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Show ..CP tW Vg, nitNe reuld rot kooi- BOOKS FOR SPECIAL MOODS. SFORT IN JAGUAR HUNTINtk rev u,i u: jiM su ffto-- u:l r biiuber. Ilnarvnr In the wor: Most Ercctiva Way of Grouping Your Element ef Dagger Makes tb Paw Animal Instinct Batter Than the Obtime Popular. iji lie hate fimd nut t! e mit'.a-,'-kLibrary. servation ef Man. i 1 hers-i.t think tl lourd you the aver triad For Hava togethhardy sportsman tha stalkyon putting When Thomas McGulnesa, a Sequel to Tha Bow ot Orange Kihboo.' i.t?" i er the books that euit special moods? ing of the Jaguar la tha real sport. horseman of Philadelphia, a were The "Ths! is Irew ccnabio, amusing hooka, the stories of ad- For tha panther la a kitten beati want to Europe noma time ago, he Vary. ' e e wju.i! lav written 1, venture, the home stories being ao tha Jaguar. Tha natives there call took a blooded horaa with him. The el.'siid th aa:r.'' grouped that when you feel Ilka read- tha panther tha "friend of man, at h: A LOVE STORY BY AMELIA E. BARR j animal was la a specially prepared ' I'i i 'a;T ur !, ing some particular sort you may at those of tha Argentina do, hut they '. Iy wry etall on deck and enjoyed the trip J u it o.ei a glanc s se all jour treasure that call tha Jaguar a devil. The natives v.'Mt Asaslia hr It Hsu) (CmuriiH Wt the rough weather. When Mr. :!i -L .l appeal to thst momentary Interest? hunt the Jaguar by putting ont halt MoQuIness thought land should soon '" VO! i'e' It lx net a bad plan. But tha poaal- - and lyieg In wait fur him on kim be sighted, he asked the captain how I ' :J l. a:w. n ii.v-a s ra.i.i-Ieil.HC CHAPTER XI. (Continued.) c "Very !'! ot arrangement are endlees. elevated biding place. I saw a man fkr the ship was from the Irish coast " (! i! ir l.i 'i how he was uian 'll tniHral.lv iud-- ' lil e my Does he and wa all have our favorite plana I r who had killed a Jaguar thus with The commander of the steamer, In his hurtT' ' Wi:V '"! A Mjt. Ys Khiii, ihae m e u:.i. r i.i.i! ly who bow and arrow. For stalking a wo.ider if there li any usual gruff manner, replied: "Your I imu li ,!i 1;: He declares his nir-n.; unit iiiiod. lie-- j apeake ai-i- l of hi ;. I.miy MHittr? Vhi-- l row nar In man fashion the heat place 1 one in i:l from refrain putting horse will tell you; watch him." ' I cause lnstHad of l nrnliitc to New i word. I il.inl, iliut n i :i wii-- i l.i.v .i.ui.7 V.' 1., 11 his must attractive biudings? tha on a sandy stretch of sea beach, and WThe owner of the animal could not Tork, he hail taken on a cargo for the , of ala Mint !" 1. or 'ilki s r 1. v leather covers that make tha time when most likely to And pav. gii "1 tiiii.k in'." understand what the captain meant, Bast India company, and that the i' e . r iii'. e If there the game U on a moonlight night v little court of r ;; and ha was not particularly pleased blow was given lilm by 1.1n firm nr sec-: k Vr. V: i "li i. ror ii in' e av.ay l' is any reader who can refrain from For tha Jaguars sre partial to ths A Professional Nuraa Tails Har Em I J With the answer. Finally, however, . V: i. a ii p a.i itii-mate. He vows lie will get well linn of (umi.I i. t? 11 ii '.ma:he must bs j sea beach on a moonlight night si harmless this parienca With Doan's Kidney Pills pageantry a eouple of hours before land was ob- and find hia ship and the rascals that alike. Hm ild.--. t a; n- lie ui):-r- . i i.:t l 'ei: 01 f'ajif ' j! ri' h the owner of an unusually logical mors or less civilised cats ars to Montagus, Mssa In re. i.H ' i :,uU i.u bb-- k ci i.i.i hi. I served, the horse, which was a mag- stole her; and 1 should not wonder f saw l ord U back fences of the city. They can mind, or else lacks ths soul of order. Co., Buffalo, N. Y. l no-- . nificent bay, poked bis head through be does. He has will enough for any-- j turn At j I Che up 10:11.:.'. be found In the upland, however, ad) SL Nicholas. , Gentlemen I heartily wish those I have iim e so. ' the grating and, ut retching his neck, thing. Madame desires to and It Is safe who are suffering from backache sad leu you io'fiB;i:' cn:e7 i:.ni'i I r ..u j with no great dufllrulty, . totalllMa ilo-aald ant-rwhined loudly. "There you are," a j she f!i a Cornelia Can you go there with me And Viiy e: r.y. rise's Con for Coasumptlaa is as y,lt wherever found, they sre disturbed action of the kidneys would .1: It W.tfcaaiiaj, uur In the morning? the captain to Mr. McGulnesa; e! r so Vaw I P it k "Weil tin ro. ilai as s!,h msdxiiia for coughs aod add considered lightly. it They try Doan's Kidney Pills. As wss ths SMt IT, FsN i hone smells the land. I aball be glad 10 go. Madaiue la h.1 honiH. sl.e l.u : 1 He Me 'fi love qr frio: rls' ip. If i: Dumb Grove, have not lesrned to fear man on ths case with me, they will ba mors than wiih an almo.