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Show and anion, occupy the ground which friends and Mrs. Brown had friend J cate him. He is known to have left here on Saturday by the early morning wish ilini to occupy and Tliey, too, mourn. all facti-train anti ia reported to have been " Mis Satanic majesty, In full iaiioi Published Every Wednesday. by ho doing. settle this unseemly seen I tiSalt Lake on that. day. Ht of smllef, his the l of office, Publisher. regalia ift. GRAY & JAKEMAN, .Mrs. Brown. Mr. Brown. Mrs. Bra The superiors of the comELECTRIC SPARKS. matter at mon spiritual ilii'ered us was. The devil Is. cannot complain if their people i,)KtoiliLv ut sioektoii, Utah. (By our associate editor.) followers declare and act according ro THE THEATRES. their down superlaid by principles In case of trouble between America and Juiau, Russia would like to act Sirs. Dora !. Shelton.... Local Editoi iors. On the contrary such action Vs koo, the 51 ad Musician, as umpire. would be upholding those leaders in headliner at the warllit-i- r The desire. oft' repeated METAL MARKET, Yale's profits from football this year Sir. Vasco, or Mad ring factions must of necessity also tire performance will still put the coach's salary far cents; stand upon this plane, as their deSilver, 69 Monday, 10: Orplieiiin had only a Punch and Juv ahead of President Hadleys. 27 cents: lead, $5.75 ciiM-r- . show to precede or follow Vasco, at 11 cents; sire would Imre also lie met. It should And now it is said that Bon! is goTuesday, 11: Sliver, 681-it would lie a good iierformance. Va hatd-sbino is be and certainly certainly $5.75. 22 lead, to marry a rich widow of a chococents; .upper. ing at s leaat one h In fact appreciates cents; to stand upon the broad plane of art, he wastes Wednesday, 12: Silver, 68 it late maker. Sweets to the sweet. time in b little talk, lead. $5.75. American citizenship, and if already is all action. While an air la st II eu,Hr, 22 13:cents; A Nevada woman claims to have reSilver. 0811 cents; Thursday, there, to stoutly maintain a determin- emanating from his oboe, or bis sax ceived the gift of tongues, but most cents: lead. $5.70. Hipiier. 21 or or It ocarina whatever mi y remain there. ation to women can do well enough with one. Saturday, 15: Silver, 09 cents; copTo accomplish this requires con- lie lie ia playing, he has grabbed a cents; lead. $5.75. per. 21 and in another mi d instrument When the President issues an order certed action by the Republicans of paroxysm is sending forth dulcft about simplified sentences, he may exSTOCKTON. OF OFFICERS is the preTOWN tones. The variety of lnstrumen A Utah, because that party pect to hear from Princeton, N. J. sent dominant party of the state. The played, too, is refreshing, embracing ntot brass wind and reed, Jamea O. Brown, President. instruments, Secretary Roots declaration that logical inference then is forced uimn even a small flute. It is a Mr. Taft ia one of the biggest men Henry Thomas, George Brand, Influence has forgetting church us if that II. E. Mackinson, :e B. Hickman, Jniues very clever act and worth the prl in the world will have to stand un been uRed It must have been used of admission. Board of Trustees. challenged until some one else can A. G. Eraser, Clerk. The Wilson Bros, advertised s get up In a crowded street car and fur the success of Hint party at the W. H. Booth, Treasurer, polls, it la then incumbent upon the warblers and fun manufacturers, a e offer his seat to four ladles. being the aforesaid conflicting claims, members of that organization to assert also very good. Their Binging Is a e Just about the time Senator TillI. A. Gibeaut, Town Marshal. splendid while their witticisms their political Independence nnd if the very clever. Their entire turn" is a man has developed into a real senaaccusation of church influence" in very good one. tor, the country has to begin licking THE LOGIC OF IT. The "Seeing New York" with a ca Jeff Davis Into proper shape. It back hurl behalf is to their false, Luke. Suit Jiur.il automobile and a few dummies if Into the teeth of tho Be who detract Senator Tillman, however, can draw Sluce the organisation of the