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Show CHOOSING THE BEST TEA GROWN OUR OWN TROUBLES Writer Looks at Chrcnlc Bothers In a New Way. W are apt to quarrel with our troubles under the mistaken Idea that they have been set upon us and not realising that we have all along unconsciously been appropriating them to ourselves. Every one has a choice of troubles, and It depends largely upon himself as to the ones he shall select This being bo, let us take thought of tomorrow, that we may suffer as we choose and not blindly. There Is a set of married troubles, and one for bachelors only. Which will you have? Yours Is the choice. A baby la a great trouble, la It well to have him? Is It wise to take him on, or will some other trouble equally formidable be better for us in the long run? Any amount of trouble may be ' caused by too much money. Shall we run the risk or not? A kiss has often caused no end of trouble. And It is likely to lead to others. Let us have patience and take time to make our selection. The worst ol It Is that by the time we have learned the standing of various troubles, theli nature and ways. It Is too late to change. And we cannot begin all over again. So that In the end we may be saddled with troubles that we would willingly exchange pr others. If we had only known about them earlier. Tom Mason in Puck. PROPER WAY TO WASH LACE. Much Cara Needed Lett Delicate Fabric Be Injured. Bata, Childrens Dreams. etc., 0k to like new with PUTNAM Al UNDERSTOOD WHAT WAS SAID. look mad FA1 DYES. O-E- Ni In no Othsr Way Can Actions of Ba Explaintd. Costly Water Supply. York city burns 110.000 tons of Cat Profit by the Experience Ives by Raising Queen Bees. color from running. M s Flora McIntyre, sophomore Wring or, ratber, squeeze It out of this, and wash It exactly the aurne In Berkeley University, California, her board iand luliiou fees by way as white allk. using tepid water sale of queen bees shn raises. tbi In a and only working it lather, not rubbing it with the soap. laSonal Pure Food and Drugs Act. Do it as quickly as possible, as, if pivjmra-tnuipl- y liuriieM Tm ( ompany Tin inclined to run, ilie colors will be time in every leupwt with the more likely to do so If In the water for wqu eineiil. uf Tlie Nai iniul Pure Pond bvt FROM Aol. Iiiur frith. 1B. Serial rovR any length of time. For colored silks and Drugs . will awigm-i- l li) the (ivemnu-ntGROCER add a little ammonia to the rinsing No. 44. llu-iun uf r goods. every package apH water in order to fix the color. When Ironing colored silk, spread Jealous. a piece of rlean cloth over the ironMilther What'a Tommy been fightAWFUL COST OF WARFARE. ing sheet, ao that If the color runs It ing : bout? will not mark it. Li tie Slater Ob, be'e mad because Human Lives and Treasure Expended When black lace becomes shabby Jlmi ty Smith has to wear spectacles on the Battlefield. and begins to lose its color, becoming and $ doesn't Detroit Free Presa. either brown or green-blacit will In the glorioua" victories Te Waih Velveteen. be much Improved If washed in tbe of Caesar a million men perished on Ye rrtivn may lie waahed by shaking mauuer: First brush it following the field of battle. Napoleon, In the well. If spotted or stained, wash It it al- tut in warm Ivory Soap suds; then rinae and let it drip dry. On short space of nine years, was author in a little tea, with a slight lather of no ai thoroughly squeeze or wring it. lie carefsed to devote to the glory of France Want Lower Duties an Chlnesa. ful i hang it straight on the line, for soap, and rinse in clear tea. 1,103,000 of her sons. In the ten years British Columbia women are agiIt may then be washed. If you other vine it will he rrnuked when dry. ELEANOR R. PARKER. following the attack on Fort Somter tating for lower duties on Chinese Imonly wish to stiffen It, let It sunk for the world destroyed In war 1.400.00C half an hour In the following solution: parted for domestic service. Y lung Man Extensiva Traveler. lives and six billion dollars' worth ol To a dessertspoonful of gum arable 'd Lo s only though Ronaldsbay, of the combined property. and a pint of boiling water. Simmer of age, probably baa done thlrt r budget of the various states of Euover the fire until tbe gum more years slowly traveling for his age than any rope are devoted to the maintenance la dissolved and the tea a good black man '.living. Few people know more of armed forces and to the service of color. Strain it through muslin and than be about tbe Himalayas and Pera debt practically tbe whole of which use. If it la silk lace, add methylated sia. , He has also found tlma to exRow at a Revival Meeting. was Incurred by wars. War expenses In the proportions of two Kashmir, Baluchistan, Ladak, f In a town In Maine where there