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Show ' $ 9 THE ALTA INDEPENDENT, Successor to the Utah Pioneer. Vol. XI. Alta. Utah, Wednesday, September 5, 1906. The Alta Independent Published Every Wednesday. GRAY A JAKEMAN, Publishers. Office of Publication Postofflco at Alta. Salt Lake Co., Utah. Entered as second-clasmatter at the postofflce at AIM, Utah. s Subscription: One year, $1.00; six months, 75 cts: three months, 60 cts. The above prices are cash in advance and do not apply to subscription due prior to July 14, 1906. JAS. T. JAKEMAN, Managing Editor. D. C. DESPAIN,. ..LOCAL MANAGER METAL MARKET. Oh, my darling, how I miss her! Yes, I miss her all the time; But 1'tt not murmur in my anguish. OBITUARY. Died. 24. of cholera Friday. Aug. For she's gone with Christ to reign. Infantum, the Infant daughter of Daniel w. and Louise Wilson, aged. 3 As I cast my eyes around me. months and 24 days. The funeral See her playthings everywhere; were held under the auspices services Here I find her tops and dollies, of the Knights of Pythias, of which There I see her empty chair. order Mr. Wilson la a member. The As I wander on in silence, sympathy of the entire community is See the footprints of her lore; with the bereaved parents, as this to Here her bed of snowy whiteness. the second affliction of a similar na Wit! the pillow laid above. ture, they having lost their first baby Where her little head was resting. about live years ago. As she took her last long sleep. In Memory of Othello Wilson. Ah, some day I sure will meet her. Sitting at our Saviors feet. Oh, our darling! how we loved fier Like a sunbeam in our home. But the cross my Savior gave me Short and happy was her Journey; I will bear with His great love, We were happy when she come. Teach my little ones that story Of the Christ that reigns above. Budded and blooming like a flower. Mrs. G. H. Caldwell, Toledo, 0. Ho wwe nursed her, sweetest treasure; Waiched and carreased her every MERCUR LOCALS. hour. Planning for her every pleasure. Miss Kate Caffey is visiting In Salt Lake for a week. Now our hearts are filled with sorrow J$ And our home is dark and drear. Mrs. Collett made a flying trip to And the coming of the morrow Mercur this week. Will not let us see our dear. He has a TA His Future. irwrelt promts' hunt. tuUra.- - J should m haa borrowed mure money on say;pnunPF than he can repay in tea Sirs.' Houston Post. APPLICATION 3-- 3--4; 5-- 5-- 8; u llh - UTtft BCOOiMGnrc'cpb com reiT DRUG SALT LAKE CITY a' t; wUtah State News it UTAH. J. You buy fresh Eggs. Why not insist on Suit PETERSON'S DETECTIVE 8ERVIC 328-32-9 Salt SALT THATS ALL SALT Manufactured only by INLAND CRYSTAL SALT COH N. W. Clayton, Manager, Salt Lake City, Utah. THE BERRUM PORTLAND CEMENT 8TONE CO. MAN- i The Pierpont School located at East North Temple. 8alt take. n 1906. This school offers as thorough and excellent work In 1U lines aa can be had in the finest eastern colleges. Its courses Include Elocution, Voice nnd Physical Culture, Public Speaking, Theatricals, Write English and Shakespeare. for circulars. 37 " Mwiww'itoi Block machines from $100 upward, Start s small plant and become In- dependent Correspondence solicited, P. O. Box 1131, Sait take City. 8806-7- Bldg, take City, UUh. REMEMBER. If your local merchant does not carry in stock Temple Brand Gar merits, Ream's Head Sweaters, Se-gLily Underwear, send your ord era to the sole manufacturers. Salt take Knitting Works. 80 LE AGENTS FOR M pl establish a plant in every city, tows and village in UUh. lad Phone COMPANY, D. F. Walker We are prepared to undertake proper detective business Intrusted us for corporations and individual Consulutlon and advice free. Call write. 'Phones: Ind. 3988, Belf 1816-- 1 ROYAL CRYSTAL BRAND CONCRETE BUILDING ROCK UFACTURERS. w take City, UUh. Offices, 11 and 12 Eagle Block. Inventions Trade patented. marks secured direct with Washington. FRESH ROASTED COFFEES. M. THOMAS Attomsy-at-La- HEWLETTS pub-life- -- (The buyers friend I is located next door north of the postofflce, in the city of opiKirt unities, and we do Owl drug business. -- a $19,-431.8- 7. THE OWL MATTRCSXl to-wl-t: 3-- Re-unlt- e This storm has made good whisky weather. Send in your orders to RIEGER A LINDLEY. "The Whiskey Merchants." Salt take City. for patent. (Notice No. 4121. titled Slates Land office, Salt Lake City. Utah. Aug. 14. 