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Show n . TEE WOULD. rntillahed Wtekly, !? J. F. FsrfHr of slater of tbla plve. No ana In ordinary fiiflTtr. yeetoflee, American Fert far tranemiuion threvgK Ac anil at cnni f cUm matter. Metered One Tear al iht health need remain Renrwer. of Joa. brick residence loom now era Jamea Airhole aud Cba. so also with style, ..gl.OOtag up jn great t Advance. .. i JffsstAe . . .in i. The new MentXe iver' j, ! 3 o .. - . i lay $10Q; for anywhere can get any we re else for the same money j BXTRAV TIRES ETC. : EPA.IR.I1TC3- ZE? r , Come wheels. t CO, .: i r'f-tr- , Touch Magic 0 d Aspen-Grlenwoo- . i AMBBICI ; js iu pinauri, CTA1 FOBS. The Only Line Running: Through Free Chuir Carsr COMPLETE Hocds Sarsaparilla From Ogden and Butt Lake City to Lradfi.le, Dmvs', Intermediate points. ATARRH You smile at the idea. But if you are a sufferer from And Indigestion, try a bottle, and a down doses, fore you have and BO jouwill involuntarily think, leav Ahkjobr ticket agent for ticket via thj 5)iorado Midland, Trains ; 4. and arrive at B. G W. D.pnt - That Just HitsItP C. A BROVTX; Genl Agt,.S iU lAke-Ult- (l Hoods S Cures ills core Urrr ilia, consUpattm. bilious ueu.)a nuclei, slrk UrsUv-hn-. iccilrd'-a- Moods F Piltoai nHibiatachMicaBddMp-Maia- ibimn partthanytar-hiinMyapluBHa- tar caM iwg noM m htdiw. Emulsion Is the standard emulsion the world over. There is not a man, woman or child who is run down or emaciated or has weak lungs that Scott's Emulsion will not benefit. When you ask for It you will .likely be told by the druggist that,, ,he has an emulsion just as gooa." It Is net true. No emulsion Is as good. Scott's Emulsion has benefited millions cf people. Ask your druggist if he can refer you to a single case that has been helped by the unknown emulsion he sells, and if so, we will send you a book giving thousands of cases. You want the standard; not something that nobody knows anything about. Ail F. Bailey. G. P. A , D Goto. 'aver yaa and ga cayo n advica (as. t a, id Btaad (lr. U W. skAtc- Tu-ihhwd. .luiHi aad yaMre lbs aad ad aarvaaa vlauv, curat dyahytla Pries. Sri O.'wIbarea . Kldaiy aid Uvrf Care iho kdatya. Kvtr aad Maddto iraa an dlaaUti Pries, l cr. biOlia. Dr. 1 Shoraa' Caagh Carerara aiS as aril 1 and hnmehial aXMtioa. Oaa dost croup. JCaty a Mila la dw huuaa. patandlc w Z,vlnl IG E-LTS- 4 k , . ' t BMA All Kinds or MDsiCdL ixotrithentS eOliMh onl pots Si wa alaato. fur hndacha, po',C ll aawraaBy pr eulic .acon'sia, Pravraid- - and cuv dipmnana aaiad la ' I'c handv. Pnc. huill lias Keep a . Dr. O. W. Shart' Prprin Vrrmlluga daarava a Htlla naad rmwva Jha .niMiinal worm and Frio hm lhay hatch aad breed. Il aavtr la. rDr.'a"vV. Share' Wlatargraaa Salva are a akla. Kmkjvm rad iron aad hitch jlMiin of tha maptra froa lha fact, hast od aores ia J M I days. Pill Dr. 5. W ltarM' carta chronic eonatipaMon. nek haadachaand haaaa a . Pried, dc a buttla. Tliraa faaoua raaadm are prararad w.ly v Dacha Q. W. Shunt, Z ea l dwdKoi laauiata, SaSlahs Cay. Utah. Miacka. FOII ?ALK STlfBLE AXP Cq. BV hTLUEili TIME i.v stoci. Vr ALL KIND IN GIISAT VAR KTE-i- . PICTURES, BOOKS. ALBUMS, ETC. S not select one day iiLthb ye;ir to give away We give prizes trorn our 25 aivl 50 ceut Counprizes. ters every ilay. N. B. Wo do 1000 Prizs Away Thi GHven .. DJiED. TKESTAiR'SAlSoOIiT I . id dT R. K. THURKTUN. PflUP. 20ih IN AFFECT iFBIL XiST. 2, 8:17 a. m. No. 6, 2:31 p. m. Nd. V, p. m. I Wines 190C. WERT. 11:24 n. m. riSE No. K, 4:19 p. .11. SPECIALTY CIGARS No. 7, 0N2 a. m. S'. Cigas Etc. Liquors LINE OF BRANDI Ed ibiVAYJ 1. O.N FiNILT OiinsR i HAND. "TBZ SILVER CLUB" AND "THE LA A SPECIALTY FLUKErTE." rORT WINK F JR FAMILY CSV TWENTY FlYE CENTS PER qTART. I Tm Mil Scntt' nmalatnn, - rrnttantfi .u IWWNE. ChemUts. Nrw York 3. II. lABCOCK, D.C. Dodge. Merrill, LrCiL Billiard and Pool Boom in Connection. Traffic ug'r Grn vg'b L'.G. AGENT. F. A. WiDLEIUU, INIRICAN Gen pass agt UTAH FORK I p. KdlOHjIsr BEOi ANDREW ADAMSON County Surveyor S. U. CU Mineral Deputy Surveyor. OF MANUF ACTURER Fork. Iron Allkituls of Tin, Sheet Mine air Furnace. and Fork. Amr-rlca- iljuj Alvah Lewis 11. J OITicc hours. 