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Show Mi -- .'i ft AMA-- I i The Week! y Sentinel OEN. CONNOR'S GREAT SILVER CAMP HAS TAKEN HEW LIFE. THE PIOHEEH Ml NINO DISTRICT IS REVIVED. SEE US GROW! THE TOOELE COUNTY REPUBLICAN WEEKLY. stockton, utah; satukdav, fkkkuauv VOL. IV. 20, im. NO. 32. THE MINES OT OPHIR. MINES, MINING AND ABOUT through lack of capital, but Mr. Mate-soit Is said, is willing to Interest capital in the proiaisitiun. The deposit are estimated at 15uu feet deep and 3uutl feet wide, and could a factory be erected in the neighborhood of the mines the control of the nitre trade of five States cun be secured, Mr. Matesun claiming that the property will iay thirty times the money investeu in it within one year. There are no tunnels to drive or shafts to sink, the nitre being all in sight. MINING MATTERS. n. OUR HEW BLOOD ARTERIES. learned gone Into that the Honerine mill had I to givi able to hot We comnilsrtou. a Bhk1 write-u- p thin great fflUriirl In the very near future, Blucklun will nn revel ve a great benelir from the aut-of the stupendous effort: Itanacem old likr infuaing new blood into varvaa and let ua rejoine that there are that mill other and aa great enterprise .will add still greater life to our mining industries the great llalenanut King. least, F.lavlt Diamond, and lael, but Theee and other the great Htuvkion. their be soon will turning pruperttea milliona into the vhunnela of business . and Industry. iiiiiufrp Th fruit HontTlne I we apprtL'iHte It. but tht mining world will ouon learn that our great Honerine ia nut the only iirujierty in tnia rlvh vamp Just waking ,'VP Van Winkle" Bleep; that, in fact. mine ia not a camp or one great W e hnll inly, but of many great mines. the day Just dawning. Juki before suing to prem From ths Deseret News. (Continued From Our Last.) pated. and among the more prominent ones were Muckskin Clark. Daniel When it Stanton and A. W. Moore. cante tu tile selection of a name for the newly-foun- d district quite a friendly livulry arose. A goodly number of those present wanted It called Galena: others thought Agenta a more approwas suggested priate name, while Ophir as being a better one. The house seemed tu be pretty well divided on the subject, so little slips of paper were pawed around and the mutter nettled by ballot, nphlr won and the camp has borne that title ever since. 5lany. in fact nearly all, of the men who look part in that memorable meeting have laid down their tools and passed over the Great Divide. Muckskin I'lnrk and A. W. Moore were among the Infest to close life's chapter. FlKfiT WHITE MAN. Mr. Herman says hg is positive that the latter waa the Aral white man who settled in Ophir canyon. If not the find one who entered it. Moore had a ranch there and the present lownslt covered a part of It. When the lownslie was laid out Mr. Herman, who waa then Surveyor of Tooele county, was emMoore ployed to do the surveying. coined money uui of the sale of lot, but nearlv all the wealth acquired In thin manner was lost In milling ventures made afterward. ORIGINAL. MINERS. While the soldiers under the command of Gen. Connor may have done the first prospecting in the W. Mr. Herman says the first really active milting commenced there In 1K70, and that the two men who discovered the present Ophlr-Himine John W. Cooley and James Mcllride undertook Ui market the first ore. They made no money of consequence, for the reason ihut they exierlenced difficulty In finding a market. Some of the ore was shipped to the old Watterman smelter, seventeen mile south of the Great Salt lake, but owing to their rompoKlihm the Would freeze quickly; hence, the product of the mine was not wanted. Cooley and 51cl)rhie sold out their interest for u few hundred dollar. WALKER lilt! IS. entered Ophir The Walker Mr. Herman says, alaiut 1S73, csiiyon, uml soon afterward built a mill Hml operated It for Home time on tiles obtained from Lion hill, on the euat side of tin Manus Duly managed tlie Wulker pniiertle. When the mill was abandoned the machinery was shipped to liuitr and used at tile Albe nine. miners who enThe first exierii-nietered the Dry ranyon section of the