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Show rL OF UTAH. UNIVERSITY Ti.o I Alta. Rejuvenated EDITORIALS. Iii-r'- ,.r l l.:ili (ill., I. ii..- t - 111 If tnr ii.. v. . I'l'.ii IN .,r . uli-- the Famous Mining A Short Sketch District Past and Present. of ! working nf the mine were Mining had not reached tin- j.i rlif'M.a of iiPM-nme' hods, and iotiKeqiii-iitlonly the near surface .was develop'd and even at that hi hiLh value were the only ones This leaves the Kenne-ln-(-sought. af'i-rpractically a new mine with the urfare only prospected enough to assure the auccesM of deep raining. As was paid before, deep mining la the order of ihe day. In the Kenne-becthis character of developing has so far progressed that its stockholders are assured that shipping will be under way before the snow flies. A tunnel has been driven into the mountain and a shaft is being sunk from the old levels and the connection is near at band. With this completed, the min will not With this completed, the mine will not the ore bodies are of a character to make certain that they will be continued for an indefinite period. The ore will undoutitPdly be of the nlphlde variety, and though the sensational values sometimes found in the carbonates of the upper workings may imt obtain, yet the average value will in greater. In the future, the out-- ! put of ihis mine will multiply the old '.production liy more than ten. time, lb 'hallow. - 1 . k Tits Star Boarders Pills By P. A. BLYTH (Copyright, by JoMpta B. Bowls.) "Why are we walling? or she would She waa a have known that in ihl very genteel boarding house, seleot as were lie boarders, tha star hoarder was an English baronet, and that it waa a feature of honor accorded him that dlnaer waa never fairly commenced before his arrival at the table. The baronet, to do hint Justice, waa extremely punctual where replenishing the Inner man waa concerned. But on this particular evening he waa not In hla accustomed place, and people shuffled and toyed with rings, and tried to itnl,i,l,t vi rsily nf I'ihIi. n appear not to he waiting, till the new-auiniI.i- - Inll ' mIiim.In littie m p:ira't mat a vivacious, fresh-tinte- d i.f . O"' Ailn :ii turned 40, inquired of her a liule lady, !n Siini'i ft II I In Xnrni.il M',i,i,il near neighbor the cause of delay. Hut .ir l!..l I. iruny i.iit'i' at that moment the baronet appeared, I II. In l..iii.l walKing slowly, a heavy cloud on hia Ill IhmI'I-ami iin.li r different brow. He took hia scat by the side of I 'l1'"1 KniliilMiHi for Irnl An Alta Property Whose Future is Al- Miaa ' I1 . III Brown, the lady of the establishhi lintilH BP Assured. ready Ml I. l ment. lint mil.t residing at the head of the taman On until rrl "f , He ble. stooped and whispered to her fur tin eit nf llin-ORE B0DIE8 TRUE AND STRONG nf in portcntloua tone tmililinys uinl hli-Is im'iiiii' Can eat no dinner! she answered Already in the Shipping Column with 0,r would In far liti.ini Prof i inn niir taxi In alarmed accents. of a Greater Promise aloud I w'r For It a iuiiou rlnuili" i In nothing," said the star ductiveness. "Nothing, - t: ' "f hll miw li:ia an with a melancholy "unleu," boarder, ,l,,, Furl Umigta. One of the great mines of the Alta wave of hi hand, a spoonful, just a situated a III! of MILL, ALTA, UTAH. THE COLUMBUS CONSOLIDATED mining district is beyond question the spoonful of the euup. No more, not a City Rocks, the property of the comsite Which In ilHliir.-i- l I.VIn visitors mine Thus and work turn the to which to the camp. 'in: aiil'l drop more, aa In obedience to hla rethe ing of a railroad In aiiuiiii! tin four pany bearing the same name. (Continued From Our Last.) to hla l iitft-limill. wheels nf a Alta may be safely j the Continental Tho mine is situated near that of quest the soup ladle descended SI lift the I'nlviTHtty la :il them a goodly sum " missed not wald to he a great mine great not the Continental Alta, and comprises a plate. I have huh taking many la which an monthly situated Tin puls far I , then null, Salt jtkt City. of tin t''1 'on"'n the right Hide I'onipan.ts down the ranyon, is of the most mod- - only In Ita mountains of ore, but also group of patented claims, all of which for 15 years, and 1 dare not attempt unities for young nern 1 pc, turns nut a line quality ot jin its management, which for the past are contiguous to the developed por- anything like a full meal without their mllege Ikt. ledger to help themselves through tln-refart Is a lue Al'a Continental Besides the tion of the property. It Is one of the aid. Until the mall arrives That name saving the high per .1 five years has been a model of earning' Import-HlicIs al-- 1 c.ntage of tffi ier cent of the values fectiveness and Intelligence. dimensions no educational of tneun nansn v of oldest, developed mines of the new era morning I am a starving man, and