Show r T THE SAUNA CALL A Weekly Newspaper Published At Salina Utah By Every Friday Mr and Mrs C N Lund Subscription Price - $150 Per Year This issue of the CiLL will surprise many if not all our patrons on account of its size We started out to enlarge the paper instead of making it smaller but missed the connection Next week and thereafter the Cali will appear in i ijht page form Don' kick this time It is good to know that the contract for the new school house was let to home people or practically so It all Tneans that nearly the money that will be expended will remain in town and circulate here and do some I o d to the people who are paying for Success to the contractors building “Every owner editor or reporter of a conscientious newspaper is an asset of real val-- e to the community” — Theodore Roosevelt Thanks for such kindly recognition from so notable a persopage The passing of such men as John Ivie and Joseph Lapish leads one to think of how the Utah pioneers are passing into the silence laying their burdens down and having their worn and broken bodies put away in the Soon all will be gone but their tomb The editor works shall live forever canrrot help but speak a kindly word for these two old gitlemen for they were his friends and friends of the paper They were the kind of meu who one cheered him and rejoiced to see his succeesses There was some nobility of soul about them that was good to see Peace and eternal joy to them Smut n Dont use Blue Yitril for your grain KresoDip will kill all Chicken lice ro’tnaldah) de prevents REDMOND mil mites Get your Coops and Chick use Formaldehyde for the prevention grain aud Is easy to use Lewis Dru Une Freea Houses cleaned out now f Smut ask us about it Drug Oj with Foul Mtidseu is sutlerlng Co quite ni dip mid save all the chick 50o a oot’le of sickness Go Lewis attack a For serious Drug Sdeby Dont ever think for a moment that 1 be farmers aretiow U O Nielsou the enterprising busily engaged the flurry in resl estate last week is In is a flue supply of lithe fields putting in their crops has just laid any assurance that the railroad otHce stationery He is thoiougbly sowing tb it they may reap goiegto build Before that event hapHick headache and pens there will be a goodly number of constipation s Chick-enbiuoutiess are relieved by Rings Little those now living Join Fattier Work ou the water system goia on Liver Pill" 'Ihev cleanse theeystem ranks Kalinas’ future is not de Now that the busy seasSold Do not 25o Price merrily by gripe pending on that railroal It is assured Lewis Drug Co on it will not be easy to g men to do without it And the bst thin is to go' out of the habit of thinking 22232 ®SSSS5SSSE3S3E25355SS3£2ffiSHZ£5k about therailroad Thetown is grow- ing steadilvand surely !j a good reuts and “’ way going Froper'y it vf v Is preapred to supply the puplio “ ' ' sky high won’t Iringlany lailroud with tbe finest kind of Lime at 1' f r ough remedy is Bee’s A Guarantleed very reasonable prices See him For coughs Lnxative Cough Syrup “ J aJ hoarsecolds croup whooping-cougbronchial affections L ' ness and nil V Best for children because it is quick to relieve and tastes good' Gently 10 GRANGE laxative Sold by Lewis Drug Co u s TTvrnm The Call’s good friend Crane has had a pretty hard time of it lately sickness has been the lot of himself and his wife and even some of the children Mrs Crane i9 obliged Lies tf vTerli £f to go to the hospital but cannot get well nough to be taken there El A panorama of natural beauty all the way" A beauty spot in every mile J' a) It WANTED Cash paid for Hogs Veal and G W Pinnules are for Backache and bring quick relief to lumbago rheurua tism fatigue and all other symptons of Kidney diseases They are 'a tonic to the entire system and build up Price 60c aub$l 00 atrengt and health Senator Reed Smoot's enlarged home a now bill law stead will soon be in’ force in Utah Word received Tues- day by the Utah state land board 6aid lhat a representative of the depart-- 1 ment of tbe interior would leave at once for Halt Lake to confer with the commissioners on the best methods of putting the law into effect Of the! 2 GC0 000 acres obtained for Utah' 1000000 will be selected t once' Just where and how is to be deteimi-ned but tbe action of Secretary James A Garfield in sending a commissioner to confer with the Utah