United them and by such action make unten- Austin Walsh is amusing.of The Jc a crowd always without any negro and Pero barrel afd jumping Republicans, all sorts and manners of able the position of those who claim Wilson Is fair. Mile. Alexandra and press agents. conjectures have been floating over that the people of Utah are political Bertie Mons give a very clever aqt, The world can forgive almost the rlly and state as to what its ob- serfs. It Is to supply a means by while the knockabout work of Katies kind of rascal If he did not teachany In Bros. of Is work. for that class good school. ject and alms might he, and the poli- which and through which the RepubSunday ra The kinodrouie with Lake Gene cy which would be pursued by It. licans of Utah can speak and act and and "My Mother-in-law- , a Domes le Is Congressmen elected to back up the what has been, The first question make their declaration and actions Comedy, the latter a very laughal le President, will be defeated for the organisation lighting? The set of felt, that the organization of The series of pictures, Is, as usual, ve ry if they do not colUnited Republicans of Utah" bas been good. principles appearing in another Salt Lake Theatre. Spanish bees produce 19,000 tons at umn. though plain in statement and effected. It Is a plane upon which "The Sign of the Cross." First three honey a year. At least the bees In to to seem not convey did purpose, Mormon, Jew and Gentile can meet nights of the week. A very good per- Spain are industrious. the average cltlsen the fact which Its without the sacrifice of one religious formance and much enjoyed. A burglar who found only $2.25 In terms set forth; that the United Re- or political principle. It is a plane Grand. The Parish Priest the first four a Chautauqua mans house left a note for not armed are battle, publicans" upon which ALL can meet without of the week, was up to the saying. 'You are poorer than I am, but are. In reality waving palms, In- conceding the contention that Utah nights The Little which was no joke, since he took the usual Grand standard. stead of swords; that they are hep voters are not free from the .domin- Homestead, a heart play, wound up $2.25. aids of peace Instead of strife; that ance of high church officials. It Is a the week. The New York bank clerk who stole their mission is to concilltate and not plane upon which the younger ele$12.98 from the institution employing The Lyric. to disrupt ment of Utah voters should stand, The Stowaway was the attraction him. will no doubt be severely punbank cares Through a sequence of circumstance proudly declaring their allegiance to at this jKipular little resort thin week. ished. No which it is here needless to relate, flag and to country, while asserting It ran smooth with a pleasing Inter- to be treated like a department store the state has been split into warring their love for the religion of their pretation. The performances were bargain counter. well attended. besmirched fame factions, and Its fair The Missouri bandit who "robbed fathers, let that religion be wliat it over tho entire country. Each day may. only the rich. will speftd some time behind the. bars. The novelty of his NEXT WEEK. nuly adds to the bltterneaa of the strife To accomplish this great end the stunt was not to be tolerated when It minds and augments the Injury. The columns of this paper will he ever la ao much easier to rob the poor. In the Bishop's Carriage" will be of all the people have been sorely open, blit with malice toward none, The news of the Pullman company's perplexed by this condition of affairs, for a united and Greater Utah" It will the attraction at the Salt Lake Theatre for the first part of the week. $70,000,000 surplus has moved the and many attempts have been made to ever strive. ti preparatory This play comes highly endorsed. It liortera to aorganize tintl a solution of the difficulty. Unshare of the swag. In demanding being claimed that It Is of unusual ex- the meantime the traveling public will happily, these have almost entirely THE BROWN CA8E. cellence, both as to play and players. try to be happy over an occasional been along lines of coercion and preBruno and