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Show r TOOKTOMl UTAH. Office Opposite Cntor'a Store, Mole , F. O-- Bos 12. October It. - - Mj Jo. V. Uakiman. v.Tered of holding on, and not having to lie awake nights devising plans for getting along In a general way. Now he is again In the harness, hav ing secured, by location and purchase, sixteen and a half claims on the Stockton belt, covering the same to the extent of over 800 acres. Considerable work has already been done, and tomorrow he goes out to locate a site for a house for living purposes with outhouses, etc., and make the necessary arrangements for carrying the work right along on a large scale and without interruption. The ore shows manganese In large quantities, with plenty of lead, some silver, copper, and occasionally showings of gold, one of the latter amounting to $10. The veins are all well defined, and the assay showings are all from the grass roots. Mr. Gisborn, upon tbe strength of his experience as a miner and mine operator, gives It as his unqualified opinion that the country surrounding and near Stockton will, before long, show itself to be among the biggest and best of the mining centers of the 'western country, and will support his faith by work and capital. IS, IMS, Upd, lost Office oe second-claA,t of Congress of March. ss ot the Stockton. metier under 1WB. 8TOCKTON LOCALS. Two carload of silver and lead ore were marketed by the Galena of Stock ton yesterday. . In the future we shall endeavor to he out on time, and to sire our town the local prominence It deserves. Thomas 1 Huddleston, superintendent of the Galena King of Stockton, left for that proposition yesterday. In the cases of Gundry vs. Lee and Gundry vs. Brown, In the land office, the cases have been continued until January 6. The Cyclone of Stockton appeared at the smelter yesterday with another consignment of ore running well up In silver and lead, with some gold. By the opening of spring the completion of the big cut, the dally train service between Eureka, Salt Lake and Stockton, the active operations In Ophlr canyon, the great Honerlne in full blast, and all the mines of Stcwk-toworking, our town will experience a veritable boom. Connection between the intermediate shaft and the face of the great Honerlne tunnel will probably be made on Sunday, says Superintendent who is keeping In touch with the work while spending a few days at the local offices. Mr. Raddatxs record In tunnel driving will likely be long un broken In Utah or the west Ex. Reports from Ophlr canyon are that the new electric light and power plant being installed by Senator Clark, owner of the Ophlr Hill mines and mill In that locality, moving forward to an early Installation, while with the enlargement of the mill equally good progress is being made. With these improvements completed the management will have prepared itself for a materially lncreas utput of concen-o- f t rates, while the senator's n Rad-dat- o MERCUR ITEMS. On Tuesday night Mr. F. H. Carter was repairing tram cars, and got his thumb very badly crushed. The Eagle saloon is one of the most popular places in Mercur. The enterprising proprietors are now offering prizes. With every purchase they give a prize ticket, which will be redeemed In this way: Eight tickets will secure the holder a bottle of Pale Ale or quart of Port Wine, free, and 25-ce- are good for a bottle of Champagne. These prize tickets will twenty-fiv- e be Issued during December. t Reports received this morning from Superintendent Edwards of the Consolidated Mercur Indicate that the developments in virgin ground will play an Important part In the future of his great gold bonanza. In the workings from the fifth west raise the tunnel and crosscut hr.ve passed through ISO feet of ore that has averaged better than $20 per ton. Much of the ore taken out has run as high as $30, and while as yet the extent of this unusually rich deposit for the district has not been fully determined, enough 1b known to make It certain that It would T '68 !por? even now proven. Telegram the few ant disclosure! fug the past Ve who have held 9th. months. Indent Over at the Con. Mercur the manon to propertied Jthe locality are is at present projecting agement In that firmer than evero the belief means-thawill enable It to practically one for foundation Is yet Ophlr canyon overcome the metal which haa been of the most productive of Utahs