SUMPTION AND 1X8 TO ft orockeryware fe. not select one day in the year to give away We give prizes from our 25 and 50 cent Joun-- i prizes. ters every day. N. B.Y?e do. 1000 Prizs Qivn Away Tbit "STwr. COMPLETE LrNG ALL TROCB urday. Inac lilnns wu at Spanish Fork Sunday to tu;ttd the funeral or a frieLd. Duu'l forget that C. X. Bsker will re movtd hla gallery hers agalu auou. Gotnp home for Chflitmaa? LU. Only a few weeks to the lirkcta-tim-y- 8i lusted about service to Oii.Mm, Chli , KjUte.lte phllan Nothing could bo fairer, Inmora BOTH LOCAL Ha wake more Jo throptc, or carry M. INTEBMAL. AND A. of T. Mlrcom, C.,of than the offer OR Plr.e street, New York City. The only remedy gwaraataed t abaetataly Confident that he lias dlscnvcred an cwr aad eemglataly aradlcale Mm and all klaaaaacatarrh alanlnte cure for frem tha bleed j d to make Us pnluiouary rnniplalulelieaiwill FOLL SItE, $1.00; TEIiL Silt, Uc. d.frre, iei merits known, preat itfe'i Each Ml ilia aackagr fai'i'ni aaa M Ihree bottle (Die Slocum new tyeiem of wo- - ib'a avly af Ceurrb Wi rid lucal iraaiawat. on mediciues) tu any reader of The of lull Catarrh, balwaa4i,.H 32 aim ! e.jeth'a Haaling wlir, la suffering from cheat, 1 brunt aud BtaedudSiMcnnib. . I If you have Catarrh, Astbaa, Biwtlim He, lung trouble' or consnir.pt, low. A. Fiver or any cmaylicated iIIkiIh ef the boml Uni tin invitee those desirous of oblmnj bestecbtat'lsbM or lung. Doctor Shores' Cewalsla p.' hlin send rcnWdle to FAMILY OBDKBS A BPECIALTT. Iho 1 waa knnfa. Catarrh almply Cars nnabla Instael wil tn to HAND. twitted ON give log up being NtteffadOMpM P1VRLINI0PBBANDIU ALWAYS aud tori(,ffce Mddnsa, and peniaMally care yen. dress myielf, except, wlih SMlatanee, and I their cypres W. Dr. G. mo lake It ef the set constipated CLUB- AND TH LA PLURKTTt" enuld only hahtile about by using a ran. ( I ai d n celts to return the tdr. e free hoi Shuras bonis Pith at bedtime. If year am'IALTY CIGARS Till BILVKIl bad no appetite, and was assured, by the I tumble Is ehraak sad deep ssstsd. write Dr. G. W UOOD PORT WIN I FOR FAMILY CSX, TW8NTY FlYtt Cl H PER JDARI doctor, that I enuld but lire. Tbe pains, at I Already tlia new Mstcntidc court Silo, :t porsoasky for his bow tyaptoa Nat aat roar casedlsgeoMd aed got tapott advice free. times, were to aaful, that I cpuhl procure I uf mclclne" hsa pcrmaneutly cnr,d relit--l only !y mean uf hyindcraile lnee Dr. Q. W. Akoeso Pool thoueauda of aprartufcty lirpeless dcancMOnd 1 had my lliiilwhandaged pefMec lluns nt i roim-'tiiptm- u WinesJ JAqnovs our 'e- n. lou'd c.t win; Clly. L'iii-- morphine. In e'ay, In aplpluir. m' pmilllci'tr lrnt theta gave only temporary relief. Alter trying every tiling, and suffering the amt awful leases. He c nslders - 1 e AYERS room in Connection, Billiard and L vtgor, enrss iysptpel Price, II par kettlt. dMBRICAM FORK Dr. a. W. Akoros KMeey eud Uvw coras si! dlssssos of the ktdssyh Price. 11 psr konle. Dr. a. W. Short colds end keoscklsl spastsoflc cmep. 1st kottks. I'c Dr. a. W. keros' Meontale SefeOO went pete hi ter orlmite. For boeioaie, tmuralgis. ensrpt er ceHc oet k Mtomelv eood Piowtiio end cerao dlphtborie li a Mile. Ubo noop batik handy. Prick Dr. 0. W. tberoe' Pepsi Vsrmlloge Ikiwt Intosttssl witrsk end nerevse die title nml st brood, hemrfae. whirs they hstek-ee- It- hi rellalous duty a Cq wbieh l,e owm to Lumspitv to doty roar.. is to trip jltia going tortures, beean to take Ayer's Sarsaparilla. care. In Ills talltlile And remembar: No lliu. Inside of two month. 