Show rr T NEWS SUMMARY the month of February sixty pew cases of bubonic plague were re ported In Guayaquil of which eleven were fatal The salary of president has been $75000 per annum definitely fixed v'ithout any additional allowance for During L 1 A NURSE'S EXPERIENCE Backache Pains in the Kidneys ing Etc Overcome A nurse is expected to do for common ailments know what and womthe en who suffer backat ache constant languor and other " traveling expenses symptoms of Miss Belle Hagner social secretary kidney complaint to Mrs Roosevelt has been trans should be grateful to Mrs ferred to a position In the bureau of Minnie trade relations of the state depart Turner of E B St Anadarko Okla pient A number of the women of Colurn-- for pointing out the way to find quick us Ind have been circulating a pe relief Mrs Turner used Doan’s Kidcondition litlcn asking Mrs Taft not to permit ney Pills for a backache pains in the sides and kid'I he serving of wine at White House “The w’ay neys bloated limbs etc dinners have built me is up simply marThe bill prohibiting free lunches in they raloons was killed In the Wisconsin velous” says Mrs Turner who is a nurse health “My bill and rapid improved the prohibiting assembly Five boxes did so much for me I treating in Baloons wa3 refused en ly am telling everybody about it” grossment Sold by all dealers 50 cents a box The New York suffragettes have or Co Buffalo N Y ganized a crusade for the furthering cf their propaganda among the newsDURING THE SHOPPING paper men1 who work on the morning publications of the Tilford H one W of the Standard Oil company died at his home in New York City Mr Tilford was a former March 2 treasurer of the corporation When Charles Williams a beggar wag locked up by the police of Chicago he confessed that he had reached such a stage of thirst for whiskey that he had pawned his artificial leg for $5 Maude — Men are getting so deceit While being shaved in Bromley ful you can't trust your best friend Ky Jweph Stolzer jumped from the Percy And what s wrorse you can 1 barber chair grabbed a razor and be your best friend to trust you fore anyone could interfere cut his Thanks to the Burglar throat from ear to ear dying almost The dark lantern flashed through immediately the flat Then came the gleam of a v Guy Razor w as found guilty or slaughter at Medina 0 by the Jury revolver “Hands up!" hissed the head of the murder his for of him the trying sweetheart Orie Lee October 8 The family “You're a burglar” gasped the intruder as he penalty is from one to twenty years faced the cold steel in the penitentiary “What have you stolen?” 40 Miss Fannie Hageldant aged "Your wife’s pug dog” was found dead with a bullet hole in “H'm Er — It that’s all you may her head at her home near Columbus sneak out quietly” The body was tightly wound Dhio “And your motherin-law’parrot” The house about with “You don’t say Well here is some liad been ransacked loose change” of San 'Mrs Peter Derenbreehw “And your daughter’s phonograph” Diego Cal wa3 fatally burned In the “Good Here’s some more loose She explosion of a gasoline stove change” was in her room preparing breakfast “Also your son’s punching bag” when the gasoline stovai exploded en “What! Great Scot man come out veloping her body in flames ni 0pen a 8pecial The annual report of the Pennsylt T— timmTu iVay'cmn pany for 1903 wade Lese M'ajeste public last week shows a decrease in A teacher in one of the schools of gross earnings compared with the pre- Berlin has given to the papers of that ceding year of $52446722 and a decity a composition written by one of crease in net earnings of bill wa3 passed in the pupils in his school on the subThe “The Kaiser” in the course of ihe house of the Missouri legislature ject the young author says: “Prince last week The bill prohibits the man- which was born on the kaiser’s Wilhelm ufacture sale or giving away of cigaFrom the dome of the casbirthday rettes cigarette papers or wrappers tle 101 salute shots were fired The from of to Is fine a $10 The penalty old grandfather and old Wrangel $200 hopped into a cab and went to the Dr G C Throckmorton aged 65 schloss and old said: ‘The Wrangel miy ears of Piqua O' has beaten the boy Is all right’ and the father made litary ride of President Roosevelt of a bow from the balcony and it was miles military gait when he ninety-siawful cold And when the boy was lode three horses on the relays 120 his father held his watch miles in thirteen horn’s and forty five baptized of the lltle fellow’s nose and he minutes It and never let go again begrabbed Returns Just completed by the for- cause he is a Hohenzollern” eign office at Toldo show that between CONGENIAL WORK June and December 1908 1354 JapAnd Strength to Perform It anese left the empire bound for the United States while 3500 returned A from the United States during the person in good health is likely to have a genial disposition ambition rame period A conference of prohibitionists of and enjoy work On the other hand if the digestive the New England states was held in Boston last week the meeting being organs have been upset by wrong