Show I j The )nr-- PUBLISHED BY G N LUND TEMS oir GENERAL INTEREST smiii You may eat turkey any day In the You will you have the price have the price If you invest In a safe stock Is only 15 miulog company cents k shkre jus! now In ilie Lee Comstock Mining Company 'Box 25 The Call derma it wlsdoni not to Ryelite Nevada Vivian Burns has some very fine publish tbedetaila ofthe big sensation which ii stiirlig Salin just now Cb ass plush lap robes at bis store All kinds and pricea$450 to $10 see him DeWitt’s LI nl Eatljr Risfefl ar the CiaHsa Jenseu has suffered wl:h an p best pills taade Sold by the allsk of rheumatism of late Th ‘‘American’ prty carried every The Light onmpany gives notice fcafeiA hailed thing In Halt Lake that that Some people use 82o lljhte where They poled nearly hr screwed down for 16 This must be the Republicans and they only pay as many vote topped uulesi paid for Charley Nord Diuiocrais oohlbined felt is ready to wire for anyone desir Witch Hazel log to light their houses l)e Wilt’s Caibolieed Good Halve i healing and soothing Mrs Hyrum Gates has been visitSold ny t be Co op for pili s ing Mrs II McKenna In Mt Pleasant Only ore ticket was lu Ibe field in several days of this week More names on the roll of honor Redtnond and it ftaS barely elecied J B Sorenson the popular merchant Edfcu Loreutzen and John shepheid was eltcted Town Prvsid-n- t atul will are attending tbeB If U at Prove fill iheofllce to perfection Will Phillips goes to California to beet remedy for inotbers to use la day taking his'ilater Flossie out to Kan nedy’s Laza'ive tough Syiuy It Long Beach where she will remain tastes neatly as good as mape sugar with her father It contains no opiates Sold by p Public schools have been closed part The editor would like to buy a limi- of the week and the teachers given ted uumber of dogs upon wblcb to extheopportunity of visltlngother schools periment with the patent medicines Kalie Robins of Sripio has been vis tbatar advertised In the Call High lting relatives in Salina (bis week prices will be ald for those that live The Ilallowe’ed party at Keslers Frithrough the test Bring them in day everiing'was the best ever given Jnst a little Cascasweet is all bat ii The best people In town were there nsceseary to give your baby When it is and had one of the best times of their to the lives Lack of Confoims cross and peevii h space' prevents the Call Rational pure food law Sold y p from doing it justice Borne splendid and much needed Mice Of Extension Cl Time Vole tax work is being done on the streets and sidewalks this week In pursuance with an order of the Theatork visited Redmond last week Board of Dleotors of the Salina Creek and left a baby girl at Andrew Peter- Irrigation company levying an assessment of $125 per share on the capital sen's borne stock of the corporation on August 31 W H Rex recently had an invita due and payable to the secretary on or tlon to attend lbs reunion of the cavalhefore Oct 1 1907 aud to become de ry regiment In which he served during linquent on Nov 1 1907 notice is here Ibe Civil war giyen that the time has been extended Ole Larsen of Redmond will leave to Nov 20 Any stock upon which for a mission to Denmark on Nov 23 assessments shall remain unpaid on adMrs George Robins underwent ac that d ate shall be delinguent and as vertised such Ereece operation at the hands of Dr II F Jorgensen Secretary Wednesday morning for the removal of Bne has been very sics alunaoi1 ' AMUSEMENTS since then and for a time she was u a critieal state At this writing she is The play “Lostln New York” at somewhat Improved uhd la reported to the Opera House Tuesday evening was be slowly rallying from the effects of witnessed and enjoyed by a house full the operation of people It was by no means the It had been represented to George Merlck bat a very sick child attraction It Is suffering with abscess of the ear be and ranks only with the average productions J H Nelson has quit the The well aud favorably known Hchonl work and is now a Ko will appear at traveling salexman for Hcowcroli and Kenipton Komedy the Opera House this Friday & SaturSous of Ogd-- n day evenings lu two powerful nd iu Mr and Mrs Jake Isisel of Sait teres tiog plays This company is one Lake visited w iih Louis Jacobs lhl“ of the best which play country towns Week While here the lady suffered They are always good and live up to with an attack of sickness their reputation This year they are Mrs Daniel aid to be better than ever and expect of Lovell Wyo enjoying pleasant visit with re- to meet all the theatre goers of sallDa latives lu Sal Ins She also visited re JUST FOR FUN She is latives In CsnnonvlleMUiab stopping with Dr and Mrs' West An exchange says a man that caron ries business without advertishis Lebt Peterson sr spent Saturdav is like a man sitting in a street and Sunday In bis native town Eph- ing girl car and winking at a pretty He raim visiting bis mother aud otbei through a pair of green goggles may