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Show e Rejuveiiatel Alta. EDITORIALS UNIVERSITY OF UTAH. of ialalinuir or tlie 1,'iilxi-rs.iami which give the plan of work for the approaching year, show a very promising elate of affair to exist In Utah's highest fitsiiiutlon of learning. The rover liat of instructor thirteen paye and Inrluilea nearly one hunof the dred naine. of Instruction rover subject about seventy-fivpa pea, mail) more The Hat of atu than ever before. an dent, 23 patten long, ho On for laat year of 11M. every one of the total 1st pages there are alga of real growth and real merit. 1ndrr the general name, the I'ai versity of Utah, are included three separate state arhoola the College or Arta and Sciences, the School of In Hines, and the Normal School. many states these arhoola are maintained separately In different elli-and under different hoards of con twl. Fortunately for Utah, these srhools are together. Were they sep a rate the state could not support them, for the coat of three sets of lmdrue-Inrbuildings and three sets of would be far beyond the Income from our taxes. For Its various school the Unlver-sltnow has an estate of 92 acres, situated below Fort Douglas, to the east of the city, affording a college alia which la declared by visitors to be among the four best In the world Since the University Is adjsrent to Salt lAke City, there are many for young men and women to help themselves through college by earning money. Beside there are many things of educational Import-of ance to he seen and heard outatde the school room. To live for awhile In the largest city of the state I an education In Itself. from Within one or two hours' ridesmelt-ers the University are the largest on A ride stalo. of the and mines the street cars will take one to a number of the great smelters. In fact, the location la Ideal for a University. The students In science and literature have opportunities to use (he fine city library aa well as that of the University; to hear many of tho great men and women that pas through the state speak, sing, or play musical Instruments, and also to see many of the scientific facts lesrned In school enput In practical operation. The advanhas many atudent gineering mines tages In visiting smellers snd close by and to examine machinery of all kinds out of use and In use. The Normal student has many opportunities In the rlty he could not have In a small town In visiting the largest and finest school buildings of the state and to become acQualnted with the very successful school system of Balt Lake The Utah. rauh school Short Sketch of the Famous Mining District Past and present. e ALBION. BE A GREAT SHIPPER. Finely Equipped and Work of Development Being Prosecuted With a Will. s LOOKING DOWN THE SOUTH FOR "TonSnued From bur Last.) An Alta Property Whoae Future la ready Aaaured. BODIES ORE Al- TRUE AND STRONG Already In the Shipping Column with a Promise of Greater One of the great mine of the Alta mining district Is beyond question the Cily Korku, the property of the company hearing the same name. The mine la situated near that of the Continental Alta, and comprises a group of patented claims, all of which are contiguous to the developed portion of the property. It Is one of the nhlrMt developed mines of the new era of Alta mining, having been worked continuously for quite a score of years. A tunnel has been nin into the mountain from which drifts, upraiaea and wlnxes have been driven until the workings In extent are only second to those of the Colomhus Con. This work, however, has not been In vain. Ore bodies of great extent have been uncovered, and these are being added to constantly. There Is now exposed tn the mine many tona of shipping ore and an Immenee tonnage of milling ore Is also In sight. Truth to tell, at thb CitJL present time the amount of ore blocked the out and ready for extraction rivals any The engineering graduates of sucmine In Alta, with the exception of University are found doing work cessfully In tbn mines, on railroads. the Columbiia Con. Itself. This ore Is fi..iiki in demand, and the general scisiyi ence and arta students all find lucrative positions In many of the Industries and prominent positions of the ocstate. Many graduate! are foundcomand cupying prominent political state and mercial positions In our own in "w-T- Ir frf 1M tn wish? K OF BIG THE DIVIDE ABOVE ALTA. FR COTTONWOOD, hor. the Continental Alta, being of tminc. Time and again, when funds carhonato variety, running high In s$jran low, he has labored alone without to keep him company. He never ver and lead. There la no question but that whN.givr up and now be Is about to reap With Indomitable pluck hia reward. a lower level has been attained the sulphides will lie encountercie ha driven a tunnel into the moun-Wlt- h the ore bodies going down njsin to catch the vein under the old strong aa they show forth In the presiserkings of the mine. A disastrous ent workings, the mine will with