Show i THE SALINA By C ft LUND SALINA STATE FBI! v'en SESSION OF CONGRESS NEWS Request From for the the BEST EVER WRITTEN INTO THE BANKS PRESCRIPTION WHICH ANYONE CAN EASILY MIX Come Session Extra Leaders In Conservative World Financial Washington — It It learned from un doubted sources that President Roose Ivelt is now being urged to call an ex tra session of congress to deal with the financial situation The request comes from and represents the judgment of the conservative leaders in the financial world who have represented the present situation as one action of a character that compelling for suswill eradicate all grounds picion of American industrial Runs on Treasure Vaults Have Practically Ceased and Only Troublesome Feature Is Tendency Toward Blockade of Domestic 8ald to Promptly Overcome Kidney and Bladder Affllctione— Shako Simple Ingrediente Well in Bottle Mix the following by shaking well In a bottle and take in teaspoonful doses after meals and at bedtime Extract Dandelion Fluid ounce Compound Kargon one ounce three Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla A prominent physician is the ounces authority that these simple harmless can be obtained at nomIngredients inal cost from any druggist even in the smaller towns The mixture is said to cleanse and strengthen the clogged and Inactive r Backache overcoming Kidneys and Urinary trouble of weakness all kinds if taken before the stage of Bright’s disease Those who have tried this say it positively overcomes ’pain in the back clears the urine of sediment and regulates urination especially at night curing even the worst forms of bladder weakness Every man or woman here who feels that the kidneys are not strong or acting in a healthy manner should mix this prescription at home and give it a trial' as it is said to do wonders for many persons The Seanton (Pa) Times was first to print this remarkable prescription in October of 1906 since when all the of New York Bosleading newspapers ton Philadelphia Pittsburg and other cities have made many announcements of It to their readers - The president has been assured 'from most reliable sources that there will be no opposition on the part of 'the great industries of the country to ’the enactment of the necessary laws to carry out his ideas of Federal control to the extent to which he has expounded them in the recent public utterances These assurances are made at this time to avert what has been represented as the most dangerous situation which has confronted the country during an extended historic growing period — that is the seeming lack of confidence based on known irin methods regularities in business no and sure and speedy some quarters jmeana of separating the good from the unsound To this end it is suggested that the president get congress to the task first of making amendments to the financial laws as will result in the of flexibility with the minimaximum mum of basic change in our system Next and perhaps most in importance Helping Impecunious Man that the president embody his sugges“If you happen to have theater tions on corporation control into that haven’t cost you anything” recommendations for enactment' said the bachelor girl “and don’t want into law to take a woman you must diplomatically go about asking some man you MUST WORK OR STARVE know if you want his company If he is a man without money and he Will Not Furnish Government generally is if ho is very interesting for Ute Indians of Cheyenne he will have a dozen engagements River Agency that prevent his accompanying you Washington — As a result of the He wants to go you understand but— conference at the White House be“This is what you must do You tween the president Secretary Gar- must explain to him quickly in the Assistant Secre- same breath that you ask him that field of the Interior war and the of Oliver department tary you have a dinner engagement beforeof Commissioner Indian Agencies hand and that you must come home Leupp regarding the renegade Ute Instraight after the theater You can’t dians on the Cheyenne River reservafor anything possibly stop anywhere tion in North Dakota a decision was in the way of refreshments It Is out furreached to continue the policy of of the question' "You’ll be surprised to see the nishing the Indians with work and in case of their failure to take advantage suddenness with which his magical of the opportunity to leave the take to them'Vprevious engagements their own resources selves wings and disappear”— New Tpoops will be kepij there for po fork Press The say government protection Utes may have work if they desire It Husband’s Ghost Stops Wedding but that if they make no effort in their own behalf the government will not that her dead husband Declaring assist them The Indians have been had come to her in spirit and warned paid the annual allowance of $18 per her again Mrs Mary marrying against capita from their own fund and it ex-is Lincoln of Wilmerding of widow understood that this is practically hausted These Indians are the same Charles Lincoln refused to proceed Joto with her intended marriage band who have been making trouble and for the whites for the past forty or seph Pa ir also of Wilmerding the guests were dismissed says a fifty years Pittsburg dispatch to the New York the Times Morgan Has a