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Show limb raw as piece op beep. for Thro Year with Itching Humor Cruiser Newark U. S. N. Man Cured by Cutlcura. Buffered "I suffered with humor for about three year 9 IT and on. I Anally saw a (lortor and no gave mo remedies that did nie no .good, so I tried Cutlcura when iny limb below the knee to the ankle wan ae raw as a piece of beef. 11 I used waa the Cutlcura Soap and ho Oiutnient. I bathed with Cutlcura kp every day. and used about six or seven boxes of Cutlcura Olnlment. ( waa thoroughly cured of the humor la three weeks, and haven't hern affected with it slnre. I use no other Soap than Cutlcnra now. II. J. Myers U. S N., U. 8. S. Newark, New York, Joty S. 1900." JrSEEK CURE FOR DREAD DISEASE uncle bv' Eminent Surgeons in British Institution Experiment on Mice in Effort to Find Preventive or Remedy That Will Check Spread of Cancer in Hunan Race. A Romance. A posy, so rosy, once grew In a prosy old garden I knew. A maid picked the posy that grew aver rosy whore winds softly blow. To arbor nook cosy alio fled with ths poay all glinting with dew! xxg t lover did hover above her end begged for tho rose. She gave to her lover whose last name waa Plover, the rosy red "pose. Ho pleaded to hover forever above her and now they are happy as married A search; so many Dr. Bashford, while showing me over were of opinion that caacar waa the laboratory, aald: "Recovery from practically Incurable, that the vork experimental cancer la common. appeared Involved In insurmountable Growth stops and tumors disappear. difficulties. Three years ago the Im- By following up Investigations Indiperial Cancer Research Fund was cated last year It baa been possible to started, with King Edward ns patron protect mice from all the conaequencan end the Prince of Wales as president of Inoculating them with cancer. This Among the vice presidents and supbeen done In four different ways. porters of the society were Lord Lis- Protection may be conferred In so high ter. Lord Strath cons, former Premier n degree that whereas out of 100 ordiBalfour, 8lr William Broad beat, Wil- nary mice 00 develop tumors after liam Waldorf Astor, the late Alfred Inoculation, in the protected mlhe no Belt, Lord Rothschild, the Daks of tnmore at nil developed. The protectBedford end others. Controlling prac- ing InAuence acta by way of the body tically unlimited wealth, and with such Aulda, and the body fluids of some enormous Influence behind them, the protected mice, when Injected Into Cancer Research investigators were mice with experimental cancer, have soon able to report progress. Spletdid retarded the growth of laboratories were Atted up and some tumors." of the ablest scientists of the day were When naked If he waa able to cure permanently engaged In the work, un- cancer definitely Dr. Bashford stated der the directorship of Dr. E. F. Bash-for- that the study of the methods of proa physician who had devoted tection were- still In progress and years to experimental research. pointed out that nil he had accotn Dr. Bashford bad not long ben en- pllshod so far waa to render healthy gaged on hie Investigations befort ha mica unsuitable for the growth of exfound that the beet reeulta were ob- perimental cancer. tained from mice, and he began experiIt la not yet possible," continued menting with these animals on n scale the scientist, to arrest the progress of unprecedented in work of thla charae-ter- . experimental tumors with cartalnty; It waa not long before the whole far leas to effect the euro of the disupper floors of the great budding were ease occurring naturally In mice. While converted Into n mouaelary," ad to the results of our experiments contrast peak. All the rooms In the place Jon-tal- n favorably with the complete failure of crates, barrels and huge cans full all the reputed empirical remedies forof live mice. Even the passage be- warded to the laboratory to be tested, tween the rooms and the hallways are they require to be carried much further lined with mouse-holdin- g receptacles before It can be ascertained If they of various kinds. The majority of the will have a bearing on the treatment mice are caged In email, openwork of the disease In mankind. boxes, but the wild Aeld mice are Disease Net ConAned to Man. housed at ths bottoms of great ash It waa long thought that cancer was cans. These mice are such high Jump-- n disease peculiar to man; but It la well-know- n phyal-cian- DOWN "EDDICATIONF IDEJL Farmsras Flea Had Walght Among Brother Agriculturists WITH London. Mice are at a premium In London Just now. There le one place where upwarde of 100,000 of the tiny rodente are kept In etock." And etlll the cry Is for more. This Is the headquarters of the Imperial Cancer ReScheme Worked Out Badly. search Fund, which Is established In Congressman Sulier