Show f " VOL III Contract For School Building SAUNA Letv Program for Relief Society Annual Day SEVIER COUNTY Resolutions UTAH MAR 12 cf Respect tht When the bids were opened it was ’found that there were six bids for the building and two for parts of (be 1 be lowest of these bids building was that of Albert Johnson and tfohu Arnesou or The Lumber Company of Selina The amount was $15 914 ' For this sum they are to complete the structure outwardly frcm corner stone to pinao- le and furnish four rooms on the gronud floor ready for occupauoy by September 1st The highest bid was $6 '431 above-thsuccessful one The next highest to the successful oue was $1314260 fibs other bids a e as follows: HG Frederickeeu & Sou Manti owhote ): $18 142 CO & Preinholt Ephraim Sevier Valley Planing Mill $18440 Andersen & Fisher Richfield Petersen 118544 the organization Tbeanniversaryoof of the Relief Societies oocura on March and the 17 uaxt Wednesday local to sooiety is making arrangements celebrate it in proper style There the hall for all the will be diuner At 2 olelock the follow aged at noon iog program will be rendered: Speech of welcome Bp Lorentzen Song Quartet Prayer T G Humphrey 'Jensen Song J C Remarks Ellen Humphrey Sketch of Organization J 8 Jensen Song Dortbella Dastrup Gottfredson Speech H Cornet Solo’ Arthur Brandt N Lund Recitation C Duet 'Kola CranecCbloe Prowa Selection Oldest lady Mra Nickerson Song Elmina Hcorup Selection J fE Fordham CarolDuet Annie Christophersoh ine Nielson Carl'Johnson Song Soug Quartet For the dinner there will be an for interesting drawing partners In the evening tnere will be a dance at J Resolutions --of Respect to Mrs Calvin Fletcher Whereas God iu hia Inscrutable wisdom has taken from us Sara Ann Fletcher tbe happy wife of our rencepted associate Professor Calvin Fletcher and Whereas we mourn in the qassing of this noble woman tbe touching loss of a personal friend and Whereas the breaking of his little home circle falls with crushing weigt Fietcher therefjre upou Professor Be it resolved that we tbe faculty of tbe Agricultural College extend deep sympathy to him in bis dark hour hoping that the infinite love oi Providence will enwrap his stricken heart and make lighter his sorrow Be it further resolved that these T resolutions be printed in Students Life thmLogan Journal tfiaLogan Republican tbe Provo Inquirer the Salina Call aud that copies be sent to tbe bereaved family RhoJa B Cook J Percy Goddard N Alvin Pederson on Resolutions Faculty Committee — — — o— Unde John I vie Is Dead Forest Supervisor Oluf Nielsen and Uncle John Ivie familiarly known Ranger John Barnard were in Monroe Saturday and Sunday on official to every one in Salina passed into business the beyond of life’s horizon WednesMiss Laoely and Miss Gottfredson at 630 at tbs home of bis of the school faculty have ’been sick day evening The the latter said week is during daughter Mrs Gledhl of v'ermillion to to have beeu confined her home after a lingering illness He was very Sidney Humprey of the High School well known tomost of the people of has been siok for some time aud has this county and to tbe older people of been kept out of school Sanpete county as be bad resided in who Mt Mr Lee Clark of ftiobfield Pleasant at one time He was has beeu stopping at the borne of her the typical pioneer and' Indian fighter to for time some gave birth parents of early days in these vaile ya and has a fine daughter Tuesday The bus The last rites were performed over band was there and is overjoyed It a life history os thrilling and roman"the remains of Geo 8 Wommack at is the first oue aud is the sweetest tic as most that we read about He was ever that knew perhaps as much as any other the It 8 Rail Saturday afternoon Mrs C E West celebrated her 87tb man of the early tolls and tribulaThere was good music and singing the evening as in birthday ttuuday tions and dangers of pioneer life "The speakers were T G Hum prey E ehewastakiug a part Id the reading Tbeie-wilbe a thrill run through evW Crane and Bp G Loreutzeu circle which met at her place about of the kenslngton club walsed ery Indian fighter when he reads of One of iba happiest home parties for twenty in and gave her the surprise of her life the death of John Ivie long time in Satina was that given Ail had a general good time AccordSalina a good He used to be aboil in honor of Mrs Sophia Christensen ing to that number of years Mrs West deal and was a frequent visitor at begun -life real