laud board is deemed another proof of the tiou to be received from the government in making the new law a success MnnZan Pile Remedy is put in a tube witn nozzle attached May be applied directly to the affected parts Guaranted 50cT Sold by Lewis Drug Co A big bright happy baby boy was born to Mr and Mrs Asel Curtis last Friday evening Vaccinate your Calves with Blackle-goi- ts before turning them in the hills e have everything to vaccinate with Lewis Drug Co There is a ram who never drinks Nor smokes nor chews nor swears: Who never gambles Dever flirts and shuns all sinful snares— “He's paralyzed” There is a man who never does A thing thatisnot right His wife cun tell just where be is At morningnoou aud night— “He's dead” — Goodwin's Weekly Two hundred men’s snits hand toade to special order for the Sahna Coop just arrived Prices $ 7 50 to $2000 They hightest grade of elothiug ever carried in southern Utah Long t LIME! LIME! Oluf- r Jeppson v ' i'di th People— tlwmM CANYON EAGLE cleans and makes suits OF THK GRANDS RIVER CANYON WHHEL WAGON GLENWOOD Step up slims over thee Go-ostore and ask the man He AN Roads Lead GAP aPKINOS CANYON OF THE GUNNISON GARDEN OF THE GODS to There is MANITQU SPRINGS THE ROYAL GORGE order August Ericksen 10:51a m Salma Northbound Southbound 2 :a p nu Shop- Tonscrial Hrtist House Building AL DAVIDSON professional Painter&Paper’hanger ' Salina Utah Red Dr Percy F Spicer Graduate Dental Surgeon OFFICE 0733 HEAT $ cant do better money than at my on $1 earth with your STORE 0 Nuf Sed Eggs and Breeding Stock For Sale By Geo F Crane Emmit Robins vss it Cater to Fashion? I You White Leghorns White Wyandot tes Shop 30 BRED CHICKENS - building PHONE NO sell'-- ' ' EESSSSSS P Nielsen BOOmSHOE In Harness White an Art In Store THOROUGH Niels STORE P ing goods We have and TOURIST SLEEPERS E M Peyton Local Agent TheCo-o- CO-O- Denvtr St Louis and Chicag Trains leave Maker Just South of tojhe r PULLMAN To -- VIVIAN BURNS Profession I Harness TEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST cmo is ilia sickness in lowu that seventy children were out of school ou Wednesday of this week Rex Poultry Tonio i9 the thing to Get give your chickensand turkejs a package today and begiu feeding it 25c and 50c Lewis Drug Co Dan Freece bas sold his residence to his brother E J Freece and has bought tbe Gudoiondseu place just below into which he is moving his family Hand made buttonholes hand sewed collars ami linings made up is the latest design such a low price never heard of before are those suits just arrived at the Coop Store To say that there is any sickness in town is to say that half tbe people A heavy cold and u severe are siek cough uni la grippe has seized them all and it puts some of them out of commission for a while It seems to be an epidemic The best remedy that we know of is to so protect the feet that cold aud dampness cannot reach them and to keep away from ' fts and the cold when the body is perspi-riDalso to keep the head covered when ont of doors 1 MARKET j ' s loiro UNDERTAKING PARLORS AT-DASTHUP’S L Yviii supply you when in We have a very fine need line of Coffins Caskets and Casket Hardware on hand We shall be glad to supply you at prices the same as thoe which picvail-a- t RichfYOnr F0r ield saaraEzg® 2EE3S&9 Yours Truly LOUIS JACOBS LUMBER CO Johnson-Arneso- n iq Is now prepared to furnish all kinds Imported Lumber Shingles Lath Doors Windows and all soils of House Furnishings at Prices as low' as any firm in the state’ W B Dialer Ii HUMPHREY- - J&Jl W IY K LCI JvIB HR BILLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Office at Residence Anderson-Fishe- P F Ppformi furniture and cLtroUllj Hard war eS tor e 1 EVERYTHING IN FURNITURE Hardware Stoves and Rang cs OFFICERS Snell President CAPITAL Draft A J Lewis Everything In Lumber v Umsn Cafthler STOCK fr2B000-Q- ’ drawn on all the principal cities ot the United States and Europe C3Four per ent interest” paid on time deposits Phone 29 blk Doors Windows paints Glass "and hardware Agents for Jumbo Haidwall Plaster South of Co-oper ton - All kinds Mill Work Nordfelt Bros GOOD Poultry Eggs Veal Dressed Hogs and Beef will bring- you moneys We pay spot cash for these at all times and seasons Salina Meat Supply Go I - A L tali Lumber Co r SOMETHING FIRST STATE BANK OF SAUNA Salina Utah N E i Salina |