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Show I Tha Rev. Irl R. Hicks 1907 Almanac. SPECIAL NOTICE. CALIFORNIA If thle paragraph Is marked with a The Rev. Irl R. Hicks baa been tr oss It indicate that you subaet-tle- d compelled by the popular demand to been haa to this paper scription the publication of hia well for three montha from that date. 1 nown and popular Almanac for 1907. If marked with a black cross it has his splendid Almanac la now ready, only two weeks to run, but nates i or sale or sent by newsdealers otherwise notified we shall continue i oat paid for 25 cents, by Word and to forward the paper. Torks Publishing Compsny, 2201 Lo-uVery respectfully, Street, SL Louis, Mo., publlsh-r- s THUS PUBLISHERS. of Word and Works, one of the in test dollar monthly magazines THE BERRUM PORTLAND CEMENT America. One Almanac goes with STONE CO. very subscription. CONCRETE BUILDING ROCK MANUFACTURERS. SOLE AGENT8 FOR ILAHforfl Concrete Block Machines. Want to establish a plant In every city, tows Mm. A. M. Marthab and village In Utah. Mila Street B Block machines from 1100 upward. IM Kandy Rooasjgr lnStart a email plant and become Weak or Monts. lependent. Ratea, 80 eanta to 1 1.90 par Correspondence solicited, octal rates by the day, week W Ip P. O. Box 1131, Sait Lake City. Meath. 3806-lad Phone rm 1 BEST REACHED VIA THE NEW AND POPULAR st FAST FLYEBS DAILY BETWEEN SKorlest and best line to Bullfrog and Nevadas Nineml Belt, visl Tke Las Vegas & Tonopah Railroad. Ask the Agent, but specify San Pedro, Los Angeles 41 Salt Lake CHOICE OF BOUTBB. H. BURTNER. D. P. A.. Salt Lake City Illinois Central TO ST, U0U1S WITHOUT CHANGE OP CAM R. H. Officer & Co., Rail- On Fro Reclining Chair DMif Oar Berries a la saris aa aU through imlao. For Folders, PAastralsd BoohUu. ate Aasayors an! ChemMa. 199 A W. Teaaple M, M (Sty. Write tar MaUlac Rafik way Greenhaioh Remedy Co. L A BZKTON, Salt Lake Cltg, Utah from Omaha to Chicago. First-clas- s service also between Omaha and Minneapolis and Chicago and 8L Louis, as well as all points In the South and SoutheasL For full Information call en or writs J. A. FOLEY, Commercial Agent. wnfTM. JldaM aeMTforwmnBgjiatama. Second South Street. No 7S Faianta taken ihruofh Mnnn neln MklMllH, without cliarro, In thn 4444444444444 44444444444444444 Wt OYRUB JhttrkaH. Scientific O. GATRELL A Attorney A Counsel eru alar. fjew York WartlBoiue. D. C. Pure Gold Rings hat MI8k" INSIDE. railroad In America Is the system of discipline among employes and watchfulness for the safety of passengers developed to a higher degree than on the On no " 18 k " Telephones GEO. W. 1 I Good Service - Good Companyi Good Meals. vysnvyi!i!RvvvMi!iimmiKW That I, th Land Attornsy. Attend to all busineas before United States Land Offlee, U. 8. BurveyorGeneral, State Land Board, Salt Lake Gty. 4 4 44444444444444444444 4 4 44444 44 REDUCED RATES to All Points East and Return, Via Santa Ft. rrom Utah and Idaho State Engineer. Land scrip bought aad sold. D. r. Walker Building, Balt Laka City, Utah. 800-30- WE CURE MENU 1 From Ogden and Salt Lake City to: 132.00 Missouri river points 44.50 Chicago 39.50 SL Louis Under Absolute Guarantee of PAY US Proportionate rates from Idaho and other points. Dates of sale, Nov. 20th to Dec. 18th, 1906. Return limit, sixty days. Send for literature. FOR CURES ONLY. CONSULTATION FREE J We desire to reach the poor as well as the rich man, and by making our tee on eaey term, we Increase our payable business and seeuro lasting gratitude from thousand,, who would otherwise remain afflicted If It were not for this liberal Write for our IStSHDIATiFRia UIPORTON A LIFELONG We Are Reliable PAT-U- ABILITY. 30 years practice. Hagte-taiePatent lawyer. Write or crane to at 7th St.. WASHINGTON. 