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Show T I I the eaansa Is wound the childs system by the parent. It CORNER. In vith ons of the toughest materials, SCIENTIFIC has been shown that germs bora with tulle of wire, In the world. ths child will either develop Into true first layer of hide Is tightly CURRENT NOTES OF INDUSTRY tuberculosis or will bo destroyed by the GOOD SHORT STORIES FOR THK wonLl to the muzzle of the growing health - giving forces of tho system. OLD SOLDIERS. AND INVENTION. The Major's Oppartmally, giL Jnd hack toward the breach, again Much strew has been laid upon the to the muzzle, and back until a number But be well knew the end bad not fact that whole families die of conto Ilia Caaatrv of eucceselve layer have thua leea The Tree of lbs Traveler Myth yet come. In the night the British bad Tha Ufa sag Sar.li-aalmost Immediately upoa sumption Sheet Hereditary pleeeeee The af tha Lata William L Maiey A wound on, and the promising piece of dragged three camion to a spot within their majority. It is aald reaching 250 yards of the fort, and In ilia mornhas grown several Inches In Creak, needles tha Markets that, of course, this disease must be Army Klla Hsoa MaS artillery was Are but the renewed, ing light It la then placed in a diameter. with Mew leveetlees Csaaeo. hereditary, but this Is only a superfiowing to the vigilance of George Croof dry, hot air and allowed to draught cial view of tho caw. It can saally ho little but damage. ghan produced HE elma are-olla harden. When the hardening and curFour o'clock lu the aftenioou came. ODERN solanoe Is shown that environment has much to the village, The British general was Incoming desAs ing process la complete the perserver-In- g gradually dispoalng do with this apparent heredity. A shelter from perate. Ills steady fire provoked no patriots have a really serviceable conditions and tendenust the stated, of of a many great return, lie could nofsee that he had rain and sun. weapon, which will stand a greater the myths with cies are hereditary. If the pareat has brought the fort one whit nearer to a i The May w 1 n d a train than manufacturers of modern all th children ought, acsurrender. Ills Indians were becoming which travelers tuberculosis murmake a would readily believe. The artillery to accepted notions, naturally cording to discouraged, and something must be have delighted mur raw-hid- e resistance of this weather-drie- d dona. Tlio clouds were heavy now and to fall vletlme to this dread disease. spellbound regale Aa over tha is next to metal, and these rudely the bellowing of the approaching thunaudiences. A par- But we frequently see caeca In which boughs they constructed cannon have proved far der Increased the confusion. Tba mobefore run. ticularly entertain- oae or more children may die never rn ant tor which the boy officer bad more satisfactory than thou mads whlla others reaching maturity, been come. had been waiting ing story hu from cut bronze, one of which at the how any symptoms whatever of tubertold of a tree beRealising that the northwest angle "Tls piste first s in hundred fire burst piece. In his culosis condition. This provw that was the weakest spot defense, same to the but a sweeter sound, longing One of these home-mad- e comblnatloa lfaj. Croghan bad brought the Good la called the the germa may kava been very active la the anvil's merry ring, wood and rawhide cannon la aald to order as the banana. It Bass' there, ellent for a long time now, of the cobbler. the And of because the large In the one caw and lacking lu th traveler's tree, Up, Up and loading her with a half charge of have withstood 104 charges of powder as wheels mill And the stored la other. Be that as It may. It la high sing. be to water they said powder, he filled her to the muaale before beooming useless. The projec-tle- s quantity of s. Sensa- time that the hereditary aeare should the of the sheaths with shot and slugs. But he bad for It were made of scrap iron, be don away with, and that people masked her in such a way that her A long, long mile Is the vlllsge, travelers are of accounts tional given round stones end clay who have for with weak minds sad weaker lunge and When the cxen draw the wain; presence was unknown. There also he water sought days balls. New York Journal. had stationed the Kentucky sharp-hooter- s, And long to the feet of the children. and who, at ths sight of one of throats should apend much of their and he knew he could depend And long to the funeral train. these trees begin