Chat With Some of A little over a year ago her husLeading Financiers ot band died After a brief period New York — J Pierpont Morgan Mr several hours Sat- mourning she agreed toa marry was in conference house and He furnished Parker urday with groups of bankers In the invitations were issued picture gallery of hlS Madison avenue Mr Parker The other afternoon home In all he saw about fifteen found her in tears Her mother financiers said that some time during the preof the banks as reThe condition had come vealed by the bank statement was said vious night her daughter to be the primary cause of the con- sobbing into her room and declared ference though' the shortage of cur- that she had just been visited by He rency and other matters were dis- the spirit of her dead husband cussed had warned her against marrying she said and when she preIt was reported that the advisability again to cai tested the spirit had’ taken hold of of asking President Roosevelt a special session of congress to deal her arms and held her until she promwith the needs of the financial situa- ised that she wduld give up the marbut as nothtion was also discussed She asserted that her arms riage ing was given out by those in attendfrom the encounter ance this can only be classed as a ached surmise Craze of Switzerland Fashionable Lunch and dinner parties above the Admiral Evans Guest of Honor Prince In Switzerland Pie clouds D York — Admiral New Robley in of Savoy recently gave a lunch Evans who is soon to depart in com- honor of Prince and Princess Nicola tor of Greece mand of the battleship squadron Bernina at the hospice the Pacific was the guest of honor at 75" feet high overlooking St Mora notable dinner given Saturday itz KeceuUy a Mr and Mrs H MurAi largo night at the Lotus club ray entertained a party on the top of number of distinguished guests the Brevent 8285 feet above Chamin the greeting to the ad- onix each guest receiving a bunch of bemiral and the speakers included as a souvenir edelweiss Alpine parsides the guest of honor Bishop Potties have also been given this season ter Senator Chauncey de Naye Depew on the Pilatus Rochers of the Treasury Shaw Sotn Brlenzer Rothall and GornergraL Low Admiral Coughlin and Nicholas Murray Butler president of Columbia y” university Railroads A TALENTED WRITER IS BACK THE BANKS The fifteenth annual state conven Congressman Fowler of New Jersey of the Utah Federation of Worn' Would Increase the Powers of clubs was held in Ogden last National Institutions week Fire at Ogden last week destroyed on which 112000 worth of property to there was insurance amounting That Permanent Makes Declaration about G000 Relief From the Present Monetary The necessary signatures having Stringency Can Only Be Had a library been obtained to a petition of Through a System and gymnasium will probably be es Credit Currency tablished In Lehi named Cohen met with A switchman a serious accident in the Ogden yards being run over and sustaining injuries relief New Yoik — That permanent which may prove fatal from the present monetary stringency Mads Jensen who died at his home can only be had through a system of In Mt Pleasant last week came to Mt credit currency adequate to meet the Pleasant in 1801 and had resided requirements of trade and redeemable there continuously from that time un in gold coin is the opinion expressed til his death Charles Fowler ot by Representative Juzo Tsukudo the Japanese who New Jersey chairman of the hanking at Garfield and currency committee which will killed a fellow countryman on July 4th was found guilty of murof congress ensession the at coming der in the second degree by the trial deavor to have a law passed providing for credit currency issued by the naJury in Salt Lake City tional banks Until such permanent The Utah county teachers’ institute relief is made possible by legislative is scheduled to meet in Lehi November 16 The session will be held In enactment Mr Fowler asserted1 the the new tabernacle and 150 teachers situation must be met by the issuance cashof clearing house certificates ire expected to be present iers’ checks and due bills of business Th banks of Lehi and the business houses and manufacturers use cashier’s men have agreed to business cond"The underlying checks in lciu of cash as much as “are until itions” he declares essentially purposes possible for business sound as evidenced by the increased the present flurry has subsided of and the fact railroads that western Colonel D Y Wheeler earnings representative of the Richardson Drug the value of our agricultural products are $500000000 more than last year and well known throughout company Utah was run down and killed by an (which was the highest year in our automobile in Denver last week history) and are bringing to our peobut public The weekly birth record of Salt ple about $7000000000 confidence has been greatly shaken Lake City was broken the past week Therebirths recorded and credit seriously affected there being Of these fore every patriotic citizen from the by the health department down in his do all should were males and thirty fe- president power to restore that confidence which males Is essential to national prosperity Slippery rails caused by a heavy “The cause of the currency strinrainstorm caused the runaway of an is