Show THE SAUNA CALL By C H LUND SALINA UTAII STATE Jr - s PHYSICIAN Begin by getting your engagement ring of us then it ia fair for us to presume that you will buy all your other jewelry and silverware of us too Wo can save you just as much on the cost of silver as we do on diamonds NEWS eville It develops that TWO CENT FARE UTAH The Logan Commercial club failed to endorse the public utilities bill now before the legislature The supreme court last week adcomjourned until March 22 having pleted its February session Frank Scalero a Greek 40 years of age dropped dead on the streets of Salt Lake one evening last week death being due to apoplexy A meeting will bd held at Logan March 2G of the leading business men of Cache county to decide on a coun15 ty fair to be held September The level of the Great Salt lake Is now 425 feet above the zero mark as compared with 37 feet above one six inches year ago a trifle over higher A M Farnum aged 45 employed as a switchman was run over by an engine and horribly mangled In the yards of the Oregon Short Line In Salt Lake City The enlarged homestead bill is now a law and will soon be in force in Of the 2000000 acres obtained Utah for Utah 1000000 will be selected at once As the result of frequent disagreements between members of the countown of cil and the mayor of the has reHuntsville Mayor Lofgreen signed Fire of mysterious origin completely destroyed the plant occupied by ManufacturWestern Macaroni the ing Jinpany in Salt Lake City causing a loss of $200000 February the shortest month iu the year was the biggest month in the United States land office in the acreOver age of land selections filed acres were filed on Mr R E Eckart of Bishop William White one of in this the first Episcopal bishops country died at her home in Salt Lake City March 3 at the age of It is announced that Ogden Is to become a part of the Orpheum circuit a new theatre to be built at once which will furnish the Juncs vaudtion city people with jH— SIT UP HIM MADE a boy Andrew- Royal- arrested in Salt Lake City for disturbing a religious meeting cannot be brought under the Jurisdiction of the Juvenile court as he has a wife and child Adjutant General E A Wedgewood of the National Guard of Utah has announced under the head of Geueral Orders No 8 a prize of $100 to be awarded for excellence at tfce coming government inspection The Gunnison Telephone company tf Sanpete county filed articles with the secretary of state Capital is $5000 In shares of $250 each fully Gunnison subscribed by cuizens of L'enterfield and Fayette Charles and George Taylor two negroes charged with robbing William Wlagner’s residence at Tucker have lonfessed and told the officers where they had hidden the money and jewelry taken from the residence Harvey W Gross a brakeman in the employ of the Oregon Short Line was killed last week in the yards at Mountain Home Idaho while switching He leaves a wife and child The lamily formerly resided in Ogden A movement is on loot to organize a Weber county league of baseball plaThe viyers lor the coming season llages of North Ogden Hooper Plain City Eden lluntsvjlle Farr West and Warien are to be represented iu the league On boaid the first passenger train to run over the Western Pacific the western end ot the Gould system on March 3 were the governor and most of the Utah legislature and other guests ot President E T Jeffrey of the railroad a Forester Finchot is arranging western! nip on which he will address the New Mexico legislature March 13 Colorado legislature March 1G public meetings at Grand Junction on the 20th Delta the 22d and will reach den March 23 WliiJe excavating for sewerage purposes on the site of the new forestry uuilding in Ogden workmen dug up several sections of an old stone sewer installed oier torty years ago when Cgden was a hamlet with a lew hundred inhabitants The citizens of Mayfield have been agitating the waterworks system and have selected men to make a canvass of the town and secure signers If the necessary amount $GOOu can bo secured work will be started in the very near future The Utah Health League an aggies siva bianch ot the National Health in Sail Deague has been oigauized Lake City the onject of the league the public Leing the promotion of health and the study of sanitary questions