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Show THE ALTA DEPENDENT. 1 Utah Pioneer. Successor to Vol. XI. Alta Utah, WednescU jSeptember 19, 1906. The Alta Independent Published Every Wednesday. GRAY A JAKEMAN, Publishers. Office of Publication Poslofflce at Alta, Salt Lake Co.. Utah last Wednesday. She is slowly recovering and hopes soon to be able to be on her feet again. . A very enjoyable dance was given in Stockton I. O. O. F. hall Wednesday ievening by Edward Macklnson, James Spalding and Ben Brown. d D. C. DESPAIN,. ..LOCAL MANAGER. METAL Monday, Sept. 5.75; copper, 18 MARKET. weight division. A Superintendent 8appington of the Cyclone was in Salt Lake on business last week. The Cyclone, like all the rest of the Stockton properties, is getting ready for a big boom. . . It is the intention of the publishers to Install a printer and a Job office In Stockton as soon as possible, also to boom our paper and the prosperous camp that is growing around us. Tuesday, 11 Silver, 681-4- ; lead, cents. $5.75; copper, J8 Wednesday, 13 Silver, 681-4- ; lead, cents. $5.75; copper, 18 2 Thursday, 13 Silver, 67 8 cents; lead, $5.75; copper, 18 2 cents. Friday, 14 Silver, 67 8 cents; lead, $5.75; copiter, 18 2 cents. cents; Saturday, 15 Silver, 67 lead, $5.75; copper, 18 2 cents. 7-- 7-- 7-- 7-- 8 AMONG THE ALPS OF UTAH. Alta is beginning to take on an Arcbeautiful "Snow, appearance. snow," our dtixens know thee full well and plenty. Tickets will be sold by the Sslt Lake Route from stations south of Lynn and as far as Uvada, October 2 to 5, inclusive; north of LynnT" October 2 to 7. For all southern Utah settlements we have one train dally, carrying sleeping and dining cars. For the Tintlc district we have the afternoon train, and all points, Nephl to Murray inclusive, we have three fast trains daily. The same rates will apply as in the past. tic Ji Jl Monday, Sept 10th, Stockton was at samplers with three cars of ore and Alta with to cars. Tuesday three cars from Stockton and two from Alta were released. Wednesday three cars each from Stockton and Alta. JI JI Monday, Sept 10, 1,500 shares of South Columbus sold at 58 cents a shares, 600 at 69; 600 shares of Columbus Con. at $7.45 a share, 650 at $7.50; 1,000 at $7.55, and 200 at $7.60. Tuesday, 500 shares of Sacramento sold at 11 2 cents a share; 1,300 shares of Columbus Con. at $7.50, 1 800 1-- $7.55, 800 at $7.60, 1,250 at $7.70. Wednesday, 1,000 shares of South Columbus sold at 60 cents a share; 70 haresmmof Columbus Con. at $7.50, 1,000 sv rww fV se, see se.sai at $7.7$: at ' is r&t&7i, v . in APPLICATION FOR PATENT. (Notice No. 4121. United States Land Office, Salt Lake City, Utah, Aug. 14, 1906! Notice is hereby given that Charles Tyng and Francis C. Tyng of American Fork, Utah County, Utah, have made application for a United States patent for the Esmeralda lode mining claim, situate in the American Fork mining district, Utah County, Utah, consisting of 1500 linear feet of the lode and surface ground 600 feet wide, being mineral survey No. 5421, and described in the field notes and plat of the official survey on file in this office with magnetic variation at 17 deg. 00 min. east as follows, Commencing at post No. 1, a corner of the claim from which U. 8. M. M. No. 1 bears 8. 27 deg. 25 min. W. No. 2, thence 8. 66 deg. JI Jl to corner No. 3, The Tribune says: t has taken 00 min. 8.E.111500 feet deg. 00 min. W. 615 feet some time to find Just what is doing thence 00 at the City Rocks companys property to corner No. 4, thence N. 66 deg. beat Park City, and while the chief off- min. W. 1500 feet to corner No. 1, icials of the corporation are now in the ing the place of beginning. 8ald claim being located in unsurcity after a several days trip to the veyed part of township 3 south, range and a look over the property camp generally, modestly has kept them from saying anything. President W. S. Cleaves, Secretary and Treasurer Jas. Edwards, John Edwards and others, including W. J. Lawrence, were in the party, and it is to the last named that The Herald is Indebted for a brief statement touching the physical condition of a property that has grown into one of the big mines of the state without a word from those who have been doing the work. S' Utah State News m -- STOCKTON SHORT STOPS. 