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Show ! j THE LIONS WHELP A Story of Cromwell's Time BY AMELIA E. BARR. Author of "Tho Bow of Orauao Ribbon. Tho Maid of MaUoia (Comiih. im, CHAPTER Xlll by DodrL Rod A men-ervant- a was here yesterday? Cuwrp.lv,. he mail-ride- She laughed quecrly. "Dub Uu, Puuax: Four years ago I was dead with inflam- nearly mation end nice ration. I endured daily untold agony, su'd life was a burden to me. 1 had need medicine! and washes internally and externally until I Biade up my mind that there was no relief for me. Calling at the home of a friend, 1 noticed a buttle of Lydia E. 1inkliumi Vegetable Compound. Hy friend endorsed it highly and 1 decided to give it a trial to see if it would help me. It took patience and perseverance tor I was in bad condition, and I used Lydia K. I'inkbama ad tor nearly five monthe egetable before 1 was cured, but what a change, Compos from despair to happinesa, from misery to the delightful exhilarating feeling health 'always brings. 1 would not change back tor a thousand dollars, and your Vegetable Compound la a grand medicine. I wish every i Haskbix, Silver Lai Good Templars. When a medicine lias been successful in more than a million eases, is it Justice to yourself to say, without trying It, M I do not believe it would help me ? Surely. you cannot wish to remain weak, and sick and discouraged, exhausted with each day's work. You huve some derangement of the feminine organism, and Lydia R Pinkhams . Vegetable Compound will help you Just as surely as it has others. Tillie Hart, of Larlmore, N. D., says: iln. rwwuii "But if it was not Stephen, who was it? he Insisted, and he looked with such a steady, confident gase into Me tilda'a face (hat she crimsoned to her fingertips. She could not meet bis eyes, and she could not speak. 1 wonder who played at being Stephen de Wick. he said gently. And the alienee between them was so sensitive that neither accusation nor confession was necessary. 1 wish that you had trusted me. You might hare done so and you know It. After Anthony was buried, his will waa read. He left everything he to the Ijidy Matilda de Wick, and no one offered a word of dissent. Sir Thomas seemed unusually depressed and his lady asked him if he was In any way dissatisfied?" It la tha death No, he answered. of the young Neville that gives me constant regret. "la he dead? Alas! Alas! Such a happy, handsome youth. It Is tarred-lblesaid Lady Jevery. I thought be had run away to the Americas with your gold and my aunt'a Jewels, said Matilda. I wronged him, I wronged him grievously," answered Sir Thomas. pos-sess- , discovered nothing f importance. Then I suppose we shall see no more iff Lord Novilt I am very sorry. He was a good ysutb, and hs loved Jane Swaffham very honeatly. A week' after this evening tha J ever, were In their cvn house, and Matilda had rent word to Jane Swaffham that she wanted to see her. She opened her heart oi various subjects to Jane, more espcdally on Anthony Lynn's dramatic lift and death, and the money and land he had left her. Of course, she sail, "it la only temporary. When the King cornea home, Stephen will be Ead de Wick, and I hall willingly realm ail to him. In the meantime I Intend to carry out Anthony's plana for the improvement of the estate. When this subject had been taiaed well over, Jane naut-- cautiously the lover in France. Such to her surprise, Matilda seemrd pleased to enlarge on the topic. She spoke heraelf of Prince Rupert, aad of the poverty and suffering Charles' Court were enduring, and she regretted with many strong expressions Rupert's presence there. "All he makes Is swallowed