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Show One uf three things should be dune Thai great injusUCH haa been done to and decree by the higher courts, many people through thia la alao made and the many Irregularities which to remedy ttu evil. Such a man a evid-- m hy the many reversal of Dur have been proven against him take should be dealt with fur conWe a iv Iileatifd that Hie penurious m some spiring u influence a justice. The whirh in'o liai,.! power uf a county justice and hi t.ti:-of late !f trying to read ,:u-.held uf act Ion broadened no that effl'r, pf'iiiilo i. ill of i lie icient men ruuld be induced to accept The liu-- i iret with i etiiike the position, or only men of the hut u la fj'a-Th- e not only ! our htrongesl character chosen to the lari I hat any man I ha ' t!-I" O'1 place. age of hi mm it nuns GARLAND RANGE to Such actions a have been going on whore know You alwaya mended. -r MONARCH MALLEABLE RANGES, ai Murray bring the law Into rarrie wai- mi find him. He He la ? both elmuldera PEINSULAR RANGES leare ten ! one that H i sirmig-.- r THE CONGRESSIONAL NOMINAant lun to party principal hl,u loan that of Hi'" 1'" TION. au a.hia'e. and lhai the ma-.u Ike "f m' pariv him Big, Parley P. Chrisi.t rernl PER WEEK TERMS $1.00 CASH, i tensen. the Salt Lake county attorfrom the very fart 'hat h.a ney. U to be a candidate before the nor t rllrk .r marhine. and r too! forthcoming Republican state convenIK.I Ite made the eervlle a.m..!.r sine W. Third 8outht A MTii'iny "f hla rase 4 tion for the position of representative r to 'he pule I to congress. near, ho And, seriously, why that i.. prow SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. a. should he not aspire to the place? lie. and to their right and lme.ee"'it hound him As the bouse of representatives Is i han those who try to now constituted, or, rather, as the of liie pariy rank and business of that branch of the nationWhile on thl auhjeot am.I' her ! al legislature is now carried on. no a similar one l eu waled. t i.. better man could be chosen than the for party any ..I pulley ' ' big county attorney. He looks the right hand or ...r,.ahip It rank and part he will be called upon to play once trained whai.wr. should the nomination and election away from H for any raue k an one eomes ha come his way. There may be many 14 providing ueh foldHe I only ha k men who have greater gifts as orathe io gain belongs. but orators do not always count ho where tors, again wil. he all In the house of representatives these The rhancra are that In ESTABLISHED 1893. PERNICIOUS PRACTICE. A EDITORIALS This paper is on Mining Congress, flit! REPUBLICAN STATE County. at the Ann-ran Colorado. RANBE SALE, COMMITTEE. vr .VMrrwi. Nam-- . William Muini. City. It KMi-r- , II. H. Jones. Hi Irihriiii City. II. Mullen, Jr , tagau. Cache, J. It Harrison. Price. Curium. I lat Ih, J. M. Secrisi. Farmington Kiuery, George Miller, i'nntir Dale. . Garfield. Thomas Kev. I'angiiU'-hRichardson E. Pure. John Grand, Iron, Alfred Fruyd. Cedar City. Juah, J. A. Hide. Kane. H. 8. Cutler, Kabuli. Millard. Miah Hay. Fillmore. Morgan, Moroni Hnlner, MorKan. Ilute, Charles Morrill. Junction. Rich W. K. Walton, Klch. H. take II. 1. Mylon. Salt take Cltv. L. 11 Richardson, Manti Hanpote. Sevier. J. If. Krlckson., ICii'lifli-8ummit. M. J. Dailey, l'ark City. Tooele. I.. I linker. Tooele. Utah. Eih. limner. Irovo Uintah. It S. Collett, Vernal. Wayae. Willard 1aee. lata WaahliiKton. Joaeih T. Atkin, SI an.-mi-- Wasatch. J. Muaaer. Ilelit-- r ... SATI'KDAY OFFICIAL CALL. JAKEMA 27-2- 9 A Richter estate. West First South, Salt Lake City, Utah. Cliy A. L. Brattaln, Manager. Have you ever thought of grtiiug Into business? For instance, a good paying rooming house, grocery more, saloon, cigar store, rests or, In fact, any business enterprise? If you contemplate such a move, see me. I have a number of genuine bargains, guaranteed to be MEEKS A LYNCH. 