1 M.rrbanr" Sait 3 east. Salt Lake Base and Meridian, and containing a total area of 20.635 acres, excluding, however, therefrom the area in conflict with the Wscht Am Rhein lot 62 and La Belle lot 48 of 10.238 acres. Net area applied for being 10.397 acres. Said Esmeralda mining claim being of record in the office of the county recorder at Provo, Utah County, Utah. The nearest known locations or mining claims being the aforesaid conflicting claims and Kalamazoo lot 103 and Bredemeyer No. 2, lot 49. I direct that this notice be published in the Alta Independent, at Alta, county of Salt Lake, Utah, for the period of nine consecutive weeks. FRANK D. HOBBS. Register. t i i i 41 GET $THE .4 4 lows, Mrs. Deal Wilson and boy have Commencing at post No. 1, a corner been quite seriously 111 for the pnst of the claim from which U. S. M. M No. 1 bears S. 83 deg. 58 min. W. 915.5 week, but are improving. .4 feet, thence running from said corner Mr. and Mrs. Charles Denton have No. 1 S. 86 deg. 05 min. E. 600 feet to been doing business In Salt Lake the corner No. 2, thence S. 3 deg. 55 min. W. 1500 feet to corner No. 3, thence greater part of last week. JS N. 86 deg. 05 min. W. 600 feet to corJl Miss Maggie Denton of Tooele City ner No. 4, thence N. 3 deg. 55 min. E. left last Wednesday to attend school 1500 feet to corner No. 1, being the in Salt Lake City this winter. place of beginning. Said claim being located unsurveyed part of township 3 ,4 .4 Mr. Pym Mltcbener has Just re- south, runge 3 east, Salt Lake Base turned from Goldfield, where he wit- and Meridian, and containing a total n and net area of 20.661 acres. nessed the fight. - Said Lone Star lode mining claim Jl .4 A birthday party was held Saturday being of record in the office of the A county recorder at Provo, Utah Counevening in honor of Mrs. Colvin. ty, Utah. pleasant social evening was spent The nearest known locations or min.4 .4 Miss Rosa Brown left for her home ing claims being tbe Kalamazoo lot in Salt Lake Saturday last, after a 103. I direct that this notice be published pleasant visit of two weeks in Stock-toat Alta, in the Alta Independent, .4 .4 County of Salt Lake, Utah, for the Our district school will open next period of nine consecutive weeks. FRANK D. HOBBS, Monday morning. The trustees are Register. anxious to see the opening day well G. W. Parks, Attorney for Applicant. patronized. .4 A First publication dated Aug. 15, Mrs. D. R. Williams returned home 1906. Last publication, Oct. 10, 1906. A GOOD CANDIDATE. dr! west Street You buy fresh Eggs. Why not insist HEWLETT'S a FRESH ROASTED COFFEES. C. M. BROWN. Visitors to the City and County building have for the past alz years seen a face in the office of the county assessor. It Is of a young man and the possessor is known as C. M. Brown. For two years he has been the chief of the office, and his name will go before the republican cooven tion. If there la anything in being familiar with the duties of un office which fit a man for a place then Mr. Brown has that fitness. But beyond all this he has the honesty and the to do heard headed determination right by all which makes him one of the best asaesors. We helleve tbe republican party will give Mr. Brown a second term and It could do no better than to do ao. ALBERT SEARS. Albert Sears is out again for the nomination for county democratic clerk. Mr. Beam was the choice of his party two years ago for the position but waa defeated by Mr. Eldredge. He ia popular In the democratic ranks and a man of good ability. He knowa the ins and outs of tbe clerks office having been a deputy iu that office for some time. P. C. PERKINS. County Recorder Perkins la out af- ter another term and he should have It Tbe principal of second term as a reward for efficient service ia all right and should be followed. Certain It la that Salt Lake county baa not had aa paintaking and falthufl a recorder in her history aa it has in Mr. Perkins. He la always on duty. The affairs or hia office are always well in hand and In perfect order. Go to the recorders office and there you will find Mr. Perklna. Mr. Perklna Is a consistent republi- can and has spent many years in Utah. For a long time he waa the COMPANY. auditor of the UnlcRi Paclflo Sheriff Emery still hangs to hia special car and hotel system. After 126129 D. F. Walker Bldg, dining word that he ia not In the field for a this he