Russell, In a comedy lower berth. judice. They have proven futile, hence . Leah Russel, termed The Retyr i lie doubt which has arisen as to the skit; Salt Lake, suffering as It hat, unIt Is always easier to do your Christ- In efforts of the new organization, whose der more or less stigma, was spared of the Ghetto"; Klein and Cliftojmas shopping on Christmas eve. beThe DunUy's cause there are so few things left In object Is to find a plane upon which at least one serious affliction. What- an original novelty, Fred Zobedle, termed he stock to choose from. ail factions can meet on common ever discredit ntay reflect on Mrs. Holiday;. A Iuincaster. Pa., hotel keeper Is ground. Though declaring Itself op- Alina Bradley, who shot former Sen- world's greatest hand balancer; nor of Bhe troubled with a strange affliction, that posed to all Interference of any church ator Brown In Washington last Satur- Brothers, In Impersonations routhern negro; Irene Bulger, tnfter-snnato- deprives him of the power of speech in the affairs of the state, those Idenday, at least she had the grace to time. As it Is not and the popular klnodiline for mouths at awomen tified with the new movement are light- make the latter city the scene of her In the neighcontagious, the Orphl'im the hill at will the make up ing no ONE church, and though borhood are not unduly excited over it. crime. fur the week beginning Monday ni:ht, to high churchmen taking acSalt Lake lias had its fill of the matA woman's magazine asks, What tive part In politics, It wages a fight ter. which at best has been only a with matinees every day but Sunday can equal a hairpin In the ' Implement und Mouduy. against no individual, as an individual nauseating mess. It Is not necessary deft hand of a woman? Well, somebut only as an eccleslast. times, a hatpin in the deft hands of to review the case here, for the Boon-e- r 8TOCKTON SUNDRIES. another woman. The leaders of all churches in the the matter Is lost sight of the betstate hare declared the utmost free- ter for not alone this but every comSluce Miss Ida Tarliell has andom of the Individual membere In afOplilr shipped four curs of ore since nounced that her next work wilt be munity. onr last. fairs political. on the tariff, the standpatters have anAs the Salt Lake Tribune aptly stat. . do not other excuse for putting off revision The United Republicans ed last Titesdny morning Mrs. Isabel loo shares of Con. Mercnr until her views are known. Friday, object to accepting this as a fact. Cameron Brown, the late wife of Mr. wild at 40 cents a share. If this were all. however, the organiIt la extremely doubtful whether Brown, died of too much Bradley. rents, Count Boni would prove a success as Saturday, Ingot brought 2 sation would fail in half Its purpose. That sums the matter In a nutshell so 1.000 shares going at that figure. a head waiter, if the job calls for any A declaration of freedom in political far aa Mrs. H Brown, may God rest her ,r head work. toaction, though It goes a long way Wednesday, 5. and Thursday. 0, 500 mill, is concerned. not docs in give 10 fact ward freedom, Having eloiied with a society girl Here Is a woman, Mrs. Bradley, if shares Sacramento stork sold at cents a share. and married her on $14 a week, a Chithat which Is desired unless It is fol- you of tinder the taken wing please, v cago grocers clerk finds himself handlowed by the action of taking pos- Mrs. Brown, Front the 10th to IStli of December, ling lemons exclusively. way back In 1896, made tft be declared is session of that which a social entity, a political Goliath and 16 cars of Stockton ore were released In others words, If men are a Missouri game wardens are arresti fact. But In Introducing from the samplers. sontelxMly." . . ing milliners of that state who import freemen, they will assume the posi- Mrs. Bradley to the social set, Mrs. Tooele is exiierienccd the worst the plumage of birds. As yet, however, tion of freemen and enter upon the Brown did not possess the Intuition gale that has been known here for no feather beds have been sent to jail. which perof those prerogatives Hat or rather second sight necessary to it long time, last week considerable