-- l pu im ,iu- inxi!i-;.i':es, iir yue away, f owl The captain, In esplalnlng the odd Ilka no one else." isthmus, si they hare in most of ths surprised with ths results. I had been Whistler In Sarcsetle Mood. . I llBVM not V ! I W. 1, II. uii lace She la not like herself at present. other parts of ths world where found, troubled for years with my spina 1 occurrence, aald that the thoroughcqij.ty glim i.irn On day James MscNelll Whistler and in him i. ! s he. aud l.e o;:.. bred detected the odor from pasture She has but one Ihnuglit. one rare, give him up! I h. ,xe li .1 b "iirfsfi they do not hesitate to charge could not Us on either side. Spinal entered the atelier ef his class Is when they think there Is any ocaaion J ( 'lilt i u!l up " lands that was wafted far seaward, one end and aim In life her huscramps would follow, and words could backa red found thst Paris and At tbi oo.i'.t (i the CHAPTER XII. und that horses on board ocean steam-er- a band." for It, and even without occasion. A not explain ths agony which I would' behind-thground had been arranged Cornelia was taken to the dim unalways give the first signal when moonlight hunt for ths Jaguar may andura. Whila In thssa cramps I, A Heart That Waita model. At one he directed someland la near. called the beet sport ths new re- could not apeak or move, but by makbs by Ameer, and canny drawing-roothe Norfolk I.aie summer mi "x thing of a duller tons to bs substi- public afforda Illustrated Sporting ing a great effort after th cramp had r left among Its gods, and tuted and hs scraped ths red paint Newa Three Doctors' Opinions. odd treaauretrova for nearly half an Ilroads! And where uj earth tan the left ma 1 could begin to apeak and off ths canvas uf one of ths pupils, Buffalo, N., Y.i Feb. ltth. Pbyst-etta- s hour. When madame at length came lover of Ik ate fit d a mure charmliii.' move a little, but my whola back waa MEXICO. backOF ADEPT CROOKS Close to of Manor resort? another Its the in Hyde, pises have accepted Dodd's Kidney to bar, aha looked ten years older. Her putting so sore and Isms thst I could not Hy-'Norwould show home red in the uf But Kari ths country ground. Wls as the standard remedy for dis- wonderful dark eyes glowing with a even have tha back bathed for some eases of the Kidneys and kindred oft tender fire alone remained un- folk. there waa one ut tr.i-sthrough. He scraped, studied and Pickpockets In ths Neighboring Re- time. My nerves war In a terrible Ilroads -f- lat as a billiard table, aril worked laboriously to get something a public Are Exceptionally Adroit state. I would rather alt up at night complaints. . R. H. Dunaway, M. D., touched by the withering hand of that pleased him. The rest of the St Benton, III., says: To s supersensible degree ths fins than go to bed, dreading th cramps vital a ever hidden by the tall reeds whlrh lKriler love. They were ed It. Hut Annie ll)ile liiiig at the rlsss surrounded th easel and eager- Italian hand Is still to bs met with and tha terrible backaches. I consult"Dodd's Kidney Pills cured me ot they had been, and when Curnella-aal- d ly watched the master. Hs looked np among Mexican pickpockets. Diabetes after everything else had o, aha answered, That la because open window of her mom In (he Mar.ur They ed physicians, but got only a little you xrs noted for their artistic performfinally and said: "I suppose IbBed and I was given up to die. I my ao til dwells In them, and my soul House could see its silt cry wafers . relief for the time being. 