represents n large building adjoining the Savoy densely populated district on the Nasi and Cecil hotels on the Thames emaide of New York city. It occurred to with which nil American him some inonthe ago that though bankment,to London are familiar, writes visitors there are no gardens In hla district Maynard Kvans, in the New York some of 'bia constituents might grow Press. ' plants In boxes pieced on window The porter at the entrance of this aills or Are escapes, so he sent an as hie never been known to turn building aortment of seed to the Inmate of a n mouse away. Anything In the mouse model tenement house owned by one line, from the wild Aeld creature unof his friends. The latter met him used to city ways to the sleek, white a few days ago and said: "Bee here, sophisticated variety, is acceptable at Hulser, I want you to cut out that seed the Research building. If you happen business. If the limit!" Why, to be broke and want 10 cents all you what'e the matter? aeked the acton have to do is to catch a mouse and ished Sulxer, and he explained why ha take him to the Mouse Hotel." Inup had aent the seeds. "Oh, you meant variably you can make a sale. No well, all right," returned the friend matter how many mice you may have noornfully, but when I visited the the market Is always open. There Is n place the other day I found that about dime for every possessor of n ten families were raising cabbage, cu mouse welting who wishes to dispose of hie cumbers and tomatoea in the hath property. Up to this time the ordinary mouse has been considered n mere peit; an A Misunderstanding. Apropos of a misunderstanding on enemy to mankind. At last, however, the canteen question, Gen. Frederick mice have been advanced to an honDl Grant said at a dinner In Washingored place In the animal world. Without mice modern medicine would know ton: "It Is liko the case of my frlead practically nothing about that deadly MsJ. Green. MsJ. Green aald to hla too to the human race cancer. servant one morning: During the last few years, however, " James, I have left my mesa boots lace science has turned its attention moueewarda, research Into the history out, I want them noled. of cancer has progressed by leaps and "Yen air,' the servant answered. The major, dressing for dinner bounds. It la not too much to predict that before many years medical knowlthat night, said again: T suppose, Jamea, that you did edge will have extended to the mastery as I told you about those boots? "James laid 35 cents on the bureau. " Tea, alr, aald he, sad thla la all I could get for them; though the corporal who bought em aald he'd have given half n dollar If pay day hadn't -been no far off.' " 14Dr. FUT a d, - WnaaAMAMMMMMMMeMVVMWWM Sympathy Not Needed. Fridtjof Nansen, Norway's famous arctic explorer, now minister to Gorat Britain, makes light of the life goes! The poay so rosy, tho garden quite prosy, tho arbor-noo- k coxy, the lover above her who, wooing, did hover, were I nil, confess Too much for tho maiden! 8ha had 0 any "YES." Mere Bagatelles. That popular ship, courtship, strikes more squalls than any other ship that sails the ocean of life. According to the newspapers very few persons merely "die. The bank er passes in hla checks," the cashier goes to hla last accounts," the mugwump Joins the great majority," the cobbler "breathes hla last, the saloon keeier "seeks the spirit land, the gambler ahufflea off," the stableman kicks the bucket, the spiritual latlc medium gives up the ghost," the aeronaut goes to hla last reckoning. In the early forties, on a certain "town meetln day" in one of the farming communities of the Granite stnto, there was more than the usual Interest and excitement Some audacious Philistine had secured the Inter tlon in the warrant of an article Ts tee If the town will appropriate 506 for a new echoolhouae." The sturdy yeomanry were out In force to Aght down thla proposition. The sympathetic moderator didn't "moderate them worth a cent. Tha toney advocates, conscious from the start of their numerical weakness, were conciliatory and per tussive, In the hope of thus winning to their standard sufficient of the to carry the day. These hopes were dashed, however, when a veteran farmer, the Nestor of the guild, got the Aoor, and shouted in foghorn tones: "What do yon want of akulehouaea anyway? This eddlcatlon talk la rat in' the old Harry with the boys on the farm! There's that Danny Webster 'a likely a young man 'a eves raised In these 'ere parts! Got thl eddlcatlon idee Into hla head Aft the farm never' heard of afterward!4 Thla waa a settler. The toneya" Aed the scene, and the "noea" had 1L nul THE AUTHOR-MAN'- SURPRISE S Little Story with Sequel That Is Hard to Guess. Upon a certain day there was aa who needed the money;. 