called for the purpose of discussing food work becomes drudgery “Until recently” writes a Washingplans for an active campaign to be ton girl “I was a railroad stenogwaged by the party from now on to which means full work every rapher of 1912 the presidential campaign the killing of day Mystery surrounds “Like many other girls alone in a Mrs Jerome Hoover wrife of an Rans tanner who was found large city I lived at a boarding housd it was mush greasy the un- For breakfastcakes Thursday dead at her home black coffee etc soggy dertaker discovered a small wound meat few a “After months of this diet I The the ear behind wound right was probed and a bullet taken from used to feel sleepy and heavy In the My work seemed a termornings it the rible effort and I thought the work was for Permanent headquarters National League of Republican clubs to blame — too arduous “At home I Rad heard my father of which John Hays Hammond Is speak of a young fellow who went president will be established in long s distances in the cold on Washington In the near future in orand cream and nothing more for der to keep the 3800 clubs and members active throughout the breakfast T concluded if it would tide him year over a morning's heavy w'ork it might What to do with our vice presidents Js a question which has been solved help me so on my way home one night I bought a package and next ly at least one of them for himself A dial E Stevenson and milk to a morning I had according Chicago dispatch will retire from hiq for breakfast and in less law business and his coal mining to --“I stuck to unithe La Salle Extension than two weeks I noticed improveestablish ment I can’t just tell how well I versity were felt but I remember I used to walk Two foreign mine workers Killed another is missing and about the 12 blocks to business and knew twelve were badly burned by an ex- how good it was simply to live “As to my work — well did you ever plosion of gas In a colliery of ’the Erie Coal company at Port Blanchard Pa feel the delight of having congenial Eire followed the explosion and sixty work and the strength to perform it? miners were entombed back of the That’s how I felt I truly believe fre for several hours there’s life and vigor in every grain of ' Upon the recommendation of SecreName jrven by Postum Co Battle tary Newberry the president has reof Lieutenant duced the sentence Creek Mfeli Read “The Road to Trank T Evans son of Robley D Ev in pkgs' “There’s a Reason” ana to ft loss of fifty numbers and a Ever rend the above letter? A new appenrn from time to time They Lieutenant Evans was one reprimand are true and full of human genuine various offenses for Interest while in the Philippines to !!helibLand i t ECZEMA Bloat- But PATIENT Ordinary Oil Quickly Cured LOST of This TROUBLES HOPE JUNGLE DENTIST OF Wlntergreen Woman After treating for Eczema with six different doctors Mrs J A Wheeler of Wellington Ohio wa3 completely cured by pure vegetable oil of winter-greeThis oil alone could not cure but she used this oil as compounded with glycerine etc in D D D' Prescription “I feci it my to Ray what a wonD derful cure P duty Prescription lias boon for me" writes Mrs Wheeler "I was cured a year bko last fall but did not dare write because 1 was not sure the cure would be permanent I had doctored with six doctors and they all said It was seldom if ever a case like mine was cured I think I used only four bottles of the prescription and I am permanently cured If I ever needed the I) P Prescription again I would be willing to pay $300 a bottle” This remedy and also D D D Soap are sold and recommended by druggists everywhere because they know the merits ’9oem Ccaxscs Ue System T'ScclwaWy Deutist — I wonder does he really that tooth pulled or is he scheming for a breakfast? want A Mad Rush Mexican — Big earthquake American Tourist — Was there one? I didn’t notice it Mexican — Not you see zee people rush out from churches? Tourist — Oh yes 1 saw that but I thought maybe the contribution box was going ’round — New York Weekly Try Murine Kye Kemedy For Red Weak Weary Watery Eyes Why There Wa a Funeral Compounded by Experienced Physicians “That looks like a newly made grave Conforms to the Pure Food and Drugs Doesn't Smart Soothes Eye Paw Murine —that little hummock over there on Pain Try Murine for Your Eyes the desert” said the traveler from the east A sacred burden is the life ye bear “That’s Just what it is neighbor” Look on it lift it bear it solemnly “The editor of Stand answered Arizona Al up and walk beneath it steadthe Weekly Cactus Spine was buried fastly — Kemble over there last week" N Y “What was his complaint?” Brooklyn Addrefs i'te Garfield Tea Co as above “He didn't have none It was Coyote when wri Cal that had the complaint 'g for free samples of Garfield You see Tea the true remedy for constipation’ there was a baby born up to Cal’s house a spell ago and the editor wrote Fortunate Is the woman who rememan item about It sayin’ a bers that frowns beget more wrinkles little girl hed come to make Cal and than smiles his woman happy but It 'pears that ihe printer got the letters mixed