8eelng your do? "Oh. l am to I know what trying have since prescribed them la my la always young. I have had a year, and the ances la whetrj final inp on legerdemain. advertisement, my mother urged me Well. yes, sir." they all chorused. tegnlar practice for every fora of Cornelia, to crumble the body to dust, them, and the youi.g man s'lting at Only a few months sines the chief of to try Doan's Kidney Pilla After It's more than I do, hs replied, grim- police of an American city, whose using one box 1 wsa better, and have Kidney Trouble and have never as yet but my soul made light of It for love's the prow fislili g, and iilliiast. umung llllca and languors of theae hoi ly, and left the place. knots them to rail. nsms need not be mentioned, was ever since been on the gain. I have aka Did your father tell you how the ilinmer dua. Jesse I Limes, M. D, Bt John, mueh CapL Jacobus had suffered T" robbed of his watch twice within two no backache and no cramps now and Bronx the Cough and Au sued man sal silently by hi r. a Kansas, says: OIT the (hid days, and finally ths timepiece was I feel Ilka a new person. My nerves "Yes. madame." Works w mmwas man of soul noble l.eauty. "I prescribed Dodd's Kidney Pills Laxative BiuuofJiiiaiiieTaUaUL PrireSaa returned to him by tha very ratero" are better and I know my blood Is "Foor Jacobus! Till I be tor the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. dead, I aball never forget my drat In every part of hla body, expressive Words cannot express my who had taken It, nor did the' Ameripurer. anu impressive a fiery particle not lieBrlde of this place who suffered When All the World Was Bad. can officer have time to catch ths thanks to you for what Doan's Kldnay of him In that dreadful place light , from Was there aver a time In your thief, whose audacity threw him off Pills have don for me. In my work Epileptic fits following Scarlat- gad thf" aha described her overwhelm- always al Its window, hill when t,iere. n gushing young Indy one Ufa. ina; results were miraculous; I have ing emotions whan aha perceived he inferllng and going through observer, his guard. Why the pickpocket took as professional nuraa 1 have a chance not. never seen anything Ilka It naked n popular comedian. In tocea of ths trouble to restore ths watch, for to recommend them; and they did me was alike apathetic to hla pauper con- whether they would or when nil which hs was able to resiles There had been silence for some th tender est sentiment, Leland Williamson, M. D., York-tow- dition, and to her love and presence. so much good that I will do ao on n dreary month's to he between not time and did them, you apworld the appeared Ark., says: every possible occasion. Thera never came a moment during wages at ths nearest ' HATTIE BRIGHAM, Nuraa waste, when your heart sank as lead Kidney Pills are the beat tha whola visit when It was possible pear disposed to break it. lint Annie la not dear, but perhaps he she within you, when all ths sweet springs heard ths owner talking of ths smart Doan's Kidney Pills are sold at 59 medicine I know of for all forms of to apeak of Hyde. Madame seemed longed for him to do ao. of your Ilfs seemed turned to bitterAddress per boa Kidney Disease. I believe In using to have quite forgotten her liking for hail a mystical appetite for sacred pickpockets In his own country nnd cents Your servant ladies. ness, when all light was dark and all ths Mexican took such pride In his Co., Buffalo. N. Y, for a free the remedy that relieves and cures my tha handsome youth, It bad been thlngi and waa never ao happy and so d much at rest as when he waa talking Hyde entered, brown and friends false, and death seamed ths own professional ability thst hs took trial box. Patients, whether ethical or not and up In her adoring affection for to her of them. scent of tha sadgy water and tha greatest boos tha coda could offer? the I always prescribe Dodd's Kidney bar restored occasion to rebuke ths Amiricsn. husband. Prohib'ts Export of Gama Dear father." she aald Anally, T flowery wood a boat him. Tha actor took a mental but unsentiVilla and can testify that they InOne morning, however, the By sn edict of the Minister of AgriYour servant, lad Ire. ha aald gay. mental Journey Into tha realms of hla been of have the COFFEE DR. a years, past thinking variably accomplish permanent and "I culture in Hungary, ths exportation topic waa Introduced. InIn which you have taught ma ao ly, I have bream enough for a down past Ufa and replied gloomily: Discovers Mild Romodles That Raatora of parts at cure of all Kidney had a visit from Madama Van Heems-klr- k living game or eggs is prohibited. and I can remember waa families, Mary; asd I have sent much." deed Bight to Blind Paople, there she aald, yesterday