served some time In the office Salt Laka City, Utah. third term. Under these circum-stance- s ef the city treasurer. In all of these Joe for corporation! and Individuals, to the office. Mr. Sharp haa many We bespeak for Mr. Perkins n seO jnzultatlon and advice free. Call or frlenda who would like to ace him hon- ond term in the recorders office. Ite. Phones: Ind. 3988, Bell 1316Y. ored with the nomination. o J, U. ELDREDGE. GIVE THEM SECOND TERMS. the a public servant who haa served REMEMBER. with greater fidelity snd Intel people no o Aa Is the days go by position If your local merchant does not he. In fact the office found to the renominatlon of County Ugence than model ever since be has a arry in stock Temple Brand Gar Recorder been haa Perklna, in the Republican Mr. Eldrldge la aa courteous nents, Ranmi Head Sweaters, Be-;ranks. He haa handled the office with held itIs ecffllent snd is more popular Lily Underwear, send your ord as he rs to the sole manufacturers, Salt credit to himself and the county at today than when he first started to of boon the policy large. It has long aa a deputy in the Luke Knitting Works. hia party to reward a good public ser- serveU.the public the present county Eldredge. J. vant bv a second term. This can also la a candidate for redaction to he said of Assessor Brown. No op- clerk, office. Since Salt Lake the The Pierpont School located at position to him has thus far devei-oie- d there has never been a county, in the Republican ranks It 37 Eaat North Temple, Salt Lake, recoffice where now he ia chief. Hi, Retried aa If theae true and looks a opens Its fifth year, September 17, aa Republiand one la an open 1906. This school offers as thor- publican officials will be renominated. ord can he haa been a consistent party orough and excellent work In Its lines worker; aa secretary of the county FOR AUDITOR. as can be had In the finest easttwo yeara the for and past ganization ern colleges. Its oouraea Include of the county commitThe friends of Frank Higginbotham, as chairman Elocution. Voice and Physical Cuman, a popular man, aafe ia s tee. He lture, Public 8peaking. Theatricals, who has been chief deputy In the of- and an efficient man. No more can Write fice of the county auditor, name him He English and Shakespeare. for a candidate. as a candidate for the Republican be naked for circulars. earned richly nomination for auditor of Salt Lake county. Frank Is one of the most THE KEELEY CURE. AMUSEMENTS. ' Drunkenness Cured. ponlar young Republicans in the counA positive and permanent cure ty. He has proved himself to he a theater will be open The Salt for drunkenness and the opium dis- man of affairs and haa got the routine the first three days of the comto office the down nudllor'a of the during no eases. There Is no publicity, comof an applied science. He ing week to the Salt Lake Opera sickness. Ladles treated as prila an aggregaThis company like ould who pany. a to friends of host has vately as at their own homes. The see him on the ticet and no opposi- tion of local vocalists, with Emma Keeley Institute. 334 W- So. Tem- tion has so far Gates as the priina donna, and apieared against their Lucy McClelland ple, Salt Lake City, Utah. aslhe conductor. The J. J. withes. It looks strongly as if Frank It held hill ia the Wedding Ring. would land the nomination. the boards during the last portion of o last week, and it is worthy of all THE COUNTY ATTORNEYSHIP. TRUNKS, TRUNKS. praise. Miver R. The choice of a candidate for the A Woman'! Sacrifice has been the poHilton of rounty attorney la always bill at the New Grand during the last a pleasant one for the Republican week, with the Holy City the sucparty. It has so many young lawyers ceeding bill. This playhouse is holdof ability In Its ranks that It Is aling Its own among the amusement 155 Main St., Salt Lake. ways assured of proper timber when houses of (he city. Among i. r.r.x.Y. oririYViyi'iySYiffQ a selection is to he made. those who aspire to the place none The Orpheum Is giving high-clas- s stands higher in the estimation of vaudeville, and Is keeping up Its repuWINDSOR. the bar and thp people at large than tation. as Is also the little Hon Ton" EUROPEAN HOTEL. Willard Hansen, who for two years on Main street At the Lyric the stock Salt Lake City. . .Located In the heart of the city. has occupied the position of deputy company fa earning the thanks of the theater-goinin the office. Rates Reasonable. public by Its rendition is loo well known aa of ifopulnr plays. week the bill Mr. Hans-.