1 was aMo to walk dona te Offered fr ely, Lptii fiom Fa iiincreut from Utah to tha Bast w), without a cane, la Uu-- month, my Umbs la r:niett toetimmui. It, and utrenvlh. of a In the taurso to give you better eerrie' began I wastrengthen, ltd lh per i erl confidence oi the more sola Increased ha eured. My weight I tlun tlia Barling ton. N. year. nuw do to able I am and my to making thscffsr. greAtrieDilat tu pnmula. line will' sell you n tics f he a to blaekimlth." l HP a railrw work as full jna rousumptloi pnred tinys at a lower rata. cnrnbla disease beyond any doubt. lc Sen nearest ticket i gent. There will be no mistake In tending h niU'ake will I e In overlooking the W. F. McMillan, Agent, 8K Doct'.as senerona luvltailun. He haa ftSc ft hriif Lakn City, 11 Walker block. k Dr. O W. k eras' WleUrgrue Solve file lo Ilia Americai, and European Tin Only World'! falr Sariipafllli. iko Okie. ef dlsessse Iiera rad opMMd Mich Inburatonse t iiousknds jf tcmimouiuls Aktace. Itoak sMsaros le IkldsiM ArXH'B riLLB turn iifewdoe. of c I per lence from the sa cured. In all ptmetseftam Tbenid:lady was right when ahe Dr' 0 Weaker world. AkttCeeeMpa and the chill might die If thy wah, it psiis of tha isk senstipsttoo. sick kasdsokt mall your ad dliivernha: ara a bonk. nc Prick lntlr WANTED-A- N for tha doctor. llinaivcJ tbe neck. IDEAS&WM Area to T. A. Riorum, 'M. . W Fine Tksoe fiuoMraMdks sroprapsradeuply tMae ones .life with a (e v d'Me of One W to patent? Piwfeei ynnrldeea-- j they may rtreer. New York, and wlirn writing G. W SksnW goes Msdksi losUle MUha -- ' ruu wealth. Writ JOHN WJClAlItt. the Diicior, u t , nta Cough jCuro. riho hm usd It fm briuS please msniiuii rcinlliig II Ckp. llbi nUKNdk Oik, Patent Atturneya, WashiogVo FOB. SALE BY THOS, STEELR & CO ?prif Abbwuu articia thin la ulfar. tlMlr A . B1M fur lulba co U. Gh p. . before. Sxitli eronp I v. lV . Him you Cigars Ec ' holiday. Tliueyvnarraou' ou rd about ro:ir r-- OTAR OF MANpIi'AOTTTH.EIR.S. work. Sheet Iron and All kinds air Furnace. Copper Tin, Mine Hot work a specialty. Repairing done on short notice a . C-- Th. fturld. . - ... .0 i- fine Stok of Toys Silvepare okin aware and Glassware B. BEND PH. THHttS BiiTTLRS OP HIS haw- I rrir-ilpa- l i Sail Laba City. W F. Bailey, G. P. A, D.nvey Sbwt music a cult All Kindj up noaiCAL in.itrghints iNiTTOck. Elegant day coiche' chair cars, and Taka Pullman Steepen on all trams, (he D. A R. G and have a comfortable trip and enjoy ibe fioeit aoetfwy on the " continent. Train leaymg American Fork at 9.02 a m amre-a- t Cripple Creek next morn ' . lug at 9:50. A. 8. Hug Hu, 8. K. Hoop a. ALL KIND3 IN GREAT VARIETE3, G. P. A T. A. Traffic mgr., v PICTURES, BOOKS, ALBUMS, ETC. Colo (kil-Denver, Denver, . alte-ri- i lull. I A. BROITNi G?Pl Agt, v For Are year, I guttered untold niliery from BUM' nar rheumatism. I trlcl every known remedy, eoniulted tbe lieet pliyal- elana, visited Hut Spring. Ark., three time. ipendlng BUMS there, Iwaldes diwtora bill ; could obtain only temporary relief. My fleh waa wasted away ao iliut I weighed only ulnety-flire- e pouinla; my left arm and leg were drawn out of ahape, (be muMle A uuiubtr one G. K. Child uf LiliJ waa in this metropolitan Utah county city Sat- - Tralni lotv of the Worlc Scenic ap&n uf hursca fur aale by IbemuF gliellvy Am. A (bis Coloudo Midland, W. Depot eom-Bo- - K OR BALK G ttikits via - lu uck aud lire, tute,b!nitM, acalde, buiiia era qnlckly cured by Da hilt's hitch liaxcl Salve. It la at pie:cnl tlicartiale mm mad lurpiln, and it curta ami. THuB.MELlk A. Co. Baker He pliottgrapbir uha l tu de10 Amviiean Fuik. ls) t a iu Rulhela ctuiingallUiewime and will bebeiesocu. Mltib Jana Reese and Mlaa Lettle aptnt Saturday and Sunday visit mg (Mend aud relatives In Freyo. - Finest scenery elegant Equipment liLSTEELEi (0 wheels sea pur Railway. quickly, make so mucko more e n in hulidaja. cheaw eburns and are two or three bundrae can make erery township returned 8ut. M!m Martha Chlimun Line Milt eg these ehurr. ity addteeelng J. agent for PENNSYLVANIA GRIT, the dollar P. Camrr Oa. St Louie. y'i i rann get aircu. No arday frcui a visit to NepM. she having 2 leaves Americas Foil al No. ro ao make Tram bis newspaper. Complete lara aud lull information with Mrs. Jus Dunk g.eat family dollar at borne. I have at Pueblo at 6:10 a hi, money 8 apt ut rtural a K)8 right arrive m, sals sent for are upou risk. Papers two week sad I bare ner- r sold anytbi. 