afternoon, noted oculist. MO Good Ol Coffee. W. Dr. I wars to the It Anns rectory. It string Is better to look forward, yesterday. though it SO Ba. Kaomnl Wheat Fee A-U lock, Deo Molaes, Iowa, hex dlerovered mild and tha dear old Senator cams with waa only 13 years of ago at ths time, medteuet that people cxn use iu their eves at Rich Boll ef China. (To be continued. The traveler to Introduced by the U. & Dept, of Agr. While they nie, ha answered. Jacobus. to her ate Capt. Scums. euru Qmsulatnt Cutarucw. aud hoses moment from thst nd I resolved It ta a tremendous cropper, yielding In Agriculture la comparatively easy talked madame told me that you had Eternity muat not continually turn Ulcers on the yee, Wsuk Borokyrsoml JUST WHERE HE BELONGED. never to smoke another cigar nntil Ltrii. good Und 10 ba per sere, and on dry, work in Chinn. The soil la ao rich refused that handsome young fellow, back to count bis steps, for If God but Mid ol eye trouble. ot 10.000 hlx arid Codes lands, such as are found In Mont. Dr. hut printed hit I was n man. that a square mile of It la capable of her grandson. What could you mean be leading him, no matter how dangerfamixit Stpeau book oa Xje Diseases sod wants Idaho, tha Dakotas, Cola, eta, it will n of ot of Parrot this 4,000. leader to ous free u population or will every Appropriateness Recognised send Tie road. the to copy supporting lonely pluck yield from 40 to CO bu. ThU Wheat and Mix. VriMhnra Sonthlnw Bmp, - . by suck atupidity, Mlaa Moran? Uw mu, raMMa to paper. This hook telle sow to earv for tbeevex Hia 8urrundlnga Far cMMrxa WMblaa, of feet Bpeltx and Hanna BarUy and Bromus out net the thy InmtmM mild his how and of blindness McafeOUltb tone bad voice sod Her Just that prevent ef the Siral Mew Terkae Inermia and Billion Dollar Grass, fT Dr. B. Weir Mitchell had a parrot all dlaaasea at homo at email he words As theae spoke Mary diswith sarcastic - Than whom there Is no better Potato difference, mingled Writs Dr. Ooffes today for his book. makes if possible to grow and fatten waa an exceptionally line talker. that PEKIN. 8TREETS OF Darner THE laid and her she hand entered, CorIn 10 blind. hogs and cattle wherever soil la found. tbs Country, says: "Bslier'a approval, that hurt and offended Dart wall ro Kxpert Earliest Potato Is the earliest ef SS care nelia She felt that it waa not worth on hla shoulder and said, My dear The bird's sentence was: i car assn lOo an tbii nonca Well! darn my fye! Hers I am Odd Bights 8esn In ths Dirtiest City Beet aorta, tried by me. yielding 4(4 bit. while to to tha John A. Balser Seed Co., La Doctor Roslyn, after death what then? What Children Should madame Leant, for herself,. explain per acre." Sslsers Early Wisconsin at last just where J belong." Crosse, Wla, and they will send yon In ths World. we are not all good what then?" Habits acquired In childhood sre free a sample of this Wheat and other yielded for the Haral New Yorker 1st had evidently accepted tha offended This wsa not uttsred every day, but He looked at her wistfully and anAn American In ths orient writee: the ones thst stick through life. So it farm aeeda, together with their great bu. per acre. Now Balser baa heavier grandmothers opinion and the memThe bird was the "Pekin is said to be ths filthiest city Is Important tlutt little ones should catalog, alone worth 1100.00 to any I will give you one thought, only on occasion. swered, yielding varieties than abova. B of was tha young Lord lively ory ' fcalitr'a catalog. farmer. (W. N. TJJ " to ponder the bleaaadagea ,of pet of p hpeplULjgrO kept the world and it la Ths strsstsr be taught halite Jf Kaatndsa helpful-- ' enough to make her sympathise with Mary, omnia . C but allowed ths frs reIp ths It not la an older been never dispensary, than heaven, have hich and sen belong-Ingdaintiness about their eternity apparently to the John A. Balser hia supposed wrong. Italian Newspaper. dom of the room. One day the drugIt Is certainly essential for a I never considered you to ha n tha misery of hell? Let your soul paired, fairly swarm with human and l, La Crosse, WIs., and receive Italian newspapers have few snb- lots of farm aeed samples and their big filrt," aha continued, and I am aaton-(ha- fearlessly follow where this fact leads gist was called sway for. awhile. He animal Ilfs; of caravans stately girl and will not