19t6. Notice Is hereby niw-that Charles J1 Kn,nci t. Tyng of Amerl-- f Fork- County. I 'mil. have application for a United States Pent for the KHnwsihhi lode mining Clum, situate 1u the American Fork walng district, Utah County, Utah, consisting of 15u0 linear feet of the and surface ground 60u feet wide, mineral survey No. 5421. and "Wen bed In the field notea and ot the official survey on file In plat this POce with magnetic variation at 17 00 inin. east as follows, 56commencing ui post No. l. a corner Vj the claim from which U. 8. M. M. Monday. Aug. 27: Silver, 66 lead. $5.75; copper, 18c. lead. Tuesday, 28: Silver, 66 $5.75; copper, 18. 27 d,K- - 25 u,ln- - W baH 29: Wednesday, Silver, 66 SKf' lead. $5.75; copper. 18. thence running from cor- -' No. 1 N. 11 (to min. E. 615 Thursday, 30 Silver, 66 lead, l4t to winter No. deg. 2. thence S. 66 deg. $5.75; copper. 18. JOjntn. E. 1500 feet to corner Na 5! lead. Friday. 31 Silver. 66 liience 8. 11 deg. 00 min. W. 615 feet $5.75; copper, 18. A Jl o earner Na 4, thence N. 66 Mrs. George A. Cullinan is visiting There is solace In the Loved One Saturday, Sept. 1 Silver, 66 m) mil. W. 1500 feet to corner No.deg. lead, $5.75; copper, 18. 1, beher parents in Ogden. Who has taught us long ago the place of beginning. A Jl That in our death this life's begun ing . Slid claim GOOD TIMBER. Misses Mary and Janie Hilton are being located In unaur-eje- d From our Journey here below. part of township 3 south, range visitors In Salt Lake City this week. 3 eut, Salt take Buae and In a short time the Republicans of Jl Jl Meridian, Up above with angels singing Salt Lake County will be called upon and containing a total area of 20.635 Mrs. O. Albeau has been confined God has called her with His voice, to choose candidates for county com- to' her home during the past week Where those anthem bells are ringing, the excluding, however, therefrom missioners. The office is one of the with the grippe. area in conflict with the Wacht , How your treasure will rejoice. Am Rhein lot 62 and La Belle lot 48 most important in the county, and .4 . the choice should be of good sound Mrs. James Quirk returned home You will meet up there your darling of 16.238 acres. Net area applied for business men. A number have been Saturday from a months visit with belsg 10.397 acres. On lhat bright and golden shore Bald Esmeralda spoken of for the place, among them her parents in Salt Lake City. At mining claim being that glorious dawning early of record In the office of the county being A. L. Hamlin of Salt Lake City. Jl Jl no more. and part Mr. Hamlin Is a well known building Mr. G. H. Dern, general manager of W. E. teeorder at Provo, Utah County, Utah. The nearest known locations or mincontractor, and as a business man the C. M. M. Co., has gone to Ely. stands high in the estimation of all Nev.. on mining business. ing claims being the aforesaid conthe people. He Is no novice In politflicting claims and Kalantasuo lot 103 Jl A From Ophlr. ical life, having served two terms In sad Bredetneyer No. 2, lot 49. The Hon. Frank E. Caffey, manage) the state legislature, where he was of the Union Mercantile, and his wife This section has been deluged with ) 1 direct lhat this notice be d noted as a thorough and Intelligent have returned from a trip up Provo floods of frequent occurrence the past In the Alla Independent, at worker. He would bring to the coun- canyon. few days. The first flood from a cloud AlU, county of Salt take, Utah, for burst came down the canyon Sunday the period of nine consecutive weeks. ty court a ripe experience. Republi. cans would make no mistake if he . The Mercur mine is showing up in at 2 p. m., bringing down great drifts FRANK D. HOBBS, should ge the nomination. splendid shape. New ore bodies are of wood, brush, debris and boulders. i f. Register. being encountered as the ground is Mr. Hales, who looks after the flume, , 6. W. Parks, Attorney for Appll-cu- t. to had be to all Attention! The Brigham opened up. up Sunday night keep Students, the flume clear of trash and to keep first publication dated