things ina ii or uT Alta mining, having been worked readv a fact, hut what It will he In jn tho ores treated. It Is so con-th- e to lie seen illd heard out Hale mournfully ha applied himself to the future Is In every way hrlgl ler structtil that at un.v time Its capacity A for quite a score of continuously the selifsil room. To live fur awhile Which the a With soup placed before him- - That dis. increased with slight expense, History Property Is unt,ar, up to the present j,.iin j, history years. A tunnel has been run into the patched, he rose, and with a muttered in the largest city of the suite Will Present Outclass. so It as is Situated 'there being power enough generated time has shown. mountain from which drifts, upraises filiiciitUm in itself I ore p, supply all that ever will be reason- - WILL 6HIP BEFORE SNOW FLIES and winzes have been driven untif the apology left the apartment tor the Within inie or two hours' ride from high up on the mountain, and its room. In smelt It Sidles being so strong sml mntinu ably required In future operation workings In extent are only second to drawing ihe I nlurslij an the largest Work Being Pushed and those has hla A ride on fins from Ihe surface to the lowest addition this there to At Development Con. departure Mlaa Brown gave This Colombus recently of stale. the the work, of ers and mines he cannot It an ques-- 1 iKK.n put in commission numa The star hoarder could attained. aerial a In Success level to one Ora vain. not been has yet Deep take will explanation. Mining however, Ihe direct esrs for a moment hut that they K' tramway BevtTal miles In length, been un- eat no dinner because hia digestive have extent of bodies great ber of the greut. smelters. In . fact, the lloncd Just ovc) the hill from the Columbus covered. and these are being added to to the depths. The ore, of course, whlrh conveys the ore from the mine I'nivei-sltypills the last two ho possessed till tho Iffcatlon Is lilenl for and other producing will he niostlv cur to the mill. The tram la of the moat CoiiRollduted time a for literalong and in science constantly. There Is now exposed In morning mall brought a fresh supply-- had students The situated la the Alta of mines has level district, was water erected at a modern tyie and the Ifonute, hut when shipping ore from the box. The pill' ture have opporl unities to use of the the mine many tons of of liecn reached they will bevnnd ques- - Rreat expense. So complete was Its one of the old producing minea Kenne-lieckore bon disappeared milling , and an immense tonnage on the mantelfine city library as well as that nf the waa still la as now known the It averstanding state. construction that It withstood one of tlon change to sulphide with an la also in sight. Truth to tell, at tha to hear many of the gre I'nlvi-rslty- ; the pills, no tha servant rehands of Manager hut under the and piece, In In value. encountered worst winters Ihe Increase age men and women that pass through bids fair to outrival ita early (Continued In Our Next.) ported who had been sent to fetch Development la constantly being years with but slight damage, and Is Craig the state ssak, slug, or play musical them, were gone. of pushed and new ore chutes are con-th- today discharging Its burden of ore history. see many to also and Instruments, In the old days when silver was king will he with regularity at the mill. "Dots he think the servant walREMEMBER. scientific fads learned In schisd- slanlly being opened. It talilc itches, thia property, under tha same on enthe them? lowed not before also has mine local does The buildings, If merchant The many mining your years nut in uructlral operation. will he which for convenience and comfort name of the Reid and Benson, waa addIn atock Temple Brand Garanswered Klee don't 1 know, carry student has many silvan- level of the Columbus Con. slater ing Ita wealth to that of ita Rams' faxes In visiting smelters hnd mines reached, and all through these years are equal to any In the state. Head ments. too 8weatera, anxious for tho Sego Brown, absently, . When It is stated that the Cont- mines. The exact tonnage or gross Lily Underwear, aend your orders di- effect wlllhenrlngout her permanent bqgrder to sml to examine machinery of the mine ore upon from the extracted ores of the value metallic to the to add oil win.lL nut of use still In use. The stream of inental Alta hfta accomplished all this rect to the sole manufacturers, Salt Join in the general titter around tho mine la not available at the present Lake - wealth of ntTlai and la not only free from debt, bnt Is Knitting Works. Normal student has many npistriunl"Jworn then Its ores which netted table; "but he eays he shall dismiss time, but constantly paying dividends to Its for owners him at once for hla carelessness." over f 400,000, found a market tunate