and needs of the state New Wife— I’ll make you sorry you ever quarreled with me! Hubby— What will you do? Go home to your mother I suppose? Wifle — No I’ll bring mother here! BABY HORRIBLY BURNED By Boiling Grease — Skin All Came One Side of Face and Her Disfigured for Life Used Cutlcura: No Off Scar Left the “My baby was sitting beside fender and we were preparing the full of breakfast when the frying-paboiling grease was upset and it went all over one side of her face and head Some one wiped the scald with a towel pulling the entire skin off We took her to a doctor He tended her a week and gave me some stuff to put But it all festered and I thought on I the baby wag disfigured for life used about three boxes of Cuticura Ointment and it was wonderful how it healed In about five weeks It was better and there wasn’t a mark to tell where the scald had been Her skin Mrs Hare 1 Is just like velvet Henry St South Shields Durham England March 22 1908” Potter Drag A Chom Sole Corp Props Boston The Most Likely Place “Money doesn’t grow on bushes" declared the purveyor of bromides “That’s right” assented the other half of the sketch “Not even In the gold fields"— Kansas City Journal ADVISED Passenger and Freight Laws of Missouri Void According to of Court Decision Rates Fixed by Legislature Held to be Confiscatory and Unconstitutional — Railroads Will Return to Three Cent Fares Kansas City — Missouri’s passenger and maximum freight laws were nullified by a decision handed down on Monday In the United States district court by Judge Smith As a Tesult it is believMcPherson ed there will be a quick return in Missouri to fares Frank counsel for the eighteen companies Involved declares the court’s ruling sounds the death knell of the rate in every state in the Union Judge McPherson held that both the commodity and passenger laws were confiscatory and unconstitutional The state on the other hand declared emphatically that Missouri’s fight for lower rates would continue l Major said an appeal would be taken and that the present legislature would be asked to pass a new rate law that would stand the tests of the court Governor Hadley made a similar statement at Jefferson City PREPARING TARIFF BILL Measure Now In Hands of Printer ONTY OXE “ItROWO ODIN'INK” Preparatory to Final Revision Inxik Tot That is LAXATIV K WHJtOYlO OL1NIN Hip signature of (U()VK I seU the World in Washington — A cut of over to Cure a told in One Day 25c the duties on lumber and manufacAn unbridled tongue is the worst of tures of lumber is understood to be one of the changes provided by the diseases— Euripides new tariff bill which is being printed preparatory to its final revision by the Republican members of the house ways and means committee Another to information Positively cured by change according from reliable sources is that hides these Little Pills have been placed on the free list DisThey also relieve There has been much contention over tress from Dyspepsia Inthe duties of theseAwo articles digestion and Too Hearty A remEating perfect NauDuring the hearings of the lumber edy for Dizziness the testimony was such as schedujes sea Drowsiness Bad to cause the impression that lumber Taste In tlie Mouth CoatIt was ed Tongue Pain in the would be put on the free list said that the forests ofthe country Side TORPID LIVER They regulate the Bowels Purely Vegetable could only be conserved by admitting of lumber It la free foreign DOSE duty SMALL PILL SMALL SMALL PRICE understood that Gifford Pinchot chiel forester is preparing figures in a Genuine Must Bear further effort to have lumber admit Signature ted free Taking Lydia E Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound Columbus Ohio — "I have taken E AERONAUT’S 1FYOUVE WORN NEVER FLICKER you’ve yet to learn tHe bodily comfort it gives in the wettest weather MADE TOP — — HARDvSeRV1C® AND GUARANTEED WATERPROOF 322 All STORES FREE SA DYSPEPSIA s "Having taken your wonderful for three months and being entirely cured of stomach catarrh and dyspepsia to of a is due word think I praise ‘Cascarets’ for their wonderful composiI have taken numerous other tion remedies but without avail and I find that Cascarets relieve more in a day than all the others I have taken would in a year” James McGune 108 Mercer St Jersey City