up she in the bottomless Stuart pit, said ; even my youth snd beauty have gone the samo hopeless road." Thera waa a queer story about Stephen robbing the mail and tearing up the three warrasts for the arrest of Blythe and Mason and himself,' aid Jane. "Did you believe that, Jane? The mail was robbed. The warrants were never fosnd. Stephen has When n daredevil temper si times. did you hear from him? , ' d Canada Money refunded for each package of PUTNAM FADELESS DYES If unsat- isfactory. DURING LAST YEAR. Scared for a Minute. TWy onootlM and ftetilim oo tha Graia and Oh, I'm so relieved. ehe said, afMiiftBro. Crastai Lend, and are prottperou ud Sw Wilfred Laurier recently laid: ' Aurwaur ter reading the telegram which her bat men oa the hnriroa, and il it towaid it that husband had sent her from boms. I a an hit land whu tha leaves of vary imaicrant la emu and aark a horn for bintaJI now seemed to have a premonition when Inraa hi inaa1 Canada. Thera ih said it was for me Room for Millions. nn BooiMtwili Cfeorches, Hallways, Hi,. (Im Marfcata, SrhocIs, CUl esoytblng to bo desired. Far a dncrlpd.. Ail.i and mhsr luformatlaa, SPUtMo biperinien'ieut lnnui.rilion.Oluwa.Cao oris, or anlborind Canadian (jtwernmmt Aarnt SXNL DAVlbb. ROOM ft. D'.'NN BLOCK. AVSNUK. GREAT ALLS. MONTANA , the messenger that it wonld say that our maid had left us. But it's nothing. The baby fell down stairs this morning and broke her arm. That's alL L Liniment Sacred Heart Academy Mustang cures Cuts, Burns, Bruin OGDEN, UTAH. L. I V. FARMERS and STOCKMEN Wf om hti you n4iliPmftaN pniit by hartal Mt own wan'lum-taul i"Pl:iy yard. Uil hhiiiIri e hiahcNt poMihU1 prut' fiw your imla io4 Muck. k nd Mr out VUKti Huofclart, Farmers Grain and Lh Stock Commiou Ck ill. QU Mmj Builftiafi. JllllWj Iinrvliav T5T5 ) OsstaM by SISTERS OF THE HOLY CROSS. SEND FUR CATALOGUE. I klaaed the rosy little braL" That wretch of a woman at The Hague never paid him a farthing, never even saw him. She intended to rob me and slay him for a thousand pounds, but under question of the law he confessed her crime. What do you think hna happened to him? 1 think robbery and murder. Someone ha known, or suspected, that he had treasure with him. He baa been followed and assassinated, or he has fought and been killed, and little Jane Swaffham la slowly dying of grief and cruel suspense. She loves him, and they were betrothed. There waa a short silence, and then Matlliln said: "Many brave young lords have gone out from home and friends these past years, and never Is Neville's life worth more than my brothers life, than thousands of other lives? I trow mil! But in the privacy of her room she 1 could not preserve this tpmpei. wonder If Rupert slew him, she muttered. And anon He would think it no wrong only a piece of good luck.' He might also be jealous of Cluny. I spoke often of the youth's beauty I did that out or simple mischief-h- ut Rupert is touchy, sometimes cruel always eager for gold. Four Jane! come back. MKXICAN ALFALFA SEED CHAPTER XIV. Little Further On. The soitleuii-n- t of the affairs of Anthony I.ynn occupied Sir Thomas 5,009 much longer than he expected, and the autumn found the family still at do Wick. Stephen had escaped, as hail O COPIES lrMil ei.oo. ftvda, fiwct. ilirpi't frnr. also his companion conrpiratoVs. Mai it son and Hlythc; and Matilda could not prltu. MnadtP KlUiUtk but compliment herself a little on her FRESH AND RELIABLE THE McRANNON BROS. MUSIC CO. sham in securing thi-isafety. no son caTSLoaua. E2S3 Waahinslon Ao. Oxdan. Utah. Towards the middle of September &. SCHWARZ HEINECKE Sir Thomas rou; til himself from his a. eeeono south