7 :31 m, Denver 10 :'0 Colorado bniring ley and Bra. JuLii lletdrlrkajn. before. commission. Unsold copies, if any, are thlkg lu my life a FARMER. a m, Cnpplo Creek 0:50 n m. son Prcvo BeberWkbb fitm All dona on Saturday. vatliy, reinraableTrain No. 4 leave American Fork cf W. R. Webb, waa vltilliitf bis (dr-rot- s 4.U00 agents hustling now. Write on aigoal) at 8 :85 p m arrive at (atopa MAKE IT lu Auurxau Furlithla week. He quick bafora aeiqalfod y gets , ahead of A GOOD WIND MILL Pacblo 8:27 p m, Colorado Springa 6 18 T0CB8ELFI . Returned tu hla hums Friday. yon. Ghit Fc pushing Company I eew one of the Peopl1 wled mill which I p m, Denver 0:25 pm. o Colored made Pueblof at J Connection! it in reeomnif-ailerecently, mw PA. your pBprr WlLUAMRPOUl Scaly eruptions on tha head, chapped splendid mlU; my Hpringa api Denyer with all lines cut. daa - 0. CO m a r Anaatlve. reliable buylnyonr can make big money eaeli week as . ET. n& yuar ticket agent for and arrive at R. & lwtwr than you can' get any were else for a a a 1 Ask for anywhere fj. lni 31 Throngh Sleeping cars. S . a very pleasant call Wediifady conrou no. ae. lnl0QiUCu that he wound gusto BebiinM STTiS , Tba a. w r.d hutlriil Ib wf In town vUltlug onr , acting a neat little t' larof'tM 5ptji.iffalr Piiai," reanlsr prtef We of 0'. lln-- ; t on which Ua found in a very receipt u In lawa mlleU Lypp,.,!,! brother ; irodui torr orttie) prurWlna TH SU--J . rriidltlon. Mat slthltw order. MJrw j brD w1i, pe0pie learn that they muat 1UAUB JOtJKNAL,Porllaiil.OrgoB. I A Fit or af aaaaaaaaaassa of tha ou. tlmeK' a haods family tl tneir with are b lly prlc x coBtlnlnir manj dsBmlpa faJi. uopay. Cuoauliallon free, MiaaiAoi 1m, tlonaof LtdlcH ind Cirtlliww Horton Pttaraon pain. Offlcd Chas. which Tha manner In Wir'sars. near wMliby, 10e. rurriage Journal, OrvfOD. tlsno. baa decorated the windows at tha Chip1 loi tad il 1 We Have fick Danver, Colorado Springs 1 I Tw5nss--- sdrlila. From Ogden aud Salt fdrte Cltyto ' . u termed lata painta. W.JUT flo-rhu- all point and 1 5s J Beck, Prop re-op- 11-6- 0 I 0 COLLEGE COLORADO MIDLAND RY. . -- ' - BUSINESS 1 - t b BECK'S HOT Springs American Fort 111 he redneed retRawr the q, w. during the boliddva: Ther unU118 Beck's is the Best. AMERICAN FpRK, UUb. BROTHERS, W BATHING In'llM f SPRINGS .jot ma- - a the !JJrwcMior thitanriiof lie du-n- rlao-l-v WaherCo.,St Lonla, Mo. Writ to them and they will lend you full par I Thera waa a unique and Interesting of rwi'w rtuos end la kpsnuoiii. irwt , nii Uiabononufkaporaarr. ( LfiirMKoltaMiUUvrl Uw BCFORK sue AFTER fidmn md Uj ertuir orawtU all lutiinik .LetirUissml ras toff email fXriDB lulfirm frith Ml UrtJn v Mai iflmoi-irwithout ou akioit ib mi 25 7ct 25f? okk f pi VS yes. zxzrrrLzrrz dors 1 MMI tlORVf Iilfl A wrlilM iMf ntt ftrfl aim. awaforeeaieiMiiMeud wUAk rlan . One Ten in Adtanee Ate Menthe Three Jfimtfi TciTor 9 ff nd hare him. lam rr yohf had llttla aaperieiica la willnfunoda, but hare mala uvar vight liond rad dull In mh ankt h1Hd( DUh ftaibera I ho eaajr It Jj It la rinibly wonderfulhare to do la to it fall ifc jm. All you al.owtb ladiea bo they work and cannot haip but buy one. For tba 11,80 they benefit of othera I will atAta that I ot IjJJ my atart from the Mound City Illah BT SMITH RESTORES4 . .JANHOOD UaalahatMarNnek aunlciu.UlauiailrwniMoril aoe Mr Editnr- .-I ltava read how Mr. C. B. It. mad m much rnotivy to tba Dlan I Wulur bniiOMH and think I burn beat PbWM Wckir, . MONET KA8T Dili TOD KViEtt.4.MAKE I .TCOBTD, American Fork - Utah |