know what he is doing but no relatives and taking In eoufertnefe one else does The Mises Hbeda Humphrey and the pretty school Ruby Stevens tna’ms of Joseph were home Saturday and Sunday for a snort visit Miss Dora Olsen did not stay long in Halt Lake returning almost immed- lately after arriving ihere on acoount of a sudden attack of illness A W Kesler is reported to pe dang- Mrs Keslee is in Mexico eroualy deeply worried over his sickness 8h expected lo meei him lu Salt Lake at his mother’s funeral but he could not come on this aeoonut Thomas M Herbert has prepared for weather by taking unto himself He ana Mlsa Helen Taylor united in marriage last Wel- nesday at the Maud temple A t cards have bpen Issued to that ef- feet No reception will he given Thomafl! a pretty good sort pf a Voung tnau i oppee from a good family s and Iv wall and favorably (tqpwp Heleu la one ol Ivlina's pop u a” and harming young ladies whose band and heart It wgtan honor to win They will reside in tbe aid John Hood place and go to bouae keeping at onee The Call extend it hearty congratulations Just as we go to press it is learned that Mr and Mr C J Kittleeon ar rlvsd from Los Angeles ou a visit to tbe lady’s parents Thanksgiving Day by theis Thursday Nov28 proclamation cold feiide Were WANTED-Lnorepresentative for lalina and vicinity to ' look after and lncrense subscription lie of a prominent monthly magazine oi k salary and commission basis Experience! desirable but hot necessary Good opportunity far right person Box 69 Station O V r' yskrlf in rwvv - ihj othsi ELEGT I rauasM hotmibei ONJIESULTS Republicans Land Majority A Tie On j Candidates Library Voted DovVn The election of Tuesday last pasted off very peacefully In Salina was hardly thing doing In the forenoon and but very few ballot were cast up lo 12 o’clock' In Ibe af ternoou driven for both side were par's of ihe town for you scouring ers with good tesults until practically all the cileei s were gotten out tqvote A total of 223 votes was cast The Republican candidate for Town pri Jideot was by a majority of 631 Two Republican candidates for Trusteis and one from the Citizens j They are a follows:- ere elected ticket President i Trustees-( H F' JORGENSEN GEO T STEVENS ALMA S GATES T G HUMPHREY This lacl s oi e of being a complete ticket and that one was not elected Petersonf and A tie vote on Urosier Ericksen was the result each This may be changed by the official count by the Boardjuext If It Is not theA tbe Monday night three will cast lots for the office The library and gymnasium iDto obli i wag voted down The question as to whether it ir 'rwMl to turn dollars into knowledge Charter and powerls lost" ? i mj $ IMELY EDITORIAL v NOTES S1I5 PEB commit him to jail And there is nowhere else he can be safely detained The boys who are disposed to be bad know this and taka advantage of It The next legislature should either amend the juvenile law bo as to provide for houses of detention for incorrigible boys when necessaiy or elso repeal the law I A MIRACLE Suppose the good old Book had contained a passage like this: “Verily the day shall come when a man shall stand upon one side of the broaa ocean and talk as he might to his to a man on the other side neighbor of the sea” If such were the case men would have been condemning the Book for the past three centuries on that ground alone because it was to the law’s of nature — the contrary known laws One of the flrBt wireless sent across the ocean remessages from Andrew Carnegie cently was and read as follows: mir “Greater acles than those of old are being performed before our eyes" Is a mirTruly wireless telegraphy acle — the most stupendous achievement in tho history of science It the understanding of man People of this country can now communicate with people in the old world and get an answer in five minutes Ships can be reached anywhere upon the high seas and men on shore can communicate with them The crew of one ship can communicate with the crew of another even If they are a thousand miles apatt! Time and for the space has been annihilated of mankind convenience An unseen girdle has been put around the earth Less than a hundred jears ago men could only communicate with each other by word of mouth within hearing distance by signs or by letters First came the telegraph by wire then the telephone and now the wireless of telegraphy the crowning system achievement Who can up to date fathom the why and the wherefore! Who can understand how the electric spark can transmit men’s thoughts through three or four thousand miles of empty space? Verily may we say with Morse wrho Invented the telegraph “What hath God wrought?” TRADE TOWERS OVER CROSS (By Dr Columbus Polk Goodson) This Is an ago when the temples of trade tower above tbe houses of God In this generation every man la fleeing from individual responsibility But woe to any people whose merchandise shuts out God It is not denied that every man has the right to become righteously rich