st. SMOKEflowers and shrubs, and BALT LAKE CITY life among TSieeMONa so. said he must go hack to Loudon. Ho had a sudden desire for hta wharf and his ofllre, and the I carded, outlandish lUhMl la men that he would nie t there. And "not now ombss. but how aooo. IMA. if also wished in return to Cal. Free aa the lad Whitaker & Dallas, Makers London, the lira'll Iful home quickly OldMet end miwt rnti' in Colorado Hpoclnl prl.'MN I.' iiiAPfcit gMrdftier. put on an air of descnlou. Ibixes litR. H. OFFICER & CO., The Lee Pioneer Seed Co. tered the hall; they re only wailing should WAZLK HTIiM'.T, UKXtRR, COLO. until the Srp'rnihiT ASSAYERS AND CHEMISTS pass away, and the read heroine Hi tor travel. Silt Lake fill, M At this time, and in a ar.dr I vnaraii hM crVTUC RELIABLE ASSAYS. atalopM fn 3LLI shosrr. Cyiulin and Doctor driving nd A tivw....fl.nn .75 JnM . old.. 4a 4 N. C6KOOIIY SON, Lftftd 7k leoid HUT r.l'np r .. JU Verily aero seen galloping up the 6artolahid Maat Prompt return oa Bill mnii'MM. avenue one evening. Every one waa tree mapmoi st. Ogden Assay Co. glad at the prospect of news and comcolo. dinvi. IDAHO RANCH FOR GALE. pany. Sir Thomas so much so. that be wiMi n Titt U money J ra& Ta right imrty YSt-,.Howard E. Burton, "went to the dour to meet the Dortor. W. L. tli rh fi t nf b f. f offr il: Mt..'Mii IHriiMprlFP4,Hiiii1.HIrr.LMt full Nobody could be inure we!eo;,ie, be ; vr.Tfcr.tajiil.,ftift;XiiM?'irCuir il Mif mUp n apili- nmt fails prirr hat Mailing aid; and pray, what good fortune alien. rintn) awl I'raptr arttr mitHi! Lnl- Nat l Hank. Tlliib Cola, Kafaranm you here?" SENT brings I come to put n y two nephews in NEW PENSION LAWS FREE When Answering Advertisements Apply to XATII tN IlirKI mill, Ml V SL. BiwUr.gdofi OrimRr school I want HHlllada-H- , II. Kindly Mention This Paper; UIICIP IRUuluw BAILEY & SONG 61 E. lecMd South St. Sait Lake City beadqimrU'! fnrtktt ijuuliiy AUelfe COPIES ere SeWN: else tints ent fianlm Ureln, In etc. 4i liar. year. Mail PIECES. unJuru given nv.ui et'.enii iu A SEEDSSEEDSSEEDS r -- w-- ralu-siori- UlX-IM- GREGORYS j ''. HM- Cnrlp-waf- t. I J j f ' ex- lion. DotUI Mivklton is well known, not only In his own Stats but throughout America. Ho bis political rarror by serving tour oonaacutive terms aa Mayor of the lowniuwhii-hs lives, during which time ha bnesme widely known as tha fminder of the Murkisou Bunk of Nanoloon, Ohio. Ho was elected to the Fifty-fift- h emigres by a very largo majority, ana is tbs acknowledged leader of bis party in his suction of the State. Only one flaw marred the otherwise oomplets suoceas of this rising statesman. d Catarrh with Its insidious approach and tenacbiua grasp, was his only fen. Fur thirty yuan lie waged uusueceaeful warfare against this persona! came to to lot lust dictated Puruna aod he At Ur the the rescue, enemy. following Dr. Hartman aa tha result: unoon-ipi.Tv- I have uard several brittle of Pvruna and I tor greatly benefited thereby from my c etarrh of the heed. I feet encouraged to believe that If I ate It a abort time longer I will be fully able to eradkata the dlteaae of of Cougrcaa. thirty year' ataodlng.' David Meeklton, hear from him very often now, Jane, for ft is the old, old story money, money, money. But I ain not. I going to strip de Wiek a second time for them," then drawing Jane ckise to her. and taking her hand she said with an Impulsive tenderness: Jane, dear Jane, I do not wlah to open a wound afresh, but I am lorry for you. I am indeed! How can you liear It?" I have fast over It the balm of prayer; 1 hate shut it up in my heart, and givi n iny heart to God. I have raid lu (iod. 