stockholder, something of Its h"V at the local and foreign smelter. What Is tha number of the baro-ne- te valne can he understood. Rthmrnrarrnt finest schtsil hulldlngs of tlie mate at Inla The presroom? The newcomer asked tho management present been Mr. me Crowther has recently only to become acquainted with the very ent bending Ita energies to attain electric of the a drills, with sharp abruptneaa. of matter battery stalling In question the equipment Balt of Ijtke When In want of help, call up! successful school system and from now on development depth and uncover the greater valuea "No. 15." mine Is fully abreast of the or Strock'o Employments write beIn ores whlrh are known to lie City. of modern mining. A power and the Flagstaff, the Emma "Then It is next to mine. The lady The engineering graduates of Agency, 45 Weit Second Bo.j neath any point reached by the miners Rustlers waa pouring forth looked for n moment attentively at her Phonee 464. la In The fact that a creek will, a 4 day. with will Cottonwood be T.mw nrnralent pushed ce.Hf.Uly in tliemlnus. nVrulTroada'.ltW I plate, then, after the baronets asms"" common with all properties of that the electric energy with also under consideration In rlty, slate anil federal government generates pie, ruing, with murmured apologias, altre employ; the Norms! students quitted the table and the room. sciways In demand, and the general A minute later found her by the star lucraAnil ence and arts students all boarder's chair. "Are you quite sure? Industho of In many tive positions HUDDART FLORAL CO. ot the Perhaps there is some mistake. Your tries ami prominent positionsfound ocservant might have overlooked them. are state. Many graduntea 6 E. 2nd So. he Just give one more look?" utid comMay isdltlcal prominent cupying Divided between surprise at her Inmercial positions In our own state and (Opposite Grand Theatre.) terference and her pertinacity, the barother slates. Cut flowers and floral work for onet, turning, rang the bell near him Its enrollment for Ihe last. year. J directed hla servant to look once the summer schtsd, was -l all occasions. 3 and colmore. students of high school grade and . a Wo make four years specialty of shipping The man obeyed. He returned, perlege grade altovi three and summer Thu work. schisd 2 funeral designs. Write , telephone high plexity on his face, with the pill box Just past has been phenomand two innocent-lookin- g pills therein. "HI students, telegraph. jaor enal. having enrolled r There, I raid you bo! said the little iiiiisllv men and women from twenty-tniiP O. Box 443. J lady, with a cdip of her small whits Phones 106. counties in our state mid from 3 hands. III the I liloli stHtes oilier thirteen The star bosrders first sensation waa rapid kMUkkMnnwiiiiiiiiiiiukMiii The Cnlverslty Is making course Joy. Madam, he said, with a studied progress. Its aria and niedlealthe best have the witchery of your how, "you l)r. is recognised by many of FrenchLtroy'i Tansy sex." But his brow clouded. Glancing medical sclasils in the Fulled Slates. An Tablets. All In all. the Fnlverslty Is advancing "Yonr carewith towards his thCHc tablets wil! lessness is tusier . lt.ni Us warmest admirers have unpardonable. I shall disIn a pleasresult anticipated ant surprise to miss you from my service. You might He rose suffering women. have cost me the loss of EXCURSIONS.! SALT LAKE ROUTE Tlie ladles' safeIn rases hastly and, courtesy reminding him, guard. of painful or sup- offered his arm to his benefactress. Autumn Outings via Utah's Moat Pop-pressed nienstrua-ito- n Tha two returned to the dining room. ular Road. TIIKY SITfCKKIi. Irlce. S2.00 per "Forgive the noor man. said the. box. At all drug stores or by mull, sealed. Doull Drug Co., . lady as they went Mexico City ami return. fi9SU. The Main, Salt Like City, Utah. No, madam; such carelessness la tour nf I Md Mexico affords the grandon the too culpable." est aiilumii trip to be found GOOD POSITIONS FOR YOUNG San Francisco, American continent. Intermediate MEN AND WOMEN. mid AiikcIcs "And you are feeling quite well this point, jim . onlv 125.00. Short lim. quick rntinec-lionsIt was the morning after, morning? AnPREPARES MEN AND WOMEN FOR SUCCESS IN LIFE.' We have more rails for stenographFtuli's flnest trains.tM and the lady whose witchery had seers than we can fill. Our business Is cured the baronet hla Special geles and reiurn. only I'l" dinner leaned to fit young women and men for these Learning is wealth to the po or. an honor to the rich, an aid to tho young, a support and comfort to the sale dates, September I to II. Posiover his chair. llie of IKiaitlona. We excursion Bacon. a last $:tnoO the pracaged. give complete tively "Quite, madam,'' he replied gallanttical course. Write us or call at our senson to gltirlous southern California COURSES OF STUDY: office. 