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Show Sunday Services. At 8 p.oi, wk U-.- t v it - nt ii-,- tit, tr. li-- pl-ai- e and Personal. twoo'cluec the morning. n Weatern Tim Rii Grand Railway Company will p.i.r a reward of t!5 far the Citnvletlon of unypeisan tbruwi'ig atones or oilier mlreh a at It trains. A. K. WtcLiti On Mo:.diV John Doe, (icneral Superin'HMtent. Salt LukCi(y. Ang. 6ih, IW ronnic'! In which a newspaper in a town was fbq.id In an lMel rlaiad condition at tha R. G. W, Tha elation masters Ry. station. pmi.ailv power were not sufficient tainduee Mr. Doe to vacate the prim iMsotha msistis a?sltanre wa snlicttel. 'Judge Willis dcslded that the elty baebcca Injured totheexent there of the eitva of S3J)0, or In veiigence weu'd bu satisfied with a fivedsy residence in the eRv ja I. The Uaer iiltrrnaliva wa ueeepted t hrough firca of rlrenmetanrea. He wirelaut next morning Tin Le'ii Banner. Thi is the notorlim Bertch printer who worked on the World two week, lie fa commonly culled Prof. Wheeler Instead John Pm., Esq. nelgi-boHt- Ph o c a m Ph 't S ') O i rlv Colie. Chiller amt n wa u d with prfcct mire. i lem terv. wli-- n l ie almost uj ver i a A!' c and dmueii.-r Hcr-- t for ih best oflurt i r in luv Nili-kt killed phydi-Omaha and check it rsvegi-s- . this rem rly, hmri-- H train dai'y lue.cn ha curd th rum' malignant e h both of rl'.iiilreu nd adult and nnder a .th ibt tieet Bleeping () .r ami Idlih most Irjing roudiliomi. whcii ing Car Seirit, and el i r-- l r trjvcl-erakno1m th t medlelne n and appro-isli' nirrit rf prvaiforIntmwi eoiuplaiiit . For sal th Chicago, MilWitnk-A St. Psui by Th.is ,itdH &C. Rail wav' Short Line bctw-- -n llie :l t R-u- r 1'1-ltr- 5--0 ih-ni- 1 O-i- Ic-tw-- c Tp-t'-r-.ug- m-,- l ilin-i-ilo- n ih-wr- r'd e and the DOIsTSTOP TOBACCO. BOW TO CUBE YOtBPELF WJULE r.'ING habit grnw e on a mail i n musiv i til his nervuii West. Fur meps, time table and generally, call u or uddm-KAleMitrbi-11- , Commercial Agent, Salt e un- lufnr-raa'- in lake Utah. Jr liralih, romfoit aud My little lv. when twi, :i - of aei-- , a happinee' Toq-il- t enddcidy t ufcveic wa taken very ill vlt.i, Ida 'dr fl" arlioek to thesyteiu, a luoareo to an 1 w:i mfyleel t. uecCliumdo I tin (Vic uer. hcroim: a Ntimuliiit and hi iiein miiMniiallv crave. Cloluri and liiiirrhnca Acnu-dHv o uscinilfle cure for ih luc.:ily procured part of a tnttic, 1'-lobaeiHi haldi. in forme rurefuliv earefilllv real tli LETTERS and gave compound d aber ilia fu inula rl n m It Il wai. v.ry bn1 a Bright and attractive Hciiiu phye clan who hunted il In and i to niowly Mnrc'y improve hi pectin nines 172. wri hunt a failure. JOURNAL, i and gnKUulml gr:: iui;y rruTreil and i now aa tnut Il U pu('y DevotM t- letter writing and eorrei1 cannse all th ai.d strong ;is vr. fn-perf.etlv harin'pk. siirw it mv p ii e. ndiptsd to thoaa want while taking lW-I never Pan pralee the w cdhls lif. are iow.i hearted, lonesome end r'l.ro. It will idfy you when to 1 am snrry luiieiv. In it you will find pleasure and Wgive a wiittn guarante- - to cur per Uenrn'yurn-half it wnrtii. tini with world boxcii. lu r do not kuuw iinppn-N- . three every i.r mauentiy any Through It, you may find refui.d i lie iiuun-- wi'h t n per rem int- h'w gu,1 a I do. .Mr I.tuw S iiem-i- at i. Reud 10 cents for three er-i. niienUuroisnota siiunitiite Hiii'nn, Griiliain-ville- . Marion months i trial rtc cure wuh-o'jsubscription to Litters hut J eri ut cure, Ih aid o' will onwer and with ro Florid.. Fur ,1 by Thomas Strcl! A PiBusHiNt; Co.. Indianapolis, Ind., I. inren-re- i it i It the evsvm a O.. 9 A. And red tha addreaaas ot many pure hi cl fr- - from nicotine ss the day tirirtlvnyo'jug men and women that first smoke, you to k SO? It CUT AYKK S ATTHK WOULD h ire-- wealthy an l live in luxury, who ci Rin by baco ltbj and r.AiNtn tihhtt Hello Boys! a FAIR, rorsDS. one ol '! Ton wain f.o catch on i tin- - oriin:.'