that ffiere fs scattered broadengine at Park City the engine run- gency cast the country at the ning oft the track and toppling over mints throughout in the wheat corn and cotton but the engineer and fireman escaped fields in the pockets of the people or uninjured about locked of the $1300000000 up to the October report of According of Salt reserve money of the United States the horticultural Inspector most of which under a proper cond237 he has destroyed Lake county ition would be in the banks serving as bushels of apples during the month reserve Temporary relief will be because of being infected with the San through the forced use of current Jose scale credit in the’ form clearing house Fireman E Allred of Spring City certificates cashiers’ofchecks and due a few who was attacked by a bull bills of business houses and manufais days ago and rendered unconscious cturers during 'the ninety days The He had reported olng well Wfis WulsetN permanent cu$e roust qoma through a fib's and system of credit currency expanding aoout the body and contracting with the ordinary deloaded The Lehi Produce company mands of the Smaller trade precisely a car of onions last week for the Denan® drafts do in the broader ver market' Thirty school children as checks field of commerce’’ topped the onions on Saturday and the consignment brought close to $1 LIKE COLONIAL TIMES per hundred pounds All construction work on the OreEverything Closed in Kansas City wiU be ' gon "Short the Theatres Except This order has been stopped at once Kansas City— Never before in the issued in pursuance to the general as Sunday so strictall plan of curtailment of expenditures observed ly by the business Interests over the Harriman system as it was on November 3 ' AH the Fred Downe and Pat Daly two Alta merchants who have heretofore defied with havwho were charged miners the attempts of Criminal Judge Wiling robbed the till of Deltrich’s saloon liam II Wallace to enforce the state at Alta of f7475 on October 22 were law forbidding unnecessary labor on from custory after the evidischarged Sunday obeyed the Sunday closing dence against them was heard were however The theatres order The announcement is made that on as usual as they are protected open November 1 the control of the Oregon by injunction proceedings pending in Short Line road from Green River the federal court Wyo to Ogden reverted to the Union to The decision of the merchants and the road from Ogden to Pacific obey the law was brought about by Sparks’ reverted to the Southern Pathe wholesale arrests during the precific hours of those pervious Ruby Waychaster the little 4 sons who were indicted by the grand daughter of Samuel Waychaster of ury for refusing to comply with the American Fork was accidentally shot law during the two previous Sundays through the head with a bullet from a The persons arrested were placed unto $1006 38 caliber revolver by a small boy der bonds ranging from f each companion while at play It is thought that she will recover Prohibition Missouri Favors of alum is An Important discovery Kansas City — Seven counties and reported to have been made in central Utah during the past week two mintowns in Missouri are about to vote term a local what on ers having located option as follows: November they Novemof elum with a number ot 7 Nevada in Vernon county mountain water alum ber 9 Moyette county November 9 springs of nearly pure Pulaski county November 11 Aurora running from it Da12 November Lawrence county mofher Adams Aseuath Mrs Annie vies county November 16 Caldwell of Maude Adams the famous actress November 23 Jackson county it is claimed is to be called by the county and of Kansa IndependOutside City as its principal witness in ence prosecution of the 114 counties in the case against Mrs Annie M Bradthe state have already voted and are counes About twenty-fivley for the killing of Arthur Brown in “dry” D C December 8 1906 Washington cities and towns are to hold elections the before December 31 As a matter of bankers of Provo have decided to limit Victims Blown to Pieces the withdrawal by persons having acPortland Ore — A special dispatch counts of cash to the sunt of $50 to the Oregonian received from Lyle All cnecks and drafts twice a week will be honored but instead of getting Wash says that seven men were cash for them credit certificates will blown to pieces Friday at a &construcSeattle tion camp on the Portland be given The dead are: railway near Lyle Following the example of other citand Hjar Ericsen Christ Peterson ies the Salt Lake clearing house five All were laborers on the Hindus banks have decided to iBsue clearing There is no living North Bank road house certificates in settlement of balIt is prewitness to the accident ances until eastern cities advise that sumed that one of the unfortunates they are settling in the regular way drove his pick into a missed hole of a The banks have adopted this plan as mine that had been planted there last a matter of protection summer by another construction gang Accused of the murder of Ezra PenBritish Railway Employes May Go Op in Millard ney and his son George Strike county in 1898 George and John HopLondon— At a meeting of railroad per and Mrs Mary Armstrong who men held Sunday night at Bert hall were arrested in Denver last