spirit In Europe absorb of all the to half a of the above plore Thibet and tbs Persian gulf, to say wealth created by productive labor. were frequent revival meetings at one solution. Black lacepint muat never be nothl In the comparatively Insignificant wai time a Mr. Cole was preacher. There touched with the bare Iron. of England with the Boers England was a man named Winslow who did lost 22,450 men and spent $1,400,000,-000- . not know as much as some whole HOUSEHOLD HINTS. Malor Three hundred and fifty thousand families, but was always first to "get w-- i Siilns ox r. i. vihh ix iaa sni and Biaia Tolado. of la Utmaxy tbs City at these revival meetings men were withdrawn by her from pro- pious Put a few drops of ammonia on a afurawld, lad that Hid arm will pay lha asm of and DOLLARS sack UKKD ductive industry to engage In the do There was also a man by the name of rag to rub fiuger-mark- s fur XMUN OX aary from looking-glasse- s canof Cinaaa that caaaut b eoiad by lha aw uf structlon of war. Military expendi- Voter, a fine and pious man. or windows. HAUWUTAaaaCoaa. yRXXX J. CHCNIT. tures in the United States during the During one meeting Winslow and Ether Is excellent for removing XWgetable IYeparalionrur AsSwan tobafara ma aad aabacrlbedla my praaaaea, a. last eight years have absorbed one Voter had a quarrel. Winslow said 11 grease, but an easy way la to soak tbe ttunbdar-DHtoi- b.,. similating UieFoodandRegula-lin- g Y0tBAS0iri and a half billion dollars. Interna- Voter got up to speak he should speak article in cold water, to which bae tteStomacfcs and Dowels of XOTABT rVBLIO. 1 tional Journal of Ethics. also. Voter got up, and Winslow been added a little borax. HairaCatant Can I Ukaa launally aad acta Jumped up, and Elder Cole, to stop When stewing fruit never use a dlractly us tba blood and aiuiwua aarfacaa of tba IlMAVIsVf HlLDKKNl REDUCED RATE8 the rumpus, commenced to sing Tell metal spoon; a wooden spoon Is best, trataia. Bead for iMilmoaUK.fraa. DllESKV CO.,Toludo, O. r.J. I by allDnstlata. na, Winslow and those wltb short bandies are most Me the Old, Old, Story." Tabs UaU'aFauilif mill for routlpattua. Promotes Digoslionhrerrul-nea- s From Utah and Idaho to All Points shook his fist In Elder Cole's face and convenient for thick substances. and neilkr East and Return, via the Santa Fe. said: You tell your old, old story, Patent-leathe- r shoes should be May Throw Light on History. Mineral. nor Morphine Opium, From Ogden and Salt Lake City to: and Til be d d If I don't tell mine. cleaned with milk, or a little sweet While excitement regarding tbe Missouri river points oil may be rubbed into them. $32.00 The memoirs Is still rife In EuScreen Will Filter Air. $44.50 oles and heels of such shoes are, of rope, there Is subdued talk In' British Chicago Many people cannot sleep with the course, to be cleaned with 6L Louis $39.60 blacking. military circles regarding the forthClothes-pin- s , Proportionate rates from Idaho and windows open at night In damp boiled a few momenta coming appearance of a book which other points. Dates of sale, Nov. 20th weather. A screen which will admit and quickly dried, once or twice will contain some of the late duke of and Dec. 18th, 1900. Return limit, 6U pure air and yet keep out the damp- month, become more flexible and dur- Cambridge's voluminous correspondness can easily be made. Take this able. Clothea-line- a will last longer and ence. A diary kept by Emperor Fred'days. Send for literature. flannel and fasten to a screen F. WARREN, Agent A. T. A 8. F. Angora keep In better order If occasionally erick of Germany is In safekeeping In frame. Place In at window tbe this In tbe same way. England and the day may not be far ey 411 Dooly BUl, 8alt Lake City, night when the sash Is ralked. In treated When loaves are baked In too hot; distant when It also will be published. the morning the Inside of the screen an oven and the outside crust gets too Correct answers to numerous historApefecl Remedy for Constip will be found dry, while the outalda Oldest Engineer Dead. do not attempt to cut It off, ical enigmas may be expected from brown, Ron, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea John Waterworth, the oldest en- Is wet, the air having filtered through but as soon aa the bread la cold rub It such a publication. Worms jConvulsiuns .Feverish-nes- i gineer la the world, has Just died over with a coarse tin grater and remid Lobs SB Sleep. at of vthe age at Preston, England, Te Bend Flewere by Mall. - Worth Knowing. move all the- dark-browcrust. He drove an engine 2,000,000 miles In Take a long potato and bore a hole are Allcock's the Facsimile Plasters A black leather traveling bag can Signature of Us $7 years of service without a through It lengthwise for