.s I'rmi. r Aer" 'i:i njfl! N ' r Tluii thi: r ;.ri nn ).; i.i.ii Lsieel Style I!!.1 jn! ciivcd af ord'.iiHry riik'.l.-.Hiving Nine Peon! s A.b,' :it hliNwl ArU; Jkn. Ni't.ul:, pnritlrr :ihod mi ixidi t !. ill,. 3ul .mil M.iii'dar-lure- r Cm.. I.k t 'nisH... at th Wrl-- : Fair, out of ten , Irnii- ii.i ; v ur- - I unti i. . 1'iir or other Sarsaparilla ought (y i:i ..K io. fmi'iilv yi'ira etrerv mean lu obtain a sinning ol 1I1..1 n r from i i .. , s. ..il Cuk. L ut .. I. I r iifr,.iii ). din: ihirgood but they were all tu md o g i ai on the ' tru-Iiki told ituil. r.iil'lii'i. lu tiiriun ai; awsy under tu applipstiou of a rvUHHln-s- , li.u ln.iluii uu,- uIMt ,V !" it ns ud - t. i:h.l j. farmor th nf AUlliUin-- , pu'iI'tu. eutiy on Klj-"I Aiil me I in i id John, hut noou ol Inlol rsinl. clmv an-- iiiiMt.riiiiiH. Tli romfiTt and i a l.k II! Finally, iunrevrr, I pur Wm Idll th fair author'll in rum. iiu- of of ita Bleeping rar-- . Il iro L'uru'' luul' il I. ik Ihehahil in Auu IU ti.ruiK mui I hurt- lui mrsuit It Ayer's SarHinariil , was in nffaet a are ten of them TtiHie follow. Ayer' Sarspailila is not a .lid you ililny pound in wclshi oau uu. rHIrviM from all fresh Dorn ih ahe I'lli mimmniK u,hi'i aixl pnliw ul I .(' patent oil my It doc not li longt-inoct with h.i 'mlnian ehcr jml mTi.. I nml-- l write n quire ut iwper on mj llm list or ruiHtruuiN. Companys It uhaienu I rumilllun Yourii 1 went pd I with wide vaatlbulea-Flnu- eh f isiiii'U't- wd ns 1 wn ;:olng V1 ehnn V. II. U. P. Cnu Pan'ur uirit lull. wuri.iu along seed a :.ni:y gas elegant CUylon Ark. 'V.,;s uphn'Ktery-ina- w road. !.m! I carpets oopand SoM by ail ilr.ntgWs at 1KX) per bx: ji wul bertha up to date ruli-Attention- - Sheep Men 'Aye.' Kfivs slip. So h . ,'fcl oopj three Imjxcm (thlity dayn' treatment) tf muthoil of and ventilation her: Asv yc rai!;;in' to and I $2.50, with writn gnaean're or Kent Ai The Denver & LU' Grands R. K. on ainliatlon. What for? raetnn rea ipt of price. miirkct? 'Ayt ,' Write tor rink and time tables To ,:t a Knreka Chemise, July let Improved ami their cn'urged says she. So says cn application to nearest ilnw-i licr I t market andMfg.Cp. La Cnrene Wls. knd Boston K'lecp rorn.li ut Tn men e , rilM tic let a jenj or by aa 1 came Miw. whvre there la the fin ' uuuntiln i and left her; and woe this i' tlicrc back t' evening aud tin running water, wlilrti I fre same lass warklnx t saamc way ofrostto Tin Company W. McMillan, Genl AgLSaULaka Hheop 11111. I to her again, nnd oop hill.' lias a l.io providi'd slpl;itf arcoinodai 11 Wa ker B'oek. her: Tia axed ye . gotten ycr plaaec7 which will b ilcni1, fur p Will ye git eoe:lilly Xav, says she, I har.na. 'hsc ji t, who slop f i,ere I j graze their Aye, says She. So oo( aud ride?1 she heap. W cau liaadla your muttn for MARTIN K AMBROSE. pop, and I sucad her: Dyo think all eastern markets. Before ordering 4BkrK03AL ASTIR nt WATCS tUCn niy plaacc would suit yc? What plaace jF , is that? cay aha. 