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Show t DIAZ VERY POPULAR. wt&dow, saw that the kerchief folded her bosom waa bright as If A lamp glowed behind It. The other man saw It. ton. and hla imii A FAMOUS EDUCATOR. ( SL Har Stwan, as sat Brawala luiraclor. MAN OP MAGNETIC INFLUENCE white claws shot out, burying themBrussels was recently called upon to IN MEXICOS AFFAIRE. . selves In her When ha bud mourn the death of one of Its moat finished, he held in bis stsined snd famous and oldest educators, M. ConIt dripping bunds the woman's heart. Agsla past midnight; Hie city l Mapsb-U- a stantin lieger. But It was not only of Tlial l'r..lilBt It ware deaerted. and it mu time to go quivered, Ilka the bruised hniiuu Mas Karra Kira lama A HarorA from hie great success as a teschar boom. Bo thought cubby No. 11, hlv-nli- ( thing It waa, but tlie light sblulug that M. Heger Is known, but aa tho from It nsver wavered, lighting tbe Waa Wlthaal a Carallal la Maalaa In bln rusty overcoat. He bad hollow of the mans bund and the original of Charlotte Ilrontea Paul Sarfal Iraa parity. watched the electric liKtit on the cor- hollow of the great room, hla face and Emanuel ln her VUlette." It waa to ner until ha ring of rainbow need leu hla loose, white lljwt ainlliug widely, hie school that tho plain little English HE news that Gun. girl was teemed to atab hla eyes and the big and the pit of hla throat, that waa sent, nnd the two years of her ahadowa on the atreet below U to that waa black aa the gate of hell; Forflrlo Dias has Ilfs there aasSS: gave her marvelous knowl1 1 shake with the cold. lighting, too, the tumbled, trampled again been elected edge of the language and literature o( i blueted and diawhole the atar "Hot a fare thta 1 body dust of spilled to the office of prsa- the French. At the end of the two night! be muttered, reiirblng down monds. Identoftba republic years, however, M. Hager's wife re4 1 He horse. hla and pulling the blanket from paused an Instant, he whose of Mezico,ahowitha fused to keep An he did ao ha felt the carriage give nuuie waa that of the (load, then he longer the daughter of esteem In which ha the a great Jar on Ita springs. lie turned turned and bounded toward tbe winsimple clergyman and the English own hla la held In quicker; acme one liad flung hltuaelf dow. There was a smash of glass, critics Insist that her bitter Belgian will and the cabman felt those smeared Into the neat behind him. country. This etricature of the good Frenchman! "What do you wautlr" aaid the cabby fingers at hla own neck. be hla alzth term, seminary la a work of spite, ln retalia"Now me take came tha I where back roughly. as he has held tion for from the place her banishment came from. lie voice a or then else Thera waa a pauae, He did quick, office for a term which she had grown to value to such Oon-sulthrough the darkness. thick and nasty not finish his treat President Prior to the election of a degree. The cabby gave a tick gulp, aa If hla Currer aa a gurgle of black oil. Notwithstanding in the year 1880. In November Bells merciless tho of "Drive mo to Judas Withers, and, In throat were full of paste; then he waa exposition year dragged over the ground and thrown nezt be will dose the twentiethMexico, school, Its high reputation In Ita own tht name of heaven drive fasti of of hla aervlca aa president Judas Withers hiu been dead and Into the seat of hla cab. The creature elty, kept It unharmed by the widely-sprea- d hla aoul with the devil tbla many n sprang after him, grinding hiio against and. If ha shall outlive the ensuing advertisement, nnd when the year, anawered the cabman, atari ng the dashboard with Its liuiiy knees, term, he will have a record of 24 years where the poor cabby eiuug, frantic In tha office. behind him. The houae still stands, but 1 have with terror aa they fled, pounding, President Dias Is 66 years of age, and flew down the road. loot 07 way. Mo on, you fool! la a halfbreed. By bla mother be Is a When tlie eubmun ocned bis eyes The figure reached over .and catching dezeendent from the Indian race of e. the whip from ita place gave the bone again there was a great burst of Mexico, and by hla father from tha Above Ida bead ahoue the heava huh. The old beast plunged forhla father ward, banging and rattling down the ens, deep aa the core of a sapphire, and Spanish race. In hla Infancy In street, while the rural ng cabman tried far away he could see the blue haze of died, and he waa trained for life with gray plumes of Oaxaca by hla Indian mother, who to clutch at the retua, but a band, the city moke. In the grass biy hla shattered lived In poverty. In bla youth, after chilly and dinging aa the belly of a saske, ftuteued on hla wrist, and the cab, and high over hla head, its pearly a period of clerkship