Show j -- r r I I s THE MAILS BY MOTOR UNCLE 8AM TRYING MODERN METHODS IN TRANSPORTATION After seven days at sea we plungec Into summer — the glorious blue glow log summer of the subtropical Atlantic Tiny white waves lapped th eldee of the big ship all day and non that evening was come and the awn lags rolled back for the sake of th air pink purple orange and golc phosphorescence chiminered all about vs The evening was too fair to spenf beneath the glare of the electric lampi la the smoking rooms so I remained on deck The deck was empty and the lowered everywhere save in the U i lighti smok Ing room which glowered like a hugl jewel through the' transparent night The band had ceased playing museo Idly and started with eyes tha wavei say nothing on the gleaming of opal Are that leaped in the wak of the ship Th Very gently I moved forward whole stern of the ship was bathed ir the whiteness of the moon and looked as though snow had fallen on th dack and touched the talTrail witt Behind the shl long lines of silver the fiery seas heaved and plunged anc against all stood one figure I caught my breath as I first saw her — tall svelte exquisitely molded Into a high bodice of s Her faee was to black silk dress ward the moon and the sea but th lovely llpes of her shoulders that tapered to the waist and then spread again to the rounded hips told me that I was looking upon no woman ol the northern country The woman raised a hand and threw aside the wisp of gauze that had veiled her head and in the white light her hair gleamed like the gold of the sun and I knew that I looked on a Creole girl I forced all my will Into my ardent eyes hoping to make her turn but only an elusive perfume floated about me and now and then the blue smoke of a cigarette hung about her like a misty cloud I must find out who this gracious being was this young thing that stood in the with every supple nshscle moonlight throbbing responsive to the movement o( the ship I moved out of the shadow light: an nii handkerchief siMy My lips parted to tay on the deck but she was keener of sense speak than I for she heard me and turned "Oh! My handkersharply around chief thank you so much” She put out a hand as white and qlnk as dimand I so pled and 80ft as a roseleaf contrived thatv as she took the handkwroblef our fingers met through the “What a divine night” filmy lace murmured while my eyes foolishly devoured the oval of her face the tangle of her golden hair the ripe red ness of her parted mouth She drew a cigaretts from a gold case that swung at her side “Let me give you a light" I cried and then had the esetasy for one moment of seeing the smooth grata of her skin and the loRg curling lashes that veiled eyes which I guessed must he violet by daylight but that now looked velvet blackness She spoke but little while we stood there but was content to catch the lily perfume from her hair and note the slendei lines of the round throat row” I ventured to say as she tossed the cigarette into the waves "Perhaps” she answered and with a bow she left me For four days and nights of burning tropical splendor I watched for het coming as the ship plowed on into the heart of the sun and the glow of the heat We were nearing the equator the staterooms and cabins were un bearable Part of the deck was arranged so that passengers could sleep In tho open but I never passed the night there or in the forepart of the vessel while others sat for hours tc catch the faint breeze made by the ship I always waited on the spot where we had first met and one night-found her there After that night of blue and silver our evenings on deck were many am the evenings grew to night and found us standing or sitting in the shadow and looking at the round red moon that shone in the blue enameled sky We talked ir like a golden guinea and were too earnest evei whispers to laugh and told each other much oi in the and more oi past many things one thing in the future Thus many sunsets passed to dawn when we kissed and parted many times and stole quietly away to oui cabins Even thus was our last night on board except that she did not sing but wept bitterly as I kissed her foi the last time and said the future might be an awakening The next day I stood at the head oi The the gangway to see her land English went off first still too thin and still laughing the massive south followed women ern rolling their vast bodies and flashing their fine eyes absurd hats I had hoped that she my lady of the moon and of the phos phorescent seas would have some message for me as she left the shi: But she never passed and all that learned of her was from a note found In her cabin inclosing this tiny bll of lace and lawn still wet with hei tears and saying that If she landed she would be claimed by a man she and there would could never love The lace Come an end of our delight and lawn are a little yellow the tears are dry tin perfume has passed buf one corner keeps the embroidered name "Carlta” o Experiments Being Tried In the Larger Cities of the Country With a View to Securing Increased Efficiency officials upon whom the of the- moving of the Government esponaiblIity nails rests are constantly striving to ncrease the efficiency of the service and are eager to adopt any new methods which will make this possible At the present tlma electricity ahd gasoline as carriers of the mall are under trial the last few During months Milwaukee In Detroit and the postoffice department has been with motor vemaking experiments hicles for the collection and transportation of mail in