315 A 316 Atlas Block. otai. Salt Lake City, Utah. Vacant lot, modern home nisities Investment. Money to Loan. Nineteen ears In Real Ela Republican Si air 1'miveiiilnn. Sep. 1J'Hi. JO, good-nature- d MONARCH HARDWARE: COMPANY, 1 ltudolh Kuehler. Ilgden. Welter, Fr W : $1-0- 0 Nt-ph- l. George. S2D to $7D. : J To the Republican Meet or f.f the Slate of I'tah: A lale convention of delrgiiled rep reHonl alive or Ihe Repnhllean parly, In the slate of I'tah, will he held at Salt I dike City, for the purpose of nonilnfiting a lale tlrkel. to he voted to he held for the general Novefiiher K, 19'Mi, the on Tuei-davand ael.celion of a laie eomniliiee. for the Iranaarllon of auch other bus-lue- s a may prorly conic hefore It Hall t ale convent Imi will Henilile ai II o'clock a. m. on Thursday, the J(ll h dav of September. I ';. In the Candidaie nre In Haft Lake theatre he nominated for the following olflee: Judge of the Supreme court and in the Sixtieth rongreHs of Ihe United Stale. The Republican eleetiir ' of thl wlilnnil tale, and all oilier elector illtieal afllllHiInn., regard to past of the who believe In the pilncipli-Repnhllean party, and IndoiKe II policies. and will Hupimrt the pamlldai. LxintliiMed nt Kuril roiivniitiiui. nre cordlnlly Invited to unite under thl call, in the aelertlon of delegale. The aald late eon vent Inn shall eon alat of 527 delegates apportioned to Iho aeveral counties of Ihl alale, on the liasl of one delegnte to every one hundred rote, or a major fraction theraof. that were cat fur Hon. Joseph llowell for representative In congies. on November 8. 1094. a follows: In Ha1', take and Nice homes on easy payments. Farm Cheap lota any part of city. loams. C. makers. Correspondence solicited. Business Opportunity Department A. RICHTER, REAL ESTATE. money Busl-les- a City. .rwyvr.rwrrrwvrwwWUUtWUrww.vrrvvrwwrrrrrwwirrw.rKWitPjprw-- J. . The Grand Theatre ha already opened its season and I playing to Not withstanding the good houses. great ucunter attractions of the resorts. The Georgs Harper company have been winning the hearts of the lover of the drama by its rendition of popular plays. The bill at this house will be given in the paper during the lesson so that outside people can have a chance to knuw what to expect when visiting Zion. Vaudeville Is In full bide at the For the opening ot the season the attractions have thus far been very high. Tbe house has been recently redecorated and is one of the nattiest little theatres in the country. lutei-nuiuntai- Casino Park Is giving Its usual bill of light ojiera. The Zinns Travesty company still holding the board. The Lyric is under a new management and will present vaudeville throughout the season us will also the most popular little Bun Ton on Main street. The Resorta The take season will oonte to an end in a blaze of glory at Sallalr on tabor Day, September 3rd. Tne resort will be kepi oien for some time Blk and Eagle will be the roller Balt Lake City, Utah. after when The skatingdam-lufloor attraction. great being used a a rink. BOWMAN Rooms during the courze of the fall and winter. together with the yearly visits of as the Ravage such groan!.' ion Opera company. Outside people undei the new rule of the house will always be alue to secure seat in advance by using the mail. 11 A CO., 12 GEO. M. McCONAUGHY, The tagoon is still the beauty spot of the state. Its fall flowers are in all their glory. This resort also cktses 15 Investment, Securities, Trades and on tabor Day with a big rlam bake. Now ta the time to Invent. A rapid Business Chances. Ind. Phone 1101. advanea la certain. Choice bulldjng Halt Lane Real Estate la the saresc, vS 41 West Second So. St Wandemere is drawing Its usual Ini all part of city, 1100 to $500. surest and best thing to buy In the Sw Lake City, Utah. Salt 7 of quiet people. The season haa month. per quota $7.50 per $12.50 rah, whole wide west. It Is cheap, too proven that a Sunday School resort cent. far cheaper than It should be, consld- REAL ESTATE INV. CO. can be made to pay In Salt take. HUBBARD INVESTMENT CO, erlng resources, geographical location, VS HOUSTON 71 West 2d So. SL rapidly developing tributary region, Bicycle races and other attractions Lowest Homes for rent and sale climaro and the attractions of Salt still go on at the Sait Palace. This take. The country around about la OUR MOTTO: prices. Easiest terms., 251 Main SL, will continue as long as the weathei far ahead of Salt Lake. Salt Lake must and will