and service In an summit seeming plunged in the eter- Inn, ha studied for the priesthood of tha thick voice came cbwc to hla ear: nal azure, rose a marble shaft On It Roman Catholic church, "Now. will yoa show me the wayf but a11, The driver aaak into hla place again, were curved these words: To Judas time, gave up the purpose of entering Wltbera. Erected by Ills Loving while the old cab rocked like a elilp. upon an ecclesiastical career. He beOa they rushed, paat closed storeo Wife. Tlie letters were of gold, hut the gan the study of law; he took part In and laupleM blocks, now ripping and wr sacking across the car tracks and morning sun liad touched them Into politics; he waa a member of the legisnow (winging along the deserted road, words cf lira- -. Julie (lossoin Keuley, lature of hla state; he waa n soldier on the liberal aide In times of strife; ha on and on, until the pavements had ; In tian Francisco Argonaut i waa a been loft behind and the front looked general In the war against the FATAL HOOMTKIt lKCK. back from the ruta like a million little empire which France had aet up In green eyes. Mexico, and It waa on thia war that he At last came the eomtimnd, "Stop, I Pawl's Kirlsu Attack aa a won the renown which caused him to Laborer. gee It now! and the nezt Instant the PMlaarlphl be chosen as provisional president In eab was empty. Henry Vlasell, a lalmrrr, aged thirty-the year 1876, and aa constitutional the cabman, leap- five "My fare! yelled M. HEGER. years, of 81 2 Broadway, la lying president the nezt year. Since that ing down. eze- -j devoted old teacher died a few weeks a he time office chief care of has held the of e unde. at hla physihoi the There waa no answer, lie looked cutlve, excepting during the four years ago at the age of 87 mourning ln his about him. It was very dak where he cian, suffering terrible pa I11 aa the recaused by a j In which it waa held by Manuel Gon-- I own city was most sincere. stood, but the waning moon .with Ita sult of YImo-H'head la swolltales. gnawed and crumbling edgea, bung on rooster's jieck. a lino with the Hr trees. Before lilm en to double Its Lornml size, and bla i The course of Mexican history has Tha nnratlnp of Ufa. rose a vague blackness, the house of tongue la In such an abnormal state been changed under Diaz admlnlstra-- ! Between ephemeral, that live bnt a Judaa Withers, tenautless but for the tint he Is unable to talk or partake of tion. Revolutions and civil wara have few hours, and animals that are known old wife, who still clung like some pale nourishment of any Wind. been brought to an end; the old-tilived three and four hundred to have to chickens of VNsell mi'i.lwr a kcffiM l'erto lichen the mouldering (tones, : has the possesixml-tll- d tyranny away; there Is a long list of creatures passed and years, bis with etrgs rnmlly Imps she, too, waa dead. The cabby supply hist lie went to the sor of the office of president baa lived of varying ages. It Is supposed, alnot know. Ho did know, though, try. On tliat Judas Withers had lawn a miserly Ittu-- yard to kill a pullet for Kiiu'biy'e In safety; the stability of tbe govern-me- n though thle Is but guesswork, that can-saa- , thas been secured. With abiding whales may live a thousand years. grudging the very skin tluit dinner. He caiglit the chicken and waa about to deo.ipli.ite it with an ax peace the country has attained a de- There Is excellent evidence that hung hla bones together. they The bouse stood I sick from the road when a rooster, which ap;x.'irn to lie gree of prosperity unexampled In ita live a number of centuries. Some birds and waa surrounded by a garden, now "cock of the walk in VIhmcH's hack history. It waa In a most satisfactory and fishes live a long time. Some lying gray and louesume under the yard, made a savage attiuk uimui him manner that President Diaz, In hla last naturalists say that a creature should moon. As rite cabby peered toward It and a piece of flesh out of hla to tbe Mexican congress, re-- live seven times the number of years he saw the figure of a man coine Into hand. Mr. Yissvll drove the rooster message that It takes to arrive at full maturity. the moonship a. It sprang across tha pit, killed the hep and went Into tha Apen eiiace in soft leaps like n great liuuse, sucking the blood from tlie Birds, according to their slie, live longer than almoat any of the living things tlAgk nubble, Ita every tooveinrnt full wound, lad loving tliat this treatment with which we are famallar. Crows era pt a tirpfldful vitality. Then It waa would relieve the anrencM. ills linnil healed quickly, but hla tongue suddenguns. A the driver fejnself turned-tsaid to llvs over A hundred years. An go, he saw a tiny red (Park flash out ly became aora, nnd by Monday morneagla Is known to hare been nlive