'Do aa thou wilt with me.' I am content, anil I have found iinbi in sorrow, brighter than all the flaring lights of Joy. Tlu-i- i ton believe nim to he dead?'' "Yes. There is ro help against such a concIuMt'ii. and yet, Matilda, then comes to nc sometimes, such an in rciraling sense of Ills prow uoc, (tail I must believe he is not far away." and her confident heart's still fi rvor. in r tremulous smile, tier eyes lil.o clear water full of the sky, affect' d Mil! mil, with the same appre-ending. And there vt as sui-- a haunting sweet tie.-- - Iiboii' the chastened girl that Vuiddu looked round wandering!' ; it wil a- - if., there wu,-freshly gntle-ietio',ts in The room. Kho reimoniil siiei.r, and Jane, afier a fi w niiuoie- - i n i - said, I must a little. go home, now. nm! I am i, lampion Court. "And you wi'l mti, and inn all 1 e world turned alKuit your visit tertaiiiinv jht-- ! upsiili down - ae marker tuele. Ann fin--an in one p!nfroini""i well in anoih-"The f'romwi !! !. tibia. And I will Hampton Court i worthy queen tl.a: well. I have a ssu-.- ' gtie. .lano tit. ihi-rblti-f-- . not mlnl when it : is no one like you. ve iui well' Thcii. words with ie1 nnr.d nuu kisses piris. Tle-iface troubled and she sat down alctu e :th I, it hru drawn toacther arid hsniis lichlM i nn-- lie Ii.il lu me. tln-l- i ; lied, but thal a ns no new thing fur him in do. What snail I do?' Rile went nvft and over this train of thought, and ended always with t'..e sa'iu irresu lure, anxious quest nm. "Wbnt shall I - The next day Jam wer.tto Hampton Court. She was eiunfucied to an apartment in one of tin suites forHenrieiia merly by Qui-- b .Vnrln. As sle dmmf'il sin thuupht of the great n.yiand woinau a ho had lived and imi'J, and Joyed r Nelden-Judso- aid PON SALK Drug Co., General Agents. Salt .nEy( lOWKL., n i I lo-- l i M- VorM. mining the pursuer wiuiii! 'a-'- , for ye should' l.it vi miie du-Iwings. fluadrupi d. your honor! t's It s a lulu-- I f iiim-I How i, She -- said . i.i!i ye in,. ini - wn- - i lie lie- - relit - A BEST AND- from - PHOENIX HIGH PATENT cent to 1.5 0 per pound, and no better MADE Btf 06DEN MILLIK6& teed It found on ELEVATOR CO. OQDEN, UTAH. earth. in grow !30 kuJirli f.v with til'll ftp, yr-- acre Demand tho Utah Hand Mad Horn Collar from yllfB. O rdw. Air rt COLI your doalor 8 u porlor to tho IM-chi- no John A. Salzer Seed Co., 14 cw"10ss1' mad You wilt novar have trouble with homo hold' s500 11 Hunicnt tiifflwi Itjrr- - inu u Ih ALABASTlN l.v f4 iKT'jIri-frH.!Hr fori all I ft il nt tii 4lnlrr )i Alabastin liiui- fri Xnt wal auijjubcu in C tfC ni ii farlhca-- v r ojitLvtl win u b a pt im l'iui AFofmvr h . i 4? nll uiMi miiti ouruf'fa! rtHnl.Hh, ji o. . MnrUHMENT im netsmssNufl cun n inh di ALABASTINE only aanilary J?. 'nn li--aTiy 1 . DRUNKENNESS? f Wr:t- . Co nr.uil r i.f fon' SISDSUC ADMC.TIONS rXtttCT iMniTUTLr,-."- JJ7 W.SaTIPU St 5M7 LAKE CTlt UML Anyr- - wa'-r- s, . Ujfr AIV! I'l I'rrr. Afeqff.di fAfff Al.AHAS 1ST! CO. Grand VapitlB. Mkh nr ins Mftlcr St., Nf CiK. 1rk l.ete or quadruped there liiiqiit nun' ill- wing I it couldlia tin.-- cast!. About the Size of IL Do jou nn.