to weep and about time In warm weather in riding, drivupon them. The decisive moment for arhad by turns, then to run with what little ing, long walks and boating, although which be had been planning Tbe Dasz.ni. Army Rlfla, Is to thicket The the wain latter la not considered ao healthgone southon the rived. Feigning an attack strength they have to the plant, grup the as For the iromatlc pine. Something for sportsmen to oonalsu ful tha wbwl, or other forma of exern side, CoL Short suddenly led hla and fill themwlvea with the stalk seriously, If they Intend to get one of ercise that take out upon higher British soldiers In two close eolumne The children ere off to the pictures all are stories liquid. Theu the new army rifles, la the With the slowly moving kins; against the northwest angle. Leaping of ground and out of reach of possible a well with very many grains good into the ditch and calling to hla men to great penetration of the bullets. One and malarial districts. fellow, the angry colonel shouted: And the tongue In the belfry Is tolling of the bullets would kill a man through salt. There are trees of this kind, hut la there water in leaf the stalks, iTive the Yankees no quarter I" four-foa spruce tree, or a cow a mile To many a hill and glen. Th Blayal HMa Now! Let them have It!" shouted That a soul, like the mlet of a morning. and more away. No ordinary tree can tha plants grow in regions where It so week a that of the nine brings some new device Every the excited boy officer, when ha saw greater time, part one to be of these atop Will never come back again. depended upon the ditch full .and the sharpshooters there la no difficulty In getting water of value to ths wheel. Last waek alone and it half travel bullets, easily might and Good Bess spoke together. The a mile through dense woods and hit a whenever It le desired; besides the tree nearly a score of new appliances ware masked port flew open, the slugs and Oh, a merry time for the living, man far out of sight with deadly effect i extremely tell, and the leaves are placed on the market which will cerWith the high boughe overhead; grapeshot poured into the ditch and the Stream and Field next very top. It would therefore be tainly be adopted by wheelmen. Among that the side. down says arose on And the cries a ana every poplars Lombardy by groan for the person to climb to the them Is a bicycle lamp whleh la held our of necessary states a dead! legislature game great Another column of British advanced home for the Is aunny should pass a law prohibiting the use top In older to get at the leaves at all. and again the "Good Besa spoke. This was enough. The British turned and of a jacketed bullet, because of the dan- - This would be a serious undertaking fled and loft the colonel, who bad cried William a. Msrsy. mth of sf ger to human beings. Another argu- - j for a man at deaths door from thirst, uo out to give the Yankees quarter, ment It offers In favor of such a law The trees, however, are useful to the an G. died at William early Marcy and feebly dying among the dead, will have great Influence on the men natives, and are much employed for Peo7 Old March at Crocker the hour f of waving his handkerekli-- on the end who do not wish to wound without various purposes. The bark le flat his sword and begging for that mercy ples home, to which he moved with This class of on Nov. 30 last to spend th Mlllng the game. tened and makes very good floors; the he himself had refused to offer. tta Is for large game unless leaves are made Into drlnklug-veaaelAll night the Isty officer stood on the remainder of hla days. The Alamed oft pointed." It uyi, a It rarely kills ramparts and lowered tails of water Argus says of the deceased: "Wllllai platw and other utenalla. They are to the wounded. lie dared not open George Marcy had been a prominer istantly, but allows the game to die worked Into mate and are used the but of tor fear treachery, the gatps rom Internal hemorrhage and in ter-ibof this state. H figure in the d thatching and walla on the huts. It la young commander dug a was born In historyN. Y in Octobci agony out of reach." When such Troy, were to follow these wild and wounded trench, by which the ' rifle Is used for big game a bullet interesting 1818. After finishing his education h stories to their source, when brought into the fort. vialonary hat mushrooms should be employed, It le almost What think you were his feelings engaged In the banking business li alwaya found that although g, next day when he wrote