August 22, at Provo opens Toting University Jl Jl Monday, September 10, 1906. Send The board of directors of the Con. his house from being washed awny.V Last publication, October 17, for catalogue. Mercur ordered the usual dividend of On Monday the rain came again la ensi $25,000 last week and istributed it torrent and another flood volume .of. Iba-da- y, bfilq? - twice thedown LteavaMfea-pvaMT- . ,AWIAJHAPPSNING,. among, the abarcfcolderv, bringing great quantities of Jl Jl M. A. No. 4120.) Mlae Anna S. Thayer, who has been bids and boulders weighing tons. The iiftd States Land Office, President Tony Jacobson was in Alta inspecting the Columbus Con- visiting her brother, Dr. L. G. Thayer, rush of waters lasted til late in the Bah Lake City, Utah, Aug. 13, 1906. Some of the people left Notice to solidated Saturday. during the summer months, has gone afternoon. given that Charles . hereby n to Fort Collins, Colo., to attend school. their homes and took to the hills, in;T A J While of washed fear away. being Jl Jl n Plrk' UUh Coun,y' luh' h,ve Nothing could better illustrate the The new foundry of the Con. Mer. lasted the flood waa an appalling night, made application for a United resources of the Columbus ConsoliStates were endanof Mr. Felix particularly to those who dated property, and the character of Co., under direction patent for the tana SUr lode mining It. some the out of Is gered by Forbes. turning which is getting its management, claim,' situate In the American Fork around the transportation difficulties finest castings ever seen in this mining district, Utah County, UUh, Mercur Brass Band. successfully, than the report1 of the city. consisting of 1500 linear feet of the .4 Jl lode and surface ground 600 feet wide, shipments and receipts during the our to Mercur a band la credit The Miss Dora Evans of Park City has closed month of August. It is only deEv- town, giving us good mualc and mak being nlneral survey No. 5420 and James her been brother, Covisiting within the present year that the scribed in the field notes and plat of new a In fine their for Ing the appearance Backus and past Gladys lumbus Consolidated company has ans, Since Mr. Coffey has Inter- the o Octal survey on file in this office seen nothing but clear daylight ahead two weeks. She has returned to her uniform. 45 himself in their affairs the band with magnetic variation at 16 deg. folested of them, and as bright and favorable home. min. (o 16 deg. 55 min. east as Rich Mr. on new with has taken life, Jl Jl as the present Is, the future has much lows, John O'Rourke and wife. Thomas ard Kemp as manager and leader, and more in store for this company. Commencing at post No. 1, a corner to sure successful. be are the and Wilson boys wife. Wilson and George Jl Jl be- of the claim from which U. S. M. M. are band officers the The of went to Pleas Wilson given During August the Columbus Con- wife and Spelrs D. low: Frank E. Coffey, president; C. Na 1 bears 8. 83 deg. 58 min. W. 915.5 solidated Bent to the local market a ant Grove to attend the funeral of W. Evers, Frank Evarth, James Quirk, feet, thence running from said corner total of 684 tons, dry weight, of con- W. Wilson's child. Na 1 8. 86 deg. 05 min. E. 600 feet to Jl jl E. Coffey, manager J. W. Lee, board of directors. about centrates, Mch, averaging corner No. 2, thence 8. 3 deg. 55 min. Frank Hon. The $28.38 per ton, netted the company W. 1500 feet to corner No. 3, thence Union Mercantile, has gone up Provo NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR N. 86 from the smelters the sum of deg. 05 min. W. 600 feet to coror week a for to Join his wife UNITED STATES PATENT. ner During the same month a total canyon No. 4, thence N. 3 deg. 65 min. E. of 1394 tons, dry weight, of crude ore so. Mrs. Coffey is spending the month 1500 feet to corner No. 1, being the river. the in their up cottage was sent to the market, and this, av(M. A. No. 4113.) place of beginning. Said claim being Jl Jl In the United States Land Office, at located unsurveyed part of township 3 eraging $43.65 per ton, brought the returned has Mrs. Jed Sprattley Salt Lake Salt take County, south, range 3 east, Salt take Base company the sum of $60,843.10 from home from an