'Why. to he fly be sarenl write for further I I. the. doant mind, wife,' says says Information to t lthr So wo got wed, cud Che's a rare good B. F. NevJna, Agent, wife, hut the' a parfect straanger to A. lfawk, Tr ivellig Freight Gu. na SiTTfLE LAiT Ghlpmao & Grant will soon put on a t:U forre at tha Gnld Point mine near Mercnr. Mrs. J east a Stagglea and Mrs. Anna Watson and family loft for Sanabinn Thursday. Take your whust and oat to Jaek-aon- 's wnt-ryon will get half cash and half merchandise. ia Mr. A Mrs. John Thorn ton hat their baby boy Thursday. The funeral wa Friday. Dunkleya tLe place and now la the accepted time to get a good pair of hi r- v- - 1 tt . inv-rterai- ilur-i"i- 1 s 11 rdri-.t.iin-- aeonr-lingly- ri-- s . nl l!eh--g!- . i ct - Y-- 1 l tp i - - v hrt. - , ti-a- l K-v-e i de-s- i f slioea cheap. The Miller mine was among tha ship per this week. They wera on the lint f ir one car of ore. Sf-iri;l-- . , irv-m-i- i r . IVdc-io- Mf-.- . - r--- Ini-- i fine baby girl was barn to Mr and Mrs. James Cunningham Ang. 29 Mother and child ate doing nleely. II,-- .i .1 . .1 a ;V-- - 1-- lioulili-Cbli-i.il- -' , VI Tha horns of Mr. and Ambrose was mad happy by th arrival ef a fine baby girl 8 atnrii 3 m-- . llu-- tl r i'i-.'- baM-.- - - nird-riiii-- Thos. Uoddingtnn and wife and Mr. I Tha Nor:b Star mine Bant out two earn I JEldy of Baraka were lu town this werk ot first elasa ora this weak to attend the fanersl of ths Oakey wife of Uammo.h Ball . i 1 ri-- : anl Wo. child. r were the quests of tie Nuhl Klim ira Ulaa Ethel Crompton la again at her I family one day this week old aland behind the rasMers desk at T( penTf?r an( return 120.00 via the I Cblpman'a after a month off which she Union Paelfte On'.. 8 to 8th. fur toe I faativalof Muuntaio uod home. in inatlealii'g. pot Ur. Taylor our new p'lyslcian from Sail 3 r Since 1878 there hive been n!ne ep In d'ff-r-iIdemlcsof par; o' ihe ronntiy in which C uuihc lam's Dlarri-oe- wv swne tea'll-soroene- N. , m c Under wear, wa hae It. Th n Ire at Huh and cheap1 a' in town at Dnnkieya. flh Mrs. t Eilviukii St Psul By. Many people unaeqaatnted with th geography of the wet Imagine that because Chicago, Milwaukee and Sf. Paul"ure names used in the corporate tilleof the railway owning the Short Line her ween Chicago and Oni.ihn . f Miltiiejr must g via ihe citl- waukee and St- - PoU to pm ii tef-iihstjiiathin If It be Cdcsgu nr east thereof. This la a mistaken I km. On a map tLo line itinnimr dirertiy lost and west would look like thl. c- Omaha icgo. Thera Is nothing more sntpi- - Hmr nu e that, ii'il It le i (hs than Tha Chicago. lit-a- -- r. hfeld Wninedi ai. I ho brida'a parent, Mr. od Ur. N,L Elmire, Robt. Rail of Lebi and Martha KUmcre nf thi plies were unit d in tba hr.iy bind of rovtrimony, Jalgi John M .Will officiating; An lit on were preo-aq .o al nta iiu- mu from Bat La3c. n" fmra Bingham, and lut Feylnrville, L bl. J' un-i- th v Atnerlean bii not lewi Fok Ihebrliti di..-- : groom were very nulqnely d.ecd mid tha wdlng tablr fairly groaned ot : r tha loaf of dtebet. Tba Inxunts and tru'liK-uuaffair will h .nit meniber by lbna W in the of brtng present . Amusi'-me'iiwtr indulged in nml How HIaJmsry V. L. Jlalllday occupied the time at the afternoon L tt-- r Dav Salut serrli'sa at the labor Ifatnirca tbU week. I node Sunday aud drllve'cd an lie otherwise. W a were I dlsooura or til law of tithing and obe I dl i . Twr m iroil attendance. three days of ibis ths first Sty I OB important bnslnm Wa lefts good Caun d give a KynopsU of