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Show aero. lot No. M, Cygnet evidence of the character degree 28 minutes, E. J195.2 feel, and bale of .15 aires kit No. 4X, Ixonore of the tracts, and the (election thereof, running thence N. 0 degree 8 minutes. liale of .ltd aerea; ir No. 117. Julia Vale being otherwise free from obJe t!on, W. 17 feet to corner No.24 1 of ITotno No. 8. thence 8. 87 degree minutes. E. 45 of .211 acre. The preaunied eourxe and will be recommended for approval. la nr lode xhown feet to corner No. 1 of Plomo No. 7, FRANK D. HOBBS. Reglitxr. length of the vein Said (ialeua thence N. 0 degree 27 minute W. M10 1 upon tlie official p'xt. George A. Smith, Receiver. First publication December It, 141. feet to corner No. 4 of Ploino No. 7. King lode ia Ineatnl in the N. E. nee. of and the S. thence B 87 degrees 24 minutes E. 1448.2 Last publication February 20. 104. T. 4 H K. 4 W. Salt Lake meridian. feet to corner No. 1 of Plomo No. 8, I. Raid claim la of record In the offlee of thence K. 0 degrees 88 minutes W. 292.2 APPLICATION FOR PATENT. feel to corner No. 2 of Plomo No. 10, the County Recorder of Tooele county, M. A. No. Notice 373. ad250. The thence R. 7 degrees 51 minutes E. 1200 Utah, In Hook (1, at page an xhown United Rtatea Laka cotiflletine Salt claims Land Office, feet to corner No. I of Plomo No. 11. joining and thence 8. 0 degrees 24 minutes E. 149 liy the plat of agrvey. are a follow: City. Utah, Jan. 22. 104. Ileber M. Welle, Governor. I Notice hereby given that Flomo Mi- feet to corner No. 4 of Plomo Xo. 11. No. 121. Hlaache. lot No. ill. Tip Jumna T. llainrnond. Secretary of State. Ian lot No. 43. Silver King No. 2 Well Ita agent thence H. 0 degrees 20 minutes R. 14 ning and Milling company, by Top; . S. Tingey, State Auditor. Extension: lot Ns 42. Find Kxtenxion and attorney In fact. If. T. Glaborn, feet to corner No. I of Plomo No. 10, John la-- i. Dixon, Stale Treasurer. Weat nf Silver King No. 2; lot No. 4. whole pmgaffice address la Rail Lake thence N. 87 degrees 51 minutes W. M. A. r.reeden, Attorney r.enerxl. lot No. Iti. Si. Louie No. 2; City, Utah, haa made application for a 118.1 feet to corner No. 2 of Plomo No. A. I'. Nelxon. Superlnteniknt of Public Cygnet; 124. Silver Prince; lot Nn. X. United Rtatea patent for Plomo No. i, 17, thence N. 0 degrees 28 minute W. lot Ns Inxlructlon. Leonnre; lot No. It, Silver King No. 2; Ploino No. 8, Plotno No. 7. Plomo No. I, 100 feet to corner No. 1 of Plomo No. 5. 1ltimn No. 8. Plomo No. 10, Ploino No. thence. X. 87 degrees 24 minutes W. 147 lot No. 51. Sliver King No. 2 Writ Appointive. No. IS and Plomo Xo. feet to corner No. 4 of Plomo No. 5. U.: lot Xo. 122, Prixe: lot No. 11. Plomo Tell rne the name and atblrrx nf A. F. Duretnus, State Engineer. No. lot No. 17, Consolidated lode mining clalma, thence N. 0 degrees M minutes W. HU 117, Julia; lot 12. Stockton; (oilier Thomas t.'oal Mine Inxpertor. altuate in Kush your friend In the KaS who might be 1IX, Hlue Bell No. 2: lot No. 44. Thereaa. Valley Mining feel to corner No. 1 of Ploino No. 5. Walter J. I tea tie ltank Examiner. Tooele I direct that thla notice be publiahed district, 1 Utah, the place of beginning survey of outside Induced to come Writ thli auiiiiiu-r- . county. Moionl lleiner. Final uml Dairy Vin In The Sentinel, at Stockton, Tooele consisting of 147. 