at front the house before him, snd ing It had swollen so much tliat It the ags of one hundred nnd three. The after tlie other tbe windows On the peu traded from hia 111 tul completely parrot, the goose and some other birds lower floor glowed red, ss a crawling tilled his tnoutb. have lived a century, and a naturalist Motch Of sparkles will sat across soot Hla family physician. Dr. W. W. had the skeleton of a swan that had BM52 there the man who Kirk, waa culled In. After examining died at the age of three hundred and fled all Ylsaell's and bat he fear found a that tongue owsd him money sharp seven years. Fish are long-liveof loss. The cabby tied his tooth lisd scratched It, and expressed the opinion thit he hud been poisoned j Sharks, sturgeons, dolphins and pikes horaTind witri from the live a hundred years, and the carp has by tlie blood which he Under cover of the hedges, In his baud by the reached the age of a hundred and fifty jMtrhvd the hoiisfi, fed Mlsrd himself tronnd JW'kcd winMuster. yeara of the one In looked mnl at gently The treated htin for dows. Before him lay an empty roots, but, Instead of Improving, ftn tip floor, thrown from a tvlndi'W History of tha A. B. C. groat checkered flag hla roiidiilnn became critical, Bfid Prl. The horn book, wnlch was the first opposite, was of mooullglit not hlng more, nothing O. It Grass and O. W. Kraymer were alphabet card, la described by a recent Tbe three but those blue squares in the dark ness, j called In fur consultation. author aa a board of oak about nine I icon htx hnve ducked cabnmu every-heatin physirlnns doing Suddenly Inches long nnd five or six wide, on to hud known medical man a science for the saw gilded tliat thing (hr be which was printed the alphabet, the wat n save caudle to three carrlwl Vlxxeirg lire, days Into the room, lie nine digits and sometimes the Loids his grant, but he was still In a crltieul condition high allow his head, and loose as a last night. prayer. It had a handle and was covjwle face waa bloated and ! The kwelllng of I lie tongue has lieen ered ln Aont with a sheath of thin curd. ' horn to prevent its being soiled, and The cabman matched low. A gust reduced sufficiently to allow llipild the backboard was ornamented with a f wind set the Hr trees whispering, tunitlshniviit to puss down his thront. and the and a abutter alumuicd far awsy In the; hui his licit d is still swollen out of nil ln expecting such an In- - rude sketch of St George I'ioportlon nnd lie Is suffering much M." h board and Its horn This Dragon. revenue o sources normal All tho who worn rreaw in th t 'Gttfrw i'll cot out of till li tmit-- : cover were held by a narrow for culled In to treat him that the as will amply suffice for all budget ra- frame or border together teftd. rising. But lie did not go, of brass. idlecm The messages In was the Vlssell enused stisid president's qulrements." poisoning by the figure Hint The oldest horn books were Unwin- the wound inti let oil by the to hfs congress, within recent years, light bail turned It back to the the doubtedly frequently used ln the In rooster. Philadelphia Times. hava been of a kind never known dnw. and was digging among common rooms of the great Mexico before his assumption of office, schools and bricks, ripping sml scratching like n . shadow clawed Feeding never known between the time ln monasteries. In tbe earliest specimens hupsrd, while his longhim. I n the celling above In our feeding we have found that which Mexico won her Independence from Spain and that In which she chose brakj to the Ids ear bis teeth, pressing aides "bn lanced." With a president who was able to garner the being hidden simply Is treasure Thera cn panes. (Tiere-pcrhJnst our methods of feeding watering uud fruits of Independence and liberty. gold. ;erlinps tiien the tuau inside gave a Joyful hatidling tho cows It Is lieiessnry to President Dla la something more than grunt. their liowels in such sh.iM- - that a successful politician, lie possesses Ila lie lifted an Iran box from the bole keep tha qualities of statesmanship. he luid been digging. There was no the droppings will be like those mnde understands the needs of his country, when the row la on good pasture. key In the lock, but ns the touch the Whenever the and also the method of supplying them droppings Itrglu to get rover flew oien, snd out snrad the through the legislation of a congress re--In milk hard and to the shrink. n like dry and eoiitpiita-ldi- ie. gold, green which he la Intlnemlal, and which ! It We fouud have fet'd beto profitable glittering rush of water, broken His skill as a acoil nionl ganla his judgment. on linseed this heavily neath the sun. , made manifest by bran has count. diplomatist The enliby'a heart stopped lN'ntlng. We get tha heat results when our hla