apch aa the man In charge bare and aa- Uditnr was away foni town Buulay tu pew-papthe paper about ready areout o import nt bo&iueM. have to past'd w returned to town. when laaua f'r ruanmaus with 11a got Arauk and skip ad F. W. Bioiim sjioko from Rsr. 8in lay ;,at doing a thing. Si wa hate done ill Be not drived; 0 .d la r.n! tna very baa; wa auid and Isauad The mock'd: for wI.msjtv r a mtu auwh World In two and one hr ir daya without tnat shall lie also reap. Kir ha that the aid of a printer. All will be O. K. 0e.b(ohla flesh eiiall ! the fleab again next weak. corruption; bat he that roweth to th d nit mull nf tin 4nir i iep Ua Local Galatian fl;7H. W now to fl i ny in tamp rsne Ammunition at Steel'a of m u a1 imer; a a mt-loind In Raker, photographei bare now. 1 'ortnoa Inoken fauilll;dililnni IIaif rub paid for uata and wheat at ram n ; a dru ilurd gnv; an-- a dron Jackeoue. b Kod hell. Weviar t thi and rap: loa of npu Miss Bits Ferrer was In town Mju-da- y. lio;iouan-titi-w- ; a diseased body; a wreck d a ul; a Hying eorpas moral leprosy and The public aehoola opn one week from Monday on Sept, 14. We so to tbt flash by aaifcorceill Mrs. Jana Yates of Provo arrived ovratimrtlng onr ablliea, dot nil, i . e for a abort visit Tuesdsy tv Reward Wedding Bella, r I- M-- - Pu-m- t gr-m- I Robt. Payer and w'fe, Geo. Golding I Lake Is In town and la fining up an aud wlfa nod Win. Golding of Salt Laka week. elegant suit of rooms in the Jickson were in town a few dust this kIra will ir, where ha ply block, m-BjVer shows a nnmherof phutusof bum people. The wn k is a sarjpris profession.-- , . ben compared wlb in work or the Mr. Weatharhy reprrr.tlng the Salt iveraue galleries that visit n. your-earaI.uka Herald, was la to a Tliurd) Amna Morsden and wife f Tayloi-vllloffice a Wosld uisde ths and pleasant Weber county, wye la American' Gan-'ra- l call, lie is anilciting subscriptions for Wedneaday to attend the Ball-V.ls paper. smure wedding. Agent, Coin so'ith UoIbk Norm Clifford the little one'yearuld boy of r I i T.'io A. J. Gregory, Travel inu Read down orjrcr. Brad up Ni pay natll yon rerclve the finished Awicn rwkjfuk. Krelgli Sarrltn 2L Ur. and Mrs. Wm. Oakey f Eureka -Rmith - A n, ,r r. ' far increasing ork. Thats ih only njiiarc guarantee S.WJ m Hilt r,g Yv , s.vcm I, uO.in StN South Agent, Sail 2jiI i'n Iilc died Saturday of bronchi;ia and ths fun has been diw 8:43am 09B TjChl guncl. .8:33m .'i.'Sjpui pho o ga'ierv ran offer. Baker offers tillLakeCiiy. eral was held here Uiuday at the his. Now In Anierican Fork. l:S0am 7 lJpW (( IV.' Fork R:S0sm S:l3pm i- - horse V ii Jl it" llBSam cars 5 of Steve Wo :d. Orovu i). K:lam 17pm Pleniuuit The following persons will teach iko'' : ; 8:0bnni VSCpm t. All I have to B:0am T:40pm Pmro m Fork pub'ic sehoola in.-'R. J. Baker anl oi fa from Biughtm In the iiot the cars is to Livery Feed mid Sale Stn-blc- s. Zb PU. IXIMAX. Can. cbl and Tlckrl Aonl - i . l::iva bsen in town for a few daya I t is winter; J. B. Furhs, John ! umbrella sign;. iny D1UAJNON, Oib. ligr , Uinaba, Ntbraika t fc'. i .o lioarA Texas wiih reUtives and old friends. Wootton. CelestU Nash, Vlary Swensso that 1 Mr. daxer Is aagluccr of ths Dtlto'i and Cora Bromley. Rifting. mine and a gentleiutn of ability. l!tr r.rrtiork. Mrs. Lvdia Rowley finish d her ccure Yon have C,dsn ' ir - !i- n-- irr ne w bonnet, Mr. the to dree non started Id of Instructions Mrs. Eva B. Smith and making anil Lake in rb eveniny NOT A SICK DAY . il u ihiiy twenty-eigh- t j and after bieakfauilnp for Chicago Friday evening, they following young ladies Friday, vis: Mrs. doll.:i-..