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Show rrrrinrnirrr t r :immmmmmmMmMmmmmmmmmmmMMmm S For k in a go to the - 8l Nice Room First-cla- ss ' READER-- Hotel Ja Where He Balked. don t earn xu'Ui.ii' aimui tha, tariff Cumberland Easily Followed or th.f there gold an.i ;aiieB. ,w -twi Mud iht iN'ksiMf nor do 1 eon Mr. Gladstone's Mind. S3 of the wMMMMMMMMMWMMMMMMMMMMMMMMr,e,.,'RRRPR..RRRv.RwwR THOUGHT OF WORK V Stuart Cumberland, thought read Mr. Glad tella how he "read ar," ?v mT ww 1 atone a mind la the smoking room d tha bousa of commona. Mr. Gladstone undertook to think of sotno figures It was Cumberland's task to dla Hot and cold steam water and electric and running heat, KJShell J and lights blackboard service in every room. Rooms under direct charge of Mrs. Cand J S covor and write them on a 5 thea correct, 3. a which Ho wroto wai Hotel lend. 3 located at f centrally g also correct, end thon NO 144 WEST FIRST SOUTH STREET, SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH! a I. which ss P. H. CANDLAND. r a ho begsa to writo s I. "At this bed 1 found Mr. Qladstono ment that 11 s3 eheuged his mlud end was thinking of s (. 1 st once paused and begged haMAliaa'aaUiiuraakairaiMiiiiliaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal houghts enhim to eoncautra'e bi on the exact figure ho had derstitritRS(ststststv.rrrstitstvitr.itsw tirely Ho did so, and 1 unhesicided upon. FAUMIB MAXFIELD VINEGAR CO., g. the 5 Into a I." He turned tatingly Manufacturers of asked Mr. Gladstone why ho had st first thought of a i and afterward PURE FOOD" VINEGAR. anchanged It to a 6. Mr. Gladstone Factory: 720 South Second West ; swered that ho had at II rot thought of DYB WORKS : tha number of days In a year, bobutrec-In Telephone 979-tbs middle of tbe experiment L MW ollected that that particular year was American Plan, 1.25 to $2.50. leap year, which canned him to change his figures to 266. UTO-DONT MISS THE LARGE European Plan, 50c up. MOBILE J J HOTEL HALLS. True Friendship. Jthat runs to all points of Interest.! S. M. RIDDLE, Manager. Thn Munre of fripndshln is entire- V with a good guide. Fare 11.00. I S Seeing Salt Lake Car and Autos.,! Corner Third South and State ness, a total magnanimity and trust 40 E 2nd So. 5 g It must not surmise or provide for Streets, Salt Lake City, Utah. Infirmity. It tresis Its object as a MMMMMM4MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM4 COCA-COLIN BOTTLES. god, that It may defy both. Emerson. JJ It sii vmrrritrriiKWvrrvrrvvrrm!vrrvii!n!r.vvvvv(Me BUBSAN MMMMMMMMMMM4MMMMMMMMMMMMM M4444,I4MMMMMMM4MMM4.(444-- ith :hc ; id aIP.I''! t d F'di'Otilio Anu-rican- rrrsspwrrrsrssut44SsMsinrs4ii4vssSss4S . Many bright boys and girls arc muk weekly aftefachoof working for us. If you want the same chance, send us your nsme and address and we will send you $2 worth of our quick-sellinHousehold Specialties. When sold, send us $1 nnd keep $1 for yourself You can do this In one day. We will furnish you permanent work. Address N. 11. Croesbeck A Co., Sprlugvllle, Utah. ffisis WIRE AND IRON WORKS, Manufacturers of Iron fences, Bank, Office and Counter Railings, Flower Stands, Etc. All kinds of fancy wire and iron work. We do Electro Plating In Nickel and Copper In all the Laterft Finishes. Write for Prices. State BL .... Salt Lake City CRAGER 527-29-3- 1 'phone 590-- 312 or so 6. Write throw fbr that nmt lift!' eS?!,'"1- I06-M- Vv vwwwe B-k- ., Dooly NEW ORPHEUM HOTEL, ORPHEUM THEATRE BLDG. 138 SOUTH STATE ST, LAKE CITY. SALT H. E. BARTLETT, PROPRIETOR. Why trust your treasured pictures to strsngersT Ours Is a Utah firm, managed by Utah men. Pictures en-g In India Ink, larged, mounted gapla, on cardboard or Water Colurs or Oil. stretchers. Pictures sent by mall are as Bare as if brought In person. FRAMING A SPECIALTY. UTAH ART CO, 55 West Second South, Salt Lake City. Mail Orders Solicited. I J i othor work. OUE SHOAL REDUCED rod rubbar). a BB Elk fitharllliljmlta PSOTECT1VI OUAEAETEE. TWELVE till yi sl, Sunday 10 te a. 