147, 1411. 1410.5, boundaries of the consolidated claims, will fumlih him. or her, with complete mix inner. 14 14 14M. 1410.5, the linear containing a total area of 170.135 acres, 14k. and newxpaper publixhed Utah, Information regarding the low excundon t'ninnilKaioiier Hu- county, f'h:irlc nexrrit the ald tlalm. for a period of feet respectively of said lodes and sur- from which the area of 1.251 acres, in u rra of Statlxtlra. ratea and the hex! niutex, rexerve berths face ground, as shown tha plat of conflict with NEK of section 11, Tp. nine conxecutlve week. John Sharp, Kixli anil dame Commix FRANK D. HOBBS, anil do everything poarlble to make your survey, being Purvey No. 6072, and de- 4 8.. R. 5 W., la expressly excepted and x loner. t scribed in the field notes and plat of the excluded, leaving a net area of 140.082 Keglxter friend'! Journey (urnfortubb- - and office with acres hereby claimed and applied for. !. R. itogrra and Willard Haneon, official survey on file in this Governora Staff. magnetic variation at 18 degrees 45 The preaunied course and length of Attorney for Apillcunt. Cliarlex S. iluilon. Aujulant Cieneral. First pub.. Jan. i; last pub., Mar. 12. minutes east, as followa: Beginning at each vein or lode Is aa anown upon the Ncplil W. Clayton. (Juarlerniaxter Hen comer of No. 1 of Ploino No. 5 Lode plat of survey. From corner No. t of eral. claim, from which the 8. W. corner of Plomo No. I the R. W. cornttf of section PATENT. I'hlotKo lnva Klyiii at 4:12Omuhu andI0 3& FOR APPLIt'ATIOg Wm. J. General Khegley, Coniniixxary section 7. Tp. 4 H., K. 4 W bears N. 1 7, Tp. 4 8., K. 4 W., beara X. 8 degrees i. in. uml a ni.; fyr rti M. A. No. 877. S. iSeneral. II. Pinkerton, Hi. KiiiiWiji City and Surgeon lidiuin at 3 W United Rlatc Laad Office. Halt lathe lien-er- a 10:33 p. m. X. Advocate Henner ami in. Smith, Judge l, I. Pity. Utah, January 1. 104. Notice I hereby given that George MorriH ,. ICiti hie, Inxpertor tieneral. of Hot I'lly. Idaho, by his lieorge A. Seaman, General iiixfiertor of B. Rogers agent and attorney, In fact. K. J. Dalr Target I'raetiee. or has made apBalt latke Aide S. de Camp. Kilward Fi rry. plication for a United State patent for John I). Siieneer, Aide de Camp. the Gray Hound Amended lode mining John IJ. Cannon, Itrigadler Uenenil Alclaim, situate In The Ituxh Valley . 4) (!. I'. Utah, ining Dlxlrlet, Tencle fount)-R. F. NESLEN, General Agent Judicial. conxlxtlng of 1S4T linear feet of the lode be79 Weat Second South Street, OP AMERICA. It. N. Ituxkln, Chief Juxticr Supreme and surface ground 474.1 feci wide, deing mineral survey No. .Kill, and Court. of . field In and the scribed note plat Juxth-eSalt Lake City. George W. liartch. Inanre yonnelf aickneu and the official survey on tile in this office, W. M. McCarty. Juxllce. accidents. ... Also Lift Insnrsnco. Charles II. Hart, Judge Fliat Dixtrict with magnetic variation at IS deg. 20 min. eHt, as followa. to wit: Installment Plan. ... Ton pay a Court. fommenclng at pnt