do a hay any harm rrriberr They are sold mostly in left in s mixture water of and catalog, which la brim full of rare whisky God's camels from Mongolia and Tibet; the nor make him one whit lass manly. I told Madame Van Heemakirk It; for there la no limit to gardener and farmer, ihe streets thlngi for the 100.00 a on the When tabla hs glass got own, Its creation of cart mercy." Pekinese not I Doctor had leant doubt that to every wide the easily wprth f $100 Reward, $100. Then he rose and went away, and back the glass was overturned and with no springs, but drawn by sleek FARMERS ORGANIZE. awake fanner. Moran dictated the refuaal. Th leaden of this paver trill ba plmeed ta teara It describes Sailers Teoslnte, yield Mary aat down In hla place, and Annie shattered, the liquid was missing, and mules In giyly caparisoned harness ttM What promises to become a most power1 to 1 Indeed. answered dtof itoicteiirF drwiM Oh, Cornelia, iliw tng 110,000 lbs. per acre, of rich green Ml tlUfit U came 'back to the material ths parrot was unconscious on the with outriders In mushroom hats and ku bMB RbtM to MN It ftll lit ful factor In the produce markets and from fodder. Balsrr'e Victoria Rape, yielding with a good deal of spirit, and some gradually CftUrrfc. Hill Caurrfe Cure la Um inly ylt1v which farmers will reap immense benefit, 00.000 lbs. of sheep and hog food per anger, you shall sot hlama my father. plana of everyday life and duty. In- floor. At first ths parrot was thought red plumes, tha mafoo running along- cart viv knova to the aifdk'al fratrmliy. liunii Indtaea no. vftqNlraa ft (orUM took life in tbe organization of the Farmers emuUoal acre, together with 8alaer'e New Ns side or mounted on small donkeys; tell Irta Ha knew nothing whatever of Lord deed Mary brought thia element in a to be dying, but some humorous tmft. HftU'a Cfttftirb Cur la tftkrn la Grain and Iiv e Block Commission Co., at tlonal Oats, which has a record of 100 ternes alleged It might have n ebsnes toolles without number bearing bur- tSunal bluod and inucotta decided form the pwo with arilotf for she 1 her; directly very (null?, offer had been until subjected bu. per acre In M states, so also full Hyde's erf arc of the ayat4m, tberehr Chicago, I1L This Company will handle In her band from an old for life If it were taken to the public dens on their heads or shoulders; foeRdaitaa ef the dheoF. al jrl description of Alfalfa Clover, Giant In to such Insult and wrung as drove me had a letter shipments of grain and stuck at all the prihybelldlBjr up the ccnMltmiK carnet Clover, Alalke, Timothy and to the grave's mouth. Only tha mercy lover, and she was much excited by alcoholic ward. Thera It was convey- richly adorned sedan chairs hearing atroBKih tag ftatvra IftdolDf lu wwk. 1 he pnprtetora have mary markets, will have footling stations ofed thousands of other fodder plants, of God and mock In with tucked Chinese and ofler to or vo some and discuss that Buck falih Its ceremony ta msndsrisn the they advent, high lu curative puarm eager for stock, and will operate elevators, eta my fathers skill, brought Huai rod lMlara fur any rate tluc It ialla to Grasses, Wheat, Spelts, Barleys, eta n cot with n strip of linen around Its ficial; the biggest Chinamen riding One The project has a strong backing from inma back to life. care. Head for llf f teBtlmuulalii. particulars with Annie. W. N. UO Ok JAddiew j head. fluential farmers and business men and wUL CIIKShV The Toledo, to was CO., the smallest of donkeys with Jingling only thing to do It la from Capt. Seabright, who la Yea, I think your father to be wontutd by ftll Drugklau. T54 no doubt receive universal endorsement. await developments the Intoxicated balls; and through it all, underneath In Pondicherry, now she Haifa Fllle fur Take Fear ths "Death Wind. eouatlpaftoe. explained. Family skilful. Doctor Moran a derfully ,la He loves me, Annie. He loved me bird either had to die or recover with- and! scour d, swarmed n msse of on tha French fine physician; Jacobua any a aa Boat fishermen Auto for Firemen. Novel Court Decision. coast avoid going to tea on the first If ma- lung ago, and wont to India to make out sid. A nurse kept watch on It, Chinese men, women and children; Cornelia remained silent. Th Oerman city of Frankfurt has ad In after the a time women feathered a now Msnchu the gorgeous Is ha