N J Potent Taste Good Pleasant Palatable Ho Good Never Sicken Weaken or Grtpe 10c 25c 5(te Never sold In bulk The genuine tablet stamped C C C Guaranteed to 919 or back euro your money we will send you poxtpHHl formula to CAD WIl AM milk get rid ot rats anil mice forever hot lie ouener free 3 OH Wabash Ae Chicago it to PIKA TWISTER OF INTEREST Duty on Stop Coughing! Nothing break down the health to a penutent quickly and pos lively II you have a cough give cough Yon eta relieve It attention now It quickly with PISO’S CURE Famous for half century a the cold reliable remedy for cough anhma and bronc1 hoanenea Fine for cUdrca kindred ailment I At all atnaggMte' 23 eta STRIKES ARKANSAS TO Charles Barclay KFD Granite-vill- e Vt Women who are passing through this critical period or who are suffering from any of those distressing ills peculiar to their sex should not lose sight of the fact that for thirty years Lydia E Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound which is made from roots and herbs has been the standard remedy for female ills In almost every community you will find women who have been restored to health by Lydia E Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound K3£DS SOB SURFACE PACKERS CAMPBELL This is the one that you have heard everyone talking about We ere the sole manufacturers famous Backer the only one of this made our Special Pamphlet on Packing the best known system farming” a method of absolutely bunusT crops with a minimum the salvation of regions Thu packer is made in two sizos with 10 and wheels is heavy and strong and the frame is made to carry all the extra Ask for Catalog No 87 weight needed Send for for "dry insuring rainfall— Parlln & Orendorff Co CANTON ILL Spokane Wish Utah Co Salt Lake City Utah Burton Implement Co Ogden Utah Richfield implement Co Richfield Utah Snake River Implement Co Burley Idaho — ALWAYS IN EIGHT” BcaringS-ear-defyi-- ng Every typebar of the L C SMITH & BROS TYPEWRITER has the Gardner joint Adds years of profitable efficiency to the life of the machine L C SMITH 62 ® BROS TYPEWRITER CO 1647 Champs Street Denver Colorado Wert Second South Street Salt Lake City Utah n A TULITP rN Advice as to patent-- I A I I 1 ability and Procedura “N “ L p REJf upon request Send sketch and description of your invention Harry J Robinson Attorney at Law and Solicitor Salt Lake City of Patents 304-- Jodge Building No Time to Waste Agassiz when a friend expressed surprise that a man of his genius1 should remain contented with the moderate income which a college professorship brought said: “1 have no tlihis tO is not long enough to enable a man to get rich and do hia duty by his fellow men at the same time” $2500-- CAL F O R N A— — -- - $2500 Salt Lake Route now selling Colonist Tickets above rate to San Francisco San Jose Santa Barbara San Diego Call on Los Angeles etc t RatherSevere Denunciation There is a story of Carlyle in his old age having taken the following farewell in his broadest Scotch of a young friend who had had him in charge for walks and who while almost always adapting himself to Carlyle’s mood had on a single occasion ventured to disagree with- him: “I W’ould have you to know young man that you have the capacity of being the greatest bore fn Christendom” $2500— C A L FO R N A— I wfftt every chronic rheumatic to throw all liniments all away all medicines plasters nnd give Ml’NiOX’S No matter what REMEDY a trial your doctor may euy no matter what your friends may say no matter how prejudiced voa may be against all adver-sod remedies go at oneo to your and get a bottle of the ISM REMEDY If It falls to give satis faction I will refund your monoy— Munyon Remember this remedy contains no salicylic acid no opium cocaine morphinrt or other harmful drugs It is put up under the guarantee of tho Pure Food and Drug Aet $2500 For sale all druggists by For Trice 25c 16c loves enrllcst vegetables Everybody ml brilliant Howers therefore you as customer we ptleri 1000 kernels Fine Onion Seed ' Rich Carrot Seed Celery 100 Parsley Juicy Radish Seed Buttery Lettuce Seed Seed '£ Tender " Sweet Turnip S’d Rutabaga " Melons 100 Tomato " BrUUiatFlowtrtuAiiuli In ell kernels of warranted northern grown eoede well worth money Including $100 of tnrman Big Catalog) all postpaid tor