tain to that condition. If it is claimed enable her to Roger Sullivan has cast aside the daninge Is reported in loss of hay say to those friends to and Democratic nomination for U. S. Sennumerous Thu eases other things. that no body of churchmen have given whom she was Introducing her d of typlind fever are all reported on ator. Roger never would jump over a up the free und untrammelcd use of fence over ten feet high to secure friend: the mend. those prerogatives, then the declara. honors with no salary or other . empty to Mrs. Introduce to Penult nte yon tion stands as a tower of strength of the lower fimrt in emoluments attached to them. The Mrs. Bradley has a Anna Bradley. dismissing the aetinn of the llnnerine aealnst A LI- - who would usurp those Doubtless, the New York restaurant husband, a gentleman, whom she is Mining & Milling company against functions. a prison cell. She the Tallerday Steel 11 pe A Tank com- keeper if he receives Bonl's hot chalnow into driving Utah is a constitutional state, and Frenchseeks fame, however sought and pany was sustained yesterday in an lenge. will refer the fighting official man to the establishment's he constitution' of the state was handed the down Siiireme hy opinion wherever found. A United States sen- court. The question of jurisdiction bouncer. drafted by the representatives of the ator. a successful lawyer, a man of whs set forth in ihe appeal in refusthe ratified afterwards by and people con The Oklahoma constitutional wealth, whoever he is. married or sin- ing to serve summon on T. K. Eliott, Ante of the people. Section 4 of that vention might profit by the history of an was of who the homes she agent no Tallerday how matter ntatty other southern states and fix the coninstrument declares that no church gle. Steel Pipe A Tank company. wreck, she demands. stitution so that It will not not'd s .1 e shall Interfere with the functions of may I ant Mrs. Brown, wife of Arthur amendment. suffrage in was limn Action citithe lower of ght theState. A certain class Brown. Mrs. Bradley has seen Mr. court to settle a dispute over the constituthat this declared zens have The New York Sun has at last ad Brown and seeing, covets. I am tq amount of piie delivered to the llone-rin- e niltted an error. It called football an tional provision has been nullified by A Milling by when It should have aye, even the last drop of blood the Alining company. company Elliott wan ohlate aspheroltl. Tallerday i- religious body, whose numbers make suffer, said prolate. But pigskin would have woman's for will this in pay tny body a in witness as summoned the ease An state. in by the dominant even the last drop of blood the Honerfne company. At the time been better still. controversy has grown tip ambition, the pipe was delivered Elliott was now in the person of nty beloved They have established a public bathut of this which endangers the prog-enot an agent of the Tallerday rompany ambiof will that the house for dogs in a German city pay price ing No class commonwealth. ss of the und his testimony was objected to sad we ntay know that the Heresrier sacAil wliirh are those tion. things the rourt sustained ihe nbjiH-tiiand frankfurter's meat iv this dominant church will admit is as clean as they to her. She woman are to red dismissed the nfterwstil naught The anion. acthat their politlral a.4 individuals can make it. was the of ami court Supreme she insists she shall receive. judgment tions have In any measure been In- asks In mini did not When Tillman got. through with hint. "Receive her. oil. nty friends open that the lower fluenced by spiritual superiors, who. uioiiou the ami it w;is afsustaining Dunne must have felt rather Mayor to arms to take her . wide your do-your com tinfirmed hi ihe t if upon their part have constantly raw. c cherish and iared that no such Influence has been iHisont that, you may Guile nn excitement was caused in Mu.vin- Dunne say there is no caror will be used. The situation then la bring to life the viper that later will Tooele on SHturdav si h iv the of crime In Chicago. We hnd report, nival and tiout to dentil. Encourage sting which hits situ e liceu vctifieii timi Dr. hotted that