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Show Bill. trr Hill, far ha I r. ain't much u tt know il jg juvitt n Hilnto mi'1 ! So lum an Iliil a hi and u gall. I i.nei li'-.- d a i.i lalh a lul.It a H,. ko n ili-.- i I a liri i . lie uy n not. i.lu-.Min .lilt Uallow. tlia to lie ai!u4 ..aula anaWafcUiHsaaaaaa;aaiiaaa.riRl'K1'1'1'1'1'1' MIMMM4UMMUMIMM,MWIWUlW-mlWmlWIW- S3 it For 8l Nice Room in a First-clasgo to the Ho s New Southern Hotel, ss l! Mora ill W04 Il!" i". '.mil i In r r.i':i:;j to1' w Ir. IVinu-i.ifOV (llali ,! T!:ii. L till.- pf-- t 'jiv - i Men Than Women. mi.re men than WWu in .tic l'n!C(i Sialc. and the IWn an In . Hr I ea:laalii I ualun- what to do. Alltillin' ivlka Jaal An' ane to alio. in' out hla chin An' aquarm' at a feller, too. lli-'ul a i.ill.in in hla nml ar X Hot and cold running water and steam heat, electric lights and Thai wlial h - aaya haa sot to JW. l.- won't do Inalaad. iiutliiu' An' S ? bell aervlce In every room. Room under direct charge of Ura. Cand 2 He allua wanu to Uwa tha allow. g 1 land. Hotel centrally located at a hr glia In tha chair: 51 NO 144 WEST FIRST SOUTH 8TREET, SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH'S AtIfmtetln'a Uirrr'a a ftsht ha a right on hand 5 P. H. CANDLAND. gg To tall what la an' lan't fair 1 An' awclla mound to laat the hand. S hut a bluff an blow. rraaon why: unwtiwMMii mmmmmmjnn m wwtmmwutnwtr fumnnm HaI'ma nothin anra on him-fo- od 11a allua wautr to bona tha allow, . . PlgPS(tRRRItStSiaCIWIWKKRRRJRRtRM rr're.etASlRRItSlItRRRRhPPPepi WBltMl7Bls7s7smrR'StVSla1l'R3BMlSlSll7t1tlS'RlSsi)rRia'R'RaklMlil)t1IM'OiBlaiaAA'4r'lB SALT, LAKE CDLLEBI- - ff H ATE INSTITUTE. JS: fj AlUliik! 'ft.,, only cxi-i'l.i'i i there are il , millll H u t lie fact that ft- V. X ilJ thorough preparatory ac bool for boarding and day pupils, An academic course fur four years, with a preparatory course o and tb j, one year, corresponding to the eighth grade. J the men were Mnale department, with pianos for practice. u. Excellent boarding department, with Christian home InSnences. Small claaaes, with personal help from teachers when necessary. 34 i Expenses very moderate. LighthOLS; Destroys Birds. For catalogue and particulars address J Lr tiinl.u tif fog UEOUGK B. 8WEAZEY, Principal. ii gj pwriy S.iidii r, imv found dead i jgdtr .hi !:ii'!c:-i,if Cape Grlsnes a x CITY. An' ao. by jimlny. do 11 III,. Ijtndon I'hran2x UlSoii. ltRRSWRSWMtSWWStStRRRWRRRRR lk. The) l;j t i'i a'tractcd by the a sststscstwsiPits(R(rPRrwrRrrp.p.rststitstitRRM(tRiWRiCRSt kllfcut Ilf' it mi I were killed by fiy- (ItnitltSRRSSkSSItS MMhmWWlMUWwMtaSWts MAXFIELD VINEGAR CO., PAUMIBmWSIAN Aren't You Glad Sha Wasnt? ixaiUkt the I'LV.huuse tt If otir mother's mother was my Manufacturers of BOYS AND GIRLS, WE PAY CASH. mother' cisier'a aunt, what relation PURE FOOD" VINEGAR, uncle's NEWEST HOTEL IN SALT LAKE. would yo- -r Many bright boys and girls are mak-iu5 weekly after actuxirWorklng for factory: 720 South Second Wests nephew be to my older brothers drat NEW BUILDING, .NEW .FURNIAnswer: As your - cousin's Telephone 979-- x us. If you want tha same chance, send mother's mother la to my elder brothTURE, NEW EVERYTHING. us your name and address and we will KKStwKUaiatRaMitatsutacRRR tTMnnil owaswail or bo Sm. Wrilethroorl ao la my er's cousln'a RATES REASONABLE. CONFIDENTIAL LETTER Wo send you $2 worth of our