catrh up, and while It is Salt take City. TO REPUBLICANS. Quick Sale In Real Eitate. up Is when values will double eaiching anxious to have every ReWe are ir you want to buy or sell Real IS We have all kinds of Investments In and good money be made. In close touch, and working publican Ei u Hat your property with u for 3 k real estate and we wri'e all kinds of in harmony with the Republican naquick aaln. We have the buyer. pRRRIMtRKItStRRStaiMtRRRStStStKItStir tional congressional committee in faInsurance, wnstnkisMBiMWiisjaliialiMnianwa'a Anderson Real Eatate Investment Co. vor of the election of a Republican YOUNG A YOUNG, General Insurance, Real Estate and congress. The congressional campaign must THOMPSON REAL ESTATE CO. Loans, 202 Whitingham Blk., Salt be based on the administrative and Lake City, Utah. Ind. Tel. 1077. Plan a SpeHomes on Installment legislative record of the party, and, cialty. that being so, Theodore Roosevelts Farms and homes for sale or trade. FOR REAL ESTATE personality must be a central figure or Horae, Buggies, Etc., Bought a central achievements and his See InvestReal Peterson katate Of. Rxrhanged. In the campaign. thought fA Co. ment for list targe bargains Room 8 O'Meara Block. We desire to maintain the work of which we are exclusive agents. SpeNo. C3H W. Second South Street, this campaign with popular subscripcial attention to property of estates Salt lake City. of One Dollar each from Repubt. and Old reliable tions licans. To each subscriber we wilt Mosea W. Taylor. Frank Y. Taylor. agency. Correspond or call. 830 So. send the Republican National CamTAYLOR BROS. Main SL. Salt Lake City, Utah. paign Text Book and all documents REAL ESTATE AND STOCKS. Issued by the committee. Salt Bank National Tel. 171., Utah Help us achieve a great victory. W. J. HALL0RAN, Utah. Lake JAMES S. SHERMAN, Dole Salt City, Real Estate the beat Real Loana. Estate and Chairman. JWa OHSW.) In the world. Utah Com823. 1887. Established Telephone P. O. Box 2063, New York. 8!3 flnaver , . ,,, , mercial and Mining 8tocks the aafeat 14 W. Third South 8treef, In the world. Salt Lake City. Utah. "Shall There Be a Duty on Hides?" Members Salt Lake Stock and Min$350.00 buya.very choice Main SL ing Exchange. Lota Is the title of the third document of Davis the congressional campaign of 1906, a BUY a HOME before or LUT Emery Issued by the American Protective Garfleld price advance. We advise you re CLIFT H0U8E. Tariff League. The pamphlet Is a reGrand gardlng localities and make your laThird South and Main Streets, Balt production of the speech of Hon. Fran729 Iron tere! ours. Lake City. cis E. Warren, U. S. senator of WyoMARIXGEU INVESTMENT CO, Juali 40 East Serond south ming, before the U. S. senate. Send All New But the Name. Kane Millard Manager Seeing Salt take City This centrally located and well postal card request for free copy. Ask 4X11 Cara." known hotel haa been thoroughly re- for Document No. 86. Address W. F. Morgan 339 Broadway, Wakeman, 1lule novated and refurnished throughout New York. Secretary, Rich Under the new management reaaon-abl- e EGAN, REAL ESTATE. 119 rates and flrst class accommoda- ANOTHER REMARKABLE SEANCE Han Juan If you want to insure, sell. buy. 355 HELD LA8T 8UNDAY. tions will prevalL Sanpete Sevier Can be reached by street cars from build, or borrow, let us know. Remarkable were the demonstrap Summit all depot! tions at a Sunday nights test meetTooele 49 S. Main St., Hooper Klilre Ige s MRS. A. L MASON, hall. One lady Uintah ing at was told that she was worried about a Utah relatives eyesight, that it would be reWaalrh the truer to party principle than ever ItOMN'EY AND RYAN, Washington Is hard It to get the speakers stored, etc. He had months ago been days. before from the fact that ho tia tried 20:1 Wayne and when difficult task has warned by the medium to be careful up, that LIS0TYPERS. found them and avosclatlons 4 Mtrange Weher been orator might that an accident would happen to his CITY. tl'KKT LAKE SVI.T Sll your accomplished, U-- t l'll TEWl'I.K ST. soi us ilh nH'elve (hem face. The reapecllve eounty eoniniltteea wniitliig. well as the of Demosthenes part play The I .a ram laitrprmlraf I.ImItpc I'laat Wnt of