bulk: The wagons used for the purpose which are proare of two types pelled by gasoline one of them being designed for transport merely while the other is fitted up inside like a postal car on a small scale with compartments and suspended mall sacks suitable for the sorting of letters The “postmobileB” as they are called are Intended chiefly for carrying mail in considerable quantities between the main city postofflee and branch postofflees Incidentally they serve in the collection of bulky mall matter from department stores and other placee where it is liable to accumulate rapidly As far as practicable the vehicles provided with sorting facilities are devoted to the transof matter in orportation der that it may be made ready for the trains while on its way to the central fostofflee The plan described having proved the postofflee dehighly successful partment intends to Introduce it before long In New York Philadelphia Chicago and other large cities Meanwhile experiments are being made with motorcycles in Los Angeles where conditions are thought especially favorable for their service They are employed for ordinary box collection each of the little vehicles being sack provided with a large collecting above and between the suspended two uring thnle months trial two such ach driven by one man motorcycles have done tile work of three men The savand three ontf horse teams ing In time arid expense by this method is so considerable Indeed that the are authorities going to intropostal duce the service in a number of other cities It is fownd that by this means 4- - A CASE CLEAR ) Eihinent Lawyer — Gentlemen of the jury according to al! the testimony presented the evidence against my circumstantial A client is purely and the aumurder was committed topsy showed that deceased had been hit by a club- A few persons saw my client standing over the prostrate man My 'client had a club in his hand The club was bloody He was seen to strike or I should Bay gently tap the prostrate man a few times with the aforesaid club but gentlemen of the jury remember the injustice which has been done in the sad past and be regretted unrecoverable cautious Remember the hundreds of innocent men who would have suffered unjustly if at the last moment some happy circumstance had not Now doubt on their guilt thrown it is very evident to me gentlemen that my client in returning to his peaceful home from a or something just happened to see the deceased committing suicide by beating himself on the head with a club and my benevolent client true to instincts of humanity rushed up jerked the fatal club away and play the malls are perceptibly accelerated reaching the postofflee more quickly and in many instances catching trains would have which otherwise they missed Even more interesting in its way Is the electric tunnel service for the transportation of malls which is now All of the streets on trial in Chicago of the main business section of that city running north and south and fast and west are underlaid by a net work The tunnels are eight of tunnels feet high and ten feet wide they are forty feet under ground and cross the river at eight different points Chicago by Arrangements have been made which a tunnel service la established CROWS ON BICYCLE ACCORDING TO THEY PEDALED Furniture Store and Tale Told by a Peapack New In SupJersey correspondent port of the "Nature Fak- Strangs Hardware Annex Stories er’s” As there seems to be so much at Is headquarters for Furniture House and Furnishings tention lately given to "nature fakfor Housekeeping and Comfort for Young and everything ers” and nature pro and con I am Old My line Je up to date and my prices ere right taking thd liberty of describing tO thS InciNew York Times the following dent which at the time and ever since Annex cemprlses e fine line of Steel Ranges My Hardware to me to be a trifle has appeared 1 kitchen fittings and general hardware out of the ordinary Last week while out at a farm neat the metropolis N J one of Peapack I was behind a bam cleanafternoon ing my bicycle In the nearby meadow W Is a clump of scrub oak trees and these at the time were used as a for a flock of crows Evidently the dry weather and a lack of food had made them bolder than usual for when I threw them a few crumbs of my lunch they flew down and devoured It greedily My wheel I had reversed— resting on Its handlebars and saddle the better to get at the spokes etc Having finished the cleaning I left It as It was throwing the remainder of my lunch on the went At and into the barn ground and Wholesale and Retail Dealers in I entered I glanced behind me and Salt Meats Groceries Potatoes was surprised to observe one of the Grain followed crows (almost immediately and General Supplies by another) swoop down toward the Carrying the Malls by Motor Car bicycle evidently Intent upon getting He “lit" between the main postofflee and the the remains of my lunch on the right pedal of the machine six principal railroad stations connecting the latter with each other and which happened to be up but bll weight waB such that he caused it with the postofflee On its arrival at a railway station to make a half turn and at that very These whe trade with ut art lure the mall matter Is dropped through Instant the other crow "lit" on the ei full value lor value received chutes into the tunnel where It is left pedal which was now up and his taken aboard by the little cars and Impetus was such that he now also made thus a turn the half bringing to the postofflee The transported crow then This first up 