several negotiations with European "Diamond1!" lie erlcd softly. Then ha ration Is appetizing, and It la powers, but hla mastery of the troublegrased at the window ledge, for tha balanced for this reason that wa use several some cose of Guatemala, and by hla de- creature gave a howl of anguish. the United "Hood Hod! they give no light! grains In making a ration. Fresh cows KrB),ir about eating states In the settlement of the boundary And the echoes chattered buck, No are often very "fussy when we are trying to push them, ainl light! No light question. Ills friendliness toward this There was a long silence. The hml-dl- c show strong likes and dislikes for country and hla constant desire for tho deIs on the floor rocked to and fro. various feeds. If the la's! yield of peace with It have been sired It pays to humor these fancies, maintenance his face buried In Ids thin hnnds. aa important to the American people aa The moon lind sunk, nnd the sky was and balance the ration with the feeds to those of Mexico. clear as dark glnss. A cock crowed the cow Ukes. One point needs explanation. Feeds j In one respect only has Dias failed AN OLD HORN BOOK, somewhere ln the east. At that sound the wretched figure raised Its heart. may vary suffielenily front the average ; t0 Mtlsry lhe whole 0f the people the letters are arranged ln the form 01 aa published In feeding Hpiiosiic him was u door with a under hla government The Mex a Latin cross, with the A at the top transom over It. and aa he tables, to make trouble without care- ing ecclesiastical authorltlea have and Z at the bottom. lean 1SIM was our corn looked It grew gray aud then rosy. ful watching. In hla of readiness to Jus-- i made complaint Koine one wns coining: now even tha poorly eared on account of the drouth, cuhmnn could hear the light creak aud we found it necessary to use a tlfy the government interference with Caro of thr HnA was the Inheritance of r of stcia. they came, nearar. good deal of corn meal lu our ration, property which most While people admit there Is Ills The door ohihi1. nnd a 111 lie figure In 1SD3 our cindlnge corn waa heavily the church from Spanish times. scalp than a Into the rMiiu-1- he little figure enred and wo find It Ink! to use only defense has been that the sequestrated nothing better for ofthe the hair morning brushing thorough for f a won mn. shriveled uud very old. needed In or were meal educational ration the make to estates enough coni Tha mail by tbe fire place sprang It taste good. Wo have liad to guess other public purposes, and that tho re- and night, many will not persist ln this, and are constantly asking what up. As the woman's eyes met that each year how uiueli mir eindlnge vapublic could not guarantee or recogried from the published analysis, and nize all the titles which were granted will make, the hair come in when It Is ghastly face she giive a cry. "Judas! Judas! Then sha tot- figure a ration H. M. Cotshe fast coming out. Many of the best hairby Spnuish kings But at the same time tered and slid lu a heap at hla feet trell in Rural New Yorker. dressers and barbers are recommendaffirmed the that ; he has constantly lie. kicked at her, but she only lay Ining rubbing pure grease in very thornever in has any way I. title of noth. government Vrolinhll there, gliblieriug: "1Vh.it llu you or every other "1 congratulate you, Wlgglnton, on terfered with freedom of worship, or oughly every night, wanill Wlml do you want 7" instances this has several In night the of thrra married with At last he answered her. religious any daughter your rights tinring beproved very effectual, and a new "It was bliu-k- ; It choked me It waa off. privileges which constitutionally 1 ntn a while. so dark 1 have come wait so dark-o- h. Just Hopkins. growth of short and strong hair all long to any part of the Mexican ptoplc back for the light they promised me. tell yet whether 1 have three daughover the head has been the result They said 1 should find P here; that ters married off or 111110 sous-lu-laMany children and some of an older Record, married Ills Kcaoon without It my sotil will be blind growth are severely troubled with I lind! Do you hear nia? Help m still on dandruff In the scalp, which always "Are down Cnggs you poll lind It! As you were my wire, help It Is said Hint the Irish coast off tics?" makes the ncad snd hair look dirty Kktbbcnvu Is swsrmlng with dog fish. mi And It" Bagg -"- Yes, and If you had lost This can be removed by rubbing purs Tha woman crawled on her kneea, They ere doscr'.lied as Icing of a pecud liar specie, being minllcr I" size tbu $1,000 backing yourself on a losing grease In every other night, and ln the her eyea raised to his. uud the ticket aa I hHve you would bo down on morning following wash thoroughly cabman, watching through tbe the familiar dg UsU. with soap. it, too. Manhattan. bn-nat- mi Klw-tai- y p V es sun-ahln- sin-nke- lines j bloml-pnlponlii- s : d d. C-- "" vw. sm-ko- blnod-iMilsunin- d, , 1;. , siu-klu- . cw. J npa ! i s rnt h fan-shap- i ' i Ne-.ire- on.'