district. according to Mr. Herman, went there in the year I MSS. The mountains In that isirtliin nf the ciintp were heavily covered with timber, and John Moore, the leader of the pioneer lmrty. applied to Mr. Herman to aurvey some timber riaims for them. Mr. Herman cannot recall tlie names of all the men who comprised the little delegation, but a man by the name of John Dyer was the rook. Along about 1171 or 187X the town of MINING MEN. w CANTON FLOAT. Superintendent Kruse of the Dutchman mine returned to camp last week. The reorganisation of a strong company Is scheduled for next week to take In Chicago. pliu-The average cost of hauling ores dowit the canyon to the railroad and thence miles to the smelters about twenty-fiv- e is said to he only about ft a ton. Summerville of the Superintendent Hlue Mock, who has been attending a day or two In town, went back to the mine a few days agu. Mr. Armstrong returned to camp, also. e MINING NOTES. Work will be pushed on the Cyclone Just aa soon aa the watertotherein has permit of been drained sufficiently same. Wmck-tiJ J. Trenani, niumign- of the and Heaver t'nn. mini. Is in the East on mining business. the A meeting of the stockholders of Gold Hlosnom Mining and Millingin the ia scheduled to take place Orttii of the city Justice "n Thursday March lnth. at 7 p. ni.. for of electing offleera for the ensuing year. is The Stockton Mining company line ie of some marketing made in this the recent Imioriant strike h rom Stockton proia-rty- . thal success of lids enterprise is pr.o should more n until assured, and a few on n see this company and imying basis. Kill lath Review. HAVE TOU INDIGESTION? Kodol DyspepIf you have Indigestion. you. It has cured sia Cure will cure every thousands. It is curing people it to your-ae- lf rtav every hour. You owe will to give it a trial. You It- - There to suffer until you do try digeatanta Is no other combination of rebuild at the same that digest and time. Kodol does both. Kodol Soldurlj' strengthens andA rebuild Gro. Co, Stockton. the mil ing rt of Salt Itke. declares tl..it the Fork canyon are on nines in American the same mineral bell as Park Citys Silver King and Daly West, and says the chances for a very big mine in this camp are exceptionally good. It ELI KF IN ONE MINUTE. One Minute Cough Cure gives relief in one minute, because It kills the microbe which tickles the mucous membrane, esusing the rough, and at the same time clears the phlegm, draws out the inflammation and heals and soot lies the affected parts. One Minute Cough Cure strengthens the lungs, wants off pneu- g monia ami is a harmless and cure in all curable caaea of Coughs. Colds nnd Croup. One Minute Is pleasant to take, harm-le- e Cure I'ongh and good alike for young and old. Dr. P. A. H. Franklin, Sold by Mercur Meat and Gro. Co. nnd M. E. Drown. Stockton. Mercur Drug Co.. Mercur, Vtah. UTAH'S GREAT GOLD CAMP. What Others Have to Say of Mercur, Utah's Johannesburg. MENT. From tha Deseret News. (Continued From Our Last.) A MILLION TONS IN SIGHT. The physical conditions at the Consolidated Mercur are considered to be very satisfactory and it ia eKtlmated that in the old Meycur mine alone. Utah. I tab. Mercur Drug Co.. Mercur,Utah. Brown. Btockton. ftTrgn.TriAH EORH CANTON. g. a, NOTICE: LOCAL BRIEFS. any business During our abode transacted with Mr W. N. Gundry Still inure of tlie beautiful! Is lady will rewill be O. K. w ceipt tor money due Jhe office, will take Judging front the amount of water orders tor Job prlntlgf, etc. now coming out of the tunnel the surJans T. Jakeinan, rounding country should la-- well drained . .j Manager. ere king. iOtihlvefUintd -- affei-ied- tr auim-lliin- er , l.'-i- - 1 e i ini-i- 1 f.-- - ; . J ! , - I 'o-- pr--- ry r J - - Hn-i- r ! - : . j npn-seiit-Ir.- Hdli-ltiu- - In-i- ! . ul)-sc- j yt ur ir. Aun-rla:i- ! I i - itp : - - - - Semi-Week- fr e . j l'-n- - Whiltcmorc, Bkrer & CfterrtngltBB i aTTOsHwvn flaw at law. a. " KaOaralak BM .. ' I 1 Im- - -t iufi h bifid un- - iw to thir own wcl't iiv ihoKu of Suit. ih oonimino ii. Ssiiut'l:i i m hy lie I Sir yhsiri Junction In i to DiAte n ld.ih fur llhr'ti ;i:i " in di l !in ill Tit. a hr.