has he toper any two daya of November, owing to a dame did not feel Interest aufflrlcnt in money; enough During ths severe earthquake voted 55,01)0 mark for an nutomoblla with their peculiar headdrssa Guatemala, April 19, 1902, a certain addition to the fire department aperstltioue fear of tha death wind her affairs to aak for the particulars and to spare; and he asks me If I stirred, crawled ont from under the cocked Its bandaged head to end with fares rough and powdered. coven, and tha ballet that drowned fisherman of one ao nearly fatal to her, the de- have forgotten.' block of buildings was destroyed. It 'There la Mr. Van Ariena to con- one side, glanced around at tha other Such a sight cannot bs seen In any was Insured against nre, but not, as To Wash China 8ilk Dresaea at that time rise and capstan boats. termined not to force the subject on other country, nor In any other city Chius silk dresses may be quite successwss stipulated in the policy, against her. Then Jacobua rang hla bell and sider. Yon have promised to marry occupants of cots, and croaked: Tha Meeting and firs occasioned National Irrigation ltemove all spots with Well! darn my eyes! Here I a combination of gorgeousness by an earthquake, end fully washed, madame flew to hla room to see him, Mary. It la not hard to And the Then wash in warm soapsuds, rubat lent. Just when I belong." New filth, magnificence and squalor, Congress. In this csss the lire which destroyed i whether hia want had received proper right way on this road. I think. tbe bauds, rinse through between bing and almost unbeVevshls. Of course. I would acorn to do n York Tlmea the buildings and tbe shuck were si several waters. Use Ivory Soap and do TO be held at El Paso, Texas, this fall, attention. Cornelia sat still a few dishonorable or unhandsome thing. The owners of not rub the soap on the dresa Wring as most simultaneous. promises to be of great Interest to as possible, wrap in aheot or clean Phenomenon of th Tropica The Northwest Territory. Uut is It not very strange Willie dwellers la the property claimed that its destruc- dry country, when partially dry. iron. A curious phenomenon has bssn tion wss caused by ths overthrowing of cotton cloth and. The Canadian government has Isand addresses will be mads by Amershould write to me at this ELEANOR R. PAH&EK. ican and foreign Irrigation authorities. How contradictory Ufa la! I sued s census bulletin, which gives noticed in the tropics thst can never a lamp Immediately before ths earth time? A minAn Interesting program, Ineluding a had also a letter from Mr. Van Arlena statistics as to agriculture In Alberta be seen at higher latltudca tremors, and thus In the end the legal Varying Heart Bsata genuine Mexican bull fight will bo same mall, and 1 shall answer Aislnibois end Saskatchewan, which ing shaft at gombrerete, Mexico, Is decision was made to hinge on ths the The hesrt of vegetarian beats on by CanFor further Ingiven by the citizens. of on the Tropic t Then aha united comprise the Northwest terri- almost exactly them both this evening. to tha minute; exact time when various cities on an average formation regarding data of above 21 the sun r aaventy-fiv- . laughed a little, and added. I must tory. The total ares of these terri- cer. and at noon on June ths line of movement were wrecked. that of tbe meeting, railroad fares, eta, address take care and not make the mistake tories is 190,963.117 acres. Of this shines to the bottom, lighting up ths Timing an earthquake by a court de- This represents s difference of 24,009 C F. Warren, room No. 411, Dooly res. 75.99 per rent Is unimproved. well for a vertical depth of 1,100 feat cision is a novelty. ."f an American girl made, under much houra beats In twenty-foublock. Salt Lake City. Utah. Field crope, exclusive of hay, occupy or more. the same rtrrumstanrea" Annie 53 per rent of the Improved land, but What was it?" inquired Eastern Coasts tha Healthiest SURE only a fair beginning has been made languidly. Throughout tha West Indlea and "Sho misdirected her letters and with fruit trees and vegetables. The The Robuit Physique Can Stand More pnlnaula of Florida tha prevailing Winds are from due east which makes thus sent 'No' to the man whom of all ares of land in wheat, oats, barley, Coffee Than a Weak One. There ie a way of trifling that costa a heap of money. Neglect the