'Phonon, lad, Ms Ball S84 in at EZAJCXEATXOV TEEM. db. Block, Salt Lake City, Utah. WHEN RATES REASONABLE. WE ARE BALT LAKERS. We Can Save You Money. Oold gllleaa. Bsad up. NEW BUILDING, .NEW .FURNITURE, NEW EVERYTHING. r Tsoth setiacud without mis Flu with awtfcods. NEWEST HOTEL IN SALT LAKE g i Tbs Mom ItUsbls DaaUata SSShBQ Practice in both state and federal courts. Special attention given to mining and mining law. Communications solicited, and answered promptBell nwmd CONFIDENTIAL LETTER patent ; a is worth uioiu-y-. Ws ljimiu, PATENTS pay. ms Help inventors tu niodrl. phutn or iikrtrh. and we send REPORT ON PAT- RSMTsaiUTV, Seyran' practice. Krffie- "rite or coma to !??t Tth SI.. WASHINGTON. D. C. Utah Dental Co., 234 Main Attorney-at-La- ly. hiiiiMI, r Why Pay More? THOMAS F. ASHWORTH. Sf SALT LAKEICITY. BOYS AND GIRLS, WE PAY CASH. CT We have established a plant for hot tling this most popular drink and we want an agent In every town in Utah to handle 1L Good profits. Write us at once for prices, etc. Salt lake Coca-Col- a Bottling Co. P. O. Box 3. Salt Lake City. iT i i j x WthfbfidlL EUROPEAN HOTEL. Balt Lake City. Located In the heart of the city. Rates Reasonable. Light, airy, dean roams, flrafcdaaa il every raapect Steam heat, Waatrla i j kiir-rti-- AKE CITY a sso i 0(VBirddrn tut mu, Philippine. But ding m!" j he. "if them tbsre trusts s:i. t stoppm blamed a .S'X.-T- 7W 85 A thorough preparatory sc hool for boarding nnd day pupils. aukk they'll be roiu into horse kJ ! An academic course for four years, with a preparatory course S3 swipfin' sett, and where will the gone year, corrcsjHmdlng to the eighth grade. cafe nf simple and hnuest agrlcslturo a-Music department, with pianos for practice, g3 $ then, hey?" Nr Turk Preia Excellent boarding department, with Christian home Influences. j! Small classes, with personal help from teachers when necessary a aA h J Expenses very moderais. Brushes Made by Nature. for catalogue and particulars address Curious natural brushes arc produced Iron, GEORGE B. RWEAZEY, Principal. a3 cf th,. i.aliiicKu species on our suutliiri: toasts. The "brio-th- ' S nf :! finish and the solid-wook sTjg portion 'hereof are all urn. No esswesevswvsevvsvvvrvvspssevvrvi'vsnii(i;iritgirrjii'M nuiipluict aiih those brls-l-- - I SALT 1 g 1 IKSALTFLAKEflCDLLEGI-a ,,g r tinATE INSTITUTE. 'a! , l n:elf ' k? la It f? . mt-Y- nxEnouv, mt. .rnWtitRiiRstststswtstsuMUMtstmistatststswtstitstmtstmuMMtswMtRmwwsuti NNNNNNWOMWmtWtKStRRNRItNmtStNStitNItRNStMtltWWtStStStNmiStNNIlfc Cj gMtelayMMMMM1eMMMMMmiMMMMlrtnrtiBmBBMtataBMBMMMMMlrtlMfleBMrtltlMM 7NMMMlimariSMMSlsMmilMNfiMMMMWSintllSMslMlllsMMnraMMmWlMi Boost, ijssEIOear rgoosReader,!?50"iBoosfl Help to Build up & GREATER LAKE CITY! SA1LT THE WAY TO BUILD UP SiR EATER. UTAH IS THIS: DON'T USE Imported Goods Unless Bought From b. UTAH DEALER! If, in . this List of Business Houses, You fail to find What is Wanted, Wait until Our Next Issue, and Perhaps You Will Find It There. WtKtlWtWllWUtitMtUtWtS1SWWWrMtrXKKKRKSWWUMWWRM 4 A a MM M4M M M MMMkfck'Miifc'MM'M MiaViVligiililiilVi'Mitlf'dNICliSglfJOlNJgll' WBN1l1aWlMIMM3rMMllBMmBlBMMBMMBMMMmMirMUgMi1BMlVMlllBlsWlM & vR.omney Ryan,V i!l2JXEESV Western Goods