Chlraaro. All KliAa One lady asked. "Shall I take a trip are requested lo nrrange for the ,h,e open arms. and talk to the for sea, unresponsive af T Srlllaa Iran tnl( I, I Ira Pnaptlr awl Kkllfally Kimtri for To my health, and where to? lion of delegatea to the slate convenall the effect would In it have the Hantaan, Tn l.lnta, Sriefn and praapertaa a A Full l.lar of Marhlar answered the tion. The chairman of the rounty THE M. C. quickly flnds that California or Denver, Write fur Knit, The houe. laiVrr REPUBLICAN Always CHAIRMANaatra. Vd.lrrnn I. 1. Buz imi, Kalt Ijika City. Bril Pkoar SI 17. committee will forward to Ihe chair-maeverything has been cut and dried tn medium. "Better to Denver, since you SHIP. can get a pass from to that of the stale committee. Immecommittee. The members of congress these place, because he Is employed by the diately nfier their election, a full l!t The cliolee of of state, of the ilelegutea chosen. Jas. T. Hammond as chairman of the days should not take themselves too D. A R. G. R. R. She said It was cor999999999999999999. WtSl 99999999999999999999999999 JI4dd'l4dMMVdMS444444ilM Ily order of the Republican slate republican state nuiiniittce Is the hap44444d44dd4M444M.Mdd seriously. The Individual Is a mighty rect; she had not mentioned the parcommittee. small toad in a mighty big puddle, and tys name (which the medium told her one the parly has made in years. piest Attractioh r Salt Lakes Greatest v In full) nor anything about hi emSalt take Cltv. Utah. Aug. 21. 19"i. It gives the rank and (lie a feeling scarcely counts. JAMES T. HAMMOND. There is a place, however, where ployment. One party was told that of conti'iitmcnl not experienced for Chairman. he does count, and in that place Mr. she was undecided at which place to scverul yeatw. After navlng committurv teni. Secret Christensen fills the bill. The Inter take up her studies, and told where Kuehler, pro ed so anil errors of Rudolph many, Muniler 23 ests of the state demand an Immense she had been attending school and how Judgment. It Is refreshing to see soini-tliiuUNTRAMMELLED PRIMARIES. amount of work in the various de- long, and the name of the place she aceonipltsliiMl. which has a ten partments. The state should have Its thought of going to. Also her. full iletiey to untto and not disrupt. rlmre-ti- f In Icsk (hail three week the rcpuhl!-ra.1. T. Unnimond Is a man who has the government positions name. She was a stranger like the Pools! Natural Hoi Sulphur Water is and appropriation. elate convent Ion will convene In the undivided respect of every ropuli-liraThese are not rest. The spirit friends of those presI Salt take City, and the campaign of to the very In the stale of Utah, a B&ths! lie gnineu ny oratory, but by social mix- ent were described and their full Right Brought The call for the good man to tie to. All wings of the 19HG lx fnlrtv on. ing and mutual help given to other names called, and messages given from Heart ot the City. Baths! convention will Ite mt In a few day party ran rally around him. There units from other states. Here the big them. The lecture was good, as was and Ihe republican host all over the are many nien in the republican ranks county attorney would shine. A bet- the music by Prof. Allen. Come next ter man could not be found. Sunday night, hall 269 East Third stale will be gathering In the prima- who are capable of leading the party OPEN DAY Consultation The man who takes himself seri- South street ries to choose their delegates. A few to victory. Many have did mi In the dally Salt Lake one term in the popu- (267). Bell phone 2417-words anent those prim aides rnd the past. At the present hour, however, ously, spends 52-54 LAKE W. CITY. 3rd S. St. SALT lar branch of congress and then longs City. spirit in which they should be held there is no man In Ihe party so pecuwill not be snilss. for the senate. Failing that, he either lilted to take the helm as he. 99999999999999999999999W9 liarly 9999999999999999999999999. refuse nomination or Mettles himself tat there bo no credenre given to His years of political activity have , A DINING CAR gdddaSSMdlMda4d4444il4444d In to work committee less those who would becloud the issui