Tippecanoe Albany and New York. At the age o fhe mushrooming bullet will kill la a shadow of truth In them there as It goes clear through an elk. hat he had held Fort Stephenson with 21 he wu made paying teller of th there le nothing specially remarkable. ? the loss of one man killed and seven Bank of Commerce in New York. Ii moose or deer, and the force of the im- - i are merely useful things, valu . wnniH i, i, wounded, against the British Proctor, 1848 he was commissioned a captain lr. nut 7 In able certain 125? lines, but wholly dealt who lost in killed and wounded of the the commissary department tute of the marvelous qualities at- And what waa done for the boy offiUnited States army and was assigned cer? Gen. Ilarrleon, when he unuer-atoo- d to to them. trlbuted duty with and accompanied the first that escape from Fort Stephen- company Crass and Crssrsnt. volunteers of New York son would have been impossible, could Young Student writes to ua for some j OlMOMfiitM n. Batter. not praise him enough In his dispatch- (Stevenson's regiment) to California. A foreign scientist has been expert' "He arrived at San Francisco March Particular In regard to the battle of es. the ladles of Chllllcothe gave him a beautiful sword, congress voted him 20, 1847. Monterey was the military Toure. Answer: The battle of Toure mentlng with butter and oleomargar Ine In order to discover their relative the thanks of the nation and twenty-tw- o headquarters of the department of the was fought on the eleventh day of A. D. 732. It was the great years later presented him within-a Pacific, and he succeeded Gen. Shermar It la a trifle unfortun In a rubber cushion in such a maiiur digestibility. waa officer gold medal. The boy between Christian civilization ate In hla duties at that poet He remained had to be choaen for tha aa to that dogs to every movement of the deed old enough to command and until In md Saracenic barbarism for tbe em- experiments, aa to a certain extent the wheelrespond charge until after the clow of tb without wobbling or Jarring tha his death, which occurred at New Or- Mexican testa proved nothing. Why a scientist, lamp. In addition, air Inlet holes are war. He was secretary of pire of the world, and has therefore leans In 1849, wherever he went he constitutional oonventloa, whin been considered an event of the highest a professional, should go so far afield arranged at the aide and bottom in nsed to hear a song written In hla was held at Monterey, and waa aeac The Christian hosts were might well be wondered at The ques- such a manner aa to give a complete significance. honor, one stanza of which was: elated with the late Washington Bari ommanded by Karl Martel (or Charles tion naturally arises: Of what use are and Sound, oh, sound Columbia's shell! thorough draught Thla question letl. at one time mayor of San Frai ha Hammer a namtj given him for experiments lp digestion when they of High the thundering pean raise! proper draught for th lamp has swell Let the echoing bugles dsco and afterward governor of Cal Is prodigious prowess and are tried upog creatures so unlike hu been a one for a long time, crashing perplexing Loudly answering sound hla praise! ferula. In the first state printing offli Iowa In battle), and the Saracens by man beluga In many reapecta? Be In the device mentioned it aeema to. but Tls Sandusky's warlike boy, 1853 af California. In CapL Marcy wi a chieftain of great cause a dog can digest oleomargarine It have been ntlsfkctorlly eolved. A Crowned with victorys trophy. not necessarily follow that a child appointed paymaster in the Unite :lent, courage and experience. Comes! Up does States navy by President Pierce, li man can do so, therefore the ex' simple new bicycle bolder, known as or a i that of Moaelm shouts the arise Joy, hosts had point, ye High tho quadrant. Is now on tha market It filled this poaitlon for seventeen year beat the Sound the trumpets, vept the world, victorious over all perlmenla, as far aa any actual value Is made of cast Iron and contains a oe ar seeing service in various parts of th drums! Different creatures pponenta, and their proud chieftains world. One of hla cruiaea waa In th. have different capacities, and what will trough with a base for fastening Philadelphia Inquirer. Did frigate Cumberland when ehe wa. digest and assimilate in one epeclea against the wall. Tbe trough la curved, MALLKMT OF AM. NATIONS. Ibe flagship of the African squadron. may act exactly tbe opposite way in so as to embrace the wheel for a apace