- of sutifin ;o ,it;ihlH to Un .i i t llfi nl in ,ohti- - tion with tin I'tnh i'll th in rouf4 p1:ri- with ,1,u I Ki Kinoi-Si.itin S;lt l - 'k' o In ' tu ' ; UMD ATTONIK , ii 1 1 G. W. BARKS. t , Sob Kins" Ih (Sty. I in-- iir. Msiir-issori- - i!oi.. ;i) m i fit V. !Mh i! .M-- .!.! I If : f IH n ii ill) TOGEI.K AND T1NTIC DISTRICT. ,,,l Read Up. Stations. Read Down. !,v i) o.p i1 !,. i a i, . i f ih h Like lii I: vo nii-'- iii Mty Dally. flatly. v li1 In dll s i;a I'l' .ill In i ill A.tx ;tfA. M I.v. Ar. F. M. lii vionr vh k, dui,,lnu v . -Th. lu:i li.q: ll.e c qi'T.. I'li'drit 5:15 5:00. .Salt Lake City ih. oinpili'd .on n Mr. :i o; l.l is illn,. : tic ..hi1 h" frn'i':d opinfun uf ,1. itiir. 5:35 f l:lb. Rueiia Vista IllII. Wiaitm tic! is filial, bright thnef I. If present wa- that, with a bcii-- i' at-suc- - f 5 20. litter ..I 11 .. cqnp .1 y's p Indub-thtl.I S.(l .Garfield lit there would t esS i 4 50 5:51. .Half Way Spur cully encuiirifer".. ip agiei'ing m on a on in,.1:00.. Erda plan which would iitlsfy f 4:45 ever) EXCUIl-FION- S LAND SFECIAL HEYERd' l ined. 30 1. 15. Tooele 4 LI I'n.f Horen, us hi disciisssmg lieHilebl ' m. . . Etockt in said: 9:25 i Will run to the new lands nf Greer "h is very iinp'ctani Hi.it the 'i f 4:07 Okla.. and other sections of the t 9 40 . St. John lake prided st... .Id Is- gnttin iindd county,BnuHiwesf 3:52 f 9.55. f . lie-In November and .Ajtx There is i.oih-ini- - great way us soon as DO f 3 43 ember, via the Frisco system. In the way ni Hi Is gianing nf work fiO. 2b .Veinor f 3 30 for Are rich and fertile you looking 10 :40 f !) the invermre et except ibc - siiin-'.li Lofxre f 3 15 in land the which Southwest farming 11 .iratlnn nf Heauthoritative Buinmlt f 3:00 I..Diilei can for from lo you buy ll work 2:47 dm.", and they want ...Tirdli: Junction the rost of lands In the East and 11:15 there sliniilil he i... qu Hull ulsnil Uc 11:19 3:44 .kammeth Jet North? They produce ns murh acre for 'bill lake I'lnji i I 11.37..Minmt)th at re. Here I a rhnnre to better your ill tile gleater 2:40 condition and add a liberal amount to 11:45.. Eureka h Kdicinc which the i.Jovermiiern bus Msmnio-2:22 your pnekethook. a wlllingi.. sx to urdcrlake. pro:59 It . Silver City 3:05 For full special railvided It Is proven to lie b Iliu road ratesparticularsnt nnd A. M. Ar. M. Lv. P. one to R. fl apply the Utah lake pii.giIHijn has already 1cmon. at I.ake make Trains Silt direct ImmiFrisco secretary System Iw Govtniini to leasilib- by the for all points north and east. gration I'.ureau, St. Louis, Mo. ernment's expert and it ran lie S. VT. GILLETT. o rnntpli'Hiiii wi'.ootil ngard lo Hie Gsneral Passenger Agent. m Bend a swlal-carfor a sample copy aleuit larger one. There ia no J. I- - MOOR'S, Hull Lske Tribune ihe Goverimieiit taking up the prollm-liritof The Oommerrial Agent work mi ib lig scheme .hat Then you will be sure In hi rept us E. V. 01LI.HTT. m.T- - r to th- - di ii has been penmls Hie of remarkable you General Pasebger A rent. paper grc I C and b Id ness acumen wph a wck for alnioei a year and a J. I,. MtHiRi;. sice w Iddi Ihe h I. ll.e half for Sl.iu. Cq:i.nie.-i,.Avcpt the Agent. - I r i - ; t lisp-nu- i jn-.- - . . I fiiti-nu- ? i , m-- i o.-uii- I uq. - : ril.-nd- t.-r- - j ni-- r le-- r : l- s v-r- y ft-- i j sru. OOss Uoare I is s.at. uaday by aypstafaaeM. Offic. 309-31- 1 Dcssret News BUg. one-ha- . I as aasr eissr sears. tr lsrb eirv. out-tow- . 1 Dr. Samuel H. Allen, -- ..i-- i issaa. ssesss io'oioa I Ml. cont-xry- I low-gra- ; r. I high-grad- Mercur. e ; . Street. e r .l. Main s wltio-sm-- . it .... ewsaeOM s r n Utah. PHVSIOIAN AN 1. life-lik- Is-e-n . - - Dr. L. G. Thayer, y. s IHler-l'ies- j Stockton, s i fii URIIMI wt-i-- . j ft ItetM-ku- tmi; j F. M. DAVIS. PMVBIOIM AM t ihi-in- , DR. ft-- - . . 