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Show FI V i S', V THE PROOF OF THE PUDDING LIES IN THE EATING." The doctors are dumbfounded the druggists astonished, and in a popie excited and Joyful over the cures and tremendous saleswonderful of the great Remedy, St Jacobs OIL cats of Rheumatism some of Krery many yaacs standing haa given way to this powerful remedy. Thousands of cartifleates like the following can be furnished as to lta value: George Bclwyor, Publisher of the ChflUm. Win.. "Volksbote, used 8L Jacobs Oil for "almost unbearable palna Is tbe back, which had completely proatrated him." A few applications cured him entirely. Mrs. Fred Kberle, Bellalre, O.. for a long tlma severely troubled with Rheumatism. 8L Jacobs Oil Instantly relieved and entirely cured her. Her. Dr. B. Pick of Rochester, N. Y suffered so Intensely from' Rheumatic pains that he waa unable to preach. Several applications from a bottle of SL Jacobs OH "relieved him. F, Redder, Cleveland, Oblo, says- "Tw? cured pain In my Messrs. C. L. Brundage and Son, Druggists, Muskegon, Mich., write: "SL Jacobs Oil has a wonderful sale. Wa sold eight bottles at retell yester-daThis will give you some Idea of bow well It Is liked In this SURELY LOST. Alarm at tha chert Information, tan Reading, Pa., mer-th- e babit of paying week-- a farm which he had purpose living along tha waa wont to drive he waa at . r- - object of much Dut V ua time the cause apeculation, of his vliltf became known, as did the fact that he was a man of considerable Influence and wealth. As he was driving along one Sunday ornlng last summer he saw plodding ahead of him a small boy of the country thereabout, carefully carrying on nls arm a coat, whiclj, on account of the heat, he had removed; and, on a charitable impulse. Invitedacting the thoroughly abashed lad to ride as far as the "Sunday school." having gleaned that to be bis destination. They were soon there, but the In his perturbed state, did not boy, realize until he bad taken his in his class that he had left hisplace coat in the carriage. The parable of Lazarus and tiie rich man having been assigned as the lesson for that day. the teacnsr, addressing the newcomer, inquired: "What became of the rich 7 fra-qu- et well-know- n nan "He drove on down the road to his .' PromI,tly answered the youth, till thinking of the coat Mr. Louis Hlnkel, of East Foesten, "For his misdeeds." affirmed the Kill, N. T.. says: "I call SL Jacobs joocher, ignoring the answer, "he went l Oil tbe best liniment I ever used. It place 01 torment, from cured me of Rheumatism and pain In whi h can never return." the back." Holy Moses!" broke in the yonth Herman Rittner, Manchester, N. Tie got my cost with him." H.: I have tried SL Jacobs Oil, and found It excellent All those who have TIME TABLES A8 GEOGRAPHIES. purchased It speak of It as simply In- '.TRENT -- PAY THE My had PRICE. CBP?,itan Writer in SISTERronCHARITY Gives ocd Advice. J5u,n,y Bank, WM youf';y preouziyir111 In tbe most Use twrtve KontM courtship. Tbs to Jim fop Coughs, Colds, Grip and Pc-ru-- na Congressmans Letter. Cdtarrh-- A girl at first h&Bot h moved harea my very and earth yorouBly 4hat Bha at laat consenfedlNow' the th,r day but who appears ff(c,r wlth a long rjf and raakea a complaint that tbef by keppB him awake4 Jln,tn?- nights. Good aid, "didnt yu know that babies al- baby haB 10 haT ways do that some relaxaUdq Go ho,na and be isnt twins." There thankful that is tbe reverse le to every Joy. You cant have the i vantages of bachelor hood end mar yd life at tha lane everything with a time. Tou bu . price leisure, 'uiily, office, leara-Nothing position. ing, wealth, fa is free. Be aur you want the article, pay the current rice and 'enjoy your possession, Co '.opolltan. r not Btaln SdB Fruit adds fNAM FADELESS dyed with Pi " lioil,! DYES. COULD y. .r.? . A SIDE NOT LSE SADDLE. oman Turned Down ry KeePr' "It is hard th. r dW-- ,aya 1 Ppu' lar actress "u ba an old f,hione1 woman even w if tbe beBt lntMtlona. waa ranting i ' a rathar fa,hJonabl little place not on a and wantd arcla- - ot get some I r,eback a which I am ver 1 ,onL 80 1 waot by LI - liTry Btabl aBd pretentious loo applied for a ;rBa' Th proprlBtor Winded to ride. "Aa " how inquired comparable. New York 8chool Teacher Makes a woman shout ride a horse, with a Goo. O. Erffle, Palestine, III.: a