slipping away In the Blimes from the ramps. Ex. big plant, and to that end the cono struction of an experimental plant will STOCKTON TO THE FRONT. begin at once. The method to be employed Is one which has been ImproThe following article, written by our vised by local talent, and in the event friend, S. A. Kenner, and published in of Its success it was said last night the News, will be of Interest to our that a change along the same general line will lie made throughout the mill. readers: One of the pioneers of the mining The cost of the proposed change, acIndustry in Utah when, shortly after cording to estimates, will entail but a the beginning. It was at its xenlth, and nominal sum, while the maqagenient fortunes were made every day, was is assured that a saving of $20, QUO or Unde Mat," as more per month can be made. At all Matthew T. Gisborn. run the Is gamut of the events, the experiment will cost but he called, hits a from situation prospector with little, and certainly Justifies the trial. entire much .not and else, to a Ex. high hopes successful miner who has struck It" DEATH ROLL. and has a million or thereabouts on hand. In the days spoken of Mr. GisOn the 17th ult., E. M. Martin, 37 born acquired a third Interest In the famed Mona In Dry canyon, near years old. died of heart disease. On the 26th ult. Mrs. Annie Sullivan, Stockton, when it was the greatest producer of the west, some of Its ores aged 42, died of pernicious anaemia. going up to $18,000 a ton, and carrying Deceased leaves a husband and 'chil dedreu to mmirn her sad loss. virgin sliver. Then there was a mine The fall. a followed by We would like very much .to record cline, failed to produce as formerly, although these events if those interested would It was well understood that great only call or send to the office the facts, values were still lurking In Its unpene- - j that we could get them accurately, t rated recesses. Getting at them la- - it very often happens that an accurate volved going through a lot of country reprt of even the sad events Is a con- rook and other matter which, while venience to some one. Please give us carrying values, did not open up big the news of all kind. We want It, and enough to equal the necessary expend!- wjj aiwayB llse it. a leave and gratifyture of operating 0 A Deflnition- ing margin over. The others dropped i out and Mr. Gisborn became sole jn a public school the instructor, owner. He plodded along year after j wishing to teach the word fern," brought a pot of ferns into the class- year, with the Mona and twenty-onother claims more or less developed loom to make the lesson more real, on 280 acres of patented ground, con- and on asking one little girl what it was. received the ingenuous answer: taining also houses and Improvements, A sit. of green fuuhers. waiting for the turn in the tide. A Many Women Study Medicine. year or so ago he concluded to sell a Medicine ae a profession for women raise to portion of his large holdings ,n K?,rItT '? ' end men. to pull the reel .long with, Wom "w sele of threw IM Jin. clceted leal degrees in Great Britain number fourths of his entire Interests to a mors than f0Q. Pittsburg company, which has been in Healthy Villagers. charge ever since, and Is doing chiefly of the Inhabitants of tbe development work. With the sale Mr. village of long Marstou. in HertfordGisborn has been able to live a some- shire, England, are said by a statiswhat easier Hfe, having paid up the tician to have reached the age of liabilities incurred during his long ninety years. 1 t n j j i e . PROOF, Capt. Alfred G. j'ompany No. 4, Can-NO SENTINEL siege THE STOCKTON I One-tent- h Veils and Eyesight. 6. Dr. Nagel, an eminent German oculist, has again been investigating the 1 had a weak back a boy, and about he cause developed Into rather raBa It wftt thut effects of wearing veils, and has exwoamined the cases of eighty-eigh- t men whose eyesight has been injured by tbis practice. He finds that tbe size of the mesh, the distance of the veil from the eyes, and the color of are determinthe veil the ing differences, and that 75 par cent of the women who habitually wear veils, by neglecting to take account of these matters, impair their sight, this result being brought about by tbe average defective veU in a period of four years. kInelr little backache backache which now and and caused actuf oaring day night, and tinder 1 tried to get rid of