Show She Did Not Fear Death An old lady on her birthday once said “I do not mind getting old and I do not fear death but I live in constant fear of paralysis” “For some time I have been wanting to tell you of the great good your wonderful Sloan's Liniment is doing here” writes Mr James F Aberuethy of Rutherford College N C "In fact all your remedies are doing noble work but your Liniment beats all In my eight years' experience with medicine I find none to go ahead of it having tried U in very many cases I of onp young man a who suffered ffoifl a partial yes almost complete paralysis of one arm I got him to use your Liniment- and now he can do as much work as ever and he sings your praise every day I got a’l to use it I possibly can and knovp there is great virtue in have helped the sale of your noble remedies about here greatly and expect to cause many more to buy them as I knc v they can’t be beat” know flight Misunderstanding They had been engaged just seventeen minutes by the clock yet for of that pethe last riod there had been a proud scornful look upon her fair face that was calblosculated to wither the orange ' soms r l “I can't Imagine dear” he said so come has “what over you sadly were I simply asked if you suddenly when — ” romantic George forgive me!” she exi “Oh claimed with a convulsive sob as she threw her arms about his neck “I thought you asked me If I was rheu- matic” FOR SALE Steak ef Wall Paper Mouldings Eta on building) low rents non $600 tral loeatlon Utah Wall Paper 4 Paint Co S4 Richards Street Salt Lake City REMINGTON'S - The INDIAN STORY Roaervatlon Winnebago Didn’t Work Wall Choir Frederick the Remington has had about as strenuous a career as any man that ever touched pen or pencil to paper He has spent a great deal of time among the Indians In the west On one of bis visits be ran Into a story which be is fond of telling For some years there had been a mission at the WinnePresbyterian Nebraska but In bago reservation there were few converts The mission-- ' ary hit on a brilliant' plan There were who some bucks on the reservation had been at the Carlisle school where they had studied singing He organized a quartet The bucks liked to show off their hymns One of them had a yellow dog that always accompanied his master to church At first the Indians liked the sing Ing Then they grew tired of it Even the choir lost its religion It became a trio then a duet finally the solo quit A new missionary came into the field One day be ascended the pulpit and looked around The only sign of life In the pews was a yellow dog Calling to the sexton he said “Put that dog out!” “Excuse mildly “I'd is the only me” replied the sexton rather not The fact Is he convert” — Saturday Even ing Post AUT08 California AT A COYOTE DRIVE Hunt Not as Successful Had Been Hoped For A large crowd of San Joaquin as coun- assembled at the Bolty residents linger raneb in the eastern part of the county and enjoyed a coyote as was which destructive not drive as the people of that district hoped for as the animals kept out of sight and only a fpw were killed Of late the coyotes have been killing sheep The scarcity of pigs and chickens dead animalB has caused the coyotes “LEADING LADY” SHOES FOB WOMEN ‘ Leading Lady Shoes arc described in three words— Style Comfort Ser You rarely find all these qualities combined in one shoe to Invade the ranches and give the farmer a lot of trouble As a general rule these animals seldom attack stock but when driven to starvation they become bold It was with the hope that a large number would be killed that a genera’ Invitation was extended to the people to assemble and make a roundup All kinds of vehicles from the old fashioned top buggy to the latest In au were in evidence and many tomoblles men appeared on horseback and joinOue drive was made Id and another in the afternoon lunch being served between the two trips Later another effort will be made to exterminate the troublesome animals ed the chase the forenoon Chinese SHOES nest and dressy They fit perfectly and are are extremely comfortable from the No better values beginning are obtainable anywhere Your dealer will supply you if not write to us Look for the Mayer Trade Mark on the sole We also make Martha Wash Ingion Comfort Shoes Special