No. 1, a earner Flank K. Ncbekcr, Attorney Flrxt Dixlittle each month. of the claim from which the e. K cortrict. section 24. townahip 4 south, range Ilcnry 11. Itoiupp. Judge Secotul Dis- 5ner. weet. Malt Lake baxe and meridian, RON PVRTNM INPOSMATION WRITS TO trict. AAAI Si ASIA aaaaauuuuuauuaam uuiiiiuiiiiiixiiuuuuimuUMuauux lieorge Halveixon, Attorney Flrt Dix- beara n. 44 deg. 54 min. w. 218.5 feet corrunning from raid trict. distant; tlience IL A. NELSON, Gimral Agent, ner No. 1. n. 41 deg. 00 min. e. 474. feet liHll. Judge Third Dlxlrlet. William It. M. EDMUND. Prop 14 5 No. n. min. corner to thence 2; deg. W. Samuel Stewart, Judge Third w. 1247 feet to uorner No. I; thence SALT LIKE CITY, UTML Beiaiei Sew BM. 209, 111, south 41 deg. 01 min. w. 474.1 feet to W. Mom-- . Judge Third Dixtrict. 14 5 No. 4: corner south thence T. I). Lcwia. Judge Third Dixtrict. deg. D. C. Kli'hnor. Attorney Third Dintrlrt. min. e. 1247 feet to corner No. 1, being Jiihn E. I tooth, Judge Fourth Dixtrict. the place of beginning. Raid claim being located In the nw. 14 A. C. Hutch, Attorney Fourth Dixtrict. s Beal ia ihia Seclian. Fan. Thmnua Murloncatix, Judge Fifth Dix- and aw. 14 of section 1. township 4 . trict. south, range 4 weat, and n. 14 and Joxhuu (irecuwixtd, Attorney Fifth Dix- 14 of section 24. township 4 south, range : STOCKTON. NEXT TO POSTOFFICE. 5 trict. west, Salt Lake base and meridian, " John K. CliiUvMer. Judge Sixth J'lxtrlct. and containing a total area at 14.428 RWmHHWIHH'WWIlHHHHWHWIlWWIHTnWWWWWnwnWWnHWWWWWWnWWWWWI J. II. Krlckwm. Allorney Rixlh Dixtrict. acres, excluding, however, therefrom Jiti'Oli Johnson, Judge Rcvruth Dixtrict. the area In conflict with the Bullion W. 1. Livingxtoit. Attorney Heventh No. 2. lot 44, Randwlch and Parrot, nir. Dlxttlct. 4748; Gulch West Extension, xur. 182, J. Walcott Thompxon. Rcimrtcr Supreme and Black Diamond, lot 135. Such exI 'nurt. cluded area containing 2.178 acre. I. Palmer, t'lcrk Suprcini! t'ourt and Net area claimed and applied for bethe matter with ERAThTS STORBf MU L.Ktale Llhrurliin. ing 11.20) acres. all the timet Raid Gray Hound Amended lode locait is filled to Boards. State Hr tion mining claim being of record In the the best PAItlaiNR tiovernor, Attorney Gen- office of the County Recorder at Tooele Why, the reason is plain, he keeps rral. Three Huptvinc Judge. City, Tooele County, Utah. The nearelected stock of GROCERIES in Mercur and his iir est known location or mining claim KXAMIXKHM-Goternor, Serretury of being the aforesaid conflicting clalma. 1 direct that this notice be treatment is the same to ali and is appreciated by iir Rtatc, Attorney ilcticrnl. publixhed THE 8CENIO LINE TO In the Remind at Stockton, county of IA UUMMIHRIONKItH and alL lAX Governor. Tooele, Ulah, for the period of nine His business is Qlcnwood Springs, Aspen, Lesdvills, Pueblo, Colorado Springs, Recrctury of Rlatc, Attorney General. consecutive week. promises to do so ad lib. FRANK D. HGBBR. Register. Denver, Omaha, Xnnsaa City, Bt. Louis, Chicago, INHANITV llclter M. Wclla. Governor; G. W. Parka, Attorney for Applicant. H. Tingey. Auditor; John le Grey and all points 23. Iaiat dated Jan. First publication Dixon, Treuxurer. publication. March It. wflh sfl tarthwa Psaflto iiIThih I xl Ofdt U(h M. l"t tHHECTlONR Ileber Well. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Kiaher Harr lx. Chiirlc Read. Ella A. Tha aaly Tiaisa. Um piMiai Ouctli Ihnaik Kinith. EstHte of David H. Crosby, deceased. with claim will Creditor present Ileber M. voucher to the.undHrsigned LAND COM5IIRKIGNKRR .s wQUirm at hla Wells, Hymn Groo. T. D. Rees, Hers-rhIn Rt. John. Tooele county. Utah, FAST TMiNS MULT BCTWtU 00M MD MSVCI llulleu, James A. Melville. on or before the 20th day of May, A. D. NKPHI DRAPER. , EDUCATION Joseph T. Kingsbury. A. 104. C. Nelxon, William J. Kerr, Wllliuni Administrator of the Kxtite of Davidt i H. Crosby. DeceAfl. 8. Mark. William Allison, (l)gden.) ' Through Pullman and Ordinary Steeping Oars to Date nf first publication. Jan. 10. A. C. Lund. D. 104. Is superior to th6 Royal and lias no EQUALIZATION Robert Omaha City, Bt Louis and Chicago without ehangn. Wm. 8. Mark. Attorney fur Estate. John J. Thomax, Thomas D. Dee, oars. PtrsonaUy Oondnotcd Bzcnzslou. chair Swell Nellsen. O. raeUning equal In this county. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ilj baby had Ecaoma bo bad that III head vii a lolld man of acaba, and Iti hair all cam out I tried many remedies but none netmed to do any permanent good until 1 uied PeWItt's Witch Haael Halve. The Eczema ii cured, the acaba are rone and the little one'i scalp la perfectly clean and healthy, and Iti hair la crowing beautifully again. I cannot give ton much pralie In De- - I UTAHS OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. 1903-190Wltrh llaael Halve. Frank Wltt'a Farmer. UlulT City, Ky. In buying nile.l Suite Senator. TImiiiixh Kearns. Witch I laid Salve look out for counterfeit. DeWill'a Ii the orlrlnal and Teitn expiree March 4, 19uS. the only one containing pure Witch nlted State Senatur. Heed Sn.ixit. tlaiel. The name K. C. DeWItl ft 'o. Term expire March 4, 111. la nn every box. Hold by Mercur Drug Co.. Mercur. Utah. Jueeph Unwell, Term Itfpreeenlaltve. Ii. E. Drown, Htocktou. Utah. March 4. 105. expirt-Executive Officers. lode of 2.124 al 4. one-four- th one-four- a 8 THE NAME, PLEASE o o (I to oto o to Un fr to to to Pity,-Utah- Phonix Indemnity Company, to to to to aniut soeeessseeeo sosssssssssso Exit 59. 1 feet. From corner minute SI No. I of Plonui No. 7 sail section turner bears N. I) degrees 27 minutes W. feet. From corner No. 1 of Ploiro No. said section corner bears N 22 degrees 5.l minutes W. 444 feet. From comer t of Ploino No. . saiil section corner bears X- 52 degrees 22 minutes W. 11179.1 feet. From corner No. 1 of Ploino o No. 10 Identical Ith comer No. 1 of No. 17. said section corner beara N. 72 degrees 21 minutes W. 1524.7 feet, and from comer No. 1 of Plomo No. It Identical with corner No. 1 of Plomo No. 10, aald section comer bean N. 7 degrees 44 minutes W. Slut feet. Raid consolidated claims are situated in and form a portion each of sections T and 18. Tp. 4 8.. R. 4 W.. and arctloa 12, Tp. 4 8.. R. 5 W., 8. lx Base and Meridian, Utah, said lodes location mithe ofning claims being of record in flee of the County Recorder at Tooele City, In Tooele county. Utah. In484.Bonk 485. "M" of locations, at pages 48J, 480. 