0 he sat down and took np that object which Is reputed to be mlghtles than the sword and wrote n piece-- . Having Anlahed hla article, he went to tha post office, purchased some mining stamps and mailed the pleco to the editor. Then he waited for tho child of hla brain to make Its way back to hla mantel piece, accompanied by a warm note from the editor saying that, owing to a redundancy of similar matter, he waa compelled to reject the piece, although thla action wrenched his heart strings to auch an extent aa to almoit drag that SIGNS OF A HARD WINTER. from Its moorings. However, That the coming winter la going organ thla rejection waa to be considered aa to be the hardest one for the past 20 In nowise a condemnation of the meryears there la an abundance of signs it of the article, etc., etc. to show, and among them It may be The near-authwaited a spell, but mentioned that: the letter that he looked for but The corn husks are a foot and a never came. Now, dear half thick, and all the stalks lean to dreaded, we reader, aa three give you guesses the west. to the fate of the manuscript Nope; The geese, ducks and chickens are all wroqg. The piece waa accepted. growing a coat of fur under their This la It Judge. feathers, and are rubbing borax on their feet to harden them up. Unearthing the Briber. d All the owls are leaving During a recent campaign In Engthe country a month earlier than land n certain woman called on a lad umsl, and the squirrels are borer's wife and asked if her husband laying in aweet potatoes, aa well aa would vote for Lord Blank. "No, he nuts for winter provisions. won't" was the "But, rememThe farmer who haa taken the ber the blanketsreply. and coals you got trouble to Investigate haa found that from the Never mind all the toadstools on the old logs have them. He'sclergyman." been promised a new pair wrinkles In them. The last time that of trousers If he votes for Mr. Dash." thla happened we had winter weather Suspecting that thla waa a case of that froze the handles of plows. the that must be bribery Rabbits are sitting around with n woman canvasser offeredoutdone, a look to them, and Aeld If the woman would tell her sovereign humped-uwho had mice have wrinkles in their tails. If trousers. The money the promised thla means anything. It means 20 depaid over, the woman smiled. "I grees below zero from November promised them, she said, "and 111 one (Pa.) Herthrough to May. buy them out of your sovereign." ald. In South Africa candles are used for lighting purposes In the homes, and when a young Boer maiden haa gentlemen visitors, the mother sticks a pin in the candle, and when it has burned to the pin the callers understand that It Is time for their departure. Exchange. But I suppose there la no objection to following the lime honored American custom of courting aa long na they please, provided the candle la ex tlnguiahed and does not burn down to the pin. author-ma- n . . sympathy expressed by many paraona newt the "hardships" of travelers. Ho There never waa such misaajra: placed sympathy as commiserating n man who has lived In the wllda. Most on who travel In parts of the world do no because they like It People who live in the center of what la called civilisation do not understand, cannot realise, the apell that getllag dose to nature, battling with nature, has on tho heart." Ha does not believe In the use of alcoholic beverages, holding that while liquor will raise tho temperature tor a few mln-ateafter that it falla lower than before. one-eye- bob-taile- p s, 1 Museum Gats Fins Pulpit Saxony ting Friederich August has given to the Germanic museum at Harvard a full-alzreproduction of the sandstone pulpit of tho Church of Wechaelburg, near Lelpalc. Thla gift W regarded as the moat Important made to tho museum since the Ana aollection of coats waa aent by the German emperor. The pulpit belongs to the beginning of the thirteenth century, and la a massive structure, 15 feet high, resting on Roman-usqucolumns. I e NO MEDICINE. of cancer. Just as Its knowledge of diphtheria has rendered that once dreadful plague practically harmless. When we consider that the material for cancer research le supplied entirely by mice, the human race owes the mouse a debt of the deepest gratitude. If science le able to isolate cancer and Anally cure It through the agency of the mouse, humanity should combine But Change of Food Gave Final Relief. diseases start In the alimentstomach and bowels. A great deal of our stomach and bowel troubles come from eating too much starchy and greasy food. The stomach does not digest any of the starchy food we eat white bread, pastry, potatoes, oats, etc. these things are digested in the small Intestines, and If we eat too much, as most of us do, the organs that should digest this kind of food are overcome by excess of work, so that fermenta-tlon- , Indigestion, and a long train of nils result. Too much fat also la hard