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Show vv . Is iTiesidship between man, woman possible? Respect boundaries, stay friends BY SHELBY MISRASI I am a woman; he is a man; and we are happily X ' h I 4 celebrating our roversai-- j I an- - 1 as just friends. Cody Bums and I have been best friends for a while now, and we have never J shared intimate feelings or have ever dated. Whoa say what? Its shockiI ng N believe, know, but men and women can ? t surely be friends. Let me paint a picture for you. Our friendsus being brutally honest, and hip consists of such no thing as beating around the theres There have been times where I have been emotionally upset and he will physically shake me until I get some sense knocked into me. friendship. Our friendship consists of times where we talk about our raw feelings often about tire people we are and emotions And our to. attracted friendship consists of the occasional farting and burping contest. Who cant say were best friends? Well, we are, and theres nothing wrong with that. According to an article titled Can Men and Women Really Be Just Friends? published If youre in a platonic on eharmony.com: relationship with someone of the opposite sex and you feel perfectly comfortable in it, then for you, the answer to the question is a yes. As long as the boundaries are respected and feelings are considered, you may go on forever as just friends. No one can place friendship in a neat little container with a perfectly descriptive label! We are all different, and the dynamics differ from one relationship to the next. If society says we cant be just friends, then I will continue to prove society wrong. I am a firm believer in the ability men and women have as being friends, and there are multiple reasons why having a male as a friend Thats a true is Feelings get in way offriendship men know how each other work. If a woman is having relationship problems with her man, she should talk to another guy. Men know whats going on. No. 2: Men arent as dramatic as women; therefore, it makes as an easy relationship. If there is a fight or disagreement, it usually gets solved quickly with no hard feelings or grudges. No. 3: Having a relationship with a man helps women understand how simple and straightforward men are. It helps women understand and appreciate tine way men communicate and express feelings. No. 4: Having a relationship with a man is like having a guardian angel who helps a woman pick out decent men who are actually worth the time. Men understand how others work, and men are womens medicine to avoiding unnecessary heartbreaks and relationship problems. If those reasons arent good enough to understand why men are great friends, I dont know what is. Some think one could be attracted to the other or vice versa, but I dont see anything wrong with that. If there are feelings on one side, it doesnt have to ruin a friendship. If it ruins the friendship, thats not what I call a friendship. I feel bad for people who have their friend tell them he or she is attracted to them and they automatically think: Oh no. He likes me! I cant be friends with him. I cant ever talk to him again. I cant even look at him. Run! And then they fall off tire face of the earth. Being friends means more than that. Friends are always there for each other no matter what. Friends accept absolutely everything about each other and love (as a friend) each other anyway. Friends are always there to look out and protect each other. If this is the type of friend you have, whether that friend is a man or a woman, dont ever let him or her go. That kind of friend is hard to Editor-in-Clu- ef bush. o.wm-7- - beneficial. No. T. Men can be difficult to understand, and BY FLORI WENTZELL to choosing friends. They are guilty of choosing people to socialize with based off the qualities people like best (emphasis on like). Women can get caught in a relationship and by the feelings they are too afraid to admit they have about a guy friend. Yet, they continue to act like the relationship is platonic and continue to feel more behind closed doors. My friends and I have our about someone numerous times. feelings This made it hard to continue the friendship in fear that it would ruin things. The longer women spend time with Multimedia Editor I x '( There is a time and place for friendship, and a friendship between a man and a woman is not i it. over-thinki- The people who believe men and women can be just friends with no other attachments are setting their hopes too high. Whether people like it or not, someone catches feelings. These feelings could range from one thinking the other is hot to, I think Im in love with this person. Its not necessarily something people want to hear from a friend, but that is what will eventually happen. I have never had a platonic relationship with a man. Either I find him attractive to begin with, or I slowly grow more attached as the friendship continues. Ive been in a few situations where a friend thought more of me than I thought of him. Lets get real for a minute: Men will hang out with women they have some kind of attraction to. Women want to think guys have more of a heart and care about whats behind the looks, but looks are what men will base all first impressions on. If a woman asked one of her guy friends if he thought she was cute, hot, pretty, you pick the adjective, he would say, yes. It is inevitable. My guy friends have shared that they will spend the most time with women they feel an attraction to because it is more fun. If it isnt looks that caught their eye, the womans personality kept them around. But that can still lead to something more. Women are not fault-fre- e when it comes over-thoug- ht someone, the stronger their bond will grow and the more emotions they will feel. These emotions will most of the time go too far past friends for one in the friendship. This changes it into a romantic relationship for that person, even if it hasnt been clarified as one. Why do people hold back these feelings they have for friends? Wouldnt they want to find out what those feelings mean? You cannot keep those types of feelings for someone hidden away for the rest of the relationship. Disguising feelings is not a healthy way to live. Getting those types of thoughts off the chest will alleviate unwanted stress from ones life. Yes, sharing romantic feelings could make things go south, but at least someone gave it a chance. A relationship can never work between a man and a woman when one of them is keeping feelings to themselves. Either person could get sick of holding back feelings or cant handle so-call- find. over-analyzi- not seeing feelings being reciprocated. Wanting a friendship with the opposite sex is not something to be ashamed of, but thinking it will actually work out is setting someone up for disappointment. MATH continued from page 8 r r y WTT 7 , ( - - s y jV f T 4 X X A i f r V X L , f " i X, S x t ' i f xi k ' dd- , . I i iA - X 5. , ' X x "X i5 TjA - t V'-X f ' J x X ' V 'x yf X 4 X . , 1 X v $ J 5. J id ' - f y X t, A. X- V F S k j ? ,, . T ' I X l v v i X W ' a 4" i k ' The first person to tweet a photo of this location to DixieSunNews will win a prize! letters to the editor to OpinionDixieSunNews.coni Send Letters to the editor are accepted and may be published in the newsThe guidelines for letters are as folpaper andor dixiesunnews.com. lows: Submissions should be no longer than 250 words and must be well Written. Writers must include name, phone number and email address. 1 The math department took initiative Feb. 4 and somewhat restructured the operation of the math course. There are no more test deadlines, which essentially makes the course a personal-pace- d online class. I have to give credit to my professor and some of the other professors Ive met during my long hours in the math lab. The new Mymathlab system is new to everyone involved, and ve witnessed the professors in the math department also frustrated with the new fiil 231 tfi iii setup. I commend the math department for deciding to do away with the unreasonable deadlines that simply resulted in leaving more students pehind in the first place. But even with the change in the course, Im still feeling anxious about getting through the semester. The course is shoving too much into too little time. I think there are still quite a few kinks that need to be resolved before this new math course can be Students should also include year in school, hometown and major. Letters are subject to editing for length, style and grammar. Letters consisting of inaccurate, libelous, or highly offensive content will not be published. Letters should be submitted to opiniondixiesunnews.com in the body of the email, not an attachment. Letters become property of Dixie Sun News and may be published in any format. Dixie Sun News encourages a lively discussion on its website amongst its readers. Dixie Sun News does not edit comments. However, an editor will not post any comments that are libelous or vulgar. - |