487, 488. 480. 44 and 45. record! of aald county. There are no known near locations as shown bv the plat of survey. I direct that this notice he publirtied In the Stockton Sentinel. Htockton. Utah, the newsiaper published nearest the eald mining claim, for the period of FRANK D. HOBBS. nine weeks. Register. R. E. Rose, Clalma nt'e Attorney. First Pub., Jau. 30; last pub.. Mar. 3 No. - Pln-m- . 28. 1904. rmoum irniuL atvastid character wad good repulatloo ia aaeh ttate (aaa In thla oaaaty raqulrod) to raaraaoat and advert Iso aid aautfe-Itehwool thy bualnaaa houas of oolM taanclal otaadlng. Salary U.N oraok. ly with taponaaa addltlonai, all pays hla la aaah sach Wodnaaday dlraot from haad offleoa. Horao and anrrtago I to nlahid whan noooaoary. Roforoneoh ad Bnelooo xitl Co, oovolopo. Oai. Dear boro at., Uhlcaga: M4 XXXXXX tm Dlx-Irl- Zbc flMtcbcner W95 First-Clas- w m m til Ifoouse. w overflowing w m m. m m X increasing daily X X X X X out m m m V I ...FRANK J1 UNK3UEI ENyOYABLEI HEALTHFUL! SALT LAKE HOT SFUNOS Sanitarium Baths JsJtitil M ERflTHS BREAD... m -- 3 - aE5Carss26c Daw, m m An THE STOCKTON CLUB -- a all through tralna Dining Oars, saxTloc a la Oarta lMiagfeHakBllliafiMtiMiKMx,h,dndi , Wl l 9im3 waM No. 5454. Department of the Interior. Land Offlee at Salt Lake Oty, Utah, December 23, 103. Notice ! hereby given that the following-named wltler haa Hied notice of hla Intentoln to make Anal proof in supand that aald proof claim: hla of port will be made before the Clerk of the District court in and for Tooele county, Utah, at Tooele City, Utah, on Febru-- i H. R. urjr 12. 1(04. via.: Egerton Lougy. STATE Tlit'HTK5:R INDCRTIGAI, i IS.54. for the N4 BEK. NEK Of 8W4 4 7. south. X. C. and lot 3, 8er. townahip RiiKNil. Angus T. Wright, range 4 west. S. L. M. He names theFlygare. Khiianl T. Hiinu-- . following witnesses to prove hi ronTRrSTE5:S RCIliKiL Full DEAF tinuous residence upon and cultivation AND lil'MK Muuil May II.'iIhix. nf said land, vix.: Francis X. Lougy. John Wutxon. Mix. A. II. Cony. 5ied Willard Atkin, John B. Gordon. Alvin W. Chinnier, M. I.. Rlb hie. J. MrCuistlon. all of Tooele, Utah. FRANK D. HORBS. Register, Ill iRTHi'LTI'R: Thomas Juil-1- . Moiix L. L. BAKER. Attorney. IVtiTHini. J. II. I.iri). Flrxt publication Jan. 0; last publics- HEALTH AND VITAL STATISTICS -- tlon February ( . T. II. Ilt'iiii). Martha F. S. NOTICE. II. Cannon. A. 5. Dun'iiiux. Frank II. Strelr. Wlllanl V. Crnxiill. S. H. Alien. United Stales I .and Offlee. Salt Lake Utah. Jan. IX. 1904. ,, Ili Ml I U JiilM I. 'City. I IIAIa'l.Al I n l.ip oni'ern S,Hjr T. II. ' Frank.il. W. W. Ox.k. l:er. l given ihHi the State of ftah Carr, Ii. 5. Uil. r. has filed in this office a list. Nn. 51. of MEDICAL EXAMINERS l. C. Jfiiilgi-lands xeleeteil t.y the said Rlale for the .if a A. S. Cniiih.ii, Biiani Siiii.g!i.iin. A. ixinlilixlinieiit aid malntenun.-C. Ewing. Elias R. Wilglif. .1. C Man-- ; r.m iiir! school under seiiinn 12 of the It. W. I'islur. 'net nf nngrex np proved July 14. INM. embraced In raij W. G. Dal- - I'1"' tollowlng ti.n-tDIONTAI, EXAMINEES list an In a township ryinple. W. II. Ilmiinr. Main W e,lc. lion tidner.