qulck-aelllnmother's sister aunt to your greatAmerican Plan, 11.25 to $2.50. ipii.iSkriwlcai:iliowiiithiiMiiiry. PJWRRitatiuwKeiiatifevj'jv.wjU(RK Divide PAY.I ,moid When uncle's Household sold, PATENTS THAT NEW ORPHEUM HOTEL, nephew. Specialties. grandfather's sod Drip larcokm to ranrura I IT fDONT MISS THE LARGE European Plan, 50c up. send us 1 and keep ! for yourself. your mother's mother by my elder Xenil moiM. phmn nr sk rich, and wo and I THEATRE BLDG. ORPHEUM and IMMIDIATI pest RSPORV OR PAT-MOBILE brothers first cousin's You ran do this In one day. We will HOTEL HALLS. SRTARILITV. M ysan1 proetbw. Itafio-aunt 1 k by multiply fry mothers sister's ' Kslrat Lnrrs Writs or somo to furnish you permanent work. 13S SOUTH STATE ST, SALT that runs to all polnta of interest, 71 St., WSSHINGTOS. D.C. S. M. RIDDLE, Manager. uncles nephWith a good guide. Fare 11.00. your A II. Groeabeck Co., Address N. LAKE CITY. Corner Third 8outh and State ew, and either add or subtract we Seeing Sait Lake" Car and Autoa.j Utah. Springrllle, the have 40 B 2nd So. forget which and you will H. E. BARTLETT, PROPRIETOR. 8treeta, Salt Lake City, Utah. answer In the spring. Old COCA-COLIN BOTTLES. h feVdyeai agii in and a war w prffttin.i Hjiiitui, 1F1- a i, f rut revoiu- - A ft' !i t t r- - i : iii-- SALT LAKE - : V by works ? SALT LAKE CITY son-in-la- g 1 son-in-la- I I0S-M- 's WlNbGtfKT We have established a plant for hot tling thla most popular drink and we want an agent In every town In Utah to handle It Good profits. Write ua at once for prices, etc. Salt Lake Coca-Col- a Bottling Co. Salt Lake City. P. O. Box 3. EUROPEAN HOTEL, nil lak City, Is tti haul of Om Rates Reaaaitafefe Light airy, aleaa rosua. Steam heat WIRE AND IRON WORKS. Manufacture ra of' Iron fencea, Bank, Offlce and Counter Rallinga, Flower Standa, Etc. All kinds of fancy wire and Iron work. We do Electro Plating In Nickel and Copper In all the Latest Finishes. Write Tor Prices. Salt Lake City State St .... Tte Met nsftsbl. Daauata la Os Attorney-at-La- wtthsat pahs RhiSil Itw wtU stlMr wwrk. MsiebeBDMMDiDisiDMOsMssastsiMsiiaMaMrtaiaisMlsilsialsM7aMlaasaaMMaaaialaC- S-k- ., Open till tstvtts p. BXAJtnrATION OaM YMABB Owaday mi CKy. by ewr bar), gat at tMk (tart rU nthwerlL CMS DWSWBB. M,Othar letMnSaRJa it PX)TB0IV1 GUABAMTB& tut M Slltsaa B sag Will BBS MS up. BlUne 'Phmw. taSw DA. 8t Mr. Me Betk xm-Y- strangers? Utah Arm, managed by Utah men. Pictures en-g In India Ink, Sapia, larged, mounted on cardboard or Water Colors ftJ or Oil. stretchers. Pictures sent by mall are as safe as If brought In person. FRAMING A SPECIALTY, UTAH ART CO 55 West Second South, Salt Lake City. Mail Orders Solicited. Ours usucss OUB SVBQ1AL Practice wlUBUUSSMaBntSUUBBaUlllltllllltllMSMMtMWWMWWtWWWWWWr- You Monty. Utah Deital Co.. 234 Mala TMth In both state and federal courts. Special attention given to mining and mining law. Communications solicited, and answered prompt312 Dooly ly. Bell phone 690-Block, Salt Lake City, Utah. WHEN Why trust your treasured pictures to Wa Gan Sava Why Pay More? THOMAS F. ASHWORTH. CRAGER 827-29-3- 1 WE ARE SALT LAKERS. . IDOHIEIY, Mgr. la a - - 3 Dear!' w Help to Build up GREATER SALT LAKE CITY! THE WAY TO BUILD UP A WEATER. UTAH IS THIS: MDONT USE Imported Goods Unless Bought From b. UTAH DEALER! If, in this List of Business Houses, You fail to find What is Wanted.Wait until Our Next Issue