to digest, and thin Is changed Into adds, sour stomach, belching gaa, and n bloaty, Moat ary canal to erect n statue to the genua We have statues to dogs and why not to mice? Mouse. Ilona Mouse Alone le Useful. Strange to say, the mouse has proved the only animal capable of serving in the search for the cause and cure of cancer. Guinea pigs, rabbits, dogs, kittens and all other animals so often used in investigations to discover a remedy for deadly diseases have utterly failed to yield practical results In cancer research. It waa at this point, when the world of science waa practically stumped, that the mouse came forward and Immolated himself on the altar of knowledge otherwise the vivl-ector- 's table. I have just paid a visit to the London laboratory of the Imperial Canheavy feeling. 0 cer Research Fund, and saw from In these conditions a change from to 30,000 mice, each one of which will had a cancer In some form or other. indigestible foods to Grape-Nut- s work wonders In not only relieving Mice live for a very long time on the tho distress but In building up n vivisection treatment; and some mice strong digestion, clear brain and which have had cancer actually reA Wash, woman cover. It A on this steady nerves. extremely Interestwrites: fact that the hope of ultlmately ing About Ave years ago I Buffered with cancer rests. Why certain bad stomach dyspepsia, Indigestion, conquering mice with virulent and undoubted canconstipation caused, I know now, cer actually get well Is the problem from eating starchy and greasy food. which science Is wrestling with I doctored tor two years without Mice by the thousand are being obany benefit. The doctor told me there served and treated with certain mediwas no cure for me. I could not eat cines; and perhaps some day In the anything without suffering severe not distant future one of the doctors pain in my back and aides, and I will hit upon a form of treatment discouraged. which will enable mice to recover with A friend recommended Grape-Nut- s and then the human race ud I began to use It. In less than certainty, will be rid of one of the worst scourges two weeks I began to feel better, and affects humanity. which inside of two months I was a well Once woman and have been ever since. Thought Incurable. "I can eat anything I wish with When It was Arst proposed to con-lit a systematic investigation into We eat Grape-Nut- s pleasure. and ream for breakfast, and are very the cause and cure of cancer the medl-- ; fond of It." Name given by Post uni a! profession concluded that the task j Go., Battle Creek, Mich. Read the was aa almost hopeless one. So many ill He book, "The Road to WellvIUe, mysteries were Involved In the re in pkgs. "There's a reason," 25,-00- to-da- o to-da- y n ! ars, and so clever at making their way now proved that there le scarcely a out of nil ordinary receptacle!, that it vertebrate animal without it. Savage haa been found necessary to place races were long supposed to be free them In these deep cane, where, under from cancer. Now, however, that n handful of hay placed In the bottom, trustworthy reports are being cent In they may have comparative freedom, to the Imperial Cancer researchers, It until taken out for operation. le lpown that savage races, and Indeed ell animals, develop cancer quite On the Operating Tables. aa as people living under civilThe operating rooms of the fund oc- izedfreely conditions. One of the Arst cases rooms several Joined together on cupy under Dr. Bashford's attention the top floor of the building. Here you brought was that of a cancer in a wild mouse; may see mice every day stretched out and malignant cancers have been found on the operating table undergoing vain tame as well as wild. From birds, rious treatment connected with cancer trout In hatcheries, from carp and research, it cannot be said that the from marine Ash living In n atate of work is turtlcularly enjoyable; but so nature cancers have been taken. Even intent are the scientists on the objects an oyster haa been found with n large in view the discovery of the cause canceroue tumor. Dr. William Mcand cure of a terrible plague that found cancer in codflsh off the Gregor they pursue their operations with a Newfoundland banka, and even frogs methodical lack of sentiment that even been discovered with it Prof. have the mice themselves could not fall to Welsh of recently found genadmire if they knew what It waa uine cancerSydney an in old Uoneee, n tigress about. All races of manta and s kangaroo. The Arst operation connected with fact, and nil vertebrates are cancer work Is to implant in a healthy kind, In to liable cancer, whether under civilmouse the living cells of cancer. This Is usually done by a hypodermic ized conditions or not Besides the fact that animals and all needle. The mouse to be treated la men are subject to