It thefo it became. When tbe Fa wer In the acute stage It was gult to sit down, and when down It lust as hard U? regain an erectpltlon, on account of the twinges of n In the kidneys. I can only dess some of the pangs received from a as similar knife thrust I In time, iesslng and terribly Inconvenlentfiry weakness result ed, causing affing embarrassment during the dand loss of sleep during the nigh I took evilng which came to my notice f rereading, from observation, and wh j! my friends and acI consulted quaintances fised. one of them were physicians, able to relle ie trouble, let alone stop It known that I had It became f kidney coma pronounce fen received circulars I that plaint from medlcac$panies offer.ng to cure me, and day eighteen letters were handed t06 by the mail car rier. When Doan idney Pills attracted my attention1 anted to try them, Just as I had' ied everything else, and Mrs. Rlj went to Durban & Wright Co.'s tag store for a box. Relief followed I knew af& t dose or two that the medicine! acting directly on the kidneys f the altered condition of the cy secretions, and, mtlnued the treatencouraged, ment. Finally hy backache and other coinpliw stopped. Let me suiaP my opinion about Doans KidniPiUs by saying, 1 would willing pay one months wages for a bri lliem If I could not You can refer buy them fofi any one to me it Doans Kidney Pills and I will ivince them that they act just as presented." Four rt After. Lapse of tir has strengthened my appreclatioi )f Doans Kldne.v Pills. 1 gave thi medy my unquali-thsummer of lied endorsemcn 1896, because of results I obtained from a course the treatment. I can now add to original endorse-oment the exper! a number .of others who are enthusiastic. ' " tat Original Profanity. A correspondent sends the following to the New York Sun: How 1s thief Private Jamei Burns, Battery E, Tlrst United 8tates Artillery, covered with a wet blanket, lying flat to keep from being roasted by the flames ot the burning big barracks, whlcb were driven in sheets, where we wars trying to protect ourselves on ths morning of April 13. 1861, at Fort Sumter, South Carolina, Jumped up when his blanket began to alzzle, and yelling, Hells bells and blue biases I" made a dash for the cistern, drew up a bucket of water and turned it over I i himself. Slop the though and Works OIT the Cold Laxative BnuuoiJuiuiuB Tablets. Pries 25a t Novel Wedding Ceremony. Justice of the Peace Henry Bund; of Jersey City recently married Mrs. Mary Becker, and the ceremony was performed before a mirror. Tbe bridegroom officiated as the minister, and looking in the glasj asked the usual questions of his own reflection, and answered them himself. Then he pronounced the couple man and wife, kissed the bride twice, once for the Justice and once for the groom, and then started on his honeymoon txlp. Peculiarity of Aged Darkey. One of the oldest men In the south is Uncle Joe Donaldson, a negro living at Gainesville, Ga., who has just passed his 110th year. One peculiarity about him Is that he does not claim to have seen Washington. Rest A cattleman says that all cows Xany women and doctors do not recognize the real symptom! of derangement of the female organa antil too late. I had terrible pains along my spinal cord for two years and suffered dreadfully. 1 was given different medicines, these thine the cures that Lydia E.Pinkham's has brought Vegetable Compound about, 1 somehow felt that it wee what I needed and bought a bottle to take. Bow glad I am that I did so ; two bottles brought me immense relief, and after using those bottles more I felt new life and blood surging through my veins. It seemed as though there had been a regular house cleaning through my system, that all the sickness and poison had been taken out and new Hfe given me instead. I have advised dozens of my frienda to use . Pinkhams Vegetable indis- Lydia Good health is pensable to complete happiness, and Compound. Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound has secured this to me." Uni L. Bum kb. Crown Point, Indiana, Secretary Ladies Relief Mbs. Corps. $5000 forfait If sriffae ofobooo lottor pnmng gamuninu eaanmt bo proOaerO. Every sick woman who does not understand her ailment should write Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn. Mass. Her advice la free mad always helpful. CARBOLIC 8ALVR will prevent blood m in Onti, iH poisoning Wounds, Sorea. Bruises, and heal How Cows I 11 down on their left side, and never on ' them, too. 25 centa. Would you have v their right, unless the left is Injured. e TOOTHACHE for 15 cents? Our Jap- anese Tooth Ache f AKhtottoniMi. li Foster-Miltur- n The Cost of Warfare. 