the unique. Common sense seems to present niithrenk was lsli she lives enclt her. for epoch K Wii Since action. Ikitis mi used of the not the regular thing. out the line of George or me Ills more for min nife'.s hired girl, 'lie misery the leaders of the dominant church means so much I love. I pray you daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Still tin- - statistic allow that the have declared for Individual freedom and for the man .1.1111 Dim s of thiM city. Tin- girl Chicago trolley ears are more datmer-ou- s welhid nml arms her wide your facopen In political action, and the warring is found to lie in a delicate rendition. than footiMlI. Dr. Davis lias been a residi-.i- i tions have with equal fervor stated come. pracToday Mrs. Anna Bradley occupies tising dentist here for a gn-ii- t many Cortelyou hus practically announced that nothing less than perfect political home in years nnd had tilsu an nlUce liiGrantn-vllle- . Ids candidacy for the presidency. He a cell in the detention freedom will cause them to cease the His wife, for whom a grent deal Is in fuvnr of increasing the wage nr strife, and let It be repeated again, Washington, while the man who was of sympathy is has thru- small all Ihe tost office employes. to lie lies was led. willing children and is very resMctably conhe people themselves stoutly main- led. and A noted physician says that running nected. being n lintiglitct of William tain as individuals that they are free, cold In death. t of Grantsvillo. A is promotes good health. That ntay exRyriileh had friends. has. Mrs. Bradley file volera nnd of the then let the rank for the arrest of the rioetor. bn plain Mr. Bryan's perfect physical nrown hnd inti so tar the uflirers hate failed t, In- - condition. in all churches with demonstrations They are mourning. Mr. STOCKTON SENTINEL. 4 7-- 8 2 p 3-- 8 8 7-- 7-- 8 ) I r. op-im- j . 2 new-foun- i- htts-liai- tipM-llant- - - - wm-nni- John D. Rockefeller, Jr., says that wealth leads to Idleness and sin. Hard on the old man, John D., Sr. Some Pennsylvania Epworth leaguers have agreed to pray thirty nilit-uie- a each day for their fellow men. They might practice again on Mayor Weaver. Says a Philadelphia paper, "The country needs a new Webster." Cannot the President supply the demana for both statesmanship and diction- aries? The killing of the laatcilkSeu sents to have marked the end of the Cuban insurrection. The man who tried to bribe the Pittsburg city council with $70,ut)0 was insulting. He must think they are a lot of cheap skates. It seems too bad that slang is the only thing that will appeal to the understanding of some men whom the evangelist marks for his object. PosRihly the woman who wrote the book thought that marriage on probation, would be an Improvement over the present plan of marriage on suspicion. . Milkman's In defense to a charge, of selling milk wholly devoid of fat an English cowkeeper said that his cows had been eating (Cubages, but the defense did not aid him. Clever-Defense- APPLICATION FOR PATENT. No. 4140. United States Land Office. Salt Lake City, Utah, Oct. 11. 19u6. Notice Is hereby given that Henry IV. Lawrence, whose postofflee address Is Salt Lake City, Utah, for and on W. behalf of himself and C. Reynolds and Henry Thomas, both of Stockton, Utah, has made application for a United States patent for the Mammon lode mining claim, situated In Ophir tniulug district, Tooele county, Utah, consisting of 1500 linear feet of said lode and surface ground as shown ttiKin the plat of survey, being survey No. 5551 and described in the field notes and plat of the official survey on file in this office, with magnetic variation at 10 degrees 30 minutes east, as follows: Beginning at corner No. 1. a comer of the claim, whence lT. S. M. M. No. 8 bears N. 65 deg. 23 min. E. 411.6 feet, and running thence S. 8 degrees i6 minutes W. 501.5 feet to comer No. 2: thence S. 81 degrees 54 minutes E. 1500 feet to corner No. 3; thence N. 8 degrees 06 minutes E. 501.5 feet to corner No. 4; thence N. 81 degrees 54 minutes W 1500 feet to beginning, containing a total area of 17.269 acres, from which the aggregate area of 1.531 acres In conflict with