51r. Abe Gudnisnsen has iierfeeted J. It. ItoliertMin, mure famlliarly and sent to the United Platen patent known as "Fat Jack,'' has been con- tgfice. a device for removing the Jar The artistic flrmajwnt of Balt Lake fined tu the house fur Mime Itine, liul is from the bundle bars of a bicycle, City has been, of Ue, much disturbed able to be out again. which is ciuiined to be very effectual. w eby pyrotechnic erui tons of the urllstic temeranwnt on ncjfcunt of the failure When last we went tu print the Mina Kowena Tanner nf Clover. Tooto uwaid a prise at l former exhibition, ground wua bare and mud deep but now ele county, who la teaching school here, the of the Judge claiming but picture there's several inches nf snow, which haa been called home tu the bedside of entered none wos puwessed of sulficlenl fell night during one of the tier father, who ia very 111. merit to win the awvd. And this brings worst storms of the seiiMHi. to mind the fact thf there has always Muierlnteiident Juinea II. Gardner been dissatisfaction! among those who 'Gum. our mail carrier, almost missed and Chief M. W. Ingalls rehave failed to win iiisinillar exhibitions, connection with the train une day this lumed frontEngineer the East lust Wednesday, and always will b. In greater de- Week, and the way the snow and horse where they have been for the ael ten gree than elsewhere, until mime accept- llcw was "a caution." He suceerded. du)Y In the interest of the sugar able standard of cOllclam Is attained however, in rearhtng the t In time ICi undeniable that and "right side up with cure." and established. not only In this Hhte, especially, but un Prof. Robinson allpiied and Town kturshiil Shields hus determined throughout ths rouf.lry, the dearth of near hi home and suHtulnvd rational criticism luii serious drawlau k to make an example of some of our Biiturduy a badly sprained arm. to the progress of aft among uw. While boys if l bey are not inure careful In our students are Mlmilating all that the future as to whom they snowball. A and jolly crowd from Hinglium iw lo be leamets in the foremost Have fan among yourseive. Iwiys, but and large iinla came over lo iniernipdiulr European schools and discovering, draw the line at women, children and American Fork on a ieclul excursion some of them, very! talents, all others tumble to protect theinelvis. liist Wedncstlay evening and returned al our art crttlclani progressing at 315 o'clock In the inoraliig. The intera corresponding rab. The knowledge The pie soelul and dance given by vening time was gayly vwnt In dunclug which enables the itrtlc to lead hit pub- Sunshine 15 FriNo. lodge lut ut the Apollo hull. lic and to keep abreoK nf current moveday night was a decided succeae. both ment in art ia potawd by very Tew. socially and financially, and the Mr. W. Grant, the veterun merchant Most of our writers on art the Eng- tmiHury of said lodge will lie enriched nf American Fork, haa one of the must lish included have; kad no other than eniiKldrruhl)- - thereby. All lnillt-- attendunique stores in the Htate. Part of hi a literury or Journals! Ir training: and ing to tiring pie, though requested devoted lo public wnrhli, is hence It often hnpyrna that their ad- many illd not do so. The pli-- were sold and ia a cominiMlIuiis and lumfortalile miration is won by I wretched imstiche, to the highest lihbltr ami netted iibout auditurluin an eviilenre nf tlie lealniis-ne- s in which they perrsve that So great were the ehurma of two faith of his and wnrka. remind them of YHiiin nr Giorgione, of our young ladlt s tliut their pii-- weie e while a strong and work, ani- sobl for 55.3a and 5a.!!0 a piece. A liiiiiquet was given the nicinla-rof mated by modern Hess and feelings, the Pleusuiil Grove DraniHlic runs great risk of keing (stssed by or MeMsrn. Richard Gundry and James ut the clone of the on this week Sulurtluy evening, by the blshnim of the lierhup condemned is a merely leclinl-ta- l limwn were culled to Tiss-lin a lawsuit between 51 rs. ward here lit the new Grant hotel. Tlie affair, devoid Hf spiritual signifi- as cance. Emma I'nrk, plaintiff, and James lerforlmlu-- in tlie netlui This attitude is iwiif times supimited Grown, defendant. The suit wiin 5115. which was divided among the four by arguments as aksurd as one would biniighl to mtnir money paid on deld wants to assist In the completion of the exiiect thtm to be. blit none the less lofileacti-Tlie inevtlngdiouses. 