some-ge- t how Leastways it said in the paper when Cal read it that it was a and him bein’ an Imbaby pulsive cuss there wan’t nothin’ to do but hold the funeral the next day but BlsrJs co'ds avid llca&a&hes-- ' &wvo CcTxoViCkViOxv Acs waVva acstvuy as aLamYvve Bes To Jot New JVbwxCxv aadQiAA awd 0d gel Ys Yenc$co eJJccXa awtts buy manufactured CALIFORNIA Syrup Co Fig BY ALL SOLD one oize only Reward DRUGGBB 50 price per bottle LAND TEXAS STATE of of land to Million school acroR be by Ub StaUs $100 to $600 por acre only and years time on balance three per cent Inter est only $1200 cmhIi for acres at $100 purser reate st opportunity good BKilcnltnial landMo4 cents for Hook of Inftlrueilunsand New Huue aw Land School h Bt J J Hnyder ioeaDor Austin Tex Itefcrence Austin National hank DEFIANCE Cold Water Starcb makes laundry work a pleasure W N U It) oz pkg Salt Lake City No Mol 1909 11 — 0 u $100 uni For Infanta and Children The readers of this paper will be pleased to team that there Is at least one drcacu-- disease that science has been able to cure In all ils stagea and that la Catarrh Hall's Catarrh Cure Is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity Catarrh being a constitutional disease requires a constitutional treatment Hall’s Catarrh Cure taken acting directly upon the blood and mucous ternally surfaces of the system be thereby destroying foundation of the dLsease and giving the patient and assiststrength by building up the constitution The proprietors ing nature In doing Its work have so much faith Its curative Iiouers that they offer One Hundred Doliura for anv case that It tails to cure Send for list of testimonials The Kind You Have ALCOHOL-- 3 PER CENT AYegeiable Preparation for As similating the Food andRegula-tinthe Stomachs and Bowels of cy Address F J CHENEY & Toledo O Bold bv all Druggists 75c Take Hall's Family ITUs for constipation )i!’ Frocks and Personality The Englishwoman does not diffuse enough'peonality' liHo If she is tall and gaunt LEADING regular oie” $100 Yve Qexuivcve by the Promotes Digestion °he7 cTotlTea neither Opium Morphine nor Mineral she chooses severe costumes and looks like a clothes press If she Is small she tilts on her enormous curled coiffure a monster hat and sews a gigantic Elizabethan frill into the neck of her blouse — London Bystander Not Always Bought Bears tlie Signature of Narcotic Ptopt tfOM Dr SAMVEL Pumpkin JlxSvnnm LmfEP Sd PxhtUt Softs dm si Sud Ppptmint In BiCorfonaUStiUx Harm Setd Hit Trouble Friend — Don't worry because your sweetheart has turned you down since yotrlost your money There are as good fish In the sea as ever were caught Jilted One— Yes but I've lost my bait — Harper’s Bazar Ctarfttd Suya Wmkrymn Flavor Use A perfect Remedy for Constipation Sour Stomach Diarrhoea Worms Convulsions Feverishness and LOSS OF SLEEP Facsimile and Consumption Pneumonia are always preceded by an ordinary cold HamOil rubbed lins Wizard into the chest breaks draws out the inflammation up the cold and prevents all serious trouble Signature The Centaur For Over of Thirty Years Company NEW YORK little sighing a little crying a tle dying and a great deal of lying Teleconstitute" life — Philadelphia graph Throat Trouble may follow a Cough or Hoarseness "Brown’s Bronchial Troches” cents a box Samples free give relief John I Brown & Son Boston Mass lit- A The most certain Bign a continual cheerfulness of wisdom is — Montaigue PIIES CEILED IN 6 TO 14 DATS to euro any easy PAZOOlNTMKNTIsguarantopd of Itching Blind Bleeding or Protruding Files In 8 to U days or money rulunded by And sometimes a poet wearing his hair short fools people Mr Winslow’s Soothing Kyrnp For children teething (often the gums reduce allay pain cure wind coliu 25c a bottle Suspect the meaning and regard speeches — Socrates not Walk While Youbunions It Curelorrnrnsami bot sweaty callous aching feet all Druggists Allen’sFootottUMi Things past may be repented not recalled— Livy but Beet Implements We arc Pioneer to the Manufacture of Beet Plows Seeders Pullers and Cultivators and have given special attention to the mechanical requirementsof sugar beet culture Our experts in all the beet growing section have studied the subject thoroughly and w otter the finest line of beet implement on tbm market P & 0 Beet Tools are the simplest tho strongest and the easiest running made ami they meet the exacting demands of all sections These implements have every adjustment and convenience and the Cultivators can be furnished wide various attachments for every kind of work Send for our Special Catalog on P & O Beet Implement Insist on getting P & O implements from your dealer or write to us A Beautifully Illustrated Pamphlet and a P & O Catalog will be mailed free Ask for Catalog No 37 f Portland Parlln & Orendorff Co Utah Canton Illinois Agents Salt Lake Co Spokia City PUTNAM FADELESS DYES" Color more goods brighter and faster colors than any other Writ lor Iroa M) garment without ripping apart dye One 10c package color til fiber Bleach and Mix Color to Dye They dye In cold MONROE water belter than DRUB CO any other dr Quincy Ynu on liln oia |