Merit School Shoes Honorbilt Shoes for Men F Mayer Boot & Shoe Company THE MEN WHO KNOW THE SUPERIOR QUALITIES OF ILICKERS SUITS AND HATS are the men who — put them to the hard est tests in the rough est weather Oet the original Tower's Fish Brand made since 183d rEt fOH rut AUtftd J to Vladivostok ' Correspondence alluding In a letter to the fre of a broken corre Instances spondence after a long absence giver the following natural account of th causes: “At first one omits wrltini fer a little while and then one stayi a little while longer to consider of ex cuses — and at last It grows desperate and one does not write at all la this manner I have served others ano have been served myself" Swift quent The Meat Industry The number of wholesale establishments engaged In slaughtering agd meat pricking in the United States during the calendar year 1904 was 929 and their combined capital was em$237714690 furnished They ployment to 74134 wage earners paid maIn wages $40326972 consumed terial costing $805856969 and manufactured products to the value of Musical South Africa One of the greatest markets in the world for musical instruments Is South Africa which spends on an average $1000000 a year about $500000 of which goes Into pianos ' Umbras® Crowding An Increase of 40000 iu one year to the Chinese population of Vladivostok alone coming entirely from the of Shantung shows province that atthere must be some particularly tractive business there to Interest the exceedingly keen business men of that territory A man Hates Englishmen was arnamed Constant Tarts cafe the other day two Englishmen In ex“I cannot help It he said: I see an Englishman I beenraged' that I could do anyhim” rested In a for Insaltlng planation whenever come so thing to rrn Good Advice S30 AN HOUR Has Been Taken In With Our MERRY GO ROUNDS We elm manufacture UBRriUHUllrMlMIXllAN VsUJUcra Dept U Ranle Denies Strikers etc 00 Oeneral Amusement Nuhth Tt eowaaba Lord Brampton (Sir Henry Hawkins) celebrated his 90th birthday recently when he gave this characteristic advice: “Never get mixed up in lawsuits or the law I tblnk I know something about It” TESTED NEWS SUMMARY A WISE MAH Buys Jewelry of a thoroughly dependable reliable Jeweler The fooiieh man gate Our houee la particularly “bargain” known tor reliability and reasonable price A shot and Is to be Mile Ragozlnnlkova who killed General Maxlmoffsky bangod As the result of a premature explosion of dynamite at Venice Fa four men were killed Rumors that the Pennsylvania railroad will lay off between 20000 aud 30000 men are denied by high officials of the company Mrs Evelyn Romadka wife of a Milwaukee millionaire has been dicted on six counts alleging burglary and receiving stolen property Mile Ragoznlkova who on October 23 killed General Maxlmoffsky rector of prisons of the m'nlstery of the interior was hanged October 31 A committee has been organized at Madison Wls to- promote the candidacy of Senator Robert M LaFollette for the Republican nomination for president Bank robbers in Pskoff Russia attacked seven men who were escorting a cashier carrying 1300 roubles murdered the whole party and decamped with the money There appears to be no immediate occasion for alarm among silver producers that the price of the white metal will drop In sympathy with copper lead and zinc It is reckoned by the shippers that there are 141000000 bushels on wheat available (or export to Europe this There will also be a very heavy year of flour exportation Because he failed to carry out an errand of vengeance Vito Greinaldi a member of the Black Hand society was stabbed to death by members of his own band In Brooklyn The supremo court In deciding agaluBt the validity of a voting machine in Massachusetts declared that any method of voting which hides the ballot from the voter is unconstitutional John Mitchel day was observed as a holiday throughout the anthracite reon October 29 gion of Pennsylvania Many meetings were held and prayer were offered for the recovery of Mr MitchelL An unknown man was killed at Ontario Oregon to board a trying through freight train Both legs were cut off and the body was mangled There was nothing on the body to : identify it by The official cholera statistics published In St Petersburg for the week ending