But our riches may easily becomd our ath to great convictions— to high and holy ldeal3 Is wrong if goods Something crease and med decay — if merchants for souls— if buy silver in exchange rich purples are woven and the red stain is the blood of poor widow’ gers Commercial does not necprosperity mean a national essarily righteousness neither are we always good because we have grown wise Solomon never was more wicked than when he had gotten great wisdom and Babylon was never In Such a period df and never was there buch prosperity feasting as the very Hour when the hand was writing it doom ori the wall It would be well if the citizens of this the great nation would give attention to personal righteousness “We must look to the taoral life the nation is to remain The integrity of the home the very foundation of the government is threatened because we have neglected the furidamntals for the making of permanent and happy homes” RICHFIELD YOL 2 K 0 26 YEAH NEWS ‘3 il J Nervous Break-Dow- n Keryo energy is tKo forett that controls the organs t)£ I'esjpltntion and digestion feliminatibili iVhen you nervous irrifreak feel table sick ife is often because you lack nerve energy and the process Of rebuilding iind sustaining life is interfered with Dr Miles’ Nervine has fcureti thousands of such cases) and will wo believe benefit if not entirely Try it cure you away My nervous system rav completely and left me on the versa 1 tried skilled physibf the (rave relief cians but got no permanent my I got eo bad t had to give upMiles' buslneen began taking Hr In a few days Nervine I continued better restoiative And to Improve until entirely cured ( ant In buslneae again and never mlM an opportunity to Av recommend this MRS U BURKH remedy" Creek Oregon Myrtle Your druggist sell Dr Miles Nerv him to return Ins and we authorix price of first bottle (only) If it fall to benefit you Elkhart Ind Elites Medical Why Not Get Rich? (From the Reaper) of the SanThe annual convention THE JUVENILE LAW It will have to be admitted that pete and Sevier county Sunday School however its enact- associations will be held In Mt Pleasment may have beep the juvenile law ant the 9th and 10th of November One of the things In the way of now in force in this state Is working 54 102 Carl Forshee 48 the purpose! its public Institutions needed by our town badly and defeating Him 67 133 authors t6 George T Stevens had in mind One Idea of the is a hospital Eve-- y town the size 50 58 A J Crobler of Richfield should bavS a place where law Is to avoid the compulsory' asso6o 55 Alma S Gates taken to be cared ciation of young offenders with old the sick could be This fact has been and hardened criminals In the Jails of for properly the state where they are likely to be demonstrated In the past vfreek several Trcm w You can extracthe Citizens’ Ticket In their evil ways and times' encouraged llie earth end rrv‘ mt t land of the state Ho Dist At j a ’meeting in criminal Nr Disk' $1 instructed methods he i$t Spit M attkson' 46 1 njt) Hence the law- - hrevides that youths y 47 108 under sixteen years of age cannot be engineer was ordered to have the Site 61 J P F Peterson LEE COMSTOCK XRTCM C01CANY reservoir for surveyranch Harris the to bent 60' J A J Lewis 35 95 jail but must be taken fore the district court and turned ed so as to determine something near 46 108 62 August Ericksen where it could be located to the beBt will accept ybu as a partner You oxly T G Humphrey 66 47)113 over to a probationary officer who will exercise over them and advantage buy a few dollars worth of stock and supervision e( in on the groundtfloor H N Hayes says that he feels conif possible train them in the way they should go If they prove Intractable fident the project will eventually be TO BUILDJ5UT-0F- F several they are then sent to the Industrial carried out but there are BEND 15 CENTS A BRASS with the Bite that The theory of the law Is all things In connection school As tlie Call sees it ihe building of right but It Is Battled unfortunately it does not must be fixed up before may turn amrgSTrtiloa ' for good is no longer the Salina a for- work out satisfactorily cents iiito dollar! in a few weeka The law is deficient In that It does lorn hope but is practically assured or instruct boards of The general Superintendent of the Rio lot authorize jpervisors to provide houses of deHrande H’engertiie master mechanic tention for the youthful offenders Co Lei Mining ana J Hornung of the Sanpete Valiev amenable to it pending the sittings A had bojykiU-deroad have spent'two days of this week of the district court Box 258 Rybllle Nevada commit of sixteen years asJban looking over the route up the oanyon one of a dozen depredations' any V S Peet will lecture at the Thisjs the first step toward tbe which would Send an older person to 12 Definite details are expected jail or the penitentiary for a long lng house ou Tuesday evening Nv term but the peace officers are helpin the very near future on the