Mahogany No. 2. lot No. 84, and Queen tithe Hills, lot No. 77, lode claims, is expressly excepted and excluded, leaving a net area- of 15.733 acres hereby claimed and applied for. The presumed course aryl length of the vein or lode line Is as shown uixin the plat of survey. Said Mammon lode forms a portion of the nnsurveyed part of township 5 south, range 4 west, Salt Lake Base and Meridian, Utah. Said lode location mining claim being of record in the office of the county recorder at Tooele City, in Tooele cnnnty, Utah. The nearest known locations being the aforesaid conflicting claims, and Occident lot No. 108, Swansea lot No. 106. Herchal lot Na 11?, Honiestake lot No. 94. Uncle Sant, Queen of the West. Keystone; McKinley mine, and Lucky Boy No. 4954, IiAte mining ciuitns, as shown usin the plat of survey. I direct that this notice be published in the Stockton Sentinel, at Stockton. Utah, the newspaper published nearest the said mining claim, for the period of nine weeks. FRANK D. HOBBS. Register. R. E. Hints. Claimant's Attorney. Hint publication, Oct 17, 1906. - mine-surve- ner No. 1 of the claim, and the presumed course of the vein or lode runs from the discovery north 73 deg. 87 min. west 415 feet to the westerly end line, and south 73 deg. 37 min east 500.7 feet to a point thence south 81 deg. 3 min. east 582.1 feet to the easterly end line. The claim Is located in the northeast and nortwest quarters of Section 19, Township 4 South, Range 4 West, Salt Lake Base and Meridian. The location notice ia of record in the office of the Recorder of Rush Valley Mining District, Tooele County, Utah, and is also of record In the office of the County Recorder of Tooele County, Utah, who is Custodian of said records, in Book F, of Rush Valley Records, page 127. The nearest known locations are the Black Diamond and Outcast Lot No. 135; Southport, Lot No. 60; Mer-wi- n Lot No. 55; Manzanllla Lot No. 43; Great Monster lxtt No. 129; Galena King No. 4 Survey No. 4950. I direct that this notice be published in the Stockton Sentinel, at Stockton, Tooele County, Utah, the Newspaper published nearest to said claim, for a period of nine weeks. FRANK D. HOBBS, Register. Henderson, Pierce, Critchlow A Barrette, Attorneys for Applicant. First publication. Ocroher 31, 190K. Joist publication. December 26. lima. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR U. S. PATENT. (M. A. No. 4154. Survey No. 5547.) United States Land Office, Salt Lake City, Utah, Oct.- 29, 1906. Notice is hereby given that the Hon-erin- a Extension Mining company, a corporation .duly organized under the laws of the state of Wyoming and dothe ing business under the laws-o- f state of Utah, its principal office in Utah being at Salt Lake City, by Its agent, C. M. Dupont of Salt Lake City, Utah, has made application for a United States patent for 1500 linear feet on the African No. 3 lode, 1500 linear-fee- t on the African No. 4 lode, 1500 linear feet on the African lode,. 1500 linear feet on the Swansea Not. 2 lode, 1500 linear feet on the Union No. . 4 lode, 1500 linear feet on the Ladysmith lode, 1500 linear feet on the Iadyanilth No. 2 lode, 1500 linear feet on the Union No. 3 lode, 1500 linear feet on the Union Consolidated lode. 1500 linear fee on the Union No. 2 lode, 1500 linear feet on the Union lode, 1500 linear feet on the Union Consolidated No. 1 lode, and 1500 linear feet on the Union No. 1 lode mining claims; said claims aforesaid constituting a consolidated mining claim, and situate In the Rush Valley mining district, Tooele County, Utah, being mineral survey No. 5547; the exterior boundaries of said consolidated claim are described ns follows, with magnetic variation at 17 degrees 30 minutes east: Commencing at corner Xo. 1 of the African No. 3 lode, from which the quarter section corner on north boundary of section 29, township 4 south"' range 4 west, Salt Lake Base and Meridian,, bears north 86' degrees 47 minutes west 363.7 feet; thence running from said corner Xb.' 1 south 61 degrees 12 minutes east 4500- feet to corner No. 3 of the Union Consolidated lode, thence north 28 degrees 48 minutes east 600 feet to corner No. 4 of said Union Consolidated