5lulrbr(Hik. tiy Ab-mischievous. They amount to saying iiiriin-was held out by creilltora I no account. nf in art terhniqtr thut of 51nirbrtik, wlieii filial iKiymeiil was Duek slmollng opened February 15th It is the feeling t)4t es tapes analysis, mad by 51 A. 51. Mursliiill utnn and may be in until March the grace thal can tat be measured, the mining prniierty Isiught by her fnnu 15th; Birt thatIndulged Is likely to be taken full genius that tranacesds the rules, thut Mulrlirook. The case was decbled in advantage of. distinguish the woik of art from the favor of the defendant. Til Utah lake dredge, which was said production of meckanic skill. Given these great qualltim, we can forego PERSONALS. lust week to have been sold for fllN) to And the when technical excellenclm. It. It. Gardner and J. W. Dunsile of critic instinctively itcognlirs their presdown Bandy, was sold to them for 51IWU inMessrs, funk and Wagner ence, all he has tq do Is to sound the from Dry canyon Thursday. stead. loud timbrel and rwke as much noise as possible. nf praise and exitlatlon Frunt-- I Mrs. 51. K. Drown nf Salt M. Wells waa a , he la unable to Is visiting with relatives here.Ukr City curious alone Its picked upexhibiting When, on the recently on sf , the kind in the Hi perceive anything west desert of Urunlsvlile, Utah. rnnaUrr.-itlonhe Is never picture J. Donnun Iteavls. nf Whose Roof It is oblong In shape, about two inches to admit liaut the Ault may be In him. Is river Your Head?" fame, visited in and length smoothly polished. He in his Imperfect understanding of trie lost Sunday. stales that he also picked up a petrified language that the t iinter must use. He lf elain of and shells and oyatcr la at lilierty to wi the wurk offhnn-Miss IteHsI Pollard,' who has been . petrified fish In tbs .region ranted. ' ww yimfurr or .WtWarf.ivt-Tmrihidi- : reil rs. Pollard, her mother. It may be safely asserted that the vlsitlhg' turned to. the city Tuesday. MERCUR LOCALS. more Inseparably the meaning of a picture is bound up in the technique, the Mrs. IL M. Edmunds returned to her more successful the picture, and. In so home In Btockton last Tuesday, after far, the greater. The criticism that ig- a sojourn of several weeka In Salt laike nores th's principle Is not sound criti- City. We are pleased to learn her hi alt h cism. l'Ul writers nr Judge who are nut Is much Improved. specialist, when they turn toto criticlNing works of art, are apt Ignore It. Messrs. Ajax and Poulton, Art in Utah Is developing in most the Uluytnn Music cnniiuiiiy nf Salt encouraging degree. It should not ls trade Glty. have lcn Hunted or discouraged by Incompetent for same In iiiii- little town during tlie criticism. Our lulling Lamhounics. last week. We have not barued Ifllnir are i ffnrl iiute t'li liners, Rami'!- - s and oilier Micci ssfiil. of whom the Plate I justly ertlst I proud. Their work and progress cannot Mrs. Kub- Mill In tisileil he affected Injuriously by tlie earplug here lust Wed in ednv. ri turning In i.f any critics His State at pren III af- home In Sail Luke thal day. Mr. ford. but to yiHinger artists and Mill r lia Is ii musing tin- i hildreu aspiring students the matter of niHrnu.l of Kb ImvIs .il St. John, who have hn-servlivs us Iru- and capable erttlciem is everything. Marrhal ( rawror.1 III w II h ia. I.ul in- - i.ow Tills is a subjilt of more lniantanee oiiviilefu ei:l ant nfliix-- r have been very elllcli-n- t In than many Art lea luxury in liriiigiiig alHiut Hccret iiiuncils, lenglliy one m iii.-- , hut In Its broader stnse II is discussions and llnHl promises Irniu extends tliankN rot a luxury at all: It is a necessity. The jevlldiMTS I to linn for lii Much n.ore than that, art I one of thc i v first instincts of man. o Ages before The folbining pupils liHte history begun, men who scarcely selnml the cxpriKM the simplest Ideas in word present dllling iHirninle IMomutd, Mu Dennett. Kilwin (ai veil rude pictures of their savage life tin Hml ir ort.a-iiqioii i primitive wreatsins ''ox Nellie Simrgo. Delva lioodmun. enis. Our art is only the development of that which began ill the age or When you feel hlue and that everyslum v lint edurntlou has ir.iirte out of thing goes wrong, take a dose of ChamHie instinct of nurrutal prog) nitors. berlain Sloniaeh and layer Tablets. Art which cuine from the people, bewill elenii!