a holder, and result of medical science and be kept In capital condition by always shave the outside down with a sharp Ingle accident id In Ingredients and method of sweet oil mixing one NEW YORK. knife until it can be easily handled with two tablespoonful of rer been equaled, milk and tablespoonfuls When ready to send the flowers, place and imaioai are genthe original they rubbing this well into the bag. After around this a piece of wet sheet cot- it baa erous plasters upon whose rep-lm- l dried It should be thoroughly ton. Over this wrap a sheet of tinfoil, tutors trade. polished with a chamois leather. earefully covering every part of the Allcock's Plasters never fall to In cleaning the brass around the holder. The moisture cannot pen their remedial work quickly EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. keyhole It la almost impossible not to trate the paper and will be retained soil the surrounding wood. Get a and effectually. for a long time. Suburban Life. That for Weak Back, Rheumatism, piece of cardboard about four Inches square, cut a hole in it the shape of Colds, Lung Trouble, Strains and all Fellow Passengers. the brass snd put it over the keyhole Local Palna they are invaluable. "Pardon me, your necktie has been iWhen cleaning, and the wood will That when you buy Allcock's Plasnot -ticking out for some time. I refrained be touched. ters you oh'" " '"ters made. from telling yon sooner because thosi Cara of Children's Teeth. young ladles seemed so much amused." To Make a Closet At 8trasburg, Germany, a dental Farmer "Thankee; an tbe oil from To Improvise a closet put up a long that lamp has been dropping on thal board shelf on Iron brackets. Swing clinic has been opened at the unilight overcoat o' yourn for the last tei a pole or stick under It, attached by versity for the treatment of school mlnutee, but' every one seemed as wire to the board. On the pole put children. Hither all the school chiltickled that I hated to spoil the fun." wire hangers which will slide con- dren are sent, in order, by their teachLondon Mirror. veniently along. Clothing books may ers. Each child la quickly examTownsend's Enamel Cream be secured into the board. As for cur- ined, as many ns eighty children beThe Situation. Xkl attmaUva hm Imaifdlataly. Sapaitar do not them in, but ing dealt with In an hour, and nearly to flea saardan. ltt aw la aot daiactad. in Cuba, Just tains, "Queer situation box a or a plain ruffle 300 a day, by a single doctor. Teachput only plaited Fee sale avwywhara. Prise SO canto now.' around the and the curtains ing goes hand In hand with treatment top hang What's queer about lt? small brass by rings upon wires The doctor tella the child how to use If tbe United States government underneath the edge of the a tooth brush, sees that he uses one, placed decides to annex It, then Its own govboard and there by screw. eyes and tends him home to practice with kept ernment will be forced to an exit, P. O. IOI 1441 corners and where the curtains it The movement la spreading. In the at too." e V. lAiilR. ALT LAKI OITTs UTAH Wiesbaden and Mulhausen school denpart. Muslin-coveretal clinics are to be erected. tables dressing made from boxes should have tbe Taa on the Down Grade. draperies similarly bung. For these Teii drinkers are finding scant entbe box plaiting should be attached to the muslin cover of the top. Two of couragement In a report recently Sand For Free Booklet on these should be made, since the top made by a large tea exporting house will need laundering far oftener than in Yokohama to Its American customer. Incidentally it Indicates that Address Dr. Earl the draperies. For a closet like tbe one described the United States Is not alone in factwo boards may be put up, forming a ing increased cost of living. The reInshelf, under tlie curtains for hats and port lays: Owing to the rapidly cost of living In Japan labor creasing sewing. costs more, and in consequence cultivation of the tea gardens Is less Whictlea. Stir to a cream a half pound of generous and extensive than formerly, sugar and a quarter pound butter. and less care and skill are expended Add six eggs, whiles and yolks beaten In picking and curing the leaf. Hence separately, with sifted flour to make the average quality of the teas now UrAhFDC eftirirgthiile paper a stiff batter. Flavor lightly with rose- offered for sale Is below that uf seabuy advertised in water. Drop the mixture by the large sons prior to the war, and for the should insist upon having columns kt whit they ask lor, refusing all substispoonful on buttered paper on a board same reasons we are not likely in the tute, or imitations. other When you buy your Diamonds or bottom of an inverted dripping pan. future to see any reversion to the New The mixture