subject “How Utah is Miarep If they arrest resented” less in the matter - o— The lecture will be illushim they have no alternative but to ATTEND THE EIS BAZAAR and Inseispersed with llluslra:-sonturn him loose again unless court Is trated Admission 25 aud 16 cents Relief Society members and the in sesbion at the time They cannot South Bound North Bound young ladies association are arranging Read down Read up for a big bazaar to be given at the hall this Friday evening seven o'clock the Marysvale 8:30 am Salt Lake 7:30 ” Thistle 9:6£ ” Richfield 10130 object of which is to raise money with 11121 1:05 pm Manti Salina which to purchase a bell for the build“ 2:21 Manti 12:55 pm Salina There wili be pleasing things to ing ” 3:85 Richfield thistle 3:20 hear good thingi to eat fine things to “ Salt Lake 5:40 Mary vale 5:25 look at useful and ornamental things to buy Theie will also be amusement detail with toals: Republican Ticket So Dist Nr Dist T’tl 65 7ft! 143 HF Jorgensen ' Here is the vote in ©o mona Uifivodos Gold us ’'i atcrThat PE El BY Y Moris P0 RI0 GR7INBH TABLE TIME It is said of an editor that he visited the insane asylum in Blackfoot and dancing The young ladies will furn-- a by a lurecently and was mistaken tire young men the splendid program sufferer natic for a fellot just ar- music the Relief hociety the things to Becoming’’' more confidential rived sell and the Primary association sells the Inmate asked the editor what made the supper Admission 10 cents Public him go crazy and to humor him the invited Good time assured Good cause — o to make editor “Trying SPARE replied: money out of the newspaper business’’ COURT BUSINESS “Rats” said the funatic "you’re not crazy you’re just a d— n fool” — Ex ‘Judge Chidester held a session of court Tuesday and two criminal cases ' school ‘teacher and two civil suits were The stern Sunday disposed of asked the nfewly arrived small memThe first to be brought up was the “Who led the children of Israel case of the State of Utah vs Arthur ber: out Of Egypt?” The little fellow Jensen convicted in September of forsquirmed under the stern gaze aWhilc nication A motion for a new trial and finally blurted out “It wasn t was filed by defendant’s attorney and me sir we just moved' here last submitted without argument The moweek" tion was overruled and the judgment of the court was pronounced The deCasey went Into Mann’s restaurant fendant TVas given four months in the and the other day accosting the county Jail A certificate of probable but genial proprietor said "Say cause was then granted upon request Oi’m hungry Phwat hov yfi’s?” of defendant’s attorney and thd time "Well” said the man "I have dev- given In which to prepare for an apiled kidneys calves’ brains pigs peal to the supreme court The defendant’s bond was fixed at $300 and “Well" said Casey “Ol didn’t cum was furnished by his father and uncle here to hear iv your bodilay aliments The second case was that of the 01 want somethin’ to ate” State of Utah vs Louis Soderborg fornication The defendant had marAccording to a country editor here- ried the girl he had wronged and perabouts the school authorities of a cer- sonally ' asked that the Judgment of heads Into It town tain their took tho court be passed for the term lately that they would have the chll After a statement from the district atdren’B eyesight examined by an ocutorney the request of the defendant list This was done and the parent' vas granted of those Children whose The case of the commissioners eyes were of found to be in any way affected were Sevier county vs Dan Hansen was the then called and an adjournment with communicated Accordingly of head master wrote to the father o couit pending stipulations was grantWlUJe Thompson: ed until in the afternoon At the “Dear Sir — I beg to Inform you tha1 hom the parties caule into shows your son William signs o court anl akod that the case be diswhich ought to be at- missed without prejudice astigmatism as everytended to at once Yours faithfully thing had been settled amicably out Willie’s father Replied: ef court The request was granted ‘‘Destr Sir: I don’t quite under The stipulations are that Hanson is nldnd wha’ It in 'Willie has been up t 0 deed to Sevier county for $12085 how hut I have walloped him tonlgh 1 right of way thotigh his land and is tou can do It again tomorrow morn ojenic the same ou both sides with Ycur3 faithfully L T” tug i good fence of four wires MOMENTS and A ©MIL'S' MCEPfiY ! t to all kinds of and Cement Work Cellars Sidewalks Gidors filled We attend Concrete Floors prootpilf SAUNA Stoif e Ozie-pric- e New FaH and Winter Goods Easily The Besi Slock You Win By Trading I n Town SAW MILL Hulm U — At Our m ore car lots a specialty — — —r Our ihill is located LI Ii about on 17 i railei applieatU Set lumber now Fall Neuralgia Pills They and allay Nervausaeab Atiuumatio and c Dr Miles’ li’ vo the Pain ) him LUMBER on order prices quoted Modern i NEHSON DRES8MAKNG at HOilE TheMOTHER’S MAGAZINE |