-i'le- r it wicked to hi-t- She TORIImhui Lake City, Utah. OGDENS Our Prices nat';e ALL DNUGGIGTG BY AND GANSRAk FLOUR SkIi Ii tto i ! ng-il- pAILS- ONION (roweri cl I ; DIPHTHERIA REMEDY - oU,h. AND - f dor' TOMACH WINGS. A mail who hud a squirrel, on going tune, left' in the loiiuiry fir a lnsquiirel in e',:iige of a neighbor, 'die neighbor, when ,n tending to the animal, an iilenialiy loll be door of its i am- open, iiiiil. ailliou' lie ing seen, it. made II- (in Iii- - ; :i ii. tin owner of tli. -quirrel ;is v, rv iO.gr nl Ibe man for his i up brougbl nn action iigabi-- t iiiiu, jeuiiiiiding coinpi-n-- . - ot Ills .'Cion lot l : hie II pnrlii'i1, and The la-his di cl-- . t:e i, ,:r. :!: fo lowing ui:l in 'incm. "Noe o i ii did v. tun:; to open the! clasHd. oil. ... CANKER AND 1mm: i i'd herscif. HILLS Wise and Profound Deciaion of a Glas-- , ; gow Bailie. A story is lold of a Glasgow bailie whose knowledge of iiuliiral history u:i liuiiled. Ole day, while oil the licnch. the InlloHiiii; i nse eaiue before , avk-- : HAVE CLIPPED SHOULD - ' lie?" rlie i!o f- - nr it. uab-hiii- ' - . t 1 l V h j 1 quo-ilon- i -- a l , Did Rupert kill V, season of retching cold to upon Mrs. A. Bnedrker, OnrtorsvlUa, Ga The cough end the annexe and write: I saw that your catarrh remedy, P nasal twang are to be heard on every hand. The nrigiu of chronic catarrh, the rnna, was doing otlrnn no muuh good, must common ami dreadful of diseases, is that I thought I would try it ind s cold. This Is the way the ohrunlo catarrh gen- sea what it wonld A person ratchet cold, do for ms. My erally begins. which hsugi on longer than naual. Tho esso is an old on cold generally storto In the head snd and I hnvo nor. IhronL Then follows rnialUvanres of ths of tho aeuta sir passages which Incline one to catch symptoms now, add very At Inst ths person has a I have cold all tha while sonnlngly, more or kiss had tho disease so from tha nose, hawking, spit long that 1 had nous of tho aches ting, frequent rloaring of the throat, of trila atopimd up, full fading In tha be and pains, but a anil sore, Inflamed throat. general rundown Tho best tinio to treat catarrh Is at ths condition of tha very beginning. A hnltkiof l'uruun prop- whole body soro erly wied never full to cure a common nose and throat cold, thus previmtine chronic catarrh. and stomach. I While muny iiniila have Inn cured of hsd n good apperhnmic catarrh by n abode bottlo of tite but mv food did not nourish my system. 1 bsu come down from 140 to abort lYrunn, yet, ns n rule, wlu-- the caln-thoroughly tixel, nuiru than ous ?& pounds in weight. I now feel that I ns Imttlo to liwciu-arto inuiplulo cure. well of all my trouble. Mrs. A. Bedekar: I'eruns lias rumi rases iuuiiuienthl. Send tor ms hunk on catarrh, eotltloi WinW-- r of catarrh of twenty Yuan' standing. ('iitsrrh,'' by J)r. lartman. It to Ilia liexl, if pot tbo only lnterual Health ami Beauty sunt free muedy for chronic untnrrh In extotnmm. only. But previuithm is far butter thnn cure. If you do not derive prompt id sstisfoo-tor- y Kverv to oold Hiihjw-.results from tho use of Pitom, write should tukn luruuu at once at tho lightnt once to Dr. I lartman, a full i est symptom of cold or sore throat at men t of your rasa and hogiving will lie plus nod to this stunnii of tho year and thus prevent give you his valuable advice grata. what is almost curtain to end in dironio Address Dr. Ilartmon, resident of Tbo Hartman Sanitarium, Uulumiiua, Q. gutarrh. THE ths Good Bishop 8 tumped. Bishop Malialleu. tha distinguish Methodist, Is noted for tha interest that hs take in men's lives and pursuits. An indefatigable student and an Incorrigible questioner, be has an extraordinary knowledge of many and unlikely things. One day In Boston the bishop entered into conversation with a sailor on a street corner. He asked the man as is his wont questions about hla life haw old he was, what pay he got, whether he drauk, and whether he was married. Tbr-n- , getting technical, hs questioned the sailur about his work about sails and ropes and winds Finally he said: Can you box the compass? Yes, sir," returned tho sailor, and he boxed it. Now reverse It. said the bishop. Smiling, the