- - and Invigorate your They longs to l he and is a luxury unit stonaieli. regulate your bowels, give in the sense that It can be done without, you a relish for your fond and mnke and limn eonliniie to exist. Dill it Is you feet that In tills old world Is : good ar: i nil a. nci which illiiuiinatre and'qCk. I.. stai.. ihat hi- - company has place lo live. For sale hy i :,utifi. rs I ie-t our. lives and seciin-i- i an additional Drug di. M. K. Drown. Btockton. Utah. i.u,.r Mlh living. and, a such, is a ,,f riildici- .id i, Hie s'.ib- of ,..wni:i pi us as tl i filr IIM!I,S lin( rhlrh no one ilrenriiH nf Th Wkly HhM Uik Tfibun riling as luxurie. Hence, we lnlievi HePlate should do everything l ran bn- tie ouragi-men- t IhibliMTiHi and di velopmeiii j mining nwn. ' ularly thf of an in our midst, and a school for Ihe Imhi ten or twelve twin a wHk--farof art. Ms history and toll host Mubxtliuto for n ip th i.il ii l.nlon. a well as il1 pr.n'lci daily, and will be hnt you until May would I1 productive Jn time, not only nr 1, Hf4K, for SI.!. 'artiets. hut of a higher standard of la- Mm al an erltlidsin which i so f luvi urd Ohnmlwrliiiirx (oduh Wiry In Hie perfection of art and Ibe for a nniiilKr nf ynri ntvl volulioii of genius. no hsivf bxit:tnr) in riinif thid It is ' ih lj--t rtno'y fur iii;rbK, robin ami IRRIGATION HEEDS, rvor uid In my family, croup 1 hn I hsiv not wordn to rtrpn my dotii-J A. Moose, in Ihi I.'J' ')' day more at tivity is nine rvel throiighnUI the Si ne gciieial- Mercur Drug Co. ,e y ,hp n.lllirHI1l.p,, l,f , M. E. Rriiwn. Stneliinn, Cih. ;veriiin"iil. in its pn..sc,l Im- uniim; iMij Is, in.iy n)'t wtih. iui rom-uan- - Is-- d quick-healin- ib-i- SL-ST1- tu. n' Tui-wla- ooodaell Sfli The scratch of a pin may cause the Mr. Waller Webb, chemist fitr the Washington Mtala Hugar company at loss of a limb or even death when blood Wuverly. Wash., has returned lo h:a poisoning results from the injury. All home here. danger of this may be avoided, however. by promptly applying Chamber-laiPain Malm. It Is an antlseptla Lehl farmers are tuiw very busily eng liniment for ruts, and gaged hauling In the Utah Hugar comFor sale by pany's supply of lime ruck from Pelican bruises and burns. Co. Merci Drug Point, eighteen miles distant. - sevwraL.tJiMifs-Ai4gWM hotel-keei- Keren, James Biendlove, Edith Alxlutch. All these have made excellent progress during the year. GROVE, ART CRllTBM. JKfaS&ttrhC pie, arid Mr. Herman Is ready to confirm all that has been said elsewhere tonnage. Mining and Milling has an immense available Consolidated The management of the relative to the moral condition of the !? American0 Fork Mercur figured that by the Installation caipp in the early days. n their clnrer a are Moore saving of the machinery PIONEER HOTEL. canyon. Only two men. however, of at leant 50 cents a ton could tie made. but Juiin Duke waa the pioneer st present employed Mr. Moore now makes greater claim for be will force the and irge kept a place In a log cabin weather permit hi method; he insist that the saving The property conMate of building, on the site nf the present W mewawd. la in the cost of labor will equal that reand 140 acres) O'Hrien house. The hotel was known wven claims (about custained from tailings over what w the Duke house, ami the owner did located near the hd,1LJ lineal le t tomary during the first half of the year. as own It very thriving hnsiiu-ss- . Mr. Herman reThe company has the Mr. "New" Moore From that as same at the place a number of times on the vein, whichtheis the and ceived the following concerning the stopis'd Sliver King w (Ui one occasion hile he was enrunning through nvp mechanism. Oieration. etc., of the plant and. Wfft mint- ha Park gaged in surveying ih- lust, site, put at Mercur: l In- Imuse was in there. southwest. This lode lie Every tip oe 5111. 