lode, thence south 61 degrees 12 minutes east 300 feet to corner No. 3 of the Uniim No. 1 lode, thence north 28 degrees 48 minutes east 1500 feet to corner No. 2 of said Union No. 1 lode, thence north 61 degrees 12 minutes west GOO feet to corner No. 1 of said Union No. 1 lode, thence north 28 degrees 48 minutes east 300 feet to corner No. 3 of the Union Consolidated No. 1 lode, thence north 61 degrees 12 minutes west 4500 feet to corner No. 4 of the Swansea No. 2 lode, thence-sout28 degrees 48 minutes west 1800 feet to eorner No. 1 of the African No. 12 4 lode, thence south 61 degrees minutes east 300 feet to corner No. 4 of the African No. 3 lode, thence south NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR 28 degrees 48 minutes west 600 feet to UNITED STATES PATENT. corner No. 1 of said African No. S lode, and being the place of beginning M. A. No. 4140. In the United States Land Salt Lake City, Utah: Office. October 23. 1906. Notice la hereby given that C. E. Mitchener, whose post office address is Salt City, Utah, has made application for an United States patent for the Yankee Lode Mining Claim situated in Rush Valley Mining District, Tooele County, Utah, consisting of 1497.8 linear feet along the lode and surface ground for the convenient working thereof, being Mineral Survey No. 5224, and described In the official plat posted on the ground and in the field notes of the survey thereof on file In the office of the Register of the District of the lands subject to sale at Salt Lake City, Utah, aa follows, With Magnetic variation 17 deg. and 30 min east. Commencing at corner No. 1 of the claim, being the southwesterly corner thereof, whence the quarter section corner on the west boundary of Section 19, Township 4 South, Range 4 Went, 8. 1 B. and M. bears south 40 deg. 20 min. west 1300.6 feet, and running thence north 1 deg. 48 min. east 207 feet to corner No. 2. thence south 73 deg. 33 min. east 957.7 feet to corner Na 3, thence south 81 deg. 3 ntln east 541.4 feet to corner No. 4. (hence south 1 deg. 48 min. west 200.4 Teel to eorner No. 5, thence north 81 deg. 3 min west 582.1 feet to corner No. 6. thence north 73 deg. 37 min. to-wl- t: of said consolidated claim. Said consolidated claim being located In the northeast quarter of section 29, the southeast quarter of section 20, the southwest quarter of section 21, and the northwest quarter and the northeast quarter of section 28, township 4 south, range 4 west. Salt Lake Base and Meridian, and containing a total area of 268.593 acres, excluding, however, therefrom the area in confliut with the Clara lode, lot 131, Lady Brown Na 2 lode, survey No. 5380, Quincy lode, survey No. 5380, and Nebraska lode, survey No. 5362. Snch excluded area containing 8.987 acres. Net area claimed and applied for be- ing 259.606 acres. The nearest known mining claims being the aforessid conflicting claims, there being no other adjoining claims excepting those In conflict herein mentioned. I direct that this notice be published in the Stockton Sentinel, at Stockton. Tooele County, Utah, for the period of nine consecutive weeks. FRANK D. HOBBS, Register. T. Ellis Browne. Attorney for Applicant. First publication, Oct 31, 1906. Last publication, Dec. 26, 1906. VAN NOY APARTMENT New and Elegantly HOUSE, Furnished Throughout. Mrs. A. Van Noy, Proprietress. 915.7 feet to corner No. 1, the place of beginning: being the exterior Independent 'Phone 1424. iHiundaries of said claim; containing 263 South Main St. 6.859 acres; expressly saving and extenro Heat and Baths; Electric Light. cepting therefrom, however, the area of .954 acre In conflict with Lot No. 60 Southport Lode; the area of 1.409 acres In conflict with No. 129 Everything In the Rubber Goode Great Monster Iatde; the area of .143 aero in conflict with Lot No. 135 Out- line Fresh Stock. All goods guaranteed. cast luule: tho area of 2.282 acres In Send ua your conflict with Survey No. 4950 Galena mail orders. King No. 4 Lode; leaving a net area of 2.071 acres for which this applicaELITE DRUG CO, tion for patent la made. The discovery point bears south 87 - 338 Main SL, dog. 34 ntln. east 401.7 feet from cor- Salt Lake City, Utah. west |