2 lo 5 way-Care- American Fork CU s: P. M. James Newton. THE 65c Practical Horso-she- r AND Blacksmith. - AMEBIC VBtofwjialkKdfi. i AN FORK. UTAH. - n Repairing - " Utah OPENING! GRAND - - Utah. Hot short notice. Fork American D. rhysicia n a ml Surgeon; lagrnt ami Coppor Fork ;i ppecialty. done on NOTARY PUBLIC. DtJ if- Fine Stock ofvlToys Silvermarev-- . rX-ckinaware aud Glassware crockeryware Us, GOOD druggif SCOTT YiT aadt crr s. U V writa Dr. G. W. d. .'llr'fMrarjM'llaantal" , ,'w Through Sleeping Cars, The wily remedy gvarastord to ehsalataly vredleeU the nre catarrh aadcnaiplrulr Slscase treat the bleed end System. FULL SIZE, $i.00i TRIAL SIZE, SSe. cneialM dm fsB wmlSI Each fuN sire That soothing effect Is a Eugta sat tup Mih's surety et Cstanfe touch!" Hood's Sarsaparilla genllv lecel neaiaMal, analb'a auspiye Bala aadare Hnlisf tones end strengthens the stomach Blood aad Sloaaeh CSi. Hay and digestive organs. Invigorates ths U yes hava Caiant, Aatiaa. BrascUa CuafUcatedaS ciaadihtMaSnaii livsr, create a natural, healthy desire Ftvoraraay CoaHtw Ducwr or Shon' luMa tor food, gives refmlilng sleep, hnJ krncMai kap. Cura wUI ghra Wuum niiat aad caaphtaiy In sliort, raises the health tone of tiS Catarrh ' tndparaiaiMnily csrayoa. ot Dr. G. W. II itw buwrla anr coBHtfoird taka entire system. Keiucmlwr rtaura and ell ' BOTH LOCAL AXD 1XTEBMAL. be-n-b Onlorada Syrlnga No Change of Ctirg, Finest scenery fnd elegant Equip- ment LIRE. Dyspepsia - , DOCTOR G.W. SHORES cr .' Denver, Colorado Springs Cripple Creek Victor Leadyille , ;. Springs aa.d AND ALL PONTS EAST f- styia' Wnfietei AsWtkgisav 's. tc. The Short Lint Tonworial artist ikeegwetoitet. 4 COLORADO MIDLAND RY WOODS. STETEP 'V ' - Joseph i:, .- 4 , BEOTS HOT Springs - stud see our Jr tr' - . 9cx b r V ' ose and better than you V' i2 1 Becks is the Best. cod a wheel as you will 'JHinsflt tit - HOT SPRKTGS ' B! until BATHING in tha day time 25cts from t1 . 1 s,;- . i. .V tiM h , v , pH' - sT v o'clock 35ctt, u Ple-umt- Sl 5 1 n r7 CDS. ! Items. Pleasant $25:00 Saved- - The beat aave la tba world for eute, v bruises, sores, ateem, sa.'t rheum, going, to sorea, tetter, chapped bands, chilblains! corns and alUkln eruptions, and tow-- Si fir lively eureap'lea.or no pay requited.! ifTCCk C ' W It Is gusrsuteid to give perfset atllad I dsL.fia SA factiou or mom y refunded. per box. Fur ssl iby Thus. S'.erle A Co, getting ypur bicycle. Boleys new brick buslnera block. Some days aothlmt will route out right, from ths Urns yon rise till yon Grove retire. Ten to one, the trouble la la Pleasant Grove la farnleblDg her yourself. Tour blosd la la bad condlton Quote of peddleri. la time paat the and every organ suffers In roneeqnrnee trait that is now bandied by team, Wbu yon need la tbe dean sing, end from which the people and invigorating influence of Ayar'a Sirs, peddlnra receive a few dollare wee dried parllla. end placed on the market. We bare a fair erop of apples, pcaehea and Theeanseoraacnrlty agalnet auddan emergencies freme roup aud bronehltla plama. thnaa who era provided with a Farmera are about 'hrongh with hay felt byof Averse CWry Pectoral, would bottle lor, and the hum of the thresher be cheaply purchased at tea tlmei tbe remlnde one that full I near. Wa bare of that remedy. In all lung twoatram thrasher In the town, owned ost by Uaykew & Oo. and Kelwm & CO HORNLESS CATTLE. The drat named placed respectively, on their eeparator a new Invention fo Vahid II Wa raMllila to Brasd ruaUma , staking straw thin dolor avar witi Of lata there huTWaaV been leas said on the tbe labor of thr-- men In order t of dehorning cattle than was Subject meat this lha Nelson eoinpaiy cot tb written and said a year or two ago. bo pries of threshing from elpM bushel far ww understand the sentiment of n tbe hundred to