race and will last Sunday by alt of her relatives has fairly always pleasMiffse scora- more birthdaysto — ft fTibcerb a at ii g t h e 8Xa7m i v arse cy have P ' celebrate ant and cheerful always alive to tbe ©f Jer birth tier children and grand Mrs Idaho daughter of current news ever appreciating and Beebe children aud great grand children J the lute JosephofLadisb came down for anxious to give in exehaoge a kind were ail there for dinner which hud the funeral and has remained bereup word and a happy thought It was been bi ought by the different families till nowithegnest of Mrs West such lives as bis that have made this :2t made the old lady happy to be thus Chris Christensen is building him- country inhabitable remembered She is a good and kind self a fine home out on bis farm he John Ivie was born of Mormon old lady friendly to everyone and has been at it since last fall and will clinging to that religion ail It is a frame parents soon have-i- finished ban not an enemy iu the world bis days in Hancock county structure and will be very commodi1833' in 1848 he came Mr aud Mrs Taylor and ous to Utah anil settled at Provo lie daughter of O Cuddeback departed bean excediugly Carl Forshee called to settle at spring was has lator for’he gentleman’s old homestead iu sick during the week His illness star city being one of the pioneer set Ohio Monday to remain indefinitely ted with a cold and has grown to what tiers there Heiehe'went through llyrum Jensen formerly of Salina is perhaps pneumonia the walker war but was driven from ds reported to be verysiok in a Suit He was James SJensen has been bed fast the place with the others (Lake hospital with dropsy then called to settle Mt Pleasant D of sickness with week the part settle it there in or came He been Fred Mortensen has at Monroe started with a cold and his condition help for awhile of late triing the hot got so bad that be was soon down the year 1S59 just 50 years ago which be celebrated will event duly his rheumatism for He bad a little fear of this month and springs there in that city in a month or two lie Ed Ross has gone home to Joseph has been careful but was stricken just lived here until 1884 when lie movthe same City to remain ed to Vermillion where he has since Unkle John Elben has never died resided He was thrice married in The funeral of Joseph Lspisli was in most the lie has of his been and was yet time the father of nine'held Friday afternoon at the R 8 Hall Ii was a most impressive service The winter and suffered much with sick- teen child en ten of whom are He is around ness now five and five gi'ls again talking choir furnlh some fine and appropriliving boys Ilis grand chjldren form a host ate hymns for the occasion The spe- with old friends be held in the services will Funeral W T G Vlf II Evans aker were Humprey George Long has this week star- Richfield tabernacle John Anderson and J S Jensen none ted np his tneat market Sunday at aud has a m o'clock too words of whom could find good begun doing business He will cary — Hj to be said of him Ason anddaugtber everything in the line of meats aud Times ought to he pretty good of the deceased were present green groceries in Salina this summer with all the Nephi Sorensen arrived borne last Moving and moving That’s the lot building that is to be done and othSaturday after an absence of about a of the Cali We are forced to move er things that will he going on year Daring this time he has spent again as Mr and Mrs Brown are to ocmost of the time in the mining camps cupy the place we are in It is alMay the good Weather of today on day after day until of Nevada and is oue of the continue most impossible hardest burdens that can be put upon rain is needed MissArnie Lund of MtPleasant resia man a one Any having good with th editor and family Satur-daBeet Growers’ Meeting She was ai Center-fiel- dent! to sell en the installment plan snd Sunday time please to let visiting her sister and cousin or to lease for a long Richfield March 10 — An important and incidentally took a run down to us know It surely looks very much as if we will havi to move out of meeting of the beet growers of Sevier Salina Tbe county wasbeld here yesterday town to get a plaoe Hans Christensen of the Salina Meat meeting was culled by Chairman Clark The little barber shop occupied by to md Supply Co has spent a portion hear thereport of (hi special comRobins burn Emmit very nearly of the week in 8alt Lake attending to mittee which waited upou