5H n 'UK'S STATEMENT. two well deffnd walla the fuotwaii taken, and in order to i.ecoinmodale a inHie bunging the "The piocess wit designed ly as many ma'sls a sirsililc. three ing quartalle and a ventor h to meet a difficulty almost uniwere obliged to sleep in the same liniestone forinuilon-e- nt giving in the bunk. M degrees to net li nr st versal. aluiul On me parliiular idgbt .Mr. of dip of ores: that f. the slimes Herman tinned in wltli two east from about Hot Hiuff cyaniding the r an cent from ores b which The pmtusbly difficulty. whom he did mu know ami laol never property. all tin- ires are seriously There were a iiiiuiIxt nf claim are said l" ''.''''"stlvlV' 'kVi'b" nt .o'n . Tile ineltnls at present in vogue fur thi In ilH in Hie smile nsnn. ami all of with thfii , I B,iy Hllvi-rin ' In crtuU tin I1itim are valu iruitiiiiiit of of course, wen- - nilcd. While Mr Herand carry high In tiller-;re- s the anil tin anil gold man and his stranger eoiii..iidons were innir th trtunn? metlHHJs lini the only ones In men were Krenath. In following tiylng to sllimlier. varies attempted In a large way. Doth lusily engaged in a lively game of feeders, which at Ha- surface inert aslng inches, ' serious twelve of have objection these very I ai ft om eight In the faille where they were e ores. poker. and both are useless tor width was eiirountcr.fi with rvtty foot was piled a nsiilerable In) llig ae diss 'ein this ton ha method feet The largely At amount of of depth. wide Hml at l.ss than -money, ami at limes during placed decantation and Ih, especially ex-in Hie progress of the game a great deni three feet rh. South Africa and Australia, very feet. A feet ha widened to four was nf loinl I. liking was indulged in. ut first tensively used. iiiimlH-limes lioslillties of were property of the company of tunnel a "The writer h.nl full experience In ll.e I liee;! tellcll ,i k tunnel imposition, and n e ;i ,,f gull-pi) ; t.rlyeii Into .he operation ,of tiller presses at the Snn- - all tlie plryi-about T'ln feet has tteiv armed will) s on Ires the n.in.-ape ore re the mountain win the avcr.iip ,. lireasl of as was nearly everyone have IhMi stink. than fit to lla ton. ai d there the lisle. Fivi winxe 1,1 Hie eainp al hat iiii.e. Neither Mi. bodies down front liny difficulties ..w.th which every filter- following the orehUh-Kibis nor nil'll. compel Ions slept Viiy oiv. ThCftl .irw r,i rtitii i familiar. Unit 1h. fhtr In to 100 In f.nl. al.-- i mam a of niaiiipulatior. and llo- impel bat soundl) winxe having been located at '" '"'i gi.i up .lie -l J1! ," have proven up waBi,i,1? ,.f the gold volution from (he of alKiul InO feet apait 'l'"11 " b' house , Hkl4 ""l wi re ban thre Ion Tl,. , . a (untlminus vein w r i ll lias increased Two was an occupi-- d lit AW. Ab"o- -. who. .. iiin u l.iimr amt In width at every point iiwok-iiehe i Ini" in. w madhnvt ,.,.nis in ihc ton of sliun . w Pile an at Hi'iiilonal eross-eiit- s H- ilie- night undis- I'111 and show,, rug- - of n . of solubb gob! wa farih-- r up the inounl.iin of manga-- , p. The latt.-- ditfirulty H" bet!. heavier iiiul widir .eisits t(1 fil, , ,hal in liliiig II is li 'LINE ANT ' REVIVAL neve. Mirphyry ami defi.iiiim' d r quart?. TIi1 aim nisissild- - to pieviiit a tairllal sitiur.i- -' Inga!, to d.'clinc a'oi.g wliieh are always for rumir s b lii sliun, from to iilHuil s two jcai- - laiir it jrni f pal underlvlni' 5 winxe dow n ii all) Hie to r i.rai-No sManei .:i.d il nuiainc.l i . th dead. Ti.us the ,hp orea. Fuliowlr.g a water varis in MY rent ilia i(.ii:Miiin seven frit of f vvo-ago. Irtli feet gift . liicriar-innntur-ok-and tlm water lock mi new life, when Hie liirts of tie i urea which an iiinstanHy atis of ax coursr ". loriril reeiiianiv of takes tin 1 Ii) th" on valus anil width fei-- l is not of ,,iy clink. ,nd a lave- part of the eakitalneil. Tlore are now over Sain Hii run ied up vvmtiieij. il:Hiciilly To Th" decline of He- lamp itiiiip w iih tiimi' Is. drill and rniss-rii- t rmam ncy. pi oerritors in Siunli Afrbu result to I he exhausting of Hie i Ii mvfai e ih defining the lis'e and itsfour of is. et highb that stir r lilt now alsait they arid III" inahilily In treat Hie 'double pressing.' Then- are s lido an has.