extended trip to Den Utah. JuneCity, 1906. the smelters. In other words, the Co29, and Meridian, and conUlnlng a total Mrs. .ver and other points of interest. Notice la hereby given that the Co- and net area of 20.661 acres. lumbus Consolidated company reon of was Elks a the guest Sprattley lumbus Consolidated Mining company, ceived in August the total sum of Said Lone SUr lode mining claim their excursion to Denver from Utah. a $80,274.97 net from the smelters. corporation organised and existing being of record In the office of the of Utah, county recorder at Provo, Utah CounJt Mrs. Richard W. Kemp, wife of the under the laws of the state whose is at ty, UUh. business of According to present plans a second principal place is Gate Golden at the mill, tunnel Is to be started on the City engineer Salt take Salt County, take The nearest known locations or minCity, at from a severe operation Rocks property to tap the sulphide recovering Utah, by its agent and attorney ing claims being the Kalamazoo lot Her many Cross hospital. Holy ore at depth. The company is now friends will be 103. glad to see her well Salt Ashby Snow, of Salt take City, take County, Utah, has made ap- I direct that this notice be published shipping two cars per week of oxides and among them again. to the local market and their present plication, under the laws of the United in the AlU Independent, at Alta, Jl Jl workings are within 300 feet of the Mr. Josiah Kemp, our competent States, for a patent for a mill it. County of Salt take, UUh, for the Superintendent Edwards tonsorlal artist. Is thinking seriously which is located as and known and period of nine consecutive weeks. sulphides. of the property spent Thursday and of purchasing a thousand-mil- e FRANK D. HOBBS. ticket called Columbus Mill Site, and which Friday in Salt Lake on business con- on the Salt Lake and Mercur rail- la situated in Little Cottonwood minRegister. nected with the mine, and sMtes that road. as hie trips to Manning are get- ing district. Salt take County, Utah, G. W. Parks, Attorney for Applicant. tunnel new which has been surveyed and ia knows while the matter of the First publication dated Aug. 15, ting to be something fierce. as Mineral Survey Na 5444, and which 1906. Last publication, Oct. 10. 1906. has not yet been definitely decided Jl jl A largo cloudburst in Ophlr canyon is described upon, present plans are almost certain by official plat and to go through and the work ordered caused a serious Interruption in our by the field notes on file in the office Men end women to learn barber trade commenced within a very short time, water supply, filling the flume with of the register of the land office at In 8 weeks. Wages paid every night debris and in some Instances cover- Salt take City, UUh, as follows, feet. of to a flume the Graduates earn $16 to $25 per week. eight depth ing Mr. Hurlburt has had a force of men Beginning at corner No. 1, whence Cat free. Write us. Mohler System at work during the past week clearing KE. cor. of Sec. 10, T. 8 S., R. 2 E 8. of out the rubbish, and the watter sup- L. B. A M., bears N. 78 deg. IS min. K Colleges, 62 E. First South St, Salt -- ake 3915.2 ft. City, Utah. IN MEMORY OF MARY ROSEABELL ply is nearly up to standard. Thence 466.6 74 N. W. 07 Jl Jl min. deg. (Original.) Mrs. Andy Anderson presented her ft- - to corner No. 2. WINDSOR. A little Jewel, rare and fair, Thence 8. 15 deg. S3 min. W. 466.6 husband with a boy on Tuesday, Aug, EUROPEAN HOTEL. Came to our peaceful home. 21st. Both mother and child are do- ft to corner Na 3. Salt take City. Oh. with what Joy we welcomed her. ing well. Andy is wearing a smilt Thence S. 74 deg. 07 min. E. 466.6 - Located In the heart of the city. So glad that she had come! and passing cigars around among the ft. to corner No. 4. RaUa Reasonable. what know not does He Just Thence 4666 N. 15 deg. 53 min. K. boys. L'Bht, airy, clean rooma. First-clas- s With bright anticipations n every respect. Steam, heat, Electhey will name it, having exhausted ft. to place of beginning; containing with care, names. last The 4.998 acres. I watched my prixe the list of proper tric LlghU. hisseen of Andy he was carrying the With a mother's loving patience Said mill site or