eastern ooaata very healthy, while rye. corn, peux, potatoes and other otliera. she wished to marry. A yonng Virginian nays: Having 1691 lleld roots In was acres, 194,773 soft as tha waat cuaata, where thee trade Ax Mary sttoke a brightness n increase In a decade of 333 pC? a naturally robust constitution far winds era not ao constant tha climate seemed to pervade Annie's brain cells, above tbe averago and not having a is leu salubrious. and she could hardly restrain the ex- cent. nervous temperament, my system was clamation of sudden enlightenment and it may put you on crutches, with loss of time and money. able to resist tbe inroads upon It New Method in .Photography. FRAUDS IN A BALE OF HAY. that rose to her lips. use of coffee for some years bat the by new in method phothe a "what Kalatypy, strange Mary. she said, the strain began to tell. Did yon know the girl?" incident! tography. is described as follows: finally , Frauds in Watch Cases. "Fur ten years I have been employ Over the finished negative Is pourefi I saw her once in Philadelphia Mr. According to an .irtii-l- in theClnd . This ed as telegraph operator and typea fi e pound stow Van Arienx told me about her. She Is a solution of bydrosuperoxlde. writer by a railroad in this section will cure surely, promptly. Price, 25c. and 50c. Mntly fonuil In that city secreted uninrtrr a the leaves, evaporation, the of his sister friend toe Marquise Mtoof hsytif eighty pounds. and until two yean ago I bad used cot-of form of hydrogen. peroxide layer Tounuerre." ile Inii is not as bad as finding a lui fee continually from tbe time I wsi Mad of the wciclit "I am sorry for that unfortunate Soon the silver of the plate works nearly j did gold watch case aum-tecateight years old. nearly 20 yearn hi tb roxtde this and p upon produces American girl." ter of the case. tels-of work the The operating "So am I. She is a great beauty. alytic dissolution wherever there Gold watch cnsi" are sold wi . key is a great strain upon tbs and no one ran m where this by lied Her name Is Cornelia Moran: and her siiw-r- while in thu places free from graph nerves and after the day's work was frotod ontil the sprii vs of tha css this remains. silver momenta, her heart swelling. her eye the By peroxide New In a famous is father physician token out ami llm load will Im foui over I would feel nervous. Irritable, means an invisible picture of filling with the sense of tha; injustice, York." Jbd behind thnn. down and toward the last suffer-of form than lx other to bear harder upon any proilured caws theplata run "And lliis beauty had two lovers?" "T mv made by eompatile ed from insomnia and nen- ! when greatly was from tha ran She pRuivs to be lii'iuYi Inn funitah the away, This going wrong. printed picture Yes; an Englishman of noble birth; COMMISSIONS o ttio dUhonesi to tt.b tlio I never Indulged In lntoxl- As raisin someto common and madame returned her public, to paper, and an American. They I with loved her, plate directly upon for ntiyunu to find that In jotFWdtauunt liquors, drugs or tobacco of lx eating transferred." thing in her ryi went to the heart ail she loved the Englishman. a lump tif They which the Image iu his wutrli any form I came to the conclusion Another trick tlio makc-rthe older woman. uf sp must have both asked her hand on the .DtAUmm CRAIN g olid gold that coffee and tea were causing ths i Gat of tl anPoisoning. T ktan.p been Cornelia, must sh have have same Danger thoughtless. day. and tf. S. Assay.' Til- - Yiiited Slate break-downervous Provisions. of yOCKS.BONQ my coal gradual meikod of The to modern mixing I: I wish not do I BOt stamp any srl ii In niaili- - out c swered Nit letters in the same hour; aolflsh, dare say. hut Bud silrrr water gas" great ly In- system and bav.rg read an article In he so. Tell me, my dear, what has and the letter she intended lor the gas with exivpl cum, ami the fa of carbon tha Medical Mngaziic on tlic composiamount ming this stump, wants to make tin: Miners and with man she lovsl, went to the nmn she creases the I)I1 yon quarrel happened. believe t hat tliogfu rrntm-n- t liiulsom tion of coffee and i;s toxic effort upon for in the nionoxid supplied was it man witat And the gia did lute. rot Presumably, pray Oacrge Hyde? it r gnarai 1 was JJ dowithlhe stampii, coiivlr-ccIntha that Prosiectsrs' folly system. Henre an alarming the iliisiK-sof wai-about? she loved got the refusal she Intended caix-sBOVCHT AND SOLD ON MARcoffeo waa the of my trouble. Another trii-of liieuati-lfaki for the other, for lie never sought her crease in the nuuiN-- r of eases of carGIN OX VOX CAUL of Jword one any bad "Wo never tPnxl:i:n adrsrllv a wall'll a of Supplies... as a sol "Seeing has spokm not. motiuxlil bon recently Van Mr. Arums poisoning He society again: and filled watch with a twn-tkind, but word! of affection. l or twcri Wt have a ef-the of any dapartmant having iced. not deteriorating been conseJeer guarantee. wut.