1850 the world has expended 300,000,000 In vsglng war, and four times .that sum .in bolding standing armies in readiness,.. . Since -- T Vnh Winslow. Soothing Njrrnn.1 sums. reduce SifteM For rbtutrea teeihlug. IM l (Lamination, allay pa tn. lures wind colic. iBc a bottle. International Dictionary tf INGUSH, liegmphy, Bsegnphy, Fiction, etc. Ths One Great Standard Authority. TW Xr Mltiflg baa D.M mm worda. Ml aim SOW phiiA illfri'Jivq. thnwylwwi Let Ue Send Yeu "k Tact la FrasunciiticM A turd awd XTD XT XT' iMtnrtmi oiloilato Dlrlloaary. rha I'AMraurni aum AUn llbOpflirfl. IWOilhwlnUtNN. SwlilOsiMieeiWi la bias' ruvtUaa la quality, waail 6. 1 G. urTaTii UERRIAH CO., Fui Pub., Springfield, Mata. A SOUND ARGUMENT. Tea Seeds Like Hazel Nuts. Tea seeds rCneirbe small hazel nnts. They are sown in beds to grow thickly together like cabbage. How Advertising N. W. Ayer k Son. DNUaaiSTS OR STORKS OR DIRECT FROM I I I I I ALL Grows. Z. C. M. - by I oral applications, m they cannot reach the imrtton of the ear. There Is only one eny to rum deafness, nd that is by constl-iiitinn- ul remedies. Deafness ts caused bv an infl.med condition of tie mucus lining of the Eustachian Tulie. When ihis tube is Inflamed d ruu have a rumuling or imperfect dr Ing. and when It 1 entirely tbe result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out end this tubs restored to its normal condi i ion. hearing will bo destroyed forever; nine esses out of ten am caused' by catarrh, nlich Is nothing but sa inflamed condition of the mucus surfaces. We will five One Huntred Dollars for any ease of Deafness trained bj catarrh) that cannot be cured bv Hall's Catarrh Cura Send for I circulars, free. 3. F. CHEXEY A CO., Toledo, Q Sold by Dmeelsts. !. 1U11 'a Family Fills sic tbe best if??. ORES ! METALS The Leading Mining Journal 3.00 Ier Year In the Went. In Advnnon. for three months Semple Subscription. WAVIKD NOMCITOK8 in evsrr otty in ths Unitsd Slats Von om maka S to DIO per commission. Send Ilk; In Msiuiih fiir day SOo OllKS AliD e n-- I. SUBSCRIBE FOR 300-308 Many German .Toys 8old, Great Britain btys over 11.000 tons of German toy snnually, while the United Slates ranks next, with an him tons. importation Deafness Csanut Be Cured f All Lung Diseases start with a cough. If yon will conghnp a quarter for a bottle of Cough Balsam youll stop coughing Japanese Corn Core will rid you of a dozen CORNS for a quarter. Which do you love the best-co- rns or quarter? the "Keeplns at It advertising Everlastingly agents of Philadelphia, have found it necessary to move into new and Chestnjt larger quarters it Street in that city. This announcement will Interest many publishers, because Ayer & Son are so widely known as promoters of They began newspaper publicity. business thirty-threyears ago, with two people and as annual business of .$15,000. They nov have one hundred and ninety employes, and have for years done the largest advertising business In tbe world. The difference between then and now is, they say, simply the result of making newspaper and .magazine advertising pay their customers. f IvnnsTAR T.nntn .. Insurance for 25 cents a policy. What is your nealth worth? WEBSTER'S r, LA iH Drops will rid yon of both. ,7s. A FREE TRIAL of this rest kidney medicine wtich cured Mr. Kig-lewill be aaikd on application to any part of jhi United States. Address Co., Buffalo. X. Y. For sale i bj all druggists, price 50 cents per box Tovtiuc up the praises of Three L'rowa Baking Powder. Extracts suit Spices. Ask for them For sate everywhere. HEWLETT BROS. CO i j Xti'AL, sampia Sony and particulars timing Xivlumga, Dsover RELIABLE ASSAYS. AMllvsr.T.'ie; (told.SD- vY. enp'r. (List Pnmipt returns os mall sims'aa OBDEH ASSAY CO. ! Gold.&Wilitart.ju-iUni- 'airA-- TRY MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT 3D Sf THE GREATEST REMEDY FOR. diseai-et- l Dig I 1 Ad IT' heur-'lose- A Mean uestion. I am told that Mr. Perkasle has proposed to Miss enspot." said Miss Election bet?" asked Miss Frocks. Bunting. Harper's iazar. : Utahs Favorite Confections MOLASSES DAINTIES V V CARNATION CHOCOLATES A zJt your Heater for Them . Salt L,Vke Candy Co., Sole Maj i ; j ' |