-il claim of record, C.IIIK.- E. Eli.-- Ii. ' k. A taining S N K ne Sec. 31. T. 5 8.. R. 6 W k S. L. sswi. mKtytaa L SALT LAKE OTY A. BENTON, G Ai P. D, a HlUlard Hoorn In Connection. Everybody Heeclvm Good Treatment at tb Slock trio Ctnb. Main Street. Stockton. REMEMBER, ; j ' , -- rr; - TUP EAST THAT THE IN FIGU1UNG YOU A l 'i I'l.1 1. A. A-- x;m!, i'1' ' Si4y. UTAH SILK CUMMISSliiN - Mi Mar- garet A. Caine. Mrs. Ann c. W.xxi- bury. Mrs. Eliralxlli Uaihard. Si. Rachel Sicg. l. Mix Maria E. Zundl ETAH ART IXSiiii'Th:- - II. I.. A fiilmcr. S. T. Wliilak. r. Mix. K.Ina W. SU.iii. Mrs. Alice M. Ilorflc. L wix Ranixi y. Allan t,. I.nvc). G.oigr M. . Olling-T- FOR PATENT. n:;:. i TIIK INMTKli Suit lauke itn4. Xmifo tSin Street, Stoc'itcft wIium L.ik S:ilt pii(oftio I'tah. lufi t'ity. n plu'utlnn fnr I'niteil Stnt! IAM J.m. lIr.c one-four- x; lod-- Bl S. j - uu!h:-jft- l VMW B IMS rorUAS trmxiwwo no ROUTS TO ALL room IS ST a SPEED 201 SALT LABS CfTT. VTAft. THROUGH SCENIC COLORADO FERTILE MISSOURI UNSAS PULLMAN SLEEPING CARS, OBSERVATION DINING CARS. Elkctmc Lights, Electric Faro. Chair Cars -Reclining .(inn r(i),. CoaCNCh. DAY TI HmIm N. C.TOWmiND, HMNIi tm iMMT MM, Ii, (THE OVERLAND ROUTE) Tbare's no Better Senrica j Than that via the Uqiop Pacific . nl i ii ip- - RAILWAY Nr lirttaTUiti, FMn, TTNION PACIFIC Unexcelled 1 rogressivb ST. Missouri Pacihg UMO-D- COMFORT SAFETY Dirmomci MAIN vm (THE OVERLAND ROUTE w .nl (XMocnoN UNION PACIFIC SrENCU. A.c.r. ttT.A. j : loiio county. Ttah. linear feel of wi ni I uiul ly the public general. y. Wnhin the next sixty days following inciiia: lnxtiiif t:ons of Novemlier 27. l'hS 23 I D.. ( in, protests or con'exte the .iahii of the State to any agiituxl of tlu- - tracts nr subdivisions hcreinbe-'r- e i Ilml. nn the ground that fli xain- - ir irme i duable for mineral than n.r agrlciiltural pmpnse. will 1 rr- vl and nnl.'l for report to the G.m-C.l.ard l)MI. at Washington. I). F.i.luie xo to prnteat or rontcat within Ih linn i"eclfi. will be considered su'ln inl eviilci.r of the (harmtiT of In-Ui-- - tracts, and the seler- linn I Ii 'I cof. ng otherwise free fiann Inbuciinn, will I reeonimended for : l l"- -' FRANK D. IIOBBS. Register. Ki . A. SMI ill. Receiver. Kit Iub., J ui. 30; Inul pub.. M:ir. "f ami x:n- - i ground ax xhown by the plat of No. (917, and xurvty, 1i:ik Xlirv.-dexcrilieil In the field notes and plat nf the official survey on flic in this with magnetic variation at 17 deg. east, as follows: Commencing at corner Nn 1, whence the sertlon corner on the east boundary of sec. 19. T. 4 S.. R. 4 W.. beara R. 87 deg. 35 min. K. 144 4 feet, thence N. 87 dg 51 min. W. 553.9 fret to corner No. 2; thence S. 87 deg. 5 min. W. 970.2 feet to corner No. 3; theme R. 15 deg. 30 min. W. 275.8 feet in corner No. 4: thence R. 73 deg. 12 n.in. E. 954. ( feet to corner No. 6: thence N. 84 deg. 21 min. E. &55.I feet to corner No. 4; thence N. 15 deg. 2n inin. 57. 