-Light, airy, clean rooms. First-clain every respect Steam, heat, Elec a Republican to need any introduc- was the "Bondman, and it played to trie Lights. year he occupied crowded houses. tion front ue. the position of chairman of the city It may lie said that the theater sea--so- n To be assured of a pleasant rit Republican committee and filled the Is fairly open In the city. People and himself to credit with "tet, purchase your tickets vie 'he poxltfon of outside will be able to aiend milie fro In the position at large. the parly Rail- deputy he has shown that he is made pleasant evenings while In town. of the timber of which good county sMcrneys are made. The RepublicanIt no blunder if 60 YEARS parly would make EXPERIENCE gives him the nomination. itJejidlTafv ROYAL CRYSTAL BRAND Manufactured only by INLAND CRYSTAL BALT CO, N. W. Clayton, Manager, 8alt Lake City, Utah. THE BERRUM PORTLAND CEMENT STONE CO. CONCRETE BUILDING ROCK MANUFACTURERS. be-ca- SOLE AGENT8 FOR Concrete Block Machines. Want to establish a plant In evciy city, tows and village In Utah. Block machine! from $100 upward. Start a small plant and become dependent. Correspondence P. In- solicited, O. Box 1131. Sait Lake City. Ind Phone 8806-7- . - WASH IT AWAY. Iead and uremic poisoning cursd. Castilla Hot Springs Water does tM work. Rheumatism vanishes at it touch. For rates apply to C. H. 38 Room Southworth, Manager, Commercial Club building, Sait Lakt City. Do You Yant Work? WORK FOR EVERYBODY. Teamsters, laborers. Always Wanted. We Furnish All Klnda of Help. DIXON 62 Eaat EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. First South, Salt Lake 'Phone 1872-Jnd. Phone 98 City-Bel- l CUTLER BROS. CO. Knit Underwear and Woolen Beat pants on earth, to $3.50. 36 Main St, Salt Lake City, Meredith, Trunk Manufacture I er. g to-wi-t: Gans-Nelso- BEST! Among the names which ill lie placed before the forthcoming county In having yeuJiKh Axed, why not get ths best? Republican convention will lie that of Col. 51. M. Kalghn. The colonel will allow his name to lie placed in nomination for the position of county at torney. Colonel Kalghn is ao well 261 Main known In Salt countv that he scarcely needs an Introduction, and he Olvas hia PrsNMl attmtlon to all work dona Koopa no bind non oe Nn to prartlco on you, and certainly needs none to the Republican party. With it he has been Identl-tiftm- l are within rsaanff Fifteen years in Utah; seven prices years in same office. 18 MAIN 8TR.EBT. since its organization In Utah, and during all that time hlz RepubSign, "DIDN'T HURT A BIT" BOT. Tel 1879-licanism ban been of the stalwart kind, lie has always stood high In his limfeHslon and aa such Is fitted to fill utmi BCOOtNGnrc coVw the iMHltion of county attorney. Col THE OWL one! Kalghn is a veteran of the Civil 1 nr and has ever been a lender in the DRUG local branch of the Grand Army of the (The buyers Republic. His claims to preferment friend) ia locat- arc second to none. nezt door ed UPRIGHT PARTY MAN nirth of the poatnfflee. In the city of opportunities, and we do Owl drug J. U. Eldredge still stands alone aa bprineu. the Republican candidate for county SALT LAKE CITY UTAH. clerk. Mr. Eldrldge has added to bis J. M. THOMAS popularity as a Republican organiser, the popularity of an excelent county Attorney-at-Laclerk. He deserves a second term In Salt Lake City, Utah. K the office, and we honezlly believe he Offices, 11 and 13 Eagle Block. on':? will get the nomination at the hands Inventions Trade of the patented. Republican party. He Is an marks aecured direct with Washihonest, upright party man, and ia ngton. not a machine candidate by any manner of reasoning. o PATERSONS DETECTIVE SERVICE THE SHERIFF. SMOKE THE BEST. G. W. Parks, Attorney for Appll-csnt- . Miss Lucille Collins left last week BLUE POINT PERFECTO CIGAR. for Salt Lake to attend school. First publication' dated August 22, Whitaker and A , Dallas, Makers. 