should be dropped sev- excellence of former years. sure goods of us, you are eral Inches apart so that the cakes York Sun. can spread out thin. Bake until a you get what you think you get. light brown. It will not take more than five minutes. Then slip off onto a molding board that has white sugar IF YOU WANT WHAT YOU WANT WHEN YOU WANT IT dusted on It. Have ready a round ALWAYS KEEP A BOTTLE OF stick about the dimensions of an willow whistle, and roll the cakes about it while warm. When nearly cold slip off, fill with Jelly that la thick. TRY ..IT.. Two-third- in J . r of One Has Found Relief. Aa striking a rat story as I have heard in a long time cornea from Alton, N. M., and is vouched for absolutely, aaya a writer In the Boston Record. Tbe rat was accustomed to visit tbe next door neighbor after each meal to be fed and petted, bringing also two kittens. One of the women al the bouse thus visited, who bud eutertained a dislike for rats, finally, on observing the animal, expressed aloud a liking for tha gray kltien and said she Intended to aak to be allowed to keep IL Tlie next day when Mother Cat came for her bits only one kitten her, but aha took away some choice morsels for the ono left at borne. This continued several days, when tbe woman who had first expressed Intention to get tbe kitten which tbe rat was leedlng, remarked that she bad given up wholly tbe Idea of securing tbe gray kitten. All three feline apicard at tbe next meal and have done so Mince. It is advisable, before wanking col- coal year to pump water Into tbe ored silk uf any dcarrlpilun, to auuk pub! c reservoirs In Brooklyn, Queens It for a time in cold water, wuh a lit- and RUchmond boroughs. tle salt in it. This will prevent tbe DOES YOUR BACK ACHP 1 James R. Keeler, retired farmer. Fenner street, Caseuovia, N. A says:' About fifteen years Y., sgo I suffered with my back and 1 doctored and used many remedies without getting relief. Beginning with Doan's Kidney Fills, I found relief from the first box, and two boxes vestured me to good, sound condition. My wife and many of my friends have used Doan's Kidney Pllla with good results and I ran earnestly recommend them " Sold by all dealers. 60 rents a box, FoaterMllbuin Co., Buffalo, N. Y. kid-ney- a. If a man baa a marble quatry he taka: What ran I do with marblaf Ha builds, be seeks other builders. The poeaeaslon of a power, like the possession of an estate, Impels to na to gain, to service. sea llIrM Beesater apeem hMus'i MlMH tM Mpg. r$4iw il8J4HLUt$Wlrtwik. Tt tirttlM God has many names, though ha la only one being. Aristotle one-hal- Itesl-Contaii- e Not "Narcotic. For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In a Use For Over of n Thirty Years CBM9BBV, IIW! For Emergencies at Home For the Stock on the Farm box-pla- Sloaite Liivinveat Union Assay Office Is a. whole medicine chest d Price 25c If you cannot come to select ' your Diamonds personally, write your Ideas to us and you ff 50c 6 Horses. Cattle. Hogs sny-thi- or absolutely MAIN ST. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. & Poultry. S. Sloan, Boston, Mass. can liavc tlie service of one of our experts Avitliout charge. lie will select the best we have for the price you set. 170 1.00 Macaroni with Tomatoes. Break the macaroni Into pieces an Inch long until you have one pint, put Into boiling salted water, and boll rapidly 20 minutes. Drain in a colander, then put it in cold water for ten minutes to bleach. Melt one tablespoon of flour and mix until smooth. Add one pint of stewed or canned tomatoes and stir until It bolls. Drain the macaroni and add carefully, pull one min ute, then serve at once. You may double the quantity if you wish. Ilf THK HOUSE AND YOU WILL HAVE - LIVE STOCK AND MISCELLANEOUS Electrotypes IN GREAT VARIETY FOR SALE AT THE LOWEST PRICES BY A.N.KELLOGC NEWSPAPER CO. 7) W. Adaau Sind. CBICAM HOWARD E. BURTOKlBc,VMErarD Hprutoirn prim: UoM. Hilvcr.LMd.lli Lout, MIS yur.np; Unld.Me: Xineorlfepper.il. Cyanide Idol.. Mailing ufivckipus and full price list mat onappliee-UnnT'linlrul and llniplra nurk Hillrtlad. Lcto Villa, Colo. Katarinas Cm ruuuai. National MauL A QUICK. SAFE AND SURE REMEDY FOR PAIN WHERE YOU CAN GET AT IT WHEN NEEDED. PRICE 23c AND 30c STUCK DEFIANCE ntbrv stsrrtl--fl "DEFIANCE1 only It nunrus price nail SUPERIOR QUALITY. I W. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. 50. 190h. FILE , FisTiii I IIP VtoN ulAELIsBU IECTUM; alt 132-M- tt Illwtated IrMtii on Of th Itiauandi at yrMuneat mo1o cured kf uur oild mithod. DISEASES OF WOMEN. NONE PAID A CENT TILL CURED wtbmisfe thair peace and l.ltere aa 011 Oak Ranoao City. Mo., and MIMflB na IKUIMIUR ax linBi TUAIITAI RIIRUili no bcket I NIBE aicatiua. Til I ILL UHIIEIP at.. sai onva street, at. loui. Mo . |