0. C. d 912.30. CURE FOR u i IMS BEAUTIFUL 0R6AN : TTs Book on Diseaare of Men. a. m. to 13 noon. MEDICAL INSTITUTE 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Salt Lake City, Utah. v4494444444444444444444444444444444444444444440444a r- - I PACIFIC RAILWAY 1 l Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. Aaron, Madias a ketch and dMcrtatlnn may aMartain our opinion fra whatlwr aa enlraly biTantlna ta prmahly palwifahljO'naimanlem Goto MrMtlrranSdaniliil. HANDBOOK on Patiala Mnl free. WM aaenry fur Mcurine patenia. Patents taken thmneh Mnnn A Vo. rnenire Mild, without chare, la the QUEBEC, OTTAWA, MONTREAL. BOSTON. PORTLAND, And all principal points in Canada and New England, via Detroit and the CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY handsomaly llhmtraied wmklr. T iremt of any MienuSe Jnnal. 1 rrain. S' a year: fnnr month. L Hold byall n.wxlxal' n A MUNN &Co?!rr!'NewJfarli THE LAGOON Salt ROAD. Lake and Ogdeti Railway. Time Table in Effect May 111), 1906 Salt iAike Leave 6:00. 9:00. 11:00 a. m.: 2:00, 4:00, 6:00. 7:00. 8:00 p. m. Ftrxi six trains run through to Kays-vill- t. Through car service from Chicago. Rates of fare and further information from A. C. SHAW, General Agent Passenger Department 232 South Clark Street. Chicago Extra lagoon to Kayvii:p. K:0i p m. (Sunday, 8:30 p. m.) laigiHin leave 7:00. 10:tm. 12:00 a. lti; 30 p. ra. m.; 3:00.5:00. 7:00. !:. (Sunday, 9:30.) Sundays and holidays special through trains lo Lagoon at 3:00 and 5:00 p. m. SIMON BAMBERGER, President and Ceneral Manager. : tbs snyaraUded moron of Dr. Sham Xi Trrotmral, Dr. Shsrro vill Inal sD Ohtarrkal Dtroaaa DR. A. J. SHORES. Dn. Sharro vie aad ImHap, Wi liOa Bay rone sad laai mb hi CURED far 91 s trrotHmtl Apply today sad ha aavtarod. terol ind mro an rarabla Srorona, CRml, aad Mrote Dlf- - Br' raMatiM fr Men. ao m vko dad Ihdr ronol view ufertuatoi vh, kar, roatraatad flrtnta ifc vlalim of Bind Faina- - eat alljaao Ika aaad aun vk, aadbaadvliad sardlally larllad te mmll lo roro is Ika ears sad hero ted aatmy bv bad ssmsaateno-iBlddlo-ao- wl ad U MS, uilfomta, yasr Imbte ekarta, sad HONE CURES BY NAIL. UT1 or TOW, teste Xrv XT TOD OUT BORIS A SHOBRS far fat imi advteo j nil. WRITS DRS. SyaytoM ZKL atei Drs. Shores & Shores, OfTXOl j W teotodlng Drofaau. A Special Departmanl Leading Mualo Dealers. S. Mala B treat, Balt Lake City, Utah. Il'imilH-iHIHliHHi- $ To prove te Iks aHteted Clayton Music Co., 11 Until Farther Notice SI do-Uv- WmiM Scientific American. TORONTO, XX Suits or Overcoats worth from $35 to $50, from $20 up Pants worth from $8 to $12 , , . , from $6 up Come and see for yourieli or write for samples and sclfaneaiure ment blanks. M DANIELS 57 W, Second South St, Salt Lake City Ws hav fust eempleted arwith the largest rangements manufacturer of Organs in tbs world, wheraby ws can new offer to our many patrons hers an Instrument delivered at your own station for what haa ordinarily been known aa FACTORY COST. This is aa arrangement that should be Investigated thoroughly before you look elsewhere, aa we are sure It will appeal to you. REMEMBER wo save you from IS to 975.00 en one organ. This la certainly worth saving. EAST TERMS. You can send us ILM to 15.00 per month, to suit your convenience. WE PAY THE FREIGHT. We will deliver one of these organs at any R. R. station in Utah or Idaho without any additional ahargs to you whatever. Do not Imagine that It Is Impossible for ue to do as wo say. Our system of handling our outside business Is oo porfoot that we ean without any trouhls whatever make to the malloot tewa la this western section. WE BUT IN CARLOAD LOTS and are thus enabled to make tha ridiculously low prises that wo da YOU QBT TEH ADVANTAGE OF THIS, Writs us at omo K beteraotod. If not, ooo that your frt do hoar of this groat money oavtag opportunity. REMEMBER wo have blow hi buMnooo here