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Show t !. f . AI i -- - - 2 . H- - ( Ut'f The Weekly entin IL THE TOOELE COUNTY REPUBLICAN WEEKLY. vol m. --nor," VIRGINIA. to NO. STOCKTON, UTAH, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1902. he aa!4 lish, "It es the picture of delight race!. aiMin sweet end cop; Her voice. It trills with music, Alls My very soul with Joy. Her laughing eyes the summer dries That arch and bend above her display to view no softer hia I love her, dearly love her. ' My spirits sink with care; I drink The bitter lees of sadness ; Tis then she brings, on fairy wings. To me the sweets of gladness, Her presence lifts my soul and rifts The angry clouds which cover My sky of life with somber atrlpo- -I love her, dearly love her. The coming years msy bring me tears And tyi my heart with pining; Yes. grief may fall, but 10 the pall Therell be a sliver lining; 1'iime weal or woe. I go. Around my heart will hover A vision fair, a memory dear, I love her, dearly love her, Luther A. Lawhon. wlu-ree- r THE SPANISH WAY. By DON CLARK WILSON. (CornioiT, ism, bt Daily Stumt pobumixw Cj.) Found her seated at a table In a reIt was remarked at the officers corner near some curtains, chat-lnmote that mess In the Exposition barracks in lout In with a was Lieut gaily cr.ught young Fogarty the meshes of the senoritas .urinat- sweeping panama and white duck, ions, and that If he was not watch- who sipped idly at a slendor glass of g dark-browe- d ful of his sentiment be would some emerald liquor; and seemed wholly day turn traitor to bis country for her sour and unapproachable and dissake, like the notorious Howard, and- j agreeable. Lola kept up a running light against Uncle Sam in the in- Are of vivacious talk, and seemed en insurrecto army. But Fogarty, who once tranced the more as bis or twice overheard talk of tms kind, creased; and as Fogarty, himself smiled loftily and treated his little scowling blackly, quickly approached Lirtatlon with the senorita as a trivial and eat opposite her, she greeted him affair, a matter of Jest, the diversion with a delicious little bubble of laughof a gentleman and continued the ter and said: flirtation. Nocbes, senor tenlente! I was ex-On the Luneta, one night, when the j pgeting you. See Cervillo dear old Sixth artillery band was giving an Cervillo! Impulsively kissing him, open air concert, his eye was caught to Fogartys unutterable displeasure voluptuous Spanish "is so delightfully angry! Carrejo, It by a boauty in an open Stanhope, and he is exciting! two angry soldiers! never rested until he had formed her Cervillo scowled back hatred at Foacquaintance. Now, this was a most garty. Fogarty sniffed sarcastically difficult matter to accomplish, for at Cervillo; and Lola laughed In a Spanish old world ideas of propriety burst of enchantment Mlri and all that had to be circumvented, Bpnnra.." TBe FVfTiairio be reconciled drink F advance, and the girls Inborn She poured out a glass. of absinthe, dice against anything and eve; then tossed the lieutenant a pack of American had to be overcome, native cigarillos, and herself lighted taere was also an absurd fellow one, which she smoked with exquisite named Loretto Cervillo, an exjoffleer grace and abandon. of the defeated Spanish army, who Cervillo turned slightly away,- - puffclaimed the senorita as his affianced. ing .sulkily at a cigarette, and Senorita Lola did not evince any savagely at the daucei- - on the glared er pedal affection toy him; she did not as though the sight of Fogarty stage, was give way to those burets of Spanish intolerable. passion he had readly of so often in D Cervillo! growled Fogar on his ar- ty, fiction; and it struck-coldLola, let us ride. heartily. she to that dor at times think possibly she echoed; Ride, tenlente? was trifling with him, and that her ride? No, no! it is too delightful acceptance of hia attentions was here! The lights, the dancers, the prompted merely and solely from a music Paloma, It Is divine! See! It lore of diversion and excitement is Esmeralda who dances now! EsOne night the lieutenant left the meralda. who might be the Reserve hospital on Calls Las Vegas, of Notre Dame. See how sheEgyptian sways! and Jumping Into a passing caromet-ta- , See how lightly she floats on those drove to the Teatro Libertad. tiny toes! Ride senor? No, no! ' where he had an appointment with "Let us walk along the shore, then, her. persisted Fogarty, coaxlngly. "AnyAt the entrance he paused and cast thing, senorita, to escape this dose den! She pouted dlssenttngly. "Senor, do not spoil it Yon Americans are so prosaic! Look, Cervillo enjoys It. He Is happy. Why not dark-eye- ii imjeneot Eng- It es the out- - ddous that many Fogarty was eyes were yiVetedj him, that tha was staring at Juggler on the sti him in amazement that his own su-perior officers wei glasses at him from foyer. "Well?" he said, lly, as he faced the angry Spanlardll, What are you going to do about M Senor will aiKJldJt. declared the other, hotly. "In Vide meenut only one meenut I will ftjyou! 