the! slide cnee cut him off. Still he kept m. Nothing could discourage him. He years prove to be a whale. The mine la finely equipped wlthjqulckly got around this and itarted machinery and buildings, and la belntlimong the producers of the state, j At the handled with great ability. present time there are two The City Hocks Is now a shipper being sunk on the vein. Aland will continue to lie one for many though no great depth haa as yet been years to rome. A great many T.TtahJaTtniTifl. these shafts are all In ore, people are Interested In the property1 fg increasing in value ae they and under the able management of are pushed down. Assays from this Is Mr. Alexander, Its future assured. ore have given some sensational fsliK-s- . As high as $4.80 gold, 29 ox. filter and 45 per cent lead has been THE ALTA PERUVIAN. ihewn, which for a youngster la goiA Property Which Will Be Heard from ng some." to use a slang phrase. As soon xs the proper equipment esn in Near Future. be Installed, shipping will be undertI'luck and the ability to work whei aken, and the mine will be thus the united, made a combination hard tn ho youngest producer In the district kept under. This remark Is caused liy That the ore bodies are going down the persistent efforts of Val Cloys, li there Is little doubt What the mine developing the Alta Peruvian at I ere will be with age can only he Imagined at the present time, but the showing rian Gulch. About a half dozen years ago Ur. is puch that its owners are to be conClays acquired the property of the o't gratulated. 8. S .Lynch, former treasLake county, la the auper- company and formed the new Alta Ps urer of Salt Since that tlnillntecden. - He is going at the work of ruvlan corporation. in tho face of every diacouragemtetl development with his usual push, and Mr. Clarys, who still holds the conmlthe property will he heard from In a Ins Interest, has kept at work 1nr Jr substantial manner la the near future. ; j The Albion la one of the great mines of the Alta district. In fact thfe mine belongs really to two camps, aa it occuplea a territory which reaches over Into American Fork canyon, a great deal of the work of the mine having been prosecuted across the divide. The mine Ilea south of the and north of the property of the Little Cottonwood Mining company. Its position is a commanding one as several great veins traverse the territory from north to south with Its usual number of strongly mineralized cross fissures cutting them along their entire length. In the upper workings of the mine, many great ore bodies have been encountered and developed. These of course are carbonates of high value, while all of them contain tunnel Is being driven along Its trend and Is now within 150 feet of the contact. All along this adit there la ore ot a fine quality. The bodies though small In places, broadened out along its trend to chutes of considerable sixe. These, however, have not been explored to any great extent, the management prefering to puih on to the Intersection of the great vein where the main ore bodies are expected to be exposed. Enough however has been demon-etrate- d to prove that the property la one of Importance to the district. There Is but little question but that even now a large amount of ore could be extracted. This ore la a sulphide and though the value are not sensational, yet as a milling proposition they are of no mean importance. At the present rate of progress the main'veln should be reached before the first of October of this year. A strike of unusual Importance may thus be expected any time In the near future. The company la formed almost exclusively of Utah people who are pui ting their mony Into the ground with the utmost confidence that It will be returned to them many fold. Any one going over the ground will readily see that this confidence la not misplaced. The Lllburn, though not yet a mine, lx a prospect of great importance that Utahs Great Industrial School" The summer high school work. school Just past has been phenomenal, having enrolled 361 students, twenty-fou- r mostly men and women from from and state our counties In thirteen other atntea In the Union. rapid The Unlveralty In making course progress. Its arts and medical Is recognised by many of the bo medical schools In the United States. All In all, the University Is advancing faster than Its warmest admirers have anticipated. , There la now proven to be a big amount of s toping ground between the tunnel level and. the old working! and this makes tbe Peruvian a mine of great Importance to the district. THE GRANITE GROUP. high-grad- The Alta Hecla Is Fast Developing Into a Mine. When in want of help, call up J or write Strocks Employments Agency, 45 West Second So.! Phones 464. WtltltWSlStItltltStlttltUUUtXtXUaUlPR UTAH. Property Which Bids Fair to be of Great Value. That succees in mining is not always vouchsafed to the experienced miner alone, has Just been proven by the Miner brothers and associates of the Secret