-t'lile- ter-tute- ago CHILDREN'S Tbs Dm lb CORNER. ' i him and saiJi, . "I will shout i The old maoT . u6 boy was , making fun of hll' boy began j to call out: "Times, Herald, TriDune, News," ln j "Tba Balaad (.'tla A Faaa by a clear voice, which attracted so many war Somi- -A Toaai Kalbt A customers, that ln a little while ths old Laaaoa la ratlaaea Tba Car Wbaal man sold his stock. Ho offered to pay his youthful partner, hut the boy would take nothing, nnd went off with a smiling taco. BUILT a caatlo la boyhood day a. Far, far out on Was Old Frl tha desert Aa old man was HiBlIy leading a thin old Thought, hone across the common In the northApproached by ern part of tha city, when a passer-b- y broad nnd asked him where he was going. winding ways. Im searching for a bit of green for By my Imagina- tha poor beast, "he answered. tion wrought "Id send him to the and to Tha walla wars the glue factory." said boneyard tha other, conbuilt of mighty temptuously. deeds. "Would you?" asked the old man ln The roof a sheet of polished gold. a trembling voice; if he had been the The ground waa sown with flower seeds beet friend you had in the That withered not in heat nor cold. helped you to earn food for world, and your family for nearly twenty-fiv- e If the yeara? auch a winding pleasant road Ah, children that's gone nnd the children I dug around the sloping hills. thatB livin' had played with their arms Where I could carry evry load around hla neck and their heads on Brought from Imagination! mills. him for a pillow, when they had no I had so many, many yeara other? Sir, he's carried us to mill and To make this castle all complete; to meetin', an', please God, he shall Thered be no bitter sighs nor tears, die like a Christian, an' Ill bury him No accidents to bring defeat with these old hands Nobodyll ever abuse old Bill, for If he goes afore me Ah, many n day I aat ln school there are thoee who are paid to look And built this castle, room by room; after him." I measured not by any rale. "I beg your pardon, said tho man It simply grew like big mushroom. who had accosted him; there la n difWith open book before my eyea, ference in people. I saw so letters, nor the page; Ay, end In horses, too, said the old My thoughts were soaring ln the aklea man, aa ha passed on with his four-footWhere dwelt my hopes of future ago. friend. Philadelphia Timet. INTERESTING READINO BOYS AND CIRLS. hr hula u n ed Where Is that glittering castle now? Its walls have tumbled to the ground; And o'er Its ashes I must bow, Yhere all my boyhood hopes are found. The winding road around the hills I could not use to draw my load; My burden came from Dutys mills, And Fate had built a narrow road. XieeMisrlly Mow. An San Rafael boy waa being lectured on obedience last evening. I told you that you could play with the Wilson boys till 5 oclock, said hla mother. "Why didnt you come when I told you? I did, mamma. Dont tell me a falsehood. Why This road led straight across the hills didnt you come home at 6 oclock?". Of bitter hardships, want and toll; I started home at five. I passed Imaginations mills, "Then you stopped to play on the All rusted for the want of oil, way. And soon, where my great castle "No, mamma, aura I didnt "Do you expect me to believe that it stood, I dug a grave, both wide and deep, took you two hours tto walk half a And wrote with Anger dipped ln blood: mile? I think I shall have to punish Here all my boyhood fancies sleep. you for telling me falsehoods "Honestly I started home at 5 o'clock, And still there Is n winding road and came straight home." Leads far out Into misty space; The mother led the boy Into the I gaze, while resting with my load. kitchen and took down the whip. He And try the winding way to trace. turned pale and tears welled up Into And yet I know the path I go his eyes. Leads over all thoee hills so steep; Now, sir, win yon tell me And, with my burden bending low, "Ye es, mamma; Charlie Wilson I walk until I full asleep. i r gave me a mud turtle and I was Faraway Moses. afraid to carry It so I led It home. the-truth- ? Ths Car Whssl hols "I had a question put to me the other day that I was unable to answer, said a man who stood watching a cable car go abruptly around the curve at Thirteenth street and Grand avenue, "Here Is what puzzles me: The wheels of the car are firmly fastened to the axles, and the wheels can't turn unless the axles turn. The outer nil of a curve is longer than the Inner rail. Does the outer wheel turn faster than the inner wheel, or does the latter slip? The