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Show 7 h SALT LAKE A LOS ANGELES RAILWAY TIME TABLE. In Effect May SI, 190S. I H. WHITLOCK, Dealer In 0 PdARNESS AND HORSE FUR- - NISHINQS. Utah 'Marysvale ALT LAKE A MERCUR RAIROAD CO. TIME TABLE. -- THE LAGOON ROAD. Salt Lake and Ogden Railway. Time Table In Effect May 30, 19D0. Suit lAke Leave 6:00, 9:00, 11:00 a. m.; 3:00, 4:00, 6:00, 7:00, S:o0 j. m. First six trains run through to Kaya-vlll- e. to Kaysvillc, 10:00 p. Extra in. (Sunday, 6:30 p. m.) a. Ijikood Leave 7:00. 10:01 lj-nm.; 3:00,6:00, 7:00, 9:0u, lu:;,o p. iu. (Sunday, 9:30.) Suudays and holidays special through irulna to Lagoon at 3:00 and 5:00 p. m. rvrrRatwatv.KautatatRiutitawatati L. H. GRAY, WIRELESS! Land Attorney. Attend to all business before United States Land Office, U. 8. Surveyor-Genera- l, State Land Board, State Engineer. Land scrip bought and sold. 1 D. F. Walker Building, Salt Lake City, Utah. UMAMUUIIWI ILAftsf ONi HOTfOy RB Ut taO Mala Street Ml Lake Oft ReiO furnished Room ftp Iks DM Week or Month. casts to flJO per in tpeelal rates by the day, weak erf Baton. BO Month. R. H. Officer & Co. 169 Aasayere and Cham Iota. w. Temple at. Ml 1M a EAST VIA This Includes the famous ' OVERLAND LIMITED and tbs new LOS ANGELES CHICAGO LIMITED Strictly Twentieth Century, Vestl-buleElectric Lighted Steam Heated Trains operating Pullman Palace Sleepers; incomparable Observation-Libr- ary and Dining Cars of the vary latest manufacture. d, ONLY H- - A- - WMte iar MaiUag Baikal veaiwiMflflmiaaMBi HOURS, SALT TAKE TO 4 CHICAGO. City Ticket Office, 201 Main SL SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. (5 lai A l Btatiena. An F. M. Lv. Balt Lake Oty Idl Murray Lr Jnael 85 IS 141 jj i alafmf All Bingham gtverton Peak Amortnaa ji(f Sal f City. . DAILY mercial success of which was laughed at jbv apparently wise people, the Westinghouse Air Brake, which was ridiculed by the great Vanderbilt, the Morse system of ti egraphy that had a very hard time selling enough of its stocl. tu put up an experimental line, the Electric Light and numerous ether great and grand achievements, all of which had a hard F ruggle in getting started, who were wise enough to yet have made fortunes for the ones assist in the promotion, by buying a little of their stock. Wireless telegraphy may be very mysterious to the reader, but like all others it has its scientific principle, which upon investigation, is easily understood. The best proof, how ever, is that we arc doing it. Over land and ea, the D eForest Wireless Telegraph Company have their stations established, and are daily transacting successful commercial business, of which we have abundant proof. If you will think what the telegraph business of the world means, and then carefully consider the results of saving 95 per cent of the cost, you must admit that it is Ihe greatest money earning pdwer in the world. Let us send voi by mail, testimonials and statements in proof of the success of vireless telegraph from the most reliable authority in the country Let our agent when he calls at your town, interview you. Get some of our stock in the original parent company and enjoy yor share of the great profits to be derived from the future operatioiof wireless. For further information, call on ir write to tlWCKIlltKPWMWOMUMWIWRIMtHt GEO. W. PARKS, Land Attorney, 5 5 Auerbach Building, S Salt Lake City. BAMBERGER, TRAINS This is a new system of telcgnphing without a connection let ween the stations by wires. Have you heard aUi:t it? Do you iclieve that this can lie done? If not, it is to your interest to investigate it. Remember that there has been wonderful things dime in the scientific world within the past few years. A certain number of people liave always said it cant be done, and with that assurance in their minds, have allowed great opportunities to jiass by, and felt very foolish later, that they did not investigate at the time, as stocks bought in the promotion days of the great inventions, have, almost without exception made fortunes for the lttldcrs. Only a few of these cases are, Bell Telephone, the com- 00-30- Urn, A. M. Marshal 8IMON 1'realdent and General Manager. I TRENHDLM SEVERAL AG3NT. 17 MUSIC. West Second South Street, SALT SAKE CITY. PIANOS, Organa And All Musical Instrument Beesley Music Co., 41 South Main Street 8alt Lake City, Utah. 9 1 1 1 l.W 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 