of twenty-tw- o Inches and hold It firmly The Cumberland wae sunk during Unanother. It was found that up to Tavoralo, an Island Wear Sardinia, civil war by the confederate ironclad and securely. Through either end of certain tbe matter point Distinction. oily Claims the digested precisely alike, the oleomargarine tak the flanged base are holes for holding Some of the encyclopedias and many Merrlmac in Hampton roads, her crew a broadside while sinking. When d'KHt lhan butter' wh,ch screws When the support le screwed newspapers have commented oil the Bring anu laden with Incomputable to the wall and the wheel secured ' smallest Independent country in the he retired from the service he engaged lory led bis countless In the grain and commission business thereto it le Impossible to remove it world, and have given the credit therefor to either Andorra nr Snn Marino. In San Francisco until 1878. Hla home myrmidons to pluck from the Cbris- - j without tearing It to pieces A late issue of tbe Westminster Gawas In Alameda, where he wag greatly tlane their richest treasures, collected A training device for wheelmen le to in authorities lask. these the naallira of St. Martin or Tours zette takes respected, having been a member of one of the latest unique Inventions also ns to mistaken are a shrine In which the profouudeat declaring that they the board of city trustees. Capt. Marcy It consists of a standard holding an adItlryrlwi for War Fgrpwis the government which can lay claim to veneration of the church cenwas also aa a son of William L. Marcy, who A blcyrle designed for military purjustable saddle and handle bar and during President Pierce's admlnietrx-- j tered. The cupidity and fanaticism of poses, which differs In many respects carrying pedal cranks. In addition '.ion was regarded aa one of the ablea: the Moslems combined to make them now In use, baa been put there is a fly wheel, sprocket wheel and from those t :i teamen and brightest politicians in fiercely desire the pillage and overupon the market by a firm of manu a hand brake. To this contrivance la the country. lie was a Justice of the throw of thla Illustrious sanctuary. In Dresden, Germany. ' facturers It la suitably attached a spring Indicator Supreme court of New York, afterward They therefore took their way thither, and may be carried by aeale, which records the speed of the becoming state controller, and was then and Karl and hla shaggy giants of the soldier in the same a knapsack. machine. The device la to be used in aa way chosen senator. He bad not completed North met them near Tours. For hla term aa senator when he waa urged eight days the armies were In sight of An Ingenious device makes It possible training for races, but whether It has to stand aa a candidate for the gov- each other, slight skirmishes keeping to fold It together and open It without any particular advantages remains to use of any tools, and from tbe be seen. ernorship. He did so, was elected, and alive the ardor of either host, until at the held the office three consecutive terms. length, on that memorable eleventh of whole process of converting It from He was secretary of war during the October, at earliest dawn, with one loud For mark Fjtm. Mexican war and during President shout of Allah-AkbIt la often the raan that people meet (God la great), Pierce's administration waa secretary the wild Moslem horsemen with acrldenta and bruises that cauaa charged of state, with additional luster to hla like a tornado upon their foe. disfiguring discoloration from which The reputation. The Marcy home In Ala- Koran and the Bibl- e- Islamism and they suffer not a little embarrassment meda waa at 2603 Santa Clara avenue, ind annoyance. It la worth while to Christianity met In that terrible at the corner of Broadway, and was shock. Each know that there la a simple remedy, forth its antagonism put sold shortly before hla withdrawal to beat and one quite within the reach of every efforts, and fought its bravest and the Crocker home. He waa a prominone. Immediately arier the accident, A1I day long the ImpetuIta fiercest. ent member of the Society of California ous mix an equal quantity of capsicum of fierce the horsemen were charges ' annuum Pioneers and waa buried under the with mucilage made of gum and all day long inoessantly renewed, auspices of thla organisation. arable. To this add a few drops of tho brave Franks withstood their onglycerine. The bruised surface should sets without flinching a hair. be' carefully cleansed and dried, then battle-cr- y