-huromnnn and Xorway llsr Iroal luiyluic asd Milllnx Slocks wrote and asked me If he could entne told me she nrar'y died in !'( ai feels of coffee 1 decided to give up tha and Bonils for rally scut C. O. !.. and if the Drill, tlallr sail llurlry Kiwi: and sac my father almiit our marriage, quence. and hankers will Tan ha paid fur the watch hi findspur Oak. llrlt-Inand a Vlrl try. stimulant and c Tha trial. give Lmlkar th Legal Opinion. "And what became of the two lovsave tuns sml money by alvlag on a certain night. I answered his Huldiar llvlilaia: Company which waa thews result After tbi-l"Joint." asked the lawyers with, surprising. orders la that llna. . . lllaaloa llaail and Wear u not In nistciu-elatter with all the love that waa in ers. Mary?" nerve became wonderfully K.wa; Khrct Iraa aad The aoMl'ITBO. The English mail went back to who had recently taken up the health-cultur- a time my Watch Co for him, and told him to heart Kaklwr ' my Si,.i; I'arklr g.i fusion, Ohio, who am uuustanl "Is It best to lie on ths strong, I can do all my work at tha special indtmemanis opr Coltna Waal a; American found anfad," and the show aad very some that see father England; and and liberal my rnmmfasioas to eat la: Hahtor Ilia,; posing those fraud, will fumia telegraph key and typewriter with far ipa aad of town sorrevpuBilents. Our right side, or on tha left side? Paulas of the niuimfai-lurcrwhin He never came. He never sent other girl more kind (o him. Kaw alla: Haaiaierand night book ease of lufiirBatiiHi ever than before. lumi"How To greater the My hie qacatimiaUo busiucss. Mr. 1 lWk llaadlra: Hlatksa.UI. Van legal "My dear, replied wonder what made me the least explanation. He never Speculate," mailed free. Loss ripa Wranrhw: Drills, nary. If one Is on the right eld, It weight has Incraxoi 35 pounds, my euuaam. Arlans tell you this story?" mstsxib wrote to me, or spoke to me again. n,",: Mtaa Kail. ta VO lb.1 Iron KanUasa: Mcakart lilt Lilt Miaing Etchanga Potato Alcohol for Auton He talked mueh of his sister, and usually isn't necewsiy to lie at an. general health keeping pace with It, Marratts "If what yon have told me be ao and I am a r.ea man and a better one. Flaa Tania r.,r Mrakaalral The London Erglnevr mys that tha and I believe It la then I say Ixird this young Indy was her chief friend and Kaneaa: I Name given by ioftnin Co., Dattla anklag Good of Municipal Pawnshop, I (malls and produotloa uf potatoes in Germany George Hyde Is an Intolerable scoun- and confidante. (ialaaalrad War, HEjMXJUBRIfR OFFICES ROOMS Mlalnx I tout, aad (lathlnc A beneficence to the unfortunate la Crock, M irk. will ba even mure Important In the drel. "When did K happen?" 2 Baoalalnarr" DT.WALKtR BLK. ..mralla. a There's Is the German cities municipal pawnfuture on account of tha Increasing "A few days after his tutor's mdlallad. I would rathor not hear him 5 LT LAKE CITY UTAH. f in lawk earb pkg. fug tha famous shop. eonaumptlon of potato alcohol fur auof in that way." 'little book. "The to Wellvllla, tomobile purposes. HORSE KNEW LAND WAS NEJUL f THE MAID of MAIDEN LANE! c -- 1 yi-- watt-know- -- :1 1 e i i - !u . - i- : t,il:-jn- remi-inli.-- r 1 1. 1 ir- I book-love- 1 Jag-ca- 1 ri-- 1 I j 1 ( - . -.-. Foster-Milbur- n 'l yii-h-- 1 N-J- Vr-- - - for'-ver- e e e . anx-Ion- hluek-aaile.- llght-flngers- d key-rul- d a. em-pen- Fostar-Mllbur- awal-lowe- wind-blow- . long-loo- k ed-f- I 1 wMo-awa- 1 ks 41 sp-par-e! ben-lin- e. of-th- a Sea-brig- Inter-Mountai-n fifty-eigh- meat-eate- r Lumbago and Sciatica St. Jacobs Oil e Oomnu-rvisl- fly-on- j ! one-hal- f 1 , e 1 j Co j s STOC KS s . i I i TIii-m- - spn-la- s Imnu-diat- a I'u-tn- ni agn-eabl- y a i rroaa: j r Clr-ral- . j e Duobrr-llinnpdc- n tht I'k-k- Hrl-lav- a: 211-21- ran-mu- . apo-ka- n I lb-a- |