sailor reversed IL Good, giHMi, said Bishop Malialien, and he was about to depart. But the sailor detained him and hegan to ask questions In his turn. First (hey were personal regarding the blah-op's age, salary anil tastes; then theyl became technical questions, regarding; the number of jmgex in the Bible, tbs' shortest verse, the longest verse, and all those other tilings that to a sailor would seem neeesnry to a bishop's education. Mr. Muiliilii-ti- . smiling, re- j piled to every fully. "Now. said the seaman at the end,. "repeat the I ord's prayer." This the bishop did. Now reverse it. "I'm afraid I can't rcvcivcd the eoniiiAKS, multered i lie snMor in a voice. Boa-to-n IllSt. It Is if you lose. distinction? Beeiuisi' no p"rson has a moral Why tin- - to lie wrong What Started the Scrap, farry- - "Ul d hov ycz to know that inn grauilfaiher nlver showed hla hnnls on tlr hiitthlefleld. Denny "Bislad. thin, Oi nuppuaa ha retreated backward. i I j Man Had Seafaring A mausoleum Western ' MALLALIEU AND THE SAILOR. to-d- ay EOMED TO But they had some Pc-ru-n- a. i Aud they gut all around expedition. me, they did indeed, and one handsome womaii with a little lad in her arms he told me to look well at him because he was called Oliver after uie took bold of my bridle and said, You wont trample me down. General, for the lad'a sake, and 'tls but natunf for us to want to know where yoa are sending our husbands. Come, General, tell us wives aud mother where the ship are going to? And there was Robert Blake laughing and thinking It fine sport, but I stood up in my stirrups and called out as kiud as I could, 'Women, can you be quiet for one minute?'. They said, 'Aye, to be sure we ran. If you'll aimak out. General' Then I said to them, You want to know where the ships and your men are going. Listen to me! The Ambassadors of France and Spain would, Yaeh of them, give a million pounds to know that. Do you understand, women? And tor n moment there was a dead silence, then a shout of comprehension and laughter, and the woman at my bridle lifted the boy Oliver to me and 1 took him In my arms and kissed the rosy little brat, and then another about and the mother Hid, General, you bo right welcome to my share of the secret,' 'and mine!' and mine!' and mine! they all shouted, and the volres of those women went to my heart and brain like wine, they did that They made me glad; I believe I shouted with them. (To be continued.) E. Pi Royal Mausoleum. has been erected close to the Peter Paul cathedral In St. Petersburg, where in futufe all tha members of the exar'a family will be hurled. were. they Re it, therefore, believed by'all women who are ill that Lydia R Pinkhams Vege table Compound is the medicine they should take. It lias stood the test of timet and it litis hundreds of thousands of cures to its credit. Women should consider it unwise to use any other medicine. Mrs. Pinkliam, whose address is L; Mass, will answer cheerfully and wil bout cost a.l letters adore sort to her by sick women. Perhaps she has Just the knowledge that will help your case try her it costa nothings AMERICANS of cuse." Pray what excuse, sir, that I havs not? "They were the wives of the sailor men going with our admiral on his egei sooner, for 1 tried many remedies without find- ing anything which helped me before I tried the Vegetable Compound. 