cancer, It la signifl-qaselxed by the back of the neck, and, that the same kind of cancer la with a swift movement, the experfound In men and animals. It Is beimenter gives him an Injection of cancer. It does not take very long after cause of thla that so much A hoped from cancer research on mice. If canthe Arst injection for the cancer to de- cer can be cured In mice It seems to velop; and you see thousands of mice bo a logical deduction that It can be one each of about, which haa cured also In man. running a cancer more or less pronounced. nt From time to time mice with cancer are treated with certain fluids, taken from the bodies of other Inoculated mice, and occasionally mire with cancer actually recover. At other times certain mice are injected beforehand with these fluids, and then, when they are given the cancer Injection, it haa been found that the disease will not take root. It Is by the discovery of some prohibitive serum that the scientists hope to achieve success. As soon as some body fluid lb found which will have the same effect on caurcr growth as antitoxin has on diphtheria the mastery of cancer will have proved an accomplished fact. .Much Haa Been Done. Speaking of what has already been done In the flelJ of cancer research. Boeka Not Meant for Children. During the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries four great hooka appeared, which, though certainly not Intended for children, were soon claimed by them and made their own. One la Pilgrim' Progress," meant to steer grown up people through this vale of woe. but read with delight by the poor little victims of the catechism. Then came Robinson Crusoe" and Gulliver's Travels" and Munchausen." The simplicity and directness of the narrative attracted the children, and the more wonderful the tales, the greater the enjoyment of the little adventurers. The books were read at Arst slealtliily. and with fear of the awful consequences of being discovered, but taler they were openly and eagerly devoured. When a man offers to sell me something that la going to make me rich in a week, I wonder why he doesn't feel as kindly toward himself as he does toward me. Stenaland, the Chicago bank president who dissipated 11,500,000 of the people's money end ran away, to be captured in Morocco, haa been set at broom making In the penitentiary. I suppose hie record recommended him for the Job. lie surely swept clean. Rifle Shooting in Schools. Rifle shooting will hereafter be in- cluded in the curriculum of the elementary schools of Great Britain. Mr. Blrrell. the president of the board of education, who made the announcement in the House of Commons, said that the educational authorities had been given permission under certain restrictions, to allow children of certain ages to be taught to shoot at miniature ranges, the Instruction to he paid out of the public funds. Change In University Rulss. These are the uncertain days ol By the vote of 208 to 169 the senate early October, when a pretty girl will of Oxford University, England, haa dissuffer In n fall suit just to show off continued the, publication of the names her new costume and a man will sweat of students in the mathematical tripos In a light overcoat all day for fear In the order of merit,' and hereafter someone will suspect he hasnt one. there will be no "senior wrangler." A star column man says, "Nobody ever got to Heaven by advertising." Of course a newspaper man knows everything, but In tbls instance are we to understand that the young man has made personal Investigation? For Sale. A few slightly shop worn but still well preserved summe. Jokes or will trade for a ton of nut coal. Address Uncle By." this paper. "I cannot sing a tender song. sighs an Ohio bard. May be he can make friends by It A Chicago hotel is advertising sani- tary oysters." Not for "Uncle By.' Nothing but renovated bivalves for us. Many a writer has burned midnight oil on the "Arst best seller" to feo' grateful when the department stores made him even on his Investment by closing out the books at 15 cents per It that Tennyson makes "onward" rhyme with ''hundred' but then, Tennyson has a reputation on which to fall back. Is said A GENTLE HUNCH. Owing to a few kicks coming our way we wish to say that any one writing for publication had better pum tuate and spell properly, as we are gi Ing to follow copy If it blows ont r tho window. Pender (N. C.) Chroi lcle. kYtJVYY vj&AULg SICK HEADACHE Positively cored by these Little Pills. They also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating. A perfect remedy tor Dtxdnees.Kansea, Drowslne, Bad Taste la the Booth, costed Tongue. Fain In the Bide, TORPID XJVIR. They regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. SMALL PILL SMALL DOSE. SHULL MICE. Genuma Must Bear Fac-Sim- REFUSE v Signature SUBSTITUTES. TfaoBpsoiri Eye Watu |