other man had once been in the railway business, and he quickly replied: That's easy. If youll examine closely you'll see that the wheels Instead of being perfectly flat on the rim, are beveled, making the outer circumference smaller than the inside circumference. When a car turns a curve It has a tendency to go off at a tangent op n other wgrda, (p jump the track, which it would do were it not for the flange on the Inside of the outer wheel, which presses closely against the rail. The rail touches the Inner wheel quite a distance from the flange. The result Is that the diameter of the outer wheel where It rests upon the rail Is greater than that of the Inner wheel. This difference ln diameter equalizes the difference in the length of the curved rails. Both wheels revolve with the same speed at their axles, but the outer wheel traverses a greater distance, because Its diameter from the axle to tbe point of contact with the rail la greater. Kansas City Star. A Haw Msm for tha Drlah. A little girl ln Manchester attended a Band iff Hope meeting, says the National Temperance Advocate, and, on the speaker remarking that tha drink stripped homes of furniture and women and children of their clothes, she excitedly exclaimed: Thats Jnst what It does at cur house. On reaching home her father Insisted upon sending her to the public house for drink. Arrived there, she dashed the money upon the counter and passionately asked for three penny worth of "strlp-me-nake- d. Fknran AdnrtlmsMit A Utah railroad man advertised hia road by sending a carload of lilacs to Colorado mining districts. Tbe flowers were gathered by school children, and the car left a trail of joy and fragrance wherever it went Chicago Tribune. A Coppar Kalla Joseph Lang, of Dekorra, Columbia county, Wisconsin, has a copper spear head six Inches long and about one Inch wide that be found on his farm. The shank end, Instead of being pointed to go Into a handle, was bent around ao as to form a socket for the shaft rurloaM Kart a. Scientific lectures are delivered prisoners ln some English jails Pennsylvania's Supreme Court has decided that water consumers are not A Lmnra In ritliiN. liable for charges ln case Impure waOne of the happiest little boys I ever ter Is furnished. saw, aaya the Washington Star, la a Probably the oldest tlmebr ln the cripple, and he will never walk. Hia world which has been subjected to the lower limbs are paralyzed, and the use of man is found In the ancient little fellow le wheeled around ln a temples of Egypt in connection with chair made for hla especial use. When stonework, which Is known to be at I first saw him I thought how awful It least four thousand years old. This, must be for a boy not to ho only wood used in the construction able to run and play like other chil- the of the temple. Is ln the form of ties, I naked: without thinking, dren, and, the end of one stem to another. "Isnt it lovely here? Dont you wish holding man has compiled statisrailroad A you could run and Jump?" that there Is only one show which tics said the I little fellow, might Yes, killed out of every passenger railroad like It, but Im happy where I am, and the railways, and carried pn 1,985.153 do. Little hurt. Id get boys perhaps carried only one 183,822 for every that the I and felt rebuked, little Then bases his calHe to he injured. boy, whistling and singing In the chair, likely snd casualon fatalities the culations la with whatever him, given playing last twelve the ralloads on during ties which the the minutes of the hours by that days are told like sunbeams lighting yeara. His figures further show nnd gladdening lifes pathway, has a man's chances are such that he would been a lesson to me ever since I first have to travel 4,406,659 miles before saw him. getting hurt and go 47,588,966 miles before being killed. "They say the biggest fish are never A Yannc KalafeL said a fisherman. "Thera used caught. benevolence of This story practical k big striped bass that loafed be to la told by the Bible Reader: the old Iron pier at Coney IslIt was s cold morning In early spring aroundHalf a dozen men hooked him at and. on A man stood old little In Chicago. and one time another, but they all tbe corner of Clnrk and Randolph i lost him. One day a man alttlng there Bt Ito'was'thlnly rind and"kept trotting i fi,bln thought hed got him sure. bu baa took a tun around a up and down trying to keep warm, and : the fisherman bro . his line trying to the and was from hoarse voice cold, his dear it and he loei niih just aa all tbs could hardly hear him. parscrs-h- y Some hoys jeered ami laughed at him, rest had done. I never heard of this but one. about 13 years old. rather bet- bass being caught, and I dare say he's tor dressed than the rest after looking loafing around there still." j |