340.3 reel to corner No. 1. the place of beginning. containing a net area of 8..'I,:i3 acres, txprcxsly excepting and ex'iud-in- g tic fnl'nwing onflirlx: tail No. 45, Silver King No. 2 West Exl.'iisinn lode of l.dl acres: lot No. 51. Silver King No. 2 West Extension II, lode nf ,23a acres: lot No 44. Theresa lode of 1.339 acr-lot No. 71. Silver Kma No 2 Tono'U Uv7.3 I imiK. Iun aiMro C.r.T.A. 6bicio, 50TICE. List No. M. Insnite Aeylutr . United Rtute Land Office. Ralt Lake ity. Utah. Drc. 21. 1903. To Whom It Hay Concern: Notice I her-b- y given tiut the State of Utah lias filed In this off a list. Nn. 51. of lands selected by the ,a:d Slate for the e tahfixhment ani maintenance nf an fhne axylum. under section 12 of the Hrt f rnngrcxi : July 18. lf94. nbraced In xald The following ir. t. lift are in a tiwnxblp containing mining claims of record, vix.: Southeast n tar ter of the northeast quarter of Reckon 21. township 5 south. range I west. Halt Iftke meridian. A ropy of said list, so far as it re'ntec to said traets. by descriptive subdivision. has been conspicuously posted In thla office for Inspection by any ier-so- n Interested and by the public generally. Within sixty days following the date or this notice, undrr depart it enl-i- l instructions nf November 27. D94. C3 I,. D.. 439). protest or contests against the claim of the Rtate to any of the trai ts or subdivisions hereinbefore described, on the ground that the same mnr'' valuable for mineral than for agiicul-turn- l ' purpose, will be received noted for repfirt to the Gcnei.-i-; 1.. office at Wariihapton. P. C. F..I. to protest or ejfntest within ti to ifi."l will le considered . 'l'i fyilwniKee & 5t. PaqI Ry. nd From Exnasa City, Saint Loaia Memphis to points ia tbs Sooth, Soptb-oas- t and South west THROUGH LINE 1. V. isiU !:- I!. pKtT,! fur nuniRK rluim. In lliii'h YmIU'.v nritninK iltMrlit. tfiiili'Ti.i uituutt .Fresh Meats. rhv. rt:ih. !urfby itivrn (hut i Iriii Kit e Mlniiik; l inan-it'- r I'.! ti M Ylrlii. f h- qpd Largest Meat ooelo County. STATUS iw Goner Bl E. BVRLEY. irartN. l.v dcriplivo miIhiivI- In han bopii iliis oillce fur ii: perilon by any lT.-a:- i to i M. SniUKTY. tUttii.s nf Xo IfMftit A. J.iiinrt (i. nlil, Jiilm C. Oilhr. Mri8. iiml; M. Iix, M. K. I'.inwniK. J. S. .iiiyfiii!, ll y Slmo?i .iuilMrKir. I'niuiiii. T. II. Siniili. (iMr:i AilnniK, Jnhi. II. IN RAILROAD "T iVnM M. A. NO. I" m Line Oregon Short e i i i ,TiATH;!hnA C2BIs3 o Complete ; Iluxi-oiii- . AND TMK VIA -- Plnl-eU- stTlouis EAST j Dealer in High Grade Wines and Liquors for Family Trade and Medicinal Purposes. f Through Servloo N The Union Pacific and Chicago, Milwaukee ft BL Paul s Bleepers, Tourist Railways arc now running Cars Free and Chair Reclining Bleepers through to For cor reservations and tickets, sleeping Chicago. hither information, apply to first-clas- Leaving Kauaa City at 6;SO P. M. daily, anil taka you to Springfleld, Him phis, Birmingham, Atlanta, Jsckaoa villa and ail point ia tha Southeast. For detailed information apply Is G. W. MARTIN ENBRAL WESTERN AGBIVT F. A. MILLER, Osoarai CLAUDE & WILLIAMS faunw Aged CammmU Aftai 106 W. Second South Si, Soil Cfcacaga 1106, ITTM 8T. DENVER, OOLO. To Cure a Cold in One Day -- wa Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet, C 13 iloekaMieieb post months. mm TH mtnrPt Cara CHp hTwoDgys, ntA SfTj&y l on every box. 25c. I |