1 dreaded the approach of the menstrual period every month, as it meant much suffering end pain. Some months the flow was very scanty and others it was profuse, but after I had used the Compound for two months 1 became regular and natural, and so I continued until I felt perfectly well, and tha parts were strengthened to perform the work without assistance end pain. I am like a different woman now, where before I did not care to live, and I am pleased to testify as to the good yonr Vegetable Compound has done tor me. Sincerely yours. Mas. Tnxis II snr. Lari more, N.D. 50,000 Congressman Mcckison Suffered With Catarrli Read his Endorsement dltkin. Where to?" asked Mr. Clay pole. 'Well. Elizabeth. that is precisely the question this mob of women wanted me to answer. You are aa bad 1 ' FOR THIRTY YEARS IhM-to- r Dear Mrs. Pitckbah : I might have bran spared many monthe of suffering end pain if I " ' i All rtsbu turned, or Is be slso riaglnp!" He returned son time ago. He asked. Part of the day. Hs left hers at four In the afternoon. "Yet the under oath, swore this morning that It waa Stephen who robbed the mail. Mrs. Haskell, Worthy Vice Templar, Independent Order Good Templars, of Silver Lake, Mass., tells of her cure by the use of Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound I them to sit where ftoiuwell sal, hs answered. said "Ah! this great (Yorawell! I Ally Jevery; but if he has the wily Mazarln at his disinsal, why ran he not find out something stand that poor Hsi Col. Ayrton reIxrd Neville? (Continued.) Then he turned to Matilda and led her to s sofa, and comforted her; and the came and took away the dead body and laid it. se Anthony wished, on his old master's bed. And in the great salon, now cleared of its offending visitors. Cymlln sat comforting Matilda and finally questioned her in a way that compelled her to rely, In some measure, upon him. Stephen uf tha Olhor das' I. Thou Lino,' Eta. and sorrowed under the ancient roof of Wolsey's splendid palace. In a brilliantly lighted room Mr. and Mrs. Clsypole and Mr. and tlm Ilicb-- j John Owen. ard Cromwell snd Ihx-io- r and Mr. Mllion, and Dr. Verity were grouped around her highness the Pro-- I lector's handsome wife. She sat at the Protector's right hand, and Jane Swaffham sat at his left. He was In an unusually happy mood and Owrti. ren srUIng it. Admiral ll'.ake said, They bad been mobbed nuiblu-by women and the Protector bad the best of It aud that was a thing to pleasure any man. Then Mrs. Cromwell ta'.:gi,ed and said; Your highness must tel us all now, or we shall be very discontented. Where were you, to meet a mob of women? We were in London streets, some- where near the waterside. Blake waa with me and tllake is going to Ports- mouth to take command of an expo- - CAPSICUM VASELINE 't I Apwl 1 I ft T KF t IN nr a I i.i'vi r A uHiiliH' IllOhl il II ! InrUT Otllfff pM'IM. ft'fl '1 toll i LUR'JV" II" PBill 4l..lM"t M.'.fi. aitt I? m Il hfM luipiV I rjHfiiiitry ( th'h ntd'-iblrlMh" i'Hrit.H' ..st Hi nritp, m nd -4'iuiiirni s n it.dt I f iitiisdst i.ei ipri vfri n eiiriiuJ Wfp fi imuiii kiion, uisn reitifviY f r I'ffiuN :i t:i J h ,4?.'i nil ipisMiRiir. nr vi U'fuir p'.nu'iiii iiN. At'i.ilvs ii i h vl , ( v. p :o rlniinft.r it. Rfi'l il iajSI I it N M" in iii h v.npIiii.'I. a'1. i i 'its f1 cV In !l t t;r the Crfifi nt all CPiiik ir we ? 10 un in : a:- - w?i Mn.'lmi tin j will teii'i I'.ti ! tial. No nrtjfl thi Mine b ftccetif 1 I y the IuMii? utihGUI UIh U ftsothr-fwiptiictueamae, CHHFBKKW41H Mid. CO., 17 biiuSi Saw York CtfT. and ri.MMRl min: Vi iPiH'b u K ItoMiiiHiN, ..clnrftr? i BtoiftB' ikft t it hit ihp Harliar TnwN 11,! cQBfMtea irluMi.rpertl6uJMa BOtLfTS BARBER C0UE6C. JlFSYKH Ikllrt,. ru Ill.u, VtAA Mirl Alll'lTT, When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mint, on This Papers W. N. U.. Salt Lake- - No. 8, 1904. I'nki, kui in vflSO'SXC All USE (I:LIS. BNU'i Srui, TTmimGikm. iiM Q Kl lime. uffh In 1rncft'8fR. Ak I |