ala boehcla. As asm the cattle handling community it hae a Msyhew1 A Co. learned tbla the resolved itself to remora the bona 'on want them one better and announced bulls, vicious eowa and steers that are to that they were In the Held for fire ha fatted for the ahamldew. Good, wall So yon aee the farmera are settlor behaved cows will not aa a rule be dismantled of their bora appendagus. It la tbe benefit ef the rut hiring grate certain that the shorthorn breeders and threaded for five hnahel on the bundre-an- the hreedon will never consent to Jersey airaw stack 0 In the bargain. removal of the horna On the conUr. Ad 'maou, our aalronkebp, trary they will devote much time, skill lutob's new quarters, Rumo and expense la filing, scraping, coloring dm it that other pertlaa will open at eed polishing We headgear of their psl in the aama bnelneea In tba rid qurteis animals. Tho average cattle handlers, though, Thuawo will bare competition and Would prater cattle without horns, obaap drinka ef them doubt tho proprieA great many of oar yonog turn and though many of dehorning. Mr, Mow, of the ty are making arrangement! to Windsor farm, baa given tba subject of s..eiid achool thla year of the Brigham koras or no bona much study, and has Voting academy at Provo. Quite a eoma confidence that ha can produce a I: amber hare already gone over. Waarc family of ilolsteiua that will be born alwaya to the front In tbla good without horua. He argues that a curb hack is apt to bo transmitted by a hone, work. and why not a hornlesa head lo cattU ao are bare llttte Detecta tuey they People an reproduced, whether natural We find or tlmo to attend to politics. artificial, with considerable certainmen and wohirn with vlrwa of all kin's ty, and tba transmission becomes more Bryan aupportcra arrm to be In the certain with each generation until,- the majority and many would like role peculiarity is fixed. Thera is Some In tho gentleman's renaming, 'aud jor allrrrbnt esLnot stand free trade logic wa shall not he surprised to see ho Vb less la acarna and money tearfully produce ads, made hornless by bresAing. low. Many n ono la heard to aay: tho Windsor Uolsteina. . Whom will get money for my taxes? ' aiming It ia altogrtlirr probable that a breed , . Pleasant Grove, Sept. 1th. ef cattle could be produced ia time with PLtiSAIIT GbOVI, Sept. 1. 1898 A only one horn or without tails. Patience berleas and fatal accident happens! and peraeveyanue in oue direction would accomplish aliuovt any marvel of that Mrs. Sarah Mayhew ai here today. kiud. Them results are scarcely more Mrs. Margaret Brown wth rhildrei. remarkable than tbe peculiarity of the started on n short ride lH mornlnu Ailand China hugs, f' iustunce, which They were going diwn toward the have become fixed the tip forwttt q i Union PsdNo AWL Uu top of the Gusear, the heavy hema and tb color, whii-- differs from all . wBTW drtrir lPepiTtfi-- d itctfu.ibey and iprbd, other dished face of the wsa Mrs. Msyhew who tuldlng him, small breeds, or the Yorkshires; or to go back to cattle, In would him turn the op the short end tborgbtthe catuperstiYely srnab aorue pml'e direr ton. In doing ao, the of the Jerseys,' shorthorns. Guernseys was iip-nttnhinls throwing (no oecn nd Holstein-FrieaiitnIt is worth pants with great force upon tbe gmuud while to try to build fsmilhw of hornless Tbo ohildrrn escaped untejurrd.Mr. Battle in ell ths good breeds, Field aud Farm. Jirown was severely bmUtd about and Mm. Msyhew wee picked rorengs manatecturen nave tonni np and carried in tier hum a short way to dreumveut tbs tariff law just as pfhitaoce away in an aueonacion a'ate. lbs publishers found how to circumvent She rallied somewhat bnt wea quite the lack of an international copyright ttjlent at times until 4 o'clock p. m law'. The plan wss revealed by Hen when she pawed away. Jnng, one of the delegates to tba Inter Deceased was proprietor of tbs May-hanational Iron and Steel congress. Herr hour here, iter hniband, B IJ.1I1 Jnng