the sugar ingdownlast night It had cought fire some matters of business company officials in relation to tbe in some way from a defective flue and - Mrs Jtfhn'Andersen proposed increased acreage of beets was in Gnnnis-Mbad uot men beeu on baud to put it in 'I he this valley this season sugar the fore part of the week put theoutcomo would hsvebeen seri- company had indicated by letter that the funeral of an 'old pioneer ous There was quite a little excite- hire would be a restriction of tue Mias Mallissa Burns returned from ment for a time This was confirmed by the aoreage Richfield Sunday A Uinuosota editor writing on the committee aub it is the intention of Mrs Maggie Lund has' been exceedsnbj 'ot “Tbat Is Home Without Tbe the sugar company to confine beet have ingly sick for the past ten daysv Local Taper” eays who farmers beeu the to raising She is recovering A home is no home at all without their customers iuthe past The Sunday School people certainly the newspaper It is a kind of dreary In view of these conditions the beet know howto do things in the amuseden whore the inhabitants live in bliss growers at their meetiug yesterday ment line The daDce they gave last fnl ignorance of wbatihe world is do- decided to postpone signing of conFriday 13 evideuce of this It was a ing It is inhabited by 6 class who do tracts with the Utah Sugar company most excellent time The dancing nut know who ia the president — who until the sugar factory matter a decid was never better The lumh whf e vrfinrl out that a thing has happen-Theje- i ed Mr Austin of the latter comrelished until everyone else has forgotten pany is here now to sign contracts for by all who partook net proceed amounted to $45 0 I it Tbe children grow up without any the year and the special committee Was decided to give half of this e lunation or training aud the Wife will wait upon him end present the amount to the ‘Meeting-housTh drags out a miserable existence and matter Bud ask that signing of conbalbcegoes to the school for various the man lives only 'leccuse he cannot tracts be deferred for at least tten die aud is too ignorant to shuttle off aiarposes days $22375 G A Young Richfield $20 077 Work will begin at once It is that the brick will be made in Salina aud everything possible to get hers will be used in construction Those receiving tbs contraot have pnt up a $10000 bond being a little more than is repuired -- o Social a Personal o— — s ' Lumber Company Partnership — One of the biggest events in Shina the Call knows of was the letting of the contract for tbe construction the new school building this week There was considerable exoitemeut about the matter and contractors from had of state the gathered many parts here in anticipation of getting the John A meson of Salina and Albert Johnson of Ephraim have gone into partnership the former having bought a half interest iu the Albert Johnson Mr Arneson continues Lumber Co as manager The business is on a fiue working basis aud is bouud to grow aud prosper ——— o— Woods Liver Medicine is a liver regulator which brings quick relief to sick biliousness headache constipation aud oilier symptoms ot live disorder Particularly recommended for Jaundice Chills Fever Malaria the $100 2 times as much as tbe size contains 5Jo Biz- Sold by Lewis Drug store Creamery etiTlcii rou I'i im h a United States Land Office 110N Salt Lake ity Utah February X9 1909 It May Concern Notice is hereby given tl at the State of Utah has iiled in this office lists of lauds selected by the said State uuder section of the Act of Congress approved July 1G 1894 as Indemnity School lauds viz: W N U fcec 28 T 21 S It 1 W Serial ToW'iium 02S8G Copies of said lists so far as they relate to said tracts by descriptive subdivisions have beeu conspicuously posted iu this office for inspection by any person interested and by the public general During the period or publication of thia notice or any time thereafter and before tiual approval and certitication under departmental regulations of 1907 protests or contests April 25 agaiusttbe claim of the State to any of the tracts or subdivisions hereinbeon the ground that fore described theeame is more valuable for mineral than for agricultural purposea will be received and noted for report to the General Lend Office at Washington D C Failure so to protest or coutest within the time specified will be considered sufficient evidence of the character of tbe tracts and the selections thereof beingotherwise free