October 22 show that vith the of winter the epidemic la aproach There were 1099 new being checked cases and 416 deaths reported The French submarine boat Lutin which sank with all hands al Bizerta on October 19 1906 had another accident last week and went to the bottom a second time but no livea were lost this time One hundred and ten feet is the width which the navy department has for tue finally fixed upon as desirable locks of the projected Panama canal This Is an increase of ten feet in width over the planB on which the commission is now working The supreme court of the United States has begun the hearing of the important case involving the constitutionality of the act of congress of 1898 to discrimimaking It a misdemeanor nate against employes because they are members of labor unions A suit for collection of a judgment against Charles W Clark son of former United States Senator Clark of Montana which was filed In the federal court at Helena last week by a' Mexican bank charges that a certain1 transfer of stocks by Charles W Clark to his father “was a fraudulent device to hinder and delay creditors’' A northwest storm of short duration with heavy rain struck Galveston Texas on the 30th The wind atmiles tained a velocity of One woman was killed by an hour house being crushed in a falling blown were Twenty fiame houses down It 1b stated that railroads in the Ohio River association Passenger tneir have succeeded la iucreasing passenger earnings this summer to such an extent that it is now deemed useless by the most conservative to fare maximum pasupset the senger rate law of Chicago of the Judge Grosscup United States circuit court! has been served with a warrant charging him with manslaughter as one of the rectors of the Electric railway In the electric railway accident at Mattoon where several were killed The ball of $5000 was furnished Ocean freight rates to Europe are from ten to twenty per cent higher than last year and they are likely to go still higher before they reach their former level but there Is no fear of a scarcity of room in spite of the creased exports to which the shippers are looking forward this fall Thd United States court of appeals held that Judge Holt of New York had no authority to issue au order restraining the Chase national bank and other banks from disposing of collateral enabliag them to secure loans The banks are permitted to sell collateral to protect the loans at HenderBy a deal consummated comson Ky the Imperial Tobacco pany purchased the entire- 1907 tobacco crop pledged to the American in Equity in Henderson Society Union Webster Hopkins and Crittenden counties The deal involves sixteen million pounds of tobacco The Ute Indians now in South Dato cause no diskota have promised turbance while representatives of the tribe are sent to Washington to lay their grievances before the government Chief Red Cap however refuses to recognize the orders that the Ute children be sent to school t y Mrs Third Mary Street Time BY TIME Good two For scream not I could duys move hnd after that and I had backache My ankles llzzy spells all the time I swelled and I ran down dreadfully was nervous and had awful headaches I wonder that any medicine could do what Doan’s Kidney Pills have done for me They cured mq four years ago and I have been well ever since” Sold by all dealers 50 cents a box Co Buffalo N Y 8urely WHAT Here Enough HE WANTED Were to Suit Musical Anybody Tastes A gentleman of the most cultivated musical tastes wishing to change his residence advertised for rooms in a The private family “fond of music" next mall brought him the following reply “Dear Sir: I think we could accommodate you with rooms' and ' as for music one of my daughters plays the parlor organ and gittar another one plays the accordeon and banjo I piay the cornet and fiddle by wife plays the harmonica and my son' the flute We all sing and if you are good at tenner singing you would fit right in when we get to singing gospel hlms evenings for none of us sings tenner Or if you plays the base vial we have If you one right here in the house want music as well as rooms and board we could accommodate you and there would be no extra charge for It Lipplncott’s f FAMILY’S SKIN TROUBLES Eczema tions Heat Rash and Scalp AffeoAfflict