claim is located 1 As I smoothed her flaxen hair. tories of Peter the Great and Napo- tha unsurveyed part of T. 3 S, R. GLADSTONE HOTEL. leon under his arm. No doubt it will E-- , of S. L. B. A M. Mrs. A. M. Marshal, Prop. And my plannings for the future. be called Peter Napoleon. There are no adjoining or conflict D9 South Main St.. Salt take City. Jl Jl So bright and fair were they. ing claims shown upon the said pht Neatly furnished rooms by the day. a marlike vapor. Mr. Joseph T. Garland, city But they vanished and the applicant knows of no clalsi Week or Month. shal. and C. E. Mullins, police officer, adjoining or conflicting with the said Like the morning dew of May. Rate. 50 cents to $1.50 per day. tendered their resignations, to take mill site. Special rates by the day, week or Cherished hopes, how soon they effect Sept. 1st. Both of these ofI hereby direct that the foregoing month. ficers have filled their respective po- notice be published In The Alta Indeleave us. sitions creditably and the citizens are pendent. at Alta, All earth's castles fade away. PII-ES WITHOUT for a period of REMOVED us in hopes their successors will do as nine consecutive Utah, And our hopes return to grieve weeks. KNIFE. . well. In accepting their resignations As they pass us In decsy. FRANK D. HOBBS, the city council voted them a resoluOR. JOHNSON, Register. her. loved I Mr. thanks. Blewett of how tion Joseph Oh. my darling, Young A Snow, Attorneys for ApIn all Rectal Diseases, Specialist breast! unexto fill eelected been to the my has As I pressed her plicants. But God has called her home to glory. pired term of city marshal, and Geo. 258 First South Main street Salt Lake publication. July 11, 1D"6. A. Cullinan. police officer. It may be, he loved her best. Last publication, Sept. 5. 1906. City. 5-- No. 6. . THE KEELEY CURE. Drunktnness Cured. A positive and permanent euro for drunkenness and the opium There to no publicity, no sickness. Ladles treated as ss st their own homes. The Keetay Institute, 334 W. So. Temple, Salt take City, Utah. 8MOKE THE BEST. BLUE POINT PERFECTO CIGAR, dto-tale- WhiUker and Dallas, Makers, 134 W 3rd South Street, Salt take City. pri-vste-ly WASH IT AWAY. Lead and uremic poisoning cured. Castilla Hot 8pringa Water does the work. Rheumatism vanishes at Its touch. For rates apply to C. H. Room 222 Southworth, Manager, Commercial Club building. Salt Lake City. DeWlftts 0.atsxnsk3irsxsvoiffl(a)$acQGBcaym TRUNKS, TRUNKS. Miver R. Meredith, Trunk Manufactur-- j er. Salvo 155 Main St., For PMm, Bums, lorots KSGiXhXaXaxsXsXXsxsXsJ(sy-- Salt Lake. ap.o.o.o.c er University of Utah. The University of Utah Includes the School of Arts and Sciences, the School, and the State School of Mines. State Normal STATE 8CHOOL OF MINES. SCHOOL OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. The School of Arts and Sciences fers courses In: 1. General Science. 2. Liberal Arts. 3. Commerce and Industry. 4. Government and Administration. of- Journalism. Teachers' Course. 7. Medicine (first two years). STATE NORMAL SCHOOL. The Normal School offers: Normal Course. 1. A Five-yea- r 2. Advanced Normal Courses. 3. Kindergarten Courses. Graduates from the eight grades ot the public schools are admitted to the Normal School. 5. 6. School The courses In: of Mines offers 1. Mining Engineering. Electrical Engineering. 3. Civil Engineering. 4. Mechanical Engineering. .' 5- Chemical Engineering. Study mining In a mining country. 2. PREPARATORY 6CHOOL. Preparatory School Is maintained which gives' preparation for the courses in General Science, Liberal Arts, Engineering. Medicine, Business, A eta One year of high school work to necessary for admission to the Preparatory School. of The shops and laboratories ae unsurpassed In the completeness their equipment The proximity of great mines, reduction works of various kinds, snd power houses for the generation of electricity afford excellent advantages for thorough and practical work In all Ihe engineering courses. Registration of students, September 14th and 15th. Instruction begins September 17th. Students are assisted In finding suitable hoarding place. The Catalog Is sent free upon req uest Address: UNIVERSITY OF UTAH, Salt Lake City, Utah. |