from objection will beapproved to tbe State E D It Thompson Register NOTICK NO II o lT OlK ATION’ Oilloe’ Unite! States Lanb Salt Lake City Utah It May Feb 23rd 1905) Corcern:-Notie- is hereby given that the State of Utah has filed in this office lists of lands selected by the su'd State of the Act of Congress under section approved July 16 1894 as Indemnity School lands viz: X S E 4 S Jj S W N E '4 S W N E 14 N H N W 14 4 Sec 2G N W Sen 33 T 22 S R 2 Wt Serial 02899 so said lists of far asttiev Copies relate to said tracts by descriptive subdivisions have been conspicuosly posted in this oillce tor iuBpection by rny person interested and by the public generally During tbe period of publication of this notice orauy time theieafter and b fore final approval and certification under departmental of regulations 1907 protest or coutest April 25 against tbe claim of the State to any of t he (rants or subdivisions hereinbefore described on the ground that the same is more valuable for mineral than for agricultural purposes will be received and noted for report to the General Land Office at Washington D O Failure so to protestor coutest within the time specified will be considered sufficient evidence of the character of the tracts and tbe selections thereof being othervise free fiom objection will be approved to the State E 'D It Thompson Register Ahead r- - Use Kreso Dip for uiaoge and Lewis Drug Co on horses Dr REPORT To T be Secretary Of State Of The SVate Of Utah On The Condition Of The FIRST STATE BANK Of Salina Located At Salina in The Cuuuty of Sevier Slate of Utah- - at Tha Close of Business on the '27th day of February 1000 C RESOURCES Loans and discounts $03780 17 Overdrafts 200482 107500 Banking House Furniture aud Fixtures 127020 Due From National Banks 427(5 80 Dus frouiStateBanks&Baukers 48l7Vo Gash on hand (5(5(511 Current Expenses&taxes paid 58(500 ’total $8028585 LIABILITIES 2500000 Capital Stock paid iu 1262 8S Undivided Profits 40 00 Dividends Unpaid Individual Deposits 858(502(5 Savings Dei’tlu’i at 4 percent 12910 :!02 00 Cashier's Checks DeuiaudOerciticates of Deposit 400210 Total $8028385 State of Utah ’ County rf Seiver A V 1IUISH being first duly sworu according to law deposes and says that he is Cashier of the above named bank that the above aud forgoing report contains a full true aud correct statement of the condition of the said bank at the close of business on the 27th day of February 1909 A V J1UISH Cashier Correct Attest: A J LEWIS W II BKOWN Directors Subscribed and sworn to before me this sixth dav of March J909 C N Lund Notary Public My commission expires Jau 5 1913 STAIE'GF UTAH Office of tbe Hecrstary cf State I C 8 ’iUCGEY Secretary of State of the State of Utah do fipreby certify that the foregoing is a full true and correct copy of the statement of the above named company now on file in my office this 8fh day of March 1909 (J S TIN GEY Secretary ofState Forgingr The meeting of the Salina Creamery Company held Saturday eteuing will likely result in much good to the institution rnJ to the town It was a well atieuded meeting and whs business A dividend of 100 from start to finish per eeut was declared end shown to have beeu made just double the stock they had previously held and a liew isue of stock was ordered to be sold a $ 200 per share It was decided to build on the Company lot a hew and up to date creamery building as the one now used is rented and has been during the company existence Made To Whom 43 NO 1909 lice Spicer Kinds Dental work All Teeth wilhoutplates and plates with Teeth that are made right and have the natural appearance AIL w h oc 0 n 1 9 trt z plata any dantal work should call now as I’ll leave 15 for about Mar one month 05333 over Meat Market Phone Best 11 Tailoring Come We take all the risk and see the men’s samples Let us make t your individual measurement a guaranteed SUIT at any price from $14:tO $4:0 GuarkWe save you money antee the fit 4o new styles Don’t take to select from chances elsewhere when there is absolutely no lisk here Glad to show you our new line whether you buy or not Theo M Jacobsen Do they fit you? Do they retain perlect shape'' Are tluy stylish? Do you get oue year guaran tee with them :uot to break rust or get out of shape? We will show you-fiftnew styles of Sperilla the unbreakable spring Corset Oue year guarantee with every pair No trouble to show samples Every lad)?’ in town requested to look them over Mrs Theo M Sales Lady Jac-obse- n |