w4ek and attended by deputations from all at the request of the Utah authorities assert they will easily prove an alibi parts of the United Kingdom Richard of the Bedl M P general secretary and will soon be released Amalgamated Society of Railroad SerThe state board of health received vants and leader of the strike move reports of an extraordinary number of roent announced the result of the balcases of disease at Mount Pleasant lot taken among members of the soThe number of sufand Springvllle ciety on thef question of a strike He ferers from scarlet fever in Mount announced that 88134 papers had be to is Pleasant reported been retuned of which 70 925 were and the typhoid fever cases at in favor of striking while 8773 v ere total twenty-onBpringville opposed to so doing tion n's J EXTRA i UTAH UTAH r y CALL Jr Exchange New York— Runs oij the banks and trust companies ere practically over which was temporarily withmoney drawn from banks subject to runs is flowing to the stronger banks and currency la being provided In most cases where the demand for it is considered Further engagements of legitimate gold by Boston and other points have brought up the total engagements abroad under the recent movement to Be Forced 'to y mp Issue Mileage Books railroad Albany — Every operating In this state will be summoned before the public service commission on November 25 to show cause why they should not be directed by the commission to issue interchangeable mileage books of 1000 and 500 miles at a uniform rate of two cents and without many of the restrictions now placed books upon the sale of mileage by some of tbe larger companies Interchangeable Will Build Airships New York — The incorporation of another airship company Is reported In New Jersey Hyman Lazerus William Be Shahlro and Julius W Uhrocz the last named a titled Austrian with a bent toward Invention have incorporated the Bayonne Aerial is a Bayonne Navigation company suburb of New York City The comat $100000 and will pany is capitalized begin turning out airships next H possibly in or near Bayonne its plans carry Mr De Uhrocz Is the Inventor of the machine omnjoenna Cleanses the System El UyDiispeiIs Colas an arhes duo to Constipation Acts naturally acts Truly as a Laxative Best ' ForMenvhmen an iCUA Old w £et its! jenejieial Ejjects which buy has llie jull name oj the Com Always "CALIFORNIA JIoSthupCo it is manufactured printed on tile front of eve- y package ALL LEADING DRUGGISTS bottle one size only regular price 504 Iwwhom SOLD Dll' MRS E M TINNEY $26550000 Balances with the clearing house have settled down to a normal condition but there is still something of a blockade of domestic exchange the unwillingness ot New through York banks to pay currency on drafts from other cities and the unwillingness of other cities to pay out their currency upon drafts from New York The condition of affairs indicates a continued pressure fpr currency rather than a breakdown of credits but reasonable demands are being met for regular customers of the banks The of hastening the export possibility movement of wheat and cotton still of foreign exengages the attention change dealers and also of those who endeavor' to keep in touch with the general situation Doubt is expressed whether the secretary of the treasury will be able to scale carry out on any considerable the project of the New Orleans exporters for accepting cash at government fiscal agencies abroad and transferring it by telegraph to points in this but Secretary Cortelyou is country be willing to make such deposits of public money at cotton exporting points as will to a considerable extent relieve the strain BRYAN IS OPTIMISTIC Does Not Look for Pro longed Trouble In Business World in Omaha — William J Bryan Omaha on Friday gave out the following Interview on the business and financial conditions: “I do not look for any prolonged Conditrouble in the business world tions which made a panic and depression in 1893 are entirely different now Then prices were falling because Now of a restricted money supply we are in the midst of tremendous gold production which gives an abundant money supply maintains (and prices so that business is brisk” “Then you do not think the present hank trouble shows the need of an or asset currency?” emergency On the other “Not by any means hand I think It is a strong argument Suppose against an asset currency for instance we had been issuing asset currency during the past year and Nebraskan In addition to the present trouble the people had distrust about the money? That would make matters so much the worse As it is now there is no doubt about the quality of our money” Three States to Rate Question in Settling Atlanta Ga— Thorough in methods to be pursued in the of laws regulating railenforcement road passenger fares in the states of Georgia Alabama and North Carolina was agreed upon Friday at a conference held in this city by the governors After a discussion of those states which began at 9:30 Friday morning and which lasted until late in the afternoon with a brief interval for luncheon the three chief executives and the meetreached an agreement was ing adjournd Persons Killed In a Wreck on the Rhine Berlin — A mixed freight and passenger train was derailed on Friday on the Brohl Valley road near Six