Mining company. This property lies high up in the mountains at the very head of the Little Cottonwood canyon. It Is about two miles from the south boundary line of. tbe Albion and lies near the property of the Little Cottonwood com pany. The great Albion vein passea directly through the property coming ahead. Only recently the first ray of sunshine dawned on the weary way. An ore body of no mean dimension has been encountered under the old workings. The theory upon which Mr. Clays worked, that the Re went to tho depths, has been verified and in n short time a new shipper will be added to Alta's roll of honor. The property Is situated west and south of the Columbus Consolidated territory, and broadens the known,. mineral zone of tbe camp consider-ably- A STURDY YOUNGSTER. s HUDDART FLORAL CO. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE F THE SECRET. A One of Alta'a Budding Prospects. A near neighbor to the Albion, the Lilbnrn and Alta Hecla mines Is the Crnnlte Group of Claims owned and operated by the Oberlander brothers, one of whom Is the chief chemist of the United States smelters of Salt Lake county. This group contains fourteen claims snd forms a very valuable property. The ground Is of the ssme charao-te- r as that of the Alta Hecla, which is developing so finely as an ore producer. The name fissures cut the formation and the same highly mineralized character of the ground Is visible on the surface. The development work already accomplished proves that at depth the ground will blossom Into a e ore. Alheavy producer of ready considerable ore has been uncovered and Its character la such that In this mine the history of some of the REMEMBER. If your local merchant does not earlier producers of the camp may be carry in stock Temple Brand Gar- repeated. The great territory covered, all 8 ego ni ruts, Rama' Head Sweaters, of which Is mineral bearing, makes it diLily Underwear, send your ordera rect to the sole manufacturers. Salt one of the most valuable properties la the Alta district Lake Knitting Works. f other states. InIU enrollment for the laat year. was Hit summer school, the cluding stndentn of high school grade and college grade above three and four years develop Into a mine within the few months. It will be watched tbe greatest interest by all who an eye on the Alta district. WILL Lll-bur- s 114-11- 6 E. 2nd So. (Opposite Grand Theatre.) Cut flowera and flora! work for all occaaioni. g We make a specialty of shipping j funeral designs. Write , telephone I ' for telegraph. P. O. Box Phones 106. 443.! MMaMMaMMSMsMaMMaMiMiM Just to the east of the Albion and the Ulburn Is a property of great proa iso, owned by . ths Alta Hecla Mining company, a corporation made up almost wholly of Salt Lake men. The territory octupiee a hog bach hill between tbe Albion mountain and the great divide upon which is situated the Continental Alta and the City Rocks, both of which are well developed properties. The Alta Hecla property comprises five fine claims, on which are over a dozen cross fissures cutting the main ledge. These fissures are ns straight as a line and are mineralized throughout their length. While the property Is a new one, been has enough accomplished In the way of development to prove that It will be a mine to be reckoned with a large amount of milling ore. The mine Is well Dr. equipped a Tansy F r a n c Liroy a power plant Is established Tablets. An ac- rhlnery. at foot the of the gulch. The power with quaintance these tablet will Is derived from water which Is piped result In a pleas- from a stream high up In the canyon. ant surprise to This operates a turbine wheel, which suffering: women. Tile ladle safegenerates the power for an air com in cane pressor, which latter Is piped to the guard. of painful or sup- mine for the purpose of operating a menstruatpressed ion THEY SUCCEED. Price, 11.00 per battery of machine drills. The mine box. At all drug stores or by mall, buildings are also adequate to the securely sealed. Doull Drug Co., wants of the management ' Main, Salt Lake City. Utah. The upper workings consist of many levels snd drifts and a shaft SALT LAKE ROUTE EXCURSIONS, Autumn Outings via Utah's Most ular Road. may next A Mins in the Clouds, With Or Bodies with have of Vast Extent. GREAT IS THE Pop- with mar . Mexico City and return. $69.80. The tour of Old Mexico affords the grand ewt autnmn trip to he found on the American continent Ban Francisco. I.OS Angeles and Intermediate points, only $25.00. Short line, quick connecAntions, Utah's finest trains. geles and return, only $30.00. Spoclal ealo dates, September 4 to 14. Positively the last $30.00 excursion of the season to glorious southern California. Low ratea for aettlers to points In southern IT ah. Miners' excursions to Nevada points and lowest rates all the time to all southern California points. Follow the crowd to the ticket office. 