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Show r The Tussock Moth. The tussock moth is a native if North America. It ranges Hu ttrrltin v east of the Ilucky tu'ir.ialu and attacks almost every lai'.cty of shade, fruit and ornamental mM, with the xcejuion of the coat tors. Triumph for A'ir;ans. If it had bei?r. piViliiiUiiXica years o 1... a .r vumv pas in Hav:.ra without a sirgl7 o. yd. low fever, the prophet vVu have YeVVtal Is ieci rhoiu-h- t Irsane. what the Amri;'u-- ' or: uttatVm and Arrerlran tide and sanitaV. skill have brour.-Would Seem to e All lo ni... Right The raising of (300,000 for mlaalona Not if He Goee in October at the Methodist convention in When a man returns from hie Cleveland does not look aa if, in that he usually looks as fagged body at any rate, anything was wrong as a girl who is getting ready to with "the missionary nerve. married. AtchUou Globe. John F. Connor,! sue y y DEALER. IN Feeding Fodder to convention ol At one ot tj heard writer Americana teed their corn fodder, at least the country Included The man that made i l one of the In thla country. Hie contradicted by a hi who claimed .that he horses very largely There was a great di declaration of the ferred to. The foreiL the Importance of tbli discriminate sharply horses raised outside They take it for g horses raised outside are fed on oats and o enous material. Per not quite right abou are few sections ot which corn fodder is siderable quantities f Horses raised In Joining countries are good deal more than horses for the reason tively known that tnej on nltrogeij as the American-bredom gets in the corn the material out of wl made up applies more of toe growing horse the feeding of the mati fodder, though a valui suitable to the bulld frame of the growli When corn Is added the case, It becomi more badly balanci has been compelled largely on corn fodd lacks life and splr Draft Horsts. stockmen, the t tern General Merchandise. A FullILine of Dry Goods, Groceries, Shoes, Etc., Etc. t Stockton, Black Hills Saloon STOCKTON. t tettc TKAPP vs Propi. vs Main Si. vs vs v vs Jepi - jtoiiaise Stockton. store.. m vs m vs vs 0 U b to HTIII E. BQ0T3, Proprietor aqo piana 3r. i so Oi dr 2 DR. F m. DAVIS, Jv PHYSICIAN Stockton. SURGEON. A. Frailey , SALOON AND v BILLIARD HALL. .Main Street. A FIRST-CLA- SS HOSTELRY. .JMitchner House, Main Street, Stockton. m M. LEE, Proprietor STOCKTON! , l ' MAR.Y ' E. BR.OWN. r ...DEALER iN... sel-elt- General Merchandise, C$5 GROCERIES, CANNED GOODS, ETC. ACROSS THE 8TREET FROM POSTOFFICE. Artificially. Ificially by the a become gen-poult- farms longer sii running successfully the bands some one besides th aventor. manufacturer gives i the Incubator he sells explicit Inst ctions for nlng, which should any one with a fair amount o: bility and per latency to hatch c! kens success fully, so it is not n isary to give the directions here, Te often hear the remark that it is asy enough to hatch chickens, but to Ise them after they are hatched is tlR most difficult problem. Here the most study, work and attemlon to details Is required, and the ta )s of woe that occasionally come to v are very discouraging Indeed, som stating that they will give fifty dolla s to know why their chickens die. 1 its, of course, can only be ascertain! by knowing the exact conditions an the feed and care the chickens recel n. The method of raising chicks ai ificially is so much superior to the n itural method that competition is entii sly out of the question, except for tie small producer. To begin with, a good brooder Is necessary, as without it nothing like success can be acco iplished; and no one can call It havini good success unless he can raise fr im eighty to ninety per cent of (he chickens hatched. I ere - - Stockton. - 4 4 travelers do not ride in the Full MN chair car froif choice or nfttions of To Chicago Inexpensively. 4 DOOLY BLOCK. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. 