persons were killed and fourteen dangerously wounded The train was passing over a bridge and high embankment when and a passenger car the locomotive were derailed and fell to the bottom of the valley The freight cars which stone fell upon the with were loaded passenger dar not one of whose occupants escaped injury Mrs 325 Is the Result of a Hallowe'en Prank Tucson Ariz— A Hallowe’en prank resulted In murder Thursday night in Tucson Ramon Lavota aged 20 with stretched a wire across companions which tripped a Chinese the sidewalk The latter named Wong merchant drew a revolver and shot into a buildLavota instantly The muring killing but was derer attempted to escape caught after a chase by a score of bystanders and narrowly escaped lynchin now He is jail ing Uncovered Big Conspiracy beofficials Chicago — Government lieve that in the arrest of Miss Etta McLean the stenographer and Alexander B Gordee a printer they have uncovered a conspiracy to steal the Information in the case government’s of John R W Walsh the foimer president of the Chicago National bank ander Indictment for alleged misapot the funds of the bank propriation Mr Walsh’s attorney said that Gordee had offered to sell to him Important information but that he declined the offer E E M Tinney story writer Nueva St San Antonio Tex writes ‘‘During 1901 I suffered form nasal catarrh which various other remedies failed to relieve “Six bottles of Peruna which I took entirely cured me tlie catarrh disappearing and never returning “X therefore cheerfully recommend Peruna to all similarly afflicted” Mrs Ellen Nagle 414 4th street Greer Bay Wis writes: “I have often heard Peruna praised and it is more widely known here than any other medicine but I never knew what a splendid medicine it really was until a few weeks ago when I caught & bad cold which settled all over me “The doctor wanted to prescribe but I told him I was going to try Peruna and sent for a bottle and tried it “I felt much better the next morning and within five days I had not a trace of any lameness or anv cough “ consider it the finest cough rent edy ” Peruna Tabuets: — Some people prefer to take tablets rather than to take medicine in a fl'iiid form Such people can obtain Parana tablets which represent the solid medicinal ingredients of Peruna Model for Rest of the Force While Oil City cannot perhaps boast of being a strictly town she can we believe lay claim to having among her residents the man of the champion temperance state if not of the entire country Not only has he never drank any kind of spiritou8 or malt liquors but he has never allowed any tea coffee soup or any kind of milk to pass his lips since he was a child He is a colored man was born in slavery and because his father frequently drank more whisky than was good for him he resolved when a boy to never drink anyAnd he has relithing hut water He is a giously kept the resolution member of the Oil City police force and his name is tylajor Frapklin— Oil City (Pa) Blizzard To Err Is Human Robert Browning once found himself at a dinner at a great English house sitting next to a lady who was connected with the highest aristocInShe was very racy graciously clined and did her utmost to make conversation “Are you not a poet?” she finally asked “Well” said Browning “people are sometimes kind enough to say that I am” "Oh please don’t mind my having mentioned it” the duchess hastened to say with the kindest of smiles “You know Byron and Tennyson and wene others poets” Too Many Islands Larry — Me friend Casey has made lot av money awn gone to spind th summer in th’ Thousand islands He invited me up Denny — Faith phoy don’t yez go? Larry — Bedad he didn’t say which island awn Oi might have to hunt ovei noine hundred and be fore Oi found him By thot time me vacation wohld be over a HER “BEST Seven Murder Will I A Woman Thus FRIEND” Speaks of Postum We usually consider our best friends those who treat us best Some persons think coffee a real friend but watch It carefully awhile and observe that It Is one of the meanest of all enemies for It stabs one while professing friendship Coffee contains a poisonous — which injures the delicate nervous system and frequently sets up disease In one or more organs of the body if its use is persisted in “I had heart palpitation and nervousness for four years and the doctor told me the trouble was caused by He advised me to leave it off coffee but I thought I could not" writes a Wis lady “On the advice of a friend I tried Postum Food Coffee and it so satisfied me that I did not care for coffee after a few days’ trial of Postum “As weeks went by and I continued to use Postum my weight increased from 98 to 118 pounds and the heart trouble left me I have used it a year now and am stronger than I ever was I can hustle up stairs without any heart palpitation and I am cured of nervousness “My children are very fond of Postum and It agrees with them My sister liked it when she drank it at my house but not when she made it at home has Now she her own learned to make it right boil it according to directions and has become very fond of it You may use my name If you wish as I am not ashamed of praising my best friend — Postum” Name given by Postum Co Battle Creek Mich Read "The Road to Wellville” in pkgs "Theie's a Re son” h |