224 Dooly block. Salt Lake City. ly, owing to your cleverness. I hare ta'W rales fur settlers to iKdnts In not had a dinner suit me so well or ento Utah, for catalogue, terms, etc. southern Finli. Miners' Do. Mechanics. Surveying, AGRICULTURE Agronomy. Horticulture. Ani ENGINEERING STENOGRAPHNC BUREAU. joyed so perfect a nights rest for a Nevada isdnis and lowest rales all tin Roads mal Industry. Veterinary Science. Dairying, Irrigamng. Irrigation. Sewerage, Hydraulics. time to all southern California long while. :iii.l Pavements. Etc. and Drainage, etc tion Follow the crowd, to the ticket office. Ac "Then you will not be so stern toAdministration, DOMESTIC SCIENCE AND ARTS -- Cooking BOOLEAN keeps your floors free COMMERCE Business HP South Main street. wards your and Dietetics, Sanitation, Sewing. from dust. Hygiene, '"iintiiTg, Banking. Transportation. Commercial Household Economic. Etc. SOCLE AN will not allow dust to fly But the star boarder shook his head. Stenography. Etc. Sum gissl isT'sins jiitmiiis brli.-v- . PatMECHANIC SCIENCE Comprising English, Forging. when sweeping. GENERAL Such culpable carelessness, madam." t is tli. d. iiiKS of Plitshurg hat Lau-t'i tern Making. Carriage Building. Foundry Work. BOOLEAN will make yonr carpet Mathematics. History. Economics. Modern The lady hesitated. "Could you keep ti di.it make the hcavi'iis tci-s- . Machine Work, Etc. look like new. Natural and Physical Sciences. Etc. Hi i TM'II h. of late. a secret?" COURSES an' also offered In Music. Art, 1 ysienl Sciences, Etc. BOOLEAN will make your floor aplie bowed solemnly. hiiuW pear as if scrubbed every day. Mr M. inly ha slit pin'd 2"" Then I will tell you something. My BOOLEAN will save you hundreds of of cviileiii e to Chicago to he used I IT IS IMPORTANT dollars annually by having room joins yours; they are much alike. eiiiiilliluie to take the place Uni.--This woiil.l sine the ex Before you decide which sclusil to attend that you consider carcfuly the opportunities afforded by ymir place clean and free I, too. take pills before dinner, and I from dust. went by mistake into your room and of heMiiii; a convention every ihe AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE OF UTAH-I- ts f indiy, m ojprL courses of study, splendid s'rom; -1 Send in your orders. took two pills. Afterwards I slipped in ii governor Is to be nominated equipment, moral atmosphere and healthful on v i .'i t.t 'i: : ; a'so the low expenses and the uniform and BOOLEAN MFC.. CO.. splendid success of Its students. up an.l placed two of mine In your box. No. 21 So. W. Temple St.. Salt Lake I feared to SPECIAL NOTICE. tell you lest they should City, Utah. not suit you; but you see they have r'lis p.ir.igrnph is m.irked wlih a acted admirably. Pray, say you forgive ren irors it irdu-ahthat your suli-me. scr'i-tloito this paper hi been set-'!i- l The baronets politeness was taxed. hr 'tiroe months from that dale. O "Maonm." If marked with a him k cross It hnsj he said, the effects have only two weeks to rutt, but unless been toA happy for reaentmenu Also otherwise t.oilfleil we 6ball continue MILLER A VIELE It follows my servant Is absolved from to forward the paper. blame. 503 McCernlck Building. Verv respectfully. There was a deeper tint In the ladys THE PUBLISHERS. BALT LAKE CITY. cheek, but her eyes were laughing. Native Police and Soldiers. Could you keep another secret? Ilell Thone 797. There nr no white soldiers or po-He laid his hand on his heart. If you want to borrow lire In lliitlsh New Guinea, slirre the Faithfully. Twenty buildings. provliVJ with the hi ft farms, crcharu. gardens, on your farm, long6) naMves muni money The govern field-thand A "Then" she rose as though prepared afford cx.'i pu mil ,ViI!tVl'for' thorough and efficient work. athletic parade grounds, mvnt consists of a British admlnls , time, easy terms, liberal opto make quick exit after speaking, "it tha strong faculty of experts, representing the best Xni ,rl gD( Europe, are In charge ofWrite trator. an executive council and the work of Instruction and experimentation. tions. drop us a line. No tultien. Is nothing so very serious; only the now for illustrated ratalogumaglM rates Ktatloned at renters rear pills you took last night were rheumathe const There are 300 tism pills; and 1 am so glad they suit while residents. d you. .1'JI-I- UM' III - :ii mu-- ' Seii-nt-.--1 d.!l-ien- t I . XX If.Ki-llli-r- k new-oum- er er, :. I e tlii-rn- i lll. 12'i-tn- n - 1 e mac-eiiti'aie- ! i e . y J by-go- AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE F , 114-11- UTAH. Utahs Great Industrial School4 I j man-serva- ' 1 iint. man-servan- t? -i. . ARTS-Carpen- try. ? '. . s 1 i I I) FARM LOANS. o o II o ) ese (I inn.-.u:;,.,,- Address the Registrar, Agricultural college I Logan, Utah. o o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 |