3abe? One meenut! $ "And if I dot; apologize, what V then? "One or udder n die! returned Cervillo, in a lnw.f Use tone. "You or me! I care not: eli! Fogarty looked gt ite senorita. A strange light skonfiWn her eyes. He Interpreted it as ajk piic&ge. "I refuse, seuorJe said; and in a thrice a glove wasnrown in his face, he felt a stlnglngjllip on his cheek, and a voice hissed;, his ear: "Den; you knog as so! He did. But ha of answering the patience could brool no delay in seeking satisfactions I a knocked the Spaniard to the tio with one quick, straight blow, tb i sprang back, breathing heavily." ;1 That was the Amt jean way. In the confustog let followed Fo1 senoritas arm, garty quickly tool'1' ltez. and nrged her in' The cochero d; the Puhta s 'road to the Espana. down a f the wall, and aged portcullis then plunged intq the - narrow, of dark- paved, er Manila. 'After' pn Interminable ride through' thijf;j wlldering tangle ue finally pullqfl gj' ifore the door of a somber' building ft the very, heart of me old city, hdd-jpresponse to his iirita, with a gay Acl.senor, burst of laughter, ped out. "Buenos nochkjjr llente! she said Buenos ' no- to the officer MWjij eared-'- Into the (ffiSfff'toTue chero floated back i the dense, close air as she swung ie ponderous old door behind her. The driver watte patiently for in the cab eral momenta Th said nothing, gav no directions, or In fact manifested ny Interest The soever in the pro confidently Aaited the choice cussword and the impatient to hear to! he was so a from his American ires. But it came not, and the cochf y sagely conclud- ed his fare was 'nk. "Americano mucho loco, he m sed. "Senor ten-a- s lente! he said so iy. he dis mounted and looke into the caromet- - J. W- - LAWRENCE, Manager. Carries a Complete Line of GROCERIES AND MEATS Main Street, Stockton. The Best and Largest Meat Market in Tooele County. foul-smellin- Fresh Meats V Always on Hand, and . tiona ment me? Why" "Torment you?" The little Tlxens mouth dropped in surprise, but there was a twinkle in her eye that did not escape the lieutenant "I would not knowingly ccsa! Esmeralda is gone, ar.d now watch, tenlente. It is the juggler Mezzlola who comes next He is a marvelous man, so adroit! But what did Fogarty care tor the- stage when this enchanting miss sat before him? There was nothing offered the public from the proscenium to, compare with what Fogarty now watched In silence, his heart burning with love. For a moment he forgot the place, the crowd, the juggler, the music and Cervillo. His head swam, his senses whirled hasily as one bereft of reason. In an ecstasy he sqneexed her hand, he bent forward,- breathing heavily, and before he was fully aware of what he was doing, and before the senorita could avoid his passionate attack, he kissed her, then sprang Instinctively to his - .bout. f sev-offic- er BEEF, what-eding- s. "Pron-ustome- d the ini, pk VEAL-! The Honerine Confectionery THOS. BEBB, Proprietor. Delicacies in the Confectionery Line. All Kinds of Stockton. Main Street, you? Fogarty sulkily puffed at the cigarillo, and stared Into the gossiping crowd. After a silence Fogarty tossed his cigarillo away impatiently, took I e senoritas hand in his, and said: "It is unjust of you, senorita. It is cruel. Why do you persistently tor- AS, 4w M--J- Current Time Card Salt Lake & Mercur Railroad, , la Bitot April 4, ISOS, Lasvs Salt Lake vis (X S. L f Maa 45 a a Leava FslrBeld via S. L. A M 10 15 a a Leavs Manning via S. L. A M 11 05am Anri re ilereur via S. L. A M Leava Mareur via S. L. A M t 50 p a Leava Manning via S.L.4M iteiMOi. 8 SB p B 4 06 pa Leave Fairfield via O. S. L...n. Arrive Salt Lake .....I INIH aN 0 OOpa Cervillo faced him, his fierce tache bristling savagely, JT. B. JACOBS, General Manager. ta at the officer. "Donde bamos? J. L. OONKLIN0. Penger Agent . There waa no reply. The officer didn't stir. ' The cochero repeated his Inquiry, Fine Dreea for Lady Curzon. then looked closer, squinted knowA magnificent dress is being emingly, like a sage Did fellow, and broidered for Lady Curzon. to be worn smiled a sly, slick little smile,. at the Delhi Durbar on Jan. 1. It is The officer was pif ned in his place, being worked on rich Indian silk In a a dainty poniard tb tough his chest magnificent design of peacock's feathThat was the Spaiish way. ers, and the whole dress Is to be entirely of Indian workmanship. Name for I ie Baby. "Ha caHa the baby Coffee. M "What Wants Calendar Changed. a name! What do i he call It that Camille Flammarion, the astronofor? "Because It I eepa him awake mer and social reformer, has intronights Philadelphia Evening duced a bill in the French chamber feet of deputies for the rationalizing of Cervillo faced him, his black face the calendar. He wants the year to North American windeer usually start with the vernal equinox and to growing blacker, his .fierce mustache select an old doe f their leader. bristling savagely. consist of 64 days. O - RICHARD GUNDRY, I ! NOTARY PUBLIC. Sheridan St. Stockton, L. H. GRAY. t LAND AMD MININS ATTORNEY, Salt Lake City. J SffiiSr J I t ! J - eye was caught by a dark-eyeSpanish beauty, keyes over the audience. It was a , scene, gorgeously colored, with Jlng groups at the tables and In a gathering of Spaniards, of American and damsels here kind of elite Filipino mestexxos escorts, of American and limp gray aL Fogarty paid scant i all this, however; his eye ught tor the pretty face It last he found her. d dark-eye- d sol-kha- kl J R. E. ROSS. LAMO AND MINING t K5C! ATTORNSV. Salt Lake City. fcfci lili TTTTTTTTWTTTTTTTTTTTw A t G. W. PARKS, Saem-AMfto- Baildlsi- - Salt Lake Oity; I |