wae in bed suffering from a aide saddle, of cours, I answered, Valuable Discovery. swollen no horse of ours, 1 UBa4 I never realized the value of time I Jacobs Oil, its effect "Then you can "A side saddle unflta waa was tables until I got bold of a class of the verdlctL wonderful. The following day for any other uae. tha beat of hoi flojrs old enough to take an Interest attended to my business again." of tha devil and aa It'a an inventlc Dr. Otto Puls, Reading, O., writes fu geography, said a New York puboman as It la to the to lic school teacher. "The Injurious sale of SL Jacobs Oil Is conSo far as the were powerless fallen All m study of mrfps goes, I can get better stantly Increasing; it ls praised by fiorsa owner's to overcome ti results from the use of time tables everybody, and never falls to give ento forego equea- tlons and I wax than from' all the geographies in the tire satisfaction. trlan market. Maps that have been prepleasure.' Novelist In Poor Health. pared for the purpose of cultivating UL CALENDAR Private letters from Sorrento the youthful mind In the matter of loTHE ST. bring R 1903 the Information that F. Marlon Crawcality are shunned as bugbears by all inches, of beautiful except the studious few. But just set ford's health la giving hta family Fix sheets lOx n colors, of pastel a dozen boys around a pile of time much anxiety. The novelist recently reproductions, now ready for yson,-ltables and tell them to Ipcate certain had a serious hemorrhage. It la said, drawings by mailed on will be that left him In a weak condition. He distribution and cities, lakes and rivers, and will cent! coin (25) twenta work like beavers, and comethey recuperated of raPlUjr. however, and celpt out let-- i ... A. reas F. Miller, kl condltlon beau mors sat or stamps. Add every time. For most chll- - , Chicago. dren time tables Ind era! Passenger faotwy: accompanying if , st ri In every country of tlie civilized world Sisters of Charity are known. Not only do they minister to the spiritual and intellectual needs of the charges committed to their care, but they also minister to their bodily needs. With so many children to taka care of and to protect from cliiuata and disease, these wise and prudent Bisters have found Perrins a never failing safeguard. Dr. Hartman receives many letters from Catholic Bisters from all over the United States. A recommend recently received from a Catholic institution in Detroit, Mich., reads as follows: Dr. S. A Hartman, CoJumbua, Ohhx Dear Sir: The young girl who used tbe Pervna was suffering from laryngitis, and loss ot voice. The result of tbe treatment was most satisfactory. Sbj found great reUet, and after further use of the medicine we hope to objec-fc-ce- d . s re--fi- Gen-Agen- ter-perfe- Ih001 hour"- - nfrla true that this unorthodox I method . The Transit of Mars. When Elolae looks up the street. Puts down her work star la flushes. And turn away that face ao sweet Lest I should note her blushes, I wish that I were young again. But soon she'a blithely humming, Forgetting me and u II and then I know the Captain's coming. t1 coMs-tJo- that its con- tinued use will fully eradicate a disease of thirty David Meekison. Dr. Hfertmeu, one years yy r Why ns SyroM family laxhtiyfr When Elolae looks down the street , end wistful, With eyes wide-sHer cheeks aa pale aa any sheet. Her dear mouth drawn and tristful, 1 wish that 1 ware young again. For as I lift her aewing She sighs, O such a sigh! and then I know the Captain's going. Edward W. Barnard. ke-bs--st et It is pore. It is gentle. L P II after-effect- It is wholly free from objectionable substances. It contains the laxative principles of plants. the carminative principles of plants. It It contains wholesome aromatic liquids which are All are pure. All are delicately blended. All are skillfully and scientifically compounded. It is efficadonsi s ftiy Its component parts are all wholesome. s. It acts gently without unpleasant agreeable and refreshing to the taste. It is pleasant. Changes of the Earth. Name fer the Baby. "What He calls the baby Coffee. Miner What does he call It that fort "Because it keeps him awaks lights. Philadelphia Evening mW -- a "Be the Powers. Now there is talk of a plan to bring Russia, Japan and England together. But Russia is tied up with France, so France would have to be added. And aa that republic