44MM,4,4Mt,4,4,4M4,4B4,44,4,4,,M"Mfr,I44,4'M4'4 Cant You on 1 Go 4 Wrong the Burlington Itouto. directors at Winger aboard the s II Thru ulmpcr to Onibi tod Cbictfo Iootm SWt LnknClty 1:15 p. m. TICKET OFFICE. West Second South Street. 71 SALT LAKE CITY. F. NESLEN, General AgenL R- - d THE DENVER e an Tfis WBL W Operate Best Local Train Service In the State to nil Points. funneeiion made In (Vden Cnton Depot with All Train of Seutbern Padue and Oregon Short Line. OFFERS CHOICE OF FAST THROUGH TRAINS DAILY Lcnvioi Sail Lake al 8:50 n. m.. 3:15 . m.,Lnd til . Q And Three Distinct Scenic ILoxtes. Pullman Palace and Ordinary TO Sleeping Can Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago, ....WITHOUT Tree i 4 u 4 CHANGE.... Chair Car. Personally Oondneted Esennriona. A Dint for lutes, Foldnw. vto.. Inquire ol Ticket Offloe, 1US ParfMt Weet Heoood hMith Street, Duoly Uloek Icrner, or write, A BENTON. General Agent Passenger Department. SALT LAKE CITY. 4 4 414l,,H4i big station to see th train. lW-rJ you get to direct you to car. Conductors and brakemen to see tliat right vou wt off at the right station. Every one of them la aa courteous and kind aa lie can be. Kwm" CitJ' Louis EVERY 1 4-- nt WARREN, General Agent, Cm Fm 411 4 econ- Such persons have about as pleaa-aa journey aa those in the sleepers. The Santa Ke runs comfortable chair oara on ita three Chicago trains, with a competent porter In charge. Complete toilet accessories are provided. omy. h tint - 4 1 Orchards If we succeed In outl: ring the San Jose scale and also oul live the glut which threatens us. and yhich I think is practically certain, thtjse of us who are peach growers of (he incurable habit may, if we persiBtland survive, find a time when we caq market our peaches at a fair profit to reward our efforts and our pail.- - 'says H. A. Mathews. I do not belli-vthat the large corporation orchards will continue long in Georgia after we reach the coming glut They will find theli dividend making capacity gone and will be rst to succumb to the necessity of meeting the now state of things by going out of (he business and selling their peach Orchard land for cotton, corn and sweet potatoes The business will then, 1 venture to predict, settle down to a basis of moderate profits, not more or greater than those of other branches of farming in middle Georgia. Of course many an orchard will bfe cut down and planted in .he staple crops and those who continue In tne business of growing fruits will bej the careful horticulturists whose superior care and lntelllc'.ac will make, their success. They will produce fihr peaches and more of them on the amount of land and the same numlta: of trees. Street Ma.ii S ques-Jreen- There ischlnes on the also some that is in the hands ling a machine ivlsable to buy France has more than iWn million eres of vineyards. O SALOON.. MAIN STREET, highly nltrog 'aps they are this, for there (his country lr. ot raised in con-stock. elgium and ad to bring a raised )ald it is been fed feeds, such . Iraft horse Of course ich the feed is to the feeding ban it does to e horse. Corn tie feed, is not ng up of the draft horse, it, as is often a ration still rhe horse that subsist very or a long time S Future of Georgia Pea 4 J. that the the corn bell run-tabl- e ft CO., ...TRAPP SALOON... m !f w Ur pACK -- i Hatching Chickens Hatching chickens a use of Incubators hss oral practice on all and its success Is u tloned, says Chas. 8 are several very good i market and there are are practically worthle of a novice. In purchs it would therefore be c ton vnM-- r LIV WIIU ? declaration was leman present, ras feeding his a corn fodder of truth in the u at first re--i buyers realize and are said to favor of draft the corn belt, d Proprietor. 3 . Da WOODS florae breeders high-price- d HIGGINS & CARROLL i I assertion was beat-know- 1 Main Street, MAIN ST In that part of 1 the corn belt. . and Caps. Boots and HeLts 1 ot assert that lorsea too much j ; rw ( |