for FIFTY TXAKB the oldest house In the Btata OUR GUARANTEE on so Instrument la absolutely good. Wo fully warrant ovorythlag we ooU. If you doubt our financial rot-ta- g look us up. Wo refer you te any Banker or Oommerolal agency la this State. Cff T T DKF CANADIAN THE ARTISTIC TAILOR Wishes to inform you (hat he has Just returned from the East, and ia now in a position to show his patrons the largest and most varied election of upriordatc all wool fabrics in the west at prices which arc well within the reach of everybody, 1:30; Sundays, 159M South Main 8treet, 1906-- 7. M. DANIELS DEEP-SEATE- Write fOr Free Diagnosis Chart and I a. m. to i p. m.; evenings. 7 to Ihe Fall tnd Winter Season XX COMWB COVER THE ENTIRE FIELD OP CHRONIC, PLICATED DISEASES. RHSUMATIBM, both acute and chronlo forme, cured without using any poleonoua drugs or In any way injuring the system. Vfi also cure all forme of SKIN DISEASES. ULCERS. NERVOUS TROUBLES. KIDNEY AND BLADDER D IBEA8EELULCERS, STRICTURE. VARICOCELE AND CHRONIC DISEASES OF THE STOMACH AND DIGESTIVE ORGANS, FILES. PROSTATITIS. TUMORS, ETC. We wish to lay special atreae upon our method of treating BLOOD POISON AND SYPHILIS without using mercury. Our fee being so low It enables many who are afflicted to procure the highest scientific medical assistance. Terms made to ault if necessary, so that everyone need not go without treatment and be cured. Those who are afflicted with euch troubles and are In a position where they cannot pay ue a visit, we assure you that our home treatment Is efficient and we have cured hundreds at home. Hours: G. A. 100 or Our Fee Need Not Be Paid Unless Cured. Kan in the Country Who is Afflicted to Write About Hii Ailment WE CURE YOU AT HOME. DM. Paso. Agent,! BIBLE, Trav. Pass. Agt, West Second 6outh St, Salt Lake City, Utah. E. DRAKE, N. L. DREW, Gsnsral Agent, 109 17th StrooL Denver, Colo. Opening of WHIIIIHII1IIHH4H) MS-S0- Specialists. We Want Eveiy M Utah. THAT PAY. osm. Head modal, photo or .ketch, and w, seed T offer. trinU, Both phenes 246. C. F. Warren, Agent A. T. & 8. F. Ry 411 Dooly Block, Salt Lake City, forth moon. Ws hippy makes happy travelers on Rock lot and through trains. Through Otandard Bleeper dally Salt Laka and Ogdan Chicago without change. Arrives bi Chicago In tha morning. Wa alas nw through tourist cars to Chicago and St Louis. Steamship tickets aa aale to all points In tha Old Country. Lot ua know whore you wont to g Ws will do tho root "Nothing finer than tht Rock Island Dinar," L. H. GRAY, 4 4 have this OUTSIDE. PARK, Land Attornsy, Auerbach Building, 8alt Lake Clty.i 1 Two trains every day Ogden or Denver to Chicago vU ihe Union Par clflc and 8L Paul line. Through sleepers and free reclining chair cars. UT18 CANT ! huutaomat Hlnatratad waakly. lanwt dr- un of any MwaitUla Journal. Tna, l a BuMbyall nswwtaalsn. ifiLEUV SL Walker BuUJIafc Balt Lake City. BALT LAKE OXTY, town in Utah, Idaho, Montane and Wyoming, you MUST have the BELL." Otherwise you tn . A ?. XL want to talk with every If you . 1 O. Sounds Big, but if s True Guarantees a permanent cure ot the following diseases Third South, Between State and Main 771.77 address 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Catarrh, Diptheria, Rheumatism, StomKh Troubles Indigestion, Canker, Rupture, Cancer, Kidney Trouble, Gall Stones, Urinary Troubles, Chronic Sores, Eczema Piles. Remove Tape Worm, Dropsy, Asthma Blood Poison. SLEEPER TOURIST AMD FROM 06DBR OR BALT LAKR wmiwiniiw Q PULLMAN THROUGH 7. To be assured of a pleasant irlj mst. purchase your tickets via the 3 DENVERF OGDEN AND Mk tailed .WINTER RATES,,, J. THI TOURIST'S FAVORITE POUTS a. m. te HOURS: Dally, aad baUdayi, II S p. m. ' Ivm-ssdsy- EXPERT SPEOIAUSTS. H0DST0X BLOCK, 149 SOUTH XUZX STREET, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. s |