la flirting with Italy, Italy must be Included. And Italy couldnt go in without Germany. So there you are. A nice tea party! All the best of friends and so on. The question arises Is Lord Rector Andrew Carnegie at the bottom of It all? New York Evening Sun. Gentlemen: I1 have nsed several bottles of Peruna and feel greatly benefittea thereby from my cs- tarrh of the head, and feel enoour- aged to believe' Jlm-ljuthl- n When Elolae with downcast eyes Once more bends o'er her stitching And looka, ns lir bright neodla flies, (If may be) mure bewitching, Youd say she wneu-- no thought on mem But oh. her checks are glassing The red geranium near! and then . I know the Captain's passing. How does one generation of men succeed another? The fathers are not wept away in a body to make room for the children, but one by one the old drop off and the young come on, till a day Is reached when none of those remain that once were here. How does soma form of human speech About a hundred become extinct? named Dolly old an lady ago years Dentreath died in Cornwall. She could peak the Cornish language; after her death there was nobody that could. Thus quietly did the living Cornish language become a dead language; and In a like unobtrusive manner have been wrought most of the new becomings which have changed and are changing the earth. Harpers. letter is from Congress-ma- Meekieon, of Napoleon, Ohio: The Peruna Medicine Co. , Columbna, O. standing. of the best known physicians and anrgoons in the United States, was the first man to formulate is by Wholesale, Peruna. It was through his genius and Good 18 tor a sent from Billvllle to that it waa introduced to A postal cai perseverance -- Vl .the medical profession of this country. one 'of the abd-n-t brethreavea ffiniui iHMewweasep lessstei Sisters of Charity. "Dear but good news Tho Real Trouble. from the nee of Peruna results of faqtor ears the was under young girl onoe to Dr. Hartman, giving at write The "discoverer of the golden am- to tell you. tour crap paid off tho theThe reruns used and Sisters ot statement of your case due will mortgage, youi brother broke out o for catarrh of Charity ber varnish of the Cremona violins the throat with good re- full to give yon hie valuable adfl.OOO he pleased has been visiting New York newspa- Jail, an your dsddy has jest got testifies. letter above sults as the vice Coover bis out runnln tbo railroad Medicine are gratia fer Thera offices Co, Send to The Peruna again. pers enough Adareaa Dr. Hartman, President of good violins. Would that there ware leg. Ain't Providence providin! lumbus, Olilo, for a free book written Tbe Hartman Sanitarium, Columbna O-Atlantic Connotation. fewer bad violinists! by Dr. Hartman. Idoamb.ltewP1ote,Ooapi may give the boyi exaggerated Ideas aa to the importance of certain railroads, but they seem to get enough good out of tbe Investigation to coun.. teract such Impressions. ' t, The following Its value is due to our method of manufacture and to the originality and simplicity of the combination. It is not expensive. It is good for children. To get its beneficial effects It is excellent for ladies. buy the genuine. Manufactured by It is convenient for business neni i It is perfectly safe under all circumstances. :V It is used by millions of families the world over. It stands highest, as a laxative, with physicians. If you use it you have the best laxative the world (aujorKia San Frnnciaco, CaL New York, N. Y. Louisville. Ky. produces. fOM AALS Long-Live- d Pimlonira The names rf two woman ars still on tho British pension Hit dating from the tlmo of Goorgo L On ls Lady Barrow, tho adopted daughter of John WUson Croker, Lord Maean-lay- s "bad, very bad man, I fear. Tbo other ls tbo mother of Sir William M. P. for Oxford University of AH Souls. Scarcity of Naval Officers. Secretary Moody faoos considerable difficulty in keeping n necessary officers In tho ber of con nsvy. Thii Is because of tbs tinued appl for retirement un der tho pnvtslona of tho navy per sonnel act Thero Is no way to with advanced van! these rank. rr Bum-mission- ed DBUQQ1BTS. ir IP II BlCnrOKU, WMhtaftM, D. O., they will receive quick tvpllec. B. Ilk N.B. Vols SioCSOih Corps. froKCstlsi Claim siscs IS 7 1 you COLDS con-eatlo- . ST ALL LXAD ISO wu ljumiNt'--UTAH JUNK f. - AMD MALA- - Ouinlns Bos Skvoa, C0.ia s isu uu aw. ouk M.K. HM |