unceasHam-Ma- d ringing Wssdn Cannon. painted all over with the capsicum There growa In the Interior of Cuba ingly pealed above the horrid din of preparation. Use a camel brash battle-a- x and Karla battle, ponderous a peculiar tree, with a winding grain. allow It to dry; then put on the end fell Incessantly upon the turbaned The wood la remarkably tough, and to second or third roat as soon aa tha heads of his foes. About four o'clock tb Fort. split it by ordinary means la almost an In flrat la entirely absorbed. A medical the the were Saracens afternoon, Is authority for the statement being the smallest Independent terri- Impossibility. When wanted for mili- thrown Into ronfualon Journal by an attack tory on the globe, and says that the po- tary purposes the tree la felled, a sec- on that If this course la pursued immediIn and their tbeir and off camp to rear, islet an sition belongs Tavoralo, tion some five feet in length and one after the injury, discoloration of the northwest coast of Sardinia. Its foot In diameter is selected and cut, then Karl ordered his Iron legions to one form to the other does not require ately bruised tissue will be tho preslae is three miles long and They more than half a minute. The wheels vented. It Is also said thatwholly the bark la removed, and all knots and advance in solid phalanxra. remtbla of a mile broad .and its populaare ao are low down Imre and pneumatic that and all tires, obeyed, opposisouls. uneven places on the surface dressed tion. edy is unequaled aa a cure for rheution numbers exactly fifty-fiv- e In vain did rage; the rider, by simply dropping hla feet matism or stiffness of the neck. From 1830 to 1SK2 the Islet was gov- down. Tbe embryo cannon la then hla from the can stand horsemen the went down pedals, before upon fiery erned by one Paoloto, who had all the placed on rude trusses and a bore burned In It with whitehot crowbars the Christian warriors like twigs before ground without dismounting from the authority of a king, hut when he died How t Prevent Kneetreke. Three hundred and machine. For war purposes thla, of in the hitter year be advised the in- or round iron pipes from the sugar the avalanche. An English physician baa discoverla of e Promicourse, thousand habitants to form a republic, which mills. This Saracens fell great advantage. ed that sunburn la produced by peneburning out of the Interior seventy-fivwas done. All the adult islanders, that day. but only fifteen hundred nent German military authorltlra to women equally with men, have votes, icrves to still further toughen the Franks. trating light rays and not by at Europe had driven back Asia, whom the bicycle has been submitted all. The face of a victim of and every six years a president Is wood. While the bore la being burned, sunburn have been advanImpressed with lie elected for thnt period. Nominally the green ox hldea are rut into long strips and once more triumphant o'er tbe la not only swollen but pitted and at tages. and have expressed their ap- the bottom of each island la claimed by Italy, but no at- by commencing In the centre and work- Crescent waved the Cross. pit the microscope It. of control proval tempt Is made to exercise any dike lose a freckle. ing toward the outer edge, as you would from there or from the near Island of peel an The physician who bas made thla Inapple. Why Mot Olid the I.llyT Sardinia. Deseret News. lUreriltary DIiuum. When all la In readiness, one end of teresting discovery claims that sunRose gold, which la in reality a glidAt last, after fighting off tbe subject stroke can be averted this rawhide band, which la about three ing over silver, la tbe latest novelty by wearing a hat HlKblr Appropriate, for many years, the scientist baa been and ciothea of an orange hue. mebna in width, is spiked to the wooden for purse and lmg clasps, chatelaines, No remUncle George, what la a valedictan non, near the breech. A lever, or and the equipment of the toilet table. forced to the conclusion that many dis- edy la found to be ao satisfactory as the eases that appear to be so are by no use of pigments. A lady who wore tory? bar, la attached to the butt. Two or Tbe name in appropriate means hereditary. "It's the farewell address the girl three stout negroes grasp the arms of and suggestive, singularly They have found a blouse with red and while stripes fur the peculiar qualgraduate reads to her weeping elass-mate- s the bar, and slowly turn the hollowed ity of the gilding is a warm, rosy tint that the tendency to a