BEAUTIFUL 1 1 1 1 1 1 - 0R6Mi Through Service stTlouis AND THE EAST VIA Missouri Pacific W. have feet emn plated with the largut manufaeturer ef Orernns Ie the RAILWAY world, whereby we can new offer, to our many patrons boro an in THROUGH SCENIC ' TTTTTTTTTT'TTT COLORADO FERTILE KANSAS m MISSOURI Until Farther Notice $ $ te lha aSletsd the nayanlMal -ii ef Dr. kwM Ira Twtaual, Die. Shams fll treat aB OetorAel Pteasaa' htoudlag Dsafaeae. Asthma, Say Fm, rai Lug OTTO XOTICS telAe lew fee ef It ThjBe teWmfMiL ae 911 te uettl CURED, eU Medi- fcr ateaaa ef Xte. lharae WOSDESFUL HXW Bieeeeblei ie mi meay mild or recent sees Ye yesva PULLMAN SLEEPING CARS, t-- Electric lights. Electric Fans, chair Cars reclining (leave met). A fAf coacHte. D- fglB. te 1 a treatment! ate teat ud maB suable Xwrou, Chreale and Private Wt- Ad bim ud IWl w wrtu. utin. Owlud W ud - of HoBa 3 A Spscial Department for Men. r- BTWpn-- f rletlmi of Bleed Ptoeeu rUl Trade Manns husA Copyrights Ac. & mfvsmffssh. rtnra. vrWwiM, A Designs . ... - Intb. without Scientific Jlmerican.cto. hMitaomi lllnstnted weekly. tenet York MUNN&Co.,,,B-NeBrawn obm at su Wrafauumra. d. u r ud AKD OONrn)IITIAU .nr-n- nf ell ethers BOB Who ud MATA mow jn cab yot bo eortd. h" r"?11OR WRITS. CALL HOME CURES BY MAIL. IP YOU LXYB OUT OP TOWV, WBTT1 9RB BHOB19 A SHOES te tutor Saw Symptom ZlaL ud at their edtoee PRES. B Inc, YoSr S Ch. CHICAGO hkTI KOBO to OIC0MM Old .rtaa.tra whe here eomneted dleeaeae toe whe need the eoaniel and .id ef enerlancMl teanlt thla depertmut ud be adviied Otlddlo-Affo- d m issk ats&s- s w,s tea of EL PASO, GALVESTON CITY OF Ask Me About Reduced : utm STREET 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 MEXICO. 4 Ra'---. C.F. Warren, G.A.A.T.AS.F4 Railway. f - Drs. Shores & Shores, EXPERT SPECIALISTS. HOUSTON BLOCH, 949 SOUTH SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. Bpecimuto. ST. JOE, KANSA8 CITY aosry-JhlE- MSniODi In nil Prtrnie Dl- SL? may arruaa 2.Ri.H?RFr OMSK for . cure tn pay weekly or monthly at the ears vroyrtuae. er yea may PAT WHENsmall CORED. No matter wh.t -- Jy USSHJT PEIyItI AMWMiOU TO COLORADO uiut to - Trains Daily 3 Departeaat eaduatoely for tha treatment ud cure ef kaT?.J8pl,J n PHratu Pteuaaa ef Mae, whether by Ignorance, asoaesse cr eratoden. Tea Iho. mbsiII tho Ikoni dolUoto or mmj ibat most prlvitc ItoiMn, withf fho unruN thit yom will honoot advleo tmbarrMdng sod H. O.TOWNSCHD, - I Mii yee Apply today and he wwn tad Okildiw of ftcoFMoudOuflduSiIforuTNtMBM. Min Nr MM.TkWi, FilMri, a Mil! IIW IrMtBMte-4T- M tfc old Why (offer from CetanriT'wbea he rared he OUSXD nuMCi t i A A.1 TREAT-MMTA- r J I tWe Make Travel Easy: Rnm htusl OBSERVATION DINING CARS. TT o ov i or o cvpooooao.ao.o.oAOAOAP, tHt KEELEV CURB. Drunkennau Cured. W A positive end permanent Sankenneae end the opium diseases. IMw Is no publicity, no sickness. L treated as privately as at 0e bomee. The Keeley Institute. idIa m R.u w .L. rtu ntlk J. D. .GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. j Clayton Music Co., REOFORD, & V tram ant delivered at your own station for whnt baa ordinarily been known as FACTORY COBT. This to an arrangoment that1 should bo investigated thoroughly before yon look otewhare, so wo art sure It will appeal to you. REMEMBER wo save you from ZS to ITB.00 on one organ. This la certainly worth earing. AST TERMS. You eon and ui LM to IS.40 par month, to suit your oonvulaneo. W PAY THE FREIGHT. We will deliver one of tbeae organs at any R. R. station In Utah or Idaho wlthont any additional charge to you whatever. Do not Imagine that it is impoaMbla for na to do aa wa up. Our system of handling our outside beoinatoi la so perfect that wa caa without any trouble whatever make delivery to tho amaltaat hewn In this western section. WE BUT IN CARLOAD LOTS and are thus enabled to make tho ridiculously low prices that we da YOU OUT THE ADVANTAGE OF THIS. Write na at once if lutereaUd. If not, see that your Meade hear of this great money uvlng opportunity. REMEMBER wo hart Men in business here for PUTT YEARS the oldest heuee In the Btata OUR GUARANTEE on aa Instrument la absolutely good. Wo fully warrant everything we sell. If you doubt our Unsocial rating look ne np. We refer yon to any Banker or Oommeretol agency In this Btata. Marysvale, Utah. $il & Leading Mnslo Dealers. 'lOt-U-ll 8. Main Street, Salt Lake City, Utah. rt. 4 I H 1 1 1 1 H 'H f ; |