- : , in ihe eiimpt IIMI- - dinlce Two . : Mr. I, Cr. :.t rni.hrs! You. said poets to visit friends and relatives lu Dan Pete, Ml Billh ChrLtenssn, Hit nf Over tv santa Thirty li-- ! Nebraska, Illlnous anl lows before tie Preston, Minnie Brown, Jane Adam- bonnet.' o:;. lit at from three ROUTE, on th ANCaiCAVFdRK Hit IIru-:tqnS- t - son. Chii:vi. dollars to Mr?. Smith RESULT of usnro gees returning. jin ruing, you Hrr.v- - ! - Fine- D.V. Days Mr. !? This IS0U9 Chicago or Si. Limt ngooB boaineis. u Onr people will remember the koto of tho Y i in srehon tn Ht n l to ckly.f1' up. over a were here who linle BENJ. BATES, B. W. Eoblnaon left this week for th nrapliere T.not Via'tnrtnwn runneci with . Ayi-r'CaiUuitip IllU fur overtbirty via,.,,, 1ratIiH for U of Utah W now callage at Logan . II h always baep 1 of th iatompa I Koet. Sonioue fra mi' year linvo bvpt niu in gmul health, ana of the Lrlgheat mala eillzena of Am here with a gallery. Tha work is all IuV in all Unit luul never a airk I'm (he rser f AND having KOIUUJi BUTE BCUOOL. S&.ntR6'r LAKE SALT rlcan Fork, and lisa always bean eon riitlit, and the method of doing huuiee 1 Mit tiine. Before I was twenty miffervd T0l,f:K 1 In edvanen a guartlTT. aithnnt any oy entertainments aoeial j A SANTA FK uected with moat -i aluio.'t poniinu.illy ai a result ot con railmail no other offered antee by gallery. in such ruii1i!l'ii Hllpution from ilpcpai.i, Iicmlar.li, and maay are loathe to sea him and hla prfct Tn next academic year will begin ncurulin, -- r iml'i mill other rruptive that me lng dhUnee in-There was meeting of ths officer family leave tha When 1 became convinced dUiMCs. 16th. September Flyer on tf Pruvo I. M.M. A. at of thaT. today To York Central con d Tbe following eonrsea are proBuL'giaa and Wag on o' all kin J Preparations are hoi ng made fur the to take tuto conslieraiiui the plans for vided. be rqnale.1 if nut excel , repaired tn firt rlisi order at grand annual outing of the American work for the coining eea-o:Th 1 magnlQC'-n- t by Course io General Scivuee priets to bui. the times. Fork annday school. It will take Iran.. v fa'r which hn 2 I'uursa in Liberal Arte. emu Chicago nfi question AM SRI'J V X FORK. OKO.E. UII.VaN n KBIN TON St, I lace on Monday, S pt. 14, at Ohlpman'e 3 Course In Minlug Eng'm en been spoken of In Tu WoaLP so of.eu General Aci ii'l'aM, rg i l. rove. A grand turn out Is exper.tei was also taken up. in nt. 4 tranced Noinisl Cour-e- . all who are resent will have one of i l 53 Wn l S u l Ki ll of these lea-lto l bi-f- a On account jf Lahrir dv the R: those fine times you read about. Rail L.iku S.ire. (,'itv. S-Normal h 8 on Diplonm degree; the . .Grand Western wil - Louis StAve Mthtr law, x nipt t.V iirovislon of As a large number of persona d kets rii between il 7th. rtnn trip auj from ell examination iu l.h asked Prof. W. B. Smith fur anothei stations on Mic line at ene single publid school system. llimial to Sept. 8ih. mlalo class whan tba present one 5. A Four Yeiire Norm (Vi, r 1 ad DR. A. UIIRISTRN4EN. n mu aud in grad-ii- t th flni shea It term, Ite profeor ha in a certifl-aiuo- f mn by Jons j!i whicii Phillip the holder f um Wo- er-e- x here Tucd.t "ondcacandcd to accommodate them of Gibbs were minatinns fora term ut tnd wo are pleased to aLnonneo that for dlHtrbing the peace by nslng priif oie 6 