Different Members But Cuticura Cures Them “My wife had eczema for five or six years It was on her face and would come and go We thought we would give the Cuticura Remedies a trial We did so and she has never had a sign of eczema for four years I myself used Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment some time ago for falling hair I now very heavy head of hair We Cuticura Remedies for our baby was nearly bald when young She very nice hair now She Is very fleshy and we had so much trouble with heat that we would bathe her with Cuticura Soap and then apply Cuticura Ointment it would dry the heat up so much quicker than anything else Mr H B Springmlre 323 So Capital Street Iowa City la July 16 1905 and Sept 16 1906” have a used who has Preposterous An aged Jersey farmer visiting a circus for the' first time stood before the dromedary’s cage eyes popping and mouth agape at the strange beast within The circus proper began and the crowds left for the main show but still the old man stood before the Bilence cage in stunned appraising every detail of the misshapen legs the cloven hoofs the pendulous upper lip and the curiously mounded back of the beast Fifteen minutes passed Then the farmer turned away and spat disgustedly “Hell! There aint no such animal!” —Everybody’s Magazine A Value “Nonsense” said the high financier “we did not sell a worthless franchise” “But such is current report” ventured the interviewer The high financier made a gesture of Impatience “Young man” he returned severely “If you girt hold of that you could unany old franchise load for two millions would you regard it as worthless?” No reply being possible to this none was made SICK HEADACHE Slightly They also They regulate PILL SMALL Uie SMALL DOSE Gcnuina SMALL Must REFUSE SUBSTITUTES FORI! STROP AND Wer brtr te Return with w rent at iimp eruil will ineil yon Hotter of VSolcotla Peto Feint yowliirrctton to nutku atxty myniI bntttr Fein Feint ettu peiu iimtAntlyi rnntwren Heedaubti rt on in lootharhf Nuretk then iimiiils rooie will not burner Intern font It? bum time e Uiv klllR I’voi intja veer atrtHile WiImu Balkht L Philosophy W WblilOn Salt Lake U N biW No 45 190 City KIDNEY TROUBLES The kidneys are essential organ for keeping the body free from impurities if they should fail to work death wouldensue in very short time Inflammation or irritation caused by some feminine derangement may spread to some extent to the Kidneys and affect them The cause can be so far removed by using Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound that the trouble will disappear When a woman is troubled with pain or weight in loins backache swelling of the limbs or feet swelling under the eyes an uneasy tired feeling In the region of the kidneys she should lose no time in commencing treatment with M155 KATE A HEARN ) Lydia E Pinkham’sVegetable Compounddid Read what this medicine of saving her life West 47th Street New York who writes:— I’inkham:— “I owe a debt of gratitude to Lydia E saved has for my life I suffered with it Vegetable Compound blood was Kidney trouble irregularities and painful periods and my fast turning to water I used your medicine for some time and it has made me strong and well" ro®ts nt5ve IliiiTT’Tr1 T7'n 'T?1 s Lydia E Buch as Failing UTlP iMlnnln rfiments pud herbs cures FenLlo Complaints and Organic Diseasj Dissolves and expels Tumors at an early stage It strengthens and ff‘nes the Stomach Cures Headache General DebilityIn and invigorates thevh0ie system For derangement of the Kidneys either sex Lydia Lpinkham’a Vegetable Compound is excellent It may be the means for Kate A Hearn 520 Dear Mrs t Mrs PA nk ham’s Women suffer! Mrs Pinkham W L c FOi FAMlU THE 025000 (Jt Reward THE Invitation to Women are invited to write g from any form of female illness Mass for advice It is free & $3 $300OT8HOES fi DOUGLAS 0 SHOES thcno'rld EVERV MEMBER OF AT ALL PRICE8 'Hjr ono who provo eon W L A mmU da9S3notA S3tnakm 6U mhoon Man's te othmr manufaotnror any ItEASON W L Do las shoes are worn by more people In all walks of life than ai other make ia beemiHe or tlioi excellent style and utifterior Watering qaattnieK he solootion of the leathors tiior materials tor eat pai ©f the shoe and every deUtil of the making is looked aitor