and Perhaps You Will Find It There. mxxwtmxmmmxmxxmmxmxmxxxfvxxmMxmxmMmMMixMmnwmMMMnmn vHomney & Ryan, V The Manufacturers and Association of Utah, (Incorporated) The New Road BELIEVES IN BEING The Best Line (Busy All the Time In Utah1 to lie Southern California Only direct line Salt Lake to Los Angeles. Most Modem Palatial Trains equipped with Standard and Tourist Sleeping Cars, Dineim : Free Reclining Chair Cars. Ail trains via Salt Lake City and Nevada's meral Belt. . Ask nearest agent about Calitornia Bzcur-sioor write to 1 ns J. Merchants H. BURTNER, D. P. A. S.P.LA.4S.LR.R. Salt Lake City Utah. THE TOURIST'S FAVORITE POUTS object of the organization ie to promote tht use of ALL UTAH-MAD- E GOODS is all lines, in preference to those manufactured outside the State. Its Interest Is Wide. FAST FLYERS DAILY BETWEEN OGDEN AND DENVER: OUOIOB OF State-!- ? MFWffa TO ST. HUMS WITHOUT CBAItOE OF of industrial conditions in every city, tewn, village, j hamlet and district is itt aia. For full particulars write to , THE MANUFACTURERS AND MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION. a BOX TOIWIMT AMD raw mbu ra ult uu The betterment P. PUllMAH THROUGH BOUTS CAM Frss ZUaltateff Barries s la For FoUts, L A BEETON, O. AF.BL 8ALT LAKE (8TT WBO SALT LAKE CITY. 1584, 4. MBRWRSIRWISIIWWWWIWil Good Company Service-Goo- d Good Meals. ft That Is tha happy Matty mak.s happy trevelarB on Resk ami through trains. Through MuArij looper dally Salt Lake and Ogdon to' Chicago without change. Arrives In! Chicago In the mcmfnf. Wo also run through tourist ears to C Moo go and Bt Leu la. Btaamchlp titkats an sals to all paints In the Old Caentry. Let us know where you Wa will do tha raal than the Reck Island Mi Bath phcaoo 848. N. L. DRCW, General Agent MB 17th Street Denver Cola. Blat BIBLE Trav. C. DRAKE A. E1M Weal Boom BaN Lake CRy, mrmrttrrmtriltuuntittttittt j Ai HtlWWimttW6RttKKKMMW.yJtllO"R R ALL HALLOWS COLLEGE, t Salt l.ake City. j J Under the Direction of the Mar!t v and day school for hoik situated In the heart of the Rocky sM eea unsnre mile level. It enjoys an district nearly one heated and electric lighted, g passed climate. Buildings modem, dolma to Hot and cold bathe. The Instltatiae give moat thorough courses In classical. Scientific and Com.nrffW hrsnche. conferring degrees In jj the same. Inspection of Chemical ui pTicsl Labors torie Invited. A fine Mnaeum and Mineralogy deP,l!lV Separate care of little hoys A by competent master. Gymnasium a tDha besL Indoor games daring g drill under the direction of an the winter season. Compulsory army officer. Musle of every kind, 0 hand and orchestra being special feature! of the College. outside of regular school Private training of desirable hours. In higher Mathematlcr, CtotrT. Assaying, and In Commercial g - Book Tsubjects. and other Particulars to Terms moderate. Apply for M THB rkv, president. t Mountain Boarding j nRJ tu. Etivia-bl- e KRSWMWRWRWtlWWWW Reputation. employes on no railroad In America le the system of discipline among to a higher and watchfulness for the safety of passengers developed degree than on tbs 4 tChicago, Mjlwaukee&St. Paul ; Railwayto or Denver Chicago via the Union Ps Ogden every day trains Two tt rifle and Paul line. Through steepen and free reclining cbalr cars. t For tickets and Information call on SL C S- - Williams, Commercial Agent, Salt Lake Gty. AAAA AA4 |