while of the line life, hint the point taught which confront me American people game. He has the energy which In- THE HISTORIC WORCESManufactured John his state waits In vain for him to do Is one of the many things you conby The writer of this knows sider when you are trying to figure at the present time. A congressman spires action In others. He has the Oo TER. Reeves Salt take, and something. what he I talking about. He served ont the best route East The dining must lie rhnosen next November, and nhlllty t.f organization and Ms devo4k Indorsed by the M. M. two terms ns and (he political tion to republican principles cannot he QUEEN OF ALL SAL'CE through hla private secretary for an car service recently established on See the ot Utah. Ask your eastern representative In congress, the Colorado Midland, Is of the very Asss cltlz.cn. Is a complexion he liears. for or again! lie superb ipiestU'iii'il. On the Label. latest modern cars, and Grocer. in and is familiar with the job. republican principles, will ihe verall this Mr. Hammond ha Aside from other thinpft, P. P. every respect. The line runs through dict he given for or against the pre-dn- l never hern accused of being a cog In administration. Christensen Is not only a magnetic the mountains all the way, therefore " any machine. In choosing hitn tlie riM mr felkiw. but he Is politically all right. cool, and with the Pullman ObservaIt : not the time for the clarli of state rriimiiitce made the flrst and II Is tion cars, what more can you desire? No one can say he Is In the NKW RECORDS FOR OLD ONES. paily wing or party machine. I the longest possible step Inward a united It Balt In the evening, spend the Leave to machine Hie lime to get material ige! Iter The extent. any Old er brahn Disc nr purti P" CyBadar rMorda Uk time to bury the hatchet. It Is the younger element of the party could next- day in the Rockies. Ots. tlnu- - to merge all iimclitne Into one rally around him. He I well known AN UNSEEMLY EXHIBITION. . FREE TRIAL AND RASY PAYMENTS. over the state and his personal char- SALT LAKE A MERCUR RAIROAD and that one uiiintitro'led h acter is of a high quality. The ReTh saw im mod... ORAPHO any one set of men or the CO. TIME TABLE. The arrest of Justice Durand of th. COLUMBIA si ef h, iz:V cf anv one set of men. After the 1. talking publican party would make a good to final climax a the conies nil of Murray source rid r.l r th cliolee in choosing him. ail the primnrie are the Effective December 10, 1905, iund,,, prfriten. a liig series of event all of which go counihiwi". No set of nn-i- i dare ANY 0I.D MACHINE TAKEN AS PART WISEST - n little office limy axltn an to prove ter to the will of the people there Westbound. AMUSEMENTS. Eastliound. In a mail. The fee of a Justice of den't forget i'il typ d. Then let every voter attend No. 1 No. 2 to hi peace in the country districts are ml a A tin-- e g" irg At The Theatres. WRITTEN -- mall n far between tlia' any and on u, Stations. Ar;;ies. Leaves. iiunnnrovnl or his si-- l the sial Barkrd tv iWr" lfhlri Cuirpany in ths Wsrld than n siroi.g churaei.-- I The Salt take theatre is dark the 11 : 15a. nt. ... . Mercur f mathins .. .1: 15 p. m. everyth;!!!? whl.lt at all smacks Mch-n- r tli from be '! to of the in away laid not hav- 11 tempted "P' Iu.mk ipt a. m . Summit chine method, and the finest .. .1:55 p. m. :h . f Justice. et Is line arrived. once When house !r to the ing crumble a. plsns of cllrk of machine . Manning 19:30 . . CL!Tu?.;a PHONOGRAPH to., GEN'L. of this petty in... season p. m. The evident ivllii-inopetieil. however, the promises nothing. g tn be one of unusual brilliancy. Most 10:05 a.m... Fairfield or the law with a certain man SALT LAKR CITT. ta.n. litrb m. nmramnieled ...3:13 p. and free . lad us have of the eastern successes will appear Leaves l.'lke. Is ten strong to ndmit of Arrives. primaries. SALT LAKE REAL ESTATE. si EVERYBODY Real Estate and Loans. 1 ij . ji (i BOOST v! P i Salt Lake! s orf1 BOOST! . Araold-Dlckaon- -- M- HN-l- llA n HpM-lalt- All-Yea- , g n n iiThe SLnitarium Baths. ii Swimming Turkish Private 4 NICHT. i! s , -- 1 . mui-Mm- st n tir-?v:.- guarantee ileti-nnine- l.-- , r riti .2-3- ' MT-B4- d.i-il't- |