by tho most ooinpleteorgmizution of 8U7enntendentforemenRTid ho reomve the highest wages paid in the ekilled hoemakeni hoe industry and whose workmanship cannot be excolled I ike If oould t you into my large Victories at Brockton Mamv nd show you how carefully WL Dongljw shoos are made you would then understand why they hold their shape fit better wear longer and are of greater value than any other male BIU Edge Shooa CAUTION! i he genuine have WX IbmgUs mono and price btumped on bottonn Take No Substitute your dealer for W Ij IVmirlar shoes Jf he cannot you scud direct to factory Shoes seut everywhere by mail Catalog free WaLDougUs supply Brockton Mas cannot bo equalled at any prloo Ak BALLARD’S SNOW LINIMENT Is a Quick and Permanent Cure for Rheumatism Cuts Sprains Wounds Neuralgia Headache Old Sores Corns Bunions Galls Bruises Contracted Muscfes Lame Back Stiff Joints4 Frost Bite Chilblains Ringbone Pollevil Bums Scalds and ALL THE ILLS THAT FLESH IS HEIR TO Mixed Three Sizes 25c 50c and $1 NEURALGIA STITCHES LAMENESS CRAMP TWINGES TWITCHES FROM WET OR DAMP ALL BRUISES SPRAINS A WRENCH OR TWIST THIS SOVEREIGN REM EDYTH EY CAN’T RESIST Prick 25c and 50c - t ndimr resor end Rtmu by mutl poet pU'L(“r) ho ruftttr of iruftmntd to hi h if tt itn t nentl it hnpkiaiitl eot cnuintt— round or Mjimr point Matin donMn ruhtwr WntHe strop of beat boi hide end hold only the ewivpl W Itleke Jiitzor Hmdford fob Center Htrtri ft Hides Pelts and Wool To get full value ship fo the old reliable N W Hide & FurCo Minneapolis Until to generate stomach RAZOR A Knew What Wat comtng Wife — Well I declare Here’s an old school friend of mine who has Just niado a fortune Go Husband — All right my dear ahead Tell me that you might have married him It’s difficult an empty PRICE Bear Signature uio on relieve anil Too Hearty Eating A perfect remedy (or Dlzlneea Nausea DrowHlneHM Dad Taste n the Moutli Coated Tuinrne Pain In th K Side TOKF1D LI Bowels Purely Vegetable (llgcHllou hae Ul Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of a safe and sure remedy for Infants and children and see that It Bears the Signature of In Ufee For Over Jit) Years The Kind You Have Always Bought “How did Henry get along when he to testify In court Mrs Mixer?” “He got along good enough till the lawyer tangled him all up with one of them air long hyperdemic questions” Positively cured by these Little Plll offr One Hundred Dollar Reward for any tUat caauot be cured by Hail cmc of itttftrrb Caiarrb Cure Toledo O F J CHENEY known J Cheney We the undersigned him perfectly bon for the year and belter and financially or able in all buninusn tranacUou made by bin firm able to carry out any obltgatiou Kinnan 4 Marvin alding Wholesale Hrugglata Toledo O Cure la taken luiemally Catarrh Hall acting the blood and muooua surfaces of the directly cf oeuta f’rtce seut free Tentlmonlale yniem Bold by alt HrugglAta bottle for oonstipatton lake Hall fcawliy CASTORIA had Flies So for that made JUST Sometimes “Mabel” asked the dear girl’s mother “what time did that young man leave last night?” “Why” replied Mabel “I believe it of 1130 West was nearly II o'clock" Crumlish “What? I am sure It was later than Del says: Wilmington said the mother that" I “Some years ago "How strange!” remarked Mabel began to feel weak “We both thought It couldand dreamily and miserable one day awoke from n’t possibly be that late’’— The Cathoa nap with a pierc- lic Standard and Times ing pain In my back How’s This? me Cure That Hat Held Four Years Sold by all Druggists To eonvinee njr woman that Pax 'Jne Antiseptic will Improve her health anil do all w claim lor it We will send her absolutely free a large trial box of Paxtine with book s ol and genuine testimonials Send your name aud address on a postal curd cleanses and heals m ucous m e m brane af fections such as nasal catarrh peluo camrih and infammiUon caused bv ills sore ejes ore throat and mouth by direct local treatment its power over these troubles la extraand gives Immediate relief ordinary Thousands of women are using and It every dny cents at or by mall Remember however druggists IT TORTS voir NOTIIljrn TO THY IT THE IU H AX TON CO Boston Alius DEFIANCE “other STARCH— starch ounce— mdo price am) only ’’Bf FIANCE” IE CUPXHtOR QUALITY ' |