disease may be had red stripes Imprinted oa her the night before she packs her but In maladies like Shoulders underneath the white, while transmitted, on its auporta. The band of green that Is not sufficiently defined to trunk to visit among them all sum- log tuberculosis la no good reason the akin under the red stripes remained there bids a la kept uaidsr strain, and la thla pink. mer." Chicago Record. to believe that the germe are Implanted normal in color. New York World. set faces, the men stood to their work. The boy officer was everywhere. Ills example tired his men, and as e a used from place to place many a cheer went up for the youug commander. William Connor and Us Indian (Hides stood before the youthful major of Fort Btephenaon ,tuo former as bearer of dfepatrkea from Gan. liar rlaon, recommending the evacuation. If the commander deemed It risky to attempt to hold It It was, however, at flrat a question whether the bearer of the dispatch would convent to deliver it to the young officer la charge ao ary young did he appear. you Maj. Orofban !" aald Connor, looking at the alight, smooth-face- d young man before him. Not much! You cant fool me. Youre but a boy. 1 want to see the nothing commander of this fort." Im Maj. Croghan, replied the young man, his face flushing and his I'm twenty-on- e yes snapping. years eld, old enough to command this garrison of one hundred and sixty-sevemen, and old enough to put yon In hona If you don't hand over that dis- VETERANS CORNER. way the core of ''V e le Daru n patch Instantly! I swan! said the rustic Oenoer, suer his breath, as without another word he handed the letter of Gen. Harrison to the boy officer. You wait right here, said the major as soon as he had read the letter, and leaving the astonished messenger, who still appeared to be unable to con oelve how a boy should be In command leaf-stalk- ed life-givi- ot i i i Jiul-usel- a, le kind-hearte- U. any-hln- Teciaitk Uravea. of such a post, he hastily summoned his officers, and after a very brief consultation returned with the following letter to Tippecanoe: Sir I have just received yours of yesterday, 10 o'clock p. m., ordering me to destroy this place and make good my retreat, which was received too late to be carried into execution. We have determined to maintain this place, and by heavens we can. The next day the watchers at the fort saw the British gunboats, a mile away, coming up the river. Theyre coming! They're coming, shouted the guard, and the men, frightened and pale, obeyed the word of the boy officer, and wheeled the one the fqrt possessed, and which had been banted the Good Bern," Into position. But Proctor's four hundred regular! and bis Indians paid no attention to the Good Bess," and coolly proceeded to arrange their forces to attack the fort and cnt off every possible escape. When all was ready Gen. Proctor sent three of his officers ahead with a flag of truce, demanding the Instant surrender of the fort. Young Maj. Oroghnn sent another Kentucky boy officer, Lieut. Shipp, to meet them, while he himself stood upon the ramparts watching the conference. sr Rrlaul to Surrender. At first tlic British officers demanded the surrender of the fort, hut when young Shipp coolly refused, they began to plead, urging their inablliiy to restrain the Indians. "Remember the River liaising," said Col. Elliott We do remember It, replied young ghlpp angrily, and that Is enough. i Oc-tog- dealh-atrugg- la th-flr- i an , ! coll.-ipaalil- mr ar 'e-h- Drfnllsi "It la a great pity," said Capt. Dixon, beseechingly, that ao fine a youngla man ta you, and aa your commander reInto the planted to be, should fallGod's ske lands of oarages. Sir, for mrrender and prevent a dreadful mas- "wiien thla fort la taken, repliedmaasaIhlpp, "there will be none to Look out, Shipp, called oat Maj. aeen an Irnghan suddenly. He bad Indian stealing upon hla companion11 In, Shipp, and we joy officer. "Come How them all Into another world, young md the interview ended as the lieutenant hastened Into the fort. their atAt once the British began flue tlielr AU long tack night but played upon the atockad.Good without any aerlona effect. The Bees was taken from one block house to another to give the Impression that W hat would Eho fort had more guns. Proctor have thought If he bad known the boy officer had only one cannon, md that his ammunition was soon so low he dared not Are that oftu? Bags f (our and land were piled against fro wash places, ami. wltn grimy and er three-quarte- rs to-co- I i |