but It© m lnfftampn And yon pend 20© we add a pack- ' 10000 Wool j it teeof KarlleHtPeepO’IayHweetCornl Big Plant Tool end Sood Catalog free to Intending buyers Write tor same today THE JOHN A SALZEK LaCROSSE MISCELLANEOUS In ELECTROTYPES for sals MtWttral’IlBlO f kriLUyartety great nrruurr UwlKllbh SEED WI8 at the lowest prleea by It W44a8lCblmc CTADPU easiest to work I nnhn starches clothes i end nicest with At Dinner While two little boys were walking through a wood they heard some bees in a hollow tree One boy buzzing held his head close to a hole to listen"’ Presently he Jumped quickly away to the other: “Johnny those crying bees must be havin’ their dinner 'cause one stuck his fork in my ear" Crusty Old Gentleman “Some people are so queer” the young mother with a pout - "Now I think there is nothing that should! be more appreciated than a generous1 child” “What are you referring to myj idear?” asked her neighbor “Why the baby I had him in the car the other day and right in front' sat a crusty old gentleman with Bide! whiskers the baby i fered him of candy nnd each1 time he only frowned When the softl candy got stuck in his side whiskers' he became very fiery and told the con-ductor Wasn’t he rude?” $2500— C A L FO R N A— $2 500 Salt Lake Route now selling Colonist1 Tickets above rate to San Francisco1 Fan Jose"Santa Barbara San Diego Los Angeles etc Call on nearest agent Be True to Thyself How much time he gains who does not look to Bee what bis neighbor says or does or thinks but only at what he does himself to make it Just and holy — Marcus Aurelius y' V Salt Lake Route now selling Colonist' Tickets above rate to San Francisco San Jose Santa Barbara San Diego Call on nearest! os Angeles etc agent - WOOLG ROWERS Will Probably be Unchanged — The duty on wool Washington will remain the same as it is in the Dingley law unless there is a change in the minds of members of the ways and means committee At present no 'change Is contemplated but the committee has voted to put bides on the free list leather duties will be reduced to boots and shoes and other leather manufactured products of will be seriously cut The sugar duty will not be changed Ball frictionless Another Woman Helped Graniteville Vt — “1 was passing through the Change of Life and suffered from nervousness and other annoying symptoms Lydia E Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound restored myhealthand strength and proved worth mountains of gold to me For the sake of other suffering women I am willing you should publish my letter” — Mrs Portland Ore Eight Dead and Scores Injured While Property Loss is Heavy Little Rock Ark — Eight or more persons were killed scores injured and an immense amount of property destroyed In a tornado which swept St Louis Arkansas late Monday & Southwestern passenger train was blown from the tracks near Baucum it is said while going at full speed The entire town of Brinkley was destroyed according to reports from the south eight people being killed and others hurt After many of the buildings in Brinkley had collapted the wreckage took fire The blaze soon got beyond control and almost he entire town was destroyed WRITING Com- - Vegetable ACCIDENT Drops Into Ocean off San Pedro and Loses Life San Pedro Cal— While hundreds watched his frantic efforts to control a great gas bag which was swiftly hearing him over the Pacific ocean Monday afternoon Lester Elkins an amateur aeronaut 22 years old soared with the balloon to a height of more than 4000 feet before he cut loose his parachute and dropped into the waters of the outer harbor to his death As the stiff wind blowing off the land carried him out to sea boatmen hastily left the inner harbor In launches to rescue him when he came down should he be unable to guide the balloon back over the land but were unable to reach the place where he fell and his body has not been recovered THE during tine remedy fiound a woman’s troubles and I never forget to tell mv friends what it has done for me” — Mrs E Hanson 304 East Long St Columbus Ohio SSGIC HEADACHE REFUSE SUBSTITUTES "ALL Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound change of life My doctor told me it was good and since taking it I feel so much better that I can do all my work I think again Lydia E Pinkham’B Lydia |