169 South Main street. ls PREPARES MEN AND WOMEN FOR SUCCESS IN LIFE. Learning la wealth to the po or, an honor to the rich, an aid to thi young, a support and comfort to tho aged, Bacon. COURSES OF STUDY: AGRICULTURE Agronomy. Horticulture. Ani- mal Industry, Veterinary Science. Dairying. Irriga- tion and Drainage, etc. DOMESTIC 8CIENCE AND ARTS Conking and Dletctica, Sanitation, Sewing. Hygiene, Household Economics, Etc. MECHANIC ARTS Carpentry. Forging, rat-ter- n Making. Carriage Building. Foundry Work, Machine Work, Etc. COURSES are also offered In Music, Art. Some good persons believe, that it is the doings of Pittsburg millionaires that make tho heavens weep so much, of late. Mr. Moody has shipped 200 pounds of evidence to Chicago to be u ' prepertual candidate In take the place of IlniesT This would save the expense of holding a convention every time a governor la to be nominated. Do. ENGINEERING Mechanics. Surveying. s:f:iinp. Irrigation. Sewerage, Hydraulics, Roads iin l Pavements. Etc. Am Business Administration, COMMERCE .wing. Ranking. Transportation, Commercial l.fiw. Etc. English, SCIENCE Comprising general Mathematics History, Economics. Modern van-p- i 'g'-xNatural nod Physical Sciences. Etc. hysioa! Sciences, Etc. We have more calls for stenographer than we can fill. Our business is to fit young women and men for these positions. We give a complete practical course. Write us or call at our office, 224 Dooly block, Salt Lake City. Utah, for catalogue, terms, etc. STENOGRAPHXC BUREAU. BOOLEAN keeps from dust. - not allow dust to fly when sweeping. BOOLEAN will make your carpet look like new. BOOLEAN will make your floor appear as if scrubbed every day, BOOLEAN will save you hundreds of dollars annually by having your place clean and free from dust. 8end in your orders. . 1 IT IS IMPORTANT cnn-ii!- If (hl paragraph Is marked with a red cross It Indicates that your subscription to this paper has been settled for three months from that date. If marked with a black cross it has only two weeks to run, hut unless otherwise notified rare shall continue to forward the paper. Very respectfully. THE PUBLISHERS. BOOLEAN MFC. CO.. Temple SL, Salt Lake City, Utah. No. SCI So. W. v x x x y x x which Is several hundred feet below the lowest level. In order to fully develop the mine at depth and also to form an adit through which to handle the output a long tunnel has been driven into the mountain from the Alto side. This tunnel Is now in considerably over a thousand feet In fact It Is directly under the old workings of the mine. An uprise of over 300 feet has been made, and will he pushed up to con nect with the ahaft, which Is going down from the top. 'Several hundred feet of this uprise remains to be driven, which will be accomplished during the present summer. With this connection made, making possible the cheap handling of ores, the mine will at once Join the list of active shippers. So great are the ore bodies already exposed, that there Is no question but that shipments will be kept up for years to come. Nor is this all. Enough has been proven to show that the ore channels go to the depths. Over a thousand feet of (toping ground will he available above the tunnel level, where these known ore bodies have been thoroughly developed. The mine will be one of the heavy producers of the Qy state. (The mine is under the management of Mr. Wm. Hartfleld and he Is to be congratulated on the near approach of the time when the hopes of years will be realized. FARM LOANS. Jj MILLER A VIELE 303 McCernlck Building. Q (Continued In Our Next) SALT LAKE CITY. Native Police and Soldiers. 'Phone 797. If you want to borrow money on your farm, long- time, easy terms, liberal op- tlons, drop us a line. Bell po- lice In British New Guinea, where the natives number SOO.pon. The government consists of a British administrator. an executive council and the magistrals stationed at centers near the roi.t. There are 500 white residents your floors free BOOLEAN will S'cm-nraph- Before you decide which school to attend that von irari fully the opportuniUes afforded by the AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE OF UTAH -- Its s' sm.k facOv. m uim courses of study, splendid equipment, moral atmosphere and healthful environment; also the iw expenses and the' uniform and splendid success of its students. SPECIAL NOTICE. There are no white soldiers or POSITIONS FOR YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN. . GOOD Twenty buildings, provided wiih the best modern afford oxei rtxn pnrade grounds, and athletic Arid-th- ose strong tnrulty of experts, representing tho best tusuiu'iur. work of Instruction and experimentation. No tuition. now for illustrated catalcgu- - U-- fr il f " inre i stock, farms, oreharua. gardens, thorough and efficient work. A tor ' L : .n(t Europe, are In charge of the 18. Write f' a 5' College opens Sent. ii' non-offici- i Address the Registrar, Agricultural College. Logan, Utah. (9 Q IV jj (9 ! 4) & JOHN HAWES, Marysvale., Utah. Dealer In GENERAL MERCHANDISE. O.O.O O n'r V c s |