-wtnx sin. k tin the pay t,t. enkes from tl llisl ores in a i.nd'n tviih ihc erud1' in ev-' writile ore I are! li said that emulsion with win it or solution ni"ih(nl in tnun. at tli.M liiuc. vein from the tunnel, and would have been paid last thi. tlRerii.x nperatior. This, of Col. E A Wall a !.r ll.e lilt A.I.'III , al Hi."in s tincost, of I lurk laiis'lug ijoutdi the I, WO.T of H.e IMIII. (nr ' year hutami l keep the dceep ready too high. ( iidiii'-Hd- l blower it i was and by chlnery pinpcity. Im l ji : I ;t1t(Continued Next Week.) fur th of th workings flic of "lilaek dalut' or foul r .1 nu i". k air. Till- - shill off all dc.-- working Om . HISWw. AN Th.Mui tuii.t iitthe entire summi-- nsu:ths. it ut iamini The nllicer of the cmipnny A Btronp. healthy, : II. Ill It. W. ttiss! Chicago. of th I f nt Mr .j ih londiilois on dfndK lur! l:nply lc:-, al: i vldcnt. l At. Eml. vler-p- r known in ih- foil of ; ih.- j. little E. Gnini-is-l- livr Th- famoiiP not lc.intT9 f roli;til si Fork. Utah: secretary. Cl.iin'.e only nu?, for IVWIlt'i Kiily Ijiill of William L. Gisnlsell i's. Vt'i f rSHumo tbo yM'in. but thry itrT.Rb- - .j P',,n A. Him. with Suit tny. These, on th imIom nf ih Ilwr nnd 'mifity si! vwiv. It. Lewis of Bull Lake City and TIi1 Muim n in- -. !!i liy i:mop. me tie sui porling that' organ U" G. Ludlow Of Chicago, form the hoard tl Km rly itiwri ni ti fm to ait. thy ll( ;n,i hy M.iii of" directors. i s l ns. who !: i of ii ciih1 tby r.vir Tin- Mmin hvi. v rfruln to iirculiifH rwiltJ1 thut mu nn K:.ffm HoM by fi.nnniRrt. KAtiKfm lory In nil DEER CREEK HINES. f'o. and M. K. Mercur bleat nnd Storktrin The tende". V Of me'lleal s. inee ts Krk Brown. V. 11. I Irani - ft for hi1 ip toward preventive measure. The best ;in yon on Mondsiy to l,M,k nf tli- - woi Id js being given to thought i t Jsin.i subject. It is easier and tauter to The Ontario, in whli-Idprevent than to cure, ft haa been fully of Salt Ijikr :iy and. V. S. i' raid To The greatest offer ever n ude by Isa iicmnnsr rated that - pneumonia, one nfof Culifornia arc interesti-1thth most dai.gemu.- ileue that medinewei-upeli'.l front dy to la- Kilning Western metropolitan ' -Balt T.ak al men have in cnr..I with, cun Inare in ::72 b (t ar.d cut o1' a in eb.-r- - ' tlia! just announred hy Thetwelve-page vain.. prevented by. the in. t t'hainlierlain's Tribune. The big t"n or feet wlib- earrylr.g fair ni.ai-hexis It all Pi.eiitrnnia always re- Cnugh Renu-dyTrlhune, rontaining leorl tv'i feet bum the t! work five men .ill siimni'r ,h,. nPW, f the intermnuntaln region j culls from a inld nr from an atla'k of lhi proiidsing propfriy id In th Milkmaid, you This Is a flir g. mile north of the ni'tariu. thereasis wild unial pHpnr, apnrd :o mis. Beno The Tri to lie it flue showing of ore, but the year isd much pro- bun St. 5a and get the best newspaper at title v.HSMi nfmade on urvmitti nf the In th West for nearly a year and a gress is it ing half. HlllW. Itadibilx Is SuperiiiteinbTt nr four men in Deer Cm k at thn-A CURE FOR ni three present, but will put unII two t mb!. more In ihc near future Tlie bst physic. "Once tried ar.d you will always im Chamberlain's Stomach NITRE BEDS. suys William A. anti Liver Tablets. Tablets are These Vt. Girard, ill Boilth the )elk Bilmi'e Ju ntevr pleasant and nf liltle. the most prompt, tin- - ranvoll are huge dcei.-l-l use. In For sal tr'ir c'l'h mast gid.iti v. tilcli h.iit- - In n l.rbl by John I) ileson yiarw. hy nf A nierietin Eork for ' Utah. Mercur 1) Ni. work In v nnd thut required b.tom rei.iin - Jh. L'lah. .. . M. K. ih noise of th- urniir.d has m. AND Delpha LEHI FORK, PLEASANT d 00N. MERCUR'S BIG IMPROVE- is to be hnied the land owners of AMERICAN il never-failin- cf,n' It J' s i . I i Easy to tako and aasy to act is C llui famous liltio pill DeWttt'a Litlla Early Risers. This ia dua ! tha (act that they tonlo tha liver ad of purging It. They never pipe nor aicken. not even the moat dallcata lady, and yet they are to certain In resulta that no one who uaaa them ia disappointed. They cure torpid liver, billouineaa. oonxtipatlon, Jaundice, headache, malaria and ward off pneumonia ar.d fevera. I i r Poll Easy l I . . i . . - . S.-- j - I , . lll. rp-r- . I ; : - raamaao oaur by B. C. DsWITT A CO., CHICAOO . one-four- I one-tent- h tp Co:,'t Forgat tha Namt, H Earlv Risers n pn-h- ed Xk d )- flemi-Weekl- y T X SADDLE NOR3ES OR LIVERY RIOB 90 if-u- prn-..Htiii- l f V. & al3 s X !n:rg s lUilL aA |