Preparatory Course Lad.iu i the I courses. arrangements are now being made for langaage and being disorderly . Pul c e American Fork, I Utah, ( a new music school. TnlMon Is free in al Judge Jacksond fibded Jones 11.03 aud on Iih nf went w au entrance an hich and only charge they paid For liberality the Rio Grand Western Gibbs $3.00 fee - f ten dollar. - their way, sadder hut wiser men, and mial Rallroudeomnf my troubles wera takes the prise. On hundred free ecu larahtps are that Railway 1 with leas cash in pocket, I the nne uainlalned In connexion with the riimi'il by pants are not generally noted for charl-- I of Aycr'u Pill, with tbu mo.l ealiifao-t-r- y Ir appl'Chtlon tabic acta but the Rio Grand official cxmniion party, cniiRlstlog of Nuunsl SehiKil:such rPKiiil. iicv-- t must to having a Sngl to Lo the right I I', Rohios m and Councilor lava shown thcnua-lvejit.-b- l lie made to the S ate k tii.-i-l of to this ivindof people by putting lip to thalpggQof a ran lean Fork, Jus. Pablic Instruction through the County rpi.-ily- . My wifp. nlut bail hern nn school 13 per cent of the rc' I emun and BUhop Jus. Thorne of Plea-IrvaMil f,.r Jr.VS llllll to umi durrlntnrtiit. binee th last r.idrmc year, a thnr Aj-r'- i I'ill. ! Iit bralLli way quickly tho sale of tickets tothe Son ant Qrov from dim Taylor aud aa'ifirr its I bal ikk In ' Lpntlvmn Wi'.b in .rqni'iped Training Schocl has and Civil Ejgin oughiy ...y school ontlng at Caatllla. been vsuMisi I on th University iiimiI, all iluir uilmpntx weru or McAllister and his Hd from Bat grounds: a gyni'iasoim and n manual ir'.(pibil In i iiis;iiai!n,i, nn-- I wain Tien Bennett started f.r California want no to Silver l ike thl, week tramiUK department have bcn added Lake li:ui Hip ;imiii. i.f biiuwinq tliat wilb Ill mission. two yeuw Wednesday for Kntraucn examination may be held! rbiMriu wall and main calculation for t he Illla, tbelinm-Mii- f uu-- ! wife aecompanlrd him as far a Salt to survey the at i n all ilangrr nl applicant if lu i'll in k, .,1111. We hope to give, reservoir, new of joint mail der tha euperv'i-lothe County ali'kni!-'...- II. Wri-muLake. Ben la a promising young Hymn, III. m Important explanagraduate of accreditwith numerous friends end be will no onr reader tba matter next ed eeho-il- may be admitted without exdonht do BOBie good work. Wo wish tion concerning amination. wick. FOR GOOD PRINiNG him a happy lime. ' For cat slug uf s and other information SUOK3! SHOES! SHOES! CALL AT Fair. liWorlds at Honors WASTED. Dr. J. jaliln-rreeldeiit tigHect Talmage, A Lew upily of tha wellknowd J Mrs. Dr. J B.i:or()3ranil family left milch o' llie Uiiive:sity.er the unrlerelgne.1. some first cl To pure' vwsiiymfli Slrcq1lKi tki Spin. Mullai make for Ludirs Gents and cl tl the whore Ail-- n. Tor Idaho, 11. By' D. WORLD of M. D. UnlverdlT Rrzburg, Friday Mecreiary, Creamery. cows. Kn.inire at I j D ub, Balt JLmt-Wh donorhsa prepared a nice homo. AiMsriesn Fork, Utah. 4ry.ltiMT4dai Uanklijl, 1- up-sta- Hiar Cutting' e. F-r- Ul ISTi , r-.- r.i-a- r real-denc- Ami-rlca- CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS and Vm-rle- . - vfk EAST! 't Only : For i I Years! fe Henry Lee Runs hacks to all trains; i AYERS PILLS i' University f.t j. American m- Route Fork Wagon Works r, i. n. and Si'i-on- s s-- ll, Uu-eai- p. feu-Ticket- s 1 arrid - DENTIST t-- BEST LINE rtgi-urati.i- n niiif-tinli- TO s li-l Dlck-Sund- ii-- ay rt-- p1. - Nyi-r'- a n " AYER'S PILLS in; THE OFFICE |