Western People!" for The Manufacturers and Merchants Association of Utah, (Incorporated) The New Road BELIEVES IN BEING jjiBusy All the Time In Utah The Best Line to THE TOURIST'S PAVORITE POUTH to promote the ute of ALL in preference to J manufactured outside those the State. ! is iTke object of the organization Southern California UTAH-MAD- E IWide. I - H. BURTNER, D. P. A. CHOICH OF ROUTES. FROM 00 DEN . MER-- 1 SLEEPERI OR BALT LAKE TO ST. LOUIS WITHOUT The betterment of industrial conditions in every city, tewn, village, hamlet and district is its aim. For full particulars write to 33 P. O. BOX 1584, Salt Lake City, Utah. AND TOUfflST PULLMAN THROUGH 3$ jTHE MANUFACTURERS AND CHANTS ASSOCIATION. S. P. L. A. & S. L. R. R. FAST FLYERS DAILY BETWEEN OGDEN AND DENVER 3 in all lines, GOODS Its Interest Is St ate 4?is Only direct line Salt Lake to Los Angeles. Most Modern Palatial Trains equipped with Standard and Tourist Sleeping Cars, Diners :.u Free Reclining Chair Cars. .ill trains via Salt Lake City and Nevada's Mineral Belt. Ask nearest agent about California Excursions or write to J. 991 CHANGE OF CARS Fro XUdlklng Chair Chra. Dining Car Service a U carta oa all ihmgh trains Tor FoUora, lUactraufi Book low, cu addrcM L ABZITT0N, O. ... AP.a BALT LAKE CITY, OfAS SALT LAKE CITY. - wmitatitiiatiWNiiJRatatRVM'MMKMnriBiBieMrMiniMViMwwwaMMwwMX1 I cwmcovw Good wwwttr,wtawtbjtiwtiiwiwumBwiNwiN Service-Goo- d Companyj Good Meals. S'. :5 ALL HALLOWS COLLEGE, tha happy trinity that makaa happy travalara on Roak la and through tralna. Through Standard! That 4 4 I la Blacpcr dally Balt Laka and Ogdon tel Chicago without chango. Arrivaa Inj Chicago In tha morning. Wo alao run through touriat cara to Chicago and! 8t Lou la. Steamship tlckota an aalaS to all points In tha Old Country. Let ue know whero you want te go.? Wo will do the roaL "Nothing finar than tha Rock Island Dinar. Salt Under the Direction of the Marlet Father. SHuated In tbe heart nf the i;.n-kv Boarding and day school for bo'sra level. It enjoys an luisur- J y Mountain district, nearly one mil passed climate. Buildings modern, ienm heated and electric HgMivi 3 Hot and cold baths. The Insiitullon f .ms to give most thorough ronrf v branches, conferring degrees :r J g in elassiral. Scientific and Ctommenial A the same. Inspection of t.'hemiral wa Uuysieal Laboratories Jnviti-d- . care of lllile boys J Separate a fine Museum and Mineralogy dopinmeiit. k by competent master. CJvmnasium of thbe beat. Indoor games during 3 an !. the winter season. Compulsory military firm under the direction g army officer. Mnslc of every kind, the band and orchestra being special v k features of tbe College. f. Private training of desirable ilooenta. outside of regular school a g hours, In higher Mathematics, Chemistry, Assaying, and In Commcrclnl J - . - , subject. Dlst Pats. Agant, BIBLE, Trav. Pass. Agt,y 100 Woat Second Bouth SL, A Salt Lake City, Utah. City. : I Both phonos 345. E. DRAKE, s-- : g Term moderate. Apply to r f rr Book THE and other parilcnlars to rev. PRESIDENT. Arv the nystrnn of discipline among employes wvclifulnoss for the safrty of passengrrs developed to a higher than on the . . . n On iv) rsil road In Amorica Is Hivl P ' jpq IL-CAg- i ' 1V111 Waurv&tuu S MHMMWMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMatMMMMMMMMMMMMMWleMrMWMta ' f!IItt'f 444e KJ s.. HcllJl Pa-tr iiriii cvi ry day Ogden or Denver to Chicago via the Unionchair citip and St. Paul linn. Through sleepers huh'lice reclining T.i , . cars. j - a! 3 G. A. 5MMM4MMMMMMMMMMMMM4IM4(1-'J,'eMMMMyiMMMMMMMMa44e-4- : Reputation. 4 , Enviable I |