134 W Last publication, October 17, M. Edmonds spent the letter 1906. t Mr.ofR.last 3rd South Street, Sslt Lake City. 1906. week in Salt Lake. part jl Ji APPLICATION FOR PATENT. J. R. Rand was out from Salt Lake last week to look after his interests M. A. No. 4120.) here. .4 United States Land Office, .4 Mr. Waiter Reynolds is spending Salt Lake City, Utah, Aug. 13, 1906. Notice is hereby given that Charles the week with friends and relatives in Stockton. Tyng and Francis C. Tyng of American Fork, Utah County, Utah, have I n' The New Stockton management is made application for a United States now busy eslabllshing the new double patent for the Lone Star lode mining deck cage. claim, situate in the American Fork ,4 .4 mining district, Utah County, Utah, Sunshine Rcbekah lodge No. 16 consisting of 1500 linear feet of the gave a picnic Sunday, Sept 9. at lode and surface ground 600 feet wide, being mineral survey No. 5420 and deAngles grove. scribed In the field notes snd plat of Jl jl Sullivan wants to meet Joe Gans the official survey on file in this office now. A contest between the two with magnetic variation at 16 deg. 45 would prove a great card. min., to 16 deg. 55 min. east as fol- The friends of Deputy County Attorney llanseu are growing more busv as the daya go by to give him the chief Khl a In the office where he has ao alily served during the wst two years, lie is certainly a good man for the position and a strong man front a standpoint. There are others lrty who are aspiring to the lamition, but at the present Mr. llanseu ia tbe most spoken of for the office. lake City. r to-wi- t: feet to corner SEASON. I l.lN;:.h.Y. RIEG The j CONFERENCE RATE8. IN OS. d 10 Silrer, 689,; lead. cents. I' WHISKEY WE HAVE THE s One year, 11.00; six months, 75 cts: three months, 60 cts. 'The above prices are cub in advance and do nut apply to subscription due prior to July 14, 1900. JAS. T. JAKEMAN, Managing Editor. tion. Mr. Sharp has proved himself a man of parts. What Is more, he Frank Knieiy has come out has proved that he would make a and declares that he is not In splendid sheriff ir he is elected to the the field for a third term aa sheriff of position. Tbe Republican party can' Salt do no better than consider his name county when this important office ia before A STRONG CANDIDATE. Its convention IS NOT A CANDIDATE. ji j Entered as second-clasmatter at Cans proved he is the race horse: 'the postofflce at Alta. I'taji. that is, he and Nelson from beginning to end. He Is the premier fighter of the lightSubscription: out-staye- d No. 8. Goods order, Utah- - Men and women u learn barl-e- r trade in 8 weeks. Wages paid every earn $15 to $25 per week Cat. free. Write os. Mohler Systeff or Colleges, 62 E. First South St.. SsK -- ake City, Utah. Illinois Central way ECZEMA AND PILE CURE FREE Knowing what it was to suffer, I will give FREE OF CHARGE, to asy afieflted a positive cure for Eczemi-Sai- t Rheum. Erysipelas, Piles Skin 'Diseases. Instant relief. Dus'1 suffer longer. Write F. W. WIL from Omaha to Chicago. LIAMS, 400 Manhattan Avenue. N First-clas- s York. Enclose stamp. also between aervlce Bmaha and Mlnneapol's and Chicago snd SL Louis, as well as all points is GLADSTONE HOTEL. the 8outb and Southeast Mrs. A. M. Marshal, Prop. 119 South Main St., Sait Lake City For full Information call oa or write Neatly furnished rooms by the or Month. J. A. FOLEY, Rates. 50 cents to $1.50 per day Commercial Agent of week Special rates by the day. No. 75 West 8ecoad South Street. month. THE SHERIFF. parly has always s sheriff county. It haa never Tor Salt chosen a man but who proved himself all that could be desired when elected to Hie position. C. Frank Emery has HlUon for four yearn and hpld llw- ever Wn r,o word of complaint has heard against his handling of tbe office. So well has ho filled the poare sition that many of his friends Mr. term. urging him for a third that Emery constantly says, however, event he Is not in the field. In the then that he Is out of the running, . his well known deputy. Mr. J.poal-i the for candidate a Shsrp Is The Republican been happy in Its choice of Tnaoc Manas Deskins Copyrights Ac. ml nminf iMS and Saamfotlnn aamrtaia nor opinion frpp wkatfcar aa AHVMM Jiatrkl, WSS'mo awa fraa. UMrnt warn--; Vweurr n f pal n motive p manta taken tbrmwh Mans mortal nates wHhnat ehiraa. la tha ktk -- Scientific jmierkaiL S haadamnalr mnanrtad waaklr. Taranat ortoniiao Journal, forma. M million of nr: fnor aionlha. ,b BoM brail Mwidralam. nr MUNN Sraook ICo, y-He- It Wmhlxi-m- . Tort hb |