'one again cars travel through the tunnel at the himself in his endeavor to rate of ten or twelve miles an hour ’'‘hunched” the fly off but this very "hunch” was suf and when the mail Is man who drives the motor engine id flclent to cause hlB pedal to sink down was then repeated by V'bfs operation by a postal agent accompanied the left pedal crow in turn and so Electricity plays an important part and they kept the wheel revolving In the new system of mall transportaI tion by pneumatic tube which is un- seemingly were unable to leave It der experimental trial in five cities watched them for a half hour and Boston has nearly eight miles of such when I returned at sundown they THE BEST PAPER IN were It at still tubing now in operation Chicago ten I dislike to see anyone work toe four miles St miles Philadelphia UTAH TELLS ALL THE Louis two miles and New York seven hard so I stopped the wheel by grasp The two birds were sc lng the tire Before long when contracts miles NEWS EVERY DAY exhausted that they fell to the ground are completed already undertaken I and aftei them but easily up picked New York will have about twenty-fivgiving them a little food and watei miles of pneumatic tubes practhey appeared as well as ever Then tically covering the whole of Manhawere some leg bands In the barn and ttan Island in one great circuit runafter marking one of them "Roose ning from the Battery all around Central Park and up as far as One Hun velt” and the other "Dr Long” I fas tened one to each of the birds and street dred and A MONTH A YEAR let them fly Upon looking at the which was attached tc pyclomteter the rear wheel I saw it had registered as an him admoniwith it patted fully 32 miles more than when I Iasi tion that he should not try to com Now some students of nanoted it mit suicide again Verdict of Jury — Not guilty — N 7 ture may doubt the above but tc ponvince them I shall be pleased tc Weekly show them the wheel and the cyclo His Occupation meter also Peapack the the farm Canvasser — And what is barn the meadow and the clump oi Directory husband’s Mrs Cal have birds oaks The of course your occupation lahn? flown away but no doubt with a little C SC08UP President P C SC0RUP Secretary E W CRANE Treasurer Mrs Callahan — Sure an’ It’s a salt they could be recaptured A N CASTRO P H CANDLANO Directors shovel engineer he do be Genuine Canvasser — Oh Directory you A woman went to a fancier’s mean he’s a civil engineer? to pur Mrs Callahan — Faith an 01 reckon chase a bird She was in search of f OP MANUPAOTURIHS Oi’m afther knowin pfwat 01 mane good singer and several were recom mended to her He shovels coal in th’ furnace — Chi“But” she said “they seem to b cago News ALM0T FURNISH AND HIQHIST SNADM OF marked very strangely Are they pur Did He 8peak from Experience? canaries?” "Better not wait for Charley any “Pure” cried the proprietor of th AT THM LOW 1ST RATIO IN THI ST AT I You felknow what ita when a longer shop “Pure! Why ma’am they're a We solicit your patronage and will endeavor to satisfy all our patrons low is calling on his girl Ah there ’pure as they make ’em — I raised them they are now He is just bidding her I’ere birds from canary seed" good night” "All right let us go and have a Coming We’ll just have At last China is awake The Chines game of billiards will soil virtue itself — Calumny have formed a trust and time” Jaundrymen Before long they Shakespeare advanced prices Can Be Kept Clean be cracking collars and tearing VIVIAN BURNS But the pot has no excuse for call- buttonholes Scatter with one hand gather with like “MeU ing the kette black if It is porcelain two — German cans’ Why don't you paint that house ? P — None so good Try S P F Peterson Salina Utah Salina Meat Bad — They Right — What All goods Wrong — What they — Salary — Our wages Wages — Their do salary Reputation — That able to live up to which one is un- of the best quality and fancy lines in staple SALINA UTAH The Salt Lake Herald 85 cents $1000 SUBSCRIBE Salina Light - TODAY S3L Mill Co Tip Top Flour Germade Graham Flour ' ELECTRIC LIGHTS G LORENTZENi Manager IT HARNESS lined The Methodist Episcopal church of this country has been doing service in India for 50 years and has 185258 members there we do Supply Company XXXXXXXX Hev Ezra Tinker D D has beeff elected president of the Industrial Seminary and Collegiate institute at Loxley Ala DEFINITIONS & Fresh Hay How Good — We F Petersons IP CYCLOMETER 32 MILES At Columbus Ind Congregation Agudath Achlm has laid the corner stone for a new synagogue At the ceremonies J W Silberman presided and E M Gorden read a re port on the congregation LITTLE FACTS horses are the beetle weighs erest A Venezuelan pound The times finest fetch clev- are made of Span- ostrich feathers a pound some- 350 Afternoon newspapers in always dated a day ahead is France are the toil of trilling Buyers are esteemed good dross are deemed — Chinese There are half a sides to the — All cigar boxes ish cedar foolish cares— Martial countless roads grave — Cicero Saying well causes a laugh well causes silence — French men on all doing ’Tie the course makes all degrades or hallows courage In its fall— Byron Ha that does that does Turkish he good shall find good evil shall find evil — Salina SHOP Utah Hand made harness a specialty Saddles buggy and spiing wagon neck yokes horse blankets and all things in the harness and saddlery line I have an special line of the best whips each one guaranteed gents’ workand ing riding gloves and a guaranteed line of gall cuiWs Come and See me fT |