said: "Aa a result of ths visit of Mayhaw died very euddtoly last winter. German iron men to thin country, many She leaves two sons ard tear daughter of nur most experioutwd iron insnufact-erer- s Onaaonla at Ashley, Utah count), will lpvest their money here and the others at Mammoth, Both hare beeu become citizens of the repnhlie. Visits an being made to entry part of ths telegaphsd the aad news. Mrs. Mnyhaw was oue of th first United States by delegates wuh a view 9f establishing at different advantageous settlers In l'leaeaut Grays. She pi' wisd many noble traits nf eharaetei points great manufactories." It will Sea was tbe daughter pf James and then still he com petition between American and German iron making, hat the Elizabeth Sw-teYoung. ller moflie will he upon American soil anrvlree her. ami la at present at ML competition and Coates the British rival throne. Clark, , Sanpete ronnty. maMJartnrers, long since established Mra Msyhew was born Oot. 8 1834, lr factories in tLe United States, Toronto, Can ade,. She was twice married. llor first hush unLTlmrlt lVek When bail railroad accident happens who was a member 1 file Mormon liti K la in almost every ease ths result amra. with whom aha Bred glx yrare mrolsssnres or stupidity on the part Tu had two children. After Ur. Peek ks trainmen or switchmen. What death aba married Elijah Meyhtw. ths matter? Are they overworked, or are The funeral over tba remain of Mia tiier so poorly paid that the railroad Mayhew waa held atthla plarn Wotliiee-t2- companies cau wly get incompetent met , m. and waa largely attended. to work for the wages they offer? The speaken were Elders Hinson Speaker Reed's precedent in conuttof Walker. B. W. Drlggs, G. C. Clark, and In a quorum will he adopted tc labour Dr. J. E. Taliuage.Tha musical exerrtee-wer- e all kinds tf oppositions I miwt rzeallently ouadueted by 11 kinds of obstreperous Msemhliea. In Detroit thr Pfof, F. S. Bnmprics' Democrats of ths eity council hav sp Mrs. who waa lojnrrd plied this powerful liver to lift an 00 Brown, situate ml non v of Republican In the accident with Mrs. Mayhew latmiai u hull. sore and mueh b trained very It will Then of ths toughs who swarm on ths soma tlmo before ana will be able south Bids of ths' Bsln at Paris, tirad of to ha ont again. ths usual stereotyped method o f street rote Theodore Sandberg and family have kery, lately attempted a revival of thug-grey- . Armed with a long teatber Uses been bereft of their baby who died at they prowled around ths extarior bout. Nephl midweek. The Interment took vards at night, and after half strangling their victims a ith this formi.lable weapon plaee at Pleasant Groro trday. robbed than of any valuables hey pn Thera demand fur fralt tbl Several exploits of this kind season. Peddler are very bnsy plylup accomplished soecen fully. Ths last they who foil irte thdr tlutcbes was s their voeatlwia to the mining eampa anu Balt Lake where they Mud good mar-kt- s. shoemaker. On his way home at nigM three d ths thugs mat him, lassoed him ptly, took kia watch and money, and h n on the roadway half strangled and Tba Pisuit ichoul will upea on Mon Inasnaibl lie waa found in this eondt day next. Uon I a oeoatabU, who bad him conveyed Irof. G.H. Brioihnll leetared on edact-lio- n to a hospiiaL bis speech was well received. Savagesy a Care Use Disease, From Germany comes Intelligence of a W. B. Smith, n wealthy man of sw rare, Its basis lathe hardening ef Mluenvllle talks r.f spending several the humaa frame which has been enfeebled thousand dollars In developing mine hr ehlUsatioa. Ths patirato "- -- the Ufa of savage aad among other things os in American Fork la tba near future. haavtoet It is said that eaepartebal FAr Afnlca Salve ls!tlnTW BVitfttllA's bald or gray If be will follow sensible treatment Wa advise cWaUnni. of (be scalp aud ths ua f lla!ls Bair IT SNlTtlf I OF D CREAMERY per Hundred for Milk at YOUR DOOR- - TRY M D BUTTER and CHEESE O. A. Misener & J. E. Durrant. - |